Hair is yellow after dyeing with some tonic. How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing - the best paints, products and recipes. Unsuitable hair dye

The desire to change haunts many girls throughout their lives, and, most often, these changes relate to our hair. This is not surprising, because changing a haircut or hair color is now the easiest thing to do. We, girls, are not permanent creatures and we can easily repaint from a burning brunette to a blonde, but will we be pleased with the result?
Lightening hair It is not such a simple procedure as it might seem at first, it is important to follow many rules in order to get the desired result, and in many cases it is impossible to do without toning after lightening the hair, therefore it is best to entrust such an important matter to the master. With self-lightening, you may face the following consequences:

✓ hair may be colored unevenly;
✓ there is a risk of burning hair, it will become brittle and dry
✓ the first time it will hardly be possible to achieve the desired shade;
✓ yellowness will appear on the hair, we will talk about it in detail in this article.

Yellowness- the worst dream of all blondes, for sure, every girl who decided to become a blonde faced this problem. Why does this unpleasant yellow tint appear on the hair?

Reasons for the appearance of yellowness after lightening

1. Poor quality, cheap or expired paint... In pursuit of economy, many choose low-quality products for coloring, which leads to a yellow tint after lightening.

2. Violation of the staining technique. Here we are talking not only about the correct application of the dye to the hair, but also about the dye holding time.

3. Coloring of dark hair. Dark hair pigment is not easy to remove, this may require several lightening procedures, and then toning the hair. If you decide to dramatically lighten dark hair at once, yellow hair is guaranteed to you.

4. Poor quality water.
Hard water with impurities and impurities can also lead to the appearance of an undesirable shade. The fact is that when the paint is washed off, it easily gets into the open hair scales and interacts with the paint.

5. "Strong" native hair pigment, it will appear in the form of a yellow tint not immediately, but over time.

If you still want to carry out the procedure lightening hair at home, then it is necessary to properly prepare the hair and know a few rules in order to avoid the appearance of yellowness to the maximum.

What you need to know before lightening your hair

1. If you have done hair treatments such as carving, perm, etc., then it is better to wait and start dyeing a few weeks after the procedure.

2. Lightening hair is a rather aggressive procedure, so before it it is advisable to take care of the hair, make firming, moisturizing masks, and trim curled ends.

3. Choose the right oxidizer. For brunettes and owners of black hair, you should take 9% or 12% oxidizer, for brown-haired women, 6% and 9% are suitable, for fair-haired girls you can stop at 3%.

On the day of staining, do not wash your hair, it is better to do this in a day or two.

5. If you've dyed your hair a dark color before, it's best to use a wash.

6. Choose quality paint for lightening.

7. Rinse off the paint with purified water, if possible.

How to lighten hair without yellowness? Staining technique

1. Divide your hair into 4 equal sections. To do this, we make two partings, first from the forehead to the neck, then from temple to temple along the back of the head.

2. Dilute the paint according to the instructions. Follow the instructions clearly, the staining result depends on it. Use special utensils and gloves.

3. Coloring starts from the back of the head, then we move on to the temporal areas and only at the very end of the hair at the forehead. At the same time, take small strands and paint over them carefully. The paint should get on every hair.

4. The holding time depends on your hair type and color, as well as on the type of dye. Usually, the instructions indicate the time of staining.

5. Then wash off the paint with water and only then you can wash off with shampoo and apply a special balm.

But even compliance with all of the above rules does not guarantee you the absence of yellowness after lightening your hair. So how do you get rid of it?

How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing at home

Method 1 - using a tint balm

The most budgetary and simplest version of Tonic tint balm, with the help of it it is easy to change the shade of the hair and remove yellowness. But using this method, you need to be especially careful, with the wrong choice of shade and application, you can get the opposite result and, instead of blond strands, get, for example, green ones.
If you overdo it over time, you can also get hair "gray" color, so carefully read the instructions before use.

How to remove yellowness using "Tonics"

Method 2 - special shampoos

Now almost every manufacturer of hair cosmetics in the line has a shampoo to neutralize yellowness. This is the easiest and safest way to remove yellowness from your hair. It is necessary to use such a shampoo in the same way as usual, it has a purple or blue tint, you do not need to be afraid of this, such shampoo will not color your hands and skin.

Apply the shampoo to your hair, hold it for a few minutes (as indicated on the package) and rinse with water. It is necessary to use this shampoo as needed, approximately every third or fourth wash, it is not suitable for daily use.

Such a shampoo will help with a slight shade of yellowness, if you have an intense shade, then you cannot do without a tint balm.

The most popular shampoos for removing yellowness:

L "Oreal Professionnel Expert Silver- Silver Shampoo to neutralize yellowness, the approximate price is 600-700 rubles.
Shampoo from the Schwarzkopf line, Bonacure Color Freeze Silver Shampoo, the approximate price is 600 rubles.
Silver shampoo for light shades to neutralize yellowness Concept silver shampoo for light-blond and blonded hair, the price is 300 rubles.
Estel Professional Curex Color Intense"Silver" for cold blond shades, the approximate price is 300 rubles.
Shampoo Kaaral К05 Silver with anti-yellow effect, 1200r. For 1000ml

Get rid of yellowness with shampoo

3 way masks and balms to eliminate yellowness

In addition to shampoos, there are special masks and balms that neutralize yellowness. The advantage of this method is that, in addition to eliminating the unwanted shade, the mask also restores and nourishes the hair. For example, these include the "MARILIN" mask,
and Air Conditioner "Sheer BLONDE".

Method 4 - home remedies to neutralize yellowness

Home methods for removing yellowness, of course, are more laborious and the effect of them depends on the duration and number of procedures, however, with these disadvantages, they have a significant plus - in addition to the lightening effect, you will receive nourishing and restorative care. Therefore, as an alternative, you can consider several useful brightening treatments for blondes.

Homemade honey mask from yellowness

Take a few tablespoons of natural honey and apply generously to each strand to make it easier to apply honey, it should be slightly heated in a water bath or mixed with base oils. Wrap your head in foil and warm with a towel, leave for 1-3 hours.

Rinsing hair with a decoction of rhubarb root

To remove yellowness, a decoction from rhubarb root has proven itself well. Prepare a broth and dilute it with a liter of water (a liter of water for 1 glass of broth) and rinse your hair after washing. Rhubarb has a good brightening and firming effect. Chamomile decoction also has a lightening effect.

Kefir mask for lightening

Kefir is not only able to deeply moisturize the strands, but also remove yellowness, due to its composition. For greater effect, lemon juice can be added to the mask. Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to the curls, after an hour you can wash off with cool water.

Now you know how to remove yellowness at home, and you can easily transform and get a beautiful platinum shade from a cheap yellow color!

Yellow hair color is a common problem for those who dye their hair blonde or light shades. This is especially true for girls who by nature have a very dark hair color, but want to be. Why it happens?

Why does hair turn yellow after dyeing

Important! In order not to get green when stained from yellow to ashy (ash consists of a combination of two colors: blue and green), choose those shades that contain yellowness neutralizers (pink-red or purple). For example: Londa 10/16 (10-tone depth / 1-ash, 6-purple)


For toning your hair you will need:

  • oxide from 1.9% - 4% and the desired paint shade
  • mix in the proportion: 1 part paint 2 parts oxide
  • apply to clean, dry hair
  • hold for 15-25 minutes (visual control is needed here so as not to overexpose the mixture and not get too saturated color)
  • wash off, dry.

Remember, a beautiful cosmetic color won't last forever. Because it is artificial and does not adhere well inside and on the surface of the hair. After the expiration of time, it will wash out. Any staining needs care. Only well-groomed hair looks beautiful and healthy.

The easiest way is not to remove yellowness from the hair, but initially to prevent it. Most often, a yellowish tint on the hair appears when choosing a low-quality paint or non-observance of the dyeing rules. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist before the procedure. Especially if you already have dyed hair - do not even try to lighten it at home. Without the help of a good stylist, it will be impossible to achieve a beautiful color without yellow hair. Also remember that dyeing in a light color makes your hair weaker, so for a month before the procedure, do not do any perm or similar procedures.

If you have already achieved a beautiful light color, then it is important to properly care for your hair so that later you do not think about how to remove yellowness from your hair. My head is boiled water. Bleached hair has no external protection, so the appearance of yellow hair can be provoked by rust and iron salts from running water.

In the event that an unnatural shade has appeared, and you are interested in how to remove yellowness from your hair, try washing your hair with tonic or special shampoo. As a rule, these shampoos have a rich purple or silver hue, they help to quickly get rid of the unpleasant yellowish tint.

Another way to remove yellowness from hair is to do illumination in the salon. It helps to make the color richer and richer, as well as restore and protect the hair. If it was not possible to get rid of the yellowness, just repaint in a different shade, more natural, without cold white. And remember, with any coloring, the most important thing is to protect the health of your hair.

Salon Director John Frieda, Joel Gonsalves comments:

So you've decided to go blonde.

Option one: you are a brunette and want a cool, light shade of hair. To get the result, choose a good colorist first. He will warn you that the transition from a brunette to a "cold blonde" is quite long - 2-4 months. It is necessary to wash out the dark hair color and remove their natural pigment in several stages.

Chemical bleaching is very stressful and degrades hair quality after the first rinse. The hair has a terrible red color, looks dry, unkempt, does not comb. Do not be alarmed that the color did not come out right away. Be patient.

Make the highlighting with a cold shade of paint and within a month use special products that will hide, neutralize yellowness, for example, our John Freida line for the care of colored blonde hair SHEER BLONDE COLOR RENEW. The shampoo and conditioner contains lavender extract (as you know, purple neutralizes yellow).

Blonde hair absorbs light, while dark hair reflects it.

After a month, wash off the color again. If the color is not what you expected, do the lightening again, only after a month. And so on until the hair becomes perfectly white.

Now, you just have to lighten the hair roots as they grow back. And don't forget to moisturize your hair every week.

Option two: you are a brunette and decided to make the shade "warm blond". In this case, the transition process will be easier, it may last in 2 stages. You don't have to completely wash off the yellow pigment. You will turn into a blonde with a honey, warm shade.

And to make dyed hair look luxurious, I offer a line for dyed blondes with a moisturizing formula and jojoba oil, honey and oatmeal. The products gently remove impurities and dull hair color.

Many girls and even women of the age dream of becoming blondes, want to have light strands or light brown curls instead of dark hair. To do this, the majority lightens the hair with various preparations, but often instead of white, they turn red, gray or cast yellow. It is possible to make the hair light after bleaching and remove the yellow tint if you follow the dyeing rules, in accordance with the recommendations on the package, select the tone of the paint.

  • use of cheap, expired or low-quality paint;
  • non-compliance with the technology for applying the composition, staining or rinsing procedures;
  • after clarification with cold, too hot or dirty water;
  • dyeing too dark strands in a light color;
  • applying the composition to dirty hair;
  • too persistent color of its own pigment, in which yellowness may not appear immediately, but after a while.

Often the reason that the curls painted in white have become red, yellow or dirty gray is several mistakes at once, made due to lack of experience. When carrying out lightening not at home, but in the salon, the professionalism of the masters, the use of proven compositions, avoids many problems.

The master in the salon will remove yellowness with special means

Ways to prevent yellow tinge on hair

To prevent yellowness on the hair from appearing after home dyeing, you should prepare your hair for the procedure in advance, assess their condition and original color. Removing an unsightly shade is much more difficult than preventing its appearance, so this procedure must be approached with all responsibility.

The use of brightening agents

  • first you need to restore weakened or brittle strands with the help of special shampoos, masks or balms, cut off split ends;
  • if recently done, the clarification procedure should be postponed for at least 3-4 weeks;
  • if the curls were painted in a dark color, yellowness can hardly be removed at a time, the pigments of modern paints are quite persistent, they penetrate deeply into the hairs;
  • the composition should be applied evenly, starting from the back of the head, moving to the sides and ending at the bangs;
  • if your hair is of a bright red hue or auburn, after the first dyeing it will probably be yellowish, you need to be prepared for this;
  • the paint should be proven, of high quality, it is advisable to buy it at a higher price.

The tone of lightening depends on the choice of paint.

In order for the hair after bleaching to become evenly dyed, light and white, it is necessary to correctly carry out the procedure for their home lightening. For the first time, it is advisable to contact the master, it will be possible to paint the roots as they grow back at home if you have certain skills.

The technique for dyeing strands white consists of several stages:

  1. Separation of strands into 4 parts. Parting should go from the middle of the forehead to the neck and from temple to temple. You should not wash your hair in advance, it should be a little dirty.
  2. Correct preparation of the drug from the package according to the instructions. This should be done with gloves, using glassware, a plastic comb or a special brush.
  3. First, the composition is applied in the back of the head, then at the temples, then on the crown and in front of the head. The bangs are painted last.
  4. Very thick hair should be divided into thin strands, smearing each so that yellowness does not appear in some places, which will be very difficult to remove.
  5. Red-haired ones take longer to lighten than light-haired ones, so the paint will need to be kept on them longer.
  6. The composition must be washed off first with water, then with shampoo and a special balm from a package with paint.

The paint must be applied evenly

Tips on how to remove yellow tint after staining

If yellowness or later still appeared, you can remove them in several folk or professional ways. Here are the most effective and efficient ones:

1. Using a special toning shampoo or balm. Ash, pearl, purple or silver shades have proven themselves best. To remove unsightly straw yellowness, add one part of the product to three parts of your regular shampoo, every third time. Keep the composition on your head for no longer than 3 minutes.

Tint products to eliminate yellowness

2. Natural gives a good effect. It is not difficult to remove yellowness from clarified curls with the help of honey: you need to smear the strands with it in the evening, leaving the mask under a dense cap until morning for better absorption. The tool helps even if discolored curls become red, yellow or bright straw shades.

Honey against yellow hair

3. Regular onion peel helps to remove a slight yellow or reddish tint after home lightening. It is necessary to pour it into a saucepan, add water, boil and leave for several hours to infuse the broth. This product is applied to the hair in the evening, rinsed off only in the morning. You need to sleep, wrapping the strands in cellophane or a thin towel.

Onion peels brighten curls

4. Rinsing curls after clarification with rhubarb infusion or lemon juice. To do this, dilute a liter of water with two glasses of infused rhubarb, which has good brightening properties, or a glass of fresh lemon juice. Rinsing should be done at least 2-3 times. Cinnamon has a similar effect; medicinal chamomile gives a weaker result.

Lemon juice removes yellowness from hair

5. Applying home brightening masks for some time.

Homemade masks recipes for lightening strands

Masks should be prepared from quality products, applied every other day for 40-50 minutes. Rinse them off with warm water, you can wrap your hair with a towel for their best effect.

Rhubarb and glycerin mask

Pour the chopped rhubarb root into a glass so that the powder is occupied by two quarters. Pour this amount with a glass of boiling water, add 60 grams of glycerin, wait 30 minutes. Apply to the strands while the composition is warm.

Rhubarb stalks help brighten curls

Lemon juice, kefir and vodka mask

Mix warmed up kefir (a little less than half a glass) with a beaten egg, two tablespoons of vodka, a spoonful of any shampoo and 50 grams of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the strands.

Kefir-lemon mask with vodka and yolk

Wine and rhubarb mask

Pour a spoonful of chopped dried rhubarb roots with 500 grams of dry wine, bring to a boil and cook until the liquid is less than half. The warm mixture should be applied to the hair daily, kept for about an hour to lighten the yellow strands.

All of these professional and home remedies help to cope with the emerging yellow tinge on, make them whiter. However, if the color of your own strands is too dark, it is very difficult to dye your hair blonde, it will be difficult to achieve a natural light tone of curls.

Yellowness on the hair occurs due to the remainder of the yellow pigment of the paint after the procedure for dyeing curls. It is possible to remove yellowness at home using professional remedies and home recipes.


A tonic will help remove yellowness from hair; this is an affordable and easy-to-use tool for getting rid of unwanted shades. The most budgetary option is Tonic, which costs 127 rubles. (volume - 150 ml).

For toning, you should select pearl-ash shades from the line of this product. Despite the affordable price, the tonic does its job well: the yellow color will go away after 2 uses, if you follow the instructions when using it.

How to use the drug:

  1. Apply the toner to damp, clean hair, spreading it evenly. Stylists recommend mixing the tonic with a regular hair balm in proportions of 1: 3, after such a procedure, the hair is soft and smooth.
  2. The exposure time varies depending on the desired effect: 3-5 minutes will be enough to maintain the color to obtain a light shade - 10 minutes, up to 30 minutes to obtain a rich color.
  3. After a lapse of time, rinse the hair thoroughly until the water flowing from it becomes transparent.
  4. The result is fixed with a conditioner for colored hair.

The advantages of this tool:

  • Affordable price;
  • The tonic is extremely easy to use and does not entail any hassle.
  • Fast results.


  • Drying is possible without the use of a balm: the hair becomes coarse.

Color activator

Mousse-tonic from Syoss "Color Activator" has also become a favorite remedy among blondes. The product renews dyed hair, gives it brightness and shine, and removes yellowness. A significant plus of this tool is that it not only eliminates the obtrusive yellow tint, but also cares for the hair.

The procedure for use is simple:

  1. The mousse is applied to clean hair immediately after shampooing.
  2. For gentle toning, keep the product for up to 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  3. Finish with hair balm.

This tool deserves a good rating because:

  • Convenient to use: the texture of the mousse allows you to evenly distribute the product without mixing.
  • It contains a cosmetic base, which excludes a negative effect on the condition of the hair.
  • The use of the mousse has a long lasting effect.


  • The volume of mousse (75 ml) is not optimal for long hair, as a result of which the consumption of the product may not be economical.
  • The specific smell of male deodorant remains on the hair.

Professional paints

For toning hair, you should also resort to dyes.

"Anti-Yellow effect" by ESTEL

Anti-Yellow effect cream paint of the Estel brand neutralizes yellowness. There is no need to worry about the condition of the hair after using this dye: the product not only gives a beautiful pearlescent shade to the hair, but also takes care of it.


  • Thanks to avocado oil and healthy olive extract, the product nourishes and moisturizes hair.
  • Cream paint has a soft and elastic consistency with a pleasant scent.
  • Easy and convenient distribution.


  • The tool acts very quickly, so there is a prospect of overexposing the paint more than necessary, and the hair may darken. For this reason, the use of this paint is recommended for girls with experience in home coloring.

Features of use:

  • Unlike toners, this product should be applied to dry hair, previously washed with shampoo;
  • The holding time of the product on the hair should not exceed 15 minutes. However, if the hair structure is porous, then 10 minutes is enough;
  • After rinsing, you need to wash your hair with a shampoo intended for colored hair and then use a color stabilizer balm.

Color Naturals 10 White Sun by Garnier

The equally popular company "Garnier" also provides a dye that can muffle the yellowness on the hair. The paint from the Color Naturals 10 "White Sun" series will perfectly cope with its task.

It is applied to the hair in a similar way, to dry hair, and you also need to keep it for no more than 15 minutes, so as not to dry your hair. Included with the paint is a balm that fixes the color and gives shine and softness to the hair.


  • No hassle with application: the creamy texture is uncomfortable.
  • Balm care complete with paint nourishes the hair perfectly.
  • After applying the dye, the hair has a slight silver tint, excluding yellowness.


  • Possible ammonia odor during use.


You can also remove yellowness with hair balms designed for this purpose.

Balsams from ESTEL "LOVE nuance" and "Solo ton"

Tint balm "LOVE nuance" from Estel has good reviews. The manufacturer recommends using a balm for slightly damp or dry hair and rinse off after half an hour.

Also, a good alternative to "LOVE nuance" would be "Solo ton" from the same line.

Why the balm is good:

  • The product does not have an unpleasant odor, eliminates yellowness and is budget friendly.
  • Despite the liquid consistency, application of the product to the hair is not a problem.
  • You do not have to wash the product from hands and baths for a long time: it does not leave marks.
  • Gives hair extraordinary softness.


  • A narrow circle of stores where you can find this product on sale.
  • Uneconomic expense.

Concept "Arctic blond effect"

Removing an unwanted shade of yellow is the “calling” of yet another hair conditioner Concept “Arctic Blond Effect”. The product contains pigments that give the hair a cold shade, and caring components in the composition.

In addition, the hair takes on a natural, expensive color. It should be noted that the balm not only neutralizes yellowness, but also gives shine, softness and smoothness.

Garnier "Lasting Color"

A fighter against yellow hair - the Caring Color Resistant Balm from Garnier, which removes an unwanted shade in one application. Refines the color and positively affects the structure of the hair, making it smooth and manageable.

In addition, it does not stain or weigh down the hair after dyeing, it refreshes the color well with regular use.

L'Oreal Paris Preference Color Enhancer Balm

This is a godsend for those who want soft and manageable hair without yellowing. This tool will save even the most brittle hair, revitalizing it, giving the hair an unprecedented shine.

Tinted shampoos

Tint shampoos perfectly remove the yellow tint on the hair. The market is replete with a large number of products of different shades and compositions.

The purpose of tinted shampoos is obvious from the name, they give the desired shade after use:


Cleansing shampoos strengthen and cleanse the hair and at the same time relieve it of yellowness.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes also did not leave the problem of yellow hair on the side.

Hair masks

Despite the fact that hair masks are an individual remedy, and a specific mask is not suitable for every person, there are recipes that are universal for all hair.

It is important to remember that after using masks that contain drying components, you need to additionally moisturize your hair.


A mask with honey is an uncomplicated tool that can give your hair a luxurious expensive shade without yellowness and make your hair shiny and healthy.

The only ingredient is honey, trichologists recommend using as fresh and natural as possible.

The healing properties of honey make hair stronger, accelerate growth and seal split ends.

In addition to all the advantages listed above, it is worth noting that the mask is insanely easy to prepare.

Honey must have a liquid consistency, so melt it in a water bath before applying. Warm liquid honey is evenly applied over the entire length of the hair. Its duration should be at least 1 hour, but should not exceed 3 hours.


Natural and safe lightening can be done using kefir. For medium-length hair, 200 ml of kefir is enough, however, the amount of the product depends on the thickness and length of the hair. To prevent kefir from overdrying your hair, you need to choose the fat content of the product depending on the condition of the hair.

A kefir mask is a good and safe way to remove yellow hair after dyeing.

For the mask, you need to mix kefir with water (5 tsp). The consistency is applied to dry hair, washed off after one hour. To prevent kefir flowing from your hair from staining your clothes, you need to use a plastic shower cap.

After several applications, the result is obvious: the yellow tint disappears, in addition to this, the hair becomes healthy and smooth.

From rhubarb

A herbal remedy for getting rid of yellowness is rhubarb.

Masks using this plant not only brighten hair and contribute to the appearance of a noble shade, but also heal the scalp and hair in general.

With rhubarb and glycerin

An excellent tandem in the fight against yellow hair is rhubarb and glycerin.

For the mask you need 30 gr. chopped rhubarb root and 60 gr. glycerin. Rhubarb roots should be covered with vinegar and put on fire. After boiling vinegar, the fire must be reduced, boil the rhubarb for another 5 minutes, leave to infuse for 2 hours.

After this time, the infusion is mixed with glycerin, and the resulting mass is ready for application. The exposure time is 1 hour.

With rhubarb and wine

In addition, rhubarb paired with wine will save hair from yellowness.

For this mask, you need to stock up on dried rhubarb root (the optimal amount is 200 grams). The second ingredient is dry white wine, which will need 0.5 liters. Pour rhubarb and pour wine into an enamel saucepan and heat in a water bath until the amount of liquid disappears by half.

After preparing the mixture, you need to wait until it cools down and only then apply to the hair. Leave the mask on your hair for no more than 2 hours, then rinse with warm water.

At first glance, the preparation of the mask seems rather long, but the effort and time spent pays off with the result.

With lemon and vodka

An equally effective way to remove yellowness is a mask consisting of vodka and lemon, which has a beneficial effect on the hair.

It is extremely easy to make: you need to mix vodka with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture should be applied to the hair gently without touching the scalp.

So that such a mask does not dry out the ends of the hair, it is required to wash it off after half an hour. In addition, it is recommended to use a moisturizing balm after use.

Onion peel decoction

In order for the strands to have a beautiful and even color, it is advised to use a decoction of onion peels. For him, you need the husk of 2-3 bulbs, which must be filled with water (0.5 l.).

The future broth should be put on a small fire and, after boiling, leave to brew for 5 hours.

The finished infusion is filtered and with a regular sponge you need to moisten your hair with it.

Keep the product under cellophane under a hat or scarf and leave overnight. Then, in the morning you need to rinse with water and rinse your hair with lemon juice.

A beautiful and even color is the result of careful maintenance, which assumes an integrated approach to the problem.

It is important to remember that lightened hair needs abundant moisture after coloring procedures, without which it will be faded and unhealthy, which will not benefit hair of any color, be it yellow or ash pearl.

Useful video materials on how to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing

How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing:

Correct lightening of hair: how to remove yellowness after dyeing hair: