How to treat a headache in pregnant women. Headaches in the expectant mother

During pregnancy, a woman may encounter many ailments that were previously unfamiliar to her. What never bothered now hurts and brings discomfort. Headaches are no exception, and many women first encounter migraines during the months of waiting for the baby. The reason lies in the cardinal changes in the body that occur during the entire delicate period. All systems undergo changes, in particular the immune, urinary, digestive and cardiovascular systems. The hormonal background is also rearranged, due to which the woman experiences previously unfamiliar emotions and states.

There are several reasons for the occurrence of regular headaches during pregnancy. Before fully investigating the problem, doctors try to exclude the most common causes:

  • hypertension; increased venous pressure;
  • infections;
  • diseases associated with the metabolic processes of the body.

Changes in the body also affect the nervous system, which makes the pregnant woman more likely to experience irritability and headache.

There are a number of other reasons that can trigger migraines. Doctors have classified five factors due to which malaise can occur.

Genetic predisposition

Heredity plays a big role in a woman's life and her reproductive abilities depend heavily on her. Pregnant women often report feeling similar symptoms that their mothers and grandmothers felt at one time. Intense, repetitive head pain is often also a genetic "gift" of women of past generations. There are times when the ailments are so strong that other unpleasant sensations are connected:

  • vision deteriorates;
  • urge to nausea and vomiting;
  • fear of light.

A tendency to migraines may not bother a woman until she becomes pregnant. Changes in hormonal levels and vascular tone become a factor in the onset of a throbbing headache.

In order not to face this problem suddenly, you need to ask your mother or grandmother about the hereditary predisposition. Then you will know what to prepare for and coordinate the optimal therapy with your doctor.

During an attack, pain cannot be tolerated, since it affects the well-being of not only the mother, but also the baby. When buying an anesthetic, you should carefully study the instructions, pregnancy should not be on the list of contraindications.

When the pain has just begun, it can be relieved with antispasmodic drugs, but with strong intensity and prolonged malaise, they will not help.

Water balance

Consumption of the proper amount of liquid plays an important role in the well-being of the expectant mother. Lack of fluid in the body reduces the volume of blood that needs to circulate constantly. The nutrition of the tissues and cells of the brain is impaired, which is why a woman may experience cramps in the head area.

In order not to disturb the water balance, you should consume the required amount of liquid. It should become more profuse when nausea increases and painful symptoms develop. Proper nutrition also affects the well-being of a pregnant woman.

The diet should consist of healthy, healthy foods, excluding caffeine, hard cheese, chocolate, smoked meats, hot sauces, canned food, etc.

These products are rich in nitrates, which provoke ailments, especially in those who are sensitive to synthetic components. The daily menu should consist of dishes with ingredients of exclusively natural origin. If it is very difficult to refuse harmful products, their use should be minimized.

Fatigue and stress

Quite often, the head starts to ache from lack of rest. Ailments mainly appear in the evening, when the body's energy reserves are running out. The pain can be so intense that it is impossible to relax and sleep.

Many reasons can drive the body into a stressful state: a work rush, household chores that do not allow you to fully rest, an internal mood that drives you into a constant rush to prepare for the birth of a child.

Such ailments even have a name - "tension pain". It is closely related to stress and fatigue that plague the body. In no case should pregnant women be in this state for a long time, since the stress of the body can activate the tone of the uterus.

The first thing to do is to take sedatives to relieve the headache.

Medicines for pregnant women are of herbal origin and help well in this case. However, in order to prevent the discomfort from recurring, it is necessary to eliminate the factor causing fatigue or stress.

Regular rest and an active lifestyle will help you stay alert and energetic.

In such a delicate period, you should not burden yourself with a lot of household chores, these months should be devoted to rest and moral preparation for future motherhood. A positive approach and temporary frivolity will not hurt, but will benefit a healthy course of all trimesters.

Spine problems

Spinal disorders are the most common cause of pain. Before conception, they could be invisible, but as the fetus grows, the spine feels more and more heaviness, which is why minor problems can worsen.

Osteochondrosis provokes compression of the vessels located in the neck. From this, the brain receives less oxygen, which should enter its tissues along with the blood. Radiography will help to determine the presence of this disease and its stage. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure a curved spine, however, there is always a chance to eliminate inflammation and exacerbation.

First of all you should contact an experienced massage therapist. The impact on the collar zone through massage will remove the load and tension of the nerve endings.

Secondly, it is effective to visit the pool during pregnancy. Water helps to relax the body and the weight of the fetus does not weigh on the spine as much.

Blood pressure surges

Every time at a doctor's appointment, a procedure for measuring the blood pressure of a pregnant woman is performed. It is required to track trends in the work of the cardiovascular system during a delicate period.

Changes in the body can affect blood pressure and disrupt its normal readings. In this regard, the woman's well-being is disturbed. A decrease in blood sugar also provokes pressure surges, which causes a headache.

Expectant mothers need to eat well, move regularly and be outdoors. A healthy lifestyle will help your body cope with stress.

If blood pressure is constantly far from normal, you need to consult a therapist.

Pain relievers

Painful sensations can not be tolerated in any case. If headaches haunt you, you need to treat the symptoms with pain relievers. But not every analgesic is allowed to be taken by expectant mothers. If ailments appear with enviable regularity, you should consult your doctor. He will prescribe the best remedy or therapeutic technique.

You cannot look for a solution to the problem in pharmacies, because pharmacists are incompetent in this matter and do not have the right to determine the ratio of negative effects on the fetus and benefits for the pregnant woman. This should be done exclusively by the doctor based on the clinical picture of the patient.

Your doctor can help determine the cause of your headache. For example, psychosis caused by stress is effectively treated with paracetamol. Knowing the etiology of painful symptoms, the doctor will prescribe the optimal dosage and the course of taking the necessary remedy.

Aspirin, analgin and other medicines with a similar active substance should not be used in any of the trimesters.

Their action is aimed at narrowing the vessels through which blood enters the organs and directly into the uterus, placenta. The risk is very high, so doctors never prescribe these drugs, even if the migraine is very severe. Fortunately, there are many more gentle alternatives to classic analgesics. Homeopathy in some cases will help replace them with success.


Ancient healing recipes can also defeat ailments. Raw potatoes are good for throbbing pain. One root vegetable should be peeled, cut into rings and placed on the forehead and temples, covered with a bandage. You need to lie with a compress for at least twenty minutes.

On the painful area, you can attach a cabbage leaf or lemon peel, having previously scalded them with boiling water. Burdock and linden leaves also have a healing effect.

If the cause of the pain lies in a violation of pressure, herbal preparations will help, which can normalize it. It is better to choose feminine plants: mint, lemon balm, linden, coltsfoot, verbena, etc.

Even if the pain has subsided, prevention will not hurt. You should drink rosehip infusion, lingonberry, blackberry, strawberry and blueberry teas. A cup of yogurt, drunk on an empty stomach, is also a good prevention of headaches.

Most often, headaches accompany women in the first trimester of pregnancy. With the development of the fetus, they pass, so you need to be patient and cope with discomfort using the most harmless methods and rest more.

Headache can occur due to:

  • adaptation of the female body to hormonal changes during pregnancy (an increase in the level of progesterone and estrogen affects the tone of the vessels, sometimes causing their spasms);
  • a sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure in a pregnant woman during magnetic storms or prolonged cloudiness before rain;
  • emotional stress or overwork;
  • feelings of hunger or thirst;
  • stuffiness and stuffiness in the air in the room;
  • lack of sleep or, conversely, oversleeping (sleep more than 10 hours);
  • incorrect posture, in particular, in the third trimester.

Certain foods can also cause pregnancy headaches, such as chocolate, or avoiding certain foods, such as coffee or strong tea.

In other cases, pain syndrome can be observed with problems with blood vessels (for example, with vegetative-vascular dystonia), with cervical vertebrae (for example, with cervical osteochondrosis or any injuries of the cervical spine), as well as with colds, inflammatory (infectious) diseases (ARI and ARVI, sinusitis, meningitis and others) and together with toothache.

The causes of headaches during pregnancy are varied and numerous. The main thing is to determine the nature of pain during pregnancy in order to find the correct and effective treatment for them without harm and negative consequences for the fetus.

Symptoms and Treatment of Various Types of Headaches During Pregnancy

Stress pain characterized by a dull, monotonous pain, the head seems to be pulled together by an elastic band.

Patients often complain of pain that spreads from the neck to the back of the head, temples, and eye area. On palpation, pain points are felt in the back of the head and neck. Nausea is possible, vomiting is absent. The duration of such a headache is from 30 minutes to 1-1.5 hours.

There is tension pain during physical and mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion, during or after stressful situations.

Treatment for tension headaches during pregnancy is symptomatic relief. The following tools will help in this.

It is also useful to train the tone of the vascular walls with the help of a contrast shower, but most importantly, do not overdo it, the water should not be very cold, but only slightly cool, i.e. room temperature.

Acupressure massage that relieves various headaches

Self-massage of biologically active points of the body will help to cope with headaches during pregnancy, without resorting to the use of medications that are dangerous for the child.

Liu Hongsheng will tell the secrets of traditional Chinese medicine, and clearly tell where are the very points, the massage of which will soothe the headache.

Dr. Hongsheng, using the example of the first point on his hand, will show how to massage them, and then he will indicate only the points themselves, which, according to the same principle, need to be massaged for just a few minutes.

What to do if you have a severe headache during pregnancy?

Paracetamol (children's Panadol suppositories or syrup, Efferalgan suppositories or syrup) is able to penetrate the placental barrier. Although until now there has been no negative effect of paracetamol on the fetus, it is necessary to take it only as a last resort, when the pain does not subside for a long time.

What headache medications are contraindicated in pregnancy?

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Citramon, Ibuprofen (Ibuprom, Nurofen, Brufen), Diclofenac (Diclonat, Dicloran, Ortofen), Indomethacin, Ketoprofen (Ketonal, Flamax) and other similar drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

These drugs can have a negative effect on the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

The use of the necessary doses for high-quality pain relief in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause fetal defects (cleft palate, heart disease). The appointment of these drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, some of these drugs can be prescribed, but only with a strict assessment of the risks and benefits for the mother and the fetus, and only in small doses and for a short time.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the necessary doses of the drug can cause inhibition of labor, premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus, poor blood clotting in the mother, which threatens with large blood loss during childbirth, and administration immediately before childbirth itself can cause intracranial hemorrhages, especially in premature babies. The appointment of the above medications in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.


  • continues for several days in a row?
  • occurs often enough and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting?
  • very sharp and sharp?

or accompanied by:

  • an increase in body temperature to 38 ° C or more?
  • a condition where it is impossible to press the chin to the chest?
  • weakness of arms and legs or their numbness?
  • difficult speech?
  • vision problems and poor coordination?

Then you need to see a doctor immediately!


According to statistics, headache during pregnancy occurs in 20% of women. Only in 10% of cases, this symptom turns out to be a signal of the course of pathological processes in the body and requires serious professional treatment. Most often, discomfort is the result of changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Often, the symptom goes away on its own after a while, or it can be alleviated with simple and safe manipulations. In any case, it is better not to experiment with medicines and folk remedies, but to consult a doctor.

Does a head hurt during pregnancy

After conception, a woman's body begins to rebuild, therefore, in the process of bearing a fetus, she has to experience a number of new sensations.

A headache during pregnancy can be the result of an increased sensitivity of the expectant mother to environmental factors, changes in the daily routine or dietary principles. The symptom occurs with the same frequency in those women who previously regularly noted its appearance and those who experienced it in isolated cases.

What happens to the body during pregnancy

After conception, the woman's body adjusts to the new state in order to create favorable conditions for the growth and development of the fetus. Her immunity decreases so that the embryo is not rejected, the hormonal background changes. Depending on the characteristics of the organism, specific symptoms may appear at the very beginning of the term, in the second or third trimester. In some cases, you just need to endure, in others, you cannot do without gentle therapy.

Headache during pregnancy can be caused by the following factors:

  • hormonal changes - affect the state of blood vessels, painful sensations are typical for the first trimester and usually go away on their own at 11 weeks or a little later;
  • lowering blood pressure - manifestations of toxicosis are also characteristic of the onset of pregnancy, headache is often accompanied by dizziness, weakness, nausea and vomiting;
  • increased blood pressure - often torments pregnant women in the second and third trimesters, can pose a threat to the health of the mother and child if accompanied by impaired renal function;
  • a decrease in the body's resistance - a weakening of immunity increases the risk of developing colds, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, inflammatory diseases and exacerbation of chronic processes;
  • changes in the psycho-emotional background - mood swings and anxiety for the child often provoke headaches;
  • the establishment of a new rhythm of life - restructuring in the daily routine, an increase in the need for rest and walks, daytime sleep affect a woman's well-being.

High blood pressure is a common cause of headaches in pregnant women

The listed factors can not only cause a headache, they can get rid of it. Often, expectant mothers note a weakening of a symptom that has become habitual or its complete disappearance after conception. True, in 85% of cases after childbirth, he returns.

Why does a headache during pregnancy

Each woman's body reacts differently to conception and fetal development, so an individual approach is required for each patient. Headache in pregnant women is divided into primary and secondary. In the first case, the symptom arises independently and has nothing to do with the changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother. With secondary pain, the causes of manifestations are directly related to the physiological state of the woman. Both those and others can occur at the beginning of pregnancy and in later stages. They can be completely harmless or pose a threat to mom and fetus.

Tension headaches

The symptom is provoked by physical and mental fatigue, stress, nervous exhaustion. It can occur both at the beginning of pregnancy and at 9 months. Feelings are dull, monotonous, localized or encircling. The duration of the attack is from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Sometimes the soreness persists and intensifies from time to time. Often the pain is concentrated in the occipital region and spreads to the neck, temples, and eyeballs. At the peak of the symptom, nausea is common.

In cases where a headache during pregnancy against a background of stress, a woman may be prescribed the following medications:

  • "Glycine" is a natural drug that improves mood, relieves stress, puts in order sleep and brain function. For women who have a terrible headache due to peculiarities of character or temperament and in ordinary life, the remedy can be recommended as a prophylaxis;
  • Valerian - appointed as a one-time aid for overexcitation;
  • relaxing aromabalsams - a small amount of the product is applied to the problem area of ​​the head, after which a light massage of the area with your fingertips should be done;
  • Natural balm-based sticks - usually containing mint or menthol to distract from pain and promote relaxation;
  • "No-Shpa" - is taken as a last resort with the permission of a doctor, if other approaches do not give the desired result.

Headache and nausea caused by overexertion are difficult to treat. It is easier to prevent the problem than to deal with its manifestations later. To do this, it is enough to evenly distribute the load and regularly rest physically and emotionally. Ignoring the symptoms is fraught with neuroses and psychoses, the development of which will negatively affect the condition of the expectant mother and fetus.

Prolonged and severe headaches can appear even in those women who never suffered. Attacks occur from 1-2 times a month to several times a week. Some pregnant women experience symptoms every day, but they are not very intense. The sensations are pulsating, growing, localized on one side of the head. During attacks, the temples, the frontal part, the back of the head may hurt. Often there is a recoil to the eyeballs, neck, shoulder blade, arm. In a quarter of cases, the appearance of pain is preceded by an aura.

Medicines for getting rid of migraine symptoms during pregnancy can only be selected by a doctor. Often, experts recommend that women simply wait out the attacks, creating optimal conditions for their stay. Relaxing in a quiet, cool, shaded area makes things easier. If during pregnancy due to migraine you have a headache and nausea, you can drink tea with lemon - the remedy fights both signs of the disease at the same time. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, a one-time intake of "Paracetamol" is allowed with the permission of a doctor.

Blood pressure

During pregnancy, blood pressure indicators are considered normal if they are kept within 120 / 80-130 / 80 mm. rt. Art. Hypotension in expectant mothers develops against the background of overwork, anemia, dehydration, and prolonged stay in unfavorable conditions. With her, a woman has a pain in the back of her head or forehead, sensations of weak or moderate intensity, accompanied by weakness, dizziness. The condition is most often fought with the help of strong tea or coffee, a special diet.

Headache due to high blood pressure is usually seen in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is characterized by bursting sensations, pulsation in any part of the head.

If the values ​​are slightly exceeded and the woman does not have edema or protein in the urine, there is no cause for concern. The danger of an increase in blood pressure during gestation is minimized by correcting the patient's regimen and diet, monitoring her condition. The earlier the problem manifests itself, the higher the likelihood that it could negatively affect the mother or child. Therefore, it is extremely important to make all scheduled visits to the gynecologist in a timely manner.

ENT diseases

Due to a decrease in immunity, pregnant women often develop a runny nose or a cold, one of the manifestations of which - headache. In this case, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the duration and characteristics of the clinical picture. In most situations, it is possible to do with traditional medicine that stimulates the immune system. If the patient's condition becomes complicated, and the specialist recommends switching to drug therapy, do not give up and rely on the strength of the body. Such experiments can lead to the development of sinusitis, otitis media and other complications that are much more dangerous for the fetus.

What headaches in pregnant women pose a threat to the fetus

Ignoring the pain syndrome can negatively affect the condition of the expectant mother. This is true even in cases where soreness occurs against the background of physiological and not pathological processes.

Inadequate therapy for manifestation can be a threat to the child. Doctors recommend that women do not self-medicate and contact professionals with any questions.

A headache during pregnancy requires immediate medical attention if:

  • the clinical picture is complemented by loss of consciousness, impaired speech or vision, convulsions, severe weakness;
  • rapid weight gain is noted, edema appears against the background of a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, pain is not relieved even by antispasmodics, blood pressure rises - these are symptoms of preeclampsia;
  • shortness of breath appeared, it hurts "in the stomach";
  • 3 trimester is accompanied by vomiting and nausea;
  • the headache radiates to the eyes or the front of the face, is accompanied by nasal congestion and intensifies with a change in body position and tapping on the areas under the eyes and between them - signs of sinusitis;
  • the back of the head is very sore, the tone of the neck muscles is increased, the temperature rises - typical of meningitis.

All of these conditions are dangerous for the mother and the fetus, regardless of the gestational age. Help in these cases requires more aggressive and only under the supervision of specialists. The reason for calling an ambulance is also a symptom that has arisen after a head injury and soreness that cannot be relieved by approved methods and medicines.

Our readers write

Theme: I got rid of my headache!

From: Irina N. (34 years old) ( [email protected])

To: Administration site

Hello! My name is
Irina, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to overcome the headache. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

I do not know of a single person who would not be bothered by a recurrent headache. I'm not an exception. She attributed all this to a sedentary lifestyle, an irregular schedule, poor nutrition and smoking.

I usually have this state when the weather changes, before the rain, and the wind generally turns me into a vegetable.

I fought this with pain relievers. I went to the hospital, but I was told that most people suffer like this, both adults, children and the elderly. Most paradoxically, I have no problem with pressure. It was worth getting nervous and that's it: the head starts to ache.

Every fifth pregnant woman faces a headache. This problem manifests itself most clearly in the first three months of bearing a child, but sometimes it also arises at a later date. There are many reasons for this - from natural hormonal changes in the body to serious ailments.

Should I worry if I have a headache during pregnancy? The answer depends primarily on the causes of the malaise. Consider the main factors provoking headaches in expectant mothers and harmless ways to deal with this problem.

The environment, the family climate, health problems, daily routine and diet all have a serious impact on the well-being of a woman expecting a baby. Headache of varying intensity, including migraine attacks, is both a reaction to individual stimuli and a consequence of a combination of factors.

Diseases and physiological changes

The hormonal changes that occur after conception affect the condition of the blood vessels. This is one of the most common causes of ailment. If the headache that occurs in the first trimester is unstable and mild, the situation does not require medical intervention and is the norm.

Low blood pressure accompanying the onset of pregnancy is another possible cause. The pain is combined with general weakness and dizziness. This picture is typical for.

In the second and third trimester, headache is often caused by the opposite problem - high blood pressure. The condition poses a threat to the health of the mother and child, especially if there are disorders in the functioning of the kidneys (protein in the urine, edema). In this situation, inpatient treatment is recommended for women.

A headache can be caused by an exacerbation of chronic ailments - cervical osteochondrosis or vegetative vascular dystonia. It also accompanies a viral infection, sinusitis, eye diseases and head injuries (concussion, bruises). Among the more dangerous reasons are oncological and benign brain tumors, intracranial hematomas, meningitis.

External provoking factors

When carrying a child, a woman becomes more vulnerable to the effects of environmental factors.

Even a change in weather can cause a long-term headache for an expectant mother. Long journeys involving a change in climate zone have the same effect.

Headache during pregnancy occurs more often when a woman is exposed to physical stimuli - loud noise, strong odors, bright or flickering lights. Regular inhalation of tobacco smoke, including passive smoke, exacerbates the problem, so smoking relatives or work colleagues should be asked to take into account the interests of the expectant mother. Stuffiness and lack of oxygen also provoke headaches.

Other reasons

Sometimes pain occurs due to the peculiarities of the woman's lifestyle. In this case, the situation can be easily corrected by making adjustments to it.

Probable causes of headaches in pregnant women:

  • insufficient fluid intake in hot weather;
  • long breaks between meals;
  • abrupt refusal from coffee;
  • the presence in the daily menu of products with dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives;
  • not getting enough sleep or sleeping too long;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • overexertion of the eyes when working at a computer.

Constant stress is also a provoking factor. Conflicts at work or in the family during this period are unacceptable. They not only worsen the general condition of the woman and cause headaches, but also harm the nervous system of the unborn child.

Getting rid of headaches on our own

When the pain has already arisen, you can try to relieve the condition yourself. It is undesirable for pregnant women to take medications unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, it is better to use safe folk methods and recipes:

  1. If you are at home, create a relaxing environment in the room - draw the curtains, turn off the lights, let in fresh air. Place a cool compress on your head or massage your fingertips around the temples and the back of your head in light circular motions. Pay close attention to the areas where the pain is felt more strongly. You can ask your husband or a relative to give you a back and neck massage.
  2. A good effect is given by washing the head with warm water and taking a shower at a comfortable temperature, better than cool. After that, it is recommended to drink a glass of herbal decoction - mint or chamomile. At low pressure, it is replaced with strong black tea with sugar. A persistent headache during pregnancy is easier to tolerate when a scarf or headscarf is tied tightly around the head.
  3. An urgent way to normalize your well-being is to wash your face with cold water. To enhance the effect, a compress with ice or a damp towel on the forehead and temples will help. It is believed that the pain is reduced by applying cabbage leaves to the head. Before use, they are slightly crumpled so that juice appears, and they are kept in the form of a compress until the condition improves.
  4. Some women benefit from aromatherapy. Suitable oils for her are lavender, juniper, lemongrass, ylang-ylang. They are used in the form of inhalation using an aroma lamp. It is also useful to take warm baths with oils, if there are no contraindications from other organs and the doctor has not prohibited you from such procedures. But remember that essential oils can cause allergies.

What headache medications can pregnant women have?

Most analgesics for expectant mothers are prohibited due to the possible negative effect on the development of the fetus. Such drugs as "Citramon", "Aspirin", "Baralgin", "Spazmalgon" and their derivatives, when taken in the first months of pregnancy, can lead to the formation of heart defects in the child. In the later stages, they worsen blood clotting, which is undesirable for a woman preparing for childbirth.

If the headache is severe and folk methods do not help from it, a single use of medicines based on paracetamol ("Panadol", "Efferalgan") is permissible. In the absence of individual intolerance to the active substance, they are safe and not addictive.

When purchasing preparations, keep in mind that Panadol Extra contains caffeine. For headaches due to hypotension (low blood pressure), it is better to choose it. It is also allowed to take "No-shpy", although it does not always give an analgesic effect.

When should i see a doctor?

Chronic headache during pregnancy should be treated promptly. Constant discomfort causes stress and depression, which negatively affects the health of the unborn child.

Therefore, daily ailments are a reason to consult a neurologist. Adequate treatment in such a situation can only be prescribed by a specialist after discovering the root cause that caused the problem.

The expectant mother should be alert and seek medical help if the headache appears in the morning, is localized only at one point, or is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • loss of vision and hearing impairment;
  • feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • nausea combined with high blood pressure and edema.

These manifestations may indicate pathologies. In particular, preeclampsia, intracranial hemorrhage, venous thrombosis, infection and brain tumors.

In this situation, emergency delivery is sometimes required to save the life of the mother and child. The sooner the pregnant woman goes to the hospital, the higher the chances of a favorable outcome.

Prevention measures

To normalize well-being with frequent headaches, pregnant women should pay attention to preventive measures. Identifying provoking factors will help prevent relapses.

To do this, a woman should keep a diary of headaches, in which she notes all cases of seizures and the circumstances preceding them. Having identified the pattern, the stimulus is excluded.

  1. Walk more often in the fresh air and ventilate the rooms daily.
  2. Normalize the daily routine so that going to bed and waking up always occur at about the same time.
  3. Do not overexert yourself and rest whenever you feel tired.
  4. Take breaks and light warm-ups every half hour of working at the computer.
  5. Eat often and in small portions, giving preference to natural products.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids.
  7. Do not stay in stuffy or smoky rooms or near sources of noise.
  8. Avoid stressful situations.

If, when carrying a child, a woman has been diagnosed with chronic diseases that give a prolonged headache, it is worth consulting with specialized specialists before conceiving the next children.

This will reduce the risk of the problem worsening in the future. With osteochondrosis, after consulting a doctor, you can visit the pool and perform therapeutic exercises.

In most cases, headache in pregnant women is the result of natural hormonal changes and exposure to various stimuli. But, if it has become unusually long and strong, do not postpone your visit to the doctor.

An attentive attitude to the signals of the body will help to avoid dangerous complications and maintain health.

Useful video on the treatment of headaches during pregnancy

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If a pregnant woman has a headache, what to do, how to help in this case, so as not to harm? When this happens to a woman who is not carrying a child, or a man is tormented by a headache, any pain reliever can be taken that returns to daily activities within half an hour. This is not the case for pregnant women. It is necessary to take measures to get rid of this ailment without harm to her and the unborn child. It is very important to consult a gynecologist. Self-medication in this position cannot be done. This can be dangerous, both for a woman preparing to become a mother, and for the fetus itself.

Causes of headaches in expectant mothers

Headache during pregnancy occurs in almost four out of five cases in women during this important period of her life. This happens more often when a woman is over 30 years old.

The first and last trimesters of bearing a child are characterized by the frequency of this unpleasant phenomenon. At the beginning of pregnancy, a number of changes take place in the female body, preparing her for future motherhood. In the second trimester, headaches in pregnant women disappear.

Important! The reasons for this condition may have different sources, but the exact answer has not yet been found. If a headache occurs during pregnancy, the doctor assumes all versions in which he takes into account the changes that occur during the period of gestation

Changes characteristic of the pregnancy period include:

  1. Change in hormonal levels in a woman's body while carrying a child. Headaches are common in this case. Various concentrations of biological substances affect the well-being and mood of a person. In the first trimester of pregnancy, an imbalance of hormonal substances is possible, followed by their stabilization in the second trimester.
  2. Hormonal interruptions can change blood circulation and its pressure in the vessels. Blood pressure often decreases in the second trimester, regardless of the increase in blood volume, so hypotension is accompanied by weakness and headache.
  3. In the last trimester of pregnancy, gestational arterial hypertension may develop, followed by the development of late toxicosis, preeclampsia (a pathological condition characterized by symptoms, varying degrees of severity: a persistent increase in blood pressure, detection of protein in urine, severe edema, changes in blood counts, etc.). Preeclampsia occurs against a background of high blood pressure with the corresponding symptoms of this condition, among which there is pain in the head. Maybe, in the absence of adequate therapeutic intervention, go to the next stage (eclampsia), accompanied by convulsions. Which poses a great risk to the health or life of the mother and fetus.
  4. Pregnancy headaches can occur with chronic sleep deprivation. If a woman works at the enterprise on the night shift, this can be the main reason for this unpleasant phenomenon.
  5. Excessive fatigue at work and at home is not acceptable for pregnant women. The fragile body of a woman carrying a child needs rest more often than usual. Any overwork affects her well-being.
  6. Stressful conditions for a woman in an interesting position, as well as emotional and mental overloads, can disable the nervous system, increase or decrease the pressure in the vessels, which results in poor health, lethargy, apathy and headache.
  7. Changing the usual routine, adapting to other conditions of the daily regimen, at first gives overloads that are not usual for a woman's body, which provoke changes in the state of health.

Irritating Factors That Cause Headaches During Pregnancy

Important! Carrying a baby should take place in a quiet, calm environment, surrounded by positive emotions. You can get them by listening to calm, beautiful music, doing your usual things.

Various severity and nature of the course of pain during pregnancy can be acquired, being among the irritating factors:

  • loud sound of music;
  • bright light;
  • decrease in coffee consumption;
  • change of diet in nutrition;
  • climate change.

Caffeine is addictive, withdrawal or reduced intake can cause headaches due to narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. When there is a daily consumption of caffeinated beverages, the body blocks the receptors for adenosine, a substance that rises in the blood during a headache.

Nutrition changes with the onset of an interesting position in a woman. She has various taste preferences. Sometimes a pregnant woman eats incompatible foods. Eating inedible substances and the development of picacism (taste perversion) are common. Diet changes cause headaches in a pregnant woman due to the consumption of foods that cause a drop in blood pressure, such as chocolate. Or products that disrupt the production of enzymes that act on the digestive tract, the normal functioning of which affects the well-being of a woman carrying a child.

A change in climatic conditions can manifest itself as a headache in a pregnant woman, this can occur when the poles change, when moving from the coast to the mountainous area, or vice versa. Even being at home due to changes in atmospheric pressure, the meteosensitive female body will react to such changes.

With pathological changes in the work of the vessels of the brain, migraine-like pain sensations develop. Due to overwork and overexertion, it will hurt in the cervical region and in the scalp. When hormonal substances, serotonin or histamine are released into the bloodstream, a cluster (short-term one-sided, usually affecting the eye area, an attack of severe headache) type of pain occurs. It is one-sided and short-lived.

Head injuries, neuralgias, infections, and other pathological abnormalities cause secondary causes of headaches in pregnant women.

How can you get rid of these feelings

What to do if you have a headache during pregnancy? First you need to visit the antenatal clinic, where experienced qualified doctors will help you find out the cause of the headache. To do this, the specialist needs to calm down and ask the expectant mother in detail how often this happens, what changes in her lifestyle could affect her well-being. Finding out the cause, severity and nature of the discomfort, you can help pregnant women with headaches.

It is prohibited to take medications without a doctor's prescription; there are many other non-drug methods.

  1. To relieve this discomfort, it is effective to apply a warm compress to the front of the head. Most often, this is the area above the eyebrows or the upper part of the nose. The occipital region is numbed with a cool compress.
  2. Showering in a moderately cool shower is often effective in relieving vascular spasm. As a result of the experienced relief from vasodilation, there is a decrease in such an unpleasant phenomenon as headache.
  3. When a pregnant woman has a headache, she will be advised what to do in the antenatal clinic, where massage sessions or gentle manual therapy are prescribed, and they will also explain how to perform simple physical exercises for muscle relaxation.
  4. The use of aromatherapy for pregnant women can significantly facilitate this life period for them. Lavender, lemon balm, mint, rosemary oils effectively help with migraines. They can be rubbed into the temporal region, inhaled by applying a couple of drops to a handkerchief. You can use an aroma lamp to scent the entire room. However, it should be borne in mind that when using aromatic oils, the development of individual allergic reactions to any substances is possible. To avoid this, it is necessary to conduct a test to determine the body's hypersensitivity to them. Among others, there are: olfactory and skin tests. The first is carried out by mixing 1: 5 essential oil with the base oil, then the resulting mixture is applied to paper or a cotton pad, brought to the nose at a distance of 10-15 cm and several test breaths are taken. In the absence of negative reactions - bronchospasm, cough, severe shortness of breath, the remedy can be used. The method of obtaining a test mixture for a skin test is similar to the previous one. It can be applied in various places: on the wrist, inside the elbow, behind the ear, in the sternum. The result is checked within 12 hours, in the absence of allergic reactions on the skin at the site of application, the product is approved for use. In any case, women during pregnancy should use various means with caution and first consult with their doctor about this or that use.

Important! If the headache is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness and visual impairment, an urgent need to consult a doctor, such symptoms may be present with arterial hypertension

Starting a new stage in her life, the expectant mother should take care, first of all, about herself. It is important to reconsider your lifestyle, diet, and work schedule.

  1. If the work is connected with physical activity and night shifts, you need to transfer to light work. Do not bring your body to overwork; rest should be at the first sign of fatigue. It is necessary to learn how to relax, this helps to strengthen the nervous system, it is easier to cope with stressful situations.
  2. Nutritional control for a pregnant woman is a must. The myth that you need to eat for two leads to overweight and the development of morbid obesity. This affects the state of health and the manifestation of headaches during pregnancy. You need to eat in small portions more often than before pregnancy. It is important not to be hungry to help control your appetite.
  3. Moderate physical activity can improve the condition of a woman during the period of bearing a child. It serves as a preventive measure against obesity, heart problems, blood pressure and high blood sugar. And also just help to maintain vitality and stay in great shape.