Improving facial contours. Additional feeding skin. Cream "Clean Line"

Reducing the definition of the contour of the face, the sorcement of the cheeks, the appearance of a double chin, leather flabbiness on the cheeks - all these are manifestations of age-related changes. It happens from the fact that the muscles of the face with time lose elasticity, and the skin is thinned, loses the tone. Also lead to the deterioration of oval faces can hormonal problems, heredity, stress and improper position of the head during sleep.

According to the observations of cosmetologists, recently, not only adult women began to face the problem of wrecking, at the age after 35 years, but also girls who have not reached the thirty-year-old age!

Experts note that it is quite difficult to deal with the definition loss of clarity, therefore, it is extremely important to begin therapeutic and supporting procedures as early as possible.

RF Lifting

One of the most effective procedures, allowing you to return your youth, is the RF-lifting. This procedure acts directly on the deep layers of the skin, bypassing the epidermis. (RF-lifting) ensures the heating of the dermis and subcutaneous fluid to the high frequency currents.

It is known that it is the dermis that acts as a peculiar framework, due to which the mechanical properties of the skin are provided, such as elasticity, extensibility, elasticity and durability. With age, it loses the opportunity to fully function, because Collagen and elastin fibers are not updated in due volume. The tightening effect of the procedure is based on the fact that in places of exposure significantly increases the level of production of own collagen and elastin, blood circulation is normalized.

Already after the first RF-lifting session, the tightening effect is noticeable, the skin becomes more elastic, minor wrinkles leave. The full procedure procedure provides a steady result that is holding up to two years.

Mesotherapy face

The effectiveness of mesotherapy is known to everyone. This procedure is not accidentally called "injections of beauty" - due to her, it is possible to successfully fight with many imperfections of the skin, with its aging, and including the wiring of the face.

Very effective - with the help of injections of special drugs, it is possible to significantly improve the oval of the faces even in the launched cases. If you start to carry out procedures on time, to do it regularly, then the face and in 45 years will affect beauty and youth. To restore oval, faces are required from 4 to 8 procedures, depending on the skin states. The noticeable effect is achieved after two - three sessions.

Pluses of mesotherapy are that thanks to invasive administration directly in problem areas require minimal doses of the drug and it acts exactly where it is necessary.


The main thing is that the procedure performed an experienced cosmetologist, because Each aesthetic problem requires the use of a special preparation and a special method of its introduction. The best result for tightening an oval facial is given drugs based on hyaluronic acid.

Biorevitalization helps restore natural processes in the skin, promotes the intensification of its own collagen and elastin fibers by the organism, increases the skin tone. Usually cosmetologists are advised to undergo a course of minimum of 4 procedures to obtain a noticeable, sustainable effect.

Contour plastic

Return the clarity of oval face will help. In just one - two procedures, it is possible to achieve the desired result: the skin looks more tightened, dragging is leaving, its tone increases.

Contour plastic for lifting oval faces involves the use of special hyaluronic acid-based fillers. Preparations are introduced subcutaneously to those areas that require correction. Thanks to the fillers with hyaluronic acid, it is possible to achieve a really instant effect! The drug itself is completely absorbed over time and is derived by naturally.

Microcurrents for face

Microcurrent therapy also helps improve faces. This procedure is based on the impact on the skin and muscle of the person by means of a weak low-frequency pulse current.

Microcurrents tone the muscles of the face, strengthen them and stimulate more active production of new elastin and collagen fibers in the skin. After the course of 10 procedures, there are evaluated faces, the second chin decreases, the skin looks smoother and healthy. Most effective in the early stages, when age-related changes have just begun to manifest.

There are also quite a few popular methods that help increase the skin tone and muscles. Some of them are really effective, but apply them, after all, better in a complex with professional salon procedures, as supportive therapy.

Unfortunately, age is postponing the imprint at all without exception. Once looking into the mirror, we discover that the skin has lost the former tone, wrinkles appeared on it, and the faces stopped being perfect. But is it worth panicing and running for help to a plastic surgeon? No no and one more time no! How to tighten the faces at home and without surgery, we will look at this article.

Facial care

Modern women should learn from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers who managed to preserve youth and beauty without the use of modern achievements of cosmetology science. And their secret was only in the use of the gifts of nature in their natural form. Components such as clay, food and herbs can make a miracle, they often leave behind their "chemical" competitors. However, the use of folk remedies requires certain efforts, time spending and regularity of procedures.

Masks for face

Do not assume that pull-up masks and creams are panacea from aging skin. But they should become an integral link in the complex procedures for skin rejuvenation and its moisturizing. In addition, at the first signs of fading the masks are the basic means of help for the skin of the face.

Honey mask

This procedure is capable of surprising any woman who wants to pull up the face. So, we will need: two spoons of high-quality liquid honey, one spoon of juice of any citrus fetus and one spoon of dry clay. If the clays did not turn to hand, it can be replaced by the usual flour, which has any hostess. The juice does not need to be bought in the store, it will be much more useful to press the liquid from fresh fruit. Before testing the mask, it will not be superfluous in the absence of allergies on honey - for this you just need to apply it to the fold of the elbow and leave for a few minutes. If everything is in order, then you can move to the preparation of the mask: clay powder or flour should be pre-diluted in a small amount of water until the consistency of the liquid text is obtained. The resulting mass connect with honey and a spoon of juice (can be lemon, orange or grapefruit juice). We mix the resulting solution to a homogeneous state and applied to the skin. The time of procedure is about 15 minutes. After that, it will be necessary to wash and apply a moisturizing cream on the skin.

Another useful product from which the tightening face masks are made - gelatin. In essence, gelatin is a protein product, as it is produced from connecting tissues of animals (cartilage, tendons, skins and bones). But it is the protein that is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and their elasticity. Gelatin, who is rich in the split collagen, is able to whiten the skin of the face, pull it up and even smooth the pigment stains. To properly dissolve the food gelatin, you should be guided by the instruction written on the package. Only after that it can be mixed with other ingredients needed to compile a mask.

Gelatin Mask

Ideal for fading and, what can I hide, flamingly, and it is preparing very simple. One teaspoon of powder is divorced by a small amount of water, and then sent to bask on a water bath. One spoon of confused fruits is added to the melted mass. If the skin of the face is prone to dryness, the mask can be supplemented by the pulp of persimmon, apricot, melon, avocado or mandarin. For oily skin, grapefruit, pear, cherry, red currant or cranberries are perfectly suitable. If the skin is combined or normal, the best ingredients will be peach, kiwi or grapes. Let's return to the preparation of a nutrient mixture. After mixing the components, the mask must be cooled. Then the resulting product can be applied to the face and leave it absorbed by 20-25 minutes. After that time, do not forget to wash the mask with a wet tampon and put the cream.

Mask of potatoes

Pulling faces at home will also help ordinary potato mashed potatoes. The only thing that is important to remember is to be prepared without salt, pepper and other seasonings. The mass cooled to a comfortable temperature must be applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and neck. After 20 minutes, the puree can be removed with the fingers and wash the water.

Lifting masks

The term "lifting" itself relates more to professional medical procedures. However, refreshing the skin and tighten the facial oval by folk remedies, and the result of their use may not be worse. The first assistants in this difficult case for us are simple egg protein and tightening cream. After applying to the face of any favorite cream on top of the uniform layer, the raw eggs are superimposed. The mask can only be kept until the first signs of drying, and after their appearance, you need to immediately wash off with it with water.

The correction of the facial oval is also carried out with the help of therapeutic dirt, which can be easily purchased in any nearby pharmacy. It is divorced by water or milk to the state of liquid paste. The milk in the recipe is used if the skin is prone to dryness. The resulting mass is applied to the cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time, the mixture was washed off with water. Although even after the sole application of the mask, you can see the effect, should not be limited to one procedure. In all important regularity. And in this case, this statement is quite justified.

Pulling facials without surgery will help a simple cosmetic clay. To prepare an effective means, it is enough to dissolve powder with water and add several drops of natural essential oil into it. Of course, as always, the mixture is applied only on the face, and the area around the eyes and lips remains untouched. It should be followed so that the mask remains moist all the time, otherwise its useful substances will stop acting. That is why the person needs to be constantly wetting the water temperature for 20 minutes. The procedure should be repeated for several months in a row twice a week.


Mask modeling face is not the only means to preserve youth and beauty. There are other ways to pull out the faces at home. The most effective of them is Facebilding. Translated from the English language, this term sounds like "face construction". A sonic name fully justifies itself, because thanks to this system every woman without much effort can tighten the sowing faces. Exercises are not too complex, but for obtaining the result requires diligence and regularity.

Experts recommend to engage in Facebilding to all the ladies over 40 years old. However, this does not mean that everyone else needs to sit back and wait for the onset of the cherished date. Prevention is the best way to pull out faces and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

What results can be achieved?

First of all, the face lift allows you to get rid of nasolabial folds. This defect arises due to the stress of the facial muscles, but not every woman can control its emotional state without regular training. In this case, Facebilding will help 100%.

The following result is a healthy complexion. Like any massage, this system provides a tide of blood to the face, and therefore rejuvenates the skin. Among other things, the skin acquires former elasticity and gets rid of declarations.

Face lift with Facebilding

The facial correction will be more efficient if after gymnastics apply a pulling cream.

Useful tips for those who want to keep the freshness and youth of the skin for a long time.

  1. Stop smoking. Women who think about how to pull up their faces at home, often forget about their bad habits. They spend mad money on cosmetologists and pull-up funds, while for considerable changes you only need to abandon the cigarette. Think about it.
  2. Walk at least one hour per day. You will feel the benefit from fresh air already in a few days, and a beautiful figure in a month will be for you a bonus to a smooth face color.
  3. The face lift will happen if with special care to monitor the cleanliness of the skin. Pleis and moisturize your skin, do not forget about the weekly home peeling and mask.
  4. How to pull the facial oval at home and save the result for a long time? Change habits! Purchase a comfortable sleeping pillow, better with a cooling effect. Watch out for the faile in so as not to provoke the emergence of new wrinkles. And stop frowning - life is beautiful at any age, so enjoy it fully!

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Everyone knows that old age is primarily manifested in wrinkles and in spherical skin. But the elasticity of the skin itself and the contour of our face depends on how good the muscle tone of the face is. To keep the muscles of the face in a tone, just like in fitness, the right and effective exercises are needed.

therefore websitepublishes a complex of the best exercises, which, in the opinion of doctors, will help your face to stay taut and young many years.

Heat muscle

So that your efforts do not dare in vain, before starting any "training", the muscles need to be temporarily and warm up.

Sit or stand, holding your back smoothly. Now try to make the sounds of vowel sounds to the most clearly and exercise ("A", "O", "and", "E"). Do not hurry and continue the exercise until you feel warm all over the face.

Sit on the chair and tighten your head back. Now imagine that you need to reach the bottom lip to the light bulb. As soon as possible, hang out the bottom lip and delay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then relax and repeat 2-3 times.

In this exercise you need to grab yourself with your hands. Then slowly begin to pull the neck up. It is important at the same time to keep the back smoothly. As soon as you feel that you have achieved the limit, take a deep breath and do with yourself to 10-15. Then slowly return to the original position.

Simple, but effective exercise against sagging cheeks and balls. When you run keep your head straight.

Lower the corners of the lips and pull them down as much as possible for 5 seconds. Then return to normal position. Repeat the exercise 5 times or more until you feel fatigue in the muscles.

Sitting on a chair with a smooth back, take a pencil and firmly squeeze his lips. Now, without moving your head, start writing out your name or individual letters in the air. Perform at least 3 minutes exercise, then take a break and repeat a couple more times.

This exercise affects the muscles of the neck and helps pull the contour of the face.

Tilt your head right, trying to get the ear to the shoulder. At the same time, put the right hand with the palm of the right temple, trying to prevent the head movements. Keep 10 seconds, and then repeat for the other side.

Our grandmothers pulled up an oval faces at home. They were without any creams, cosmetic products from the store and used home masks. Only they must be used systematically.

Such masks are very useful for the skin. They did not lose the relevance, but they became more popular. Before we give examples of tightening masks, mixtures, let's talk about precautions aimed at eliminating the accusation of the facial oval.

Perform the following procedures:

  1. In the teeth hold the pencil and write in the air from ten letters.
  2. Place your shoulders and perform circular movements head in one direction, and then to another. Next, tilt your head forward, press the chest, and then tilt your head back.
  3. Perform water procedures for skin flexibility in the chin area, gradually replacing the rinse is cold, then hot water. Make this procedure that combines with a slight massage of this zone.

You can get acquainted with the following exercises that will be very helpful:

Recipes masks

  1. With egg protein

Doing such a mask get the effect of suspenders. Wake up the protein and add milk, honey or oil into a mass. This mixture will perfectly catch the skin. But it cannot be used for dry skin.

  1. With egg yolk

Such masks have a nutrient impact and the effect of lifting on dry and sensitive skin. They can be used for any type of skin. To this mass also add milk, honey or oil. The main thing in this composition is fresh homemade testicles that can be replaced by quail with more useful substances.

  1. With gelatin

For the manufacture of such a mixture, the gelatin melt on the water bath. Different components are added for different skin types:

  • fruit puree from peach, strawberries, kiwi for oily skin;
  • cream, sour cream, jojoba, olives for dry skin;
  • eggs, grains from herbs, honey, milk for combined and normal skin.
  1. With marine laminaria

For skin, a useful source is seaweed, which are easy to find in a pharmacy. They are distinguished by an excellent tightening effect and eliminate other skin problems: excess fatness, rash, pigmentation. The method of making a mask is described below.

Fill on dry algae (1 tbsp.) Heated water and leave for swelling for swelling. It is necessary to do this in the morning. The composition also apply before going to bed. After purchasing the algae of its original form, they need to be crushed, and then apply to the peeled skin. This composition can also add other components: honey, egg, oil. The procedure should last at least 30 minutes. Such masks are recommended to do a week twice.

  1. With white clay

Stir 1 tsp. Wheat germs, 1 tbsp. l. Grape juice, 2 tbsp. l. Pharmacy white clay. Take the mixture on your face and neck. Next, after 20 minutes, rinse with water, wet the skin with a towel.

The main rule of domestic resources:

  1. Freshness. Do not prepare them in the future, because the ingredients will quickly deteriorate, and there will be no benefit from them.
  2. At times, alternate recipes so that the skin is not accustomed to a specific product.
  3. Make courses for ten - fifteen procedures. Then, leave the skin for a month to rest or replace the composition of other substances with similar properties.

When to start applying masks?

Masks need to choose correctly, the skin gets tightening effect. Do not miss the time of use of such masks. Timely started skin care will give the effect much earlier. So, the use of masks must begin when:

  • feels noticeable dry skin;
  • small wrinkles become deeper;
  • the front circuit loses its expressiveness;
  • there is a pigmentation associated with age;
  • age comes to 35 years.

To improve the effectiveness of masks and creams for lifting facial, it is necessary to combine them with a massage, with which the blood circulation, skin color is improved.

On the proposed video, you will see all this.

Rules for massing

  • Wash your hands and face well, and then impose a moisturizing cream.
  • To warm up the cheeks, eight times swipe fingers on the cheeks and temples from the wings of the nose.
  • Smoothing forehead, not very much press and drive your fingers up and on the side of the eyebrows.
  • From the center of chin, make smoothing movements to the uches.
  • Having praise yourself on the contours of the cheeks and chin with the back of the palm.
  • Finish massage by massage under the jaw with the back of the fingers.

This massage is done in the morning every day for 30 days, combining them with tightening evening masks a week 3 times. After a short time, the flabbiness of the skin will disappear and it will tighten.

The rules of massing are clearly visible on the video:

Contrast massage

The contrast massage is also very effective. To do this, take two bowls: one - with moderately hot water, and the other - with cold salted water (2 art. L. Per liter of water). Take a small terry towel and wet it in salted cold water. Rolling it into the harness, hover and, praps on the chin, go through the facial contour. Next, moisten it in hot water and repeat again. Alternately change the temperature and for one session, make such movements up to eight times, daily, in front of the main lifting massage.


Such exercises for suspenders on the following video will help you purchase a healthy face skin:

Gymnastics will also tighten the face. Consider some of them:

  • The development of the muscles of the neck and face contributes to the rotation of the head in various directions, cheek inflation and mimic exercises.
  • Regeneration processes in the body are stimulated by a contrasting shower or wrapping.
  • Exercises for "Lazy": Given the following sounds: "O", "and", "O".
  • The mood will also increase the following exercise: open the mouth as much as possible and try to get to the chin language.


Oval faces are not difficult to adjust with Facebilding (from English translates as the construction of the face). Each weak floor representative can tighten the clear contours of the facial oval. It is necessary to have only discipline, diligence and desire.

After Facebilding, use the cream with a pull-up effect. So you will achieve a bigger effect.

Look at this video, it will help you in getting rid of the fuzzy contour of the facial oval.

Every day you give time to such classes and after 2 or 3 weeks you will admire the perfect result. It is very important to do it all comprehensively and not lazy.

Over the years, earlier or later, for each becoming a relevant problem - how to pull the oval faces. Surgical intervention is the last way to solve the question. There are many other efficient methods to return the elasticity, the elasticity of the skin. Successfully you can use various procedures at home also to resort to the achievements of aesthetic medicine.

What to do with the sickness of the skin

Prior to facials are a consequence of many factors. Therefore, it is important to identify the reasons that provoked the loss of elasticity. Timely prevention will allow you to extend the youth with the help of simple, available manipulations.

Causes of occurrence:

  • miscellaneous skin may appear already in the 30th age due to insufficient care, the lack of regular cleansing procedures, humidification tones leads to microcirculation disorders, premature wrinkles, elasticity loss;
  • heredity - you can already at the young age to begin preventive measures if the older relatives have such a problem;
  • the face care begins with a full-fledged high-quality sleep, if you fall asleep after midnight, ten hours will not be enough to save freshness, youth;
  • the habit of sleeping on the stomach or too high pillow, such details imperceptibly affect the face, with age it will be more difficult to restore the skin after such a holiday;
  • eternal nutrition, the lack of a variety of high-quality, fresh products, rich in valuable elements, instantly affects the skin, as well as the fatstation of fast food, fried, salty, smoked products, saturates only coverings toxins, oxidants;
  • weight fluctuations, with sudden weight loss, the elasticity of the covers is immediately lost, it is very difficult to restore such jumps, it is formed instantly a large amount of flabby skin, muscle fibers have already lost elasticity;
  • lack of physical activity, with a harmonious approach, there will be minutes not only on the charge for the body, but also for the face;
  • natural aging processes, already by 40 years, the synthesis of estrogen is dramatically reduced, which is immediately reflected on the covers of flaws, the appearance of wrinkles;
  • stresses, fatigue, insomnia, if the nervous system is constantly in suspense, its condition is immediately imprinted on the face;
  • hormonal failures, chronic diseases, in a rather young age it is possible for unauthorized reasons, see the pubescent corners, the appearance of deep folds.

If there is an oval of faces, it is possible to restore it, only for this will require a whole range of procedures and actions. It is necessary to use not only different cosmetic operations also radically change the lifestyle. To draw your attention to food, sleep, adding various massages, gymnastics, creams, masks, other procedures, then you can get a positive resistant effect.

Important Council from the editorial

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is worthwhile to pay shampoos that you use. A frightening digit - in 97% of the shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the color dull. But the worst thing is that this nasty falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of the resiluphous shampoo, where the first place was taken by means of the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Exercises for suspenders

How to deal with the accusation of the face, it's time to think after 25 years, gradually train special muscles - facial. It is possible to start classes from any age, the main rule is the regular execution of simple exercises. Charging takes only 5 minutes, and learning, the technique can be performed with any given interruption. At the initial stage, it will be necessary to practice in front of the mirror to hone all aspects of gymnastic movements.

Complex of exercises for oval face:

  1. We need to mentally determined the center of the upper and lower lips, slowly open the mouth so that both points move evenly, forming the perfect oval, the index fingers are fixed on the bronker, under the lower eyelid, smile only with the corners, holding the form of oval, after lowering the corners, in the rapid pace Repeat gymnastics 15-20 times.
  2. The index fingers will arrange perpendicular to the corners of the lips, squeeze the lips, trying to slightly raise the corners, making a small smile, then relax, repeat 15-20 times.
  3. To dial air, rolling it down the cheeks, representing that the flow is the ball, 10 times left to left, 10 times left to right, it is important to follow, so that it takes place under the right, the bottom lip, inflave these areas, will also make it possible to prevent the appearance of a small wrinkle network.
  4. Lips stretch as if uttered silently the letter "O", holding the voltage well to my tongue to massate the inner side of the pussy and on the left, repeat 3-5 times.
  5. Throw back the head back, then return to its original position, while with the effort to pull the chin on yourself, repeat at least 20 times, this exercise will allow you to make a more acute lower part of the person, excellent prevention of the provision and the appearance of the second chin.
  6. Palm lock on the forehead, immediately above the arcs, try to raise your eyebrows without the participation of the forehead muscles, you need to learn how to raise your ears, which will allow without surgery to pull the weight of the face frame, this imperceptible exercise will require a long practice to achieve a visible effect. 50 times
  7. Tighten the oval without surgery, cut out beautiful cheekbones to get rid of the sagging cheek, you can, as follows, relax your face as much as possible, then pull the lips, smiling widely, trying to raise your cheeks wide, after pulling the lips with the tube. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times in a rapid pace, you need to follow, so that at this time there was a stressful chin.
  8. Another effective exercise from the charging complex for the face of the sorcement is being worked out by the lower part of the oval, head to throw back, the look is directed up on the ceiling, with an effort to pull the lips with a tube, as if uttering the sound "y", lingering for 5 seconds, relax muscles, then again Repeat no me 15 times.

Salon treatments

Thanks to modern achievements of aesthetic medicine, the lift of the facial oval is carried out at any age. Hardware methods, massage, as well as masks with active elements, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the cover. The relevant action helps to improve the synthesis of collagen, Elastin, return the face of clear outlines, remove deep wrinkles.

Using a dozen thin needles, cocktails of beauty and youth are introduced. The composition may be synthetic substances, vegetable components, as well as drugs based on hyaluronic acid. Despite the rather painful sensations during the introduction of injection and injury, this is one of the most popular corrective and rejuvenating procedures.


After 40 years there is not enough standard cleansing masks, foam, sparking. It helps to achieve deep layers of epidermis, due to the deep cleaning, the processes of updating and producing elastin are activated. This skin stress will require the recovery period, depending on the species may be needed from several days to week. There are two main types, the first chemical - oroging cells are removed using special compositions. The second is mechanical, the impact is carried out by diamond crumb or rotating brushes.

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It is possible to achieve an ideal oval due to the hardware procedure. The beautician regulates electromagnetic pulses, the cell renewal is stimulated using them, the blood flow is improved, elasticity is restored.


Effective method of correction oval after 35 years. There are many techniques from traditional practices, up to more complex, thanks to which you can not only tighten the contour, but also simulate a new face. The main thing is to find among the variety of technician the most optimal.

Already after 50 years, age changes are not served by creams, masks, a cardinal solution is required. Reinforcement allows you to simulate a person, get rid of wrinkles and declarations. The effect lasts from 1 to 3, depending on the individual characteristics.

Home procedures

At home, you can create magic recipes that allow you to return the face of freshness and beauty. The wonderful properties of natural ingredients will enable microcirculation, speed up the update processes. Due to regular use, you can smooth out the traces of age, return the conquers of freshness and elasticity.

Alginate mask

You can make a popular mask with your own hands for an oval face. This effective cosmetic procedure will help return the elasticity, give more clear outlines to the omitted contour. Effective way to remove traces of fatigue, reduce the number of both mimic and static wrinkles.


  • 10 gr. starch;
  • 5 gr. oatmeal;
  • 20 ml of ragger saffron;
  • 5 ml olive oil.

Dry algae chopped into powder, pour hot decoction of saffron, leave for fifteen minutes. After adding rice starch and oat powder, mixing well, you can enter some water, the consistency should be similar to a thick puree. Face cleaned from cosmetics, apply a mask from the chin with a cosmetic spatula, a thick layer. It is necessary how to pull the skin top, modeling the oval. Leave to act for half an hour, after washed and handled with a moisturizing fluid. It is necessary to carry out at least ten sessions to obtain a resistant effect.

Rejuvenating lotion

Refreshing, moisturizing lotion is suitable for all skin types and ages. Thanks to the natural composition, the traces of fatigue removes the indicators of elasticity, elasticity. You can freeze and use as a cryoissage.


  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of green tea;
  • art. spoon of rose petals;
  • askorutin tablet;
  • cucumber.

Green tea together with rose petals pour steep boiling water, insist under a closed lid for about an hour. After strain, add sharp vitamin C. Separately rub the cucumber flesh, through gauze strain the juice, add to the main composition. Pour the ready-made cosmetic liquid into a bottle, use in the morning, in the evening, wipe the face along the massage lines.

Lifting cream

Only positive feedback remains after using wonderful cream. A fairly simple recipe allows you to remove oval, lost contour. The use helps to simulate the face, give it softness and velvety.


  • 10 gr. children's cream;
  • aloe juice teaspoon;
  • 15 drops of vitamin B 12;
  • 15 drops of jojoba oil.

Beat the whisk of a children's cream together with the butter of rosehip, gradually add vegetable juice, jojoba oil, vitamin solution. A ready-made means to shift into the prepared, clean, dry, cosmetic jar, stored in the refrigerator no more than 7 days. Use in the morning, in the evening, after cleansing the skin on your face, neckline, processing a thin layer along the massage lines. A month later, take a break to avoid the effect of addiction.

Interesting video: how to remove balls on the face at home


There are general recommendations that allow you to protect against the accusation, the premature loss of elasticity. The earlier the skin care will begin, the longer it will be possible to preserve its freshness and youth without special salon procedures. It is important to perform all tips in the complex, then they will have the desired action.

Skin Care Rules:

  • for daily washing, it is desirable to use cool water, gradually lowering degrees;
  • unnecessary moisture carefully remove the sponge, do not wipe intensely towel;
  • regularly perform charging from wrinkles, master self-massage technique;
  • in order not to make a victims of faces, you need to pick up a high-quality pillow and give enough sleep, to go to bed no later than 23.00, it is recommended to sleep on the back;
  • keep your face from ultraviolet, the sun's rays provoke premature aging, so it is necessary to apply a protective emulsion before entering the street;
  • it is important to comply with the basics of a healthy way of life, get rid of bad habits, control your weight, feed on fresh high-quality products, comply with drinking mode.