Gatsby style evening. The adaptation of the novel "The Great Gatsby". How to dress for a Gatsby party

Anyone who has ever watched a new production of the film "The Great Gatsby" was definitely captivated by the fun that was constantly arranged in the estate of the protagonist. After the premiere of this film, many nightclubs began to organize similar programs, attracting customers, but not every institution succeeded in this venture. Why? Perhaps some nuance in the organization was overlooked. A Gatsby-style party requires a careful study of details, images, all nuances. Now we will consider step by step how to prepare for such a celebration, and what to warn guests about.

Atmosphere and mood

Before starting to work on each individual detail, let's say a few words about what the spirit of this event should be. The Great Gatsby Party is a celebration where everyone has fun. Any little thing is presented here as something enchanting and very bright, everything is accompanied by laughter, applause and joyful exclamations. Therefore, all the guests who come to you should be as positive as possible, with a desire, first of all, to relax and have fun. The second thing to consider when organizing is the difference in eras. A Gatsby-style party should go without smartphones and other modern devices (other than audio equipment). They do not establish business ties here, do not sign contracts and do not agree on further cooperation. Therefore, it is advisable that all guests at the entrance, along with their outerwear, hand over their phones.

How to get to the party of the 20s?

Based on the lines of Fitzgerald's story, every resident of New York and its environs, both rich and notorious, could get into the Jay Gatsby estate. Here, free champagne was poured by the river, snacks and tropical fruits were served. If you are able to maintain this scale, then you can simply use the internet and place a free party announcement there. If the celebration is arranged only for a narrow circle of people (friends, their families, their acquaintances, etc.), then it is worth sending out invitations. As a design, you can use the template attached below, or develop something of your own. But it's worth remembering that a Gatsby-themed party is a kind of excursion into the past. Therefore, you do not need to laminate and be especially sophisticated in Photoshop. The leaflet must correspond to the era described in the story.

How exactly should a Gatsby-style party go?

A script built for a specific holiday, taking into account all the nuances, is the key to success. Of course, such a party cannot be adjusted to the time frame, scheduled by the hour, like a working day, and forced guests to follow these guidelines. In this case, the scenario includes the following stages: music, menu, poker, entertaining games, photo session. All stages take place simultaneously, so at any moment each of the guests can, so to speak, change their profile. That is, you can play poker, then go to a photo session, taking with you some snacks, and all this to the music. Well, now let's move on to a more detailed consideration of each stage of our scenario.

Musical accompaniment

There is no place for modern hits and club remixes at such a party. You have to fill your music library with the songs that you listened to in the 1920s. You can also add music that was written recently, but in style it suits our holiday. A roughly Gatsby-style party should sound like this:

Treats for guests

At such parties, there can be no question of a long feast with potatoes and salads. You must organize a buffet table that will please all guests. It turns out that the main task is to prepare many dishes, each of which is universal. Conventionally, the buffet table can be divided into three parts: salty snacks, sweet and fruit. The former may include rolls, salmon and cheese rolls, various canapés (with oysters, bacon, grapes, anchovies, oranges, and many others). As salty snacks that you can eat on a festive night, you can cook mini cutlets, pizza, and even simple sandwiches. Sweet snacks should be more varied and colorful. It's a riot of whipped cream, melted fondue chocolate, various cookies, cakes, and the most important thing to serve at a Gatsby party is all sorts of ice cream. With fruit, everything is more or less clear. We buy all kinds that are in the supermarket and cut them beautifully.

Booze and cold drinks

Of course, for the celebration to take place, it is necessary to organize an enviable bar. If you know in advance what guests' preferences will be, follow this information. Otherwise - more champagne, green absinthe, tequila and martini. Also, don't forget about juices, syrups and milk. These ingredients are indispensable in the production of cocktails.

We have fun as we can

Now let's take a look at what entertainment a Gatsby-style party includes. Competitions are the best cure for boredom, and we offer a parade of the most interesting ones.

Card games and photo session

These events are held for lovers of a secluded atmosphere, in different rooms with different musical accompaniment. To host a poker tournament, you only need new decks of cards and a matching table and chairs. After we figured out the maps, we move on to the design of the studio. And you want all guests to remember your Gatsby party - the photos taken here will be the best gift. Choose appropriate backgrounds. These should not be plain canvases, but retro-style textures. You can dilute them with accessories (a chair, forged items, umbrellas, hats), and for greater atmosphere, you can light candles. Hire a good photographer in advance, whose work all your guests will then be happy with.

Ladies' things

Another very important point that should be indicated in your invitation is the dress code. The attire of each guest should correspond to the era when, according to the story, the Gatsby-style party was held. We find suits in old fashionable collections. These are the first models of Coco Chanel - then her work was at the peak of popularity. By the way, it is the little black dress that will be very relevant here. Pleated skirts with a length just below the knee, loose blouses, and T-shirts with spaghetti straps are also suitable. Fur boas or sequined capes will perfectly complement the look. Accessories are an important accent here. Mini hats (from the same Chanel), pearls, feronnieres, diamond bracelets, large rings and necklaces. Shoes should be low-heeled, the best option is professional dance shoes.

How to put on makeup correctly

The 20s are considered the most liberated era of the past century, and therefore the Gatsby-style makeup, which we will now consider, as a result, looks very scandalous and bright. You need to use light shades as a tone - tanning was not in vogue then. Emphasis should be placed on both the eyes and lips. First, paint the eyes in gray or brown shadows, draw thin arrows and select the eyelashes. You don't need to make your lips swollen, but choosing red or brown lipstick for them is the very thing. In addition, the gloss should be matte or completely absent. Apply pink blush to the cheeks to keep the face fresh. A false front sight will help to logically complete the makeup in the Gatsby style.

Dress code for men

There will be much less work here than in the case of women. The Great Gatsby style seemed to have been copied from the pages of a modern fashion magazine. Therefore, we take into service the classics and expensive natural fabrics. For such a holiday, a man should wear a three-piece suit or wear straight trousers and a tuxedo with one button. A watch, tie or bow tie and expensive cologne will be irreplaceable accessories. A hat in the style of "American gangsters", which today can be obtained in any store, can complement the look.

The popularity of themed parties is growing, and now it has become fashionable to organize holidays in a retro style. The painting "The Great Gatsby" was based on the novel by the great Fitzgerald, who described the customs of New York aristocrats of America in the 20s. This world is filled with illusions, tragedies, love and deceit. The atmospheric film with brilliant actors was filmed at a high level, and sunk into the souls of the audience. She made so much noise that noisy Gatsby-style parties began to be held everywhere among the youth.

How to Prepare for the Great Gatsby Party?

Let's remember those times. World War I recently ended, and the 1920s saw the advent of the feminist age. There were women who freed themselves from the shackles of moral foundations. Among them, haircuts a la garcon and typical male behavior have become fashionable. But at parties, ladies did not forget to appear in dresses that emphasized their dazzling beauty. Women's Great Gatsby outfits are chic dresses with sexy cutouts, fringes, beads, rhinestones and gold threads. On charming heads and veils, the makeup is catchy and defiantly bright. To match all this, the behavior of girls at such events is cheerful and flirty.

For a party like this, you need to do a special Gatsby-style makeup, which involves dark, rock shades of lipstick, blush and eyeshadow. Make your lips strictly defined, and lipstick in those days reigned in burgundy, red, plum or brick color. Back then, aristocratic pallor with a pinkish blush was in vogue. When making up eyes, women of fashion used more dark gray, purple or dark green shades.

In the late 1920s, the rhythm of life began to grow, houses began to be erected higher, alcohol became cheaper, morals became freer, and parties became more luxurious. What should be the atmosphere on such a holiday? There should be unbridled fun at a Gatsby-themed party! The music should sound here in a retro style, beckoning to dance with the heady sounds of the saxophone. It would be nice to find a retro car, near which guests can arrange in memory of this magnificent holiday.

Who said that it is impossible to return the past? Trendy themed parties can easily prove the opposite - all you have to do is choose the time you want. Today, the most popular are events in the style of the 1920s and 1930s - decades of jazz, "dry" law, uninhibited women, brilliance and frivolity. The sensational film starring Leonardo DiCaprio is a symbol of that era - of course, we are talking about "The Great Gatsby".

Quick reference

The Great Gatsby novel was written by the American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald almost immediately after the First World War. He was released in 1925 and has gone through several film adaptations, the most recent of which has gained the greatest fame throughout the world. The protagonist of the novel and the film is the son of poor farmers, who made a fortune and is ready to constantly spend it. He throws incredible parties, invites guests to a luxurious villa every day and entertains them. Among his acquaintances are the best representatives of the "golden youth" and the aristocracy.

The action takes place in the era of the 20s. The First World War has just ended, America is experiencing an unprecedented economic recovery, allowing almost everyone to get rich. The surviving soldiers returned from the front, and the women were able to take off their overalls and rough boots and again remember that they are charming and seductive. But people have changed a lot: there is no more constant threat and fear, there is no whistling of bullets and despair, but who will guarantee that the war will not start again?

These factors formed the whole essence of the lifestyle of those years: no one tried to preserve and increase the state. It was spent on lavish jewelry, revealing dresses and artsy parties. Everyone tried to live the day like the last, drowning in champagne, the sounds of jazz and the smoke of cigars - what if tomorrow again to the front?

This mood should accompany you and your guests throughout the evening. Unrestrained, overwhelming fun, without looking back at yesterday or tomorrow - only here and now.


Gatsby himself threw parties at the villa, many gathering guests on luxury yachts. Alas, not everyone can boast of such wealth, so you will have to limit yourself to an apartment or a cafe. In any case, you should have enough space to arrange a buffet table, arrange recreation and play areas and make room for dancing.

The design options can be seen in photographs of those years or in films. The main focus should be on the holiday itself: gold tinsel, sparkling crystal, balls and crackers. Don't forget the streamers, sparklers and dangling strands of pearls. When choosing a cafe, try to find the most stylized option, with a giant chandelier hanging from the ceiling, vintage furniture, snow-white tablecloths, candles, massive ashtrays and china.

If there is a professional photographer at the party, it is worth organizing a separate photo corner. There you can put a heavy chair, a coffee table and a mirror, use drapery and fur, an interesting vase or box filled with jewelry, cigars, glasses and mouthpieces. All this will help those who wish to take themed pictures, which will be a great reminder of the evening.

The holiday is not for the stomach

At the next last celebration of life, it is customary to drink a lot and eat little. An abundance of champagne will support unbridled fun, light wine will help you forget about everyday dullness. For those who prefer something stronger, it is better to stock up on expensive cognacs and martinis. Do not ignore all kinds of cocktails. It was in those years that they firmly became fashionable - in times of sobriety, they masked alcohol with their help. Find interesting and simple recipes in advance and treat your guests with original mixtures. Remember to provide enough glasses, straws, and ice.

As an appetizer, you can offer all kinds of canapes, sweets and fruits, as well as appetizers from vegetables, seafood and oysters. It is best to stop at the buffet table: guests should be able to constantly move and dance. The usual feast in this case will be inappropriate: you came to dance and flirt, and not fill your stomach.

For everyone to come

Avoid the usual phone or internet invitations. It is better to send the invitations in person in the style of the era. These can be laconically decorated business cards indicating the time and place, or aged letters with a wax seal, which will describe past events and indicate the place of the next. Remember that the 1920s were famous for the luxury and minimalism of Art Deco: let the invitations look modest, but expensive.

Music of the Heart

It's hard to make a mistake here: only classical, heady jazz and the indispensable saxophone. Cheerful, groovy, on the verge of chaos, but at the same time incredibly sexy sax will help you to forget, fly away to a world where every party can be the last. Just listen to the intertwining of sounds, and you yourself will understand why the choice fell on this direction.

Let's play?

But not all guests can be dance fans. For them, it is worth organizing a separate corner with entertainment. There you can set up a small roulette wheel, a poker card table, put a box of cigars or invite a cigar twist. If space permits, you can organize real cockroach races or invite a "psychic" to try to summon spirits: at the beginning of the century almost everyone was fond of esotericism.

Gentleman's wardrobe

Men's classics never go out of style, and Gatsby's style is a prime example. A tuxedo, three-piece suit, short vest, ties and bow ties will become your ticket to the world of luxury and glamor. The main color is dark, against which the white shirt will look dazzling. No multi-colored socks peeking out from under your trousers, funny bow ties or improperly tied ties - you should look like you practiced wearing suits since childhood.

As accessories, you can use classic boots, a light hat (extremely expensive, no props), a cigar and a glass of whiskey. If age permits, you can take with you a cane with an elegant knob, a vintage TimeStyle watch and massive signet rings. Pay special attention to facial hair: stubble was not in vogue.

Ladies' things

However, most often the 1920s are remembered in connection with women - beautiful and charming playwomen. The war that forced them to leave for the factories ended, dresses and high-heeled shoes again flashed in the wardrobe. In memory of the recent upheavals, there are short haircuts like a boy (a la garcon) and open, sexy dresses.

Dresses came into fashion to the knee or slightly lower, almost to the floor, with bare shoulders, arms and backs. But you should not lower the neckline too low, otherwise you will not look like a girl from decent society. The dress can be straight cut or with a low waist, a shirt dress or a so-called pipe. No fluffy skirts or corsets: you have to dance all night long, and it is clearly not limited to a slow waltz. Open shoes with small but sharp heels will be the perfect complement to a stylish look.

The colors of the Gatsby style are very calm and even a little cold. Classic black, brown and white will be a great backdrop for your beauty, and nude will add sexuality and mystery. The fabric may contain shiny threads, but it is better to refuse appliqué and embroidery. Use beads, rhinestones, fringes, feathers, even boas and furs instead - but don't overdo it. You should shine, but not shine like an overly decorated Christmas tree.

Little little things

Accessories are just made for this style. Long and short pearl beads, voluminous bracelets, large vintage brooches and earrings - do not hesitate to emphasize the most advantageous parts of the body. Use jewelry that imitates real jewelry, but do not limit your imagination. How about ostrich feathers, ribbons and lace? This also includes long gloves, small, catchy handbags, extravagant hats. An interesting option would be a men's hat, decorated with a brooch, wide ribbon, veil and flowers. If you smoke, bring a mouthpiece and suitable cigarettes with you.

And do not forget about stockings and a belt for them: even if no one sees them, you will feel much more confident and sophisticated.

Finishing touches

We must not forget about the hairstyle. Owners of short hair are very lucky: it is enough to smooth the strands with an iron or lay them in beautiful waves, cover them abundantly with varnish and decorate with a rim, hat, feather or ribbon. This time, the hairstyle should not look casual or natural. Remember the photos from those years: glossy hair looks more like an impenetrable helmet.

Long hair is best pinned into a low bun. You can hide them under a hat, put them in a crown on your head, or make an elegant "shell", the main thing is to lick each hair and remove the shock.

Everybody must have heard about the make-up of the 20s. These are pale skin, dark lips and long, dramatic, arrows. It is not so difficult to repeat it. You can emphasize only the lips, leaving the eyes "almost" unpainted, or select both parts of the face at once. But whichever option you like, first of all take care of the skin: it should look pale, porcelain.

Use dark gray eyeshadow, black eyeliner and lengthening mascara for a smoky ice effect. If black is not your color, replace it with dark lilac, brown, or green. For lips, a shiny lipstick of scarlet, plum, brick colors or burgundy is suitable.

"The clock strikes twelve"

You need to end the party as brilliantly as you start it. Distribute firecrackers, streamers and sparklers to everyone, ask them to fill the glasses for the last time and greet the coming morning or spend the leaving night. And let the saxophone melody whirl you again in the last dance of the party.

Apart from the usual 20s style party, you can organize a birthday, bachelorette party, graduation party, New Year's, or even a wedding. After all, Gatsby himself was unrequitedly in love with a beautiful aristocrat, whom he tried to conquer with luxurious receptions and holidays.

The Past Returns - Gatsby Style Party

4/5 - Ratings: 90

Do you want to plunge into the era of the outrageous Charleston and black jazz, feel the atmosphere of freedom of body and soul, the absence of prohibitions? The Gatsby Party is the perfect opportunity to decorate a show called "life" with elegant and sparkling paraphernalia of fireworks and champagne splashes.

How to style a holiday?

Invite your friends to the most incendiary get-together, where puritans and shy men are not allowed access.

  • Decorate the venue with garlands, streamers, pearl beads, tinsel, golden and silver confetti. A shining room should shine and shine with all the lights. Crystal glasses, huge chandeliers, endless mirrors .. With the help of balloons, you can easily decorate the ceiling and walls. A spectacular highlight of the holiday will be a pyramid of champagne glasses. Don't forget to bring plenty of sparklers
  • The Gatsby Party is all about paying close attention to the guests. Take a photo of them against the background of the stand with motives from the film of the same name, photos of the main characters, brand wall. Colorful fireworks or a sparkling retro car will be an excellent decoration for the holiday.
  • It is good if the room will have comfortable sofas, a spacious dance floor and poker tables.

Dress code

Shots from the movie "The Great Gatsby" will also help you to choose a ladies' or men's suit: a party without provocative, expensive and glamorous outfits is not a party!

  1. The dress can be short or to the floor, decorated with beautiful gold or silver elements, rhinestones, sequins.
  2. It is advisable that the outfit does not hinder movement during dancing. With a special accessory - a boa, a miniature hat with a veil, a headdress with feathers, sparkling beads, earrings and bracelets, elegant shoes and gloves to the elbow, stockings on suspenders, every woman will feel like a temptress.
  3. Hair should be neatly styled, and makeup should be bright and luscious.

Suit for men

New Year's Eve party in the style of Gatsby allows men to prove themselves true gentlemen. It's easy to choose an image: in a classic black three-piece, a dark bow tie and shoes, a snow-white shirt, you will look elegant and stylish. A scarf or a cane is suitable as a fashionable attribute. Thoroughly smooth your hair and brush your shoes to a shine. Aristocratic gloss - that's what you should focus on.

Great Gatsby Party: Menu

Any appetizer that can be eaten without difficulty is fine as a treat.

  • Thanks to canapes, tartlets, assorted skewers, small sandwiches and baskets with meat, fish or salad fillings, mini rolls, red or black caviar, guests will not be hungry.
  • On a classic buffet table, there must be sweets and fruits, if possible, a huge cake.
  • The main drink will be champagne. But in America of those years, cocktails, juices, martinis, and ice punch were also popular.

What to do at the party?

At a Gatsby-style party, a script is not required: the sophisticated audience enjoys pleasant conversations, jokes, bohemian gossip. In addition, the atmosphere of the decorated room, a beautiful table, and paraphernalia will create the necessary mood. Light music playing in the background will allow your friends to relax and unwind. In other words, entertainment will not hurt!

If funds are not limited, order the arrival of an aerial acrobat, show ballet or magician. But you can cheer up guests in other ways.

  • An integral part of the stormy night belongs to the Charleston. Everyone can master this incendiary dance.
  • At a Gatsby-themed party, contests are great. Play on thin glass goblets: wine or cognac. All you need to compete is clean water and your fingertips.
  • Invite your guests to dance with their bodies holding a balloon, to a selection of incendiary melodies.
  • The holiday will be diversified by playing poker or roulette. Pre-print bills and age slightly.

If you don't like the typical modern celebrations and want something truly sophisticated and different, you are sure to enjoy a stylish and elegant Gatsby-themed party.

The style of the twenties is widely regarded as the epitome of elegance and relaxed luxury. She has always been relevant. But with the release in 2013 of the cult film "The Great Gatsby" directed by Baz Luhrmann based on Fitzgerald's eponymous work, the whole world was literally overwhelmed by a wave of interest in that wonderful era.

Themed parties are very popular today, recreating the mood of this classic novel, successfully embodied on the screen. Such a holiday will be a great way to celebrate a birthday, New Year, March 8, wedding or any other special occasion.

Decoration and entourage

When organizing a party, you need to try to recreate in detail the bright and incendiary atmosphere of the twenties. First of all, you should pay special attention to the choice of the venue for the event. This can be a restaurant with a sophisticated classic interior. The modern situation in this case will be inappropriate. The holiday must certainly look luxurious and expensive. Gourmet treats, good champagne are important attributes of such a celebration.

To fully recreate the desired atmosphere, we advise you to choose dim lighting with many candles or shining electric torches.

No Gatsby-inspired event can be imagined without stylish jazz music. Of course, ideally, you should invite a jazz band or a small orchestra to perform at the festival. Live music will help create a special captivating atmosphere. However, if your budget is limited, you can get by with quality sound recordings.

It would be nice to complement the evening with footage from the movie "The Great Gatsby", which can be shown on plasma screens in the halls of the restaurant. Also take care of the decoration of the room. Twenties-themed parties are always an abundance of sparkle and sparkle. Decorate the hall with crystal candlesticks, fresh flowers, pearl garlands and other details that will fit into the style of the evening.

Choice of outfits

Such a thematic celebration provides for a special approach to the choice of costumes. The era of the twenties is a time of elegance and bohemian style. Prepare very carefully if you are going to have a Gatsby party. What to wear for this holiday? Here are some tips for choosing an outfit:

Men at such a party should be dressed in luxurious classic tuxedos. Pay attention to detail - expensive shoes, satin black bow tie, sleek hairstyle - all this will add Hollywood chic to your look.

For ladies at such parties, cocktail dresses in the spirit of the twenties, with an underestimated level of the waist, are obligatory. It is good if they are abundantly embroidered with beads, beads, sequins and bugles. A charleston-style dress decorated with fringes will look perfect.

When creating an image, women should be especially responsible when choosing accessories. Inappropriate shoes or hairstyles can ruin even the most luxurious dress. You can decorate an outfit for such a party with long pearl and glass beads worn in several rows. Style your hair in smooth flowing waves and gather in a low bun. If you have a short bob haircut, it will also fit perfectly into the Gatsby style. At the same time, you can afford any bold hair accessories - small graceful hats with feathers, satin ribbons and headbands, actively decorated with rhinestones - all these details with a fairly high percentage of shine were very relevant in the twenties. A small handbag on a chain (it can be embroidered with beads, rhinestones, fringes), long satin gloves and graceful golden sandals with heels will help to complete the look.