Anti-varicose stockings for childbirth. Compression stockings for childbirth - what they are needed for and how to choose. Rules for using knitwear

More and more women are choosing to wear stockings when going to the hospital. And we're not talking about seductive underwear - no, these stockings are designed to prevent problems with leg veins. We are talking about special compression hosiery.

Compression stockings during childbirth

Compression underwear is a special medical underwear that puts pressure on the human body in order to prevent swelling and improve blood circulation in the veins. It is made from natural and synthetic fibers - cotton, nylon, elastodene. This type of underwear is thicker and stronger than conventional nylon products; it is used for medicinal and preventive purposes. Compression stockings and tights are designed in such a way that the pressure decreases from bottom to top, that is, blood moves more freely and more easily from the foot towards the heart. Compression hosiery can be used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

During childbirth, the blood vessels of the female body experience severe overload. This tension is especially dangerous for the vessels of the legs, and blood clots can form in the deep veins of the lower extremities. The presence of such blood clots provokes the occurrence of thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, dangerous diseases with negative consequences, including death. Compression stockings are designed to reduce these risks:

  • pressure equally distributed over the entire surface of the legs helps to establish uniform blood flow; constant pressure has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels;
  • pressure in the vessels increases, which reduces the chance of blood stagnation;
  • Compression garments protect blood vessels from possible overloads during childbirth.

The appearance of spider veins on the legs is one of the symptoms of problems with veins and blood vessels

Instead of special stockings, elastic bandages are sometimes used to wrap the legs from the foot to the groin - they perform a similar role. An elastic bandage is cheaper than underwear, but during childbirth it can unravel; in addition, it is difficult to choose the right degree of pressure on the legs, so if there are indications, it is better to purchase stockings.

Even small fluctuations in pressure in the vessels can cause them to weaken and reveal spider veins on the legs, which not only does not look very beautiful, but also indicates the initial degree of varicose veins of the legs. To avoid this, you should not neglect your doctor’s recommendations if he advises you to use compression garments, and if he does not raise this topic, then ask yourself about measures to prevent problems with leg veins.

Video: why do you need stockings for childbirth?

Should everyone use them?

Many women are sure that compression garments during pregnancy and childbirth are only required for those expectant mothers who have already been diagnosed with vein problems. In fact, phlebologists - doctors who deal with venous pathologies - recommend using them, among other things, as prophylaxis to avoid varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and other vein pathologies. This is especially important if a pregnant woman experiences the following symptoms:

  • spider veins or spider veins on the legs;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • feeling tired or ;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • thrombosis;
  • venous eczema and/or dermatitis.

Is it possible to wear the same stockings that were worn during pregnancy?

Compression garments are divided into 4 classes depending on the pressure applied. A specialist should choose the right class of underwear for a pregnant woman, depending on the severity of her vein problems. If at the time of childbirth the condition of the woman’s vascular system allows her to use the same stockings that she wore during pregnancy, then it is entirely acceptable to wear them. But it is worth remembering that one of the main conditions for clothing used during childbirth is sterility, so stockings must be thoroughly washed before going to the maternity hospital.

You should wash compression hosiery carefully and carefully, using gentle washing powders and be sure to thoroughly rinse the laundry in clean water. It is not recommended to twist or wring out the laundry, as this can ruin the fine structure of the fibers; it is better to dry them flat on a horizontal surface.

Are stockings needed for a caesarean section?

If the need for stockings during natural childbirth is quite clear, then the question of the need for underwear during a cesarean section confuses many. The reason why compression stockings are also important for this method of delivery is that a cesarean section is an abdominal operation, and during it the blood vessels experience additional stress. When performing such an operation, the veins dilate, and the woman remains in a horizontal motionless state for a long time, which can provoke the onset of thromboembolism. In addition, the pregnant woman is given anesthesia, the components of which can negatively affect the entire cardiovascular system of her body.

Types, classes and sizes of compression garments

Compression hosiery for the lower extremities comes in 3 types:

  • knee socks - reach only to the middle of the thigh, are used only during pregnancy and exclusively in cases where problems with veins and blood vessels do not affect the upper part of the legs; when wearing them, pressure on the hip area increases;
  • tights are undesirable for use during long periods of pregnancy, as they put pressure on the abdominal area; in addition, for obvious reasons, they cannot be used during childbirth;
  • stockings are the best option for compression garments; they evenly distribute the load from the feet to the groin, protecting the blood vessels along the entire length of the legs.

Photo gallery: types of compression garments for legs

Socks are allowed to be worn only if there are no problems with the veins in the thigh area. Tights are not recommended for wearing for a long period of time, as they put pressure on the stomach
Stockings are considered the best option, as they evenly distribute pressure along the entire length of the legs.

Therapeutic underwear is divided into 4 compression classes depending on the pressure it puts on the legs:

  • Class 1 - compression does not exceed 23 millimeters of mercury; recommended for early stages of venous disease, characterized by a tendency to edema, spider veins, and tired legs; can be used as a prophylactic against varicose veins during pregnancy;
  • class 2 - pressure is within the range of 24–33 mm; used in the initial stage of varicose veins in pregnant women, for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis of the legs, in acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Class 3 - compression does not exceed 45 mmHg; used for moderate and severe damage to blood vessels and veins, for varicose veins complicated by trophic disorders, for deep vein thrombosis and lymphovenous insufficiency;
  • Class 4 - pressure above 50 mm; Recommended for wearing in cases of congenital anomalies of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, and in case of severe disturbances of lymph flow.

Special stockings for childbirth are allocated in a separate class. The compression in them is distributed evenly along the entire length of the product. Another distinctive feature is the open toe, which allows the obstetrician during childbirth to determine the correctness of blood circulation by the appearance of the fingers. It is advisable to wear them during childbirth, but if it is not possible to purchase stockings of this class, then you can use medicinal ones, after consulting with a phlebologist.

To determine the required size of compression stockings, you need to make a series of measurements, since an accurately selected size is important for proper pressure distribution - stockings that are too small will unnecessarily tighten the leg, and large stockings will not create the necessary compression. The following measurements must be taken:

  • circumference of the lower leg at the narrowest point, near the ankle;
  • circumference of the shin at the widest point of the calf;
  • thigh circumference at a height of 25–30 cm above the knee;
  • for golf - the length of the shin from the heel to the knee;
  • for stockings - leg length from heel to groin;
  • for tights - waist and hip circumference.

Video: how to take measurements for compression stockings

Compression garments must be precisely sized, so all measurements must be taken carefully and with the correct body position

Each type of compression garment has its own size chart. Here is a table of sizes for stockings - the most common medical knitwear used during childbirth.

Table: compression stocking sizes

Circumference of the lower leg above the ankle, cmCircumference of the lower leg under the kneecap, cmUpper thigh circumference, cm
XS17 – 19 26 – 36 40 – 50
S20 – 22 30 – 42 48 – 60
SX20 - 22 30 – 42 56 – 70
M23 – 25 34 – 46 56 – 70
MX23 - 25 34 – 46 64 – 80
L26 – 28 38 – 51 64 – 80
LX26 – 28 38 – 51 72 - 90
XL29 – 31 42 - 55 72 - 90
XLX29 - 31 42 - 55 80 - 100

Video: how to choose compression garments

Rules of use and care

Compression knitwear requires careful and careful care, since careless handling can ruin its structure, stretch the elastic fibers and destroy its healing properties.

Since therapeutic underwear must be worn every day, it quickly becomes dirty and needs to be washed daily. It is important to follow the washing rules so as not to spoil it:

  • Do not use too high a water temperature;
  • you need to protect your laundry from severe deformation - friction and spinning;
  • Before washing, you must remove any jewelry from your hands, as they can damage the fabric.

You should choose special products for delicate washing:

  • liquid soap;
  • powder or gel for baby clothes;
  • powder or gel for delicate fabrics, chlorine-free.

It is not advisable to use:

  • washing powder - undissolved grains of powder can get between the threads of knitwear and disrupt its structure;
  • Laundry soap - fatty acids in its composition have an aggressive effect on knitwear.

Photo gallery: products for washing compression garments

Detergents for washing delicate fabrics do not contain chlorine or aggressive substances
Detergents for washing children's clothes act thoroughly, but carefully
A special detergent for washing compression garments is designed taking into account all its features.

  • dilute the detergent in warm water;
  • soak the laundry for 10–15 minutes;
  • wash it gently without applying too much pressure and/or friction;
  • rinse in clean water 2-3 times;
  • It is prohibited to use bleaches, rinse aids, fabric softeners and other additives.

When washing by machine, if permitted for a particular item of laundry, you should set the “hand wash” or “delicate wash” mode. In this mode, the water does not heat above the permitted temperature. In this case, the spin must be turned off, since spinning, even at low speeds, breaks the structure of the therapeutic knitwear. It is also not recommended to wash compression garments with other clothing.

Stockings should be dried in a well-ventilated area, away from heaters and direct sunlight. To dry, they need to be laid out on a horizontal surface on a fabric that absorbs moisture well. Hanging clothes to dry is prohibited.
When washing medical knitwear, the chemical and physical impact on it should be minimal

Good compression hosiery is not cheap, so women are often worried about whether they can buy them second-hand or borrow them from friends. It is important to remember that the therapeutic and preventive effect of underwear depends on its condition, the precisely selected size and compression class. If the last two points are quite easy to comply with, because they are indicated on the packaging, then making sure that the knitwear was cared for in compliance with all the rules is more difficult. Compression stockings are a rather capricious thing and easily become unusable, which is difficult to judge by their appearance. Therefore, you should buy or take stockings that have already been used by someone only if you are firmly convinced that they have been carefully looked after. The length of time the knitwear was worn by the previous owner is also important, because stockings from some companies lose their compression properties after just a few months of use.

When can I take it off after childbirth?

The length of time you need to wear compression stockings after childbirth depends on two factors:

  • method of delivery;
  • condition of a woman’s veins before and after childbirth.

If the child was born naturally, and if the young mother does not have varicose veins, increased blood clotting or cardiovascular problems, then it is enough to wear stockings for 3-7 days.

After a cesarean section, this period increases and is 2–3 weeks, while they are worn for the first day without taking them off. This happens because even after the end of the operation, components of anesthesia that have a vasodilating effect remain in the mother’s blood.

If a woman has been diagnosed with vein problems, then the time she wears stockings after childbirth increases. The exact period during which it is advisable to wear stockings during the day (since it is advisable to remove them at night) should be told by the phlebologist observing the patient.

Comparative characteristics of compression stockings after childbirth from different companies

On the compression underwear market you can find products for almost every taste, color and wallet thickness. It’s quite easy to get confused when choosing companies, so for a visual comparison we present a table comparing stockings from the most famous manufacturers of therapeutic knitwear.

Table: comparison of compression stockings from different companies

NameA countryDistinctive featuresaverage price
USAHave an attractive appearance1300 RUR
RelaxanItalyFragility of products - usually stockings lose their properties after about a month1000–1500 RUR
OrthoSpainLow wear resistance. Variety of colors and designs.1500–2000 RUR
CopperGermanyDue to the increased density of the knitwear, stockings are difficult to put on3000 RUR
RussiaVariety of colors. Good quality/price ratio800–1300 RUR
SwitzerlandHigh-quality underwear, thought out to the smallest detail - special summer knitwear, perforation, reinforced heel4000–5000 RUR

Photo gallery: compression stockings from various companies

The Swiss company Sigvaris is considered one of the best in the production of compression hosiery. Intex underwear is produced in Russia, so it is cheaper than its foreign counterparts, not inferior to them in quality. Underwear from the American company Venotex is attractive both in its design and in its healing properties.

During the nine months of pregnancy, a woman's body experiences enormous stress. The mother’s circulatory system becomes especially vulnerable during this period, so in the last trimester, phlebologists advise the use of compression garments. Many mothers wonder why they need knitted stockings with compression properties and which brands are best for women carrying a baby.

What are compression stockings and what types do they come in?

During pregnancy, a woman gains weight, which can cause blood vessel diseases. Significantly increasing in size, the uterus begins to put pressure on the arteries, which contributes to the formation of congestion in the large vessels of the lower extremities.

Compression stockings are recommended for women to wear during pregnancy and childbirth to reduce the risk of damage to large and small vessels and prevent vein thrombosis. Anti-varicose stockings help distribute pressure evenly over the entire surface of the legs.

To make this kind of underwear, natural and synthetic materials are used. Most models of stockings are made of medical knitwear with high compression characteristics.

Compression, anti-embolic, hospital - is there a difference?

Compression garments are knitted products that, due to their tight fit, provide compression to the legs, supporting the fibers of the muscle tissue. They help eliminate swelling and distribute blood flow evenly.

These stockings are intended for pregnant women. They are recommended to be worn in the last months of pregnancy to prevent the development of diseases of the vascular system. With the help of such therapeutic underwear, the load on the legs is correctly distributed, and the abdominal area is not compressed.

Anti-embolic, or hospital, stockings are called stockings for childbirth or surgery, characterized by a high level of compression near the ankle. This allows you to stimulate the flow of blood to the heart when a woman has a natural birth or abdominal surgery (caesarean section) and the mobility of the lower extremities is limited.

The level of compression (pressure on the walls of the veins) gradually decreases from the ankles to the thighs, accelerates the outflow of blood and prevents backflow. As a result, when using anti-embolic stockings, the risk of vein blockage is reduced, swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs are reduced.

Compression garments for pregnant women

Elastic stockings during pregnancy should be worn not only when symptoms of diseases of the vascular system appear, but also for preventive purposes. When the load on the veins is distributed evenly due to different levels of compression, their elasticity increases significantly.

As the fetus grows, the mother's blood becomes more viscous, which leads to impaired blood flow. Compression stockings help eliminate congestion in the legs and also improve blood movement through the veins, which leads to better saturation of biological fluid with nutrients and oxygen.

Stockings for women in labor

Compression stockings for childbirth are needed to improve blood circulation and maintain muscle tone during the birth of the baby. Redistribution of the load in the lower extremities greatly facilitates the task of the mother in labor.

Anti-embolic stockings are recommended to be worn for some time after childbirth or surgical delivery in order to quickly restore health, as well as to avoid varicose veins and inflammation of the venous walls. It should be remembered that the positive effect of underwear will only be if you put it on and wear it regularly for a certain period of time.

How to choose suitable stockings for childbirth?

The maximum effect from compression underwear can be obtained only if the model is chosen correctly and the size corresponds to the parameters of the expectant mother. Before purchasing stockings for pregnant women, a woman should consult a phlebologist who will help you choose a knitwear product. If stockings are chosen incorrectly, wearing them will lead to discomfort and pain.

How to determine size?

Before buying lingerie, a pregnant woman needs to measure her legs. This should be done in the morning - before swelling appears. Using a measuring tape you should measure:

  • Ankle circumference above the ankle.
  • Girth of the upper calf below the knee.
  • Thigh circumference in an area located 25 cm above the knee joint. If the expectant mother’s height is more than 180 cm, this gap increases to 30 cm.
  • Leg length equal to the distance from the hip (at the level where the measurement was taken) to the foot.

Based on the measurements received, the sales consultant will be able to select a knitwear product of the appropriate size. To make an independent choice, a pregnant woman can use the existing size charts, which in most cases are presented on product packaging. Some manufacturers provide numbering of sizes in numbers (from 1 to 7), but most often the sizes of stockings are indicated in Latin letters (S, M, L, XL, XXL, Q, Q+)

Compression level

There are four degrees of compression, which correspond to knitted underwear for pregnant women and women in labor. Only a surgeon or phlebologist can determine what degree of compression a woman needs. To determine the physiological characteristics of the vascular system of the expectant mother, he will need the results of an ultrasound scan of the veins, which can be used to determine the location of large vessels, the speed of blood flow, the presence of narrowings and the size of the gaps in them.

Compression stockings 1 are recommended for pregnant women whose legs become very tired in the evening and spider veins form on the skin. The second degree of compression will benefit women who have been diagnosed with varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

Knitwear for expectant mothers with the third degree of compression must be worn in case of severe vascular diseases and poor nutrition. Products with the highest compression class 4 will help pregnant women with severe lymph circulation disorders cope with painful symptoms.

Popular product brands

Compression knitwear underwear is presented on the market by several well-known brands:

  1. The domestic manufacturer Intex has been producing inexpensive, high-quality knitwear for more than 18 years, which is not inferior in its characteristics to foreign analogues. Stockings for expectant mothers have small holes in the toe section to allow observation of the sensitivity and blood circulation of the toes.
  2. The company "Medi" from Germany occupies a leading position in the production of compression hosiery for medical purposes. To prevent venous thrombosis in pregnant women, the “mediven thrombexin 18” series has been developed. Hypoallergenic underwear with graduated compression of this brand can be worn after childbirth until the veins are restored. The size of such products is marked on the heel in the form of a color code.
  3. Knitwear with compression characteristics of the Sigvaris brand is manufactured in Switzerland. Most professional doctors prefer this brand, since the products do not cause allergic reactions and are distinguished by wear resistance, aesthetics and preservation of compression properties during the intended service life.

When and how to put on and how long to wear stockings?

Pregnant women should put on elastic knitwear immediately after waking up, without getting up, and take it off immediately before going to bed. Models with cutouts in the toe area are easier to pull onto a nylon sock, after which it can be removed. The stocking, pre-assembled into an accordion, is distributed more evenly along the leg.

Medical products made from compression material have good wear resistance. The stockings that a woman wore during pregnancy can be taken with her to the maternity hospital. If they are damaged during wear, it is better to purchase new, anti-embolic ones for childbirth.

During childbirth, knitted stockings are put on at the moment when the first contractions begin. This is quite difficult, so it is better to turn to relatives for help.

Women are also recommended to wear compression garments after childbirth, but not for too long. If the delivery went without complications, you don’t have to wear them after a week. To find out how long to wear stockings if the condition of the veins has not improved, you need to consult a specialist.

Pregnancy and childbirth are quite a difficult period even for the strongest female body. At this time, various health problems may appear that the expectant mother has not even encountered before. It's especially unpleasant when... This means that varicose veins may appear during childbirth.

Even for those who have not encountered a similar problem, doctors recommend taking special compression stockings to the maternity hospital, but why are they needed and why are they so useful during childbirth?

Why does a woman in labor need stockings?

Even if you have never had problems with veins, your obstetrician-gynecologist will definitely recommend buying a pair of compression stockings. Why are they so necessary?

First of all, maternity stockings are necessary to prevent development. When the baby begins to be born, there is a lot of pressure in the womb. The legs and pelvic organs experience enormous stress. As a result, it is formed in the veins. This is what it is, and the consequences are very serious.

This is not only one hundred percent, and ugly legs in burst blue blood vessels. Thrombosis is a complication that can threaten the life of a woman in labor.

Thanks to special stockings for childbirth, the risk is minimized; they evenly distribute pressure in the limbs and prevent the formation of congestion.

It is worth noting that compression stockings are indicated not only for natural childbirth, but also for caesarean section. In both cases, the woman is in a horizontal position on her back for a long time. Therefore, intra-abdominal pressure also occurs during artificial delivery.

In addition to its medical function, this underwear helps reduce fatigue during labor. Putting on stockings, especially with a big belly, is not so easy. It is better to do this in advance, at home. Here your loved ones will help you, and you will calmly go into labor.

When there is no alternative

Only a doctor can say whether a woman in labor needs therapeutic and prophylactic stockings in every case. Not all obstetricians consider this attribute mandatory. Especially if the woman in labor does not have any vascular pathologies.

However, for preventive purposes, compression stockings for a pregnant woman are still prescribed even before childbirth. Only these will be the simplest medical stockings with a minimum degree of compression. They can even be replaced.

  • wash by hand, daily, preferably with soap;
  • do not twist after washing, line dry;
  • ironing stockings is prohibited;
  • Do not stretch the underwear, otherwise it will lose its healing properties;
  • if the product is torn, it is better to buy a new one, as this may affect its functions;
  • buy new stockings every 3-6 months.

Price range

You can buy compression garments for preventive purposes in almost any pharmacy, but you can only buy stockings for childbirth with different classes of compression in orthopedic stores and pharmacies. True, more and more often such things are ordered via the Internet.

Therapeutic stockings are not something you should skimp on. If their cost is below 1000 rubles, you should not expect that you will carry them for more than two months. Try to buy products from 1500 rubles and above. Then the quality will not disappoint you.

Today there are a lot of manufacturers of this kind of underwear. The choice is so large that it is extremely difficult to buy suitable stockings. So that the quality matches the cost.

Let's look at the most famous brands of compression stockings and their prices:

Undoubtedly, it is better to spend a small amount on medical underwear once every six months than to spend a lot of money on medicines.

A word from accomplished mothers

If you are about to give birth, but it is still difficult to decide whether you personally need compression stockings for childbirth, we advise you to study the reviews of already accomplished mothers.

I had the prerequisites for varicose veins at 26 weeks of pregnancy. They started to appear, my legs were swelling a lot. I consulted with, he prescribed me 1st grade stockings.

During pregnancy I wore them every other time, it was very inconvenient to constantly pull them on with my stomach, but I immediately prepared a pair for childbirth. When the contractions started, my husband was there and helped me put them on. Therefore, I arrived at the maternity hospital already “fully armed.”

This is my second birth, and I can say with confidence that it is easier to give birth with stockings; they relieve some of the tension on the lower part of the body. After the birth, no new “stars” popped up. Which I'm very happy about.


It is best to give birth with compression stockings! This is clear. I've been wearing them since I was 7 months old. Before this, I was constantly tormented by cramps in my legs, it cramped terribly. I just need to choose the right size, I first bought too narrow ones and barely pulled them on, my legs were very compressed.

Then I took it looser - perfect. By the way, if the quality is good, then the compression stockings look the same as regular ones. Which is very practical.


I've had problems with veins since I was a teenager. Weak blood vessels, nothing can be done. When I became pregnant, I was afraid that my legs would turn blue after giving birth. I consulted with my doctor. He said: “Buy stockings.”

I took it, but it’s a shame that I didn’t have time to put it on for the birth, the contractions started so unexpectedly. In the end, I gave birth, but a couple of new, very noticeable “stars” appeared on my legs. I hope next time I will have time to take stockings to the maternity hospital.


Time to draw conclusions

Even if problems with blood vessels have never bothered you, it is always better to be on the safe side. Compression stockings can be used not only during childbirth, but also during pregnancy. Buying stockings will not empty your wallet. But you will be sure that you have taken all measures to rid yourself of varicose veins and thrombosis.

In accordance with the instructions of doctors, women are recommended to use compression stockings for childbirth during pregnancy and childbirth, which prevent the risk of developing varicose veins. This underwear also helps treat vascular diseases, prevents the formation of blood clots and significantly reduces the enormous load on the legs.

Under the influence of increased intra-abdominal pressure, which is formed during the birth of a baby, characteristic stagnation phenomena develop in the area of ​​the pelvic organs and legs, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. Therapeutic stockings distribute the load in the legs so that maximum pressure falls on the shins, which prevents the appearance of pain.

Unfortunately, not every woman in labor knows that during the delivery process there is always a risk of developing diseases of the veins and blood vessels of the legs. Pregnancy is always associated with severe stress for the body.

During this period, pinching of large blood vessels and arteries occurs, which is caused by the pressure of the growing uterus. Taken together, this leads to the development of stagnant phenomena in the legs and pelvis.

Natural childbirth also involves a woman staying in a horizontal position for a long time, which contributes to the exacerbation of the above symptoms. An important factor is intra-abdominal pressure, which negatively affects the condition of the veins.

With the combined influence of these causes, damage occurs to both large vessels and small capillaries, and the risk of developing thrombosis also increases.

The use of compression stockings allows you to distribute pressure in the leg area, improve blood circulation and significantly reduce stress.

An important factor is that therapeutic underwear helps reduce physical fatigue, which is invariably associated with labor.

To achieve maximum effect, especially in the presence of symptoms of venous disease, it is recommended to use stockings not only during childbirth, but also in the postpartum period, as well as during pregnancy.

Products of this kind are made primarily from natural fabrics, which means they are absolutely safe to use. They do not cause discomfort during wear, while providing a preventive effect.


There are four classes of compression stockings, each of which is intended for use against the background of the presence of certain symptoms of vascular diseases. In order to make the right choice, it is best to visit a phlebologist who will determine the appropriate class of underwear in each specific case.

You should not purchase stockings yourself based on someone else’s recommendations. The exception is preventive underwear, which is recommended for all women to wear during pregnancy to relieve fatigue and tension in the legs. These stockings do not belong to any class.

The main classes of therapeutic linen are the following:

  • 1 class. Stockings classified in this category exert a pressure of no more than 23 mmHg on the legs. They are recommended for wearing in the presence of minor symptoms of diseases of the veins and blood vessels, which can be expressed in the following manifestations: enlarged veins, the appearance of so-called “stars”, swelling, fatigue in the legs.
  • 2nd grade. In this case, the compression does not exceed 33 mm Hg. Art. Lingerie of this kind has not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect on the legs, eliminating early manifestations of varicose veins and thrombosis.
  • 3rd grade. In this case, the pressure is already about 45 mm Hg. Art. This type of underwear is most often used for moderate and severe damage to blood vessels and veins.
  • 4th grade. The compression pressure of such stockings exceeds 50 mmHg. Art. You can wear underwear of this class only in case of severe violations of lymph flow. It prevents the development of complications and eliminates severe swelling.


In addition to compression levels, stockings are also categorized according to type. Which option is best to use in a particular case is best decided after consulting a doctor.

Any of the listed types has both pros and cons:

  • Elastic bandages. This is the worst option for a pregnant woman. Bandages can cause significant harm to blood vessels if they are wound incorrectly, pinching some areas while leaving others free. However, if you follow the rules, this is a good option for childbirth due to its availability and prevalence.
  • Knee socks. You can use knee socks only during pregnancy, and only in cases where problems with veins and blood vessels affect exclusively the lower part of the legs. It is not recommended to purchase such underwear for childbirth, as the pressure on the thighs increases.
  • Stockings. This is the best option for therapeutic underwear. They apply even pressure to the legs, distributing the load and not affecting the abdominal area. This option is most convenient during childbirth as a prevention of venous and vascular diseases.
  • Tights. This type of underwear has all the advantages of stockings, but they can only be used during pregnancy. In addition, tights can put pressure on the abdominal area, which can lead to negative consequences.


Compression stockings for childbirth - how to choose the right size? This aspect is important, since only properly selected underwear will protect your legs from negative effects and prevent the development of diseases of the veins and blood vessels.

Before purchasing stockings, you should determine some sizes of the leg parts, using a measuring tape when performing this manipulation: you need to find out the girth of the lower, upper part of the lower leg and thigh.

You should also calculate the length of the leg up to the top measurement of the hip. It is on the basis of these numbers that the optimal size of stockings is selected.

Terms of use

In order to achieve maximum effect from using stockings, you need to follow some rules. Neglecting them may not cause harm, but ultimately the benefit will be minimal.

  • To determine whether stockings are needed, you should consult your doctor. He will determine the type and class of underwear in accordance with individual physiological characteristics.
  • Linen should be made exclusively from natural materials. Deviating from this rule and purchasing stockings of dubious quality may provoke the development of allergic or other negative reactions from the body.
  • Stockings should be selected exclusively in accordance with the size of the pregnant woman. Otherwise, the compression pressure will be too high, or, conversely, low, which prevents the achievement of a positive effect.

Compression stockings can be used not only during childbirth, but also during pregnancy. The presence or absence of disturbances in the activity of blood vessels is not a prerequisite, that is, you can wear underwear intended solely for prevention.

Buy compression stockings for childbirth.

A tribute to fashion or necessity?

Some statistics: 1 woman out of 750 women in labor experiences pulmonary embolism* (blockage of a pulmonary artery by a blood clot)

Today, it is recommended for ALL WOMEN to have stockings for childbirth, even if they did not suffer from venous diseases before giving birth. During labor, blood clots may occur in the deep veins of the legs due to the enormous load. They can clog the vessel and lead to thrombosis. This is a serious complication that threatens a woman’s life. Buy to compression stockings for childbirth necessary for both natural childbirth and cesarean section. The presence of such stockings is a prerequisite in maternity hospitals in large cities of Russia. If you can reduce the risk of complications, why not take advantage of this opportunity? Ideally, a pregnant woman would wear prophylactic compression tights or maternity stockings during pregnancy to minimize stress on her legs, especially in the later stages.

When is it time to buy maternity stockings?

Let us remind you that these are not ordinary stockings, but compression ones, that is, they exert a certain level of pressure. And they don’t fit like regular hosiery, they’re a little heavier. That's why:

  • We recommend purchasing compression stockings for childbirth in about a month and practice putting it on at home. There are very frequent cases when a woman simply could not or did not have time to put on maternity stockings during labor.
  • Much in advance you shouldn’t look for stockings 3-4 months in advance. The leg circumference may increase due to swelling, and the required stocking size will increase accordingly.
  • Anti-embolic stockings for class 1 childbirth are indicated for all women in labor, regardless of the method of delivery, and can be purchased independently without a doctor’s prescription.

What compression class is needed for childbirth?

  • For most healthy women, it is enough to have 1st class maternity stockings(18-23 mmHg)
  • If a woman already had vascular diseases of the lower extremities before giving birth, was observed for this, or during pregnancy she was prescribed class 2 compression stockings, then she may need anti-embolic stockings for childbirth class 2(23-32 mmHg), which are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

How long to wear stockings after childbirth?

  • Usually after natural childbirth stockings are worn for 1-2 days, taking off at night. As soon as you return to physical activity and start walking along the corridor, you will no longer need stockings. If the general condition does not allow you to return to activity in the first days after childbirth, then the stockings can be used for a longer time. In any case, the maternity hospital staff will definitely tell you what to do specifically in your case.
  • If a woman has had a caesarean section, she will be able to remove the stockings only after the doctor's permission. They will need to be worn during delivery and for some time after the baby is born.

Although, judging by the reviews of our customers, many women even I like the compression effect of birthing stockings, feeling of lightness in the legs,and they keep wearing themat home. Le soft compression class 1 do no harmon the contrary, it will helpget rid of pastiness and swelling of soft tissueslegs But the appearance of hospital white allows them to be worn only at home or under clothing.

How to choose stockings for childbirth?

Preference should be given to products that:

  • Therefore they do not contain latex will not cause an allergic reaction
  • Can be washed or even sterilized at t-95 degrees to ensure hygiene when exposed to secretions.
  • They have a loose knit for easy donning
  • They have an open toe section so that the doctor can control microcirculation based on the color of the toes.
  • Made from to breathable fiber

We answer your questions.

Question:During pregnancy I wore class 1 anti-varicose stockings, can I use them during childbirth, since the compression class is the same?

Answer: If we consider the therapeutic effect, then yes, it is possible. But...we still recommend purchasing special anti-embolic stockings for childbirth, because:

  • Unlike classic compression hosiery, they are easier to put on
  • They have holes in the fingers, and this is very important so that the doctor can react quickly if necessary
  • And if discharge gets on your beautiful stockings, will it be possible to wash them at T-30 degrees?
  • If there is a need to stay in postpartum stockings for several days in a row, then you will simply “cook” in anti-varicose stockings, while anti-embolic stockings allow air to pass through well.
  • The cost of postpartum stockings starts from 900 rubles, anti-varicose stockings are more expensive.

Only high-quality birthing stockings can protect your blood vessels and provide your legs with the highest comfort. In the Venocomfort online store you can buy compression stockings for childbirth German company medi, whose effectiveness has been proven in clinical studies. Or more budget and very popular stockings for childbirth from the Ergoforma company. Do not risk your health at such a crucial moment. Buy the best! Our store’s medical consultants are always ready to answer any questions you may have.

Choose. Buy it. Have an easy birth!

Your VenoComfort.