An evening of meeting with alumni is an original scenario for those who have not seen each other for a long time. Original ideas for a homecoming evening

Many of us often noticed that the mood on the eve of a meeting with classmates is akin to the pre-New Year's "jitters", when many results are unwittingly summed up, debts are given, "permanent repairs" are being completed and "old numbers are being dialed by themselves." And whoever is more active in general does not think about how to come up with, organize, so that the meeting would be much more fun, sincere and, if possible, more interesting. Traditionally, the most popular moments at the evening of meetings of old friends are: ventures that are associated with memories of the past, stories about personal achievements, various slides, clips, wall newspapers, table entertainment and fun contests. For those who are thinking about something new and interesting, who are strongly interested in making sure that the long-awaited meeting with childhood friends does not turn into the most ordinary friendly drinking party, we offer a collection of more original ideas for congratulations. Have a fun and memorable evening of meeting classmates that you managed to come up with or borrow with creative reworkings.

The idea of ​​the original solemn congratulations to classmates. Nowadays, the very first association of alumni meetings by candlelight is, of course, everyone's favorite, the site. Of course, with his appearance, our life, even by the will of fate, especially those who left for another part of the world, does not feel lonely and cut off from our native roots and old friends. So why not use all the tremendous opportunities while organizing surprises and congratulations to classmates ?! What could it be? On the personal pages of your friends, without any tedious questioning, you can simply find out about your personal life, the successes and achievements of your classmates, then, on the basis of this information, you can:
- Announce funny statistics of total victories at the party;
- with a small surprise, without begging anyone for photos, arrange a merry collage from the copied photos, of course, enhancing the effect with Photoshop;
- to edit a cool slideshow on the theme: "What we were - what we have become";
- arrange for the award of certain nominations (again related to the personal and professional achievements of classmates);
- organize a video greeting from those who cannot come or attend this meeting.

Video congratulations for those who will not be at the party can be edited in advance. To do this, you need to ask them to write down and send them immediately. Even better, if we add to the warm words of congratulations, the musical gift "From the World One Line by One". How to arrange it? Just let them record on video how they all sing the lines of your favorite school song, they are all different, break the text into lines and distribute among everyone, then these lines must be glued together, make a single clip and, suddenly ask all participants to keep this surprise a secret, turn on received congratulations at the evening ... (a couple of tears of joy and delight are provided!).

Ideas for congratulations to classmates at the table. Memories and conversations about the past overshadow the most central place of any meeting of classmates, but this nostalgic chain of memories at the evening can also be "launched" in an original way. One of the techniques: use the idea of ​​the ageless drinking game "Questions and Answers", only by playing with it, such as "School lie detector". The essence of the game: one of the classmates pulls out a card with a question, reads it out and says to whom he wants to ask it, the one (who received the question) first reads the answer from the card that he draws, then he can comment on whether it really was or not, but friends sitting next to you will not let you lie. And so, until the questions run out or until the need for the game disappears (perhaps further spontaneous memories will go on as usual).

Presentation of nominations. You can arrange for everyone present a "Minute of Glory" or the distribution of "Oscars" and the passage on the "red" carpet, you can call it whatever you like. The main thing is to come up with his own nomination for each, which will accurately characterize him, and prepare an appropriate medal. As a basis, you can take any example of the presentation of any award, only correct it for yourself.

Saying toasts can be beaten, for example, you can throw a funny hat on your hands, asking the DJ to suddenly stop the music, whoever the music stop caught with a hat in his hands, he says his congratulations or a toast. Or arrange a small nostalgic confession with a glass in hand called "I will never again ...". The conditions are simple: each in turn gets up and remembers something from his childhood, youth, school life (prank, stupidity, touching episode) that is unlikely to happen to him in these mature years, then drinks, because it is in his life was .. At the end of the game, you can turn on the song "This never happens again."

Surprises and gifts for classmates. As a rule, there is not even a special prize fund for the purchase of gifts at such meetings, so the most optimal options are to arrange a win-win lottery with minor comic gifts. You can also make gifts with your own hands, for example, prepare large hearts from cardboard (according to the number of classmates), on which everyone will write a wish or a compliment to everyone - that is the gift "From the bottom of my heart". Taking a heart as a keepsake is much more pleasant than any souvenir. If your teachers are at the evening, do not forget to prepare such hearts for them, as well as flowers, warm words and congratulations.

Decoration of the hall: "Warmth" of the school walls. As a decoration, of course, you can make, in the old fashioned way, a "wall newspaper" or a funny collage, you can beat the decoration on the walls as something significant and symbolic:
- remember the expression that "children are the flowers of life" and "demonstrate" it. Fix a large poster of the flower bed on the wall, prepare a lot of red and blue flowers (with double-sided tape at the bottom), let everyone attach red (if he or she had a girl) and blue flowers (if a boy) to the flower bed, prudently prepare yellow flowers ( in case of grandchildren). Then, against the background of this flower bed, arrange a photo session and calculate who and how many were born together.
- You can also recall one of the parting words, which, for sure, sounded at every graduation party, that "all roads, the whole world are open before you", etc. So, bring with you a map of the world and a lot of little flags on pins and needles, also fix it on the wall and let everyone mark where he has been over the years - it will be an impressive sight, and call it, for example, "The whole world is at our feet."

Also, at the alumni meeting, more active contests will be good: dance and music games, an instant fairy tale and much more.

The evening of the meeting of graduates - classmates is the most wonderful opportunity for a few hours to plunge into the atmosphere of your joyful childhood and, having prepared a couple of surprises for your friends, you will delight not only them, but also yourself, because this will more decorate the evening, make it brighter and more emotional.

Homecoming evening of different generations is usually held on the occasion of the anniversary date, so the program of such a holiday should be divided into two parts - the official one, which will give the event solemnity and status, and the unofficial part, which allows graduates of the same class or parallel to communicate in a close circle.

We offer some of our ideas How to arrange an alumni meeting:

1. Idea of ​​the evening of the meeting "Back to school!"

A safe bet is to hold the official part of the evening in the form of a fun lesson. To do this, it would be good to put school desks and chairs in the assembly hall (instead of soft chairs) and invite guests to sit at their desks according to the principle of dividing into classes (or parallels).

After welcoming words, graduates are invited to once again plunge into the atmosphere of questions and answers, a school lesson and a call .

You can conduct "classes" in several subjects: algebra, literature, biology. And necessarily lessons on work or music - this will bring a noticeable revival to the holiday program.

Prepare fun questions, tasks or exercises for lessons in advance. For example, in a Russian lesson, invite the whole class to write a mini-essay on the topic "The funniest incident from our school life" or conduct a spelling test using similar questions: how are words spelled in the spicy phrase "married unbearable"?

At the music lesson, you can arrange a quiz: ask the graduates to guess the song one line at a time or a musical phrase (it is better to use the children's repertoire), and to conduct an OBZh lesson, call volunteers from each class "to the blackboard" (that is, on the stage) - let them put on a gas mask for speed or bandage a wounded soldier.

Do not forget to ring the bell between lessons - a regular bell will do for this. You can end your classes with a "big change": games, dancing and free communication.

As an option for such a holiday -

Or "An evening of school friends» - (thanks to the author!) -

(to download - click the file)

2. Original ideas for the script of the evening of meetings of graduates.

If you find an active initiative group, you can organize a thematic evening of meetings, for example, in the style of a detective with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson as presenters, who throughout the evening will try to reveal the secret of long-term love for their native school and the strength of school friendship.

Or even take the original idea - "Meeting at the airport" as a basis, because associations suggest themselves: graduates of different years are planes that arrive and depart under the guidance of experienced captains (school directors) and flight attendants - class teachers and teachers. And each flight (academic year) and the crew with passengers (class) are unique, and each passenger comes and goes with his baggage (knowledge).

Graduates of different years will register at the counters, the flight number is the graduation number, and they will, of course, be sent to the “Country of School Memories”. On board the aircraft, they will be offered snacks and drinks, audio and video viewing and various entertainment. The plot itself can be built at stops and performances of graduates of different years, or you can make one single landing - at an entertainment area where games and dances will take place, and a lyrical one can be carried out in the form of acquaintance of passengers of different years with each other.

Such an evening will be very gratifying with the inclusion of thematic noises: the takeoff of the plane, the announcement of the dispatcher, etc. and it would be absolutely wonderful if the presenters were in the form of flight attendants.

It is also a very original idea if you play around with a well-known wedding ritual - lighting a hearth for a school anniversary. To do this, put an anniversary cake on the stage (real or symbolic, candles and candle holders). The first will be lit and put on by the school administration, the rest of the representatives of graduates of different years will light up from it and put their own side by side. It is better to give a certain meaning to each candle in the course of the plot: "Love", "Youth" and so on.

The script "Let's light the fire of memories" can be based on "90 years of school. Is that a lot or a little?", Where the idea with candles is also played out (thanks to the author)

3. Idea of ​​the meeting evening "Many years later".

It is akin to the pre-New Year's "jitters", when the results are involuntarily summed up, debts are given, "eternal repairs" are completed and "old numbers are dialed by themselves." mentally and as interesting as possible.

Traditionally, the most popular moments at the evening of meetings of old friends are: ventures related to memories of the past, stories about personal achievements, various slides, clips, wall newspapers, table entertainment and fun contests.

For those who are thinking about something new and interesting, who are interested in making sure that the long-awaited meeting with childhood friends does not turn into an ordinary friendly drinking bout - we offer our collection original ideas for congratulations and an evening meeting of classmates, which we managed to come up with ourselves or borrow (and creatively rework) from the talented authors of the Internet.

1. The idea of ​​original greetings from classmates.

Nowadays, the very first association with is, of course, everyone's favorite, the site Of course, with its appearance in our life, we, even by the will of fate, left for another part of the world, do not feel lonely and cut off from our native roots and old friends. So why not use its colossal capabilities when organizing surprises and congratulations to classmates?! What could it be?

On the personal pages of your friends, without any tedious questioning, you can find out everything about your personal life, the successes and achievements of your classmates, then, based on this information, you can:

Announce funny statistics of total victories at the party;

Surprise, without begging anyone for photos, arrange a merry collage from the photos copied there (increasing the effect with Photoshop);

To mount a slideshow on the topic: "What we were - what we have become":

Arrange the award of nominations (again related to the personal and professional achievements of classmates)

Organize video greetings from those who definitely will not be able to come or come to this meeting.

Video congratulation from those who will not be at the party can be edited in advance. To do this, you need to ask them to write it down and send it to you immediately. Even better, if you add to the warm words of congratulations, a musical gift "Line by line" ... How to arrange it? Let them record on video how they sing the lines of your favorite school song, all different (i.e. split the text into lines and distribute between them), then these lines need to be glued together, make a single clip and, unexpectedly (ask all participants to save this surprise in secret), turn on this congratulation at the evening ... (a couple of tears of joy and delight are guaranteed!).

2. Ideas for congratulations to classmates at the table.

Memories and conversations about the past cover up the central place at any meeting of classmates, but this nostalgic chain of memories at the evening can be "started" somehow in an original way. One of the techniques: to use the idea of ​​the ageless drinking game "Questions and Answers", only by playing with it, as "School lie detector" .

The essence of the game. One of the classmates pulls out a card with a question, reads it out and says to whom he wants to ask it, the one (who received the question) first reads the answer from the card he pulls out, then he can comment on whether it really happened or not, and the friends sitting next to , will not let you lie. And so, until the questions run out or until the need for the game disappears (perhaps further spontaneous memories will go on as usual).

Presentation of nominations. Arrange for everyone present " A minute of glory " or the distribution of "Oscars" and the passage on the "red carpet", you can call it whatever you like. The main thing is to come up with your own nomination for each, which will characterize him, and prepare an appropriate medal.

You can take it as a basis by adjusting it for yourself.

(One of the options for the Q&A and Classmate Presentations cards can be viewed in. Here, they are written specifically for the alumni meeting, the list of questions and answers offered there and the presentation option can be added or changed to better suit your specific company).

Making toasts you can also beat, for example, to throw a funny hat on your hands, asking the DJ (or organize it yourself), suddenly stop the music, whoever the music stop found with a hat in his hands, he says congratulations or a toast. Or arrange a little nostalgic confession with a glass in hand called "I will never again ...". The conditions are simple: each in turn gets up and remembers something from his childhood, youth, school life (prank, stupidity, touching episode) that is unlikely to happen to him in these mature years, then drinks, because it is in his life was .. At the end of the game, you can turn on the song "This never happens again."

3. Surprises and gifts for classmates.

As a rule, there is no special prize fund for the purchase of gifts at such meetings, so the most optimal options would be to arrange a win-win lottery with minor comic gifts. You can also make gifts with your own hands, for example, prepare large hearts from cardboard (according to the number of classmates), on which everyone will write a wish or a compliment to everyone - that's ready gift "From the bottom of my heart" ... Taking such a heart as a keepsake is much more pleasant than any souvenir. If there are teachers at the evening, do not forget to prepare such hearts for them, as well as flowers, warm words and congratulations.

The "warmth" of the school walls. As a decoration, of course, you can make, in the old fashioned way, a "wall newspaper" or a funny collage, or you can beat the decoration on the walls as something significant and symbolic:

Remember the expression that "Children are flowers of life" and "demonstrate" it. Fix a large poster in the form of a flower bed on the wall, prepare a lot of red and blue flowers (with double-sided tape at the bottom) and, let everyone attach red (if he or she had a girl) and blue flowers (if a boy) to the flower bed, prudently prepare more and yellow flowers (in case of grandchildren). Then, against the background of this flower bed, arrange a photo session and once again count who and how many were born together.

You can also recall one of the parting words, which, for sure, sounded at every graduation party, that “all roads, the whole world are open in front of you”, etc. So, bring with you a map of the world and a lot of little flags on needles, also fix it on the wall and let everyone mark where he has been over the years - you will get an impressive sight, and name it, for example, "The whole world is at our feet"

The evening of the meeting of graduates - classmates is a wonderful opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of your childhood for a few hours and, having prepared a couple of surprises for your friends, you will delight not only them, but also yourself, because this will decorate the evening, make it brighter and more sincere.