Ural stone serpentine to whom it suits. Serpentine is a serpentine stone and its magical properties. Chemical properties and uses of serpentine

Serpentine is a rock, mostly dark green in color. It got its name for its characteristic snake pattern - certain veins and black dots, together they create the appearance of snake skin. Coil crystals are opaque, with a glassy luster. The color of the mineral can also vary depending on the impurities present in it.

In addition to its unique pattern, serpentinite (and this is how the serpentine stone is sometimes called) has a large number of various useful properties, especially medicinal ones.

Since it was considered a natural antiseptic for a long time, it was very often used in the pharmaceutical business for the manufacture of various mortars and bowls, for which it was also called the pharmaceutical stone.

History and legends of the serpent stone

The mineral has been known for over 5 thousand years. There is information about products from a coil of earlier periods: China III century BC. Jewelry, ritual items over a thousand years old, are found in the territory of the American Indians. The stone came to Europe later, in the 16th century.

In mineralogy, several names of rocks are used:

  • coil;
  • snake stone;
  • serpentinite.


The modern name of the stone is serpentinite, although most people still know it as a serpentine. "Serpent" in Latin means "snake": the color of the stone resembles snake skin, hence the name "serpentine". And its history is shrouded in legends.

According to one of them, it is believed that the serpentine is the petrified skin of a fiery snake - the Great Snake, which guarded the entrance to the cave with gold. Anyone who finds a serpentine in the mountains will certainly find the treasure.

The stone has one incredible property: during special processing, it splits into elastic fibers, like threads. It is known that fire-retardant fabric was woven from such threads back in the time of Peter I. Nikita Demidov (1656-1725), a famous gunsmith, demonstrated the refractory fiber made of stone in action by throwing it into the fireplace and taking it out unharmed, which greatly surprised the Russian Tsar.


The historical fate of the stone

Serpentine stone is the local (Ural) name of an ornamental mineral, one of the varieties of serpentinite.

In almost all publications, serpentine is identified with serpentinite.

  • Serpentinite is a dense rock consisting of semi-precious and ornamental stones.
  • Serpentine is a natural ornamental stone of a subclass of layered silicates.
  • This mystical name has an objective and mythical basis. Scientists called serpentine stones of green color, with a range, from yellowish-green to dark green, with a clear pattern resembling snake skin.
  • On the stone, blotches and veins with black and golden tints really tell the skin of a snake. Translated from Latin serpens - snake.

Studying the myths that gave rise to the name of the serpentine stone, one cannot but succumb to mysticism. In two regions, thousands of kilometers apart, these stones received the same name, long before scientists compiled their description.

The Ural myth speaks of the Great Snake, guarding the untold wealth of the Ural mountains. The snake skin, which he changes annually, turns over time into placers of emerald green minerals. The drawing on them exactly reproduces the patterns on the body of the fabulous Snake. Therefore, they called the stone a serpentine.

The oldest legend says that in the Garden of Eden the Serpent persuaded Eve not only to taste the green apple herself, but also to treat Adam to them. Under the persuasion of Eve, Adam bit it off and choked. The apple slice that flew out of the throat turned into a green mineral.

Magnesium silicates occur in the habitats of various peoples. But everywhere the legends about local attractions associate the mineral with snakes.

The peoples of Asia Minor, claiming to be the original location of paradise, talk about Adam choking on an apple from the Tree of Knowledge and spitting out a piece. Say, since then, knowledge has been difficult for the sons of Adam, and they either hate or fear snakes. And the uneaten apple turned into a snake-like stone ...

In the countries of southern Europe, the serpentine was considered fossilized snake venom accumulated in the places of mating games of reptiles for millions of years. In this regard, the assumption arose about the medicinal power of the mineral - after all, fresh snake venom has long been recognized as an effective cure for many diseases. True, there was no confirmation of the guess ...

Mongolian legends about the serpentine tell of a snake-like creature named Olgoi-Horhoi, which is sometimes called a huge worm. The elusiveness of the formidable reptile, the Mongols explain partly by the deadly essence of the creature, partly by its unparalleled ability to disguise. Sensing danger, the creature freezes, turning into a serpentine - but when people leave (either they pass the cold, or the drought ends) Olga-Horhoy comes to life again ...


Other popular names

Among the people, the serpentine stone was given several more names:

  • toligor;
  • flywheel;
  • korean jade;
  • mountain flax.

Interestingly, ancient coins are also called serpentine.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. the active use of the material in the manufacture of pharmaceutical supplies was noted: mortars, chests, stands, etc. Therefore, sometimes you can find the name pharmaceutical stone. Now these accessories have become highly valued, they can be found in museums, as well as in rare pharmacies.

Serpentine is a magnesium silicate mixed with carbonates, talc and other impurities. The chemical formula of the mineral is diverse. In general, it can be represented as X (2-3) Si2O5 (OH) 4, where X = Mg, Fe2 +, Fe3 +, Ni, Al, Zn, Mn.

The chemical composition is responsible for the variety of green colors of the stone. The pattern (stripes, dots and spots of various sizes) gives serpentine its internal structure: scaly or fibrous.

Another Ural legend is associated with the fibrous stone. As if the Ural craftsmen weaved a tablecloth from coil fibers. Nikita Demidov washed it in the fire in the presence of Peter I, sending the tablecloth to the fireplace after the feast. To the surprise of those present, she, after a fiery wash, turned out to be safe and sound.

In terms of hardness, serpentines are close to natural gypsum. This softness has attracted stone cutters since ancient times.

Possession of excellent refractory properties has created the conditions for new modern technologies. The mineral is used to create chrysotile asbestos, a heat-resistant material. The soft structure has attracted stone cutters since ancient times. It was called a stone tow. The following components are distinguished from the flexible composition of the breed: fibers, threads. They are used to create ornaments of special decorative forms.


Mineral features

  • the structure is viscous;
  • able to withstand temperatures up to 600 ° C;
  • has refractory properties, so it is often used in new technological developments;
  • according to Moss's rating, the hardness is approximately 2.5-4 units, which is close to natural gypsum.

Serpentine is a fairly common breed, because of this, the stone is considered cheap. For a kilogram of untreated stone, the cost is about 10-60 rubles. It is used for cladding facades, fireplaces, swimming pools.

For jewelry, craftsmen choose only noble samples. They should be silky, shiny, patterned, glowing. The mineral itself has the following shade - dark and light green with yellowish and bluish blotches.

There are several variations on how the name of the stone was born. The most common of them is this: from the Latin serpens - a snake. Actually, in Russian - serpentine.

In fact, the stone has a coloration similar to that found on some snakes. It is this association that may have become the reason for this name. There are other (alternative) versions of the name.

It is often said that the serpentine is not serpentinite, but only its ornamental variety. More specifically, then, in fact, we are dealing with magnesium silicate, which takes on a variety of yellow-green hues. Light green, yellowish, with black splashes - perhaps the variety of textures and colors is very great.

Shine can be replaced by a matte texture. That is why the use has been going on for more than four centuries. It is also noted that it is convenient to work with the material: it does not crumble, does not crumble, does not crack.

Place of Birth

The coil is widespread enough. Stone is a relatively cheap material. The cost allows you to buy the mineral in large quantities.

Large developed deposits are located in different parts of the world:

  1. New Zealand;
  2. China;
  3. India;
  4. Italy;
  5. United Kingdom.

There are also several places for stone mining on the territory of Russia:

  • Ural mountains. Bazhenovskoe and Shabrovskoe.
  • Altai region;
  • Orenburg region;
  • Mountains of the North Caucasus;
  • Siberian and Yakutsk regions.

Rock is mined in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan.

Mineral varieties

First, you need to clearly understand that there is also a noble serpentine and that it is still different from the usual. To a connoisseur, such a task will seem very simple, but amateurs often confuse them and pass them off as each other. This is a small mistake, but you still need to understand the difference.

Nobility is expressed in the following characteristics: different colors - more yellow or white; the color is either uniform, or with black interspersed flies, this is the flywheel mentioned earlier. Nobility is also determined by how a given instance is shown through. Most often, you can see gaps along the edges, where the texture is most subtle.

The stone has many varieties, which will be discussed below.

Serpentines usually differ in color in different deposits. Hence the other names:

  1. Bowenite. This stone is translucent. Has a pale green color. Sometimes it even happens with blue or yellowish tints. It is also called tangevaite. Differs in a good indicator of hardness.
  2. Verdantik. It has a dark green hue, but there are light streaks - calcite.
  3. Williamsit. This stone is translucent. It can be either light or dark in color. It happens not only in bright green, but also with bluish tints.
  4. Nephritoid. It differs in that its structure is tangled-fibrous.
  5. Nigrescite. Its shade is green, but very dark, sometimes almost black.
  6. Porcelofite. Not translucent. Completely green.
  7. Retinolite. Has, in addition to green, yellowish and honey tones. There is a resinous sheen. Because of these features, it has such a name.
  8. Richolite. This coil is striped. There are gray, dark green, pale yellow tones.
  9. Satellite. Its structure is also fibrous. If you make a special cut, then it looks very much like a cat's eye.

Structure and color

All these stones differ slightly in structure and color. They are located in different deposits, but they all have a common name - a coil.

It is clear that more than one clean coil is used in the finishing business. It should be mentioned that the mineral is mined all over the world, but the Ural deposit is most famous. For 20 years, many domestic organizations decorated their offices (offices) with just this mineral, it was extremely widespread.

Further, interest in it fell due to the relatively high cost, but now the popularity of the stone is gaining momentum again, as processing technologies are becoming more sophisticated and cheap. As a result, the mineral is more and more available.

The same can be said about all varieties, they are also often used to varying degrees. By the way, serpentinite is used for decoration, for example, baths. Very often stoves and fireplaces are finished in this way.

In general, coil tiles, like granite tiles, are used quite often, they look expensive and serve for a long time. Over time, it does not crack, does not tarnish, does not fade, does not deteriorate under the influence of high temperatures, does not conduct electric current.

  • It should be noted that the coil is also used as a precious stone. Using a coil, rings, earrings, beads, bracelets, buttons, etc. are made.
  • Various products are highly valued, for example, caskets, coasters, table tops, plates and much more.
  • Jewelry craftsmen use and select noble designs. Instances have shine, silkiness, glow, pattern.
  • The colors of the mineral are a fusion of green with dark tones, a yellow tint. The pattern is created by veins.


More than 400 years ago, it began to be used for the manufacture of mortars, cups and other pharmaceutical implements, from which another name for the coil came from - the pharmaceutical stone.

Serpentine services have been preserved in the St. Petersburg palaces.

  • Silver and cupronickel are usually used as frames for jewelry.
  • Earrings, rings, pendants, coil bracelets can be purchased at many jewelry stores.
  • It is also used as a facing material, tiles are made from it, used in landscape design. A coil is involved in the decoration of some metro stations.

One of the important properties of the stone is its resistance to high temperatures; therefore, a refractory fabric - chrysolite-asbestos - is produced from serpentine. The mineral is split into the finest fibers and fabrics are made for protective clothing that can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius.


Serpentine ornamental stones of noble varieties, with a silky sheen and intricate patterns, are used in the jewelry industry. Less presentable can be suitable for facing work: they are used to decorate the walls of premises, fireplaces, swimming pools.

It can withstand heat up to 600 degrees, therefore it is used in the manufacture of chrysotile asbestos - a special heat-resistant material. The mineral is divided into thin fibers, which are then made into a flexible material that is used for clothing for firefighters, rescuers, workers of metallurgical plants and other "hot" professions.

Due to their low hardness and good texture, coil pipes have been used for centuries as an ornamental and decorative facing stone, in rare cases - for stone carving and making cameos. In Europe, serpentinites have been known as ornamental stones for over 400 years and were used to make countertops and pharmaceutical vessels.

In Russia, the coil has long been used for facing interiors in palaces, in combination with other types of colored stones or metal - for the manufacture of stone-cut products, as well as Florentine mosaics. In the royal suburban palaces of Russia - Gatchinsky and Pavlovsky - there were sets of artwork, carved from a coil, used in palace everyday life.

  1. What you need to pay attention to: in order to avoid fakes, you should buy jewelry from a coil only in jewelry stores.
  2. Craftsmen use exceptionally high-quality stones with high density and rich colors for their work.
  3. Also, serpentine makes magnificent boxes, figurines and vases.


Artistic and practical properties of the coil

Serpentine is a legendary stone. In Russia, there is a legend that the serpentine deposits are nothing more than the shed skin of the Great Snake, the owner of the Ural gold. But a snake to a snake - strife! So is the serpentine - sometimes grayish in black scales, and sometimes green with golden sparks.

A coil of uniform color is considered noble. Among the green serpentines there are some that are indistinguishable from jade. Mixing chlorine compounds with the mineral gives an apple-green color. The lightest type of serpentine - ophite - is capable of shining through, thanks to which ophite jewelry acquires special expressiveness.

The artistic properties of the coil are generally recognized. The perfect combination of a decorative mineral with bronze, monochromatic materials and contrasting colored stones gives artists and designers the freedom to use the gem.

Coil mosaic panels look great on marble fireplace portals. The granite paving of courtyards and alleys is enlivened by the arrangement of color accents with a chipped coil. The staggered serpentine and rhodonite floor tiles are worthy of decorating palaces.

In addition to its abrasion resistance, the coil is renowned for its temperature resistance. Increasingly, sawn stone is used for the construction of heating stoves for country houses and baths. Asbestos fibers, penetrating the mineral, prevent the stone from cracking and exfoliating from temperature deformations.

When choosing jewelry, you should pay attention to the frame of this gem. The best option is a combination of a coil with cupronickel, silver and bronze. It is believed that the interaction of the coil with these metals enhances its valuable properties. It also goes well with rhodonite, copper, platinum and obsidian. In addition, the type of decoration is also important. Rings and bracelets strengthen bones, beads cleanse the biofield of negative energy, and earrings relieve migraines.

The serpentine, although not an expensive stone, is often counterfeited. You can distinguish a real mineral from a fake by several signs:

  • weight (stone is heavier than plastic);
  • specific drawing;
  • heating rate (the stone heats up more slowly).


It is very easy to calculate a fake. A real stone will not immediately heat up if you put it on the body, but plastic almost instantly. Some argue that if you take the coil in your hands, then you can feel a tingling sensation from a real stone.

Only in a natural coil is the pattern naturally chaotic, the surface of an artificial origin is more "combed". In no case should you scratch; a trace will definitely remain on the original.

Such a mystical stone as a serpentine has the ability to absorb all the negative of the owner. Therefore, at least once a week, and preferably more often, it must be cleaned by simply rinsing it under cold running water.

And if you keep it in a box with other pebbles, then they will be cleansed too - the serpentine is so strong energetically.

Jewelry with a stone is not recommended to be worn all the time. They can be worn two to three times a week. Serpentinite quickly accumulates negative energy. Moreover, the stone absorbs the negative emotions of both the person himself and the people around him.

The coil needs to be washed often, cleaned of negativity. This does not require the purchase of any special cleaning products. The stone is kept under running water. The mineral should be rinsed longer, about 15–20 minutes. Simply immersing the stone in water will not help.

Negative energy does not dissolve in water. It can be removed by rinsing under running water, that is, flowing away along with the negative. You can dry naturally, without napkins and fabrics. The product is placed on a surface and it dries. If quick drying is required, the product is not rubbed, but simply pressed against a dry cloth.

You can only give a snake stone to someone new, not used by anyone before. If you donate your own, then the mineral, which has become attached to the owner during wearing, will not forgive betrayal and is able to take revenge even at a distance.

It is only permissible to transfer it to a blood relative by inheritance, which turns the gem into a heirloom.


Medicinal properties

There is such a type of alternative medicine as lithotherapy (Greek "lithos" - stone, "therapy" - treatment). This is nothing more than stone treatment.

  1. Doctors who practice these types of healing say that the serpentine is very effective, but at the same time dangerous.
  2. It enhances the effect of drugs.

There are many decorative items that are made from natural serpentinite.

The fact is that many medications need an exact dosage, and strengthening their action is contraindicated. In these cases, it is recommended not to wear this mineral, to abstain for a while. Other experts say that the effect is enhanced not by wearing jewelry, but by keeping the medicine in a container made of this material.

The coil has very different properties. Even in antiquity, this mineral was known among chemists and doctors. It was already then called pharmaceutical, because it was believed that it enhances the properties of various medicines. In addition, various containers were created from this breed, which were used in medicine, for example, mortars, cups, flasks, etc.

In addition, healers have a list of diseases that the mineral helps to heal. These include the following:

  • pain in the head area (even copes with migraine attacks);
  • hypertension;
  • vascular spasm.

It is best to wear earrings in such cases. But bracelets are best suited for:

  • fractures;
  • abrasions;
  • dislocations;
  • bruises.


You can also wear rings. Neck jewelry (for example, beads) is suitable to prevent the following pathologies:

  • the development of infection in the blood;
  • colds;
  • infections in the organs of the urinary system;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • other inflammations.

In addition, the serpentine was previously thought to be a remedy for snake bites.

New properties of the stone are constantly becoming known. It has the following effect on the human body:

  • eliminates toxic substances;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves nervousness, removes irritability, excessive emotionality;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves headaches;
  • accelerates the development of bone tissue, which contributes to the fusion of bone structures;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • eliminates inflammation.

The properties of the stone are very diverse, experts recommend using such a stone for many people. By the way, the stone is useful for children as well, as it improves their memory, makes them think better.

The serpentine is a rather difficult stone. It has long been considered an insidious stone leading to temptation, and was intended for black magicians and sorcerers. The serpentine can bring trials on other people, but if a person valiantly endures all adversity, then the serpentine will become his protector and advisor.

  1. To protect yourself from the negative influence of the stone, have pure thoughts, in this case, the coil will warn of danger and give hints on what to avoid.
  2. The powerful energy of the stone gives its owner health and peace of mind.
  3. The serpentine promotes the development of physical strength and helps athletes to win competitions.
  4. Serpentine stone has a beneficial effect on people seeking knowledge and those who help others. He can be a talisman of doctors and pharmacists, and can also bring success in law and business.
  5. Serpentine absorbs negative energy, thus purifying the soul, body and surrounding space. It is used to protect itself from damage and the evil eye.

They say that after being exposed to a strong energy impact, the stone is breaking apart... It is recommended to put vases and open serpentine boxes in the house. At least once a week, the talisman should be kept under running cold water to release it from accumulated negative energy.

Serpentine products must not be re-donated unless it is a matter of inheritance. The stone closely interacts with the energy of the owner and can bring a lot of trouble to the new owner. In blood relatives, on the contrary, its positive properties will increase.


You cannot donate your own coil. The stone becomes attached to the owner and, if he gives the stone to someone else, "perceives" it as a betrayal. And since the energy of the stone is very high, it is able to take revenge even at a distance, having already been transferred to another owner.

The only exception is the transfer of your stone by inheritance to a blood relative. Although serpentinite itself has powerful magical properties, it also values ​​self-care. One of its properties is to protect its owner from any negative, accumulating it in itself.

Therefore, once a week, the stone must be rinsed under cold running water to release it from the collected black energy.

By the way, the coil neutralizes negative energy directed at its owner, but it is also able to cleanse other stones from it. So a coil box is able to cleanse all jewelry from all adverse external influences.


What names suits

  • Women with the rare names Alevtina and Zinaida can count on the full favor of this stone. He will also help Mary to protect the house from evil and ill-wishers.
  • Men named Boris serpentine stone will save from temptations and intruders. Herman will help maintain emotional balance and heal mental and physical wounds.

So, serpentine, or serpentinite, is an ornamental stone with “serpentine” colors and the same spotted-striped background. Noble varieties are used in jewelry, others as surface finishing.

According to the horoscope, it is especially suitable for Virgo and Capricorn. The stone is not contraindicated for all other signs, except for Cancer and Pisces.

Has a strong energy, can negatively affect a weak-minded person. It cannot be overdone, especially if it has already been worn a little on the body. Possesses medicinal properties. Due to their low cost, they are rarely counterfeited, but "plastic" is always easy to identify.


Professions and serpentine

If we talk about professional affiliation, then the coil is suitable primarily for athletes, it helps to develop and develop leadership qualities, without which it is impossible in sports.

Also, the serpentine is advised to lawyers, diplomats. Serpentine wisdom and the ability to always come to a compromise is what is needed in jurisprudence. A coil is also suitable for businessmen, it will help to find profit more often in deals, business with it, as they say, will go uphill.


You definitely need to know who the mineral is suitable for. Experts believe that the snake stone is recommended to be worn by people who are Capricorns and Virgos. The first ones with the help of such a talisman will be able to rest, despite the fact that in ordinary life they are usually constantly in business.

Although the rest will be active, it will most likely provide an opportunity for Capricorns to emotionally relax. In addition, people with this zodiac sign will become more balanced, calm under the influence of this talisman. Of course, this does not mean drastic changes in character, but the person will feel better. In addition, he will become more careful with other people - friends, colleagues, partners.

According to the horoscope, the stone is still excellent for Virgo.

  • Since these people are usually apathetic and detached, the stone will help them return to the world around them and concentrate on real events.
  • It also helps to assess situations correctly.
  • By the way, the serpentine is able to give Virgo a charm that will attract people of the opposite sex.

The stone is completely unsuitable for Pisces and Cancers. They have a weak energy and will not be able to withstand all tests. But the snake stone needs only a strong owner. If people born under the sign of Cancer or Pisces wear jewelry with such stones or have products from it in the house, then under its influence they will develop depression, apathy, and nervous breakdowns. Over time, they may even start a depraved life. A lot of bad habits will appear. The person will begin to degrade gradually.

For other signs of the zodiac, the serpentine stone is considered neutral, but it can make some adjustments in their life. They are as follows:

  1. Aries. He will help them avoid people who are distinguished by their deceit. Aries have high energy from birth, and the stone will not diminish it. The person becomes calmer, nervousness and rudeness appear less.
  2. Taurus. This sign helps a person become more open, but at the same time he will have an understanding with whom you can communicate and with whom you should not. In addition, the stone prevents unnecessary risks, improves health and makes a person more attractive.
  3. Twins. People with this zodiac sign, if they periodically wear a snake stone, will become more self-confident. They will finally take a chance on new acquaintances, business, discoveries. It is possible that they will decide to reconsider their established views and change at least a little way of life.
  4. A lion. Serpentine is able to make the character of Leo even more persistent and solid. In addition, they gain confidence. Lions will be able to do many things in parallel, they will become more disciplined and purposeful. Leadership qualities are improved.
  5. Scales. The constantly changing mind will become more stable.
  6. Scorpions. The stone creates a good atmosphere in order to start new large projects that a person did not dare to undertake before.
  7. Sagittarius. Will bring success and good luck.
  8. Aquarius. The Serpentine Stone will unlock new talents.



What actions can a serpentine charm have:

  • fill with energy;
  • develop positive natural qualities;
  • cleanse the mind and body of negativity.

It is impossible to use a coil amulet all the time, since then the opposite effect from its effect will be observed.

Modern lithotherapists or doctors who use stones in medical procedures are advised to carry this stone with you. It will help get rid of headaches, bone fractures, allows you to get a person out of lethargic sleep, coma.

The coil also helps with colds, inflammations, pressure surges.

Given the useful properties of the coil, in order to protect the house, various talismans are made from rocks. For example, it can be various figurines, other products for the interior. They are intended not only for various actions (for example, an attack by thieves and other intruders, fires, floods, etc.), the stone will create a good atmosphere for the life of people in this room.

Such stones become amulets and are used for various rituals when communication with the forces of the earth is required. Such a mineral is able to enable a person to see the world. In addition, intuition improves.

The serpentine is suitable for people with a certain profession. For example, these can be lawyers, athletes, businessmen, entrepreneurs. The serpentine stone will help to reveal their professional abilities, improve their skills. It also contributes to career growth and advancement.

Such stones are also used to make ordinary jewelry. The coil will work well with copper and bronze. If you need to emphasize the unusual beauty of the stone, then you can use rhodonite and obsidian, playing in contrast.


You can choose different metals for the frame. For example, platinum, silver and gold are suitable, you can also choose such alloys and metals as bronze, copper, tin, but it is best to dwell on the first two. It must be remembered that the mineral is able to eliminate negative energy. When choosing a product, be sure to follow your intuition. Be sure to listen to your own instinct. The stone should blend well visually with the setting.

The mineral can protect its owner from the evil eye and other penetration into human fields. Considering this, cupronickel and silver frames are better suited. This combination can enhance the protective and healing properties of the jewelry.

One of the most popular types of serpentine stone is bowenite. Let's tell you more about it.

The bowenite stone is relatively young, the first mention of it can be attributed to the 19th century. The scientist, geologist D. Boven discovered, studied and described the stone. As a result, this stone began to be named after him. In the scientific literature, you can find other names, the most common are:

  • antiburn;
  • boven jade;
  • tangawite.

The pebble is very reminiscent of serpentine, and in some cases, nephrite. Unsurprisingly, he is often confused with them. Consists of fine fibers. Coloring can be different, but the range of colors is small: from yellow to green, including the entire spectrum of transitional shades. The rarest bowenite is blue, it is valued higher. Interestingly, dry ice is often referred to as bovenite, although there is no connection.

  1. The shine is not glassy, ​​not oily, like many minerals of this group, but silky.
  2. The formula is complex: (Mg, Fe) 3 (OH) 4.
  3. Hardness - 3.
  4. Density - 2.5 g / cm3.

As you can see, the parameters are very low. The stone is prized most of all for its magical properties, which will be mentioned below.

The largest deposits are located in the United States. But Europe was not deprived of the mineral either - in Italy its development is in full swing.

Lithotherapists note that the stone does not have a healing effect, but in some cases you can hear the opposite. It is difficult to draw conclusions on this matter. But he has a magical effect for sure. Since ancient times, it has been used in various rituals to summon spirits and cast spells.

They advise a pebble to people withdrawn, constrained, as it is mischievous, intriguing, draws a person into adventure.

In no case should you take him on business trips, but on trips - please. Houses are rarely kept, sometimes such apartments become a place of general fun, which disturbs peace and comfort.

Pebble increases interest in new things, is very suitable for people of creative professions, especially journalists and TV presenters. It will give athletes self-confidence. During the competition, great ideas will come to mind, fear will disappear.

The mineral is most suitable for Pisces, these modest and shy people. Pisces girls will become attractive to guys, gain charm. They also advise a pebble for Cancer girls, it will help them in creating and strengthening a family, and will help in making important decisions.

Aries and Leo should not even touch the stone, as it will direct their energy in different directions, confuse. Before using, be sure to check on the Web or in books if this wonderful stone is right for you.

Serpentine is a pharmaceutical stone, a stone of magicians and wizards, a stone that has a dozen names, a stone overgrown with myths and legends. An elegant and beautiful green mineral that bewitches, attracts and does not let go for a long time.

Serpentine stone is the local (Ural) name of an ornamental mineral, one of the varieties of serpentinite.

In almost all publications, serpentine is identified with serpentinite. Serpentinite is a dense rock consisting of semi-precious and ornamental stones. Serpentine is a natural ornamental stone of a subclass of layered silicates.

This mystical name has an objective and mythical basis. Scientists called serpentine stones of green color, with a range, from yellowish-green to dark green, with a clear pattern resembling snake skin. On the stone, blotches and veins with black and golden tints really tell the skin of a snake. Translated from Latin serpens - snake.

Studying the myths that gave rise to the name of the serpentine stone, one cannot but succumb to mysticism. In two regions, thousands of kilometers apart, these stones received the same name, long before scientists compiled their description.

In southern Europe, it is believed that the serpentine is the frozen poison of snakes, left by them during mating games.

The Ural myth speaks of the Great Snake, guarding the untold wealth of the Ural mountains. The snake skin, which he changes annually, turns over time into placers of emerald green minerals. The drawing on them exactly reproduces the patterns on the body of the fabulous Snake. Therefore, they called the stone a serpentine.

The oldest legend says that in the Garden of Eden the Serpent persuaded Eve not only to taste the green apple herself, but also to treat Adam to them. Under the persuasion of Eve, Adam bit it off and choked. The apple slice that flew out of the throat turned into a green mineral.

It has such a variety of colors and structure (density) that mineralogists distinguish about 10 varieties of this stone.

A mineral that has a uniform green tint is called ophite. This is a noble serpentine. It looks exactly like jade. You can distinguish it by hardness. The last, twice as hard as the meniral, is serpentine.

Green stones are called antigorite. Weakly colored, almost white, as well as bluish-green minerals are found. Their luster, depending on impurities, can be waxy, matte, glassy.

Bowenite is a translucent gem with increased hardness. May appear pale green, yellow-green, or bluish-green.

Particularly noteworthy in this group of gems is nephritoid and chrysotile, which have a fibrous structure.

Among the people, the serpentine stone was given several more names:

  • toligor;
  • flywheel;
  • korean jade;
  • mountain flax.

Physical properties of the coil

Serpentine is a magnesium silicate mixed with carbonates, talc and other impurities. The chemical formula of the mineral is diverse. In general, it can be represented as X (2-3) Si2O5 (OH) 4, where X = Mg, Fe2 +, Fe3 +, Ni, Al, Zn, Mn. The chemical composition is responsible for the variety of green colors of the stone. The pattern (stripes, dots and spots of various sizes) gives serpentine its internal structure: scaly or fibrous.

Another Ural legend is associated with the fibrous stone. As if the Ural craftsmen weaved a tablecloth from coil fibers. Nikita Demidov washed it in the fire in the presence of Peter I, sending the tablecloth to the fireplace after the feast. To the surprise of those present, she, after a fiery wash, turned out to be safe and sound.

Physical characteristic:

  • hardness (on the Mohs scale) varies from 2 to 4 units;
  • average density - 2.6 g / cm3.

In terms of hardness, serpentines are close to natural gypsum. This softness has attracted stone cutters since ancient times.

The serpentine stone is very widespread. Minerals are mined in Asia, Europe and North America. In Russia, in addition to the Ural deposit, its deposits are known in the Caucasus and Eastern Sayan Mountains.

The healing properties of the coil

The extensive, multifaceted healing properties of natural stone have been known for a long time. More than 5 thousand years ago, in ancient China, they were used to treat various diseases. Later, in the 16th century, in Europe, the healing properties of many medicinal powders and mixtures were enhanced with stone. For this, pharmaceutical vessels, mortars, bowls, and bottles were made from it. Hence, another name for the gem arose - "apothecary stone".

Modern healers believe that coils are natural stones, endowed with the ability to cleanse the body of poisons and toxins. They are used for blood infections and as an antidote for snake bites.

Earrings with a small serpentine will relieve headaches, especially with migraines, regulate pressure and dilate blood vessels during spasms.

Rings and bracelets made of natural stone will help faster bone healing in case of fractures, tissue restoration in case of open wounds, bruises and dislocations.

Beads and necklaces treat sore throats, bronchitis, various inflammatory processes caused by colds, diseases of the intestines and stomach.

The value of the stone for the treatment of a person is constantly increasing. Its natural capabilities have been supplemented with properties to strengthen the immune system and herald the onset of illness. At the stage of the disease, the gem begins to heat up.

Stone and magic

The centuries-old history of using the magical properties of the stone has shown that, despite its cunning, it is subject not only to magicians and sorcerers. He also obeys a common man, but he cannot take full advantage of his magical abilities.

The serpentine stone manifests its magical abilities in two ways. On the one hand, he imperceptibly draws his master into various entertainments, distracts him from his true goals and, in the end, destroys him.

On the other hand, if the owner was able to curb the stone, withstood the temptations, he receives absolute power over it. Submitting to the owner, the serpentine manifests the magical properties of the stone in full: it increases the physical strength of the owner, develops his intellect, and opens up supernatural possibilities of foresight.

But it should be remembered that once obeying, the stone will not become a slave for life. Possessing the character of a snake, he will constantly, using his magical power, try to break free, which fully justifies its name.

Zodiac signs and serpentine

According to the horoscope, the best zodiac sign for which the gem is suitable is Virgo and Capricorn. Those born under the sign of Virgo become the true owners of the gem. All of his magical arsenal, which manifests itself in individual zodiac signs in different ways, belongs to Virgo completely.

But for the signs of Cancer and Pisces, it is better to bypass this gem. He, using the character traits inherent in them, will easily cloud the brain and heart, which can destroy the life of people of this sign.

Anyone who suits this gem according to their zodiac sign should use it carefully. On days when a psychological recession sets in, it is better to abandon jewelry made from him or an amulet, since he will certainly take advantage of the momentary weakness of his master. Astrologers believe that a natural gem should generally be worn 2-3 times a week, even for Virgos.

But every rule has an exception. The gem can choose its own owner. Then neither the signs of the zodiac, nor the psychological state matter. If a hand, against will, reaches for a gem, he will never betray.

For all signs of the zodiac, a charm for the home, in the form of a figurine or other interior decoration, will not only protect against a thief, fire or flooding, but also create comfortable conditions for family members to live together.

The gem is of particular importance for entrepreneurs, lawyers, businessmen, and athletes. It reveals their professional abilities, helps in career growth and career advancement.

Serpentine products and counterfeits

Basically, the gem is used for wall cladding, making monuments and tombstones. Also used for the production of flame retardant fabric.

Ease of processing allows jewelers to make a variety of jewelry and crafts.

Despite the low cost of gem products, it is often counterfeited. In order not to buy a polymer fake, check:

  • natural gem impurities in the form of stripes, blotches and spots are inherent;
  • the polymer is several times lighter than the original;
  • the stone is cool, slowly warming in the hand.

Video on the topic: Serpentine Properties of stone

Important features of the stone

It is very important to remember about one more magical property of a gem: it cannot be sold or gifted. He is able to inflict a negative blow to the former owner from a distance. Only by inheritance can a stone change its owner.

To remove the negative energy accumulated over a week, it is recommended to rinse the gem under running water. Having become the owner of a unique gem, one should remember about its duplicity and not fall for temptations, but use only positive properties.

The serpentine stone got its name from the Latin word "serpens", which can be translated as "snake". Serpentine is an ornamental variety of serpentinite. You can also meet the mineral under other names - this is how it is called serpentine, toligor, antigorite, moss and Korean jade, and also a pharmaceutical stone.

A serpentine is a representative of a rock with a dark green color, for which a characteristic serpentine pattern is inherent. The stone is a very powerful energetic that creates an atmosphere of security and spiritual harmony for the people who use it.

The mineral has a low hardness and density, has excellent polishing properties. As an ornamental stone, the coil has been used for more than four hundred years. It serves as the basis for countertops, vases, candelabra, toiletries, pharmaceutical vessels, as well as sets and other household items, jewelry.

Stone color variations

In nature, you can find many varieties of the mineral of this breed:

  • ophite is a kind of gem, which is characterized by a rich green color;
  • flywheel - a stone with a typical spotted color;
  • Williamsite is a softer type of stone with black octahedral inclusions

Some of the varieties of the mineral are very similar in appearance. But both gems differ radically different properties, for this reason this category of stones was given the name "bovenites". Bovenites contain greenish chlorite inclusions and are much harder than serpentine.

In most cases, an ordinary coil is characterized by a non-transparent structure. But one of its varieties, called "noble ophite", is capable of insignificantly transmitting sunlight.

According to its color characteristics, the stone, as a rule, is found in green or gray color with the addition of black spots or golden sparkles. Earlier it was already indicated that in its appearance the stone is very similar to snake skin.

Serpentine stone magical properties and who suits

Since ancient times, people believed that the serpentine is a rather dangerous mineral, the use of the magical properties of which is allowed only to magicians, healers, sorcerers and shamans.

And for ordinary people, the stone, allegedly, sends various trials and dangers, which are quite difficult to cope with. They also noted the "insidiousness" of this mineral - it is able to lure a person, lowering him to the bottom of life, forcing him to plunge into debauchery and entertainment.

But at the same time, if the mortal still managed to cope with all the hardships of fate that were brought upon him by the mineral, then he gained power over the gem. And the stone now obeyed and began to favor its brave owner, helping to find solutions to tangled life situations.

In addition, it was believed that the serpentine stone helps to increase the physical capabilities of its owner. Therefore, those who conquered the stone and wore jewelry with it could run very quickly, swim, lift large weights, and also work tirelessly for a long time.

The mineral also contributed to the increase in intellectual skills: thanks to it, a person absorbed new information better, his intuitive skills improved.

As a magic talisman, the serpentine will be useful for athletes, lawyers, as well as those who are in business. It will allow them to reveal their professional capabilities to the highest degree and advance them to a higher career step.

The healing properties of the gem

  • the mineral allows you to cope with headaches;
  • thanks to him, bone fractures heal faster;
  • the stone will enhance the healing effect of many drugs. For this purpose, it is necessary to put medicines in containers cut from this gem. Since ancient times, the stone has been known under the name of "apothecary"; in mortars, various medicines were made from it;
  • the mineral will also help with surges in blood pressure;
  • eliminate colds and inflammation in the body;
  • the serpentine takes away the negative energy of its owner, but it is important to rinse your talisman with a stone under running water at least once a day to preserve its magical power.

Astrology and the serpentine

Astrology experts unanimously agree that serpentine can be safely used by those people who were born under the constellation Virgo and Capricorns. The mineral will help them change their attitude to what is happening in life, due to which the whole life will change.

Virgos, due to the magical properties of the stone, will cope with their inherent apathy, detachment, will become more interested in what is happening around them and will learn all aspects of life.

And Capricorns, who are constantly busy with something and do not have time to go anywhere, thanks to the mineral, will finally be able to relax and unwind. And it doesn't matter what kind of rest it will be - passive, lying with a cup of coffee in front of the TV or active - conquering mountain peaks, the main thing is that workaholics will have the opportunity to relax in body and soul.

But do not delude yourself - as far as the serpentine is suitable for Virgo and Capricorn, it is so unacceptable for other signs.

So, for example, representatives of the signs of Pisces and Cancer will have to give it up without fail. It will be very difficult for these overly emotional people to cope with the enormous energy potential of the stone, they risk falling into depression or a nervous breakdown because of this.

For the rest of the zodiac constellations, there are no strict contraindications to the use of a coil.

Interestingly, despite the presence of unique properties, you can buy jewelry with a coil at a very affordable cost. The explanation for this phenomenon is quite simple and logical - there are a large number of deposits in the world in which the mineral is mined. As for the Russian Federation, here the most famous gem deposits fall on the region of the Urals and Siberia.

Now you know what properties the serpentine stone has and for whom it is suitable. At the end of the topic, watch also an informative video about this mineral:

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What sign of the zodiac are suitable for jewelry with a serpentine

If you have chosen a serpentine as a talisman, then you should not transfer it to another person, the fact is that this stone is monogamous, and is devoted to its owner. But if it turned out to be inherited, then the strength of the mineral is amplified many times over. He also has the quality of predicting trouble. If you need to find out where to expect trouble, then you should wear a talisman with this stone, and he will show the right path. Zodiac sign Virgo, serpentine also gives the ability to learn about the world around him to avoid depression. In Mongolia, the stone is widely used as a guard against snake bites.

In the jewelry industry, the coil is used to create inexpensive jewelry and bijouterie. They are found in almost any jewelry store. The cost of the products is low. Bracelets, earrings, rings, pendants are made of stone, with favorably emphasized polishing.

This mineral will enliven any clothing and will favorably emphasize your look. Caskets made of a coil are also widespread. A beautiful girl can be not only in trendy jewelry, but also wearing such an attractive stone. It will favorably set off her skin and emphasize the depth of her eyes.

Jewelry with this mineral will be very useful when traveling to exotic countries. Protect against snake bites and harmful insects. Also, a serpentine in silver will help in business, emphasize talents and cheer up. This stone can be your lifelong friend. And it doesn't matter what zodiac sign you were born under: Leo, Scorpio or Virgo - this gem, in terms of its medicinal properties, is suitable for almost everyone.

The modern name of the stone is serpentinite, although most people still know it as a serpentine. "Serpent" in Latin means "snake": the color of the stone resembles snake skin, hence the name "serpentine". And its history is shrouded in legends.

According to one of them, it is believed that the serpentine is the petrified skin of a fiery snake - the Great Snake, which guarded the entrance to the cave with gold. Anyone who finds a serpentine in the mountains will certainly find the treasure.

Another legend says that Adam, seduced by the persuasion of the Tempter Serpent and having tasted an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, choked and spat out a piece on the ground. He turned into a stone, which turned out to be serpentine. It is because of this that someone considers the serpentine to be a stone of knowledge, while others speak of it as a dangerous mineral that can bring trouble.

The stone has one incredible property: during special processing, it splits into elastic fibers, like threads. It is known that fire-retardant fabric was woven from such threads back in the time of Peter I. Nikita Demidov (1656-1725), a famous gunsmith, demonstrated the refractory fiber made of stone in action by throwing it into the fireplace and taking it out unharmed, which greatly surprised the Russian Tsar.

Physicochemical properties of the coil

The serpentine is a fairly dense rock with the finest fibrous structure. The color ranges from yellowish green to almost black. The spots on the stone can be large or small, banded or round, depending on the composition.

Usually serpentines are opaque, but there is a variety called "noble serpentine" and is radically different in appearance from the bulk of the stones. The latter have a beautiful yellowish-green color, are perfectly polished and translucent at the edges. "Noble serpentine" is very similar.

The hardness on the Mohs scale is in the range from 2 to 4, and the density does not exceed 2.6 g / cm 3.

Coil deposits (serpentine)

The serpentine belongs to ornamental stones and is not uncommon. It is mined on an industrial scale in India, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Great Britain and Italy.

In Russia, serpentine is mined in the Urals, Altai, Orenburg and Yakutsk regions.

The healing and magical properties of the coil

The serpentine has long been endowed with special properties. No wonder that only shamans and sorcerers used to wear it. It is believed that with the help of serpentine it was possible to bring damage or evil eye, to bewitch a lover and even take a husband away from the family.

Recently, esotericists have begun to talk more and more about the protective properties of the stone. The serpentine should definitely be worn by those who have serious enemies. In addition, the mineral is an absorber of negative energy.

Lithotherapists advise storing medicinal solutions in vials from a coil; they argue that the stone has universal antiseptic properties. Serpentine bracelets help normalize blood pressure. Jewelry can relieve severe headaches.

It has been noticed that coil owners recover faster after surgery and injuries.

Who is serpentine coil suitable for?

If we talk about astrology, then the serpentine is very suitable for Virgo and Capricorn. It promotes the development of intuition and memory.

Serpentine charms help women become more sensual and seductive. However, it is recommended to wear the stone no more than 1 time in 4 days. After removal, it is necessary to rinse it in running water to remove the negative energy charge accumulated during the day.

The coil is not at all suitable for Pisces and Cancer due to the different energies.