What to do if the shoes are tight. How to carry shoes - simple and practical advice. How to carry suede shoes

This problem is familiar to almost everyone: in the store, new shoes fit perfectly, exactly on the leg, and your joy knew no bounds, but as soon as you went to work in them, they began to rub mercilessly. What to do? How to carry tight shoes so as not to torment your feet and spoil your shoes?

First of all, a few tips for buying shoes.

Don't try on new shoes in the morning. Towards evening, the leg swells, it becomes a little more, so experts advise trying on shoes in the afternoon.

Make sure that the position of the foot is securely fixed in new shoes. If they are too narrow, do not rush to buy shoes one size larger! The leg will "walk" in them, slide, and as a result, calluses cannot be avoided. The main thing is that the shoes are perfect for you in fullness.

How to carry tight shoes? Practical advice

As much as you like a new pair of shoes, do not rush to flaunt it "in public." To get started, walk around the room - at least half an hour. Usually the problem is solved within about a week, if you are not lazy every day for 30 minutes "walking" around your own apartment. If you are afraid of corns, seal the parts of your feet with a plaster, in which these "decorations" usually appear.

If your shoes feel a little tight, moisten the inside of your shoes with alcohol or vodka before putting them on. After that, immediately put on clean cotton socks and shoes, walk in them for half an hour or an hour.

Another reliable "folk" way to carry tight shoes is to scald them from the inside with a small amount of boiling water and put them on right away. This method is well suited for shoes made from natural materials - leather, nubuck, suede, velor. The material will stretch under the influence of the hot ode and "sit" on the leg, assuming its shape. And don't worry - there will be no marks on your shoes from the clean water!

The old proven method of stretching tight shoes is very effective. Shoes should be stuffed with damp, crumpled newspaper and left to dry on their own, just not on a radiator or near heating appliances, but at natural room temperature. If you warm shoes stuffed with wet paper, they will dry, of course, much faster, but at the same time they will be covered with ugly bumps, which are almost impossible to get rid of.

One of the easiest ways to stretch tight shoes is to spray the inside with a special stretching spray that you can buy at a shoe store. It should be noted that this spray is only suitable for shoes made from natural materials.

Finally, the main advice - observe a sense of proportion! If your size is 39, don't buy shoes in size 37, even if you really like them! And do not overdo it in trying to stretch new shoes - some overly diligent girls stretch their shoes to the point that they just lose them almost on the go. If you pay close attention to the fitting process, you won't have to stretch anything.

There are several ways to answer the question of how to carry tight shoes. But before proceeding with the action, it must be remembered that only natural skin undergoes tangible stretching. It is extremely difficult to stretch other materials without violating their integrity. It is pointless to stretch shoes that are too short.

There are several reasons why we buy shoes that are smaller than we need. Knowing them, you can avoid mistakes and choose the most comfortable pair for your legs.

  • If your legs are noticeably swollen, then it is better to make a purchase in the afternoon. Then you choose a slightly larger size, and you will not be tormented by the decision of the question of how to carry shoes that are too tight.
  • Do not rush to buy a very beautiful and cheap pair, because in a rush you may not notice that it is slightly small for you. Try it on, walk around the store a little, making sure that neither the left nor the right shoe is pinching your feet.
  • For those who changed their minds when they came home and wanted to return their shoes, there is always such an opportunity. Therefore, keep your receipt and familiarize yourself with consumer rights.

For stretching the skin, there are folk remedies and remedies produced by specialized companies.

Sprays, Creams & Pads

Some shoe stores sell special canned foam and cream. The funds are applied to the areas of the shoes that are especially pressing. On delicate suede shoes, foam is applied only from the inside, and on smooth leather from the inside and outside for greater effect. It softens the material, making it easy to stretch.

After that, you should put on socks, put on shoes and walk in tight shoes until the foam dries. If necessary, this stretching procedure is repeated for several days in a row.

For those who want to deliver new shoes quickly, you can suggest using a last, such as in shoe shops. After treating the skin with the same spray, and applying a block at night, you can test the result in the morning.

Alcohol solution or vinegar

A well-known recipe for spreading shoes is the use of vodka or an alcohol solution. Immediately, we note that suede shoes cannot be stretched in this way. They moisten the inner surface with vodka, put on shoes and walk in them until the skin dries. Since the alcohol evaporates quickly, you don't have to wait long. Then repeat the process until the shoes take the desired shape.

For those who know how to spread tight shoes with vodka, we suggest another method that uses vinegar. They take 3% vinegar, moisten a sock with it from the inside and stretch a new pair by wearing. This allows the lower part to be slightly widened, giving more freedom to the fingers.

Water use

When there are no special tools at hand, you can use plain water. To do this, you need to wet the cotton socks without fading, put them on and put on your shoes. You should walk this way until the socks are dry.

This method is applicable to suede shoes as well. Although it stretches very well, it happens that the first days of the shoes are very tight. You can quickly carry out a new suede pair using the method described above. Just be careful with the suede and do not let water get on its surface, otherwise the shoes will lose their appearance.

If the model requires particularly careful handling, then you can moisten it by wrapping the shoe box with a wet rag and leaving it there for several hours. This is the most gentle method of exposure to moisture. Then the damp shoes or sandals are worn out in the usual way.

Sometimes, in order to make leather shoes more comfortable, boiling water is poured inside for a few seconds. But this method should be applied with great care to shoes or boots, as they may simply come unstuck.

The original way is to use water that is frozen. It is known that water expands when frozen. If you put a tightly sealed bag of water inside a sneaker or shoe and then send it all to the freezer, then the ice will expand the leather shoes.

How to soften your skin

Many people wonder if it will be possible to carry leather shoes after long-term storage. You've probably noticed that if you don't wear your shoes for a long time, they become a little tight and seem to narrow. The material dries up and hardens, and at the same time there is discomfort when wearing, calluses appear on the feet.

In this case, you can soften it with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. These products are also suitable for artificial leather. Just remember to dry your boots thoroughly afterward. Besides softening, natural vegetable oil helps to get rid of the skip of the sole. Just put some oil on a clean, dry sole and rub it in.

Castor oil is best used because it is odorless, absorbs quickly and gives the skin its elasticity.


An old and proven method for expanding shoes is with newspapers. With its help, the fullness of even things made of artificial materials, as well as fabric, is increased.

Initially, the shoes are kept over steam for a few minutes so that they are slightly moistened and warmed up. The newspapers are soaked in water, squeezed out, and I begin to put them inside the shoes. Lay very tightly and neatly, following the shape of the shoe, otherwise your shoes will become crooked after drying. Stuff the newspapers as tightly as possible so that they slightly widen the rise, as if increasing the volume.

After that, you must leave the shoes to dry naturally at room temperature. Do not put it on a heater, battery or leave it in the bright sun. The drying process should take place evenly and gradually.

When the newspapers are completely dry, they are taken out, and some increase in size is obtained. Instead of newspapers, you can use any paper or old socks.

You can find other ways to increase the size of beautiful, but not very comfortable shoes. Some of them use beer, others use paraffin or oatmeal, which swells when wet, even use peeled potatoes to slightly stretch the skin. Still, it is better to buy boots, sneakers and shoes of the correct size and not suffer.

Stretching video

Even with a very careful choice of shoes, you can face a situation when you put on a new fashionable pair after some time, and it turns out to be small for you. What to do if your shoes are tight, you will learn from this article.

Shoe stretching - options

Depending on where exactly the shoes are pressing and how hard, you can approach the solution to this problem in different ways:

  1. If you do not have free time or you want to get the result as quickly as possible without putting any effort into the process, the way out of the situation, what to do if the new shoes are too tight, one is to contact a special workshop. Professional shoemakers with the help of special pads, chemical and mechanical means and equipment will be able to stretch the material and it will be more comfortable for the foot. The only drawback of this method is the need to pay for the services of professional craftsmen. We examined this nuance in more detail in the article.
  2. If you want to fix the situation on your own, there are several ways to help you, which you will learn about below. But be prepared for the fact that this process is not a second, but may take several days.

What you need to know about the services of professional shoemakers?

Not every material can be stretched. For example, each specialist will undertake the adjustment of the size and softness of natural leather material. But to correct the situation when shoes made of artificial or patent leather or fabric material are small, not every craftsman can.

What if the shoes are tight? - Folk ways

Before you start stretching the pair you like on your own, you need to know that you can only expand shoes, boots, sandals or sneakers. It is impossible to stretch any pair in length. So what if your shoes are small and tight? Let's consider several effective ways.

Stretching and softening agent for skin

Today, on sale in shoe and hardware stores, you can buy special aerosols, with which you can not only stretch, but also make the material of any shoe much softer. Which brand to give preference does not really matter, since all of them, in general, have a good reputation according to consumer reviews.

Spray application for stretching and softening:

  1. Check out the instructions for using the specific product you purchased.
  2. Shake the can and spray on the desired surface. Please note that if you are deciding what to do if the shoes are tight from the leather, you need to spray the aerosol on the outer surface. If it is necessary to correct the situation with lacquered or suede, nubuck shoes, processing can be performed exclusively from the inside.
  3. Pull the material slightly with your hands.
  4. Leave it on for a few minutes to absorb.
  5. Put on and wear for about 10 minutes for the fabric to take the shape and size of your foot.

Important! For greater efficiency and prevention of chafing, you can shoe the treated pair not on bare feet. It is better to put on socks beforehand. To accelerate softening, you can additionally lightly tap the material in problem areas with a hammer.

Alcohol solutions and cosmetics

Any alcohol-based product will work to solve the problem of what to do if your new shoes are tight. For this:

  1. Take any alcohol-based product - rubbing alcohol, vodka, cologne, or cosmetic toner.
  2. Pour a small amount of the solution of your choice inside the problem pair.
  3. Put the garments on your feet with socks on.
  4. Wet the top of the shoe material.

Important! If the stiff heels of new shoes chafe your feet, moisten them with rubbing alcohol as well.

Steam plus moisture

Depending on how high-quality you purchased the products, you can use this method to solve the problem of uncomfortable shoes:

  • Heat water in a kettle or saucepan. It is advisable to boil so that steam is released abundantly.

Important! If you welcome the use of modern technology in everyday life, you probably have a great alternative - a steam cleaner. If not, it's time to think about buying it - believe me, it will save you a lot of time, effort, nerves and help you easily maintain order and cleanliness throughout the house. In our separate article you will find all the useful information about.

  • Hold the problematic product on the steam, sipping the material slightly in different directions.
  • Dampen newspapers with water and crumple them.
  • Stuff inside shoes or boots.
  • Leave this way until the paper is completely dry.

The new fitting should be more comfortable for you.

Important! Do not try to speed up the process by drying products on heating devices. Drying should take place in the most natural conditions - this is the only way you will get the expected result.


This method is one of the most effective of all possible options for what to do if your shoes are tight. Plus, this stretching procedure doesn't take much of your time. Proceed in this way:

  1. Take 2 heavy-duty plastic bags.
  2. Fill them with a little water.
  3. Tie the bags and place them inside the garments so that the shape of the bag matches the shape of the shoes.
  4. Put everything as it is right in the freezer overnight.
  5. Remove the items in the morning and wait for the ice to melt a little - about 30 minutes.
  6. Take out the bags.
  7. Try on a pair.

Important! The operation of this method is very simple and is based on the principle of increasing water volume during freezing and thawing. The only nuance that must be taken into account is the type of material: this method is not suitable for patent leather shoes, since the leather cracks when cooled.

  1. If the shoe is too tight, do not try to fit it to the correct size the first time. Stretch sequentially, in several steps, so as not to damage the material.
  2. To make dress shoes more comfortable to wear if they are a little small, use special silicone pads. They will prevent the material of the shoe from rubbing against the skin of your feet, and after a couple of socks, you can remove them without unpleasant consequences and wear shoes that will already fit well on your foot.
  3. New shoes can squeeze a little until they take the shape of your feet, especially if they are made of genuine leather. Therefore, do not immediately do harsh manipulations for stretching. Just protect the problem areas with a plaster, and in a couple of days the pair will already sit on your legs “like a glove”.
  4. You can soften the material without stretching it too much using castor oil or fish oil. Just apply some product to the problem areas of the shoes and rub in with a woolen cloth.

We buy shoes every year. Beautiful shoes, sandals or boots fit perfectly during fitting. But when we come home, we often come across a situation that this piece of wardrobe is not very comfortable. And it becomes a shame that ideal shoes have become a little tight and squeeze your foot. Ways will come to the rescue that will help to cope with the current situation at home without much effort. After familiarizing yourself with them, you will learn how to carry tight shoes made of natural or artificial leather, suede, quickly and efficiently.

In order not to carry back to the store a new thing that turned out to be slightly small, you can try to stretch it. And how to do it, read this article.

Immediately, we note that you should not be upset. To prevent wearing new shoes from torture, follow these guidelines:

  • If you immediately put on a pair of new shoes, then you are guaranteed an evening with calluses. To avoid this, try to differentiate tight shoes over several steps. If possible, wear a newly purchased pair of shoes every day for 1-2 hours;
  • If walking around the house is not effective, try another method. In this situation, a trip to the shoe shop will save you, where, at your request, the master will stretch the shoes, boots or sandals to the desired size;
  • At home, you can also stretch a tight pair using special stretchers. This is a spray or foam. They are available in almost any store. It is necessary to apply these funds in those places where the shoes are too tight. After that, you need to put on a pair of shoes and walk around in it for a while.

Folk ways

There are also folk ways to carry tight shoes. In our time, they remain relevant.

A simple and cheap method using newspapers

As the name suggests, to carry shoes at home, you need a newspaper. This method is considered the most economical and is suitable for shoes made from natural and artificial leather.

We take newspapers and tear them into small pieces. We moisten everything with water. Then we fill the entire space of the shoe with this material, which turned out to be cramped. It is important to put more newspapers inside for more effective results. After the done manipulations, you need to put the new thing away from the batteries. It is necessary to leave the products in this state until their contents dry.

In time, this method takes about 2 days. However, you will be satisfied with the result. All that will be necessary next is to take out the newspapers (by that time the shoes should also dry) and enjoy the fitting.

Stretching the shoes using vodka

Usually this method is used by those who are afraid of harming leather products. It is believed that the previous method can dry it out even more. Therefore, if you have chosen this option for reinsurance, then you will need vodka. And alcohol is better. These products are able to quickly and well soften leather products at home.

Spreading tight shoes with rubbing alcohol is not difficult. It is enough to moisten abundantly on the inside the places where the shoes are tight. Then, putting on tight socks, put on your shoes. It is necessary to walk until the alcohol evaporates. And this, as a rule, happens quickly enough.

But it is worth remembering that you only need to apply a highly flammable liquid to the inside of the shoe. If suddenly it gets on the outside, the leather product may be damaged.

It is also not recommended to test this method on artificial leather, fabric and suede shoes. For products made from such materials, it is better to use beer. Wearing out tight shoes follows the same principle, but for a longer period. It is best to carry out the procedure for several days in a row.

Stretching the shoes using boiling water

One of the popular "recipes" will help to carry tight shoes if there is no special means and alcohol at hand. By following it, you can make your shoes comfortable to wear with boiling water.

It is enough just to pour boiling water into the products and, after draining it, put them on immediately. When the shoes are dry, they will perfectly match the shape of your feet, as the boiling water will steam up the skin.

This option will be great for leather shoes. However, for shoes made of suede or artificial leather, it is unlikely to work. For them, it is still better to purchase stretchers in the form of foam or spray.

How to stretch boots

For bulky items, such as boots or boots, you can carry them around by following the methods outlined above. For those who have little free time, and tight boots need to be stretched rather quickly, the option to take the products to the workshop remains relevant.

At home, you can make leather boots comfortable if you use the option with the use of alcohol. And you can resort to another folk "remedy" in which stretching tight boots can be done using a hair dryer. But this will also require a stretcher in the form of a cream. It should be applied in places where the shoes are tight, after they have been well warmed up with a hairdryer. After that, putting on a tight sock, you need to wear out the boots for 20-30 minutes. And when the products have cooled down, you will need to repeat the procedure. It should be repeated until it becomes comfortable to wear.

The main thing after such procedures is to properly process the wardrobe items. To prevent leather boots from deteriorating, it is better to lubricate them with a special cream or a small amount of castor oil.

This way, you will get comfortable boots and keep their appearance.

To achieve the desired effect and carry tight shoes at home, you need to choose the most suitable option. However, it is best to initially purchase comfortable shoes. The following guidelines will help you with this:

01/05/2017 2 27,178 views

We bought the last pair of shoes, but it turned out to be small and now the question arose before you: how to carry shoes that are small at home? There is a solution to this problem, and the choice of the optimal method depends on the material from which the product is made.

But first, you need to figure out what kind of shoe lends itself to wearing.

What kind of shoes can you wear?

Products made of genuine leather usually lend themselves well to wearing and can increase in size, suede can react in a completely different way, so the process must be very careful, you should not rush in this situation. But shoes made of artificial leather are rarely stretched, because the material from which they are made is usually very tough.

A product made of natural material can be both lengthened and extended.

Folk remedies?

People always encounter the problem of tight or narrow shoes, someone ordered a model on the Internet and decided to leave it, someone really liked the model, and he could not help but buy it. To make wearing shoes comfortable, they try to bring it to the ideal, in this case, expand it and this can be done if you use some folk secrets.


The fact that in order to increase new shoes by one size, you can use newspapers, perhaps, many people know. This process is quite simple, for its implementation it is necessary:

  1. A large number of newspapers need to be moistened in plain water, torn into small pieces and put inside the shoes, and it is important to push as much paper as possible into there.
  2. The shoes with newspapers are left on for several days until the scraps of paper are completely dry.

Using this uncomplicated method, you can get shoes or boots one size larger, but it is important to understand that, most likely, they will become wider.

Under no circumstances should an artificial heat source, such as a battery, be used to dry the product. Exposure to warm air will cause the skin to become significantly rougher and lose its texture.


If the question arose that leather shoes need to be stretched, then you can resort to using ordinary medical alcohol, which, if necessary, can be replaced with vodka. This method allows you to increase it by one or even two sizes without harm to the product. It is important to remember that this method is absolutely not suitable for shoes made of suede, nobuk, artificial leather, and if it has a varnished or fabric coating.

  1. A genuine leather product is abundantly moistened with alcohol or vodka from the inside.
  2. You need shoes, shoes or boots and walk in them until the alcohol wears out and is absorbed, after which the procedure should be repeated.

It can take a few days to stretch a shoe this way, so be patient.

If there is no alcohol or vodka in the house, then you can use 3% vinegar, it will have a similar effect on shoes.

Bags, water and freezer

When time is limited, and there is simply no strength to endure pain, you can remember another way to stretch shoes, it will be the most humane, however, it will give an excellent result.

  1. To carry it out, you need two plastic bags and a freezer.
  2. They put bags in the shoes, pour water there and tie them tightly so that if suddenly the water does not leak out.
  3. They put it in the freezer and wait until the water turns into ice. As soon as the liquid changes its state to solid, it will begin to press on the shoe from the inside, this will cause the product to become wider and slightly longer.

Since this method of stretching is quite difficult to control and you can only rely on the will of the case, you should not use it when it comes to summer shoes made of thin leather, you should not use it when it comes to winter shoes.

Hair dryer

Currently, the hair dryer is used not only for its intended purpose, you simply cannot do without its help if you decide to stretch your shoes. The procedure is quite simple, but it takes patience and possibly discomfort in the fingers.

  1. The thickest sock is put on the leg, or several thin ones.
  2. Shoe shoes, you may have to work hard to wedge your foot.
  3. The hair dryer is turned on in a hot mode and with the help of it they begin to heat the surface of the product.

After a few minutes, the hairdryer is turned off and the material is waiting for the material to cool without pulling out the leg. As soon as the skin has cooled down, the procedure is repeated.

After "hot" stretching, the shoes must be lubricated with a special conditioner so that they do not become coarse. You cannot use a hair dryer to increase the size of a suede product.


You can quickly increase the size of your shoes using grain and it's quite simple:

  1. Grain is poured inside the product, which is watered with a sufficient amount of water and left for one night.
  2. During this time, the grain in the shoe will swell and begin to press on the material from the inside, stretching it.
  3. The contents are removed and the product must be shoes and worn until it is completely dry.

This stretching method is quite simple, but it is important to take into account the fact that not all material is able to “survive” such interaction with water.

Special remedy

If you don't want to experiment at all and look for the "grandmother's" method of stretching shoes, then you can contact a specialized store, where you will find a tool that is perfect for your material.

Professional stretchers can be sold in the form of sprays, foams or creams, which one you prefer is your personal choice.

To stretch shoes using a special tool, you must:

  1. Spray the product in the place where you want to increase.
  2. Shoe and walk for a few minutes, you can even wear thicker socks.

In just a few minutes, the result will be noticeable, besides, these funds are excellent not only for natural leather or suede, but also for artificial. At the same time, you do not have to worry that stains or marks will remain on the shoes, in the store you can buy either a transparent spray, or the color that suits you.

Products designed to stretch shoes should not be used thoughtlessly. Often, their application can cause the leather or leatherette to lose their original structure and appearance.

Video: how to carry shoes at home?

In order not to collide with shoes that are pressing on you, it is very important to choose them correctly, especially if you like to shop in online stores:

  1. You need to buy shoes based not on your usual size, but on the length of your feet. Place a ruler on the floor and place your foot so that your heel is at zero and look at the scale. It is important to remember that most people have legs of different sizes, consider this feature when buying.
  2. If you buy shoes from a regular store, tell the seller your size. In our country, they use European standards, so a professional will easily pick up a suitable pair of shoes.
  3. Be sure to consider what this or that pair of shoes is made of. You should not buy a product "for growth" or hope that it is easily carried over time. Walking in shoes that are large is quite uncomfortable, and there is a risk of blisters, but wearing shoes that are small is even worse. Constant discomfort, and as a result, pain in the foot and calluses both on the fingers and on the heels.
  4. If you buy high-heeled shoes, then before you pay for them, go to the store, check whether you are comfortable, whether your foot fits well and whether there is a tightness in the nose area.
  5. Try to shop during the daytime when your legs are still swollen throughout the day. Buying shoes in the evening, you can find out the next day that they are too big for you.

A few more ways to help cope with the problem of pressing shoes:

Leather shoes can be stretched by lubricating them with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, this must be done both from the outside and from the inside. After that, be sure to wipe your shoes with a dry towel.

If the shoes press in the heel, then the bulk of the mass must be applied to this particular area. Instead of vegetable, you can use castor oil, but you need to be extremely careful with it, as it can ruin the color of the product.

Here are some tips to help you avoid blisters and other troubles if your new shoes are too tight:

  • after the purchase, do not rush to put on your shoes and go out in them for a walk, it is better to first try to walk in them at home, it is better if you do this for several days;
  • shoes made of genuine leather are much easier to stretch, so almost any means and methods can be used to correct the size of such a product;
  • before the first time shoes, new shoes, glue the most vulnerable places, that is, those where calluses most often occur;
  • in order to prevent the appearance of calluses in advance, moisten the backdrop with soapy water, alcohol or petroleum jelly and let dry - the skin will become much softer;
  • the inside of the shoes can be safely lubricated with castor oil;
  • You can stretch the product in the shoe repair, the specialist will use special means to adjust the size to your foot.

So that you do not have to torment yourself and new shoes, you need to buy them wisely and be sure to first try on and walk around in them for a few minutes.

If you still could not refuse to buy shoes that are not quite suitable for you in size, then you can try to correct the situation at home and use one of the listed methods. If the risk of spoiling new shoes or boots is much higher than getting the desired result, contact the specialists, but remember, even they are not able to increase the shoes by two or three sizes.