November 21. Scientific program. In your opinion, the influence of the zodiac sign is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day.

Bailiff day

On November 1, Russia celebrates the Day of the Bailiff, the holiday was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2009. For a long time in the legislation of the Soviet Union and Russia there were significant gaps associated with the activities of bailiffs. Only in 1997 were the Federal Laws “On Bailiffs” and “On Enforcement Proceedings” adopted. In the period from 1917 to the second half of the 90s of the XX century, the regulatory framework governing the strict observance of court decisions practically did not exist. The history of the structure of bailiffs has more than one century, for the first time in documentary sources information about the people of this profession is found back in the days of feudal Russia. In past centuries, bailiffs possessed a wide range of powers, they could use the help of police officers or the military. Responsibility for disobeying the court decision was very severe, up to arrest and hard labor.

World Vegan Day

On November 1, 1944, the Vegan Society was formed in the British capital, whose members categorically did not recognize animal fats, ate only plant foods and did not wear clothes made of fur, silk or wool. The main idea of ​​veganism was not to harm the representatives of the animal world. World Vegan Day was established 60 years after the formation of English society, led by Donald Watson. Since 1994, November 1 has become a holiday celebrated by vegans from around the world. Despite the fact that in translation into Russian the term "vegan" means nothing more than vegetarianism, putting an equal sign between them would be too bold a decision. Vegans are very strict vegetarians, they exclude from their diet not only meat and fish, but also all products that are of animal origin, such as milk, eggs and natural honey.

All Saints' Day

On November 1, Catholics around the world celebrate All Saints Day. The holiday has a long tradition and is rooted in the past. Several millennia ago, it was customary for the Celtic tribes to celebrate the onset of the New Year during this period. The end of October - the beginning of November from time immemorial was considered a borderline time when representatives of the other world could return to earth and visit their ancestors. Such an opportunity forced living people to prepare for the holiday and cook sacrificial food for their ancestors. People who have a connection with the other world and have extrasensory capabilities claim that on November 1, any person alive can make a "journey" into the world of the dead and return, since on this day the gates dissolve, allowing the veil of secret secrets to be lifted.

National Awakening Day

National Awakening Day is a national Bulgarian holiday, when it is customary to remember the outstanding cultural figures who contributed to the revival of the country in the 19th century, when the state was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. The main merit of the awakeners was that they managed to ignite in the souls of the Bulgarians the desire for self-awareness and self-awareness, contributed to the activation of the national liberation movement. Thanks to such figures, a theater appeared in the country, the Bulgarian Exarchy was established, regional centers and reading rooms were opened. The National Awakening Day became a public holiday in 1921, but in 1945, due to historical twists and turns, it was canceled and revived only in 1992. On National Awakening Day, there are no traditional activities in educational institutions in Bulgaria, but events are held during which the names of outstanding ascetic awakeners are glorified.

Midsummer's day, Seeing off autumn

November 1 in the national calendar of Russia is Ivanov's day, during this period it was customary to see off autumn and meet winter. After November 1, severe frosts began, it is not surprising that the peasants noted: "Whoever does not chill in November will not freeze even in the Epiphany cold." People's forecasters noticed that if it snows on Midsummer's day, the spring will be late and rather cool, if there is a thaw, wait for an early sunny spring. It was customary to celebrate the farewell of autumn in a big way, on November 1, they cut chickens and cooked delicious dishes from them - chicken poultry, noodles in broth, fried and greased chickens.

Name days November 1

Dmitriy in childhood, he is quite sick, but with age, ailments leave the boy, especially if sports are in the first place. A man named Dmitry is very capricious and demanding of people who are next to him, you will have to put up with this quality. Dima's mother is an authoritative person; he will listen to her advice even when he starts his own family. Among the advantages of Dmitry, one can note such as sociability, decency, solicitude, lack of a strong craving for alcoholic beverages.

Ivan- the boy is quite unusual, he can be quiet and calm, or, on the contrary, an impossible fidget: it all depends on the time of year when the baby was born. Life with Ivan cannot be called calm, he loves noisy companies and a large number of guests in the house. The person who was named Ivan by his parents always has many friends, he is a sociable person and is ready to pay attention to everyone who appears on his life path. If Ivan's main advantage is his responsiveness, then the main drawback that often annoys loved ones is unpredictability.

Leonid- a very scrupulous person, this manifests itself even in childhood, because a boy with that name will not hesitate to run home for a bottle of brilliant green or iodine if he injures his leg while playing on the street. Due to their scrupulousness and accuracy, people with the name Leonid often achieve success and life. Leonid is a very sociable person, he wonderfully adapts to any situation and knows how to smooth out conflict situations. Women should know that you can win over Leonidas by preparing him a wonderful lunch or dinner.

Michael- a logician by nature, a person with such a name can become an excellent teacher, military man, scientist or lawyer, with a certain amount of talent, he will be successful in the creative field. If you have offended Mikhail, you should not fear a retaliation from him, people with such a name are not at all vindictive and not inclined to revenge. Mikhail is often in the center of attention, in the company of unfamiliar people he feels rather relaxed and can win over those around him.

Nikolay- a person with this name is an excellent student in almost everything, he manages to quickly cope with assignments at school, but if difficulties nevertheless arise sometimes, he prefers to solve them on his own, without the help of his parents. As an adult, Nikolai becomes even more independent and confident in his abilities, it is not surprising that he succeeds in a lot. In the role of a leader, a person named Nikolai is quite tough, but he sincerely believes that this is necessary for the team to have discipline, to develop a common cause successfully. Nikolai cannot imagine his life without the fair sex, falls in love instantly and is able to propose on the second day of meeting.

Also today people with the names Pavel, Peter, Sergei and Felix celebrate the name day.

Born on November 1

Antonio Canova(1758) - Italian sculptor, representative of European academic sculpture of the 19th century, his works are rightfully called a model of classicism. Works by Antonio Canova are exhibited in the Louvre and the Hermitage, among the most famous are the statues of Cupid and Psyche, Eurydice and Orpheus, and the portrait of Paolina Borghese as Venus.

Anatoly Kubatsky(1908) - a famous Soviet actor, known to movie lovers for his roles in fairy tales and feature films. He worked on the stage of the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Gorchakov, played in the films "It Was in Penkovo," mirrors "(King Yagupop). Inimitable Kurbatsky played in the fairy tales "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots", "Frost", "Fire, Water and ... Copper Pipes", "Barbara Beauty, Long Braid", "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" and others.

Historical events November 1

November 1, 1520- the famous Strait of Magellan was discovered, which separates South America and Tierra del Fuego. The width of the strait is rather small - only 2 kilometers 200 meters, moreover, many of its parts are quite dangerous for sailors. Taking into account the fact that the length of the Strait of Magellan is more than 575 kilometers, its passage often causes difficulties, especially in those places where the depth is not more than 20 meters.
A great discovery was made during a trip around the world, often this waterway by the "Straits of All Saints."

November 1, 1811- not far from St. Petersburg, the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was founded, in which the best minds of Russia of the 19th century, including the outstanding writer, classic of world literature, Alexander Pushkin, went to study and were educated.

November 1, 1993- the date of foundation of the European Union, an economic and political association, which currently includes 27 states located on the European continent.



Born 1 november: birthday meaning

The first day of November contributes to the birth of ambitious persons, extremely difficult to communicate, with clearly predominant negative character traits.

They easily lose their temper, at the same time they are secretive, the spirit of contradiction is extremely developed in them.

If you were also destined to be born on November 1, your zodiac sign is Scorpio, and he is to blame for your aggression and excessive conceit. You tend to prove your opinion to everyone and everything, without bothering to make sure it is true.

Your hard temper can significantly ruin your whole life and bring only misfortune on you.

The first priority for you and the only opportunity to become happy is a long and difficult path to self-improvement, through the elimination of shortcomings and the cultivation of love for the world.

In achieving the set goals makes them adamant zodiac sign of people born on November 1st. Having found their favorite business or an interesting occupation, they plunge into it headlong, directing all their vitality to it. Moreover, the more difficult and dangerous the work they perform, the more attractive it is for them.

Routine and monotony are most destructive for those who were born on November 1: the sign of the zodiac makes them avid adventurers, everywhere looking for extreme, even threatening events.

This allows them to let off steam and direct their aggression in a direction where it cannot harm anyone.

In general, they can rarely inflict a mortal offense on someone, although they are ready to achieve their goal at any cost, they will never go over their heads.

In your opinion, is the influence of the zodiac sign noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

November 1: influence of the sign of Scorpio

By nature, they are fighters who see offense as not only the best defense, but also the surest way to achieve whatever they desire.

Self-confidence and awareness of their almost omnipotence in Scorpios, who were born on November 1, are simply phenomenal. But they are easy to hurt and hurt, they are dependent on the assessments of others, tragically transfer criticism to themselves. Although outwardly they seem unshakable, if they do not find verbal arguments, without hesitation, they get involved in a fight.

At the same time, they are distinguished by a certain carelessness in relation to their opponents; against the background of their self-confidence, they often underestimate those with whom they compete.

In this regard, those born on November 1 must always and certainly strive for objectivity, adequately assess everything that surrounds them and fully understand their own inner world, understand where their capabilities are limited.

On November 1, 1973, a Bollywood film actress appeared to the world, a successful model with the appearance of a beauty from an oriental fairy tale, Aishwarya Rai. Her beauty was recognized and highly appreciated at the most prestigious beauty contest of its kind back in the mid-90s of the twentieth century. She first appeared on the big screen in 1997 in the Indian melodrama Duet. The millennium became a triumph for this beauty, in particular, the painting "Sense and Sensibility" made people talk about her in all corners of the world.

Dear participants!
Please note that electronic registration for the Forum is closed.


Of the 97th All-Russian Educational Forum

"Theory and practice of anesthesia and intensive care: a multidisciplinary approach"


08:30 - 10:00 - Registration of participants.

10:00–10:15 Opening of the Forum, greetings to participants and guests.


"Massive blood loss in obstetric practice - a field of interdisciplinary interaction"

Reducing maternal morbidity and mortality rates by improving existing and obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity, and increasing the professional level within the existing qualifications in the provision of emergency care for massive blood loss in obstetrics.

Based on the results of participation, doctors will improve existing and acquire new competencies in assessing risk factors, diagnostics and intensive care for massive obstetric bleeding. They will be able to analyze and prevent potential complications (shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, etc.), determine the optimal methods of anesthesia in obstetric patients at high risk of bleeding, and choose the optimal tactics for infusion-transfusion therapy.

Moderators: Shifman Efim Munevich,

10:15-11:00 – Interactive lecture "Massive postpartum haemorrhage - 2018" - acquaints students with the main provisions of clinical guidelines for intensive care of massive blood loss. The importance and tactics of infusion-transfusion therapy, the use of procoagulants and "shunting" drugs are discussed. (45 minutes)

LecturerShifman Efim Munevich

11:00-11:15 Discussion

11:15-12:00 Lecture "Transfusion strategy and tactics for acute disorders of hemostasis in obstetrics" - the lecture provides information to listeners about the principles of diagnosis and correction of acute disorders of hemostasis in blood loss in obstetrics. The use of modern technologies for rapid diagnosis and rapid correction through the use of concentrates of clotting factors and factorViiallows to reduce the side effects of massive transfusion and reduce the volume of blood components without violating orders 363 and 183. Criteria for the quality of care for blood loss and disseminated intravascular coagulation are given. The questions of the use of local hemostatic agents for stopping bleeding in obstetrics and gynecology are considered. (45 minutes)

LecturerKulikov Alexander Veniaminovich

12:00-12:15 Discussion

12: 15-12: 25 - Break

12:25-13:10 Multimedia presentation "Placental anomalies, problems of diagnosis and surgical tactics" - the topic will be of interest to anesthesiologists-resuscitators no less than obstetricians-gynecologists, since previa and placental ingrowth are the main causes of massive obstetric bleeding in the peripartum period. The lecture highlights the issues of stage-by-stage surgical hemostasis in case of massive obstetric bleeding, the technique of performing organ-preserving operations in case of uterine hypotension, uterine fibroids, previa and ingrowth of the placenta is discussed. The effectiveness of intrauterine balloon tamponade, compression sutures, ligation of the main arteries, and the use of local hemostasis has been shown. Indications and contraindications for organ-preserving operations on the uterus in obstetric bleeding have been determined. (45 minutes)

LecturerZhilin Andrey Vladimirovich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Regional Perinatal Center, Deputy Chief Physician for Obstetrics and Gynecology, CSTO No. 1, Yekaterinburg.

13:10-13:25 Discussion

13:25-14:10 Versions and contraversions « Clinical pharmacology of uterotonics. Undeniable pros and potential complications » - in the form of a dialogue between lecturers, conference participants are introduced to the dangers and complications of irrational use of uterotonics in the prevention and intensive care of massive obstetric blood loss. The lecturers discuss the situation, how, with the absolute necessity of uterotonics during cesarean section, to minimize the likelihood of severe hemodynamic and cerebrovascular complications. (45 minutes)

LecturersKulikov Alexander Veniaminovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Transfusiology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the AAAR, Member of the Board of FAR, Chairman of the FAR Committee on Anesthesia and Intensive Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology , member of the editorial board of the journal "Anesthesiology and Reanimatology", Yekaterinburg. -"Pros" ;

Shifman Efim Munevich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology FUV GBUZ MO MONIKI them. M.F. Vladimirsky, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Karelia, expert in anesthesiology and resuscitation of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, President of the AAAR, member of the Presidium of the FAR, member of the editorial board of the journal “Anesthesiology and Reanimatology”, Moscow. -"Complications" .

14:10-14:25 Discussion

14: 25-14: 55 - Coffee break

14:55-15:40 Lecture "The role of thromboelastometry in the correction of conservative hemostasis in bleeding" - acquaints students with modern methods of diagnosing disorders in the hemostasis system. A method for studying the viscoelastic properties of blood is discussed - thromboelastometry, apparatus, technology for conducting and interpreting the results obtained. Specific examples of thromboelastometry and options for correcting the identified disorders in the hemostasis system with the use of antifibrinolytics and blood components for massive blood loss in obstetrics are given (45 minutes)

LecturerRaspopin Yuri Svyatoslavovich Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Center for the Protection of Mothers and Children, anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the highest qualification category, Krasnoyarsk.

15:40-15:55 Discussion


"Thrombosis in obstetrics as a problem of maternal mortality"

Objectives and educational need:

Reducing maternal morbidity and mortality by improving existing and obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity, and increasing the professional level within the existing qualifications for venous thromboembolic complications in obstetrics.

Expected learning outcomes:

Based on the results of participation, doctors will improve existing and acquire new competencies in assessing risk factors for VTEC in obstetrics, thromboprophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of venous thromboembolism in obstetrics. They will be able to analyze and prevent potential complications (PE, shock), determine the optimal methods of anesthesia in obstetric patients with thrombophilia and VTEC.

15:55-16:40 — Interactive lecture "Clinical pharmacology of anticoagulants in obstetrics. Thromboprophylaxis during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period " - aims to acquaint the conference participants with the problem of thrombotic complications, which is relevant for anesthesiologists-resuscitators and obstetricians-gynecologists. From the perspective of evidence-based medicine, trainees will learn about the effectiveness of various pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of thromboprophylaxis in pregnant women and postpartum women. (45 minutes)

LecturerKulikov Alexander Veniaminovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Transfusiology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the AAAR, Member of the Board of FAR, Chairman of the FAR Committee on Anesthesia and Intensive Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology , member of the editorial board of the journal "Anesthesiology and Reanimatology", Yekaterinburg.

16:40-16:55 Discussion

16: 55-17: 05 - Summing up the results of the first day of the Forum

09:00 - 10:00 - Re-registration of participants.


"Infection and septic complications in obstetric practice"

Objectives and educational need:

Reducing maternal morbidity and mortality rates by improving existing and obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity, and increasing the professional level within the existing qualifications for sepsis and septic shock in obstetrics.

Expected learning outcomes:

Based on the results of participation, doctors will improve existing and acquire new competencies in assessing risk factors, diagnostics and intensive care for sepsis and septic shock in obstetrics, they will be able to choose the optimal scheme of antibiotic therapy, sanitation of the focus of infection, and maintenance therapy. They will also be able to analyze and prevent potential complications (shock, encephalopathy, pneumonia, acute renal failure).

Moderator: Kulikov Alexander Veniaminovich

10:00-10:45 — Presentation of clinical guidelines "Septic complications in obstetrics" introduces the new order on septic complications to listeners. There will also be presented new algorithms for the treatment of hemodynamic and volemic disorders, rational combinations of the use of drugs with positive inotropic vasotropic effects. A section is highlighted on the criteria for the quality of medical care for sepsis and septic shock in obstetrics. (45 minutes)

LecturerKulikov Alexander Veniaminovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Transfusiology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the AAAR, Member of the Board of FAR, Chairman of the FAR Committee on Anesthesia and Intensive Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology , member of the editorial board of the journal "Anesthesiology and Reanimatology", Yekaterinburg.

10:45-11:00 Discussion


"Controversial and unresolved issues in obstetric anesthesiology"

Objectives and educational need:

Reducing maternal morbidity and mortality rates by improving existing and obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity, and increasing the professional level within the existing qualifications in anesthesiological support in obstetrics.

Expected learning outcomes:

Based on the results of participation, doctors will improve existing and acquire new competencies in assessing the risk of anesthetic benefits in obstetrics. They will be able to determine the optimal methods of anesthesia in high-risk obstetric patients, analyze and prevent complications of anesthesia (hypotension, difficult tracheal intubation, prevention of aspiration syndrome, anaphylaxis, etc.).

Moderator: Ovezov Alexey Muradovich

11:00-11:45 Lecture "Principles of prevention and correction of postoperative cognitive dysfunction" - gives doctors an idea of ​​such complications of surgery and anesthesia as postoperative cognitive dysfunction and discusses possible ways to prevent this unintentional damage to the central nervous system. (45 minutes)

LecturerOvezov Alexey Muradovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Anesthesiology, Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation FUV GBUZ MO MONIKI them. M.F. Vladimirsky, chief anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow region, chairman of the Moscow regional regional branch of the FAR (MONPOAR), Moscow.

11:45-12:00 Discussion

12: 00-12: 10 - Break

12:10-12:55 Lecture "Clinical pharmacology of tocolytic drugs. Characteristics of undesirable effects " - acquaints doctors with modern data on the clinical therapy of tocolytic drugs. Complications of the organs of the cardiovascular system during the uncontrolled use of beta-adrenergic agonists for acute and chronic tocolysis and the interaction of anesthetics and tocolytic drugs during anesthesia are discussed. (45 minutes)

LecturerShifman Efim Munevich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology FUV GBUZ MO MONIKI them. M.F. Vladimirsky, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Karelia, expert in anesthesiology and resuscitation of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, President of the AAAR, member of the Presidium of the FAR, member of the editorial board of the journal “Anesthesiology and Reanimatology”, Moscow.

12:55-13:10 Discussion

13:10-13:55 – Lecture "Features of nutritional support in obstetrics" - The lecture is devoted to the needs of a pregnant woman in nutrients, trace elements, etc. depending on the duration of pregnancy and obstetric pathology. The features of the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates during pregnancy and the possibilities of correction with modern therapeutic nutrient media are considered. The issues of nutrition of a pregnant woman during childbirth and in the postpartum / postoperative period are highlighted. The characteristic of modern drugs for nutritional support in various critical conditions in obstetrics is given. Indications and contraindications for nutritional support in obstetrics and its impact on the condition of the fetus and newborn are considered. (45 minutes)

LecturerKulikov Alexander Veniaminovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Transfusiology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the AAAR, Member of the Board of FAR, Chairman of the FAR Committee on Anesthesia and Intensive Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology , member of the editorial board of the journal "Anesthesiology and Reanimatology", Yekaterinburg.

13:55-14:10 Discussion

14: 10-14: 40 - Coffee break

14:40-15:25 Lecture "Syndrome of multiple organ failure in obstetrics - myth or reality?" - acquaints listeners with the general principles of the development of critical conditions in obstetrics, the mechanisms of thanatogenesis in the development of life-threatening complications of pregnancy and childbirth. The lecture presents the mechanisms of development and pathogenesis of multiple organ failure, modern definition, methods of prevention and general principles of treatment. (45 minutes)

LecturerGridchik Irina Evgenievna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

15:25-15:40 Discussion


"Preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP -syndrome: modern principles of diagnosis, intensive care ",

Objectives and educational need:

Reducing maternal morbidity and mortality rates by improving existing and obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity, and increasing the professional level within the existing qualifications for preeclampsia and its complications.

Expected learning outcomes:

Based on the results of participation, doctors will improve existing and acquire new competencies in assessing risk factors and severity, diagnosis and intensive care for preeclampsia and its complications (eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, placental abruption). Will be able to determine the optimal methods of anesthetic management in patients with arterial hypertension.

Moderator: Shifman Efim Munevich

15:40-16:25 Lecture “Presentation of clinical guidelines: Preeclampsia. Order. Comments. Basic therapy " - provides evidence-based information on the new order on hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and comments on the basic therapy for preeclampsia, which includes delivery, magnesium sulfate and antihypertensive therapy. The characteristics of drugs, their doses are given, and unproven methods of treating preeclampsia are discussed. (45 minutes)

LecturerKulikov Alexander Veniaminovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Transfusiology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the AAAR, Member of the Board of FAR, Chairman of the FAR Committee on Anesthesia and Intensive Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology , member of the editorial board of the journal "Anesthesiology and Reanimatology", Yekaterinburg.


GBUZ RK "RKB im. ON. Semashko "OP Perinatal Center

295000, Russian Federation, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, st. Semashko, 8


Hotel "Ukraine"
Address: 295000, Russian Federation, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, st. A. Nevsky 7 (R. Luxemburg 7)

