Straight cut evening dresses for obese women. Fashionable dresses for overweight girls. Accessories for dresses for ladies XXL

The times when the owners of magnificent forms could not choose an evening dress for themselves are in the past: today designers are striving to make every effort to create evening dresses for full ones, we will consider photos and varieties in the article.

Shop counters are full of original models for every taste. But how not to get confused in this abundance and not "hit your face in the mud" in a decent society? How to make a full figure sexy and at the same time feel confident? Read on and find out!

Features of outfits for obese women

In current models, the trend towards softness, rounded graceful lines, which make the figure feminine and airy, is clearly expressed. The dress can be any length, but the main condition is restraint of details. Long dresses are laconically combined with a deep neckline or with a boat neckline. If you prefer clothes made from a heavier fabric, they should have a neat cut.

Decorative elements

Today, guipure and lace elements are at the peak of popularity. Large and small details of evening dresses for obese women can be made of them. Often straps, neckline elements, cuffs, and a collar are made of lace.

The attention of designers was attracted by golden and silver shades in evening dresses, but in a dress, especially if it is intended for obese women, their mixing is unacceptable.

The classic black color is invariably relevant, even for the summer season. By the way, the traditional "little black dress" will decorate the image, emphasize femininity and hide figure flaws, thanks to the original cut.

Airiness in the image is a guarantee of femininity and elegance. If you need to create it, apply pastel colors. In such clothes, as in the image with its presence, the dominant position is occupied by the feeling of lightness.

Thus, evening dresses designed for obese women are sold in the same wide range as models for slender women. As soon as you get a couple of tips and go shopping, the dream dress will give you confidence in its irresistibility!

Choosing an evening dress for a celebration

This question causes a lot of difficulties, because overweight women, however, like thin ones, differ in build, body type and physique. When looking for a unique plus size outfit, you need to pay attention to a number of rules.

No jersey! On a full figure, he may look not so much cheap as vulgar. In addition, jersey better emphasizes a thin waist, and, unfortunately, will not hide centimeters on curvaceous shapes.

There are many materials that look elegant on any figure, can hide flaws, visually making a lady slimmer and more feminine. It is worth paying attention to velvet, satin, chiffon, silk, guipure.

An important role in choosing a model is played by the color scheme. The most popular option is black, thanks to which the dress will look mysterious and delicate. If you are not afraid to experiment, you can appreciate the purple, graphite, blue, azure dress.

If you like plain dresses, but do not want to merge with the crowd at a festive celebration, you can give preference to clothes with a pattern, inserts, and also decorate it with a colored belt, this option is relevant, since the belt will make the waist slimmer.

Dress and type of female figure: how to choose a model?

The lion's share of the dresses presented on the windows of fashion stores are made for a specific type of figure. There are only a few universal options. So, there are several types of female figure, and only after determining your version, you can safely go in search of the coveted evening dress.

In women with a body type "Apple" there is a protruding belly, narrow hips, normal shoulders. For this type of physique, the best option would be an evening dress, which visually adds volume to the hips so that the figure becomes proportional. Chest is also not deprived of attention: you can create an original accent on it by wearing clothes with a V-neck.

Type of "pear" characterized by a small chest size, narrow shoulders, thin waist and hip width. In this case, outfits that have a lush lower part and a voluminous upper area (with decoration in the form of ruffle, embroidery) will become relevant. Stylists advise to give preference to dresses with an adjacent silhouette, as well as models equipped with an additional fabric fold at the back.

Type of "hourglass"- among all the figures of women with a full physique, this option is considered the most successful. It is represented by a thin waist, proportional top and bottom. For such a physique, any dress style is perfect.

Stylists advise "pears" to give preference to dresses with an adjacent silhouette, as well as models equipped with an additional fabric fold in the back.

Advice! When choosing the style of evening dress, it is important to correctly determine the type of figure. To do this, you can use a sewing meter and measure indicators on the shoulders, chest, waist, hips.

Short models

We will not talk about mini-dresses, since in the case of overweight women, the length above the knee or midi is considered short. If you nevertheless decide to opt for a mini, you need to choose a model equipped with a long guipure skirt located on the main part of the outfit.

Among the short models of dresses for obese women, a "case" will look beautiful: this option can have straps, sleeves, a neck with any shape.
If you prefer clothes with a straight cut, do not forget about the accessory in the form of an elegant strap at the waist.

If you want to create an interesting zest in the image, an open back, a slit in the hem, sleeves, and lace inserts will help.

Dress to the floor

Long evening dresses are suitable for "going out", they usually show the good taste of the hostess and her decent manners. Usually, ladies give preference to outfits with straps, if possible, decorated with decorations - lace, drapery, beads. The main advantage of such options is the ability to mask problem areas of the body.

Advice. Always remember that completeness is a relative phenomenon, but a silhouette and a correctly chosen size of a dress can both decorate its owner, bringing lightness to her image, and add not only kilograms to her, but also suspicion of a lack of good taste. In fact, a fat woman can have such a proportional figure, a flat stomach and beautiful long legs that she does not need to mask any flaws. A skinny one, squeezed into a dress two sizes smaller than necessary, will also look plump. And if, moreover, she has short legs or a sagging fifth point, then against her background a lady with excess, in the opinion of society, weight, but in an outfit that matches her appearance and demeanor, can look like a queen. And kings are said to have no faults.

Advice. Full ladies should still avoid excess glitter, rhinestones and lurex. Their presence, even in small quantities, sometimes seems superfluous, and even a large woman, especially at an age, runs the risk of appearing radiant, iridescent and simply huge. Such fabrics and décor should be chosen only if the goal is not to dress beautifully and tastefully, but to demonstrate the “expensive, rich” style. But then it will not be a woman at all, but just a piece of cloth wrapped around the body.

Unusual styles: evening dresses for fat ladies - new items with photos

Modern fashion trends suggest wearing by women with plus size of different models, even complex ones. Firstly, different materials are used, secondly, you can try on dresses in any color scheme, and thirdly, designers are working hard to create new styles.

The following are unusual elements in such models:

  • deep cutouts;
  • large incision in the thigh area;
  • interesting decorations - accessories, fabric inserts, beads, embroidery;
  • "Game" of prints.

The selection of evening dresses must be approached with all responsibility, the main thing is that the decorations do not make the image weighted and extravagant, on the contrary, lightness and grace are important here.

The best styles of evening dresses for obese women

In the evening fashion, it is important for owners of impressive forms not to miscalculate. So what does the ideal dress model for a fat woman look like?

Among all the trends and tendencies, the championship falls on the styles with a high waist, in this regard, many puffy women believe that this is precisely their option. This is not true. If you do not belong to the "pear" shape type, you should give up this venture and try on other models.

If you are attracted to flared models, it is important to make sure that there are not a lot of folds on the chest, because they give the tummy extra centimeters, and this is very noticeable in this model. One may get the impression of an "interesting situation at the 8th month".

It is important for lovely ladies with outstanding forms to focus on their merits, and not on their shortcomings. An interesting neckline, a slightly open chest will help: all this can divert attention from a full waist.

The color scheme should comply with the rules of restraint and should not resemble Chinese clothing or Persian carpet in color. Save colorful, flashy outfits for other occasions.

The length can be any, for a business party sometimes the "little black dress" becomes irreplaceable. But it should be matched perfectly, because for sure you are not the only one who will give preference to the classics, and those around you, comparing you and your rival, may decide that the dress “fits” better on her.

For overweight, floor-length dresses are well suited, which visually add a few centimeters of height and reduce a couple of centimeters of weight. And it is not even necessary to choose black (we talked about the choice of color schemes earlier).

Models up to the knee are considered the best option.

Advice! The texture of long versions of models for impressive owners of curvaceous forms should be as simple as possible. Satin and velvet should not be abused. However, the presence of velvet elements in the evening dress is sometimes justified, for example, for a trip to the Bolshoi Theater, but in order not to look like a New Year tree and not to make a mistake, it is better to choose more restrained solutions.

Summing up

We appreciated how a truly stunning dress for fat ladies should look like, it remains only to correctly choose an elegant style that does not hinder movement, gives self-confidence and visually makes the figure irresistible. But there are cases, for example, going to a wedding, when evening dresses are not the best option. A tribute to the puffy skirts and lace details here. It is these elements of clothing that will make it possible to convince the society and change its opinion about the fullness, which can be beautiful, especially if the dress “fits” perfectly.

Advice!Study fashion magazines, keep up with the latest news and most importantly - try on wonderful dresses as often as possible: you should not deny yourself this pleasure. Those who search long and hard will surely find their ideal option!

Choosing an evening and smart dress is not an easy task that only a girl armed with knowledge can handle. These tips will help you make the right choice and create the image of your dreams. Who knows, perhaps it is thanks to you that the fashion for dresses for obese women will "surpass" the fashion for thin women! Success and more beauty, because you deserve it!

The ability to dress correctly and choose things well is a necessary skill for every woman. When choosing clothes, it is extremely important to take into account not only world fashion trends, but also your own external data. Otherwise, you will never develop your own style.

Self-love is a necessary quality, but in any case, you need to be aware of your shortcomings.

If you have extra pounds, then it is better to skillfully hide them than to demonstrate to everyone, thereby showing the absence of complexes.

Modern clothes allow not only skinny women to dress stylishly, but also plump ladies.

Fashionable dresses for fat girls

Dresses for overweight young girls must be carefully selected not only by the type of fabric and cut, but also by the color scheme. Dresses with small patterns or monochromatic models look good. Outfits with large prints do not always look good. Remember that dark and cold tones will help to visually reduce the silhouette, but light shades visually increase.

Fasteners and cufflinks will help to hide extra pounds, they are distracting, as well as asymmetrical lines.

If your figure is far from ideal, then pay attention to one-piece products, slightly fitted. They should not be tight, so as not to focus on the tummy.

A great way to distract attention from the problematic part of the body is to draw attention to the winning spots. For example, a deep neckline will accentuate beautiful breasts and help to visually narrow the waistline. But you can hide a large bust with flared skirts.

A trapezoidal dress for fat girls looks great, which is cut off under the bust line. A short dress along with skinny jeans can be a great alternative. This combination looks very impressive.

Dress styles for obese women

If your figure is different from model standards, then you should not think that you should not wear pretty dresses. It's just that your main task is to find the right one among the huge variety.

Sheath dress

Ideal for any occasion in life - this laconic sheath dress. This style has remained at the top of popularity for many years.

With this dress, you can create a beautiful silhouette.

In addition, models made of dense fabrics perfectly hide flaws. For overweight ladies, the single-color option will be the best solution.

Sheath dress is well suited for a business meeting, walking with friends and special occasions, it all depends on the accompanying accessories. You can choose with or without sleeves.

Dresses for fat ladies should not be too tight. For this reason, pay more attention to thick fabrics.


An A-line or A-line dress is a great choice for those who want to hide curvy hips and other imperfections of the figure.

Give preference to options for the simplest cut with the minimum amount of detail.

Such models fit the silhouette slightly at the top and have a flared skirt. This creates a balanced image.

In such an outfit, any girl will look perfect. An A-line dress will always be in fashion for obese women.

Oval silhouette dresses

Dresses of the so-called "oval" silhouette help to visually remove excess weight and make the figure more graceful. A V-neckline, a slightly tapered hem, a lowered shoulder line and a length barely to the knee are the key to the success of everyday dress models for overweight.

Greek style

A dress for obese women in the Greek style is one of the main finds of designers. In the photo you can see how great these options look. They add femininity and luxury. In addition, a long dress helps to visually stretch the silhouette, and the neckline distracts attention from problem areas.

You can also give preference to outfits with a decorative line under the breast. This decorative element draws attention to the chest, while the feminine V-neck visually reduces the silhouette. Empire style outfits have the same advantages. You cannot find dresses for celebrations better than the above option.

Dresses for the full for every day

The best models of casual dresses for obese women are a shirt dress, a dressing gown and a sheath dress.

Don't be afraid to be creative and experiment. You need to be able to dilute everyday bows in every possible way. You can choose a beautiful jacket or cape for a sheath dress.

Dresses for obese women for a celebration

This season, asymmetry is very popular, it plays into the hands of full ladies. Unusual and complex style distracts attention from problem areas. As a result, the advantageous features of the figure can be emphasized. It is better to focus on an asymmetrical neckline. Such fashionable evening dresses for full are especially beautiful.

Two-layer plump dresses are perfect for special occasions. It is good if the main layer is made of silk or satin, and the second is made of light lace in a contrasting shade.

If you suffer from a large tummy, then pay attention to a dress with a high waist.

It perfectly emphasizes and fits the décolleté area and expands slightly from the chest. So the tummy will be hidden and you will feel like a real queen.

Dresses for obese women after 50 years

Stylish models with a slouchy or slightly high waist are perfect for overweight middle-aged women. Versions with vertical trimming or shirt dresses that are fashionable this season look good.

If we talk about drawings, then geometric, leopard and floral prints are great for women over 50. The only thing is, they don't have to be very large. A well-chosen print combined with the right cut will help shape the perfect silhouette.

Dresses for obese women with a big belly: styles and models

Women with a small tummy need to pay attention to the type and structure of the fabric. Also, the print and any decorative elements play a huge role. To date, designers distinguish the following dresses for obese women with a big belly, the cuts of which are the most successful.

An A-line dress is a great option for girls with a tummy and sides.

It is also perfect for pear owners. The dress will perfectly accentuate the bust line and divert attention from the above problem areas. The outfit can be complemented with a beautiful scarf, a large necklace or a delicate brooch.

Dress with a wrap - such models are very popular among ladies with curvaceous forms, many believe that they have a "high camouflage ability", and also perfectly emphasize feminine curves. The scent creates a narrow neckline that adds playfulness and flirtatiousness.

Peplum dress - models that have recently come into fashion. The trim in the waist area perfectly conceals the extra pounds. With this outfit, you can bring your figure closer to ideal proportions. But a dress with a peplum has its own characteristics, therefore, when choosing, it is important to take into account exactly how the ruffle is located. It should fit slightly above the waist and be long enough to achieve the desired result.

Balloon dress - this outfit is great for the hot season, when you don't want something to restrain your movements.

Wedding dresses for the full

A wedding dress for a plump girl will look unbeatable if the figure differs in the "hourglass" type. So, along with curvaceous forms, a thin and graceful waist should appear.

In this case, pay attention to the mermaid models, which at all times were considered an attribute of femininity. You can use special support and shapewear. It will hide the tummy, folds and sides.

If you prefer a Greek wedding dress or an Empire-style version, then the high waist should go almost under the bust, and a chic skirt should go down below. This option looks good on a plump girl and suits ladies with a "circle" or "rectangle" shape type. It will beautifully present the bust and emphasize the face.

When choosing the perfect wedding dress, try to keep it well framed. The upper part should be as comfortable as possible and appropriate to the size. Otherwise, you will feel insecure.

If dresses do not have straps and sleeves, then be sure to choose a cape or shawl. The look will be complemented by beautiful high gloves that will not only add femininity, but also help hide flaws.

Corrective underwear for overweight

Corrective grace and tights are a real find for obese girls. Any outfit will look much better with them. Corrective underwear perfectly hides imperfections and makes the silhouette as feminine as possible. Therefore, under any dress you need to wear such underwear.

If your size is over fifties, then the following stylist tips are created especially for you.

Pay special attention to the vertical stripe in any design. The only thing is that it should not be applied to fabrics that stretch well. Otherwise, you will not disguise, but emphasize your shortcomings. But it's better to forget about the horizontal strip once and for all.

Don't forget the wide waistband.

It is he who will help to correctly form the silhouette and emphasize the waist. Pay attention to the photo below shows a dress with black and white stripes, but the bottom and top of the dress are combined with a horizontal and vertical stripe, which does not increase the silhouette in any way, and a wide leather belt and pointed pumps successfully complete the image, making it stylish and lightweight.

Girls with fairly full arms need to choose dresses with slightly flared sleeves. But lantern sleeves are not the best choice.

A good choice would be dresses for plump ones with a high waist, they perfectly hide the belly. But such a model must be long.

Two-layer dresses look very elegant and impressive on full figures. One layer should be made of satin and the other one of guipure or lace.

A stole worn over the dress will help to divert attention from the upper part.

Buy dresses for obese women better than a solid color palette.

Decollete is the best friend of overweight girls. Therefore, you should not choose models with a blind collar.

Long dresses for overweight are a safe bet. But dilute your wardrobe and choose not only them.

If you have picked up a really good style, then a long midi dress for obese women will look amazing.

For shoes, avoid stiletto heels and opt for a high, stable heel. In addition, the second option is much more convenient in everyday wear.

Remember that a girl should be irresistible every day, regardless of her body type and mood. We hope that our tips will help answer the question: how to choose the perfect dress model for the fat ones?

The modern body-positive movement has completely changed the concept of beauty. Now girls with curvaceous forms do not need to be ashamed of themselves and strive to meet someone's standards. Moreover, the styles of dresses for obese women allow you to look gorgeous in any setting.

Styles of evening dresses

A feature of evening dresses for full and not only girls is that they do not have to correspond to fashion trends. They are obliged to favorably emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws.

The best options for curvy ladies are:

  • A-line models... They are able to highlight the beauty of the bust and exquisitely highlight the waist. Often, such outfit options are complemented by a deep neckline. This allows you to visually stretch the figure, open the chest and hide problem areas;
  • Empire style... A dress with a Greek silhouette is one of the best styles for overweight girls with a tummy. The peculiarity of the cut is an interesting combination of a form-fitting top and a flowing bottom. Due to the high waist and wide belt, it favorably supports the chest and highlights the transition between the bust and the waist;
  • Variants bat or raglan... These are some of the most fashionable solutions in the coming year. Of course, these outfits cannot be worn for an event like a wedding or a luxurious reception, but they are perfect for a pretentious evening out. A distinctive feature of the styles is that they are suitable for both young girls and the elderly. In addition to a rounded belly, they help to hide full arms and shoulders;
  • A dress is suitable for festive events year... This model has a straight or form-fitting cut at the top and slightly flared under the hips. Do not confuse the year with the "fish". In the second case, the flare starts from the middle of the knee, which can cause some inconvenience when walking;
  • Corsage styles... Corsets are often used to give the waist more grace and raise the bust. They can be added to literally any dress, with the exception of the Empire style (it simply will not look with such a cut element).

With full hips, unlike the recommendations of various forums, you do not need to wear ball gowns with a fluffy skirt. Any heavy bottom will visually give the figure extra roundness. It will look somewhat unaesthetic and sloppy. Replace heavy ruffles with soft ruffles made of light fabric: guipure, chiffon or silk.

In the photo of the styles of dresses for overweight girls, you can clearly see that prints and colors play a big role. Models from combined fabrics look the most interesting. The most common options are tulle skirts and crepe chiffon or crepe satin tops. It should be noted that for an evening out, it is better not to choose dresses made of thick fabrics. Velvet models have an unpleasant feature - they create a greenhouse effect on the skin. This is not the best option for a closed space (especially in winter).

Casual dress options

Dress patterns for fat girls in casual style combine comfort and simplicity. Depending on your type of figure, you can choose the following models:

  • Case... Best of all sits on a truly feminine form - an hourglass. A soft hip line, a tapered waist and a tight-fitting top will help highlight all the curves and hide some unnecessary folds;
  • Long sundresses... They must be made of lightweight fabrics. Best of all - with short sleeves (maximum three-quarters). You should not consider options with straps - they focus on full, rounded shoulders and distract your eyes from the bust;
  • Knitted bodycon dresses or jersey models. It would seem that this is the most provocative and strange advice. But for girls with a pear-shaped figure, they will suit like no one else. Sewing them will not be difficult even for a novice seamstress, but such a style will perfectly highlight the chest and hips, make these zones appetizing and attractive;
  • Wrap Dresses... Beautiful models with a smell will not leave indifferent any fan. Depending on the fabric chosen, they are suitable for summer parties, outings to cafes and restaurants, and even for a wedding event. Outfits of this cut are suitable even for a beach holiday, greatly simplifying the process of changing from ordinary to bathing clothes;
  • Fashion New Look... If there was a competition for the most elegant models of dresses for obese girls, then this style would take first place. It was created in the era of pin-up and love for curvaceous forms, so it will fit perfectly on large breasts. Retro models are painted in flirty polka dots, while more modern ones are striped or monochromatic. This is a chic option not only for every day, but also for holidays and carnivals (New Year's parties, masquerades or corporate events).

Depending on the time of year, you need to choose the right fabric. Nowadays, models made of velor and velvet in red tones are held in high esteem. They look lovely in combination with natural cotton T-shirts (for autumn outfits) or as an independent outfit with linen style.

For summer promenades, lightweight, breathable, natural fabrics are the best choice. These are viscose, cotton and silk. Linen outfits help to survive the heat perfectly, they make great looks in the casual style. Combined dresses made of guipure and chiffon or cotton and lace are suitable for a date or other joyful event.

Dresses for full to work

Basically, office outfits are distinguished from everyday ones only in color, styles practically do not change.

For business dresses, a more minimalistic style is most often chosen:

  • Straight... The main feature of this outfit is the absence of pronounced transitions. This is a special cut that hides the flabbiness of the body, but at the same time, it highlights the chest. Traditionally, models of this cut do not have a deep neckline. To give them variety, cutouts are made at the hips, in more rare cases, at the waist;
  • Trendy shirt dresses- ideal for the office. They can act both as smart models (if supplemented with the right accessories), and as strict business ones. The best choice would be an outfit of medium length - up to the knee. Only if the calves are a little full, you need to buy a shirt to the floor;
  • Strict trapezoidal models... Here, just like in shirts, length is important. For girls with full hips, neat models with a pleated skirt, up to the middle of the knee, are most suitable.

In addition to the style, it is important to choose the right color scheme. There is an opinion that dark tones help to visually make the figure slimmer, and light ones, on the contrary, make you look fat. In fact, with the right color-blocking, you can achieve much more effect than wearing exclusively black.

In the office, neutral, but not boring shades are suitable. It is cold blue, deep green and magical Marsala. Modern designers recommend combining such shades with bright accessories or additional clothing in a contrasting color. It can be a black belt or light-colored outerwear. And with prints you should be careful. It is better to wear outfits in a cage only as home - it spoils the proportions, and choose extremely wide and vertical stripes.

What style of dress is not suitable for full girls

  • One of the most problematic types is considered American cut or an outfit with an American armhole. This is a dress that has no sleeves. For curvaceous forms, this is a sentence. The folds will gather at the shoulders ugly, spoiling the beauty of the arms and neckline.
  • Cylinders... The wide bottom will completely remove lightness and feminine grace from the image. This is a rather controversial cut that suits only very thin girls with an Apple-like figure;
  • Oversize... This is another style of dresses that is usually worn to hide curvaceous forms. In fact, oversized clothing only makes it look bigger, making the top heavier and depressing the beauty. To look interesting, you need to highlight profitable places, and not hide everything indiscriminately;
  • Extreme mini... This includes both cocktail models and sports polos. Although, the latter will fit well on the L size;
  • Kimono... This style is very similar to the universal wrap models, but differs from them with a straight hem and a rougher fabric. Traditionally, kimonos are made from coarse fabrics: linen, trinitka and others.

An elegant dress should emphasize the beauty of a woman and hide certain flaws in her figure. Therefore, when choosing, you need to take into account the features of the physique.

So, ladies in the body need to focus on their advantages and visually become slimmer. The right dress will help you do this.

In our article you will find many useful recommendations and several photo solutions when choosing a dress for obese women for a celebration.

It is important to pay attention to the texture of the clothes, because the fabric used can both make the figure slimmer and add extra volume. Avoid wearing outfits made of printed, shiny fabrics, made of materials with large prints.

But anyway the dress for a special occasion should look expensive and luxurious, even on a fat woman. Look for noble materials like silk, velor, velvet, and so on.

If the outfit is summer, it can be made of chiffon, satin, thin cotton or linen.

If almost any model looks good on girls of model appearance, then with a full constitution everything is not so simple.

But there will still be plenty to choose from, since many styles emphasize the beauty of curvy shapes and hide their flaws. You can pay attention to the following options:

  • You can pay attention to the classic little black dress, but not too short. The laconic model is suitable for all occasions. It can be supplemented with beautiful accessories.
  • Stylish and elegant model "case" suits donuts. It is recommended to complement it with a belt, which will visually make the waist thinner. A bolero would also be appropriate. Different shades are permissible, but warm, discreet tones that will not attract too much attention are best for you.
  • A good option is the A-silhouette, which will balance the figure, taking the extra volume from the shoulder area. You can choose a long dress with embroidery or lace trim.
  • The high waistline will help to hide the tummy and highlight the beautiful breasts, thereby balancing the proportions of the figure.
  • You can also choose an outfit with a “year” skirt. In this case, the dress should not have unnecessary details.
  • If you need to visually thin your arms, flared sleeves will do. They complement well a long dress with a cutout in the bust area.
  • Dresses with a slit at the bottom look good, slightly revealing the legs when walking.
  • Trapezoidal models help to visually lengthen the silhouette and hide the volume of the hips.
  • Dresses with contrasting inserts on the sides work well. They make the figure visually narrower.
  • For summer appearances, you can choose sundresses made of lightweight materials.

An important point to pay attention to is the width of the straps. Let them not be too thin, so as not to emphasize the completeness.

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Optimal length

The length of a formal dress for a fat woman should be chosen taking into account the characteristics of her figure. So, if the problem areas are the stomach and arms, and the legs are slender, no one forbids wearing short outfits.

But if the slimness of the legs leaves much to be desired, wearing a mini is definitely not worth it. In this case, models up to the knee or slightly higher are suitable.

Another good option for girls in the body is a model on the floor.... But don't go for the lush, long option if you're short.

Better to opt for a sophisticated, straight cut, made from lightweight, airy materials. Wear the outfit with your heels to help make your silhouette look visually.


If your shoulders are beautiful, you can emphasize them with a boat neckline., or a model where the straps are tied under the hair. The V-neck is suitable for women with beautiful breasts. He will accentuate the neckline, thereby distracting attention from the fullness.

If you need to visually hide the fullness of the hips, pay attention to robes with a neckline in the form of a voluminous shawl or a large collar. This technique will help balance the figure.

Sleeves and shoulder straps

If your hands are full, then you should choose dresses with long sleeves., mid-shoulder or three-quarters long. A batwing sleeve or flared sleeves reaching mid-wrist looks attractive.

If you like sundresses, choose options with rather wide straps of about 6-7 cm. Thin shoulder straps will emphasize fullness and give the silhouette even more massiveness.


Classic solutions for a full figure - black and brown dresses that visually slim and lengthen the silhouette.

But don't get hung up on these decisions. There are many other beautiful shades, rich and deep, that have the same effect.

You can pay attention to burgundy, dark purple, rich emerald and deep blue. It is worth avoiding very light tones, especially pink, which makes it look fat and just looks ridiculous in combination with rounded shapes.

If you like variations decorated with prints, you can choose them too, but the selection of a drawing should be approached carefully.

Fits geometry and abstraction: Irregular figures, careless strokes and lines in different directions will decorate the silhouette. The floral print is pretty dangerous.

If you choose it, pay attention that the flowers are neither too bulky, nor too small. A cell is acceptable, but it is better that it has an oblique direction.


You can hide the tummy thanks to models with a high waistline... Long options in a dark color look especially attractive. To become visually slimmer, a dress where the bottom and top are made in different, better in contrasting shades.

Using a wide belt is a good way to accentuate your waistline and make it look narrower. It is better to choose the option that ties in at the back.

Bottom and cut

The style of the dress should be chosen depending on what problem areas the figure has. For example, girls with an "apple" body type usually have extra pounds in the waist area, but their legs are often slender and beautiful. In this case, you can emphasize their attractiveness with a short and loose dress version or a high cut.

It is extremely rare for full ladies to wear silhouettes that fit the lower body. as they make the figure heavier. It is better to give preference to models with a flared skirt, ideally made of lightweight materials such as chiffon or satin.

Decorations and accessories

A festive dress should look festive, and the decoration helps to achieve this. But in this case, it is especially important to select it correctly, so that it does not emphasize the flaws in the figure, but complements the image and makes it harmonious.

Since plump ladies usually have an attractive bust, finishing in the neckline is acceptable... She will draw attention to her and distract him from problem areas like the hips and tummy.

Delicate lace can be used as a material for decoration which makes the outfit more mysterious. On a style for curvy ladies, it can be in the bust area, below or in the waist area.

Most often, the lace tone matches the color of the entire product, but it can be different. It is best to keep the lace along the side seams and vertically. This will hide the volume, not add it.

Read the real

Long dresses for obese women- these are not only traditional evening dresses, but also everyday summer models that allow you to create an elegant feminine look. Since the figure of every woman is individual and has its own characteristics, when choosing dresses, it is necessary to take into account not only growth, but also the outlines of your silhouette, and the main rule that should be followed in this case should be the creation of a harmonious proportional image.

With the choice of a dress for overweight today, ladies with luxurious shapes have much fewer problems than it was several years ago - many brands create lines of clothing for overweight, offer styles that women with a standard figure can envy. In these models, everything - fabrics, colors, cut elements are combined in such a way as to present the figure of a plump girl in the most favorable light.

Evening long dresses for obese women

Maxi dresses look perfect on women above average height, but if your height is not very tall, it is better to refuse a long dress - it will visually make your figure even lower and more magnificent. But the figure of tall, overweight women will only benefit from a floor-length evening dress - in it she will look slimmer and more elegant.

Traditionally, evening dresses are made of expensive fabrics - chiffon, velvet, silk, satin. Choosing a long dress for special occasions, girls with curvaceous forms are best to prefer solid models of deep dark shades of blue, cherry, burgundy, black. This will help correct figure flaws and visually reduce its volume.

Open shoulders, a deep neckline, typical for evening dresses, will emphasize beautiful feminine lines and luxurious breasts, distract attention from problem areas - large hips, full waist and abdomen. In order to focus on the most pleasant places of the figure, various decor techniques are used - sequins, lace, rhinestones in the neckline, under the chest line, along the entire length of the dress in the form of vertical lines.

Asymmetrical details in the form of flounces on the hem and at the top of the dress will also help visually make you look slimmer (see photo).

A beautiful drapery at the waist, as in the photo, will outline the smooth lines of beautiful hips and give shape to your figure.

The deep V neckline will draw attention to a beautiful bust, while making the neck appear taller and more graceful.

Long dresses for obese women for the summer

A summer dress to the floor is one of the wardrobe elements that allows you to feel like a real woman. The long, loose hem hides your legs, and the waves of lightweight fabric that move smoothly touch your skin.

In such a dress you will be very comfortable in any weather - even in extreme heat. Maxi dresses made of light breathable fabrics will give a feeling of lightness and freedom, and styles designed especially for obese women will make the figure more attractive and sexy.

An important factor affecting your attractiveness is the color of the dresses - in the summer you can not restrain your imagination and buy dresses in the brightest colors. Bright prints, floral patterns traditional for this time, beautiful ornaments will help to correct figure imperfections.

Geometric pattern, vertically arranged stripes (see photo), fantasy ornaments will make the imperfections of your physique invisible.

Styles of long dresses for obese women are developed taking into account the characteristics of their figure and best of all hide all its flaws. High-waisted dresses will help balance the proportions. They are especially suitable for women with a tummy and large hips. One of the most advantageous options for long dresses is the Greek style models. It can be dresses and sundresses with open shoulders and straps. The hem, starting right under the bust line, descends in beautiful waves to the bottom, masking its imperfections, which I would not like to flaunt.

A plump woman in a dress with an A-line silhouette will feel as comfortable as possible. This is a very simple cut, however, it completely transforms the figure, makes it visually more slender. Due to the peculiarities of the cut, such a dress gives a feeling of freedom and lightness and hides extra pounds. If you are the owner of a proportional figure with a pronounced waist, then fitted models of dresses will suit you, in which you will look very elegant.

The advantage of long summer dresses is that you can feel free to use deep necklines, which look especially impressive on women with luxurious shapes and allow you to create an attractive sexy look.