The 9 Most Effective Appetite Suppressants and Fat Burners

appetite suppressant pills used in the fight against excess weight, when a person is prone to overeating. The drugs cause a feeling of satiety, which prevents the absorption of excess calories and the deposition of fat.

Both medicines and dietary supplements are used. The choice of the drug is determined by the state of the body and the characteristics of obesity.

Causes of increased appetite

A person needs food for the normal functioning of the body, replenishment of energy costs. But sometimes people eat too much, more than is necessary to meet their physiological needs.

This leads to the formation of fatty deposits, an increase in body weight and a deterioration in well-being.

The main reasons for increased appetite include:

  • Stress. Often, during a period of nervous tension, the psychophysiological response to stress manifests itself in the need to eat something. This is due to an increase in the level of the hormone cortisol, but eating food does not cause relief, but leads to extra pounds.
  • Hormonal changes. Usually this is a female problem, occurs during menopause or pregnancy, before menstruation.
  • Physical exercise. There is an opinion that when playing sports, it is required to double the portion of food. This is not so, nutrition should be balanced in terms of the amount of macronutrients, and the calorie content of food should be controlled.
  • Wrong diet. When people do not think about their menu, then saturation does not occur or passes too quickly, so a second meal is required soon.
  • Distension of the stomach. If a person eats a lot, his stomach stretches, demanding more food than is necessary.
  • Rapid absorption of food. Brain receptors do not have time to “feel” saturation in time.
  • Rejection from addiction. Through food, people try to "kill" the need for nicotine or alcohol.

Food intake increases when a person is constantly at home, moving little and constantly snacking on something, and low physical activity contributes to obesity.

The main groups of drugs for weight loss

For proper and healthy weight loss when using drugs, it is important to know what types of drugs are divided into according to the composition and mechanism of action on the body:

  • Anorectics. A group of drugs that reduces the need for food by acting on the hunger center in the brain. They are used to form eating habits in limiting increased food intake. The active substances are caffeine or synthetic substances that are not always safe for the human body.
  • Nutraceuticals. They are meal replacements. Tablets usually consist of microcrystalline cellulose, a cotton derivative, a fiber analogue. When ingested, they increase in volume.
  • Fat burners. The products contain the polysaccharide chitosan, which binds to fat molecules and prevents its absorption, the substance is obtained from mushrooms. In the production of tablets, extracts from plants and fruits are also used.
  • Calorie Blockers. These include drugs that prevent the absorption of lipid and carbohydrate molecules when eating.

Top 6 best appetite suppressants

When losing weight, you can use drugs in the form of tablets that will facilitate the start of the weight loss process by suppressing appetite.

Chromium picolinate

BAA contains trivalent chromium, capsules are prescribed to patients for the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

The action of the tool is based on the ability of the element:

  • lower glucose levels
  • normalize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • prevents an increase in blood cholesterol.

For weight loss, the drug is used to compensate for the deficiency of chromium , helps to more easily endure sugar cravings while restricting carbohydrates.

During physical exertion, it contributes to the transformation of fats into energy and the restoration of muscle and bone tissue.


Anorexigenic drug - a derivative of sibutramine , suppresses hunger by stimulating the production of neurotransmitter hormones that block food cravings.

When taking capsules, there is an acceleration and excretion of metabolic products. Lindax requires intake under the supervision of a nutritionist for non-organic causes of obesity. Not recommended for patients with hypertension and heart disease.

Products of the company "Evalar" refers to dietary supplements, capsules contain an extract of garcinia fruits, chromium, vitamins C and B6, brown algae: kelp and fucus.


  • has a metabolic effect;
  • inhibit lipid synthesis;
  • stimulates intestinal motility;
  • boosts energy.

Tablets help reduce appetite and dampen cravings for sweets due to the hydroxycitric acid contained in garcinia, which maintains a stable glucose concentration.

The Chinese remedy is made from vegetable raw materials.

The manufacturer of dietary supplements claims that the combination of natural components has the following effect:

  • reduces appetite;
  • breaks down fats;
  • normalizes bowel activity;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • removes harmful substances;
  • gives a boost of energy.

Tablets include microcrystalline cellulose.

Coarse fiber swells in the stomach, which gives a feeling of satiety. Once in the intestines, MCC accelerates the transport of feces, removes excess fats and toxins, preventing them from being absorbed.

The composition of dietary supplements is represented by a combination of natural ingredients - hoodie cactus extract, coleus, pectin from citrus fruits, MCC.

The tool reduces appetite, stimulates lipid metabolism and fat utilization due to the action of the alkaloid forskolin, which is contained in coleus.

Pectin and MCC provide timely defecation and removal of harmful substances. Tablets should not be taken by people with gastrointestinal diseases and allergies.

prescription appetite suppressant pills

Prescription medications are often used to reduce appetite, usually prescribed by a doctor after an examination when diet and exercise do not help to lose weight.

The drug is included in the group of hypoglycemic agents (biguanides), when taken orally:

  • inhibits the formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds and utilizes it;
  • supports carbohydrate metabolism by reducing the formation of fatty acids and fat oxidation;
  • activates the synthesis of glycogen, increasing the energy reserve;
  • Prevents an increase in blood sugar by enhancing the action of insulin.

As a result of the use of tablets, a carbohydrate deficiency occurs, so the deficiency is replenished from body fat. A person does not experience a strong feeling of hunger due to the normal level of sugar in the body.

Contraindications for admission are:

  • intolerance to the active substance;
  • pathology of cardiac activity, liver and kidneys;
  • increased acidity of the body (acidosis);
  • infectious diseases, dehydration, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug is incompatible with alcohol, as there is an increase in lactic acid in the blood (lactate acidosis).

Sibutramine tablets increase satiety by acting on brain receptors that inhibit the reuptake of neurotransmitters.

Due to the increase in the concentration of serotonin and norepinephrine, a feeling of fullness occurs, metabolism and heat exchange improve.

The substance effectively reduces appetite, but with prolonged use causes a withdrawal syndrome.

Admission is often accompanied by side effects in the form of mental disorders, anorexia, seizures. Negatively affects the functions of the heart and blood vessels, the digestive system.

Attention! In pharmacies, preparations with the active substance sibutramine are sold under the trade names Slimia,Goldline Reduksin, Meridia and others.

The drug is a β-agonist, in medicine it is indicated for asthma and chronic lung pathologies. For weight loss, it is used due to the ability to burn adipose tissue, subject to a diet.

The drug is addictive, with prolonged use it requires a constant increase in dosage, causes a loss of potassium.

High probability of occurrence of adverse reactions, such as:

  • decrease or increase in pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • tremor;
  • dizziness;
  • sweating;
  • convulsions.

Contraindications to use are a violation in the work of the heart, pancreas, lactation. It is not recommended to take medicine when work activity is associated with increased concentration.

Herbs and folk remedies to reduce appetite

To regulate excessive food intake, you can use folk recipes. This is the safest way to lose weight, but less effective than taking drugs. When losing weight, herbal preparations are used, they are collected on their own or bought at a pharmacy.

Before use, a consultation with a nutritionist is required to avoid the development of allergies and adverse reactions.

Components How to cook How to use
50 g of dry fennel seeds and dandelion root; 100 g of mint and buckthorn bark The components are mixed, the spoon is poured with boiling water. Incubate 30 minutes, filter Drink before bed
Sage and heather leaves 100 g each 2 tbsp. l. the mixture is steamed with 0.5 l of boiling water, 30 minutes. keep in a thermos, strain the infusion Use a glass before meals three times a day
Dried seaweed cystoseira (100 g), licorice root and anise seeds (50 g each) 2 tbsp. l. the mixture is poured with hot water (500 ml), after half an hour the infusion is filtered Drink a glass before an aspen meal
Birch and strawberry leaves, wild rose, meadowsweet, blackthorn inflorescences, lemon balm and St. John's wort The components are mixed in equal proportions, 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are steamed with boiling water (0.3 l). Incubated in a water bath for 5 minutes. Pour into a thermos and leave for 2 hours Take half a glass of decoction before meals

What foods reduce appetite?

For those who want to lose weight, it is not necessary to reduce appetite with pills; familiar products do an excellent job with this task:

  • Water. Drinking a glass of water 20 minutes before a meal will give a feeling of fullness in the stomach, so less food is needed to fill up. Water removes toxins, stimulates metabolism, when losing weight, you need to drink at least 2 liters of it per day.
  • Green tea. The drink removes harmful substances. It contains caffeine, which promotes fat burning, as well as catechin, which speeds up metabolism.
  • Kefir. You should choose a lactic acid product with a fat content of not more than 2.5%. With severe hunger, it is enough to drink a glass of drink so that the unpleasant feeling disappears. If you do this a quarter of an hour before eating, the amount of food eaten will decrease significantly.
  • Chocolate. 25 g of high-quality bitter delicacy will not harm if, without hurrying, you eat it if you want to eat, you can supplement the meal with a cup of green tea.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Dietary fiber present in foods is not digested, but fills the digestive tract, transporting excess fats and toxins. Vitamins and trace elements fill the body with strength and energy.
  • Eggs. The product is pure proteins that keep you feeling full for a long time and allow you to reduce the number of calories. Eggs are best eaten for breakfast.

If you make the right diet, losing weight will be easy without a debilitating feeling of hunger.

Attention! You can “spoil” your appetite before dinner if you eat an apple in a quarter of an hour. Then huge portions of food will not be required, the feeling of satiety will come earlier.

Opinions of nutritionists about pills that reduce appetite

Many dietitians believe that the use of pills to lose weight will not bring results, although the cost of funds is quite high.

Even when a dietitian prescribes an appetite suppressant, you can’t take it all the time: after a course of treatment, the weight quickly returns to its previous levels.

With prolonged use of tablets, there is a danger of harming your health due to the high risk of developing adverse reactions:

  • addiction and depression;
  • increased anxiety;
  • bloating and pain in the abdomen;
  • increased bowel movements or diarrhea.

Diuretics and laxatives cause dysmotility of the intestines, remove valuable trace elements from the body, which causes a weakening of the immune system, impaired cardiac activity.

Important! The most effective, and most importantly, safe way to lose weight is a balanced diet and physical activity. When this is not enough at the beginning of losing weight, you can use the medicine recommended by the doctor to start.

What fat burning drugs can be hazardous to health

The most dangerous drugs that are taken to eliminate fat include tablets with an active ingredient:

  • Ephedrine. The drug acts on the central nervous system, increasing the production of adrenaline. In addition to increasing pressure, it is addictive, since the alkaloid is a light drug.
  • . Tablets have a wide range of contraindications and adverse reactions. Taking the drug is an obstacle to conception, negatively affects the work of the heart, kidneys and liver.
  • thyroxine. A hormonal agent is used in the treatment of hypothyroidism. Effectively burns fats, but can disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system.

Harm to health can cause any drugs, if you pick up a medicine, not taking into account contraindications, take them uncontrollably and for a long time.

Attention! When taking fat burners, it is important to consider that natural physiological processes are inhibited. The body gets used to the fact that its “work” is performed by pills, so after stopping the intake, fat deposits reappear.


If there is a problem of excess weight against the background of increased appetite, medications to control overeating are allowed at the initial stage of losing weight.

To choose the right tool, you need to consult a specialist. The doctor will select an effective drug, taking into account the weight index, concomitant diseases, help develop a diet plan and a set of exercises.