Japanese philosophical sayings. Topic: Sayings of Japanese philosophers and samurai

mood: busy

Takuan Soho
If you single out one goal for your mind, it will be captivated by this goal and become useless. When you think, your mind is captured by your own thoughts.

Drop all thoughts and judgments - drop your whole mind. If you do not try to keep the mind in one place, it will spread to the whole body and at any moment will be ready to serve you.

2. It's bad to attach to the past and cling to what's on your mind now. You must completely cut off the past from the present in your mind. If the mind is dominated by thoughts about the past, it means that it has stopped. It is important that the past does not mix with the present, so forget your past thoughts and be attentive.to not stop your mind.

3. It is wrong if a parent scolds a child for wrongdoing without correcting his own mind. You must first of all watch your behavior. And then, if you correct your son, his behavior will change naturally, and the younger son will follow the example of the older one and will also correct himself. It is truly auspicious when father and son become virtuous together.

4. - To gain value, you need to understand yourself and be able to change completely.

Action comes from desires.

Desires should be respected as well as life.

Desires cannot be killed.

The embodiment of desires depends on the wisdom of the person.

Wisdom guides desires.

Matsura Seizan

1. If you have failed in mastering the method, do not try to use it again. In the martial arts, it is important to learn how to adapt to many situations. There are methods for specific situations. Every method you use should contribute to your victory

2. One victory is not a lifetime victory. You can defeat your opponent one day, but for the rest of your life you will not achieve superiority over him. It makes no sense to speculate whether anyone has achieved a real victory in one fight.

Real victory is a victory that accompanies us throughout our lives. What is the difference between a one-time win and a lifetime win? Many competitions have had random wins, but true victory comes when all the elements of chance have been eliminated. Often we do not understand ourselves: we think that victory isa consequence of our excellence, and failure is an accident. Thus, today's winner can suffer defeat for the rest of his life.

Kazumi Tabata

1 The body and soul of the tactician must always be ready for battle. Not ready for it takes the path leading to defeat. In a fight, it is important to know what technique the enemy will use - in order to avoid defeat, you need to carefully observe the enemy's movements, find out his intentions and strike first.

Tsunetomo Yamamoto's lectures

Recorded by Tsuramoto Tashiro

1. When talking with a person, first of all, define his character and act accordingly. With those who like to argue and have a strong will, pretend to give in so as not to create problems. Having won or lost an argument, do not harbor anger. When trying to persuade, do not create enemies for yourself - on the contrary, multiply the number of those who sympathize with your views. As a last resort, try to keep the enemy neutral.

2. Being open to criticism and correcting your mistakes is a sign of great character. This is most important, although the process can be painful. Telling someone about their strengths and weaknesses is usually easy: most people know to tell others about things they usually don’t want to hear, and what is difficult to say is kindness. But if a person refuses to listen to what he is told, then nothing can be done about it. And then the one who tried to help feels embarrassed because he is badly spoken of and is considered a fool.

3. It is said that fish cannot live in clean water: when a reed grows, the fish hides in it to grow and reproduce. If you turn a blind eye to small mistakes, it will be much easier to show deep feelings. When it comes to someone’s behavior, it’s necessary to be prudent, because when we discover someone’s minor mistake, we make them feel uncomfortable. Among those who seek outother people's shortcomings, few owners of philosophicalprinciples or your own ideas. Those who do not payattention to little things, do so because of love for reallyimportant and confident in their views.


Pretend you can't when you can.

Pretend you don't need something when it


Pretend to move away and get closer.

Inspire the enemy with the idea that the advantage

on his side.

Confuse the enemy, knock the ground out from under his feet

and slay him with one single blow.

If the enemy is strong, back off and prepare well.

If the enemy is powerful, refrain from


Deliberately infuriate the enemy; wear him down.

Keeping calm, make your opponent lose


Tire and weaken the opponent, full of strength.

Having met a single group, sow discord in it;

make its members strangers to each other.

Hit the weak points of the enemy, do what

he doesn't expect.

The key to victory is knowing your opponent just as well

as well as myself.

Learn how strong the enemy is. Fight

if the odds are in your favor, and don't fight when not

chance to win.

During the battle, make the initiative go

from you.

Scatter the enemy army, make him go to


Concentrate on attacking his weak points.

Defend, keep restraint, wait until the enemy

get tired.

"When attacking, attack the enemy as if it were your last


If the enemy is strong, pretend to be suppressed

with his power, make him lose his guard. Then

attack when least expected.

“For us Japanese, being happy means, first of all, that at any age and at any time we have something to do and what we enjoy doing.”
(Takeshi Kitano)

“Themselves not really knowing,
Fussy, easy, living without problems,
It looks always neat, smoothly slicked,
Small, strong, indifferent to everything;
Some like a monkey, some like a fox,
Some for a flying squirrel, some for a bull with a mustache,
Some like Horisia, some like a gargoyle,
Who is on a splinter of a tea cup - the Japanese ... "
(Takamura Kotaro)

“Look at what's going on in Japan. It’s not even a matter of faith, but of internal atheism, in the absence of the idea that you are not living alone. And this constant use, humiliation of the surrounding world leads to the fact that the Lord says: “Guys, what are you doing? "And sends the poor Japanese a nine-point earthquake with a tsunami.
(N.S. Mikhalkov)

"The secret of the Japanese is that they do not give reports on work, but work."
(Peter Drucker)

"Don't feed the Japanese people with bread, if only someone dies beautifully."
(Boris Akunin)

“Western man, a child of an optimistic civilization, lives in the world, pretending that there is no death, and if there is, it will be very soon. The Japanese tradition calls for being in constant readiness for an unexpected end. "
(Boris Akunin)

“What are you, Japanese, just what a moral difficulty, immediately committing suicide! As if meanness from this will turn into a noble deed! It won't turn! "
(Boris Akunin)

“… In Japan, everyone and everyone, even the villains, certainly have some kind of code. In this, perhaps, there was something pacifying. "
(Boris Akunin)

“- And yet, where is this Japan?
Straight without folding. And so on until the very end of the world. "
(Alessandro Baricco)

“If there is something to admire a Japanese woman for, and not to admire her, it is because she still has not committed suicide. From early childhood, a plaster of paris is put on her brain drop by drop: "If you are not married by the age of 25, be ashamed", "if you laugh, no one will call you exquisite", "if your face expresses any feeling, you are vulgar." , "If you have at least one hair on your body, you are obscene", "if a young man kisses you on the cheek in public, you are a whore", "if you eat with pleasure, you are a pig", "if you like to sleep, you are a cow", and so on. These instructions might seem ridiculous if they did not possess the minds. "
(Amelie Notomb)

“Japan is the country with the highest suicide rate. I am personally surprised that suicide does not happen there more often. "
(Amelie Notomb)

"Everyone wants to have a Japanese TV, but Japan is not getting closer to us."
(Gustav Vodichka)

“The Japanese are consummate PR masters. Skinny suffocators who did not win a single competition, but told the whole world a fairy tale about crushing karate and invincible ninjas! Cowardly and timid - but taught the whole world to respect the spirit of the samurai! Not even able to tie four lines into rhyme, but explained to everyone that three lines without rhyme is the greatest of poetry! And how they sell their cars and electronics! With a bang! Grabbing! Because they explained to everyone: Japanese technology is the best in the world. And now their food. A lump of unwashed rice with a slice of raw fish on top! And soy water soup! Yes, in our prisons, food is better! But no, they explained to everyone that it was fashionable, and all the office lamb appoint each other a rendezvous in sushi bars. "
(Leonid Kaganov)

“The Japanese character can be compared to a tree that a gardener worked on for a long time, bending, tying, propping it up. Even if you then save such a tree from fetters and supports, give free rein to young shoots, then under their freely growing crown, the outlines that were once given to the trunk and main branches will still be preserved. Moral foundations, even if they lie somewhere deep from the surface, are the algebra of human relationships. Knowing its formulas, it is easier to solve the problems posed by modern life ”.
(Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

“It is often asked: how did Japan manage to quickly break out of the top three industrial powers after the war, despite the enormous destruction caused by American bombing; despite the fact that the country was occupied, despite the fact that the colonies were taken away, and there are practically no natural resources on the islands? Parodying the style of riddles-paradoxes, beloved by the Buddhist Zen sect, the Japanese ironically say that each of these questions turns into an answer if the word “despite” is replaced by the word “thanks”. "
(Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

“The average Japanese is better off with electrical equipment than clothing; clothing is better than food; food is better than housing. "
(Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

“Foreign experts admit that aesthetic education in the Japanese school is broader and more thorough than in other countries of the world. Already a second grader uses paints of thirty-six colors and knows the names of each of them. On a fine day, the school director has the right to cancel all classes so that the children can go out into the air to draw from life or listen to the teacher's explanations on how to recognize beauty in nature. "
(Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

“In the West, people are either telling you the truth or they are lying. The Japanese almost never lie, but it never occurs to them to tell you the truth. "
(Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

"Japan is a country where people go with the most incredible bags and bags, so even a picture with the words 'I LOVE THE DEVIL' can attract the attention of Tokyo people only if its owner suddenly starts spewing fire and brimstone."
(Deborah Boliver Boehm)

"To understand Japanese, you have to think in Japanese."

"A real hokku should be as simple as oatmeal and give a vivid picture of real objects, for example, this is probably the most ingenious of all:" A sparrow gallops across the veranda with wet paws. " This is Shiki. So you see the wet traces of sparrow's feet, and at the same time everything is contained in a few words, and the rain that has been falling all day, and even the smell of pine trees. "
(Jack Kerouac)

“It's so peaceful in Japan. How great it is! "
(Yashiro Isana)

“The Japanese have as much creativity as the Americans. It all depends on what counts as creativity. In Japan, the emphasis is on problem solving, a new approach to an old problem. This kind of creativity gravitates towards teamwork and fuzzy logic. In the West, the image of a lone creator and sudden inspiration is cultivated. We have practical creativity in one case, romantic creativity in another. They are equally important, but they love to look at each other in bewilderment or even contempt. The Japanese scold the Americans for their carelessness and randomness, the Americans scold the Japanese for their passion for imitation. Both traits are present, but not necessarily disadvantages. Rather, even they complement each other. "
(Will Ferguson)

“I used to think that the Japanese word for“ in the future ”means“ soon ”or“ in time, ”but it’s not. This "in the future" does not refer to time, but to a different plane of being. It means "in another life, at another time."
(Will Ferguson)

“Usually a stranger turns first into an outcast, then into one of his own. In Japan, you will forever be an outcast. The last step, recognition by your own, will not be. We are kept at arm's length, bow, drum roll. The Japanese are not cruel at all. The trouble is not that you are not welcome. You are welcome - but as a foreigner. The trouble is not that you are not included in their circle, but that you are partially accepted. The door is open, but the chain has not been removed. They beckon with one hand, push away with the other. Japan is a land of unbroken hearts, a land of offended pride. I couldn't become Japanese even if I wanted to. We all refuse without difficulty, but no one wants to be rejected. "
(Will Ferguson)

"Dream. The Japanese always dreams of something unrealizable. There are such dreams at every step, they are like countless gods inhabiting every mountain, every stone, every island in every bay. They can be found in any home. Altars are dedicated to them, pacified by small offerings, they are elusive, like fog, omnipresent, like air. Dreams don't come true. Self-sacrifice is among the Japanese ideals, and the first thing that a person sacrifices is his secret, very personal, pipe dream. Japan is sighing. "
(Will Ferguson)

"In Japan, you are surrounded by ghosts, and the past is always near - you just need to learn to see the invisible."
(Will Ferguson)

“In Japan, people who are in harmony with each other, such as a pianist and a violinist playing a duet, are called A-un no kokyu. "Kokyu" means "breath", and the whole combination is "perfection", "exquisite harmony". Two or more breathe as one. If self-realization is the ideal that the Western world aspires to, then one breath is the ideal that Japan and most of Asia aspire to. The word "harmony" in Japan has the same charisma as the word "freedom" in the West. "
(Will Ferguson)

“If you’re as tall as a Japanese, then you should have been born Japanese. This world is not arranged correctly. "
(Charles Aznavour)

"I have never seen a person who would become a long-liver by observing the prohibitions."
(Murasaki Shikibu)

"The Japanese are impatient, they even eat fish raw."

And we would like to coincide with this holiday a hundred "pearls of thought" from the land of the rising sun, which reflects the philosophy of the nation, its spirit, moral principles and life experience.

1. It is not scary to retreat, it is scary not to continue the struggle.

2. Blind devotion is not far from infidelity.

3. Money makes people strangers.

4. Both good and evil are in your heart.

5. In big matters, little flaws are not pondered.

6. Don't do what you have to hide.

7. He who can swim can drown.

8. Consider every stranger a thief.

9. The pepper has at least small grains, but very spicy.

10. And the master sometimes makes mistakes.

11. Do not spit up.

12. Even the face of Buddha glistens with money.

14. Where there is no fire, smoke does not rise.

15. And the wise man is wrong one thousand times.

16. The neighbor has redder flowers.

17. Worries are poison to health.

18. Easy to answer, but hard to climb.

19. Take the usual road in an unusual way.

20. Taking advantage of chaos, guard your personal interests.

21. As the master is, so are the servants.

22. Every year you get older and smarter.

23. Benefit from loss.

24. Truthful speeches are not beautiful, beautiful speeches are not truthful.

25. To live life is a long way to go with a load on your back.

26. Without flaws - seven bad habits, and when they are there - forty-eight.

27. Pride is hidden behind excessive modesty.

28. Trifle after a thief.

29. A man at forty and fifty is still a boy.

30. As long as there is life, there is also hope.

31. Not only has fallen, they will also step on you.

32. If skillfully handled, both a fool and blunt scissors can come in handy.

33. Set sail for your talent.

34. In friendship, also know the border.

35. Money is the enemy.

36. Grief is everywhere, like the wind in the pines.

37. And a round egg can be cut so that it becomes square.

38. Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

39. Strangers come to feast, theirs to grieve.

40. It is easy to speak - difficult to do.

41. There is a fire nearby, but he warms his own hands.

42. It is easy to say, difficult to do.

43. Enough for every day of his care.

44. Friends feel sorry for each other in misfortune.

45. There is no place like home.

46. ​​The greatest treasure in the world is children.

47. A person does well what he loves.

48. A pitiful apology after a gross mistake.

49. One cry of a crane is better than a thousand tweets of a sparrow.

50. The monkey falls from the tree.

51. The ship, which has boarded, will not turn back.

52. To a hungry wolf - to guard the kitchen.

53. Was needed - they made a tiger, the need passed - they turned into a mouse.

54. The wait is always long.

55. When violence comes to the yard, justice leaves.

56. Better at least late than not doing it.

57. Getting up early is equal to the three virtues.

58. He is such that he will crawl from eye to nose.

59. To lend money to a friend is to lose him.

60. Sincerity is a precious quality of a person.

61. And a simple matter can be confused.

62. Meekness often breaks strength.

63. Don't make a decision after listening to only one side.

64. After winning, tighten the helmet straps.

65. Anyone who smells bad does not feel it himself.

66. Check seven times before doubting a person.

67. He who loves people lives a long time.

68. It is better to be the enemy of a good person than a friend of a bad person.

69. Be careful with someone who praises you.

70. Right on the bull's-eye.

71. Water takes the form of a vessel into which it was poured, and a person collects good or evil from his friends.

72. Silence is a wonderful flower.

73. Unhappiness and happiness are intertwined like fibers in a rope.

74. Of the vices, the greatest is debauchery, of the virtues, the highest is filial duty.

75. Even for a thief ten years need to learn.

76. Time does not wait for a person.

77. It is easier to find ten thousand soldiers than one general.

78. It's cheap to buy - to lose money.

79. He who is in a hurry will not become a master.

80. Great talents mature slowly.

81 The world cannot be ruled by one person, the world belongs to everyone.

82. Do not be afraid to bend a little, straighten up straighter.

83. The naked has nothing to lose.

84. Pampering a child is like abandoning him.

85. A woman wants - she will pass through the rock.

86. Your anger is your enemy.

87. A horse is recognized in riding, a person - in communication.

88. God lives in an honest heart.

89. The endurance of a horse is learned on the way, the temper of a person - over time.

90. Vouch for money, never for a person.

91. They give birth to a body, but not a character.

92. He who drinks does not know about the dangers of wine; who does not drink, he does not know about its benefits.

93. Where there is no sense of duty and the human eye, everything is possible.

94. A person's appearance is deceiving.

95. If you want to know yourself - ask others.

96. Treat an old man like a father.

97. If you want to know a person, get to know his friends.

98. He who is poor is also stupid.

99. Money clings to money.

100. The ear is ripening - it bends its head; a person gets richer - lifts his head.

A hundred "pearls of thought" from the land of the rising sun, which reflects the philosophy of the nation, its spirit, moral principles and life experience ...

Pearls of thought from the land of the rising sun

A hundred "pearls of thought" from the land of the rising sun, which reflects the philosophy of the nation, its spirit, moral principles and life experience.

1. It is not scary to retreat, it is scary not to continue the struggle.

2. Blind devotion is not far from infidelity.

3. Money makes people strangers.

4. Both good and evil are in your heart.

5. In big matters, little flaws are not pondered.

6. Don't do what you have to hide.

7. He who can swim can drown.

8. Consider every stranger a thief.

9. The pepper has at least small grains, but very spicy.

10. And the master sometimes makes mistakes.

11. Do not spit up.

12. Even the face of Buddha glistens with money.

14. Where there is no fire, smoke does not rise.

15. And the wise man is wrong one thousand times.

16. The neighbor has redder flowers.

17. Worries are poison to health.

18. Easy to answer, but hard to climb.

19. Take the usual road in an unusual way.

20. Taking advantage of chaos, guard your personal interests.

21. As the master is, so are the servants.

22. Every year you get older and smarter.

23. Benefit from loss.

24. Truthful speeches are not beautiful, beautiful speeches are not truthful.

25. To live life is a long way to go with a load on your back.

26. Without flaws - seven bad habits, and when they are there - forty-eight.

27. Pride is hidden behind excessive modesty.

28. Trifle after a thief.

29. A man at forty and fifty is still a boy.

30. As long as there is life, there is also hope.

31. Not only has fallen, they will also step on you.

32. If skillfully handled, both a fool and blunt scissors can come in handy.

33. Set sail for your talent.

34. In friendship, also know the border.

35. Money is the enemy.

36. Grief is everywhere, like the wind in the pines.

37. And a round egg can be cut so that it becomes square.

38. Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

39. Strangers come to feast, theirs to grieve.

40. It is easy to speak - difficult to do.

41. There is a fire nearby, but he warms his own hands.

42. It is easy to say, difficult to do.

43. Enough for every day of his care.

44. Friends feel sorry for each other in misfortune.

45. There is no place like home.

46. ​​The greatest treasure in the world is children.

47. A person does well what he loves.

48. A pitiful apology after a gross mistake.

49. One cry of a crane is better than a thousand tweets of a sparrow.

50. The monkey falls from the tree.

51. The ship, which has boarded, will not turn back.

52. To a hungry wolf - to guard the kitchen.

53. Was needed - they made a tiger, the need passed - they turned into a mouse.

54. The wait is always long.

55. When violence comes to the yard, justice leaves.

56. Better at least late than not doing it.

57. Getting up early is equal to the three virtues.

58. He is such that he will crawl from eye to nose.

59. To lend money to a friend is to lose him.

60. Sincerity is a precious quality of a person.

61. And a simple matter can be confused.

62. Meekness often breaks strength.

63. Don't make a decision after listening to only one side.

64. After winning, tighten the helmet straps.

65. Anyone who smells bad does not feel it himself.

66. Check seven times before doubting a person.

67. He who loves people lives a long time.

68. It is better to be the enemy of a good person than a friend of a bad person.

69. Be careful with someone who praises you.

70. Right on the bull's-eye.

71. Water takes the form of a vessel into which it was poured, and a person collects good or evil from his friends.

72. Silence is a wonderful flower.

73. Unhappiness and happiness are intertwined like fibers in a rope.

74. Of the vices, the greatest is debauchery, of the virtues, the highest is filial duty.

75. Even for a thief ten years need to learn.

76. Time does not wait for a person.

77. It is easier to find ten thousand soldiers than one general.

78. It's cheap to buy - to lose money.

79. He who is in a hurry will not become a master.

80. Great talents mature slowly.

81 The world cannot be ruled by one person, the world belongs to everyone.

82. Do not be afraid to bend a little, straighten up straighter.

83. The naked has nothing to lose.

84. Pampering a child is like abandoning him.

85. A woman wants - she will pass through the rock.

86. Your anger is your enemy.

87. A horse is recognized in riding, a person - in communication.

88. God lives in an honest heart.

89. The endurance of a horse is learned on the way, the temper of a person - over time.

90. Vouch for money, never for a person.

91. They give birth to a body, but not a character.

92. He who drinks does not know about the dangers of wine; who does not drink, he does not know about its benefits.

93. Where there is no sense of duty and the human eye, everything is possible.

94. A person's appearance is deceiving.

95. If you want to know yourself - ask others.

96. Treat an old man like a father.

97. If you want to know a person, get to know his friends.

98. He who is poor is also stupid.

99. Money clings to money.

100. The ear is ripening - it bends its head; a person gets richer - lifts his head. published.

The parable of despondency