Singing Zaitsev's table. Options for games and activities with cubes. Methodical and game aids

"Don't study, but play!" This is how Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev's method of teaching reading to be briefly characterized. Perhaps this is the most popular technique today. With its help, advocates of early development teach their babies to read, write, count and even master foreign languages. And children are not against such training. After all, all that is required of them is to play with bright cubes and sing songs.

How Zaitsev's cubes appeared

Nikolai Zaitsev was born and raised in a family of rural teachers and had no doubts about his choice of specialty: after school he entered the Faculty of Philology of the Pedagogical University. Herzen. In the fifth year he was sent as a translator to Indonesia. There, Nikolai Alexandrovich began to teach Russian as a foreign language. This event became the starting point in the creation of his unique system of teaching reading and writing. One of the most difficult languages ​​in the world - Russian - had to be taught in the shortest possible time. The students were adults, already unaccustomed to learning people - officers. Such a task seemed overwhelming, but Zaitsev coped brilliantly. He invented new methods on the go, came up with original tables, tried to penetrate into the essence of the language, so that - in the words of Zaitsev himself - "learn to pass it on to others."

The success inspired the young teacher to develop his own teaching system. The system, which takes into account the psychological characteristics of the perception of the Russian language, is free from unnecessary conventions and cumbersome rules, is clear. Zaitsev began testing his method of teaching the Russian language in the middle classes of schools. The result of the test was depressing: Nikolai Alexandrovich was faced with the fact that the students did not understand their native language at all, they preferred to memorize the rules, rather than delve into them. The children, of course, were not to blame. After all, they are used to learning.

Then Zaitsev turned to preschoolers, including the smallest - children from one and a half years old. The techniques were adapted for kids - learning was reduced to games. And here the teacher expected success. His invention - cubes - was called the "ringing miracle." Children with difficulty learning to read and write began to read in just a few lessons. The methodology proved itself so well that a number of schools decided to completely switch to training according to Zaitsev.

We don't need an alphabet

After observing the children, how they comprehend the letter, Nikolai Zaitsev came to the following conclusions.

  1. To learn to read, it is not necessary to know the names of the letters.
    A common phenomenon: mother bought the alphabet, the child learned the letters, but cannot read. His words don't stick.
    “The alphabet is harmful,” says Nikolai Aleksandrovich. In the alphabet, a picture is given for each letter: A - stork, B - hippopotamus, etc. The kid will remember both the letter and the picture, but how then to explain to him that the zebra - stork - lizard - heron, flashing in his mind, should form the word "hare". And even if the child did not learn letters from the alphabet, which makes it difficult to remember the names of the letters, it is still difficult for him to immediately realize that B and A turn into the syllable BA. That is why teachers are forced to go to different tricks to show how two letters merge into a syllable.
  2. The syllables are hard to read.
    In Russian, a syllable can contain from 1 to 10 letters. You will meet in the text such a surname as Pfeldrt or Mkrtchyan - you will not read it right away, but there is only one syllable. Of course, the baby does not need to read such complex words, but even a simple one-syllable word “splash” will cause certain difficulties for a child reading in syllables.
  3. A person first learns to write, and then to read.
    It is easier for a child to go to reading through writing. Just like an adult when learning a new language. Provided, of course, that by writing we mean not “scratching with a pen in a notebook”, but the transformation of sounds into signs, and by reading, respectively, the transformation of signs into sounds. Therefore, if you have ever tried to teach a child to recognize the most native words and wrote “mom”, “dad”, “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “Sasha” on asphalt or paper, and then asked: “Where is dad? Where is grandma? And where is your name? ”, then the child did not read, but wrote. He turned your sounds into signs written by you.

An alternative to syllables - warehouses

The basic unit of language for Zaitsev is not a sound, letter or syllable, but a warehouse.

A warehouse is a pair of a consonant and a vowel, or a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or even one letter. For example, SO-BA-KA, PA-RO-VO-3, A-I-S-T, etc. The warehouse principle of reading is the basis of the Zaitsev method of teaching children to read.

Why warehouse?

“Everything we pronounce is combinations of a vowel-consonant pair,” Nikolai Alexandrovich explains. A consonant must be followed by a vowel. It may not be indicated on the letter, but it is there. Our ancestors felt this and put “yat” at the end of nouns ending in a consonant. Say, for example, the word: “o-a-zis”, holding your hand on your throat, and you will feel the force of the ligaments before “o” and before “a”, or, according to Zaitsev’s terminology, “the muscular effort of the speech apparatus”. This very effort is the warehouse.

Warehouses on cubes

The baby sees warehouses not in a book, not on cards, but on cubes. This is the fundamental point of the Zaitsev system.

Why cubes?

Reading requires the work of analytical thinking (letters are abstract icons; the brain converts them into sounds, from which it synthesizes words), which begins to form only by school. That is why we and our parents at this age began to learn to read.

The lack of analytical thinking is compensated in the child by a heightened perception of the signals that the sense organs supply to him. Therefore, Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev relied on vision, hearing and tactile sensations. He wrote warehouses on the faces of the cubes. He made the cubes different in color, size and sound that they make, so each time they are accessed, different channels of perception are turned on. This helps children to feel, rather than understand, the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft.

Using these cubes, the child makes up words and begins to read them. Zaitsev's idea is simple: what is good to show, you don't need to talk about it for a long time (it's better to see it once). Children must first be interested in showing the subject of study, let it play, and then sum up the definition. This is how the holy law of learning is observed: from the concrete-figurative through the visual-effective to the verbal-logical.

Zaitsev Cubes. What are the cubes

There are 52 cubes in the Zaitsev Cubes set (seven of them are repeated to build the words PA-PA, MA-MA, DYA-DYA and the like, which are closest to the child, especially at first. The cubes are divided into large and small, single and double, golden, iron-gold, wooden-gold.There is one white die with punctuation marks.Also the dice are different in color.

Large ones are cubes with solid warehouses. Small - cubes with soft warehouses. However, Nikolai Alexandrovich strongly disagrees with the definition of “soft-hard”: what is hard and soft here? But there is a big one and a small one! Compare how your mouth opens when you say BA or BYA.

Large and small cubes come in different colors and with different fillings.

Double - these are cubes glued together, with consonants that are combined - "friendly" - not with all vowels. For example, F (F) - ZHA-ZHO (SAME) - ZHU-ZHI-ZHE. Options such as “zhy”, “shy”, “chya”, “schya” are simply excluded.

Iron - cubes with sonorous warehouses. Wooden cubes - with muted warehouses. Gold - cubes with vowels. Iron-wood - used for warehouses with solid signs. Wood-gold - for warehouses with soft signs. The white die is used to indicate punctuation marks.

The letters on the cubes are written in different colors: vowels - in blue; consonants - blue; hard and soft sign - green.

Many teachers and parents are embarrassed by this coloring, because the school adopted a completely different one: consonants are blue or green, vowels are red. So, the baby will have to be retrained. However, the author of the method claims that the avoidance of red-blue-green combinations allows avoiding the color “tornness” of words, and therefore children immediately begin to read fluently, without hesitation.

Getting ready for classes step by step. We glue the cubes

There are three types of Zaitsev cubes: standard unassembled, assembled and plastic. The cubes from the standard (unassembled) set include blank cubes that you need to glue yourself. You can do this fascinating business in the dead of night, while your beloved child is sleeping. But imagine what the first action will be performed by a small child who receives a cube with some kind of rattles or noisemakers inside? Right! He will tear it apart. And if you glue the cubes together, such a temptation will not arise, because it is already clear what is inside.

Think about strengthening the cubes in advance. To do this, you can insert another one, almost the same in size, cut out of thick cardboard inside the cube.

You can glue the cubes with Moment glue. If not, then you can use PVA glue. In the process of drying the glue, pull the cube with bank rubber bands so that it does not part.

Be sure to protect the cubes - glue them on all sides with tape. Before starting gluing, you can laminate the scan or wrap it with thermal film, and after assembly, also glue the corners of the edges with tape.

After pasting with adhesive tape or thermal film, the cubes can glare in bright light, then it is necessary to make sure that the child is clearly visible every time, looking at the cube from his point of view - literally sitting in his place.

We hang tables

It is advisable to first cut the tables included in the set of Zaitsev cubes along the line shown along the edges. Then, aligning the edges of the parts of the table, glue them with glue or tape. If you hang parts of the table without gluing, then in the process of training, they may begin to “disperse”.

It is also desirable to wrap the tables with thermal film. Thanks to this, they will not tear or get dirty during use.

In Zaitsev's book and in the manual attached to the set of cubes, it is written that it is desirable to hang the tables high, the lower edge at the level of an adult's head or higher. However, these recommendations are based on the fact that Zaitsev's cubes are mainly used in a group (the author of the technique himself worked only with groups of children). If you hang the tables low, the children will block each other's writing. But if you study at home, then you have one listener - your child. In addition, classes begin in groups at 3-4 years old, and at home, a mother can study with a two-year-old or even a one-year-old baby. Such a baby simply will not be able to see anything on a highly hung table. Therefore, at home, hang the tables so that the baby can reach the top edge of the table with the handle raised up. When he grows up, lift the table - the child should reach for it, and not bend over.

And one more important note. For a very small child, the table is too large. To see several warehouses drawn at different ends of the table, he needs to either move far away (then he will not be able to show them), or run back and forth along the table. Best of all, if you have such an opportunity, hang the table in the corner of the room, bending it in half. Then the baby will be able, standing in one place, to easily reach any edge of the table with his hand.

It is desirable to place tables in the place where the baby happens most often, that is, in his room. But if there is no space at all, then you can place them in another room, in the hallway or even in the kitchen.

Wall charts are just as important as cubes, don't neglect them. The author of the technique himself, Nikolai Zaitsev, is very proud that when working with tables, his vision does not deteriorate, but sometimes it even improves, because the eyeball is constantly in motion, looking for warehouses.

Learning to sing

It is necessary to learn them, because together with your child you will not pronounce the warehouses drawn on the cubes, but sing them. According to Nikolai Alexandrovich, learning to read with singing is much more effective, interesting and more fun than without it. And some children at a tender age cannot be taught to read otherwise.

Bringing Cubes to Life

We play cubes

Now the child comes into play. All cubes with warehouses are available to the child immediately and forever. Do not be afraid that the baby will get confused. Accurate systematization allows you to quickly catch the patterns of the language, without littering the child's head with any kind of "scientific". To begin with, let him choose the cube that he liked more than the others. Take it and, turning to the child with the side that you call, sing all the warehouses. Now let the baby choose a large wooden cube. Then small. Gold. Iron. When all types of sizes and sounds are mastered, you can sing a column of warehouses according to the table to the baby and offer to find a cube with the same singing. So at the same time he will master both warehouses and their classification.

You stand at the table, take a pointer in your hands and begin to sing. Please note that you need to articulate warehouses well, show the child that the sounds are different: big and small, sonorous and rustling.

For clarity, you can move: stand on tiptoe or squat, spread your arms, etc.

It is very important to breathe life into the cubes. Come up with names for the cubes: here is the big daddy cube B-BA-BO-BU-BE-BE, and here is the small baby cube B-BY-BE-BY-BE-BE. Double dice are grandparents.

Let's start writing

Do not be afraid if the child is not yet able to hold a pen in his hands. Do not write with pen on paper. The kid will lead a pointer or finger along the table, singing: “Ba-bo-bu-by-be, Ma-sha, mo-lo-ko.” After all, he needs to understand how words are composed, take them apart and reassemble them. And, of course, you need to write with the help of cubes, making words out of them.

Start writing with what is dearest to the child - with the name. By the way, you can write KO-LA, but better - NI-KO-LA-Y A-LE-K-SE-E-VI-CH (the child will be glad to feel big). Then make up the names of toys, the names of loved ones. Having collected the word MAMA at one end of the room, GRANDMA LISA on the table, and UNCLE PETYA by the window, start an outdoor game of words: “Hurry, run to GRANDMA! Look who came to us - UNCLE PETIA! Meet him! And now MOM is calling you with her! In this way, it is possible to teach reading in motion without sacrificing vision and posture for literacy. Please note that we do not teach a child to read or write with the help of cubes, we just play.

Not enough cube! What to do?

Indeed, for writing certain words, there are not enough cubes that are in the set. For example, you want to write the word BANANA, and we only have one cube with warehouses HA and H (the NU-NO-NA-NE-NS-N cube) and it is impossible to rotate it with two faces at the same time. Often there are not enough cubes with warehouses in S, M, P, cubes with vowels. What to do? If you bought cubes, do not rush to glue them right away. First, photocopy on a color photocopier the scans of the most used cubes. Cut out the base for them from cardboard. If you don’t want to make anything additional, then write those words that you cannot write in cubes on a sheet of paper with felt-tip pens, highlighting warehouses in different colors, or write according to the table with a pointer.

Comment on the article "Nikolai Zaitsev's method of teaching reading. Part I"

I agree, this is the most wonderful teaching method from the age of 3, as N. Zaitsev himself points out, for those children who have not been taught to read - before they walk :)
Nevertheless, for twenty years now, the globalists, who have settled in the RAO and the Ministry of Education, still resist this technique, although it has been implemented in almost all countries. Now Russian children who are being taught in schools are almost 4 years behind their competitors in learning to read. :(
But this is not a method of early development - it will be more accurate to say - a method of AVERAGE development! and this topic, in an amicable way, should be placed in another conference.
We need to gradually figure it out and not bring everything down to the heap: early development is what is up to 3 years. :) Zaitsev himself always emphasizes that this is a technique - from the age of 3.
Otherwise, we will throw the parents back twenty years in this teleconference :)
There are attempts to apply this technique from the age of 2 - Lena Danilova promotes this practice. But this is a private initiative that was not crowned with success and requires a significant investment of time and effort. ON THE. Zaitsev, G. Doman and E. Danilova and other "zaychists" deny the beginning of learning from letters.
But since 1988, results have been obtained according to the "Read - before walking" method according to the P.V. Tyulenev - who returned to letters, because for a one-year-old child they are simpler than syllables or warehouses.
But if we post this discussion in Early Development, "then, it seems to me, parents should be warned about this right away - so as not to be introduced into unnecessary expenses.
So whoever has children older than 3 years old - you are welcome to Zaitsev, and whoever has children younger - you need to start trying the book "Reading Before Walking", which is available here on the 7yaru website. :)
It seems to me that this is also a game technique, since you can’t force a one-year-old to sit at a desk :)
My main suggestion is: where should those who work with children under 3 years of age concentrate? That is, where, after all, will we have early development, and where is the average early development, and where is the late early development? :)
On the one hand, from a commercial point of view, everything seems to be fine: "the more methods, the better"! But, on the other hand, the inclusion of Zaitsev's methodology in early development throws us back 20 years here. :)
Why? Because the one who "was late", as a rule, does not allow those who started on time to discuss this issue, that is, according to the concepts of the first, those who were late "too early" ... Such is the psychology :(.
Then where do the supporters of real early development gather, that is, those who begin to teach from the very conception or from birth to 3 years of age? :) After all, the opponents of "training from conception" - globalists like Tsargradskaya - also hide the fact that priests demand to start training from the moment of conception! Also, I read somewhere that developing up to 1 year is the development of a genius; development up to 2 years is the development of talent, etc.
I remembered: I found the link "Laws of the MIRR system".
Let's remember the sensational slogan of the Japanese: "after 3 years - it's too late!" - like so said the famous president of SONY Masaru Ibuka. Here's how.
So where is it, early development? :)

15.06.2009 12:33:41,

You can study according to the method of Nikolai Zaitsev not only in the children's development center, but also at home. Get manuals, tables, a long pointer and the cubes themselves. Begin?

As you may have guessed, this technique is different from the usual for absolutely everyone. Is that the letters here also learn to write. But not immediately in copybooks for preschoolers or in squared notebooks. The nervous system of the baby is not yet ready for small writing, it is difficult for the fingers. And according to the “I write beautifully” manual, everything happens easier, the child does not spoil his eyesight and posture, because the manual consists of 46 cards, where the letters are divided into elements and written large.

You can practice writing both printed and capital letters, and there are numbers here too. And who said that it is necessary to do this at the table? Attach it to the board with a magnet - and trace with your finger in parts, and then the whole letter, and immediately write it on the board with chalk! Many people like to work on the floor - the position is easy to change. And when all the letters are mastered, you can move on to writing in notebooks in a large cell. And up to 4.5 years, it is better to stay longer on large and convenient cards.

Separately, I want to say about the guys with special needs in development. Their mothers and fathers will probably be interested to know that this technique suits their baby like no one else. And developmental delays will not prevent him from learning to read and write. Along the way, the developmental lag will also decrease: the child will begin to speak better, think faster, learn to concentrate. Only you need not a simple teacher, but a specialist - for example, a speech therapist, defectologist or psychologist.

Parallel work on sound pronunciation always brings amazing results. With the help of cubes, you can develop the child comprehensively. It just takes a little more time. But right away - the love of reading for life is guaranteed!

Homeschooling has many benefits. One of them is that your child, even with a cold and a runny nose, will not be suspended from classes, which means that their effectiveness will be higher. However, you also have a great responsibility for the final result. If the baby does not learn to read in 6-7 months, refuses to study, you will not be able to express your complaints to the teacher. All claims - to yourself!

But there are situations when you simply have no other choice but to deal with the child on your own. And even if your baby is not yet 3 years old or he is often sick, you are quite capable of teaching him to read and write on your own. Only we will do it according to all the rules!

Games and exercises for toddlers 3-4 years old

Where to start learning? We hope that you will find a place on the wall for tables: they are quite voluminous. Having collected the cubes (and it will take you 1.5-2 hours), put them in a pile on the table under the tables. If space in the apartment is a real problem, put the cubes in a box that you will only take out for classes. Make a pointer from a long rail (at least 1.1 m). Well, you can start!

Game "Steam locomotive"

Invite your child to build a locomotive. To do this, put a locomotive (a toy trailer) and a large golden cube with the letter A on the shelf (for the first lesson). Say that all the cars in the train will be with the letter A, and show on the first cube (on any large one) how to find the side with the letter A. Place it next to the locomotive. Let the child try to put the rest of the cubes himself. Intervene only if the baby does not understand how to look for the blocks with the letter A.

Be sure to explain that the letter A is only on large cubes. Thus, the child works only with them, gradually highlighting them visually. When the locomotive is built, it must set off, but for this all the “carriages” must be read: PA, TA, NA, SA, FA, SHA, CHA, etc.

  • How it's done?

Make sure the child's eyes are on the engine. With the index finger of your right hand, show the first large golden cube and name it. Let the child repeat. The same is true for other “cars”, and first your finger moves to the next cube, and only then the warehouse is announced.

Instead of a finger, you can use an accent cube that moves on top of the "cars". In the following lessons, other vowels on the large and small gold cubes are taken as a sample. In the future, the child himself decides with what letter the “carriages” of his train will be.

Game "Funny words"

Invite the kid to write any word he wants from the cubes. To do this, you just need to collect the cubes you like and put them together. In the process of work, unobtrusively remind the child how to put the cubes: from left to right, side by side, "on the legs, not on the head." Then read the written word as usual. It turns out, of course, abracadabra.

Toddlers usually have fun because a ridiculous thing came out and try to repeat the game. Encourage your child's initiative! This game helps to teach kids how to put cubes correctly and intuitively feel the boundaries of words (after all, a word cannot be too long - from 9-12 cubes). This is the stage of preparation for independent and conscious writing of words from blocks.

Exercise "What song should you sing?"

It is one of the most important in the initial stages of learning. Tell the kid that our cubes are not simple, everyone has their own song. Several dice are "sung" (see below). Then invite the baby to choose from the total mass of the cube that he would like to listen to. In the future, such a free choice is necessary for the child, since he gets the opportunity to work according to his own program, intuitively clarifying those moments that he needs.

  • How to sing in cubes?

Your face is on the same level as the child's face. Hold the cube with both hands to the right of your mouth. The sung side of the cube is facing the baby, that is, the child sees both the warehouse on the cube and your mouth at the same time: what the lips are doing, how the tongue works. This is important for kids who are still bad, slurred.

It is necessary to sing the cube slowly, somewhat exaggeratedly. This exercise indirectly helps with the production of sounds. Already from the first cube, the sponges automatically begin to move in the children - they repeat what they heard. Pay special attention to the look of the child, which should be directed only at you.

Seeing how you sang a few cubes "on his order", the baby tries to do it himself. The sung warehouse is directed at him, that is, the child looks at the sung warehouse. On order, you can not only “sing the cube”, but also read the warehouse chosen by the kid on it. He just needs to poke his finger in the direction he likes, and the mother will readily read it, turning to the child.

Exercises "Singing shoes", "Talking turrets"

If the kid himself tries to make a building out of cubes, encourage him. In other cases, push the baby to this thought. At the end of the construction, say: “You know, this tower is not simple, but magical. Our cubes can sing, and each cube has its own song. The tower turned out to be singing. Come on, I'll sing you whatever cube you want.

The child chooses any cube from the tower, you sing it in the same way as in the game “Which cube should you sing?”. Just remember about the look of the baby - during any exercise with cubes, he must fix it on what you are voicing, otherwise all the work will lose its meaning.

In this game, the turrets also “speak”, that is, you voice the warehouse on the cube that the kid has chosen. Do not forget to characterize each sung or read cube: "Oh, you have a big iron one." Sing: "BU BO BA BA BE B". You need to sing very slowly.

Exercise "Singing songs on the table"

Your baby is facing the table. You are to her right, holding a long pointer in your right hand. “Look, this is a table. It also has songs, the same as on the cubes. I will sing these songs to you, and you carefully look at the tip of the pointer, listen and sing along if you want. Make sure the child is looking carefully at the tip of the pointer as you slowly bring it up to the big gold cube: "It's a big gold one: WOAAAA." Sing along the scale motif (from the top note to the bottom), while the pointer does not move down very quickly.

Sing, pronouncing the sounds as clearly as possible, the baby’s desire to sing along and generally work with the table largely depends on this. It's good if the baby tries to sing along. Just like a big gold one, sing the rest of the columns, carefully looking at the child and watching his reaction. If the baby is tired, and the table has not yet been finished, try playing like this: when a large cube is sung, hands are raised up, when a small cube is sung, do squats.

And all the songs differ in intonation: the big ones are sung in a lower voice, the small ones in a higher one. This technique allows you to develop the coordinated work of analyzers: auditory, visual, motor, and also helps the baby switch attention from one to another.

Usually the child really wants to try to sing according to the table. Please encourage him to do so! Sing together first, you and the child. The baby is standing on a chair with a pointer, and you are on the side, slightly hugging the baby, with your hand clasping his handle. A little later, when the child masters this exercise, he will be happy to sing songs on his own.

It is better to sing the table in its entirety at each lesson, but if the baby is very tired, it is better to split it in parts. The main task is not to lose the child's interest in new activities. This can be achieved if he himself chooses which song to sing now, which one to start with today

Exercise "Writing words on the table"

The baby is standing on a chair, you are behind, grabbing him by the shoulders with one hand and helping to hold the pointer with the other (your hand is clasping the child’s hand along with the pointer). The two decide which word to write. It is better to start with the name of the child, then move on to the last name, the names of mom, dad, toys, cartoons, etc.

If you decide to write a name, for example, Styopa, then clearly pronounce the first warehouse: C, only after that point the child’s hand with a pointer to the column SU SO SA SE SY C to the letter C. It is the same with the warehouse TE: column TYU TE TYA TY, square TE; PA: PU PO PA PE PY P, PA square. Each warehouse is voiced, and then shown (almost immediately - after 1-2 seconds).

After the first spelling of the word, be sure to write it a second time, already at a faster pace. It is desirable that the baby's hand is not weak-willed, but also directs the pointer. In the next lesson, the child will write his own name.

We write words from cubes
  • Game "Lunch"

Have your child cook dinner. That is, write words from the cubes that denote various dishes. Your child may well remember words such as "soup", "compote", "pasta". Together with the baby, put the necessary cubes on the shelf. And then “eat” lunch, that is, read every word. The same words can be written with a pointer on the table if your baby wants "additives."

  • Zoo game

Let the kid name those animals that he remembers, and write these words in cubes on the shelf. If it’s hard to remember right away, put animal figurines on the shelf. If desired, the child writes the same words with a pointer on the table (together with you, of course).

Games for children 4-6 years old

All games for three-year-olds are suitable for older children, but new, more complex ones are also added. Now do not forget about the cube with punctuation marks. For each written word from the cubes, put a cube with an accent. We will write names and surnames with a capital letter, for which we will put the ZB on the first cube.

And now, after 2-3 weeks of training, we will begin to trace the letters on the laminated cards from the “I Write Beautifully” manual with a finger and a marker. So, having played with the child in games for three-year-olds, we begin to master new ones, repeating the exercise “Writing words on the table” and “Singing on the table” at each lesson.

Exercise "Riddles"

Give your child riddles. He guesses, and you write the answer in cubes. For example, such a riddle: “Who is above us upside down?” If you can't guess, write the answer on paper. But do not read a word to him: let the baby puff and try to read the word "fly" on his own.

Game "Brothers"

Explain: “All cubes have brothers: large ones have small, younger ones, and younger ones have large, older ones. You see, they are all confused with us, they lie in one heap. Let's find older and younger brothers and put them together." You take the first cube (SHU SE XYA SI SH), put it on the shelf with the side of the SA and ask to find the same brother, but the older one: SU SO SA SE SY S (repeat several times).

You will see, your baby will find it without difficulty, puts it on the SA side. It turned out SYA-SA. We read, we are glad that the brothers were found, then we are looking for another 5-6 pairs. When all the pairs are on the shelf, read them again.

Game "Look and repeat"

Invite the kid to write his name (or any other) from the cubes. The word is written in cubes, and then you invite the baby to turn away. At this time, rearrange and twist the cubes in the word so that it becomes unrecognizable. Let the kid try to restore what he wrote, based on the already known visual image of his name, which you wrote more than once. Then play with other people's first and last names. Names are more suitable, as they are usually shorter and easier to recover.

In the future, the game can be played with any words. The main rule is not to confuse the cubes too much. At first, it is enough to rearrange two cubes in places, and in another lesson, add a flip of the cube, in the third and subsequent ones, swap all the cubes, turn two over and push them a little more. If the baby can not cope and is upset about this, help him.

The game "Conceived word"

In a mysterious tone, tell the baby that you have come up with one interesting word, but you won’t say which one. The child must guess himself, laying out those cubes that will be called. For example, you thought of the word “table.” Say that the first cube in this word reads S. The kid, already familiar with the search for cubes from the general mass, is trying to find a cube, relying only on his memory.

If the cube is not found in any way, name its full description: “It's a big wooden one, SU CO SA SE SY S” and show the corresponding column on the table for 3 seconds. When all the cubes are set, offer to read the word and guess what you have in mind. If the child has not yet guessed, read the word with him.

Game "Guess"

The child sits on a chair in front of you and a table with cubes. Next to you on another table or stool are 4-5 different objects or toys (ball, scissors, book, doll, mirror). The kid names the objects, while it is very important to agree on the name of the word: not a ball, but a ball, not a book, but a book.

Ask them to guess which of these words you will now write. Lay out the word in cubes in front of the child. He reads the word (do not forget to run your finger over the cubes), then takes the corresponding object and puts it near him. At the end of the game, count how many items the kid has won. In the future, the number of items on the table will increase to 8-10.

Working with stock pictures

This is the spelling of words from cubes according to the model that the stock picture serves as. The child looks at the words in the picture and writes the same from the cubes. This exercise develops visual perception very well, and prepares six-year-olds for work on rewriting assignments.

Cards for learning to read in warehouses (Zaitsev's method)

I want to offer you material for independent play and preparation for learning to read.
This material is based on the Zaitsev method, where the children and I learn to read in warehouses.
The warehouse method has been known since the time of Leo Tolstoy. A warehouse is considered to be a merger of a consonant with a vowel, a separate vowel as a syllable, a separate consonant (in a closed syllable), a consonant with a sign. For example, SO-BA-KA, PA-RO-VO-Z, A-I-S-T and so on. In warehouses, the baby begins to say MA-MA, and not in letters or in a whole word. According to warehouses, it is easier and more natural to teach him to read.

But, unfortunately, ready-made manuals of N. Zaitsev's methods (cubes, tables) are quite expensive.
Therefore, not every mother can use them. And if in the place where the mother lives with the baby, there are no shops with benefits nearby, no circles where you can enroll the child, then the only way out is to make benefits with your own hands.

These manuals will allow you to start learning to read at home and are cards with letters.
You need to download 3 files: the king's house, the queen's house, and a file with consonant cards. (You can download them in winzip archive here: 137 kb)
Cards from the king's house and the queen's house must be cut out and connected vertically (i.e. in a column in the order they are printed).

Then (at the request of the parents) these houses are pasted over with adhesive tape on the front side, and glued on fleecy paper on the back (another option is to stick Velcro). Put under pressure for a day. At this time, we take a sheet of plywood, thick cardboard, etc. improvised materials, and we cover it with flannel.
Now our king and queen houses can be easily placed on a flannel board, and they will hold perfectly there.

We begin to play an interesting game with the baby, which at the same time teaches letters at ease and with it we learn to read.
Come up with a fairy tale about the king and queen, about the letters that live in houses. For example: “Once upon a time there were a king and a queen, and they had many servants. The king's servants lived in the big house, the queen's servants lived in the smaller house. These servants were not simple, they all loved to sing. Etc."
Sing the letters from the houses (from top to bottom).
You can sing to any motive, the main thing is that the baby is interested. Do not be afraid that you have no hearing, your baby still thinks that you sing the best!

When these vowels in the houses are learned, we cut out and make consonant cards: B, P, M, K.
We take, for example, "B" and begin to roll it around the houses:
We also roll the remaining 4 letters:

Then you can substitute letters to the right and left of the houses:
We do the same with the rest of the consonants (we make cards, roll them around the houses, substitute them for other warehouses).
It seems at first glance simple, but quite effective technique, in my opinion.
My eldest daughter, when she went to classes according to the Zaitsev method (Zaichata Studio), learned to read in a few lessons. But she was then 4-5 years old. Younger children naturally take longer to absorb the material.

Russian language

Author: Zaitsev N. A.
Publisher: N.Zaitsev Methods LLC, St. Petersburg.

Tutorial. Set for home, group, class.
The kit includes:

6 cardboard sheets of "B2" format tables (520 × 720 mm).
4 sheets of "B3" format tables (360 × 520 mm).
61 cardboard cubes (50 x 50 mm and 60 x 60 mm).
Audio CD (size 5").
"Textbook for parents, educators, teachers" (128 pages, color printing).

Packing: corrugated box.
Weight: 3.50 kg.
Size: 660×380×70mm

retail price, without delivery

p 4500
€ 64

"Zaitsev's Cubes" is a manual for teaching reading from the age of two and can be used in the family, kindergarten and school. The technique gives good results in working with children diagnosed with ZPR, ONR, MMD, alalia, autism, as well as with visually impaired, hearing impaired and deaf. The manual can be used in teaching children and adults for whom Russian is not their native language.

Education is based on the analytical-synthetic method using warehouse blocks and takes place in the form of a fun and exciting game, during which preschoolers have time to start reading before the fun gets bored.

The letters on the cubes and in the tables are of such a size that they are clearly visible even from ten meters - it is important that from the very beginning the children do not experience any visual strain. The tables are located on the wall, their lower edge is at a height of 165-170 cm from the floor - in order to avoid violations of posture, you need to work more often while standing, with your head up. Under the tables there is a shelf of three boards to make up words from cubes on it.

The cubes differ in color (“golden”, “iron”, “wooden”, white with green punctuation marks), volume (large, small, double), weight (filled with pieces of iron and pieces of wood included in the kit), the sound of the filler, which is distributed while shaking them. The goal is to provide involuntary, fast, reliable memorization.

Writing with a pointer through the cells of the tables also connects the “memory of the body”: are the necessary letters located above, below, left, in the middle or on the right? Looking for books on the shelves, we not only remember their color, thickness, height, but also their location: the legs themselves step where they need to, the hand stretches, the head turns. And only at the last second the gaze is focused.

In the audio recording, the columns and rows of tables, the alphabet, to the accompaniment of bayan and balalaika, are sung to 35 popular, mostly folk melodies. Rhythmic pronunciation, and even better singing with musical accompaniment, is a powerful means of influencing memory.

"Side" results accompanying the process of entering the reading:

  • literate writing skills develop
  • speech therapy defects are corrected,
  • speech becomes clearer and more distinct, thanks to the constant pronunciation and singing of warehouses,
  • rapidly expanding vocabulary
  • logical thinking is formed,
  • develops the ability to work independently, the ability to obtain the necessary knowledge.

The technique is natural and health-saving. The guys not only do not lose health as a result of training, but cases of correction of existing shortcomings (improvement of vision, correction of incipient scoliosis) have also been recorded.

The long-term practice of teachers working according to Zaitsev's methods allows us to provide statistics on the terms of training for children of different ages (provided that classes are held for 30-60 minutes 2 times a week).

Everyone knows Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev by his famous cubes, which are used in kindergartens, elementary schools, development centers and at home. But the teaching methodology of this Russian teacher and educator is much deeper. It involves not only the rapid learning of reading, counting, writing, literacy, foreign languages, mathematics, anatomy, geography, ecology, music, but also gives a powerful impetus to the child's self-development. Its healing effect, high efficiency and humanity have been confirmed by practice.


Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev was born in 1939 in the village of. Hills (Novgorod region) in a family of hereditary teachers. His childhood fell on difficult war years. After the war, the family moved to Leningrad. Nikolai was an active child: he went to swimming and athletics sections, was engaged in drawing and woodcarving. In 1956, he graduated from school and worked for 2 years at the factory as a grinder and moulder. He took up wrestling and boxing.

In 1958 he entered the philological faculty at the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen (Russian and English). During the years of study, Zaitsev began to study subjects in more depth due to a misunderstanding of many things. Even then, he began to draw tables, build graphs, making it easier for himself to understand objects.

In 1963, as a fifth-year student, Nikolai did an internship as a translator in Indonesia. There, the young teacher laid the foundation for his original educational system. The first experience of teaching the native language in its own way was successful.

He never received a diploma, because. his thesis was not up to standard. After the institute, Zaitsev worked as a teacher in an orphanage, in a children's colony, a boarding school for special children. He tried his technique on special children. Success was variable, but it gave impetus to further research.

Then Zaitsev became a teacher of literature at school. During this period, he developed a clear and without cumbersome rules system of teaching the native language for high school. The test results were negative: the students did not feel their native language, it was easier for them to memorize the rules, they were taught that way ...

By the end of the 70s. Zaitsev gradually determined the direction of experiments for himself: educational visual programs and manuals for kids from 1.5 years old. Everything was presented in a playful way.

And then success awaited him. His learning through the blocks was easily perceived by the kids.

The pedagogy of that time did not tolerate any deviations from the traditional one, therefore, before perestroika (80s), all Zaitsev's developments and manuals were not in demand. And only with the collapse of the USSR, it began to be used in kindergartens and schools. Although the Ministry of Education did not officially recognize it.

In 1989, JSC "Mazai" (methodical alternatives to Zaitsev) was created, where the innovator became a leading specialist. This began the active dissemination of Zaitsev's methods and manuals. The production of cubes was launched for the first time.

Since 1991, the technique has already been adapted for children from 1.5-4 years old.

In 1993, on the basis of the St. Petersburg kindergarten No. 74, Zaitsev was allowed to apply his methods. Since then, it has been his creative laboratory. Here, in 1994, for the first time, he introduced a course of anatomy, physiology and human hygiene, ecology adapted for kids, and over five years of observation, he stated a stable positive result. The children were interested in and accessible systemic, visual information about a person, his health, and the environment.

In 1995, Professor Ruvinsky founded the Academy of Creative Pedagogy (ATP). It brought together disparate innovative teachers, allowed them to exchange experiences, make their methods public, and improve their qualifications. Zaitsev became a professor at this academy.

In 1996, Mazai JSC was transformed into Zaitsev Methods LLC, whose tasks remained the same: to develop, publish and implement the author's manuals and methods. This association has been successfully operating to this day. It releases "Zaitsev's Cubes", "Stochet", "I Write Beautifully", etc.

Professor Zaitsev lives in St. Petersburg, lectures all over the country, develops new manuals. He has many like-minded students. He is still a leading specialist of the non-governmental institution of additional education "Methods of N. Zaitsev". Despite its popularity, its system has never been officially recognized.

The origins and foundations of the methodology

When developing his system, Zaitsev relied on the research of I.M. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlova, A.A. Ukhtomsky, V.M. Bekhterev.

He used these conclusions:

  • dividing the sensory stream into elements, and then linking these elements into groups is very well perceived by the brain;
  • It is possible to enhance perception by presenting information with a clearly defined rhythm.

Zaitsev made this discovery in neurophysiology the basis of his system. The main idea of ​​his methodology is based on the fact that the process of cognition should be based on all forms of perception of the child:

  • thinking;
  • hearing;
  • vision;
  • motor and tactile memory.

Zaitsev's educational material activates the perception of the child, since it is systemic (from the particular to the general and vice versa), collected in one place and attractive, attracting attention. In fact, this methodology is based on the foundations of collaborative pedagogy. The role of the teacher is:

  • to the organization of a fun gaming learning environment;
  • mentoring assistance to the child in learning to read, count, write, grammar.

Another basis of his method was the use of the warehouse as an elementary particle of speech. A warehouse is a fusion of a consonant and vowels, just a vowel, a consonant in an open syllable. This is a more natural division of a word than a syllable. This is how babies begin to talk. And it's easier to learn to read.

The origins of this lie in the same neurophysiology, since the warehouse is a conscious effort of the muscles of the speech apparatus. These efforts are easy to determine if you lightly wrap your hand around the neck under the base of the jaw and say something loudly. The idea itself is not new. Learning to read and write according to the method of Zaitsev is very similar to the primer of Fedot Kuzmichev (XIX century) and the alphabet of L. Tolstoy (he studied using Kuzmichev's primer). These books are based on the warehouse method, not syllables.

After 200 years, Zaitsev, having accepted the previous experience, went further. According to his method, it is not necessary to purposefully learn letters at all. They will simply learn themselves in the process of playing with manuals on which warehouses are written. For the first time, he tried the method of quickly mastering the language with the help of warehouses on his cubes.

Then there were the tables. Here Zaitsev relied on experience (a system of reference signals) and Erdniev (an enlarged unit of didactics). He created tables through which a huge amount of information was transmitted with a minimum number of characters. The correct arrangement of these tables on the walls allowed information to quickly appear in memory.

Zaitsev's methodology broke the main stereotype of traditional education: the rule-exercise, moved away from the scattered and unsystematic nature of the material. Moreover, such a neurophysiological approach ensured a high voluntary mobility of the child during training with a minimum load on vision.

General description of Zaitsev's technique

The innovative teacher set himself the goal of teaching children to read, write, literacy and counting without cramming and imposing. While studying at the institute, he already realized that traditional education is not effective. His system was developed in the same direction. He left the traditional training scheme: exercise-task. Only the game, only what is interesting and no violence. Nikolai Aleksandrovich laid down the following principles in his system:

  • the child does not learn to live, but lives here and now, so he will learn what he is interested in now;
  • education should keep pace with the development of the child, not ahead of him;
  • any complex tasks are available to the child if they are available and relevant to him;
  • the child is an active person, not an object of learning;
  • the child studies the world around him with his whole body, movement for him is an additional source of information.

They allow you to give a powerful impetus to the natural abilities of the child, pushing him to self-development.

Features of the technique

“The essence is in simplicity and consistency!”

The technique is very loyal to children. Since the classes are held in the form of a game, there are no:

  • fear of making a mistake;
  • losers and losers;
  • remarks;
  • coercion;
  • notations;
  • calls;
  • estimates.

Zaitsev's lessons are very noisy and laid-back. The author has developed hundreds of games, so each new lesson is not like the previous one.

Classes are equipped in a special way:

  • the desks are arranged around the perimeter so as not to obscure the visual material;
  • tables are hung on the walls at a height of 170 cm from the floor.

The material is given to the child at once entirely on the tables, and he can assimilate it at his own pace. All warehouses are systematized on cubes and wall tables. Each cube has a row and a column in the table. After working with the cubes, the children run with a pointer to the tables in search of the necessary warehouses. They involuntarily sort through dozens of options, easily memorizing them. The high systemic nature of the benefits allows children to quickly grasp their algorithm.

Between the tables with warehouses there are tables of "Hundred Accounts", according to which children learn to add and subtract two-digit numbers.

The lessons are naturally competitive in nature: everyone wants to give the correct answer as soon as possible and peers at the table from anywhere in the class. Thus, the reading of tables from different distances is forced to begin, and vision is involuntarily trained. Most of the lesson, students spend in motion with their heads up (look at the tables), strengthening their posture. In such an environment, children think more actively, and the learning process is effective.

The famous Zaitsev cubes: what is it?

The cubes are designed to teach reading, basic literacy and writing. There are 52 cubes in the set (7 repeating, for words like uncle). Warehouses are applied to each cube, there are 200 of them in total. The cubes in the set differ in different ways:

  • size;
  • color (12);
  • material;
  • sound;
  • by filler;
  • by weight.

These features help children to feel the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft, and memorize warehouses of different character:

  • Large cubes - with hard warehouses, small ones - with soft ones.
  • White cube - with punctuation marks.
  • There are double cubes with consonants that are not friendly with all vowels (zha, zhu, zhi).
  • There are no warehouses zhy, shy, chya, schya on the cubes.
  • Voiced warehouses - a metal cube, deaf warehouses - wooden.
  • The golden cube is the vowels.
  • Warehouses with a hard sign are placed on iron-wood cubes, and those with a soft sign are placed on wooden-gold ones.
  • All letters are of different colors: vowels are blue, consonants are blue,
  • Hard and soft signs are green.

Children during the game memorize warehouses and features of cubes. From warehouses it is easy to add words. Then all this is built into a coherent grammatical system. Acquaintance with warehouses begins with cubes, and ends with tables.

Zaitsev's tables

Zaitsev's tables are highly systematic visual teaching aids, on which all educational material is modeled.

The tables serve all the material at once and are hung on the walls.

They create a learning environment. Tables are multifunctional intermediaries between students and mentors:

  • learn;
  • give information;
  • are guides to educational material;
  • develop the necessary skills;
  • help mutual learning.
  • warehouse (to compare the qualities of sounds - softness, deafness, sonority, hardness, softness and for composing words);
  • for hundred-count (for learning to count within 100 - this is a 4-color tape with numbers from 0-99, groups of squares and circles for studying tens, even-odd);
  • on mathematical (shows what numbers consist of, their properties, actions on them, the origin of numbers, fractions, degrees).

Tables and cubes are inseparable parts of the learning process.

Model of kindergartens according to Zaitsev

The Zaitsev system is often used in kindergartens to teach children:

  • reading;
  • mathematics;
  • singing in a choir;
  • synthesis of drawing and writing;
  • the basics of grammar;
  • anatomy;
  • geography;
  • ecology;
  • botany;
  • zoology.

For all these areas, Zaitsev developed and tested special methods and manuals. In addition to teaching a child to write, read, count, Zaitsev's methods involve introducing kids to the outside world.

At the age of 3, children have a crisis in the formation of their personality, which is associated with the formation of their own I. The kid, who does not understand what is required of him and why, refuses to follow the rules offered by adults. The child begins to neglect his own safety.

The introduction of such areas as anatomy, ecology, geography into the kindergarten curriculum is fully justified. Getting to know themselves, kids already consciously follow the rules offered by adults. It is at 4-7 years old that the child is easily oriented:

  • to maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • on not smoking;
  • not drinking alcohol;
  • not using drugs;
  • to preserve the environment;
  • to maintain their health;
  • to your safety.

And for this, the baby must understand his device, be aware of things that are useful and harmful to him. And after anatomy, botany appears, and then zoology. This is the significance of man in nature. And geography is the way to peace.

Everything is connected here: anatomy is the path from oneself to the world, and geography is from the world to oneself and from oneself to the world.

In kindergartens with such items, injuries are rare, children are not afraid of doctors, they strive for physical education, they are non-aggressive, neat, eat right and strive to learn more about the world around them.

Zaitsev's pedagogy of cooperation is very non-aggressive and gentle to the child:

  • The mentor offers the children all the material at once, which master it at a convenient pace.
  • The mentor works according to the child's program, without forcing him to do anything.
  • The lack of evaluation of children excludes the appearance of lagging behind. Children's fear disappears, they just play, and losing is possible in the game.
  • The atmosphere in the classroom is very democratic, the children do not notice the learning process itself, they just play, and the mentor directs them in the right direction.

The role of parents

Zaitsev's methodology is part of the pedagogy of cooperation. The main thing in it is the creation of a learning environment and a mentor.

  • The educational environment is created together with parents, which gives a powerful impetus to the development of the child.
  • Parents should also maintain the authority of mentors with their children.
  • If at least one link falls out of the child-mentor-parents system, training becomes useless.
  • Parents themselves should be carried away by learning, helping the child with pleasure. This will be the key to their child's success.
  • If parents decide to teach their child according to the Zaitsev method at home, they must create a creative developmental environment, understand the basics of the system, and then begin systemic classes. Only then can one hope for success. It must be remembered that Zaitsev's cubes are not just toys, but teaching aids.

Advantages of Zaitsev's technique

Physicians, psychologists, valeologists, physiologists, and teachers speak well of Zaitsev's methodology. The system is based on the natural, natural reactions of the body, it is very easy to adapt to the conditions of a kindergarten, school or home, groups of children of different ages and composition. He shows himself well when working with special children.

Here are its advantages:

  • rapid development of reading, writing and counting (10-12 lessons for preschoolers and a week for first graders);
  • no attachment to a certain age;
  • each child learns at their own pace;
  • the possibility of successful home schooling;
  • literacy for life;
  • lack of hypodynamia and preservation of vision;
  • absence of student-teacher-parent conflicts;
  • development of self-organization of the child;
  • simplicity, consistency, visibility;
  • combination of game and strict internal logic.

Disadvantages of Zaitsev's technique

The long-term use of the Zaitsev system in kindergartens, developmental and rehabilitation centers, and schools has revealed some shortcomings:

  • There are complaints from speech therapists and defectologists about missing endings in speech.
  • Children have difficulty with phonetics.
  • Benefits are quite expensive.
  • Difficulties in using the letter E.
  • Homeschooling requires a combination with traditional methods to achieve results.
  • With early learning to read, a powerful impetus is given to the development of centers for the perception of writing, which can lead to a delay in the development of oral speech.
  • The technique is effective only for right-handers.
  • Children may not hear individual speech sounds, which can affect writing.
  • The system does not develop creativity.

The popularity of the Zaitsev system

The paradox of our country: a methodology that is not recognized by the state educational system is widely known and used not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but throughout the world (in Europe, Australia, the USA, Israel). In 86 countries of the world, specialized centers for the training of zaychist teachers have been opened.

The author of the methodology can easily adapt it to any language of the world, which means that it is possible to create an international pedagogical complex. There are already methods for Russian, English, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Tatar, Armenian and French.

Zaitsev has hundreds of like-minded people and followers. For example, Afanasova Elena Grigoryevna, a valeologist from Moscow, herself develops training manuals according to the Zaitsev system, has been successfully teaching children for 10 years, and preparing teachers.