Black Onyx is a stone for people with a pure soul and love. Onyx stone and its magical properties

Onyx- a semi-precious stone known since ancient times. According to one version, Solomon's temple was built from it. It has great magical and healing power. Its properties, types and features will be discussed in the article.

Onyx - what is this stone?

Onyx is a type of quartz. It differs in that it has different shades and thicknesses of stripes of white, red, brown and black.

In ancient Egypt, it was used for wall cladding. Then other nations began to pay attention to him. So the Assyrians believed in the healing properties of the stone, in China and Mesopotamia it was a bad symbol and was avoided.

In some African countries it has been used, like a currency. The value of each piece was determined by the beauty, saturation of the lines, their uniqueness.

Later, they began to make various objects from it. So, for example, onyx dishes had different properties. It was believed that if you eat from it, you can be cured of various diseases.

It is mined in large quantities only in some countries.

These include:

  • Mexico;
  • Turkey;
  • Pakistan;
  • Egypt;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Iran.

Types of onyxes

Onyx is often confused with, which is also a variety of quartz. But unlike agate, the drawings and lines on it are not vague, but clear and parallel to each other.

Depending on the color and pattern, it is divided into several main types:

  • (Arab) has a rich, deep black color and visible, clear or barely noticeable, thin blotches, white lines. From the side, this stone is a little associated with a zebra pattern.
  • white onyx has not a pure white color, but different shades (pinkish, milky, light aquamarine). But outwardly it strongly resembles marble.
  • onyx agate bright, beautiful with light (gray or milky) stripes. They can be bright or dim.
  • carneolonics- has a rather saturated color, perhaps even brighter than other species due to the fact that red lines are adjacent to white in it.
  • Three-layer onyx incredibly beautiful stone, in great demand. It combines lines of three colors: gray-blue, white and red. We present to your attention an article about another red stone - here.
  • Chalcedonyx(onyx chalcedony) is a bit like onyx agate, but this species has only light, delicate tones.
  • Sardonyx stone with brown and white stripes.
  • has brown stripes that alternate with white patterns.

In addition to the fact that the stone has many varieties, there is a practice of imitation of onyx.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. The easiest way to craft cheap agate is to make it look like onyx. For this, various chemical manipulations are used. But such a fake quickly fades and loses the clarity of the lines.
  2. The second imitation option is to make a polymer material with the same color and pattern.

You can distinguish a fake from the original at a low price and too saturated or unnatural color.

Onyx jewelry in silver

Onyx is not a precious stone, so it is very rarely inserted into expensive metals. Different types of gold (including), titanium, platinum rarely become its setting, but silver jewelry with it is very popular and carries great power.

It is silver that almost doubles the magical and healing power of the stone. It also enhances its strength with a rounded shape, which is most often attached to the mineral. Light onyx (blue, pink, white, gray), as well as black and tricolor, harmonizes best with silver.

Onyx jewelry in silver:

  • Silver ring protects a person from other people's encroachments. Allows you to protect property, hide all valuables from evil looks. And if it is a tricolor onyx that is inserted into the ring, then those who put it on will have interesting love adventures. It will increase tone, increase attractiveness. The red shades of the stone will bring pleasant surprises to life. We present to your attention an article about, here.
  • Silver necklace or necklace with black onyx inlays must be worn by strong women. The decoration will be able to absorb the positive surrounding energy, endowing the owner with great strength.
  • Ring will increase self-confidence, make a person less suggestible and enhance intuition, allowing you to make the right decision.
  • Silver earrings made of pink, white and blue onyx creative people will love it.

Other uses of onyx

This beautiful semi-precious stone is used not only in jewelry.

There are many other industries where he managed to prove himself well, for example:

  • Construction. Since ancient times, different peoples of the world have used it as a building material. Even today, it is often used for lining, for example, baths or pools.
  • Decorations. They decorated and decorate the clothes, outfits of the clergy to this day. Craftsmen make from it not only typical jewelry that is worn every day. Onyx is part of many royal regalia, including crowns.
  • Houseware. Various onyx household gizmos are very popular today: candlesticks, photo frames, figurines, ashtrays, coasters, cups, glasses, caskets, wine glasses, flowerpots and the like. Some such gizmos, for example, an onyx pyramid whose magical properties are known to all lovers of magic, are sold everywhere in any store of magical gizmos.
  • Previously, they were often inlaid with furniture. Today you can order something similar.
  • Interior. In addition to inlay, onyx is used to make various interior items. They cost a lot, but they look amazing! Among them: countertops, lampshades, fireplace counters, mosaics, wall panels, lamps and so on.
  • Cups and goblets are made from carneolonyx. They are rarely used for everyday meals, but often for magical rites and in folk medicine. Many people buy them simply as home decoration.

The magical properties of onyx

The attitude of people to this stone has been contradictory since ancient times. Some were afraid and wary of him, others revered him in every possible way.

Ancient people believed in the following magical properties of onyx:

  • In Mesopotamia for example, onyx was a symbol of sadness. It was used to decorate the tombs of dignitaries.
  • In ancient China was considered a symbol of troubles and misfortunes. If a person found white onyx, then this foreshadowed the imminent death of him or his relative.
  • In Yemen people were just afraid. They associated it with the eyes of the deceased.
  • In India he has always been revered. It was believed that he brings good luck, instills joy and comfort in the house. Jewelry made of white onyx was desired by everyone, because they helped to avoid quarrels and contradictions with loved ones.
  • In America the Indians called him "tears of the mountain spirit" and in every possible way bypassed the places where he met.

Since ancient times, people have seen something alive, mysterious in this stone, because of the saturation and depth of colors. Alchemists and magicians of antiquity and the Middle Ages tried to solve its mystery, to find out new, special properties.

Of course, black onyx aroused the greatest interest, the magical properties of which seemed to be limitless.

The magical properties of black onyx:

  • Black magicians believed that a person's soul could be imprisoned in black onyx. It was the soul that “painted” whitish lines and specks on the black stone.
  • It was believed that black onyx allows you to read people's minds.
  • Medieval pregnant women, who had the opportunity to purchase a stone, placed it at the head of their bed so that childbirth was easy and successful.
  • White was used in rituals of communication with spirits, to call the dead.

Today, many of the old magical properties are forgotten, but here are some that still exist among the people, among clairvoyants, astrologers and magicians.

Nowadays, people still believe in the following magical properties of the stone:

  • White onyx can protect a person from unwanted encounters. This applies to people whom the owner of the stone does not like, or those who can harm him. To do this, you need to carry a piece of stone in your pocket or sewn into your clothes. Adversaries may meet on the road, but they will not notice the owner of the talisman and will pass by.
  • Modern magicians, clairvoyants and seers who love and respect their craft must have an onyx ball and a pyramid. Usually, green onyx is used to make them; its magical properties collect energy into itself, and then it is concentrated.
  • The stone is able to reveal the inner potential of the owner, let him look further than people are allowed, find out the future or predict some action.
  • Any of the species with gray stripes can protect against the weak and powerful evil eye.
  • Sardonyx allows you to find peace, calm the nerves, raging feelings, feel peace and harmony, make the right decision.
  • Different types of onyx are used as amulets and, as protection from evil people, the evil eye, to protect yourself from accidents and death.

The healing properties of onyx

The mineral has unique healing properties that everyone who likes to wear it should know about.

In ancient times, crushed stone was used to treat diseases of the teeth and gums, wounds, and also fought against obesity. Modern medicine has proven that it really can help in these cases. But, in addition, it has other important properties. In lithotherapy, it is very popular. For treatment, several pebbles are applied to a certain place.

In addition, onyx has the following medicinal properties:

  • It is used for liver problems.
  • It can relieve fever, increase immunity and allow you to fight viruses faster.
  • Relieves depression, insomnia, stress.
  • Helps fight laziness, impotence, returns interest in life, increases concentration, improves memory.
  • Improves potency, therefore it is recommended for all men.
  • Relieves pain in rheumatism.
  • Able to help cure diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Treats brain diseases.
  • Relieves headaches, migraines, dizziness.

Who is onyx suitable for?

It can be worn by people of different classes, nationalities, ages, professions. But it does not immediately bring good luck. The new owner must earn the location of the stone. At first, it scans the mood of a person, his thoughts, energy, desires, and only therefore brings changes to life. As for astrology, the situation is similar. There are those to whom onyx suits the sign, and those who should avoid it.

So, the properties of onyx for the signs of the zodiac:

  • Fiery-colored species will suit all signs of the elements of fire - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. It allows them to better concentrate energy, achieve goals and set new ones.
  • It will not be superfluous to wear onyx jewelry for Taurus and Capricorn, Libra. He teaches them independence and the fight against laziness. Gives a push forward so that they do not stand still, but develop every day.
  • Virgo, Aquarius it will give determination, allow you to fully open up.
  • At the same time, Gemini should not wear a stone. They love variety and rarely focus on one thing. The stone will suppress their natural desire.
  • The stone will not harm the fish, but it will not bring any benefit either. due to the immunity of the sign. You can wear it simply as an ornament, without the purpose of attracting good luck or curing diseases.
  • Cancer and Scorpio it is worth wearing jewelry with black stone inserts.

The amazing properties of onyx have made it very popular all over the world.

Since ancient times, it has been used for various purposes, and today it has not lost its appeal. He cures diseases, helps to make life better, to achieve what seemed unattainable. And it can be worn by almost all people without exception.

The name onyx is of ancient Greek origin and means "nail". This is due to the ancient legend that onyx came from the nails of Aphrodite. Onyx stone can have a variety of colors, from very light to dark marsh. A distinctive feature of this mineral is the presence of stripes of brown, black, red and white.

magical properties

This stone helps people who keep good intentions in their hearts. The magical properties of onyx stone can be used to strengthen leadership inclinations in oneself, to develop oratory. Ancient politicians and orators put a small stone under their tongue to make their speech more convincing and sound beautiful. The owner of such a stone easily achieves what he wants and makes others listen to their opinion.

The magical properties possessed by the onyx stone give its owner a sense of stability and confidence. His strength disciplines, makes you move towards your goal. In addition, the mineral makes it possible to accumulate external positive energy and use it at your discretion. It is a stone of good mood and activity.

Onyx stone also helps to gain patience and focus on solving any problems. Keeping onyx on the table is useful for students and scientists, then their lengthy research will not be too tiring.

Onyx differs from other minerals in that it does not start working immediately. He was nicknamed for this "stone-slow-thinking." The magical properties of the mineral are manifested at the moment when a person does something significant to achieve the goal. For people who are loose and apathetic, onyx may be useless.

In ancient times, it was called the stone of leaders and commanders. It strengthens the strength of the spirit, makes its owner invulnerable and brings good luck. The owner of this stone becomes invincible.

The magical properties of onyx stone make it one of the strongest amulets. No evil force can cope with the barrier that this stone creates. The mineral is believed to protect the host from premature death.

black onyx

Black onyx is of particular importance to humans. It is a valuable and very beautiful mineral; jewelry is made from such a stone. At the same time, black onyx has unique magical properties. He is able to cure bad habits and sets up a healthy regimen.

Also, black onyx helps people understand each other's internal state, teaches them to empathize and support. If you keep this stone with you for a long time, you can notice the tendency to introspection that has arisen.

Medicinal properties

The impact of onyx on the human body is quite extensive. It is able to improve the functioning of all systems and organs, but most of all it helps to cope with diseases of the kidneys and liver. Also, this stone improves hearing, treats diseases of the nervous system and neutralizes depressive states. In any stressful situation, this wonderful mineral will help its owner to mobilize internal resources and find a state of balance.

The healing properties of onyx will help weather-dependent people and improve the state of the cardiovascular system. Also, this mineral strengthens the spine and relieves headaches. Lithotherapists use onyx in the treatment of impotence. In addition, onyx infused water makes a great addition to any diet. It makes an obese person forget about sugary and fatty foods and easily lose weight.

Onyx in astrology

Using the healing and magical properties of onyx, it should be borne in mind that this stone is not located positively to all signs of the zodiac. Black onyx is a talisman stone for. It enhances the natural purposefulness and some rigidity in the character of this representative of the zodiacal circle.

Also, onyx will be a suitable assistant for people born under the signs, and. It allows them to accumulate positive and brings good luck both in business and in love relationships.

Onyx stone is semi-precious. The main, familiar to everyone, sign of most specimens is striping. Moreover, the thinner the strips, the more valuable the stone. It got its name from the ancient Greek ὄνυξ - a nail. According to legend, the gem was formed from the nails of the sleeping goddess Aphrodite.

Onyx stone for magical properties and healing effect is chosen by many as a talisman. As jewelry and ornamental, it is used to create jewelry, large items (caskets, vases), when decorating rooms.

People consider onyx as a symbol of inspiration, strength, light internal energy. Regardless of which zodiac sign a person belongs to, a pebble helps him only in good endeavors.

The stone has been known since time immemorial. In ancient Egypt, they trimmed the walls of buildings, in Babylon - tombs. It was of particular importance in ancient Judea, as reported by the Old Testament. Onyx as a precious stone was one of the twelve on the breastplate of the high priest of Judea, it was used in the construction of the Jerusalem Temple.

In the main Muslim shrine, the Kaaba is used. The greenish mineral, which had brown and orange layers, was highly valued by the Aztecs: they decorated temples with it, made sacrificial bowls.

Where are they found

The most beautiful stones are mined by Brazil, Uruguay, India, the countries of the Arabian Peninsula. Less valuable ones are supplied by Australia and the USA. In Russia, there are deposits in Kolyma, Chukotka, and Primorye. Delicate pink stone can be found in Argentina, the Gobi Desert.

A truly unique gift went to Turkmenistan: deposits-caves - Karlyuk and Kap-Kotan. In them, the "walls" are covered with onyx deposits, there are stalactites and stalagmites from this stone.

What kind of gem

Onyx is a semi-precious stone, silicon dioxide, a variety of agate, most often striped. It can be transparent, partially transparent or opaque.

In some respects comparable to granite or marble. It surpasses them in hardness, water absorption, frost resistance. At the same time, the properties of onyx stone make it easy to process.

The main feature, without which not a single description of a stone can do, is banding. It is provided by impurities that create parallel colored layers of different colors.

What types are

Types of onyx are determined by the alternation of white stripes with brown (sardonyx), red (carnelian), gray (chalcedony).

Intense black with barely noticeable white stripes, the mineral is Arabic onyx. It is for the color, like the night in the desert, that this variety is valued.

Completely black stones are the rarest and most expensive. Next in rarity are white, red, blue and green.

Healing Possibilities

The healing properties of onyx are known and used since antiquity. Modern science has only confirmed them. Natural stone helps to heal the intestines, kidneys, liver, improves digestion. Balances the psyche, relieves depression, insomnia, improves hearing.

If you insist water on crushed onyx, it suppresses appetite, stimulates the brain. The mineral, ground into powder, helps to "dry" weeping wounds, heal injuries faster. Red onyx in the pendant cures heart failure, earrings normalize vision and hearing, and potency increases.

People live longer and better if the room is lined with this material. But an artificial stone is useless, only natural helps, regardless of the variety of onyx.

magical properties

The characteristic of black onyx as the most energetically powerful made it its own for esotericists, sorcerers and ambitious people. A person who has such a mineral with him is not afraid of love spells, damage or any other negative. The magical properties of onyx stone are very strong. He is able to remove the curse, strengthen the energy protective field of the owner.

If there is compatibility with a pebble, its magic will always help the owner in force majeure situations, protect it from troubles, even death, and attract victory and good luck. But its “aggressiveness” is a sign that means that the stone is not suitable for everyone, but only for accomplished, self-confident people.


The magical effect of the gem is as diverse as the palette of its colors. Who suits onyx depends largely on its color.

A black stone set in a ring will help business men become more sociable and enterprising, and promote business. This is a symbol of leaders, leaders or strong personalities who want to become them. A semi-precious mineral will help you negotiate more successfully and make better deals.

Green onyx is the most positive, a symbol of family well-being, the best gift for a wedding, it gives peace of mind.

White onyx is the most energetically powerful of all onyxes, a symbol of white magic, protection from any negative, hostile intentions.

As a talisman, it can suit people of dangerous professions. Among those who are suitable for onyx stone are lawyers, lecturers, politicians who speak in public.

These semi-precious stones in the interior, at least in the form of a vase or box, will protect the house from thieves, destruction and other problems.

Properties for the signs of the zodiac

According to the horoscope, the stone suits almost all signs. The leadership qualities of people whose sign is Leo or Sagittarius will be strengthened by the black mineral. Blue will help air signs.

Useful onyx will be appreciated by Taurus and Virgo, to whom he will give confidence, relieve unnecessary addictions, suspiciousness.

The zodiac "favorite" of this gem is Cancer. In a stone that has a blue color, he will find protection from negative emotions, excessive external influence.

The gem will help Aries to concentrate on the main thing, to direct the seething energy for peaceful purposes, just to think. Capricorns will be pushed to work. Taurus will protect from someone else's "authority", absent-mindedness, add energy (you should choose a stone of warm tones, for example, yellow onyx).

Onyx and the zodiac sign Gemini do not match in terms of energy, so the mineral that restricts freedom is useless for them.

How to recognize a fake

Artificial stone is created in two ways. First: dyes are pumped into cheap agate through pores or microcracks, “forcing” it to look like natural onyx. Falsification is discovered over time, when, as a result of interaction with sweat, fat and water, the dyes are washed out and the colors fade.

The second way is an honest polymer imitation. In this case, as a material, onyx is good for decorating interiors; it is used to make an excellent cladding. By the way, one of the most popular decorative materials for the interior is a marble stone of a delicate yellow-beige range, the so-called "honey" onyx, as well as a marble pale green.

You can distinguish a fake by price and appearance: artificial onyx is too cheap and bright. If you hold the gem in your hands, the plastic will quickly heat up, and the natural stone will remain cold.

How to wear

Like other stones, the mineral does not tolerate proximity to "colleagues" - in a box or on the body. Especially with chrysolite or ruby. As with others, you must first "listen" to it. If you are concerned about the stone, refrain: you may be asked for more than you are willing to offer in exchange for the services of the stone.

If you are comfortable with onyx jewelry, it means that you can wear it as much as you want. Although constant wearing can provoke a thirst for profit at any cost.

It is better to wear a ring on the middle finger (then the magic of the stone is most powerful), in winter and autumn. Ideal cut in the form of a cabochon and a silver frame.

What names suit

The value of the stone will be greatest for women whose names are Veronica, Vasilina, Elena, Vasilisa, Claudia. Zhanna gem will help to concentrate and direct energy in the right direction. Polina will help to gain self-confidence and get rid of sad thoughts.

Also suitable for men with the names Anton and Eduard. Ruslan will help to tame ardor and passion, concentrate energy, save from rash decisions. Makaru will give harmony and relieve depression.

So, onyx is an invaluable mineral for humans. He relieves ailments, helps in business, attracts good luck. This is a powerful family amulet, an amulet from evil thoughts. Useful properties are most pronounced for people starting from middle age. It can influence people in different ways, this is determined by the sign of the Zodiac and by name, and also the color and variety matter.

But it helps only in good deeds. So if you want to have him as an assistant, match.

Our editors often receive questions about the physical and magical properties of onyx stone. To answer all the questions of our readers, we have compiled this article, which describes in detail everything related to this stone. Here you will find not only a detailed description of all the properties of onyx, but the article also contains a large amount of information about the origin and history of the use of this mineral.

Be careful when choosing jewelry that contains onyx. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers somehow fake an expensive mineral, replacing it with a cheap stone. In the article, we have provided detailed instructions on how to distinguish a fake from real onyx so that you do not get into such an unpleasant situation.

Onyx is known not only for its physical properties - strength and attractive color. Many believe that this stone has a positive effect on the health of the person who wears jewelry with it, and also has a magical effect, improving the general condition of a person. Read more about these properties in this article.

black onyx

Black onyx is of particular importance to humans. It is a valuable and very beautiful mineral; jewelry is made from such a stone. At the same time, black onyx has unique magical properties. He is able to cure bad habits and sets up a healthy regimen.

Also, black onyx helps people understand each other's internal state, teaches them to empathize and support. If you keep this stone with you for a long time, you can notice the tendency to introspection that has arisen.


Other names

Nogat and onychion (onychius) are obsolete names for onyx.


  1. Arabic onyx (or onyx itself) - layers are white and black,
  2. Chalcedonyx - gray and white,
  3. Onyx agate - layers of different shades of gray.

There are several varieties of minerals that differ in color:

  • carnelian, combines white and rich red colors;
  • Arabic onyx - with black and white layers;
  • chalcedonyx - has a gray-white pattern;
  • sardonyx - brown, red-orange pattern.

There is also a black mineral, but it can be called onyx very conditionally, since the stone does not have parallel stripes. By coloring minerals of light shades in black, an imitation of stone is obtained - artificial onyx.

  1. Real pure onyx; Arabic black and white, with pronounced stripes. It is also the rarest.
  2. Minerals with a predominance of fiery shades (red, brown, red, brick, ocher) are sardonyx.
  3. The red-white stone in jewelry is called carnelian.
  4. There are also green and black onyx.

The video provides detailed information about the types, properties. the meaning and use of the mineral.

How to distinguish real chalcedonic onyx?

The nugget is often confused with agate, which is considered a less expensive mineral. It is also worth distinguishing the chalcedony stone, which is discussed in this article, from marble.

True chalcedony onyx has the following characteristics:


As already mentioned, the mineral is cryptocrystalline quartz. Color, number and thickness of stripes of "braid"; depends on the characteristics of impurities - iron, chalcedony, chlorides and other compounds. And the thickness of the stripes depends on the temperature of the formation of the mineral. Deposits of this stone are found in Uruguay, Egypt, Pakistan, USA, India and Brazil.

In mythology, "onyxon" is the nails of Aphrodite-Venus, which Eros-Cupid, out of pampering, cut off with the tip of one of the arrows and threw it to the ground. The ancient goddess of love and beauty, apparently, loved bright manicures and bold color combinations. It was these nail clippings that turned into onyxes.

Usage history

This mineral has been known for a long time, but, according to ancient legends, the stone had different meanings among different peoples. The Arabs called it sad - al jazz, the Chinese associated bad omens with onyx. Europeans treated this stone differently. The French believed that the person who found onyx was sinless and sincere.

  • For a long time, this mineral symbolizes vision - stone cabochons were inserted into the eye sockets of sculptures. Gems were very popular, one of them - Cameo Gonzaga - is known all over the world. The cameo was made in the 3rd century. BC. three-layer stone.
  • Onyx has been used as an ornamental material for thousands of years. Floors were laid with onyx in ancient Rome, stone was used for inlays. Pliny the Elder called onyx oriental alabaster. The stone, mined in ancient Egypt, had a light amber color and a beautiful wavy pattern.
  • The mineral of a greenish hue with brown and orange layers was highly valued by the Aztecs, who used onyx to make sacrificial bowls and temple decorations.
  • In Transcaucasia, tombstones made of stone dating back to the 12th century were found. Mineral deposits in this region in the late XIX - early XX centuries. were intensively developed, but were later abandoned, and only now work has been resumed at some deposits.

Stone was also used as a decorative facing material. The balustrades of the stairs of the Parisian Grand Opera were made of this mineral, the interior coverings of the premises of the Gur-Emir mausoleum (Samarkand) were made. The stone was used to decorate the walls of the Belorusskaya metro station in the Russian capital.

Men's and women's onyx jewelry was created using finely banded varieties of the mineral. In the Middle Ages, a men's ring with black onyx was a popular decoration - perhaps it was from there that the tradition of decorating jewelry for men with varieties of dark-colored mineral has come down to the present day.

Medicinal properties

Onyx helps relieve stress, relieves pain, promotes emotional balance and self-control. It is used for disorders of the nervous system, depression, insomnia, in the treatment of heart disease.
Onyx well relieves pain and reduces inflammation.

To do this, it is applied to inflamed places and tumors.
Onyx products increase potency, sharpen hearing, rejuvenate and strengthen memory.
Indian astrology believes that onyx is useful for any person, as it concentrates bioenergy and draws out diseases.

It is believed that if you drink water from an onyx bowl, you can overcome fatigue and relieve hunger.

magical properties

Onyx has long been considered the stone of leaders and fighters. It gives the ability to dominate other people, clarifies the mind and allows you to penetrate the plans of the enemy. Onyx strengthens memory and protects against sudden death and attempts on life.

Onyx strengthens spiritual strength, gives marital happiness. It is believed that it helps to get rid of indecision, shyness and suspiciousness.
In India, onyx has always been considered a symbol of luck and good luck. It takes away excess energy, calms and reconciles.

How does onyx help?

The impact of onyx on the human body is quite extensive. It is able to improve the functioning of all systems and organs, but most of all it helps to cope with diseases of the kidneys and liver. Also, this stone improves hearing, treats diseases of the nervous system and neutralizes depressive states. In any stressful situation, this wonderful mineral will help its owner to mobilize internal resources and find a state of balance.

  1. The healing properties of onyx will help weather-dependent people and improve the state of the cardiovascular system. Also, this mineral strengthens the spine and relieves headaches.
  2. Lithotherapists use onyx in the treatment of impotence. In addition, onyx infused water makes a great addition to any diet. It makes an obese person forget about sugary and fatty foods and easily lose weight.
  3. It literally "pulls" diseases out of the body. Especially well it relieves stress and reduces pain - mental and physical.

The mineral concentrates the energy "yang" in the body; and thereby improves all his characteristics, including intelligence and memory. But onyx is not used to treat any specific diseases. His path is general strengthening and protection.

Beneficial effect on health

According to lithotherapists, this mineral is able to save a person from many diseases. Wearing jewelry with onyx will help improve the physical condition of the body, prolong life. Earrings with onyx sharpen your hearing, and a ring with a stone in a silver frame helps to cure diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Onyx can not only relieve stress, but also restore the emotional balance of a person. This stone is used to treat inflammatory processes, tumors - for this, you just need to apply the mineral to the affected area. It is also useful for the elderly - the mineral improves tone and improves mood. A pendant, a ring, earrings with onyx, if worn regularly, will help strengthen bone tissue and improve the functioning of internal organs.

Daily drinking of water infused with such a stone is useful for people seeking to lose weight - this helps to eliminate dependence on sweet and fatty foods, and normalizes appetite.

Influence on the chakras

Onyx affects the chakras in Manipura, but depending on the color, it can also affect other chakras.
Projective Yang (releases energy, activates)

Association with names

  1. Anton,
  2. Edward,
  3. Vasilina,
  4. Vasilisa,
  5. Veronica,
  6. Elena,
  7. Claudia

Zodiac signs

  • Virgo,
  • Capricorn


  • Earth


  • Mercury,
  • Saturn

Onyx stone products

Souvenirs, small household items (vases, candlesticks, ashtrays, pyramids, caskets, etc.), rings, bracelets and other jewelry, as well as inserts into rings, earrings, etc. are made from onyx.

Today, this jewelry and ornamental stone is very popular. Many varieties of the mineral are used to create bas-reliefs (cameos). The structure of the stone allows you to cut out images in which contrasting stripes are used as a background. Onyx is also used for making small sculptures, watch stands, caskets, ashtrays, and vases.

Bright and light shades of stone are used in products for the fair sex of any age.

  1. Onyx earrings are a great option for bright, charismatic women. This jewelry is suitable for both special occasions and everyday wear. Such products are often encrusted with precious stones, such as diamonds.
  2. Onyx earrings can be made in the form of studs or pendants of various shapes. When choosing a shade of a stone, you should consider how it harmonizes with the color of the eyes. A variety of shades of the mineral makes it possible to include beads, a ring, earrings with onyx in any evening or day look.
  3. An onyx ring can combine different shades, this gives the product extravagance and sophistication. Black onyx is very popular in jewelry. This mineral goes well with gold, silver and cubic zirkonia. An onyx ring can be worn by both women and men. For a young girl, the best choice would be a gentle, romantic jewelry, for a business lady - a large ring, for a man - a product made in a conservative style.

Rings, pendants, rings, earrings with onyx can complement any style of clothing - retro, classic or business.

Application of onyx

The history of many nations is connected with this stone. It was used as a finishing building material in the construction of royal chambers and tombs, as an adornment of clothing, crowns, and clergy outfits. In modern times, attractive trifles are made from it in the form of candlesticks (very often they decorate fireplaces), animal figures (they are used to focus on the luxury of furniture), ashtrays, stands for stationery gift sets, cups, the price of which is affordable for everyone. Due to the wide variety of small art objects, onyx is considered by many to be a middle-class stone rather than a precious one.

However, it has not completely lost its value over the years. On the one hand, it is used as a material for small crafts, on the other hand, to create expensive interior items - lampshades, lamps, fireplace mantels, countertops, wall panels and mosaics, stained-glass windows, flowerpots, glasses and wine glasses, caskets, lining pools and baths.

If we consider onyx from a jewelry point of view, then this stone is equated with jasper, lapis lazuli and obsidian, which replenish the second class of colored ornamental stones. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, hairpins, cufflinks and necklaces are made from it.

Onyx suitable for industrial use is currently mined in Turkey, Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and Pakistan.

Colors and varieties

The characteristic features of this anciently popular ornamental stone are its banding. In nature, there is no one-color onyx. White, red, brown, black stripes create amazing ornaments.

Many masons-carvers fell in love with this material for the variety of its overflows. All onyxes of the world are classified into the following varieties:

  • sardonyx - characterized by a combination of brown and red stripes, or red and bright orange, brown and white;
  • Arabic onyx (aristocratic) - a combination of white and black stripes;
  • carnelian - a combination of red and white stripes;
  • chalcedony - alternating gray and white stripes;
  • marble onyx - green stones (from bright emerald to pale green);
  • black onyx;
  • onyx ordinary multi-colored - pink, blue and blue.

Onyx differs from agate in that multi-colored layers are not characterized by vague patterns, but create clear lines parallel to each other on the cut.

Career value

Initially, it was believed that onyx is a stone of leaders, leaders, orators and high priests. Interestingly, despite some differences in the shades of attitude, this opinion was shared in the Middle East (even if they considered it a stone provoking cruelty), and in ancient Greece and Rome, and in ancient Mesoamerica, and in Judea, and in India.

  1. As for the cruelty mentioned above, it can be assumed with some degree of probability that such an opinion has developed because of the characteristics of the leaders of the countries of the Middle East themselves. The stone does not give special qualities, but enhances the existing ones, so the future leader and his entourage should not blame onyx for the spoiled character of its wearer.
  2. A person who has received a talisman in his hands and wants to achieve a high position in society must remember that this mineral is not one of those who are guaranteed to bring happiness.
  3. He gives new ideas, protects from lies and infidelity, draws out illnesses, gives courage and strength to resist adversity, but takes his own price for it - the owner of onyx jewelry can be happy in marriage, but he must be faithful and honest, and feelings must be mutual.

If a partner poses a threat to achieving the goals of the "leader", then he will disappear from his life. But this does not apply to interior decorations, products made from this stone will just as effectively protect the house from outside intrusion and other problems.

Physical properties of stone

Onyx is a variety of agate in which the layers are plane-parallel to each other, not twisting into circles. The following varieties of onyx are distinguished: Arabic onyx, in which black and white layers vary; onyx agate, where layers of different shades of gray stand out; chalcedonyx, in which white and gray layers are observed, sardonyx, where red-brown and white layers are combined; carneolonyx has red and white stripes.

Onyx has a glassy luster. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is 7.0, the density varies from 2.5 to 2.8 g/s m³.

  • Onyx has other names: carnelian, ribbon agate, marble onyx, jam, sardonyx, onychion, eljazo. The main modern deposits are in Brazil, India and the USA. The best samples are mined in the Arabian Peninsula.
  • Shades of onyx stone amaze with their diversity. Its natural color is black, but it can also be green, greenish white, brown, beige, pink and yellowish. White onyx protects its owner from rash decisions and actions, allows you to think logically and clearly. Black onyx gives a person decisiveness and confidence in his actions, helps to achieve his goals.
  • Quite often, green onyx is found in jewelry stores. In fact, it is a marble onyx, which is not agate in origin and composition. Although it is very beautiful and in its attractiveness is in no way inferior to natural green onyx.
  • At its core, this is a type of marble rock, which in its pattern is similar to agate. It was widely used both in ancient times (Egypt, Assyria) and in the modern world (metro stations, halls of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts).

Since ancient times, another mysterious property of onyx attracted the attention of people. It is able to transmit light through itself, so the mineral has often been used and is used to create lamps. The light that passes through the onyx begins to have some magical qualities. It seems that the room begins to shimmer with numerous colors, and the air is saturated with its energy.

Impact on the human body

The semi-precious gem has long been valued not only for its beautiful palette and ability to absorb sunlight, but also for its healing properties. Ancient healing was not complete without the use of this miraculous stone.

  • Onyx powder was used to treat diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Infused water on onyx helped fight obesity.
  • Onyx powder accelerated wound healing.

These methods of treatment today have their confirmation, modern doctors use the so-called onyx preparations in practice.

Onyx is a gem-amulet. It expels most ailments from the body.

  1. With colic and kidney pain, liver ailments, onyx is placed on painful places, it is believed that it draws pain from the inside with its positive charge.
  2. Onyx is able to cool, it is applicable for fevers, inflammations.
  3. The gem drives away depression.
  4. He is afraid of insomnia and stress.
  5. He is able to turn away from suicidal thoughts, breathe positive life energy into a person.
  6. Onyx is very useful for men, especially those suffering from diseases of the genital organs, this stone improves potency.
  7. Onyx is used for rheumatism.
  8. Multi-colored mineral improves hearing, vision and memory, increases concentration.
  9. The stone is also useful for cardiovascular diseases.
  10. Do not forget about it and with tumors of varying complexity.
  11. Onyx is an immunostimulant.
  12. It is believed that an ornamental stone is able to harmonize the work of all organs and thus improve the general physical condition of the human body.
  13. He fights laziness and fatigue very well.

It also normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, can both improve appetite and suppress it.

  • The most severe brain diseases can be overcome thanks to the power of onyx.
  • The mineral muffles headaches and dizziness.
  • Onyx is recommended to be worn by asthmatics and people who often suffer from ENT diseases and suffer from migraines.
  • The stone has a beneficial effect on mood.
  • There are even known cases of healing with the help of a gem from drug addiction.
  • Onyx prolongs life, because, having a beneficial effect on human health, it improves its quality.

A semi-precious mineral increases its positive effect on a person if it is worn in a silver frame, which is why silver sets with this gem are so often offered in jewelry stores.

Since onyx takes on all the negative energy and gives off positive energy, it needs to be cleaned periodically. You can wash off all the energy impurities from the stone under running cold water.

Has healing power

Ancient healers and healers used onyx to relieve pain in humans. It was believed that the gem “takes out” physical pain from a person, passes through itself and directs renewed energy into the human body, which is saturated with health and strength.

Modern lithotherapists use onyx and its varieties today for medicinal purposes. It is used to reduce colic, pain in the liver and kidneys. In case of inflammation or at elevated temperature, it is also recommended to take advantage of the beneficial qualities of onyx.

With disorders of the nervous system, the therapeutic effect of onyx is that it perfectly helps and restores the emotional background of a person. Onyx is able to relieve nervous tension, reduce insomnia and depression, even suicidal tendencies.

If you insist on water on it and drink it, then such water will help a person relieve hunger. That is, those who are going to go on a diet can use this information to reduce their appetite. Onyx is able to improve hearing and memory. It also has a positive effect on potency. For people suffering from weather sensitivity, onyx helps to reduce this quality. The beneficial qualities of onyx extend to the treatment of rheumatic and heart diseases. It gives the elderly longevity, strengthens the body, gives them optimism and protects them from unpleasant memories.

Application by mages

Since ancient times, people have noticed the magical features of onyx. This cold stone was always carried by strong-willed and courageous people - kings, military commanders, leaders. It was believed that a beautiful solar gem is able to sober thoughts, tune them in the right way, cause determination, insight, courage, self-confidence, kill fear, suspiciousness, protect enemies and ill-wishers from adversity.

  • It was onyx that helped many heroes leave their mark on history. After all, this stone attracts the respect of other people to its owner, helps to cool the ardor, focus on the most important, curb violent emotions, take a sober look at the situation and, due to this, achieve victory and success in the affairs begun. Onyx helped not only leaders and heroes, but and speakers. The gem is able to develop eloquence. Those who wanted to become famous for their oratorical abilities wore onyx beads or placed a faceted stone under their tongue.
  • Modern people wear onyx jewelry either on the middle finger or on the solar plexus. The influence of the stone is enhanced by its setting - a round and oval cabochon. A noble metal, in combination with which onyx exhibits its best properties, is silver. Since onyx is a cold stone, it is recommended to wear it more in the cold season.
  • Onyx is also called a life amulet - it keeps its owner from accidents, illnesses, major life losses, sudden death, betrayal of the inner circle, lies.

Onyx is considered the stone of the wise old. He is able to protect them from loneliness, sadness, troubles, bring them out of depression, helps to cultivate endurance, brings harmony into their lives, and with it peace of mind, peace.

A properly consecrated mineral allows you to discover extrasensory abilities in yourself. Onyx is a talisman that protects against all kinds of magical love spells, slander, damage. Its owner cannot be bewitched.

Onyx is a noble stone, it strengthens the spirit, helps to achieve goals, attracts good luck, leads to wealth, drives away evil spirits and evil spirits.

Onyx is a stone of harmony - spiritual and family. It promotes peace in the house, eradicates scandals, helps to find peace with yourself and those around you, find mutual understanding, discover wonderful feelings of love in yourself.

Strong amulet

This stone helps people who keep good intentions in their hearts. The magical properties of onyx stone can be used to strengthen leadership inclinations in oneself, to develop oratory. Ancient politicians and orators put a small stone under their tongue to make their speech more convincing and sound beautiful. The owner of such a stone easily achieves what he wants and makes others listen to their opinion.

The magical properties possessed by the onyx stone give its owner a sense of stability and confidence. His strength disciplines, makes you move towards your goal.

  1. In addition, the mineral makes it possible to accumulate external positive energy and use it at your discretion. It is a stone of good mood and activity.
  2. Onyx stone also helps to gain patience and focus on solving any problems. Keeping onyx on the table is useful for students and scientists, then their lengthy research will not be too tiring.
  3. Onyx differs from other minerals in that it does not start working immediately. He was nicknamed for this "stone-slow-thinking." The magical properties of the mineral are manifested at the moment when a person does something significant to achieve the goal. For people who are loose and apathetic, onyx may be useless.
  4. In ancient times, it was called the stone of leaders and commanders. It strengthens the strength of the spirit, makes its owner invulnerable and brings good luck. The owner of this stone becomes invincible.

The magical properties of onyx stone make it one of the strongest amulets. No evil force can cope with the barrier that this stone creates. The mineral is believed to protect the host from premature death.

Onyx Talisman

Onyx is a very controversial stone with a strong masculine energy. Among the ancient Greeks, Aztecs, in India, it was the stone of a leader, a person boldly moving towards a goal. He gave an additional charge of energy and brought good luck. Onyx helped the leaders to curb their emotions, keep a cold mind, and gain the respect of their subjects. It was believed that this stone was able to take on the fears of its owner, giving him courage and determination, so he was advised to wear insecure and timid people. The onyx talisman was able to resist the evil eye and negative energy, protect against accidents and enemies.

Among the peoples of the Ancient East, onyx was considered, on the contrary, a stone promising sadness, bringing bad omens. Onyx vessels were considered poisonous.

Modern esotericists believe that due to the ability of the stone to accumulate and enhance not only external energy flows, but also the energy of its owner, onyx jewelry should be worn only by kind people with a positive attitude, otherwise the power of the stone can turn against the owner.

supernatural influence

The stone is often used as a protective amulet. The magical meaning of the stone is the ability to accumulate, absorb negative energy.

  • For people endowed with leadership qualities, the stone brings stability, self-confidence. Jewelry with a stone - rings, rings, earrings with onyx attract luck and prosperity to the leaders. This mineral is an excellent talisman for creative individuals, it helps to sharpen perception, strengthen memory, and develop intuitive abilities.
  • Earrings with onyx in combination with silver contribute to getting rid of laziness, a ring with a stone set in gold gives a powerful boost of energy. Products with black stone can make their owner enterprising and successful. It is believed that an onyx ring protects a person from early death.
  • Onyx is a conductor and generator of male energy "yang", which determines its magical characteristics. By itself, the mineral is not hostile to humans. Moreover, in some European cultures it was believed that onyx would not allow itself to be found unclean.

This stone is associated with the sun (no wonder it lets in sunlight so easily and seems to glow itself).

How onyx affects a person

Only a kind and open person will be able to feel the beneficial effects of onyx stone. He will endow such a person with the ability to control other people, to see the intrigues and plans of enemies, to think clearly and logically, to foresee the future. Not for nothing, in ancient India, the value of onyx was very high, and it was revered for being able to take away negative energy and endow its owner with wisdom and tranquility.

For business people, onyx stone is extremely useful, as it is able to give the owner fresh ideas, physical strength, and makes him more enterprising. Black onyx is especially good for such purposes. White onyx protects a person from committing rash acts and impulsive actions.

  1. It makes the mind clear. For people of creative professions, the gem is useful in that it is able to endow a person with the gift of eloquence. Therefore, singers, statesmen, writers can take advantage of this gem quality.
  2. Onyx will give family people happiness and strengthen their spiritual ties. Women who want to control their husband can also turn to him for help.
  3. It is this gem that helps to quietly control the fairer sex in their family. If you are shy and unsure of yourself, white onyx will give you determination and confidence in your abilities and abilities.

From an astrological point of view, onyx is suitable for Sagittarius, Virgo, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus and Leo. To these signs, he brings good luck, success in love and business. The only thing you need to know about onyx is that it doesn't like gold. If it is combined with this metal, it loses its positive qualities and strength.

It is believed that natural onyx is a stone of people who have already experienced some failures, emotions, joys in their lives. Therefore, this gem is more useful to those people who have already achieved something and are in search of the meaning of life and harmony with the world and themselves.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

A beautiful gem is very picky about people. He first gets used to his new owner, experiences his energy, and then only begins to make good changes in his life. This stone is very positive, it instantly reads the negative.

The energy aura of not every person is able to discover the most useful properties in the stone. The most suitable gem is Aries. Energy Aries in many cases wastes its ardor without reaching the goal. Onyx helps to direct his energy in the right direction, not to waste his strength in vain and achieve success.

It is recommended to wear onyx for Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. For Taurus and Capricorn, the mineral promises a fight against laziness, gives them a push forward to action, which helps them in life not to sit still, but to keep up with the times. He teaches them to be independent.

Onyx will give decisiveness to a modest and shy Virgo, relieve her of suspiciousness, help her remove the mask of restraint, be more open and happy.

Onyx is contraindicated for Gemini, this zodiac sign has the opposite energy to the stone. Gemini are very vulnerable and creative natures, they cannot concentrate their attention on one thing. They need to satisfy the versatility of their interests, and onyx will suppress this desire.

How much does onyx cost?

Today, the most colorful varieties of onyx are valued. The brighter and more numerous its palette, and the thinner the multi-colored layers that create the banding of the stone, the higher the price of the onyx itself and products made from it.
The most expensive onyx is the black stone, it is the rarest and most often used for jewelry.

If we are talking about the cost of jewelry with onyx, then the setting is more valued in them - gold or silver, and not the stone itself. If we talk about natural material for decorating the interior of a house, then the thickness of the stone and its color are taken into account. For example, the price of 1 sq. m. slab of onyx 18 mm thick will cost about four hundred US dollars.

Prices for onyx jewelry vary depending on the quality of the stone and setting. The most expensive is black and white onyx. Slightly cheaper carnelian and sardonyx. On average, bracelets will cost $6-50, necklaces $140-300, earrings from $60 to $140.

Cups and figurines made of this mineral cleanse the house and fill it with light, and drinking from an onyx cup, according to legend, banishes melancholy and quenches thirst and hunger.

Onyx in astrology

Using the healing and magical properties of onyx, it should be borne in mind that this stone is not located positively to all signs of the zodiac. Black onyx is a talisman stone for Capricorn. It enhances the natural purposefulness and some rigidity in the character of this representative of the zodiacal circle.

Also, onyx will be a suitable assistant for people born under the signs of Virgo, Taurus, Aries, Libra and Aquarius. It allows them to accumulate positive life energy and brings good luck both in business and in love relationships.

Who suits onyx

Onyx is ideal for insecure and suspicious Cancers. An amulet made of this mineral will help them boldly move forward, get rid of the habit of backing away and retreating.

Pink, yellow and red onyx are suitable for earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo - it will liberate them and help in communication.

Products with black onyx will help Leo to get the love of others, which is so important to him. Also, a black stone is suitable for Sagittarius, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Stone and signs of the zodiac

Protection of the signs of the zodiac

Information about which signs of the zodiac should wear this stone, and which not, varies in different sources. Therefore, you should pay attention not to the date of birth, but to the qualities of the person himself.

  • Best of all, the mineral is suitable for those who seek to make a career, but who lack the eloquence, courage to convey their thoughts and manage others.
  • In addition, it is recommended to wear it to people who are overly scrupulous and heavy on their feet, who find it difficult to decide on a new business, as well as those who are patronized by Venus.
  • However, onyx jewelry also does not interfere with born leaders, as they protect their owner from the hostility of both people and fate.

It should not be worn by people who are frivolous and irresponsible, as this will only lead to a large number of senseless actions. It is also not advised to wear onyx jewelry for those who are in search of a husband or wife and for overly impulsive and cruel people.

How to care for a stone?

Onyx is a beautiful, but very fragile mineral that requires careful handling. Whether it is dishes or countertops, this stone product looks spectacular in the kitchen, but sharp or heavy objects can damage it. As a result of exposure to water, coffee, juice, tea, stains may remain on the stone that are difficult to remove.

To protect the mineral, special impregnations are used that create a strong film on its surface. Wax-based polishes are used to give the stone a shine, they also provide additional protection for the mineral.

Do not wash this stone with ordinary detergents - their acidic and alkaline compositions will decompose the mineral. The cleanser should be neutral (pH around 7).

Onyx jewelry should be stored separately so as not to scratch the surface of the stone. The mineral should be protected from direct sunlight.

The name "onyx" comes from the Greek "onychion" - a nail. The name of the stone was given by a legend. Eros, the playful, restless god of love, the eternal child, played with his arrows near the sleeping Aphrodite. The arrows were so sharp that Eros accidentally cut off a piece of his mother's nail, but she did not even notice. The nail fell to the ground, turning into an onyx stone.

But onyx was revered not only in Greece. Legends, traditions, belief in the magical powers of the stone have also been preserved among many peoples.

  1. Ancient Roman orators used polished stones to train the organs of speech. Pebbles were taken into the mouth and made speeches. After that, the muscles of the mouth strengthened, and diction became clear and intelligible.
  2. In the Middle Ages, onyx was used to make bottles, boxes for perfumes, cosmetics, medicines. This is due to the chemical neutrality of onyx, but the metal reacts with many substances.
  3. In Mesopotamia, Assyria, Babylon, it was a popular ornamental material from which household items were made.
  4. One of the legends describes his temple in Jerusalem, which was built entirely of onyx. There were no windows in it, but the stone plates let in a little light, creating a solemn twilight. Following this, medieval European churches also began to use the thinnest plates of onyx instead of glass.
  5. considered it sacred and used in magical rites.
  6. The Arabs were afraid of him, believing that he resembles the eyes of a dead girl, brings misfortune. By extracting it, they tried to sell it faster.
  7. In China, this is a symbol of sadness, therefore, just like the Arabs, they tried not to be near him.

Now it is a popular facing stone. For example, the Grand Hotel in Paris, as well as the Belorusskaya metro station in Moscow, are decorated with onyx.

Physiochemical properties

Terminological confusion is associated with onyx. Different sources describe it differently. This is not a separate mineral, but a whole group of minerals interconnected by a striped color. These include banded agates, carnelian, chalcedony, quartz,. The name "onyx" requires clarification.

It is not used in industry, because it does not differ in strength, density or hardness. In jewelry, black onyxes with thin stripes are also valued. Beads, cameos, rings, brooches are made from them. He received the greatest distribution in stone-cutting art. Original boxes, vases, bottles, dishes are obtained from it. In construction, onyx plates are used for cladding buildings. Marble also surpasses marble in terms of hardness, frost resistance, water absorption.


Onyx division:

  1. Sardonyx is a variety or carnelian. The color of the stone is orange, red, up to brown with alternating white stripes. All properties of the stone are typical for agate. The formation took place in volcanic rocks, places where agate geodes were formed. Here, under the influence of gravity, crystals of quartz, chalcedony, silica were deposited, creating stripes. Deposits are found in many parts of the world, but beautiful stones with small stripes and an attractive pattern are rare. This is one of the biblical stones that adorned the breastplate of the High Priest. The researchers suggest that it was precisely the agate onyx. Confusion is not ruled out, since in ancient times stones were separated only by external signs, without other technological means.
  2. Marble onyx is a translucent stone made of grains, fibers of calcite and aragonite. Mostly has a ribbon pattern with alternating green, pink, golden, brown stripes. It has nothing to do with marble. It is formed in carbonic waters of karst caves, in places of thermal springs. Marble onyx is used for the manufacture of household items, figurines, for creating mosaics, countertops, cladding. In ancient Egypt, it was a sacred stone. The Aztecs carved sacrificial vessels from it. Hindus made goblets from marble onyx. They believed that it protects from poisons, slander, evil eye.

This is not the only form of division into groups. For example, split by color:

  • Green onyx. Alternating emerald, brown layers.
  • Black onyx. The black base of the mineral alternates with white stripes.
  • White onyx. Pure color is rare in nature. Most often these are shades of beige or pink.

The magical properties of the stone

Just as the types and shades of onyx are diverse, magical properties differ. In different countries, the attitude towards the mineral was different and different properties were attributed to the stone.

Mystics believe that he is weak energetically, in order to achieve a result from him, it is necessary to awaken his magical powers with a long toe, rituals that introduce the energy of the stone to the owner.

Onyx magical properties:

  • In India, onyx is a stone of fun. Thrown into a glass of wine, it gives a person a joyful, not malicious intoxication. Buried on the border of possessions, the onyx stone protects from quarrels, strife;
  • in Asia it is a stone of sorrow and sadness. It was customary to make the tombs of rulers from black onyx in order to provide peace to the deceased.
  • in modern times, it is considered the stone of the elderly. It adds vigor, strength, confidence to an elderly person, removes ailments;
  • for warriors, this mineral will be a means of raising morale;
  • human life becomes stable;
  • makes business negotiations easy;
  • makes a person reasonable;
  • gives people power, power, helps to make difficult decisions;
  • removes witchcraft, damage, evil eye;
  • strengthens leadership qualities, a person becomes sociable, charming, self-confident, patient.

In the cold season, in winter and autumn, the strength of the stone increases.

How to enhance the magical properties of the stone

To make the effect of the amulets greater, you can use the advice of magicians and esotericists to increase energy.

  1. Jewelry with onyx made of silver will act best on a person.
  2. A round or oval-shaped stone conducts energy better.
  3. The ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
  4. It is better to wear onyx jewelry with you all the time so that the energy connection is not interrupted, take it off only at night.
  5. leaving in the rays of moonlight.

If the jewelry is lost, then do not be upset. Either the mineral did not fit energetically, or it fulfilled its purpose, exhausted its strength.

Significance in astrology

There are few signs of the zodiac that onyx would have a negative effect on. These include twins. Onyx will suppress this sign of the zodiac with its energy, narrowing the range of interests to one type of activity, which is alien to versatile.

Onyx influence:

  1. Aries. This zodiac sign is emotional. White onyx will become a means of concentration and calm. The onyx amulet will keep the temper of the ram, focusing his attention on the task, not allowing him to be distracted by unimportant things.
  2. Taurus. With the help of a talisman, people of this zodiac sign will become more efficient, hardworking, independent. It will become a talisman against foreign influence.
  3. . This zodiac sign is subject to the influence of other people, prone to depression, a sharp change in mood. Onyx will help to cope with negative emotions.
  4. A lion. Born leaders. Onyx talismans enhance these qualities.
  5. Virgo. The peculiarity of the sign is coldness in relation to others, suspiciousness. Onyx will make virgins warmer, more sociable, and relieve doubts.
  6. Sagittarius. The ideal solution is dark onyxes. It enhances leadership inclinations. Helps to develop abilities.
  7. . The mineral gives them energy, relieves fatigue. Makes collected attentive.

For other signs, it will not benefit, but it will not harm either.

The healing properties of onyx

In ancient treatises, there are many drugs that are made from it for the treatment of various diseases. They brushed their teeth with onyx powder, sprinkled wounds for speedy healing, and struggled with excess weight with water infused on a stone. Modern medicine does not deny the beneficial qualities of this mineral.

Healing properties of onyx:

  1. Reduces stress from work, helps to concentrate.
  2. It treats disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite.
  3. Onyx earrings sharpen your hearing.
  4. Red onyx cures heart failure.
  5. Reduces inflammation.
  6. Treats nervous and mental disorders.

For weather-dependent people who do not feel well during magnetic storms and weather changes, it helps to cope with headaches and pressure surges.

How to spot a fake

Onyx is not among the expensive stones. Beads or pendants will cost about $15, figurines, depending on the size, color of the stone, its pattern, cost from $100. Price is the first factor to pay attention to. If it is greatly underestimated, then you should think about the origin of the jewelry.

There are two types of fraud:

  1. Artificial coloring of cheaper stone with reagents. At the time of purchase, such a fake is difficult to distinguish by eye. The truth will emerge during wear, when the jewelry will begin to lose color from contact with water and prolonged exposure to the sun. Natural onyx will not fade. Some artificially colored stones are distinguished by deliberately contrasting stripes and bright colors, which is also not characteristic of a stone of natural origin.
  2. Imitation of plastic or glass. It is more common in finishing material, and not in jewelry. It is difficult to recreate a natural pattern. Each natural stone is unique. Its stripes are not clear, but not blurry either. There is no regularity in their alternation either. Bright colors are a signal of artificial origin. It is heavier than other materials. You can identify a fake by the weight of the product.

stone care

Onyx is prone to scratches on the surface, so it needs special care.

  1. Store in a separate box or bag, do not allow the stone to rub against other products, avoid falling.
  2. It should be cleaned with special solutions or polish. The mineral does not deteriorate from exposure to water, but it will not clean up dirt in hard-to-reach places and will not restore shine, and, after all, you need to take care not only of the stone, but also of the frame.
  3. Experts advise using special dirt-repellent impregnations. They will not only protect against pollution, but also make the pattern more contrasting.
  4. Avoid exposure to chemicals and soaps. From this, the product will lose its luster.

Onyx is not afraid of the sun, so products with it can be worn every day without fear of fading or dullness.

Onyx is a stone accessible to everyone. Products from it can be found for every taste and wallet: a simple ring, beads, figurine, vase, countertop or decorative panel. The stone does not lose its beauty, is not difficult to care for and fascinates with the curves of the strips. Magical and healing properties make it useful not only from a decorative point of view.