Rash of herpes on the lips in pregnancy. The reasons for the appearance of herpes on the lips during pregnancy. Is it worth worrying

In women during pregnancy, the body's defenses are significantly reduced, therefore, the risk of new diseases or exacerbation of existing ones increases. Among such diseases, the herpes simplex virus can become a common problem. Infection with the herpes virus occurs in childhood. In a latent form, it is constantly present in a woman's body. The recurrence of herpes on the lips during pregnancy is not dangerous, but you need to know how to effectively deal with it.

Herpetic infection most often in pregnant women is already present in the body, but it is there in a latent state. The manifestations of herpes on the lips during pregnancy can occur at any period of gestation. The time of manifestation of herpes infection depends on the period in which immunity was most reduced and when the factors that provoke the external signs of the disease affected the body.

During pregnancy, the herpes virus already present in the body cannot adversely affect the health of the mother and child, since the body already has a ready-made immune response to the activation of the pathogen. With the help of drugs and the body's defenses, women successfully cope with the signs of herpes on the lips without infecting the child.

The external signs of the course of the infection pass, the damaged tissue on the lips becomes epithelialized, and the disease disappears on its own. By the same principle, herpes is not terrible in the second and third trimester, if the expectant mother has already suffered from this disease before.

The threat of the disease increases significantly if the body of a pregnant woman encounters a pathogen for the first time. During primary infection, antibodies do not have time to be produced and the body cannot fully resist the pathogen.

In this case, the primary infection with the virus is rather difficult - women show signs of infection not only on the lips, but can also be found on the wings of the nose, there is a risk of infecting the eyes if they are rubbed. For a child, such a meeting with a virus can cause the development of congenital malformations, since it is in the first trimester that all systems and organs are formed. In severe cases, an extensive herpes infection can cause miscarriage.

For fetal development, primary herpesvirus does not become less dangerous, since it can also negatively affect the fetus. Features in the 2nd trimester are that the main systems have already been formed, and herpes can provoke malformations of individual organs, as well as affect the child's nervous system, which is only completing its formation at the twelfth week. Also, an infection in the second trimester can lead to a negative effect on the skeletal system - it completes its formation at the sixteenth week, and the ovaries in girls are finally formed at the twentieth week.

It has no peculiarities as such and proceeds typically, however, with the primary infection of a pregnant woman, there is a risk of damage to the child's hearing and vision organs, the respiratory system remains the target. Severe cases of herpes infection can provoke premature birth, and sometimes doctors themselves make such a decision if the child is already viable.

Treating herpes during pregnancy


A cold on the lips of a pregnant woman goes through several stages in its development. Depending on the state of immunity in expectant mothers, in addition to the external manifestation of the infection, the general state of health may worsen. Other pregnant women experience only discomfort from the manifestations of herpes, but their health as a whole does not suffer.

General condition of the pregnant woman

With the course of herpes during pregnancy, expectant mothers may experience concomitant signs of infection. The general condition of a pregnant woman is characterized by the following signs:

  • submandibular lymph nodes increase;
  • the body temperature rises to subfebrile;
  • aching joints;
  • pregnant women have migraines.

The whole process of the course of herpes infection takes on average 1-1.5 weeks, but in pregnant women, due to a decrease in immunity, herpes symptoms during pregnancy can be detected even longer.

External manifestation of the virus

At the first stage, the expectant mother has only distant signs of herpes activation. The corners of the lips or the lips themselves feel a little swollen, redness, irritation appear, you constantly want to scratch the itchy place. It becomes painful to touch especially tender places on the mucous membrane.

Since the immunity of pregnant women is weakened, the prodromal (initial) period can be shortened and, instead of several days, herpetic vesicles - vesicles - appear in the evening of the same day, when unpleasant symptoms began to be felt. The second stage of the development of the disease begins, when the inflammatory process is activated, the bubbles increase in size and new ones appear.

Inside such herpetic vesicles there is a clear liquid containing many active herpes pathogens. That is why, at the initial period, the bubbles should not be pierced so as not to aggravate the situation. When the body's defenses are included in the fight against the pathogen, the herpes bubbles on the lips of a pregnant woman change their appearance - the size of the vesicles and their number cease to increase, and the liquid becomes cloudy, since the herpes virus is neutralized and suppuration begins.

In the fourth, last period of the development of herpes infection, the vesicles open up on their own and in pregnant women, crusts remain on the lips, under which soft tissues heal. As soon as a new epithelium appears, the crusts slough off and a pale pink skin is found under them.

Is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy?

The danger of colds on the lips during pregnancy is the main question with which expectant mothers rush to the doctor. The infection can provoke risks to both the fetus and the mother herself.

For the fetus

It should immediately be stipulated that a herpetic infection, which was transferred earlier and manifests itself during pregnancy as a relapse of the disease, does not threaten the fetus with any complications. The placental barrier fully copes with its function, so the baby is reliably protected from the negative influence of the pathogen on his body. In addition, when herpes activates, antibodies are included in the fight, which are already formed in the pregnant woman's body and are ready for rashes on the lips.

The situation with the primary penetration of herpes in the early stages of pregnancy is much more complicated. Here, the body of a pregnant woman does not yet have antibodies to fight herpes, and against the background of reduced immunity, a negative effect on the fetus is also manifested. The greatest risk of infection of the fetus in the first trimester - some pregnancies with herpes infection cannot be preserved and a miscarriage occurs. Fortunately, such consequences are extremely rare.

There are also other risks of infecting a child:

  • premature birth;
  • anomalies in the formation of systems and organs;
  • the birth of a child with developmental disabilities;
  • infection with herpes infection during childbirth;
  • long-term consequences - epilepsy and mental retardation.

For the pregnant woman

During pregnancy and a cold on the lip for women, the course of herpes is fundamentally no different from the manifestations of infection earlier, when pregnancy has not yet occurred. The herpes virus provokes all the same symptoms on the lips as before. The only difference is the severity of the course of herpes infection.

When the immune system is weakened, the manifestations of the infection can persist for several days longer than usual. Also, herpes in pregnant women provokes vesicles not only on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, but can also spread to the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, capturing the wings of the nose, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

In especially severe cases, for example, in a state of immunodeficiency, herpes infection can cause more severe damage to the female body. Herpetic vesicles provoke not only ophthalmic herpes, but can also be found on the genitals, causing the corresponding type of disease course.

With the penetration of herpes into the blood, systemic herpes develops, when the activity of the pathogen is recorded in any part of the body where the pathogen was delivered by the hematogenous route. Multiple lesions with herpetic vesicles complicates the course of the labor process - there is a risk of infection of the child with the herpes virus. But mothers with an inactive form of herpes infection pass on to their children protection from the pathogen, which lasts for about six months.

How to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy

Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy has certain features and they are dictated primarily by the special position of a woman. For expectant mothers, not all medications that other women can take are allowed, and therefore, when treating herpes infection, doctors choose not only safe synthetic drugs, but also focus on the use of traditional medicine.

Drug treatment

For the most effective therapy for herpes, treatment must be comprehensive, otherwise frequent relapses are possible. Pregnant women in the first trimester are strictly prohibited from antiviral drugs in tablet form. Pills are allowed only after 35 weeks of pregnancy and only those that the doctor will recommend, taking into account the health status of the expectant mother. Self-administration of medicines is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of herpes is symptomatic, and of the antiviral drugs, the leading drug that is allowed is "Acyclovir" and similar drugs for herpes on the lips during pregnancy:

The antiviral drug does not enter the systemic circulation and acts exclusively at the local level when it penetrates deep into the skin at the site of the lesion and fights viruses. Therapy of herpes on the lips with drugs "Famvir" and "Valtrex" is not recommended in the first trimester of gestation.

It is necessary to smear the affected area with herpes infection from five to eight times a day. The ointment is well rubbed into the affected area until absorbed. With extensive damage to the skin and the spread of infection, the treatment of colds on the lips during pregnancy is corrected - patients expecting a baby are prescribed interferon, echinacea, ginseng root and vitamin "E", which promotes the regeneration of the skin. Other vitamin complexes are also useful, which will help protect a woman from the activation of herpes during pregnancy.


Traditional medicine can also be quite successful in treating a cold on the lip during pregnancy. Such medicines do not contain a synthetic component, and therefore are safe for both the woman and the baby. In addition, traditional medicines are available, easy to prepare and easy to use. Each pregnant woman can independently prepare one of the medicines.

Local treatment is possible using the following means:

  1. Aloe juice - to prepare a healing remedy, you need to choose a thick aloe leaf older than three years, cut it off, rinse it and squeeze the juice out of it. To get rid of herpes, the herpes vesicles are treated with the liquid obtained by applying a cotton swab dipped in aloe juice on them.
  2. Kalanchoe juice - has the same properties for herpes as aloe, is able to relieve inflammation and heal wounds after self-opening of the vesicles. Has a decongestant effect, inhibits the appearance of new bubbles.
  3. Garlic and coffee are a great tandem in treating herpes. It is necessary to grind two cloves of garlic, add a little coffee, and honey and flour are recommended. The resulting mixture is applied to problem areas 3-4 times a day.
  4. Chamomile infusion - for the treatment of herpes rash, you can use a strong chamomile infusion for applications. Chamomile also helps reduce inflammation and soft tissue swelling.
  5. Infusion of calendula- has a powerful wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect, and at the stage of opening the bubbles it also dries the crusts, due to the enhancement of the regenerative properties of the skin, it allows you to cure a cold on the lips much faster.

The appearance of a herpes infection in a woman during pregnancy is not a tragedy. Most expectant mothers have already had herpes once, while the virus itself remains in their body. The body also has antibodies to the virus, therefore, when the pathogen manifests itself, there is a ready-made immune response. It is more difficult with the primary infection with the herpes virus - in this situation, the pregnant woman must strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

Herpes on the lips is a widespread, highly contagious (contagious) infection that manifests itself as rashes of characteristic vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes. Bubbles filled with a clear liquid appear in small groups and are painful, they are usually grouped at the upper or lower border of the lips. The causative agent of the disease is the herpes simplex virus HSV-1.

Statistics say that more than 97% of the inhabitants of our planet are infected with this virus, and if a herpes infection has entered the body, then it is impossible to get rid of it and the virus remains with a person for life. At the same time, antibodies are produced in the blood of each carrier, which suppress the manifestations of herpes. The virus can "doze" for years, but is easily activated if the body's immune defenses are weakened.

Therefore, the manifestations of herpes often haunt pregnant women, since it is during this period that hormonal changes in the whole body take place and the immune system often fails. Many women are interested in how to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy, and is this virus dangerous during the period of gestation?

The main reason for the appearance of herpes is a decrease in immunity. Most people become infected with the herpes virus during childhood. It is easily transmitted by airborne droplets and by household means, so you can get infected with it through household items (towels, clothes, dishes) or from a sick person when sneezing, coughing, and even ordinary conversation. Often the mother passes the infection to the baby during childbirth.

Primary infection is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, but then the virus can live in the body for many years, without showing itself, and returns with relapses when immunity is weakened, which can be provoked by the following unfavorable factors:

  • Colds
  • Chronic foci of infection
  • Hypothermia of the body
  • Overwork, stress, nervous breakdowns
  • Malnutrition
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking
  • Pregnancy period

It is during pregnancy that significant changes occur in a woman's body, which may be accompanied by an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases and dysfunctions of the immune system.

That is, it is this period that is most favorable for the appearance of herpetic eruptions. For expectant mothers, such unexpected "surprises" cause well-founded fears for the health of the unborn child and make them think about Is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy?


The effect of the virus on the body of the expectant mother and fetus can be different and largely depends on the duration of pregnancy and on whether the virus first manifested itself or the woman suffered from herpes sores before pregnancy. If the expectant mother was familiar with the symptoms of herpes before, then there is no need to worry, there are antibodies in her body, and there is no danger to the baby's health.

But if the symptoms of herpes first appeared during pregnancy, this is a reason for an urgent visit to a doctor, since there is a high probability of adverse effects on the fetus. What symptoms should you watch out for?

With a primary infection, symptoms may not appear immediately, since the incubation period for the virus is from 3 to 10 days. Herpes develops gradually and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Signs of intoxication of the body (headache, aching muscles and joints, nausea, fever).
  • There is an itching and burning sensation in the mouth.
  • Swelling and swelling of the lips is noted.
  • Painful blisters filled with fluid appear on the border or at the corners of the lips.
  • After a while, the bubbles open up, and weeping ulcers remain in their place.
  • The surface of the ulcers becomes crusty, the lips dry out, and the delicate skin can crack and bleed.

The primary and recurrent process on the lips is manifested in the same way. When these symptoms appear, the expectant mother should see a doctor who will prescribe treatment taking into account the patient's condition and select drugs that do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is especially dangerous with primary infection. If a woman has not previously suffered from the manifestations of the virus, it means that there are no antibodies in her body, and infection with a herpes infection threatens with serious consequences.

Primary infection with the virus can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus, since it is in the first three months that the laying of the main organs and systems of the unborn child is actively taking place. This situation can lead to miscarriage, missed pregnancy, or cause malformations in the embryo. Intrauterine infection with the virus can lead to such serious consequences as:

  • Underdevelopment of the brain
  • Eye infections (inflammation of the cornea, blurred vision)
  • Dysfunction of the nervous system
  • Hearing impairment
  • Delayed physical and mental development

In the case when herpes on the lips reappeared, and the expectant mother had previously encountered its symptoms, the danger is low, since the child is protected by antibodies produced by the mother's body. However, if a rash appears, you should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment.

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is no less dangerous if the infection occurs for the first time. At 4 months, all the vital organs of the baby have already formed and the likelihood of serious fetal malformations is much lower than in early pregnancy. But at this time there is an active formation of the nervous system, reproductive organs and bone tissue.

Therefore, the herpes virus can disrupt the correct formation of these systems, provoke a delay in the development of the fetus or cause premature birth. If a woman has had herpes before, then the manifestations of the virus during the 2nd trimester will not have negative consequences for the baby.

Primary infection with the herpes virus in the late stages can pose a threat not only to the child, but also to the mother, since the infection further weakens the already undermined protective functions of the body and can be complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection. Infection with the virus after 36 weeks of pregnancy increases the risk of developing diseases of the nervous system, skin and internal organs (liver, spleen) in the fetus, and in the most severe cases it can lead to the birth of a still child.

To protect the baby from serious pathologies, you should seek medical help in a timely manner. Specialists neutralize the negative effects of the virus with special drugs, and to prevent infection of the child during childbirth, they can use a cesarean section.

If a woman has previously had rashes on her lips, then a recurrence of herpes will not cause concern for the doctor, since antibodies have formed in the mother's body, which pass to the child and protect him from infection.

An experienced doctor can easily diagnose herpes on the lips during a visual examination. In some cases, with primary infection, the symptoms of the disease can be mistaken for manifestations of atopic dermatitis or bacterial impetigo, which are also characterized by the appearance of blistering eruptions. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional studies to determine the presence of the virus in the body. These are accurate and reliable methods such as:

  1. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The study determines the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus, which indicates that the body has already encountered the virus and has developed a defense against it.
  2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The study allows you to detect the DNA of the virus in the material taken for analysis (blood, saliva, amniotic fluid).
  3. A specific immuno-point HSV test will not only determine the presence of a virus, but also clarify its belonging to a particular type.

For research, a pregnant woman will need to donate blood for analysis. Blood is taken on an empty stomach, and on the day of the test, it is not recommended to eat fatty foods.

What to do if herpes appears on the lips during pregnancy - drug treatment

Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy is reduced to the relief of individual symptoms and the appointment of drugs that weaken the virus during the initial infection or with an exacerbation of the disease.

To eliminate external manifestations, it is recommended to use ointments. The doctor will select such topical preparations that will be harmless to the expectant mother and baby. The medicinal components of these funds should not penetrate into the mother's bloodstream, this will eliminate the risk of their penetration through the placenta to the baby.

Treating herpes on the lips is most effective in the early stages. Therefore, if you suspect a herpetic rash, you should use a proven local remedy. So, if there is discomfort in the area of ​​the lips, a burning sensation or subcutaneous tingling, it is necessary to use an antiviral ointment. This will help prevent the virus from multiplying and spreading through the mucous membranes.

The most popular antiviral agents are Acyclovir, Vivorax, Gervirax, Acigerpin ointments. They help reduce symptoms and reduce the activity of herpes sores. Antiviral ointments based on acyclovir show a healing effect on the surface of the skin, without penetrating into the blood and tissues and without adversely affecting the fetus. These funds are used throughout the week, lubricating herpes foci up to 5 times a day.

In addition to drugs with acyclovir, there are other equally effective ointments containing antiviral components:

  • Panavir
  • Penciclovir
  • Viferon
  • Tromantadine
  • Viru-Merz - serol

In addition to these drugs, you can use oxolinic, tetracycline, erythromycin, tebrofen ointments. With severe rashes, the doctor may prescribe moxibustion with a solution of interferon with vitamin E.

Separately, preparations with herbal ingredients should be distinguished, which are effective against the main symptoms of herpes infection:

  • Lomagerpan (cream) - contains lemon balm leaves
  • Biopin (ointment) - the basis of the drug is the resin of relict pines
  • Tykveol is a preparation based on pumpkin oil
  • Hyporamine (gel) - based on sea buckthorn leaves

These funds are completely safe for the health of the mother and the unborn child, since they do not contain chemical components in their composition and are not able to have a negative effect on the body.

To maintain the body's defenses, a pregnant woman is prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes. Especially useful are biological supplements or vitamin complexes containing zinc and vitamin E. In addition, according to the doctor's prescription, antiviral drugs can be prescribed in the form of tablets for oral administration. They will help to completely dull the symptoms of the virus if you start taking them at the initial stage of the disease.

The drug Valacyclovir has the most powerful effect. If this remedy begins to be taken within 12 hours after the first symptoms of herpes appear, then the main signs of the disease in the form of blistering rashes are not to be feared. Valacyclovir should be taken twice: the first time 4 tablets are taken with the initial symptoms of infection, the second time, in the same amount (4 tablets), the drug is taken after 12 hours.

Unfortunately, modern medicine does not have the means to completely destroy the pathogen. Medicines can only weaken the virus and put it back into a "dormant" state.

To strengthen the immune system, it is useful for pregnant women to take immunostimulating herbal preparations: tincture of ginseng, echinacea or eleutherococcus.

In addition, doctors advise supplementing the course of therapy with certain dietary restrictions. Certain foods, such as chocolate or raisins, contain the amino acid arginine, which increases the activity of the virus, so they should be eliminated from the daily diet. It is recommended to include fresh vegetables, fruits and chicken in the menu. These foods are rich in the beneficial amino acid lysine, which helps to stop the herpes virus from multiplying in the body.

Doctors recommend drinking more fluids in cases where the pregnant woman does not have kidney problems and there is no swelling. It is useful to include drinks containing vitamin C in the menu: rosehip broth, green tea, tea with lemon, freshly squeezed fruit juices.

Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy with folk remedies

Many women during pregnancy do not want to use medications, so they can be advised to treat herpes on the lips with the help of folk recipes.

After the sores on the lips are covered with a dry crust, it is recommended to use agents that accelerate tissue regeneration and promote healing. For this purpose, sea buckthorn oil, calendula ointment, tea tree or fir essential oils are used.

Many people use simple and proven remedies such as black tea, baking soda, salt. Baking soda or table salt is dissolved in boiled water and the rash is treated with this solution. When using tea, a strong brew is used to treat the lesions.

Ice can be used to reduce inflammation. It is wrapped in a sterile tissue and applied to the affected area. Another recipe advises treating herpes with eggshells, or rather the inner film lining it from the inside. Traditional healers claim that the film has an anti-inflammatory effect, it should be carefully separated from the shell and applied to the herpes focus.

Gum resin (sap) helps to get rid of the "cold" on the lips. Its application speeds up the healing process. The gum is able to provide a preventive effect and prevent the reappearance of rashes. With profuse manifestations of herpes on the lips, the bubbles can be cauterized with medical alcohol or Corvalol solution.

Disease prevention

In order to eliminate the likelihood of herpes on the lips, a few months before the expected pregnancy, one should start strengthening the immune system, get rid of bad habits, undergo a full examination of the body and cure chronic foci of infection.

  • Expectant mothers need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, temper, and engage in active sports. Concomitant diseases should be treated in time, hypothermia and overheating in the sun should not be allowed.
  • Persons prone to frequent relapses of the disease are advised to use sunscreen when going outside, since the sun's rays can activate the virus.
  • Try not to come into contact with someone who has herpes sores. Do not use shared utensils and household items, towels and bed linen. All dishes should be individual.
  • Remember that a "cold" on the lips is contagious, so strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Do not touch herpes sores with your hands, exclude contact of the rash with water, otherwise you can easily spread the infection to other parts of the body.
  • It is strictly forbidden to pierce or break open the bubbles on the lips. This can provoke infection and increased inflammation.
  • Do not use other people's mascara, lipstick, or other cosmetics.
  • When a rash appears on the lips, you should not kiss, touch the child with your lips. It is recommended to wear a medical face bandage during this time.
  • Before going outside, apply a special antiherpetic lipstick containing tea tree oil to your lips.
  • Try to avoid stress, nervous tension. Good rest and healthy sleep will help maintain health.

By following these simple tips, you will reduce the likelihood of a herpes infection and prevent the development of possible complications.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is wary of any disease. This is understandable, because the development of the baby depends on her health. Throughout the entire period of gestation, a woman's immunity is in a physiological suppressed state, therefore, all kinds of diseases now and then cling to and aggravate. What to do if herpes appears on the lips in the early stages of pregnancy, is it worth panicking and how to be treated?

Read in this article

Reasons for the appearance

The rashes on the lips, familiar to all, are manifestations of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the first type. This is a classic habitat for it, but it can also exist on the genitals of women and men. The herpes virus of the second type also causes identical rashes, it can be rarely found on the lips, but the cervix and other structures of the genitals are a favorite place.

According to the WHO, around the world, about 65% of people are carriers of HSV of the first type, and about 15% of the second. But if you investigate immunity, then almost 100% have antibodies to this pathogen. The whole point is as follows.

Every person after birth at some point is faced with the herpes virus. Depending on the state of its immunity, this pathogen is either completely destroyed, or the disease disappears clinically, but the microorganism itself remains in tissues for life, namely in the structures of the nervous system.

In the latter case, as soon as the body is in a state of immunodeficiency (including during pregnancy), the virus is activated, the clinical picture is clearly visible: bubble-shaped rashes appear, preceded by itching and burning in this place, then crusts appear, but gradually everything goes away.

However, the virus is still constantly in the nerve cells that approach this place. It is located there in an inactive state until a certain time.

In order for infection to occur, a source of infection is required. Primarily, the herpes virus can enter the body in the following ways:

  • The contact-household transmission mechanism implies the ingress of the virus with a towel, linen, dishes and other household items, if a person with manifestations of herpes does not have separate ones.
  • The sexual route of infection is quite common, and oral-genital contacts lead to the fact that the border between the habitat of HSV types 1 and 2 is erased. That is, they can be found with equal probability both on the lips and on the genitals.
  • Airborne droplets are not always implemented, more often with close contact, for example, when talking with a sick person, viruses can get to a healthy person with droplets of saliva.
  • The vertical route of transmission is from the sick mother to the fetus. And if for a woman the herpes virus does not pose a particular danger, it can have a rather serious effect on a developing fetus. It all depends on the frequency of recurrence of the infection, the presence of concomitant pathology and many more factors.

So, during pregnancy, a woman's body experiences an immunodeficiency, which is necessary in order to endure half of the foreign genetic material. But on the other hand, this leads to the fact that various infections, including herpes, often appear at this time.

Where can be localized

Depending on the variant of the first contact with the virus, the clinical picture of the disease will depend. Most often, rashes appear in the area of ​​the lips, oral mucosa (soft and hard palate, gums, etc.), and also not uncommon and herpes in the nose in early pregnancy. Less commonly, the eyes and other organs (lungs, bronchi, etc.) are affected. The more pronounced the immunodeficiency, the more areas are affected and the more severe the infection progresses.

During the sexual route of infection, foci appear on the mucous membrane and skin of the labia, and upon examination, pathogens are found both on the cervix and in the cervical canal.

Is herpes dangerous?

Herpes of any type and type is a rather dangerous infection. This is due to the fact that these viruses multiply and directly change the cell nucleus, which contains the genetic material. It is because of this that herpes often leads to the threat of miscarriage, miscarriage, pathology of the placenta and amniotic fluid.

The following clinical options are relevant:

  • Infrequent (once every few months) herpes on the lips, mucous membrane of the mouth or nose should not cause much concern to the expectant mother. The fact is that her blood contains antibodies to this pathogen, so the immune system will immediately capture it even before it could penetrate the fetus and harm it. In this case, it will be enough to use local creams or ointments, as well as simply treat the affected area with an antiseptic.
  • Frequent herpes on the lips with the defeat of several zones should concern the expectant mother. Despite the fact that this is not even the first case of herpes, large affected areas may indicate the presence of some kind of immunodeficiency condition (the most unpleasant one is HIV). Frequent relapses do not pose a significant danger to the developing embryo, but they require certain treatment with antiviral drugs, interferons, vitamins, etc. are also added.
  • Herpes on the labia is also common in pregnant women. If these are several rashes in the early stages, and the episodes do not recur, most likely, the disease will not affect the embryo in any way. But permanent foci will lead to the spread of viruses, he can get to the baby in an ascending way.
  • Herpes in the cervical canal is the greatest danger to the embryo. Directly from here, it is very easy for viral elements to penetrate the placenta or amniotic fluid and directly to the developing baby.

Thus, it becomes clear how dangerous herpes is in early pregnancy. In each case, the risk is different. Unambiguously, the less frequent the repetitions of the disease, the less the likelihood of harmful effects.

As for the duration of pregnancy, it is dangerous to occur in the early stages, as well as on the eve of childbirth, since at this time the risk of infection of the child and the development of unpleasant consequences will be slightly higher. You should be especially careful with genital herpes, as the path to the embryo in this case is significantly reduced.

Watch the video about the disease:

Treating the virus

The most adequate treatment regimen can be prescribed only by a specialist after studying the entire clinical picture and talking with the expectant mother. The acute period, recurrence of herpes in early pregnancy, or primary infection have similar treatment principles.

The main areas of therapy are as follows:

  • Antiviral treatment- the main thing, acyclovir is most often used for this, since its safety during pregnancy has been confirmed by many years of use in medicine in this group of patients. However, there is no reliable data, so even its appointment should be taken seriously.

Acyclovir is prescribed for the primary onset of herpes, in this case, the usual dose will be higher than the average, in the range of 0.4 - 0.8 g up to 5 times a day for 7 - 10 days. If this is a relapse of the disease, the amount of the drug taken is halved. Local use of the gel is popular and effective for small foci and rare episodes of the disease.

  • Means that enhance the body's natural antiviral defenses. This includes preparations of interferon and its inducers, immunomodulators, as well as drugs based on bifidobacteria. The duration of treatment with them can affect the entire period of gestation.
  • Vitamins and antioxidant complexes in courses of 10-14 days.
  • With severe pain or edema, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, for example, ibuprofen and the like.

Treating herpes in early pregnancy also includes following basic hygiene practices to prevent other areas from being affected, as well as to prevent transmission of the virus to other family members. They include the following:

  • for the duration of the illness, it is better to allocate separate dishes in order to minimize the spread of the pathogen;
  • towels and other hygiene items must also be individual;
  • you should refrain from intimate relationships and even kissing during treatment;
  • in no case need to rip off the crusts, there are still active viruses under them;
  • if a girl uses contact lenses, it is necessary to very carefully handle her hands before the procedure;
  • it is advisable to apply all medicinal creams and ointments with a cotton swab or something similar, and not with your hands.

Prevention of reappearance

Despite the fact that this virus can have a serious effect on a developing baby only in 3 - 5% of cases, it is better if herpes and pregnancy do not occur in the early stages. To do this, prevention of the disease should be carried out, especially in those women who are characterized by relapses, for example, on the eve of menstruation, after ARVI, etc.

  • The main thing with a tendency to recurrent infection is to strengthen the immune system. This includes both hardening, regular ventilation of the premises, and the use of interferon preparations and its inducers throughout the entire gestation period.
  • Laser blood irradiation gives good long-term results, but it should be done before pregnancy, when planning.
  • Vaccination against HSV of the first and second types is also effective, which will help create reliable immunity against this infection.

Herpetic infection is a serious disease that indicates a defect in some link in the immune system in case of frequent relapses. The appearance of rashes on the lips several times during pregnancy will not have a significant effect on the development of the baby.

But with frequent episodes, as well as with the location of foci in the genital area, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist can say how to treat herpes in the early stages of pregnancy or already in the second or third trimesters is effective and safe for mom and baby.

Most people on the planet are infected with the herpes virus. Usually, a cold on the lips does not cause fear in a person, since it does not pose a serious danger to his health. The course of a viral infection in pregnant women has its own characteristics.

Causes of the appearance of herpes on the lips during pregnancy

The vast majority of the population is infected with the herpes virus. This cold sore is a manifestation of the herpes simplex virus type 1. Penetrating into the body by airborne droplets, this virus is located in the nerve fibers for a long time. Being in an inactive state there, the virus particles wait for the favorable moment to start active replication. The provoking factor for the onset of the disease is a decrease in immunity.

During pregnancy, there is a natural decrease in the body's immune defenses. This is a prerequisite for the normal development of the fetus. The woman's immune cells recognize the cells of the developing fetus as foreign. To avoid a rejection reaction, nature provides for a natural suppression of immune activity.

The appearance of herpes is primarily associated with a decrease in immunity.

The development of herpes during pregnancy can be the result of a primary infection during this period of a woman, or it can manifest itself as an activation of an already existing latent state. This can happen at any stage of pregnancy. Additional provoking factors can be:

  • respiratory infection;
  • flu;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • overheat;
  • any infectious pathology (kidney inflammation, tonsillitis).

First trimester

With primary infection in the early stages of pregnancy, the fetus has a high likelihood of severe malformations, sometimes incompatible with life. As a rule, such a pregnancy ends with a spontaneous abortion. Another outcome is a frozen pregnancy, when an ultrasound examination determines the ovum and membranes, and the embryo is absent.

With a viral infection already present, an exacerbation in the first trimester can lead to a delay in fetal development. In most cases, a newborn is a carrier of a viral infection.

Second trimester

The first contact with the herpes virus in the second trimester is no longer so dangerous for the health of the fetus. By the beginning of the second trimester, the main structures of the fetal organs are already formed. The development of a herpes infection in the second trimester can cause dysfunction of the placenta. Due to the development of fetal-placental insufficiency, chronic oxygen starvation of the fetus may occur. As a rule, this leads to a delay in its intrauterine development, the child may be born with a deficiency in body weight and reduced immunity. In cases of a severe course of a viral infection, the pathology of the nervous system develops, its active formation occurs from 12 weeks of pregnancy. A newborn baby may develop viral encephalitis or meningitis.

As a rule, such a severe effect of a viral infection on fetal formation is extremely rare and is caused by other factors that reduce immunity, for example, HIV infection or other immunodeficiency conditions.

If a pregnant woman does not have a pronounced immunodeficiency, the herpes simplex virus in the second trimester of pregnancy can provoke:

  • After 14 weeks of intrauterine development - violations of the formation of the endocrine system of the fetus.
  • From 16 weeks - a slowdown in the growth and differentiation of fetal bone tissue.
  • From 20 weeks - a violation of the formation of ovarian tissue in female fetuses.
  • Threat of late miscarriage or premature birth (depending on the period).

In the case of activation of a chronic viral infection in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the risk of developing fetal pathology is minimal. Antibodies to the herpes simplex virus cross the placenta and have a protective effect on the fetus.

Third trimester

Infection with the herpes simplex virus type 1 from 24 weeks of gestation can lead to impaired development of the organs of vision and hearing. In such cases, newborn babies may develop blindness or deafness. Such consequences are extremely rare, since most women had contact with the herpes virus before pregnancy, antibodies to this pathogen are already circulating in their bodies.

The severe course of a viral infection in the third trimester provokes the development of fetal-placental insufficiency and is the cause of premature birth.


With primary infection or activation of a latent viral infection, asthenic syndrome first develops:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Weakness, malaise.
  • Muscle aches and soreness.

After 2 or 3 days in the area of ​​the lips, sometimes - the wings of the nose, hyperemia and edema develop. An unpleasant itching sensation appears. A day later, vesicular rashes appear in these places. These are bubbles filled with transparent contents containing a large amount of viral particles.

After 3 or 4 days, the bubbles begin to burst and crust over. After another 3 or 4 days, they heal without the formation of scar tissue. The total duration of the disease varies from 7 to 14 days.

This process can proceed much faster if treatment is started in a timely manner. When chronic herpes infection is activated, the clinical picture can be erased, asthenic syndrome may be absent.

Treatment methods

For treatment, both pharmaceuticals and traditional methods are used.


Currently, there are no medicines that can completely remove the herpes virus from the body. Therefore, measures for the treatment of herpes during pregnancy are aimed at alleviating the general condition of the woman and reducing the risk of negative consequences for the fetus.

  • Treatment of asthenic syndrome - rest, good nutrition. It is recommended to include foods that contain lysine in the diet. This amino acid inhibits the replication of the herpes virus. Lysine is found in chicken meat, fruits and vegetables. Foods such as chocolate and raisins are recommended to be eliminated from the diet during illness. The amino acid arginine contained in them stimulates the spread of the virus.
  • Of the antipyretic drugs during pregnancy, only Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are allowed.
  • The use of antiviral drugs. Antiviral therapy is most effective in the period between the development of hyperemia before the rash, or on the first day after the onset of the rash.

The drug Acyclovir or Zovirax has proven antiviral activity. When applied topically to lubricate lesions, it effectively reduces swelling and inhibits active replication of the herpes virus. When applied topically, this drug does not enter the bloodstream. It also comes in pill form. When using the drug, it easily penetrates the placental barrier and has an effect on the fetus. However, with the manifestation of a viral infection only in the face area, Acyclovir tablets are used extremely rarely, usually they are prescribed only for immunodeficiency states.

For the treatment of herpes during pregnancy, other ointments containing Acyclovir are also used: Virolex, Supraviran and others.

As a prophylaxis for the addition of a bacterial infection, the foci of the rash are lubricated with antibacterial ointments: erythromycin, tetracycline or oxolinic.

Photo gallery of drugs for the treatment of herpes

Zovirax cream

Folk remedies

For the treatment of herpes on the lips, alternative methods can be used as a supplement. They are natural, safe, affordable and easy to use.

  • Lubrication of the affected areas with fresh aloe or Kalanchoe juice.
  • Applying tampons with an infusion of chamomile, tansy, licorice or calendula root to the area of ​​the rash.
  • Moxibustion of vesicles with alcohol or fresh garlic juice.

These procedures can be performed 3 - 5 times a day, they accelerate the healing of the epithelium of the lips.

To reduce inflammation and speed up the restoration of the labial epithelium, you can use toothpaste or special antiherpetic lipstick.

However, all these methods have only a local anti-inflammatory effect. These methods do not possess specific antiviral activity. Therefore, when using only folk methods, it is difficult to achieve effective treatment for herpes.

Photo gallery of traditional methods of treatment

Juice squeezed from cloves of garlic

Precautionary measures

When treating herpetic rashes on the lips, you must follow the rules:

  • Do not touch the affected areas or peel off the crusts.
  • Use individual dishes and a towel.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before inserting lenses to prevent viruses from entering the eyes.
  • Refrain from applying decorative cosmetics, while using face cream, avoid the area of ​​rashes.

Potential consequences for mother and child

For the woman herself, a viral infection is not dangerous. During pregnancy, the determining factor is the possibility of a negative impact on the intrauterine development of the child. To assess his condition and predict the further management of pregnancy with the development of herpes on the lips, ultrasound scanning is used at different periods:

  • At 11 or 12 weeks, the thickness of the collar zone is determined. These data make it possible to assess the presence of intrauterine malformations in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • At 21 or 22 weeks - anomalies in the development of fetal organs and the condition of the placenta (thickening, presence of calcifications).
  • For a period of 32 weeks, violations of various organs and systems and the presence of phenomena of fetal-placental insufficiency, the amount and state of amniotic fluid are determined. A decrease in the production of amniotic fluid and echographic signs of their heterogeneity indicate intrauterine infection of the fetus.
  • In addition, alpha-fetoprotein levels are checked at 16 weeks of gestation. This indicator, together with ultrasound diagnostics, allows the most reliable diagnosis of intrauterine fetal malformations.

To assess the degree of risk of a viral infection for the fetus, it is necessary to determine whether it is primary or whether the viral particles were already in the mother's body for some time before external manifestations. For this, antibodies to the virus are determined in the blood.

In the acute phase, during initial contact, the immune system produces antibodies - immunoglobulins M. After three weeks of the existence of the herpes virus in the body, immunoglobulins G are determined in the blood.

Women who are planning a pregnancy need to be tested for antibodies to the herpes virus to predict the course of pregnancy and the risk of developing fetal malformations.


The development of a viral infection during pregnancy can be minimized by following some recommendations:

  • Timely treat respiratory diseases and infections of other organs. Rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection must be carried out before pregnancy (treatment of caries, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other diseases).
  • Eat well, include in the diet all the necessary components for the formation of good immunity. These are protein products (poultry, fish and beef), dairy products, cereals with a sufficient fiber content, vegetables and fruits. Pork is not recommended during pregnancy. It is better to exclude chocolate, coffee, confectionery from the diet during pregnancy.
  • For good immunity and full development of the fetus on time, pregnant women are advised to take special vitamins. Preparations and dosages are prescribed by the doctor who monitors the pregnancy.
  • In order not to provoke the activation of viruses, pregnant women need to observe the daily regimen, walk in the fresh air every day, avoid hypothermia and overheating. A visit to the sauna is highly undesirable.

A pregnant woman gets herpes on her lips just like a common cold. This infection does not represent serious consequences for her health. But on the state of health of her unborn child and the course of pregnancy, the herpes virus can have many negative consequences. Therefore, one should not neglect measures to prevent this disease, and at the first signs of a viral infection, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.

A herpes bladder on the lips and face during pregnancy seems to be a scary phenomenon for women, since a viral disease is always dangerous to health. What can we say about that exciting period when a woman is in an interesting position. The rapidly spreading herpes simplex virus, or HSV, can fly throughout the female body and infect not only the tissues of the epidermis, but also the internal systems, as well as penetrate the placenta and infect the unborn child.

In this regard, suspicious women rush to the doctor, while others begin self-medication. Let's find out if herpes on the lips during pregnancy is dangerous, and what kind of trouble it can bring at different times.

The herpes virus is a common infection among the population. People become infected with it by airborne droplets once, after which the harmful strain lives in the nerve fibers for years. On the lip, it is caused by type 1 of the virus. At first, it is inactive and does not bother the person. The particles are dormant, waiting for favorable factors for their life.

For herpes to appear on the lips during pregnancy, even one factor is enough - this is a decrease in immunity. The natural protection of the expectant mother is weakened for the reason that the rejection of the fetus does not occur, which, in fact, is a foreign body for the body. Immunity also weakens against the background of hormonal changes.

The development of herpes in pregnant women can be a primary event if the infection occurs during gestation, or secondary, when the infection occurred before conception, and the virus was in the nerve axons in a latent state. It is impossible to completely insure against infection; an expectant mother can face the HSV-1 strain at any time.

Herpes on the lip of a pregnant woman also pops up for other reasons:

  • Avitaminosis.
  • Poisoning.
  • Microtrauma of the skin.
  • Influenza and frequent respirators.
  • Overheating or severe hypothermia.
  • Psycho-emotional overload.
  • Low resistance to stress and constant stress.
  • Current non-HSV infectious disease.


The clinical picture of the disease is the same with the primary infection and with the reactivation of the strain. The initial symptoms of herpes on the lips will be weakness and malaise, soreness and muscle aches, and increased body temperature. After 2 - 3 days, the asthenic syndrome is replaced by redness and swelling of the skin of the lips and wings of the nose.