Thank you for the flowers in your own words. Beautiful words for congratulations and gratitude

Thanks for adding to:

I thank fate for sending me such a wonderful person like you! What a blessing that our paths crossed in this life!

Thousands of words "Thank you!" not enough to express how grateful I am to you! I wish you all the best, may there be only sincere, kind and sympathetic people around!

We express our gratitude for our long-term cooperation! Over the years, we have developed strong partnerships based on mutual understanding, trust and respect! We look forward to their further strengthening and development!

Thank you for your warmth and support, for always being there for you in difficult times! I am glad to know that I have such a reliable and close person, on whose help I can count on every time!

Beautiful words of gratitude in prose

I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude! Thank you for everything! A person like you deserves deep respect! I want to wish that everything in life turned out with ease, and I will always be there!

Thank you for your conscientious attitude to work and professional performance of your duties! We really appreciate that our team has such wonderful employees!

When I understand that I am not alone in the world and there is a reliable brotherly shoulder nearby, I begin to appreciate and cherish our friendship even more! Thank you for your dedication, dedication and sincerity!

My heart is overflowing with tenderness and gratitude when I think of you! You envelop me with your warmth, love and care! Thank you, my dear!

I am grateful for your help and support, for being there at the right time! Thank you for your attentiveness, responsiveness and kindness, such rare qualities in our time!

I am so glad that I have you, the most wonderful, kind, good and cheerful! With you I am never bored and sad! Thank you for bringing a sea of ​​positive emotions into my life.

Words of gratitude to the teacher in prose

Thank you for the presented science and unlimited patience! You are a teacher from God and you were not mistaken with your choice of specialty. Thanks to your gift to teach, we have gained an invaluable store of knowledge!

Words of gratitude for congratulations in prose

Thank you so much for such sincere and sincere congratulations! It was incredibly nice to receive them. Attention is the most expensive gift, and from your side it is especially valuable to me!

Words of gratitude to parents in prose

My dear dad and mom! Thank you for all the efforts you put into my upbringing. You are the most kind-hearted, patient and all-forgiving people! I will never tire of thanking you all my life!

Words of gratitude to a colleague in prose

Thank you for everything you did for me! This attitude is very valuable. Working with you is not just pleasant, but reliable and profitable!

Words of gratitude to friends in prose

I can't imagine myself without you! Surely, my life would be empty and gloomy. Thanks to the fact that there are such friends next to me, I have support both in solving problems and at the hour when my soul requires a holiday!

Words of gratitude to the leader in prose

You are the most talented and fair leader. Thank you for your patience, decency and generous awards! For opening up prospects and leading the team to a successful and secure future!

Words of gratitude to a friend in prose

Thank you, my dear, that I have you! Without your support, it would be very difficult for me to overcome life's difficulties, and all the holidays would be a dull pastime, and not an unforgettable celebration!

Words of gratitude to mom in prose

My dear, thank you for giving life, did not spare health and strength for my upbringing! Sometimes you forgot about yourself so that I had everything I wanted. I love you and will always gratefully pay you the same!

Sometimes it is so difficult to express gratitude to the man who is next to us, because she is limitless. And perhaps there are women who think that they are simply used, offend and even capable of quitting, after all, most of them love their men very much.

Why is it important to feel grateful to a man?

Because a man is a support and support. A man does the most difficult job in the world - he has to earn and support his family, pay bills, protect the house from adversity, increase wealth.

And no matter how indignant women who took on someone else's role of breadwinner or were equal in rights, depriving their husband of the opportunity to express themselves, it is important to understand:

Only female sincerity deserves all the benefits that a man gives us.

But what happens?

A man who is trying his best for the family, instead of Thank you, hears in response more and more demands and reproaches, claims and unrealistic expectations.

And husbands leave those who do not know how to be grateful ...

Why don't we women believe in our men?

How to believe and how to inspire a man?

Gratitude is the hidden power of feminine nature, it can work miracles.

Women's gratitude for a man is the wings that carry him higher and higher, dragging him into the sky-high gave his beloved, his Muse.

We women can easily inspire our men! And gratitude is one of the forms of his inspiration. He will strive to do even more for the woman who knows how to thank. For every act, purchase or gift. For the fact that he is. For being with you.

Moreover, a man needs to be thanked 10 times more than he really deserves. And then the moment will come when, in response to your gratitude, he will do 100 times more.

How can a woman express gratitude to a man?

  • warm words ("Thank you!" or "Thank you, my love")
  • compliments and words of admiration ("You are my very best")
  • praise to his mother, kind words addressed to her about a good son, as well as other people (it is desirable that he hears everything out of the corner of his ear)
  • good mood and well-kept house
  • unrealistically delicious gourmet dinner
  • relaxing massage (whole body, feet, etc.)
  • semi-erotic dance
  • sophisticated intimate caresses
  • by letter (SMS, postcard, picture, hand-made article, etc.)

As you can see, there are many ways, perhaps you have your own corporate secret, share in the comments. And now we will try to express gratitude to the man through a letter.

« Hello beloved!

I am very grateful to you for being together.

Thank you for taking care of our family. Thank you for the attention you are giving us. Thank you for bringing money into the house, you always ask what you need to buy. Thank you for paying the bills and supporting our family, and for indulging in something delicious and unrealistically expensive.

Thank you for helping around the house, for taking out the trash regularly, for every nail you hammered in and a light bulb always screwed in on time.

Thank you for your protection, which we feel together with the children. We know that you will save us from any trouble, and we believe that you are the strongest.

I am grateful to you for the prosperity, kind words, gifts and the time you spend with us.

Thank you for your reminders and your willingness to help in any business. Thank you for the responsibility you have taken on yourself!

Thank you for equipping our home and life. Thank you for the love we feel!

I wish you health, darling, we are very happy next to such a man and a dad like you. "

What mistakes do women make when expressing gratitude verbally?

A man is a different world. And this world is not as sophisticated and gentle as the woman's. Therefore, if you want to express gratitude, it is better to choose words that do not deprive your husband of his masculinity.

Calling him "kitten", "honey", "uchi-ways", you risk losing a real man. Praising a woman's job well done is also unwise; it’s better to just thank for the HELP.

Compliments, kind words should emphasize his masculine qualities, such as strength, courage, responsibility. And being a happy woman nearby is perhaps the best gratitude for a man. Because if she is happy, there will be peace, tranquility and harmony in the family. Every man and every woman dreams of such a house.

Not every person can beautifully and correctly express their thoughts. But sometimes you need to choose the right speech, convey your emotional impulses to the interlocutor or society. Phrases of gratitude are the limit of politeness and good breeding. Sometimes the simple word “thank you” is not enough. Everyone in life has situations when you need to thank a colleague, friend, and even a casual acquaintance. Do it beautifully, let the words give you a smile and joy!

From heart and soul

Expressions of gratitude must be chosen with the utmost care. After all, the one to whom they are intended should feel your sincerity and cordiality. Let it not be a formal speech, color it with emotions, gestures, a smile. Try to explain in detail how the help, advice, or action worked. Do not be shy about your feelings, say whatever you think. Be sure to come up with an appeal to someone who helped in a difficult situation. Let it be not just a name, but something gentle, affectionate, expressing gratitude:

  • dear, respected, kind person;
  • a savior, a messenger from heaven, the best I know;
  • faithful companion, good fairy, wizard.

Such simple words will bring a smile to the face of the interlocutor and energize for other good deeds. After all, expressing gratitude for your help is not difficult at all, but it's so nice.

Main words

Having come up with an appeal, you can move on. The bulk of the speech depends on you personally. How ready are you to open up to the person, how great is your gratitude? These phrases will help build the correct text that you will speak, looking into the eyes of someone who has not refused to help. Simple phrases of gratitude are touched to the core:

  • "It is impossible to express for help, warm attitude, because this is such a rarity in our world. Many people have forgotten the concept of" compassion ", and you have plenty of it. Share your kindness, irrepressible energy and cheerful disposition. And then the world will become much brighter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance. "
  • "Low bow to you, the kindest man! These phrases of gratitude will not express all my feelings. You supported me in difficult times, extended a helping hand. Let this bright hand receive as much as it gives! After all, you are always ready to extend it to someone who is difficult." ...
  • "Thank you - huge and sincere! Your help was as necessary as air! We received it, free of charge and from all your kind heart! We thank and remain your humble servants and debtors! As soon as you need our support, let us know right away and we will just a moment! Many human thanks and bow. "

Such gratitude in prose will be appropriate in many cases. Don't forget the power of words. You need to say "thank you" even for every little thing, and if you received real help, you shouldn't skimp on gratitude.

Wonderful Years

School is the best time in every person's life. It is a pity that we understand this after many years. Graduates and their parents must express gratitude to the teacher. After all, he put knowledge, soul and strength into them. This profession is usually chosen by kind and creative individuals. It is very difficult to cope with several dozen children. You need to find an approach to everyone, look into his soul and inspire confidence. Material gifts, of course, will also not hinder the teachers, but the most important thing is the words of gratitude.


You can thank the teacher in a duet. Choose from the class the most artistic child with good diction and the same parent. Let them say the phrases in turn, and then give the teacher a huge bouquet. Bring the words from the heart, sincerely and touchingly: “Dear and beloved cool fairy! We have loved you very much over the years. We would like to wish you success in your work, health and prosperity! But most importantly, we want to say thank you! For your patience and understanding, for love and sometimes necessary severity. After all, it is so difficult to find with children, to put light, eternal in their heads. You have educated us with dignity, instilled love for the world, nature, your neighbor. This is a huge, titanic work! Keep up the good work, do not lose your charm and kindness. We will always remember you with a smile on our face! Low bow and gratitude to you from us for life! "

Such phrases of gratitude will surely please the teacher. The speech will turn out not faked, but sincere and sincere.

Simple "thank you"

Pride sometimes gets in the way of accepting help and support. But if necessary, there is no other way out. But saying words of gratitude is usually easy and in one breath. If you were helped, be sure to express gratitude in prose, poetry, writing - it doesn't matter. It is very easy to say "thank you". Prepare your speech in advance or write it down in a beautiful postcard:

  • “Thank you for your help and assistance! You helped at the right time, most importantly, from the bottom of your heart, without excuses or delays. and kiss your hands! "
  • “Your help has been invaluable. Thank you for your support, I will definitely answer in the same way in the near future! "

Such simple blanks can be supplemented with specifics. Feel free to express what has accumulated inside.

About what words should be said to a partner during sex and how to do it, says the director of the Vladimir dating agency "Me and you", family psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relations Elena Kuznetsova.

What should I say

And they believe everything they are told, so that even the most primitive compliment will be received favorably.

“Women are very fond of compliments, men love them more. And if the quality of the compliment is important for an intelligent woman, then for a man it does not matter, he does not care whether an ordinary praise was addressed to him or not. accept all words of approval. And you should always praise a man, before sex, during sex and after it, ”the psychologist advises.

Before sex

Before you start directly with the process, you can: clothes, hands, eyes. We can say about long eyelashes. It would seem naive, but all this "works", so that a compliment can be awarded to everything that falls on a woman's eye.

During sex

First, voice everything you see and feel. De facto.

“Men are inherently pragmatists:“ I’m working now, you must evaluate and concretize my work, ”Kuznetsova explains and advises during sex, especially his manhood. Praise the man's technique. You can, for example, say about the poses he has chosen, clarify in which of them you saw the sky in diamonds.

Secondly. ... This sounds like a compliment to men. In the process, a woman may even use foul language, and a man will react normally to this.

“It sounds, maybe, a little strange, but, during sex, men like to represent themselves as such, and already from this they get pleasure. And if a woman in the process also says something obscene, it spurs men twice, ”the psychologist states.

You can also tell your man what you like when he is with you. This spurs the partner and encourages further action.

Third, don't be indifferent. "Deed" thank the man for his efforts, also please him. You can, of course, directly check with your partner so that he would like what you would do, but this is too primitive. It is better to silently seize the initiative and see how your lover reacts to your actions, how well he is. At the end of the process, you can ask: "Anything else?", While the question should be asked with a voice.

After sex

Here you can make a compliment that expresses your gratitude for your partner's efforts: “I felt so good,” “You know how to please me,” etc.

The only caveat is that all this should be said immediately after the end of the process, when both partners, as a rule, are. Once you get out of bed, this kind of compliment will be inappropriate.

Useful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the dating agency "Me and you", family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

However, if you did not immediately express your admiration to your partner, then you can catch up by sending him a frank SMS describing those incredible ones. It will definitely be pleasant for a man to read such confessions.

If you have questions for the psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected]

Each of us has been in a situation where it is necessary to congratulate or thank a friend, parents, colleagues or a soul mate. And, of course, I want the words that you say were bright, juicy, remembered more than once and, like the first time, warmed the soul, causing a smile on the lips of a dear person.

Happy birthday words

The most common reason to think about beautiful words is the birthday of a loved one. That's when brainstorming really starts. Going through the options, we discard them one by one, as insufficiently capacious and incapable of fully expressing everything that we would like to convey.

To help and guide you, here are some options that you can use as a template. Having before your eyes examples of beautiful words and wishes, you can create your own version that will fully meet the solemn moment.
So, let's begin:

Beautiful words - congratulations:

  • Happiness, many years, to live in abundance, "sclerotic" troubles, good luck, health, warmth, kindness, love and so that all dreams come true.
  • friends that are rich in warmth; so that life sparkles like champagne in a glass; always have a spare dream so that there is something to go after the implementation of the main one; on the ladder of success only climb up from now on
  • Energy, achievements, inspiration, bright days and a little bit of luck
  • Rejoice in the present day, leaving all sorrows in the past, forget the hardships and just live; cherish your family
  • Closing your eyes to live the most dear moments to your heart again and again and not to lose the taste of life.
  • One day, decide on madness and understand that this was the only right decision ...
  • The list can be continued almost indefinitely, but these warm and cozy words can be folded into an original congratulation in thousands of different ways. The main thing is not the number of words and phrases, but a piece of the soul, transmitted along with the wish. By the way, here are some good birthday greetings.

    Words of gratitude

    It is no less responsible to approach the choice of words for expressing gratitude. After all, the one who is being thanked should feel that the speech delivered by you is filled with sincere gratitude - and not just a formal set of beautiful phrases. When expressing gratitude to the person, do not hesitate to share what you have achieved thanks to their advice, help, support, and so on.

    When expressing gratitude, be sure to use phrases that will help you convey the depth of your gratitude to your opponent. We will give you a few words and help you say "thank you" sincerely:

    • Dear, dear, dear, my most important people, loving - all these words can be used to address the person or people to whom you want to express gratitude.
    • Invaluable help, excellent advice, wonderful attitude, warm, friendly support - such beautiful, pleasant words for a person that will help to convey more fully the importance of the help provided to you.
    • Thanks to; special thanks (if you need to highlight someone); huge gratitude; earthly (low) bow to you; thank you very much; your invaluable help cannot and will not be forgotten; thanks for the work, sleepless nights; gratitude knows no boundaries, and so on - these expressions will help convey the depth of your gratitude.

    But, most importantly, gratitude should come from a pure heart. Let it be a couple of words, but spoken with feeling and a direct look in the face of the one you are grateful to.

    The fact that wishes and beautiful words are usually said in honor of the holiday is customary, but that the same words can be said every day to your family and friends is often forgotten. Although in our time, when people are all the time running somewhere, beautiful, warm words are especially important. It is thanks to them that we understand that we are needed by someone, that we are loved and appreciated. That the advice received from you will be appreciated and used.

    Hurry up to talk to loved ones about love, do not take care of such warm words as "Dear", "Darling", "cute", "Affectionate", "Courageous", "strong", "gentle", "expensive", "Dear" for special occasions, use them now. Learn to speak "thanks" and "I love" no matter the case. Let beautiful and gentle words become the norm in your life. And your life will become just as beautiful and melodious.