DIY knitted Christmas toys. Knitted Christmas toys. Selection of ideas

Balls in an openwork mesh

Interestingly, the knitted balls themselves can be completely different. For example, it can be an openwork mesh, worn on ordinary balls. Imagine how old toys will be transformed! All their scratches, chips, scuffs will disappear - the mesh will skillfully mask any flaws. It can be crocheted from snow-white thin threads, which will perfectly emphasize the New Year's theme. But you can also use absolutely any colors and types of threads - to match the balls or in a single color scheme. In a word, create! Such products are very simple and do not take much time - just follow the knitting pattern and you will tie your old balls, breathing new life into them.

Openwork knitted balls

The next option is even more unusual and beautiful balls. They differ from the previous ones in that there is no ball under the mesh. No - emptiness! Such openwork and knitted balloons will look great on your Christmas tree. You can make them in different ways. At
One method uses starch, sugar and gelatin to allow the bound strands to take on the desired shape. But this is a rather troublesome method, so it will be easier to use a small balloon. That is, in fact, this method is close to the previous version, except that at the end the ball is removed and just a beautiful empty shell remains. Such balls can be decorated with additional elements - for example, flowers of a suitable color or anything else, according to your taste. Of course, they can be of very different shades, they can even include several colors. But openwork knitted balls made of thin acrylic or cotton threads in white look just incredible. They can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the rest of the room. New Year's mood is guaranteed! These balls are usually made in several stages. First, two halves of the ball are knitted, then they are connected by a row of loops. Then a balloon is applied again - it is pushed inside and inflated in order to straighten the threads well. To make such a knitted ball hard and durable, it can be starch or simply dipped in diluted PVA glue.

One-piece knitted balls

And one more version of knitted Christmas tree balls, made by hand, which I would like to talk about. They are most similar to regular balls, but their main difference is that they are completely knitted! That is, there is no longer an openwork mesh, and not even knitting a shell with holes. Here is a ball tightly knitted of threads of one or several colors. It can be both thin threads and thick ones - the latter will be faster and more convenient. You can combine colors and come up with something new with this option! It is best to place foam rubber inside such a ball. Knitted Christmas tree decorations are creative, interesting and attractive.

Knitted Christmas toys

Since we have already started talking about knitted balls stuffed with foam rubber, it is worth remembering knitted Christmas tree decorations, which can be made in exactly the same way. Think how much you can knit or crochet! Christmas trees, snow maidens, bells - there are so many things in the New Year theme. Crocheted Christmas toys can be hung not only on the Christmas tree, but also on keys or a bag - it will look fresh and original!


    Crocheting or knitting a Christmas tree toy is not difficult for a real craftswoman. The most important thing is desire and time. There are a great many patterns on the Internet for knitting toys and crocheting and knitting. Such a gift-present will be to the taste of any women's team and is not very expensive if there are a lot of colleagues, and money, as always, is scarce.

    You can knit such simple Christmas-tree snowflakes from the remains of threads. To keep the snowflakes in shape, we suppress them in starch diluted in water and dry on a straight surface.

    What is New Year without love? :) let's knit a heart from single crochet.

    Video master class on crocheting a plastic bow ball

    Handmade knitted Christmas toys will help to cheer up on the eve of the holiday. Here are several options for making them:

    Here you will see a detailed master class on how to knit them.

  • There is also such a cute toy knitted Christmas ball:

    I like knitted balls on the tree. Knitting is simple, with any pattern, any thread will go, and what is important is trimming. It is convenient to crochet on a ball, after the ball can burst, you can tie light foam, plastic balls.

    Knitted bells and hearts look beautiful.

    Snowflakes and other small flat figures. these are best knitted from light threads and then starch.

    Try to create your own collection of bells or angels

    Christmas tree gingerbread house

    Little house:

    Width: 15cm

    Height: 16 cm

    Take 50 g of light brown strands

    50 g white

    and several strands of other colors: red, orange, dark turquoise, pistachio color

    hook size 4 mm

    Chain of 20 stitches

    Crochet a square of 6-8 rows.

    We tie it with a white border while simultaneously connecting it to the bottom of the house.

    We embroider the roof, snowflakes with white stitches, decorate the upper part with multi-colored threads. Lower - with a heart.

    You can also decorate the Christmas tree with knitted toys. In addition to balls, the tree can be decorated with such beautiful knitted toys.

    How to tie a toy to a Christmas tree is shown in the video.

    How to tie an owl:

    And this is how a toy on a Christmas tree fits; Herringbonequot ;:

    Not only Christmas balls can be knitted to decorate a Christmas tree. For example, what a wonderful Christmas tree garland made of multi-colored threads can be hung on a Christmas tree.

    I present to your attention a scheme for craftswomen-needlewomen.

    How airy and gentle a snow-white angel on a spruce branch looks on Christmas morning!

    Here is the crochet pattern

    And this is a detailed description of this work:

    Children will definitely love the beautiful knitted snowflake, and even with such a charming smile!

    You can get acquainted with the step-by-step master class at this link.

    A wonderful knitted Santa Claus and a gift boot will find a worthy place on the New Year tree.

    Wish everyone a Happy New Year!

    Round balls can also be crocheted. To do this, you need threads of the color you want your toys to be. One balloon, starch and a number 1.5 crochet hook.

    It is clear what the ball and starch are for. To give the knitted products a rounded shape.

    First, look at the knitting pattern.

    On New Year's Eve, it is so wonderful to do something with your own hands to decorate the house so that it is cozy. Hand-made crafts always create a feeling of celebration and comfort. You can decorate a Christmas tree with a hand-knitted toy. Such a toy will not break, it will decorate the New Year tree. The toy is fluffy and soft.

    We will knit a Christmas tree toy. Below is shown the knitting step by step and how it was done.

    To knit a toy, you will need circular knitting needles, two types of threads, and a ribbon for decoration.

    First, we collect 10 front loops, we knit a couple of rows.

    We continue to knit.

    We knit with the front stitch in a circle.

    We knit the pattern according to the following scheme:

Good afternoon, dear readers!

The New Year is already in a hurry to us, it's time to prepare decorations for the Christmas tree. Of course, you can buy them. But recently knitted Christmas tree toys have become especially fashionable.

For the first time, they began to decorate a Christmas tree in the 17th century in Germany, then it was customary to hang apples on it, and then nuts and sweets were added to them.

Later, after a lean year for apples, glass blowers came up with decorations in the form of glass balls. With them, the tree is, of course, more elegant and festive.

And now I remember the book “Chuk and Gek”, beloved from childhood by A. Gaidar, in which the heroes made New Year's decorations with their own hands. These were rag dolls and hares, tissue paper flowers, cones wrapped in silver paper. Remember how the kids were happy?

Knitted Christmas toys will also delight you very much, the Christmas tree with them will be homely cozy.

We will return to the balls we are accustomed to, but let's start with creative ideas.

Unusual knitted Christmas tree toys

DIY Christmas toys can be knitted flat, they will look beautiful and spectacular.


We will crochet the Christmas tree from several square motifs of different sizes with any pattern. Better to use.

We fold the corner of each square, fix it with a button, plastic or knitted, sew the squares to each other in the form of a Christmas tree. You also need to knit and sew on the leg.

Instead of buttons, if you wish, you can decorate the Christmas tree with pompons or satin ribbons and bows.


I found these cute miniature skates.

They are crocheted # 1.75 from not very fine yarn with lurex. Two large paper clips are used as runners.

We tie one side of the paper clip with 17 single crochets and 1C1H at the end.

Rows 2-4 - single crochet.

Do not tie 1 column in the 5th row.

In the 6th row, skip 9 loops (knit them with connecting posts). This will form the sock.

In rows 7-9, we make a rounded ridge rise (do not tie or skip 1 column).

We knit 4 more straight rows. One skate is ready. We tie the top with a thread of a different color and make lacing using a thread with a needle.

We knit the second skate in the same way. We connect the skates with a chain of air loops, for which you can hang an original knitted Christmas tree toy.

Volumetric knitted Christmas tree toys

Interesting knitted items are obtained from two identical elements.

I had two such crocheted flowers.

We hook them together along the edge, while filling them with any material: cotton wool or holofiber.

The toy has gained volume.

Such volumetric figures can be knitted from multi-colored circles or squares, made in the form of an asterisk,.

Yes, the same skates in this way are voluminous.

Knitted Christmas balls with knitting needles

Now we got to the classics. Knitted Christmas balls are completely old ideas. But they cannot be missed because they are so fabulously beautiful! They can be knitted or crocheted.

We knit Christmas balls with knitting needles according to the following scheme.

Knitting on 5 stocking needles.

We collect three loops on each knitting needle, in every second row we make increments at the beginning and at the end of the rapport.

Decreases are also made in every second row.

Balls knitted with Norwegian and other jacquard patterns look very beautiful, but no less interesting are knitted with bundles or ordinary simple viscous melange or sectionally dyed yarn.

Another interesting and completely simple option for knitting a striped ball .

In the photo there is a ball. () But you can knit Christmas tree decorations in the same way.

We knit a small parallelogram in garter stitch.

In every second row, add one loop at the beginning of the row and subtract one at the end of the row. At the same time, we also change the color of the thread.

Sew two narrow sides. We tighten and sew the bottom, fill it with any filler, sew the top. You can also tie a brush underneath.

Crochet Christmas balls

I prefer, of course, crocheted Christmas tree toys. Well, I don’t like to knit on five knitting needles.

Crocheting a ball is very simple: first we knit a small circle with the addition of loops in the rows, then several rows without increases and rows with a decrease in loops.

I made a detailed description with a photo in the article about the balloon dog. The link will be below.

Further here I will give only ideas for decorating crocheted balls.

Balls toys

You can also make prefabricated Christmas tree decorations from small balls, for example.

And by the year 2019, you can knit a ball - a pig. A video master class from.

Balls with beads

Christmas balls decorated with beads look amazing. You can simply stick the threads with beads on a plastic, foam or paper ball, or you can crochet with beads in the same way as.

How to crochet balls

Finally, the idea of ​​crocheting Christmas balls. I especially like such openwork knitted Christmas tree toys and you can easily update old Christmas balls.

Usually, cotton yarn of the Iris type and hook No. 1.5 are used.

But this will require a large ball.

Accordingly, it is better to tie small balls with thin yarn.

There are a lot of schemes for strapping on the Internet, I did not set this as my goal. Here are just a few.

And the principle of knitting is as follows.

We knit two openwork parts according to the chosen pattern.

When knitting the last row of the second half, we connect it to the first, while inserting a ball inside.

There is nothing complicated. I've already tied one test ball, it looks like it doesn't look very good in the photo, but at least I figured out what's what for a start.

You can take a thread of a contrasting color, string beads on it and tie the bottom edge with beads.

Ideas for crocheting Christmas balls with beads

You need to think about celebrating the New Year in advance, especially when there are children in the house. They will not give an opportunity to shirk this event, you will have to install a Christmas tree, think about how to decorate it, update the home range of Christmas tree decorations. Parents frown over New Year's expenses. This is generally a costly holiday: to set up a Christmas tree, to decorate, and to buy carnival costumes for children, or, in extreme cases, to construct them themselves, and prepare all sorts of delicacies for the holiday. And also - a corporate party, you also can't go in an old dress, and in general - some expenses and troubles. But the grumbling of the parents is mostly feigned, because New Year's chores are the most pleasant of the year, and this feeling has been going on since childhood.

An idea came up to replenish the arsenal of New Year's toys using the family's knitting skills. It helped out more than once in difficult moments. And now, it will not so much save money as it will perform a more important intra-family function: it will allow to attract children to the preparation of the holiday, at the same time strengthen their knitting skills, and most importantly, it will allow the preparation for the holidays to be conducted on a wide family front. And common work, as you know, unites the team, makes it friendly and active.

How great it will turn out! Dad and son set up and secure the tree securely, create safe illumination with the help of garlands and various flashlights, and mom and daughter take old balls and knit a new shell of colored threads for them.

You should knit with thin stocking needles, which are included in the set 5. The threads will go any, it is better - acrylic with wool, you will choose the colors yourself. You just need to remember that the patterns are jacquard, that is, two colors will go to each ball, which should be effectively combined with each other. And, most importantly, the pattern, guided by which, you can start knitting.

We offer you 8 samples of patterns, which are easy to execute and will give you a beautiful ball in the finished form. All these patterns are shown in the appendix.

Each diagram shows one rapport (repetition element). The canvas of one ball contains 4 rapports.

So, we knit the first ball.

We cast on the needles 12 loops, 3 loops for each of the four repetitions - rapports. We distribute these loops on 4 knitting needles, 3 loops on each, and close the ring.

We knit 14 rows according to the pattern, along the way adding 2 loops through the row at the ends of each next repetition - rapport.

In the center of this canvas, we knit a jacquard pattern according to the scheme.

Then we carry out the reverse process - decreasing the loops. We do it in the same way as we added: we remove 2 loops from each end of the rapport, and we do it every other row, and in total we knit 14 rows in this way.

We tighten the remaining loops, form an eyelet so that it is convenient to hook the ball onto the spruce paw.

The balls are extremely decorative and fit perfectly into the needles. Here it is convenient to take white as a basis, red, blue, green and even black colors will look great against its background.

The finished balls, again, by the whole team, are placed on the Christmas tree. She becomes homely and habitable. Due to the white main color of the balls on the Christmas tree, snow will be added, and it will stand fluffy and beautiful. And most importantly - no one will have such a tree!

Good afternoon, dear readers!

The New Year is already in a hurry to us, it's time to prepare decorations for the Christmas tree. Of course, you can buy them. But recently knitted Christmas tree toys have become especially fashionable.

For the first time, they began to decorate a Christmas tree in the 17th century in Germany, then it was customary to hang apples on it, and then nuts and sweets were added to them.

Later, after a lean year for apples, glass blowers came up with decorations in the form of glass balls. With them, the tree is, of course, more elegant and festive.

And now I remember the book “Chuk and Gek”, beloved from childhood by A. Gaidar, in which the heroes made New Year's decorations with their own hands. These were rag dolls and hares, tissue paper flowers, cones wrapped in silver paper. Remember how the kids were happy?

Knitted Christmas toys will also delight you very much, the Christmas tree with them will be homely cozy.

We will return to the balls we are accustomed to, but let's start with creative ideas.

Unusual knitted Christmas tree toys

DIY Christmas toys can be knitted flat, they will look beautiful and spectacular.


We will crochet the Christmas tree from several square motifs of different sizes with any pattern. Better to use grandma's square.

We fold the corner of each square, fix it with a button, plastic or knitted, sew the squares to each other in the form of a Christmas tree. You also need to knit and sew on the leg.

Instead of buttons, if you wish, you can decorate the Christmas tree with pompons or satin ribbons and bows.


I found these cute miniature skates here.

They are crocheted # 1.75 from not very fine yarn with lurex. Two large paper clips are used as runners.

We tie one side of the paper clip with 17 single crochets and 1C1H at the end.

Rows 2-4 - single crochet.

Do not tie 1 column in the 5th row.

In the 6th row, skip 9 loops (knit them with connecting posts). This will form the sock.

In rows 7-9, we make a rounded ridge rise (do not tie or skip 1 column).

We knit 4 more straight rows. One skate is ready. We tie the top with a thread of a different color and make lacing using a thread with a needle.

We knit the second skate in the same way. We connect the skates with a chain of air loops, for which you can hang an original knitted Christmas tree toy.

Volumetric knitted Christmas tree toys

Interesting knitted items are obtained from two identical elements.

I had two such crocheted flowers.

We hook them together along the edge, while filling them with any material: cotton wool or holofiber.

The toy has gained volume.

Such volumetric figures can be knitted from multi-colored circles or squares, made in the form of an asterisk, a mushroom.

Yes, the same skates in this way are voluminous.

Knitted Christmas balls with knitting needles

Now we got to the classics. Knitted Christmas balls are completely old ideas. But they cannot be missed because they are so fabulously beautiful! They can be knitted or crocheted.

Knit Christmas tree toys with knitting needles according to the following scheme.

Knitting on 5 stocking needles.

We collect three loops on each knitting needle, in every second row we make increments at the beginning and at the end of the rapport.

Decreases are also made in every second row.

Balls knitted with Norwegian and other jacquard patterns look very beautiful, but no less interesting are knitted with bundles or ordinary simple viscous melange or sectionally dyed yarn.

Another interesting and completely simple knitting option striped ball.

In the photo there is a ball. (Source) But you can knit Christmas decorations in the same way.

We knit a small parallelogram in garter stitch.

In every second row, add one loop at the beginning of the row and subtract one at the end of the row. At the same time, we also change the color of the thread.

Sew two narrow sides. We tighten and sew the bottom, fill it with any filler, sew the top. You can also tie a brush underneath.

Crochet Christmas balls

I prefer, of course, crocheted Christmas tree toys. Well, I don’t like to knit on five knitting needles.

Crocheting a ball is very simple: first we knit a small circle with the addition of loops in the rows, then several rows without increases and rows with a decrease in loops.

I made a detailed description with a photo in the article about the balloon dog. The link will be below.

You can also make prefabricated Christmas decorations from small balls, for example, snowmen.

Or just such a funny dog ​​- a ball:

Christmas balls decorated with beads look amazing. You can simply glue the string with beads onto a plastic, foam or paper ball, or you can crochet it with beads just like Easter eggs.

How to crochet balls

Finally, the idea of ​​crocheting Christmas balls. I especially like such openwork knitted Christmas tree toys and you can easily update old Christmas balls.

Usually, cotton yarn of the Iris type and hook No. 1.5 are used.

But this will require a large ball.

Accordingly, it is better to tie small balls with thin yarn.

There are a lot of schemes for strapping on the Internet, I did not set this as my goal. Here are just a few.

And the principle of knitting is as follows.

We knit two openwork parts according to the chosen pattern.

When knitting the last row of the second half, we connect it to the first, while inserting a ball inside.

There is nothing complicated. I've already tied one ball.

You can take a thread of a contrasting color, string beads on it and tie the bottom edge with beads.

And here are some more ideas for crocheting Christmas balls with beads

Does it look gorgeous and elegant?

Unfortunately, I was only able to find one circuit.

But you can figure it out by yourself from the photo: we just knit an uncomplicated pattern, end it with chains of air loops, knitting in beads.

How to crochet a bead

  1. Having knitted several loops of the chain, draw out a long loop.
  2. We string the bead on a thin hook.
  3. Pull the loop through the bead and fix it (pull it up to the desired length).
  4. We continue to collect a chain of air loops.

As you can see, it is not difficult to make knitted Christmas tree toys with your own hands. With them we will have gorgeous Christmas trees!

How do you like the ideas? Let's start implementing?

  • DIY Christmas tree ideas: beautiful and unusual
  • Crochet napkins
  • Do-it-yourself cozy candlestick from a jar
  • Crochet snowflakes with patterns
  • Crafts from buttons for comfort and for the New Year
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