Toasts for the 50th anniversary. Caucasian toasts and table jokes on a man's anniversary

Toasts to a friend for 50 years. If this is a real friend with whom you are ready to go on an exploration, then you can talk about everything and wish for what a person really wants and what, as you know, he lacks in life or in character. Well, if this is just a friend, wish you good and happiness from your heart.

In verse

In prose in your own words

Dear friend! 50 is the best age for a man, when dreams and fantasies begin to take real forms and come true.
By this time, you come to the understanding that you are very important to someone else and already enter conflicts with a look around. You start to be more attentive to your safety and health. At this age, you already want to give back and be useful to loved ones, and not ask for yourself.
I wish you financial freedom and travel around the world on your own yacht!

Well that's all, friend, it's time to settle down.
Take away balls, fishing rods and all the fun until better times.
First, clean the phone from the contacts of unnecessary girlfriends and leave the only one on which your hand trembles. Propose to her and start building a house and planting trees.
And you are not "grandpa", as I called 50-year-olds when we were 16. You are very much even nothing, as they say - in full bloom! Happy anniversary!

You are not like everyone else and many do not understand you. They say in unison that you are unlucky and irresponsible. You constantly forget everything or laugh out of place.
But only I know the depth of your soul and the kindness of your heart.
You are ready to take off your last shirt for the sake of a tramp and lie on the floor, giving him your bed.
You will not pass by a hungry dog ​​without buying her food, and you will jump out into a thunderstorm after a wet kitten. Let people judge you, it doesn't matter, these are just words, because good deeds are not advertised.
Today you are already 50, and let you don't have an expensive car or a country house- but there are many sincere friends who are devoted to you with all their hearts. And I am one of them. Happy birthday!

50 years 55 years 60 years 65 years 70 years universal

Universal toasts for the anniversary:

50 years is like 50 dollars. Is it a lot or a little? How to view? As for me, I only recently discovered that after 50 people also live! Today it was said here that this is only half a life. Well, I won't argue, but I will try to personally check it! ..
I have lived a difficult life. My road of life is strewn not so much with roses as with thorns: "My path is sometimes lost in the darkness, but, moving stubbornly to the final point, For half a century I walk on the ground, not missing a single hole!"
Thank you for your kind words. I wish you all a long and happy life! Let there be fewer potholes and holes on your way!

Happy first 50th anniversary! I wish you that the second will pass, at least not worse than the first, and most importantly - not faster!

Dear hero of the day! As the American writer Edward Bock wrote: “The real life of a person begins at the age of fifty. build". I propose to raise our glasses to the real life that our hero of the day is entering today!

It takes a person two years to learn to speak, and
50 years to learn how to hold your tongue.
Today our hero of the day proved that he passed this school perfectly.
Now, dear hero of the day, stay for the second year and study again.
100 years will be provided for you!

We wish you with all our hearts
On your half-century anniversary
Fulfillment of all your dreams
Forgiveness of all your undertakings

So that I do not know the lack of anything,
Not in love, not in companionship,
Not in health, not in sweet moments,
Not materially.

Let the mood be spring
Sunny, upbeat, radiant.
And take all the signs of respect
From your colleagues and colleagues.

At 20 years old, desire rules, at 30 years old - reason, at 40 years old - reason, at 50 years old wisdom ...
So let's drink to the birthday man in whom, even in the wise 50 years, there is reason and reason and desire.

The peoples of the Baltic states have such a belief. If a child is born in a family, then 100 devils are born with him. When a child turns one year old, one angel appears, and there are one less devils in him. And so year after year: the number of angels is growing, and the number of devils is decreasing. If a person is fifty, this means that there are only 50 devils left in him, but 50 angels have appeared. Today we have a man who is half devils, half angels. And every year the angelic principle will prevail in him more and more ... But I propose to drink to today's birthday man, in which dark and light forces are mutually balanced!

In Siberia, they say: 1000 km is not a distance, 100 deer is not a herd, 60 degrees is not frost, 50 years is not an age! And this means that our dear birthday boy is still a baby and he has everything ahead of him. We wish you, dear (Name), in about 50 years to come out of the infant diapers and grow up, so that we can say: this is age! For the upcoming 100th anniversary!

How to distinguish an optimist from a pessimist? Let's do an experiment. Here is a bottle of wine, half drunk. I will start with one phrase, and you must finish it. I start: half bottle ... One word left to add. Full? Right. Is it empty? Correct too. But the word "full" was said by an optimist, and the word "empty" was said by a pessimist. It's the same in determining age. Our hero of the day (Name) turned 50 today. In this phrase, you can put a short word "already" or two short words "just yet." Let's ask (Name) himself, which he prefers? So I just turned "just yet" today? So you are an optimist. Let's drink to optimism (Name)! If he is still only 50, then there will be all 100! For healthy domestic optimism!

This is 50 years that shook the world ... I wish you to shake it for at least another 50 years, or even more! And for this you only need health, good spirits and excellent mood, which I wish you!

Let the toasts for the 50th anniversary be: full of respect - from colleagues and superiors; filled with love and warmth - from his wife and children. And friends just need to say: "For you!" - and have a drink with the birthday boy to the bottom.

In verse

  • We are so pleased to congratulate you
  • And it's all incredible that you are 50 today.
  • Everyone is talking about this today.
  • But, you look younger.
  • Maybe fifteen years old.
  • We wish your superiority to remain
  • And the shape is excellent
  • Don't lose yours. For you!
  • For your successes, life has given you a "five",
  • "Zero" all your mistakes are appreciated.
  • Let me hug you, birthday boy
  • After all, you look very cute.
  • I wish you to be proud of your ratings,
  • Strive for success every day.
  • In separation from you I miss you very much.
  • I'm not too lazy to drink to you today!
  • Five dozen do you live
  • And you bloom like a rose.
  • Continue in the same spirit.
  • You are beautiful, you know that.
  • May everything work out for you,
  • All your undertakings will be crowned with success.
  • Let a million congratulations sound
  • And life will be beautiful, like a wondrous dream!
  • There is no need to be afraid of age
  • You don't need to doubt yourself.
  • You are able to move mountains,
  • And then have a decent rest.
  • So that fifty is the beginning for you,
  • There is still a lot ahead of us.
  • The mountains are still there.
  • And it is a great honor for me to say a toast to you!
  • A beautiful date gathered us all together.
  • Today, I see quite a few guests.
  • They are in a hurry to say all the congratulations,
  • The birthday boy, after all, it is impossible not to appreciate.
  • At 50 we drink for you, you health
  • We wish. We all just adore you
  • You shouldn't worry about age.
  • It is better to remember all the past years.
  • And develop on their basis.
  • We wish you not to doubt yourself.
  • After all, you have not exhausted your potential.
  • We wish you to become even happier!
  • It's too early for you to think about retirement.
  • Let's celebrate the anniversary as soon as possible.
  • After all, you are fifty. This, in general, is not a lot.
  • Let your road be bright.
  • Only good people meet the way.
  • Let the bad days fly by.
  • May your dreams and desires come true.
  • I wish you prosperity.
  • I wish you do not know any worries you are not in trouble.
  • I wish you a taste of victories!
  • I wish to forget that the years are running by.
  • Let the guests drink wine in your honor!

In prose in your own words

The date we have gathered here is amazing. To live half a century is an achievement. Half a century is the time during which a person realizes the meaning of life, achieves his goals, brings up children and improves the quality of life. Half a century is a family, it is friends, it is a career, this is the improvement of the next years of life. Half a century is only a small part that has flown by very quickly, like one instant. I raise my glass to you, to your achievements and aspirations. Let the number fifty not put pressure on you, but be optimistic.

Once a small tree was planted in a marvelous garden. It grew, grew stronger and flourished. Over the years, it strengthened its roots in the ground. And it became a favorite tree of all visitors to the park. The tree could give extensive shade in hot sunny weather, the tree could delight people when they were very sad. The tree gave everyone invaluable oxygen, which gave life to people. Today I want to compare you to this tree. You are celebrating a wonderful anniversary today. You have been on this earth for 50 years. You always bring joy to those around you. You are like oxygen for your family. You can help people in difficult times. I drink to you, because you can surprise people and love endlessly.

We all lack wisdom at times. Sometimes we make the wrong decisions. We are in a hurry with a choice, we chase a dream without making it come true, we offend our relatives and friends. I can't say anything like that about you. You are the person who always, throughout life, weighs all decisions. He ponders every step, strives for perfection and makes all dreams come true. You are the person who helps in difficult times. You are a fighter for justice, honesty and respect. With you, this world has become kinder, brighter and brighter. You give warmth. All these words are for you. I love you so much. And your fiftieth anniversary is also my personal holiday. Because without you my life would not have had so many bright colors. You always guide me in the right direction and never let me give up. Happy anniversary, to the bottom for you!

Usually, it is customary to celebrate the 50th anniversary brightly at home and at work. Depending on the material capabilities of a person, the holiday can take place both in a regular restaurant and at an expensive official event, with family and friends, or in a wider audience. Therefore, toasts for 50 years to a man: cool, short, can be bright and memorable.

But before choosing from the list the most suitable toast for you, pay attention to a few practical tips. Here's how to choose humorous and funky toasts to say to both your boss and your family member.

How to choose a humorous toast for a holiday

Much depends on how formal and rigorous the event itself is. Usually, funny toasts that are appropriate in a friendly company may not be perceived at a strict event or formal reception. Here are some tips to help you choose the right toast.

1. The nature of the event. Usually humorous and funny toasts are spoken in the informal part, but you should be careful when choosing a toast. Something that will be happily accepted in the company of friends can make you look silly in front of serious people. Therefore, try to choose humorous toasts that are understandable to the audience and correct in a given setting.

2. The order of the toast. If the anniversary begins to be celebrated in a solemn atmosphere, even just at a corporate party, then usually the hero of the day begins to be honored first with classical and strict toasts. They can be pretty as well as simple. They don't have much humor. But, if you want to say nice words and say a joke test, it is best to say it closer to the end. The later you make the toast, the shorter it should be. Then your words will be remembered. For this reason, you can even shorten a long toast to keep it bright and sparkling. Then he will impress.

3. Distance. Even if the boss is a person with a good sense of humor, a comic toast that he will perfectly accept in a narrow circle of friends may not please those around him. It is possible that he will call in an official, corporate setting, they simply will not be perceived. Therefore, when choosing a humorous and beautiful toast, keep your distance, even if you are friends with the chef. This will not only help you save face in front of your boss and show your best side in the team, but it will also be better than a flat and inappropriate joke.

4. The toast should be touching so that the hero of the day feels that the words are addressed to him. Then your words will help him to remember. This will allow you to beautifully make a toast in any setting, even in front of the hero of the day, even in front of your grandfather or uncle. Therefore, in the finished toast, you can change words, add something of your own, if appropriate. Then your toast will be remembered and it will make an impression at the celebration.

And if you do not know the word or do not express your thoughts beautifully enough, choose ready-made toasts. Here's what you can say at the anniversary to your friend, colleague, boss or friend.

Several toasts

“Today I propose to send our hero of the day on a rocket to the moon. 50 years is a time of victories. But I wish you good health, which can become a new starting point for the launch of a bright and beautiful rocket called "beautiful life". Because your sparkling humor, character, willpower and many other masculine qualities become an excellent fuel for her. And let humor, determination and daydreaming never cease to accompany you on the way to a bright future, which is just beginning for you. "

“This day will be the saddest for you. Because your optimism, joy, vitality and sense of humor are so great that it is simply impossible not to imagine a happy future ahead, bright and interesting. Let this day become the palest point on the globe of your brightest and most interesting, cheerful and wonderful life! "

“Today I would not want to wish you the fulfillment of your wish. Otherwise, imagine if everything you want falls on your head in the street this very minute. For example, a bucket of red caviar, a millionaire's salary, an apartment, a car and a young lady naked on the couch. Therefore, I wish you that all your desires are fulfilled gradually, because you can achieve in life anyway. For this we will drink today on this holiday. "

“I wish you are constantly haunted by envy. Let the car, apartment, career achievements and love victories follow you throughout your life. Let delightful gossip haunt you, because no one will say anything about someone who is worthless, unable to achieve his goal and enjoy life. Therefore, I wish that you are always haunted not only by envy, rumors and gossip, but also by good luck, from which you simply did not know the end. Because gossip and rumors behind the back of a successful person are just seeds, a shadow of their victories. Let's drink to luck. "

Read about that in our article on the site.

Anniversary 50 - toast

Let this anniversary be a holiday not only of memories and experiences, but also of new ideas, dreams, hopes! After all, as long as a person lives and hopes - he is alive, he is always young! I want to wish you the main thing - youthful soul! Congratulations!

Anniversary toasts

Daddy, take from us children
Congratulations on the glorious anniversary.
Seventy is a long time for everyone,
But we want you to continue to be able
To please with your presence.
You know how dear to us, we love.
How we need your affectionate look
Your humor - you are always rich in it,
Wise, from the heart, instructions.
On an anniversary, glorious birthday
We wish you joy and good
To make life not boring
So that the disease does not torment you.
The soul would not be sick for us.
I was in a great, cheerful mood,
As today, on a glorious birthday!

Anniversary toast 45

The years flew by in a white flock,
But the soul, as before, is young.
The nightingales have not all sung yet,
Not all of the water has flowed away.
Your anniversary, festive and bright,
And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time.
Long years to you, apple trees in white,
Joy and happiness and kindness.

Anniversary toast

Dear hero of the day! Let your life be cloudless, like the sky over the desert, full, like a jug of a hospitable Caucasian, long and interesting, like the Milky Way and the Santa Barbara TV series. And may your eyes always shine with happiness, like a polar light over the pole! Let's drink to this!

Anniversary - cool toast

We are sick in spirit, not in body.
Why do we need anniversaries?
To catch happy moments
Listening to congratulations from loved ones.
And then alone with myself
Let's remember the past years again.
Happiness was quiet, earthly.
Where, in what colors to look for it?
Fate gave us a salad
Of flattery, truth and lies.
That was the heady aroma!
And this is also our life.
Why forgotten excitement?
The song of joy sounds again.
Another holiday mood.
Once again, you want to love.

Anniversary 50 - toast

One can transcend a person, but it is impossible to transcend the sky of his soul. Our dear hero of the day, let me congratulate you and wish that a bright spring sun always shines in the sky of your pure, bright soul!

50th Anniversary Toast

To live to see the silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron restraint. Let's drink to a wonderful alloy, to the flourishing of our domestic metallurgy!

50th Anniversary Toast

I will begin a toast to the health of our hero of the day with the words of the Roman poet Publius Ovidius Nazon: “There is no need to count years: people live longer. Let's drink not to the next ten years of dear N., but to his deeds - past and future, professional and family deeds, which he does with brilliance!

Anniversary 50 - toast

Such is the deal, brothers:
Years do not run - they fly.
You go to bed - eighteen
Wake up in the morning - sixty.
On the hero of the day, imperceptibly
That he lived for six decades.
Probably visited somewhere
He is the secret of eternal youth.
His special breed
Visible even to the blind.
And, apparently, the road
He has not forgotten the hearts of women.
He is not deprived of health,
I am familiar with sports and labor.
And he will cut anyone off with a word,
And if necessary - with a fist.
There is no need to even doubt -
Only for other years they fly.
Wake up in the morning - sixty
And he will wake up - eighteen.

50th Anniversary Toast

It doesn't matter that the whiskey is silver
And, like a troika, the years rush.
We must live and smile at fate.
And never grow old in soul.

Anniversary 50 - toast

Today is your birthday
And how many years does not matter.
So stay kind as always.
And let the heart never grow old.

Anniversary 50 - toast

The peoples of the Baltic states have such a belief. If a child is born in a family, then 100 devils are born with him. When a child turns one year old, one angel appears, and the devils in him become one! smaller. And so year after year: the number of angels is growing, and | devils - less ...
And now the man is fifty! What does it mean? And then ,? that only 50 devils remained in it, but 50 angels appeared! Before us is a man made up of half devils and half angels! But that's not all. Every year the angelic principle will prevail in him more and more!
But I propose to drink to today's birthday man, in which dark and light forces on loan are balanced!

Anniversary 60 - toast

Two fives in the jubilee!
We are in a hurry to congratulate.
We need excellent students.
We respect knowledge.
In life, you have everything at five.
We can even prove:
For diligence and skill we put `five`.
For calmness, patience - also `five`.
For care and attention,
Friendship, help, compassion
We also put only `five`.
Even as much as `twenty-five`!
For children and grandchildren,
And for the house, where the world is okay, -
You still have fives.
The total will be fifty.
And five more to you,
That cheerful beyond her years.
And we wish you in the future
Not getting old, but getting younger.
Multiply a row of fives
Yes, live in abundance
Without despondency and problems,
Needed to be always and to everyone.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Life will become even brighter!

Anniversary toasts

No! The woman is not to blame
When this date comes -
Here the calendar is to blame.
And you, contrary to all dates,
Everyone is just as young at heart
Slender, graceful and light.

We will not wish you much,
Your merits are countless ...
So stay, for God's sake,
Always the way it is!
And age is not a problem
Let's get through all the anniversaries!
After all, the main thing in life is always
So that the soul does not grow old.