What a child should be able to do per year: psychomotor and speech skills. What a child should be able to do per year: psychomotor and speech skills The difference in the upbringing of a boy and a girl

It seems that very little time has passed since the birth of the little man, and your beloved baby is already a year old. All parents are proud of their little ones, but they are worried about what a 1-year-old child should be able to do from the point of view of specialists. All parents want their child to develop, keeping up with other children.

Pediatricians, psychologists say that each baby develops according to its own calendar. The kids are not alike. There are common moments in development inherent in every baby, but the speed of learning, mastering new skills, abilities largely depends on the parents. The calendar of the development of the baby's skills is needed, first of all, in order to correct small delays in the development of the baby in time. Or sound the alarm and contact specialists if the deadline is large enough.

The first months of a child's life are full of many successes and achievements of the baby. At 1 year old, from a little sniffling lump, your child turns into an independent person with his own character, with emerging preferences. The development that the fidget demonstrates upon reaching 12 months is the basis for the further growth of the child.

Physical indicators

WHO has released its tables with average parameters with which the baby should approach its first year of birth:

  • The baby's weight from birth should increase by about 3 times.
  • The growth of the crumbs should add 50% of the original indicators.
  • A one-year-old man can stand, walk, squat with the help of adults.
  • Climbs onto adult chairs, armchairs, sofas, and also independently descends from them to the floor.
  • Knows how to roll a stroller, as well as click on toys to trigger sounds.

These requirements relate to the minimum skills and physical condition of a baby at 1 year old. Weak, painful babies may lag somewhat behind these indicators. Children with whom the parents worked additionally can show results much higher than the WHO requirements. At 1 year old, the development of children is striking with the enormous intellectual, physical change in recent infants.

Psycho-emotional achievements of the baby

For 12 months of life, the baby has learned a lot:

  • Collect a pyramid from several large rings.
  • Build a tower of cubes.
  • Eat from a spoon, drink from a mug.
  • Carry small objects nearby - toys, a plastic bottle.
  • Show emotions. Demonstrate your agreement or disagreement with sounds, gestures, facial expressions. Hug, kiss mom, dad, relatives. Enjoy gifts, be afraid of strangers.
  • Know your name, respond to it.
  • Recognize the voices, faces of relatives, loved ones. To be able to find, highlight with your finger in the photograph of your family members.
  • Flip through the pages in a book, look at pictures. Show animals in pictures, depict them: a cat - "meow", a dog - "woof".

He understands almost everything that adults say, can pronounce from 2 to 10 words, fulfill simple requests: give, show where, take.

  • Understands the words "no" and "no".
  • For a few minutes he can concentrate his attention on a book or a cartoon.
  • Mimics adults: can clap hands, brush her hair, dance, paint her lips, talk on the phone.
  • Likes to play with peers, imitate them: roll a car, a ball, pour sand into a bucket with a scoop.

The presented skills and abilities are referred to as compulsory skills by specialists in children's education. Caring, considerate parents can help accelerate children's psychomotor development.

Development of psychomotor skills

How a child develops at 1 year old depends on the activities of the parents. With children, you need to do more, strengthen, develop the abilities of children. There is a group of skills that a little man will master on his own, without training, in about 2-3 years. With daily exercise, these skills will manifest themselves by 1 year. So what your child can do:

  • Ask for a potty.

If the baby is in diapers all the time, then the child will not have a desire to ask for a potty. From 10-11 months, the baby should not be left in diapers all day. 15-20 minutes after each meal, it is necessary to plant the crumbs on the pot. This is the time the baby's bladder fills. With the help of certain sounds "psss ...", which the baby can easily repeat, one can begin to form the habit of sitting on the potty. It's not scary if it didn't work out right away. But at the age of one, it will be easier for your baby to tell you about his physiological needs.

  • The ability to take small objects not with the palm of your hand, but with two fingers, appears on the jars, close the lids, remove the lids from the boxes, put toys there, take them out. Fold small round balls, no more than the palm of your hand, through round holes in educational toys.
  • The baby knows how to pronounce not only the words "mom", "dad", but comes up with his own words to designate certain objects. The kid knows how to generalize, find a logical connection. So, the word "lyalya" will mean both a doll and another little toddler. Seeing a kitten in the picture, the baby will say "meow". The baby will make the same sounds when he heard the meow of a kitten from the bushes on the street.
  • The ability to perform fairly complex game actions is being developed. The baby bathes the doll, feeds it from a spoon, takes off its clothes, puts it to bed. At the car, he opens, closes the doors, rolls the equipment into the garage. The skills of playing the ball become more complicated: not only rolling on the floor, but tossing the ball, throwing it to another person, catching the thrown ball with handles.
  • The ability to draw with fingers, palm - the baby can knead, roll out plasticine. These skills have a positive effect on the motor skills of children.
  • Development of the skill to dance, sing along. Purchase a special collection of children's songs. Light rhythmic music, easy-to-remember words - all this will stimulate the baby to dance more and try to reproduce what he heard.

As you can see, the skills of a child at 1 year old are more developed in the case when the parents take an active part in the development of the baby. You need to understand: what a child can do at 1 year old will be the main base for the further development of the baby.

Development of household skills by 1 year

Children already understand what cleanliness and tidiness are: a dirty dress can upset a girl. The foolish little boy, having dirty his palms, will run to look for his mother to wash his hands. Daily washing and brushing of the teeth that have appeared are becoming a habit. The kid himself stretches his pens under the stream of water, wipes his face, pens with a towel. The baby should have his own towel for washing - not very large so that the baby can independently hold it in the handles.

Kids know how to bite and chew crackers, bagels, cookies, drink from their own bottle, try to eat with a spoon on their own. They make attempts to dress or help their relatives: they stretch a pen into the sleeve of a blouse or jacket, stick their foot into a shoe. It is worthwhile to allocate more time specifically to prepare for going out. Let the child try to dress, do not do all the work for him. Unobtrusively help: the ability of the little one to dress on their own will come in handy more than once.

Sleep time and nutritional habits

By this time, one-year-old children have already given up morning sleep. Most of the time you sleep is at night. Night rest lasts at least 10 hours. But little fidgets still need a daytime, the so-called "quiet hour". Sleeping during the day will help the baby to rest, gain strength to perform the next feats.

If the baby does not obey, does not want to sleep, the baby must be prepared for an afternoon rest:

  • take a dip in a relaxing bath;
  • make a light massage;
  • going to bed, singing a song or reading a fairy tale.

In the same way, you can put the baby to sleep at night. Calming procedures will have a beneficial effect on the mental state of the baby.

After a year, some children have night fears in their sleep. The child can scream, cry, push, scratch the parents who woke him up. Experts advise against waking the baby. A sudden wake-up can provoke even more fear. Be sure to record the time when the child had a nightmare, and for several days, 10-15 minutes before this time, try to wake up the baby. If the nightmares persist, you need to see a child psychologist, pediatrician.

A feature of nutrition is the gradual abandonment of breastfeeding, the transition to a variety of healthy foods. Breast milk should be replaced with high-quality, high-fat infant formula. It is not recommended for children of these years to give low-fat food. All groups of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are needed for the growth of a baby, the formation of his mental and physical abilities.

You should not offer the baby popcorn, chips, snacks, which not only negatively affect the baby's stomach, lead to nutritional problems in the baby, but can get stuck in the baby's neck. Grapes, pomegranates, seeds are also contraindicated for small children due to small seeds.

The diet of babies one year old should consist of more fruits and vegetables. This is the time when children obey their parents, take an example from them. At one year old, you can already begin to form the habit of eating healthy food: you should not buy carbonated drinks, when feeding your baby, you should eat as little sweets as possible.

The character and behavior of a child at 1 year old

By 12 months, observant parents, relatives know what kind of character the crumbs have. It is already clear whether the kid is calm or likes to be capricious. The baby loves to sit quietly in the corner, play one game for a long time, or you have to run after the fidget throughout the apartment, close the lockers and drawers opened by the baby.

One year is the time when the baby develops a fear of separation from loved ones, especially from his mother. The anxiety and concern of the crumbs about the mother who has gone somewhere is quite understandable and justified. The toddler remembers its smell from birth; from the first feeding, a special closeness of the mother with the child is established. All year my mother did not leave him, played with him, fed him, taught him to sit, crawl, walk. Mom is the most significant person in the life of a little man. Everything that your little one could and is able to do was brought in by mother's efforts and her love.

Therefore, when the mother disappears from the baby's field of view, she is not in the room or in the apartment, the little man starts looking for his mother in a frightened way, crying, calling loudly, throwing a tantrum. It is necessary to accustom children to the need to part. Talk to the child, explain that mom will be back soon. Do not leave secretly, be sure to warn about your leaving.

1 year is the time when children stop obeying their parents. Children are trying to prove their independence. A 1 year old child does not obey his parents. Checks what can and cannot be done. You should immediately in a firm voice (children pick up the intonation of close people well) tell the baby that he is behaving badly, you cannot behave this way. If the baby does not listen further, it is worth considering the methods of emotional impact on the child. Children are painful when an offended mother refuses to talk to a fidget. It is necessary to explain to the little man what exactly he is being punished for, what act caused such a reaction from his mother.

Alena is a permanent expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles on psychology, parenting and learning, and child play.

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For any mother, her baby is the very best, but, despite this, each of us tries to compare the achievements of our baby and other children of the same age. So, what should a baby be able to do at 1 year old, except to stand firmly on small legs? How should a normally developing and healthy baby behave at this age? What "alarm bells" should you pay attention to in order to correct them in time?

At one year old, the baby is already enthusiastically watching what is happening around and expresses his emotions with facial expressions, gestures, sounds

Mandatory skills and abilities of a one-year-old child

Children at an early age develop unusually quickly, both mentally and physically. In the opinion of many mothers, they are overly active and passionate as inquisitive: you cannot leave a child at the age of 12 months sitting in the arena - he cannot wait to explore the world around him and ... test the strength of his mother's nerves. Therefore, giving the baby freedom and space, be patient and do not forget that now, more than ever, he needs an eye and an eye.

So, a one-year-old child should be able to:

  • take a few steps on your own, holding on to furniture or the hand of an adult;
  • eat from a spoon;
  • hold light objects (toys, books, a plastic bottle) in your hands and carry them over short distances;
  • be good at recognizing the voices and faces of family members;
  • to express emotions - to show agreement and disagreement with movements, facial expressions and voice;
  • distinguish between the intonations of voices and react to them in different ways - for example, a baby may cry “for the company” if he hears another child crying;
  • understand simple appeals and fulfill simple requests - "give", "take (take)", "where (show)", etc .;
  • know your name;
  • know the names of loved ones (or their substitute words - "mom", "dad", "baba" and others);
  • understand the meaning of about 10-30 words (the name of some items, as well as the concepts of "no", "hot", "tasty", etc.);
  • keep your attention on one action for several minutes, such as watching a cartoon, a play, showing pictures, etc.;
  • collect a pyramid of 2-3 large rings;
  • put cubes on top of each other;
  • put balls (the size of your own palm) into a container through the round holes in the lid;
  • play in the company of peers, being nearby;
  • try to imitate the actions of adults (clap your hands, dance).

Some children by the age of one are already mastering the "adult" way of movement - they walk without support and can even go down the stairs, but for most children of this age only attempts to walk on their own are considered the norm. But if the one-year-old baby hasn't gotten up on its feet, you should immediately show it to a pediatric neurologist.

Another important indicator of normal psycho-emotional development is the child's contact with the outside world and loved ones. A kid who does not recognize the voices of relatives and does not respond to other sounds may have hearing problems, and passivity, lack of curiosity, monotonous (stereotyped) movements can be symptoms of mental retardation. Fortunately, most of these conditions, if noticed in time, can be successfully corrected.

Some one-year-old "wunderkinds" are already mastering the skills of drinking and eating independently, or at least getting to know children's dishes

What else can kids be able to do by one year

In addition to what a 1-year-old child must be able to do, there are things that many kids successfully master at this age if they are engaged with them. This:

  • the ability to take objects with two fingers (index and thumb);
  • the ability to ask for a potty, expressing their natural needs with something other than crying - for example, the baby makes a certain sound that only mom can understand (groans, sniffs, etc.);
  • the skill of self-drinking from a sippy cup;
  • hand claps at the request of an adult (the ability to play "okay");
  • the ability to pronounce the words "mom", "baba", "dad";
  • the ability to pronounce a few other simple words;
  • ball game skill - attempts to throw or push the ball in the right direction, as well as catch it;
  • inventing and using one's own "children's" words, with which the little one calls familiar objects and actions;
  • attempts to repeat words after adults;
  • generalization skill - a baby can call a doll, another small child or a baby carriage, including in the picture, with the word "lala", say "af-af" when he sees a dog or only hears barking;
  • the ability to draw with palms and fingers;
  • the ability to perform certain actions at the request - to greet the handle, hide, find the desired toy among others, show body parts ("where is the nose", etc.), show the desired object in the picture;
  • the ability to perform complex game actions - feeding the doll from a spoon, putting the doll to sleep, rolling the car into the garage, etc.

In order for your baby to grow up in all respects developed, it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive educational games - you can easily build a "props" from scrap materials

How to accelerate the psychophysical development of a one-year-old child

Most toddlers, unless specially trained, will only learn some of these skills by the age of two or three. So, if you constantly keep a child in diapers, he is unlikely to start asking for a potty himself, since he does not feel any discomfort in his pants when he “does his business” right in them.

The easiest way to teach a baby to give a sign when he wants to go to the toilet, if you follow a certain ritual. For example, a mother puts the baby on a pot 15-20 minutes after eating (the approximate time when the bladder fills in young children), making a certain conventional sound (like "psss ..") that the child could repeat. When the habit is developed, the baby himself will remind of his needs with this sound. And, of course, after a year, it is advisable to give up the daytime wearing of diapers, putting them on only for a walk and at night.

Speech skills develop faster in children with whom loved ones communicate a lot - they do not just look after them or carry them in their arms, but talk, sing, read books, tell and show something. At the age of one year, it is more important to get the child to understand the meanings of words than independent speech. Child psychologists and pediatricians believe that a healthy and normally developing baby "has the right" not to say anything until the age of three or to speak in separate words. That is, the understanding of the speech of adults and other forms of non-verbal contact (fulfilling requests, responding to actions in the game) much more reflect the real level of development.

In a word, by the age of one year, a greater number of skills are observed in those children whose development is given more time and attention.

The development of mental and speech abilities in young children is significantly influenced by exercises and games that develop fine motor skills. That is, a variety of complex finger movements. To begin with, it can be learning to take small objects and transfer them from hand to hand and from place to place, later - mastering musical toys, where you need to press the keys with one finger. In the future, under the supervision of an adult, you can offer the child to fold a mosaic or assemble constructors from not too small parts.

In addition to exercises for finger motor skills, it is useful for babies to move to the music - this develops coordination, ear for music and a sense of rhythm. Thanks to this, the child's movements become dexterous and confident, which means there will be less bruises and bruises during falls.

Let your baby hear music every day - it is better to buy him a special collection of children's songs to which you can dance or do daily exercises. Even a very small child will "dance" to a funny melody, if his mother sets an example for him. And not only dance, but also exercise.

The first year of a baby's life is the most important and eventful one. Never in life will there be such dramatic changes, such progress in the development of the baby, as in these 12 months.
During this time, the child's weight triples, 8-12 teeth appear, he can walk (independently or with the support of adults) ...
Despite these dramatic changes, many parents wonder if their child's development is in line with generally accepted standards, if there are any. We will talk about what a child should be able to do at 1 year old.

Physical indicators: what is considered the norm?

Each baby, starting his life path, has different starting opportunities and conditions. It's okay if by the end of the first year children come with different indicators. A baby is a blank slate, and what will be written on it depends on many factors.

But, despite the individual characteristics, according to WHO, by the first year of life, the child should come with such physical indicators and have the following motor skills:

  • Weight gain by about three times;
  • With growth increased by half the rate at birth;
  • Ability to stand, walk (with help), squat and lift;
  • Climb stairs (by crawling or with the help of an adult);
  • Perambulate;
  • Climb onto a chair, sofa;
  • Tap toys that make sounds.

Height and weight parameters do not have a constant, however, in pediatrics there is a table with approximate indicators of the physical parameters of a baby's development. A balanced approach is important here: if the parents are fragile, it is difficult to demand from the child full compliance with the accepted norms.

It is important to ensure that the baby's diet is varied, it includes enough foods with calcium and vitamin D.

Cognitive development of the baby: activity and fine motor skills of the hands

The one-year-old age of a baby is a period of discovery and knowledge of the world, individual phenomena, awareness of the properties and purpose of objects. It is extremely important that during this period the child has the opportunity to fully communicate with parents, older children, and peers. This makes it possible to observe, compare, repeat actions.

Rita, Yegor's mom, 1 year old: “It turns out that there can be competition between babies. The nine-month-old son of a neighbor knew how to show on his fingers that he would soon be one year old, and mine was a year old, but I did not teach him this. The kid learned instantly, and on the same day he not only showed how old he was, but also learned to say “ding” (one in translation) ”.

Psychologists believe that a one-year-old baby can independently perform such manipulations:

  • Fold and disassemble the pyramid;
  • Collect small toys in a box or other bulky toy (bucket, etc.);
  • Build a tower from cubes;
  • "Find" some fun from everyday things (dishes, shoes).
  • Reproduce "life" situations: feed a doll, brush the dog's hair, praise or scold someone in their own language;
  • Take small objects with your fingers, give them away upon request;
  • Roll the ball, roll it to your partner in the game;
  • Imitate the actions of adults "like a grandfather coughs, dad reads the newspaper, mom paints her lips";
  • Be interested in the contents of boxes, lockers, open and close them;
  • Imitate the behavior of older children or repeat after peers: squeak, clap, jump.

The mother of eight-month-old Rostislav shared her son's “invention”: “The son was sitting in the arena and laughing loudly. When I approached, I saw an entertaining picture: the kid put a pencil (with edges) in the cup, tilted it a little, and the pencil rolled along the sides of the cup, making a clatter as it rolled from edge to edge. From this sound the little one laughed merrily, and when the pencil stopped, he again tilted the cup, and the movement by inertia continued. "

Social skills and habits

A one-year-old child, whom parents do not restrict in communication, walks, is distinguished from overly patronized peers by active behavior, sociability and a desire to try everything, to constantly move. Having gained access to the object of interest, the baby pays attention to it, explores, tests in all possible ways, brags to others.

For a one-year-old age, the following behavior of a child is characteristic:

  • Show your feelings for mom, dad, favorite toys. To the question "How do you love your mom?" kiss and hug, even bite the adored object;
  • React joyfully when a new toy appears;
  • Rejoice at the arrival of people he knows;
  • Show family members in the photo;
  • Be afraid of strangers;
  • To be interested in books, to flip through them with enthusiasm, to point fingers at familiar animals, objects, at fairy-tale characters;
  • Sing and dance (reaction to sounding music);
  • "Resent" prohibitions or the strict tone of elders with the help of facial expressions, grumpy muttering, squeak, shouting;
  • Imitate many of the actions of adults; vacuuming, talking on the phone, getting ready for work;
  • Praise yourself, examine yourself in the mirror.

The more attention was paid to the baby, the adult "conversations" were with him, the books were "read", the more knowledge and skills the baby will have by the age of one year.

Speech and understanding

According to neurologists, one of the basic skills that a child should be able to do in a year is to understand the speech of others and begin to pronounce their first words. The most important indicator of the normal development of a baby is his reaction to the request of others: “Show me where your ear is, bring a ball, feed the doll, etc.”. If there is no reaction, there is cause for concern: the baby may have hearing problems (often this is detected earlier than a year) or he is lagging behind in development.

So what a 1 year old child should know, what is the normal “vocabulary” by 12 months of age?

  • Pronounce from ten separate words;
  • Imitate the sounds made by animals, vehicles, show how the baby himself sings or talks on the phone;
  • Copy the intonation of adults;
  • Pronounce individual words or their substitutes when communicating with other children;
  • Fulfill the requests of adults, understand the prohibitions;
  • Indicate interior items listed by adults;
  • React to your name;
  • Perform game manipulations "okay, cuckoo, bye."


By the age of one, the parents are already well focused on the personality traits of the baby: calm or capricious, diligent or too active. This is inherent in nature, and as the wise of this world said, we are able to change only a few percent with educational measures.
12 months of age is the period when the child begins to realize that parting with his mother is bad, the first childhood fears appear. Wise parents are those who patiently explain where they are going, for how long, know how to negotiate with the baby and do not give in to screams, tantrums (this is already clearly manifested at one year old).
It is important to teach the kid the correct reaction to the prohibition: a serious tone and calm explanation over time will develop in the baby an understanding of the word "no".

Household skills

By the age of one, the child should have some household skills:

  • Hold and bite solid food;
  • Drink on your own;
  • Try to eat on your own (with your hands or with a special spoon);
  • Understand and actively participate in hygiene procedures: give pens and face to wash, dry your hands;
  • To make the first attempts to dress, to react to the words of the mother “give one leg, and now the other”;
  • Be aware of the connection between wet pants and their needs, show that he is uncomfortable with the fact that the clothes are wet or want to go to the pot.

Is it possible to accelerate the development of the baby?

The list of what a 1 year old baby should know and be able to do is pretty solid. How do you achieve this result with only 12 months left?
Nature is wise, the child receives the basic skills at the genetic level, but with regard to psycho-emotional development - there is room for raising a little prodigy.

Naturally, natural data is super important, but communication and early development can bring amazing results. Having started teaching a baby to swim at the age of several months, by the year we get a result that is inaccessible to 99% of peers. It is wrong to say that a child cannot do anything, or rather to admit that his parents have not taught him anything.

How to accelerate development: games, activities, travel

How can you help your baby to grow up active, intelligent and inquisitive? The answer is simple: to offer him new objects, impressions, communication not after the child is interested in it, but until that moment, that is, to act according to the method of advanced development. This does not require huge financial investments, nannies and tutors. There is enough attention, love and desire of the parents themselves.

There are frequent cases when a child sees scissors for the first time and tries to cut them in kindergarten at the age of 5 years. The story is similar with watercolors, glue, colored paper and plasticine. And there are other cases when a one and a half year old child deftly wields scissors, draws paints with his own palms and, together with adults, glues tear-off applications.

Champions, scientists, inventors grow up in those families where a child from the cradle was offered something new, interesting and exciting. But there is nothing complicated in this: a children's horizontal bar, gymnastic equipment, an encyclopedia, paints and paper, joint travel and constant conversations with the baby - this will give a result, and then even at the age of one, the baby will delight you with his successes.

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The child meets his first anniversary with a grown-up, stronger and more conscious. He has personal character traits inherent only to him, has his own opinion, preferences in games and food. The baby seeks to actively explore new territories, and it is practically impossible to keep him, because such qualities as perseverance, and even stubbornness, begin to appear. Now parents will have to reckon with the opinion of the little person, and knowing what a child should be able to at 1 year old, try to guide him in the right direction.

A child at one year weighs about 10 kilograms, and his height is about 76-78 centimeters, compared to the first months of life, he has grown three times. Now, due to active pastime, the baby will grow more slowly, but he will begin to improve his abilities and acquire new skills.

Features of the changes:

  1. By the age of one, many children already have about 8-12 teeth, four of which are molars. Even if not all have appeared yet, this should happen in the near future.
  2. A characteristic feature of the kids at this time are their feet, while they are absolutely flat, since there remains a cushion of fat, which disappears over time. Despite this, children are already free to stand up from any position and can walk without support and assistance from adults. In general, most children learn to walk by the age of one and a half.
  3. The kids know all their relatives well, call them by name, respond to their name, violently showing joy or grief if parting is ahead.
  4. Now, day by day, the child will become more and more independent, and by copying the behavior of the elders, he develops his own manners, so parents should monitor their actions and not the best habits, so that later they do not see their repetition in the actions of the baby.

Proper upbringing is important during this period - if children live according to a certain regimen, they quickly learn discipline. In this case, it is easier for them to explain the meaning of the requirements and taboos on some things. Unfortunately, one cannot do without prohibitions, besides, the child himself feels more protected when they exist. In the end, the established rules make life easier for the whole family, and protect the health and psyche of children.

The physical and mental development of a child at 1 year old has reached certain heights, but it is too early for parents to relax, there is still a lot of work to be done so that the little person grows up not only strong and smart, but also has such important human character traits as kindness, sensitivity, empathy. ...

What a child should be able to do at 1 year old

Physically, the one-year-old child has stepped far ahead, and in the literal sense. Some early toddlers, although rare, immediately choose to walk and skip crawling.

But considering the average option, the following skills should be listed that apply to most children:

  • one-year-old babies are very mobile - they crawl a lot, sit well, know how to get up and sit down, doing it quite dexterously;
  • children walk, holding on to the hand of dad and mom, or leaning on the sofa;
  • many succeed in squatting and getting up on their own;
  • toddlers have mastered climbing stairs well and can carefully go down, including climbing down hills;
  • the speech skills of a child at 1 year old significantly improve - his lexicon is about 15-20 words, although sometimes he confuses syllables;
  • kids understand the speech of parents perfectly and try to repeat all unfamiliar words after them;
  • a one-year-old toddler can already quite answer the question "Where" and "Who" addressed to him by giving a name or by pointing with a finger;
  • the child can be entrusted with some things, for example, wiping the dust, helping the mother set the table or washing the fruit;
  • a child will very quickly build a tower out of several cubes, and with his hand he can already take two small objects, using two fingers to manipulate;
  • in a year, children love to find and hide toys, throw them, take them apart;
  • children at this age know the names and appearance of many animals, trees, household items;
  • they remember events that happened 4-5 days ago;
  • use cutlery, a cup, a toothbrush and a comb on their own.

The social activity of children also increases, they become more sociable and are drawn to communication with their peers. Adults are truly happy, observing what manifestations their emotionality is replenished with - now they are able to smile, laugh, have learned to hug and kiss dad and mom. With an overabundance of feelings, they even kiss their toys - their favorite bears and dolls. The feelings of one-year-old children are sometimes visible in their gestures and facial expressions, and relatives, as a rule, understand this language well.

However, children can express not only contentment and positive emotions - they can be angry and resentful about prohibitions, look upset when dad leaves for work, show resentment if they are put to bed ahead of time. Babies themselves are well versed in the emotional state of the father and mother, determining it by their tone of voice and facial expression, and due to the rapid formation of long-term memory in them, they often demonstratively show resentment by remembering recent unpleasant events.

Reflecting on what a child should be able to do at 1 year old, we add that he can dance and sing, study his reflection in the mirror with interest, know the purpose of many home devices, and fulfill simple requests and tasks of adults. It remains only to set a good example for them, so that the child quickly absorbs useful information and translates it into reality.

How boys and girls develop at 12 months

The differences between the abilities of children of both sexes, in fact, are not distinguishable, but the patterns of behavior begin to differ greatly. When the question arises of what a one-year-old boy should be able to do, it is logical to answer "everything", with the difference that he is less sensitive, more independent, often protests when he is offered help. The child begins to feel not just a person, but a little - a man who, in fact, is busy, for the most part, with male affairs. He plays a lot himself, loves cars, constructor, outdoor ball games.

Should a girl be able to do this at 12 months - of course, yes, but the baby will prefer a more relaxed pastime for feeding and changing dolls, treating animals and similar activities.

But natural egoism is developed in children of both sexes - they do not understand why they need to give their toy to someone else. And psychologists do not advise to force them to do this, in order to avoid scandal and hysteria, it is better to distract the child with something more interesting.

By the age of one year, children are also firmly in the habit of self-care skills. In addition to using a spoon and a cup, they already use a fork, bite off and chew hard pieces, wash their hands, wipe them with a towel, and master the pot. Kids can already take off their hat, outerwear, socks and Velcro shoes. And to get dressed faster, they need training.

What should a child be able to do per year? Of course, what his own parents will teach him, finding the right time for this and interest the baby. Basically, the achievements and failures of one-year-old children depend on them.

Joint games and activities

Years should develop different skills and abilities, paying attention to each item. At this age, everything is important - the physical and creative improvement of the baby, the formation of his logical thinking, the training of memory and attention.

Activities and games with a baby can pursue different goals, but they are all necessary:

  1. The development of motor function is probably one of the main goals. To help the baby in this difficult task for him, you can advise parents to purchase a gurney for the baby in the form of a big beautiful car or a toy stroller, which will stimulate the desire to walk, at the same time, being a support for the baby.
  2. Among the games that develop fine motor skills, as well as logic and memory, one can single out large mosaics and puzzles, constructors, lacing games, cups, jars and small parts for folding and pouring.
  3. More complex educational toys are already suitable for one-year-old children - insert figures, labyrinths, simple applications.
  4. To develop the coordination and dexterity of the crumbs' hands and fingers, use salt dough or plasticine. Of course, the child will not be able to mold a figurine from this material yet, but he will gladly decorate the rolled cake with small elements - shells, buttons, colored beads.
  5. Reading is a necessary element not only of development, but also of upbringing, therefore, a child needs to read every day. Firstly, he can memorize new words, and secondly, he learns the correct pronunciation. In addition, the study of interesting and necessary information will increase his intelligence and broaden his horizons.
  6. Children will be happy to play musical instruments if they are presented with a drum, a children's piano, a xylophone, maracas, a toy tambourine or a harp.
  7. Little children are very fond of drawing, and this is a very useful activity for them. In the process of creating their extraordinary masterpieces, children improve their visual function, train their fingers, learn to correctly perceive the combination of colors, develop imagination, memory and thinking. In addition, paints and pencils are excellent tools for children's experiments, as long as mom and dad are nearby.
  8. Finger theater will be a good workout and, at the same time, a game. In this case, the child has the opportunity to independently create characters from paper, cardboard or other materials, and then arrange a real performance. Such a game involves several aspects of a child's development at once.

You should not literally understand the normative indicators of what a 12-month-old baby should be able to do, because a lot depends on the desire and real interest of parents in the success of their child. And here it should be recalled that it will help to carve out time for joint lessons and games - a correctly drawn up schedule of the little man's day.

The daily routine of a one-year-old baby

When drawing up a regimen for a child, it should be borne in mind that children who prefer to sleep once a day should get up later. This, of course, is not a kid's whim, but his body peculiarity and one quiet hour during the day is enough for him to remain vigorous and cheerful. In total, a child needs about 13-14 hours to rest per day, while at night he can sleep from 9 to 10 hours, and during the day 3-4 hours. During this period, it is time to teach children to fall asleep on their own.

One-year-old children eat with adults, but certain foods are prohibited for them, including pickles, marinades, sausages and smoked products. Foods that are too soft, cooked in the old fashioned way, as at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, can lead to malocclusion and indigestion, so children should be given enough solid food in the form of small pieces. In a year, it is already possible to gradually transfer the child to four meals a day, especially if he no longer feeds on mother's milk.

The care rules remain the same as in the previous months, and include all basic hygiene procedures. As for charging and massage, babies need them, as they help to strengthen the structure of muscle tissues, ensure normal blood circulation and enrichment of the body with oxygen. Massaging, in addition, relieves stress after active wakefulness.

Child development at twelve months: video

Imagining what a child should be able to do at 1 year old, and knowing the rules of education and training, parents, of course, should constantly encourage the child to cognitive activity and the desire to do everything on their own. But at the same time, we must not forget that before you is a small child who, as before, needs parental love and affection, and they cannot be replaced by a dry, teacher's tone.

The first year of a baby's life usually flies by for parents in an instant - no sooner did they have time to bring a touching little bag from the hospital, as a little man with his character and habits is already running around the house quickly. According to psychologists, by the year a child develops not only the most important character traits, but also lays the foundation for his attitude to the world, the people around him and himself. Most parents fully agree with these conclusions - in the first year of life, the baby not only increases its weight 3-4 times, but also learn to sit, walk, eat solid food and many more things.

At 1 year old, babies come for a monthly check-up for the last time, undergo a medical examination by narrow specialists and say goodbye to the children's clinic for the next few months. But the parents' expectations from such an examination often remain unjustified - the pediatrician assesses only the height and weight of the child, and the neuropathologist rarely spends time on a thorough assessment of the physical and neuropsychic development. In order not to worry if your baby is developing correctly, you can familiarize yourself with special tables, which detail what a child should be able to do at 1 year old. Here are the main criteria for assessing the development of a child at this age.

Physical development of the child

By the year, the child's weight reaches 10-12 kg, in a month he adds about 200-300 grams, and his height increases by 1-2 cm, so at 1 year, the child's height is considered normal from 70 cm, on average - 72-75 cm ...

By this age, the large fontanelle should completely close, and the first teeth should appear in the mouth - from 2 to 12, if teeth are still missing or their eruption is slowed down, it is worth revising the child's diet, perhaps he does not have enough calcium, phosphorus, or the dose of vitamin needs to be increased E3.

Most children under 1 year of age can stand up, sit down, stand and walk on their own, holding onto the support, many are already walking on their own and even running, others are still crawling or prefer to walk only with the support of adults. But the parents of an actively moving baby, in no case, should not force him to walk a lot, especially on the street - walking on flat asphalt, oddly enough, strongly strains the muscles of the legs - because of the flat surface, the same muscles work all the time, which can lead to their fatigue, and in the most severe cases, the baby's weak bones cannot withstand the load and the legs can bend.

By the first birthday, the child's movements become much more coordinated, he rolls a wheelchair or stroller in front of him, can climb stairs, climb onto sofas, tables and chairs and actively study all objects that fall into his field of vision.

At this age, children usually prefer toys that make some kind of sound when you press them, various models on wheels or educational toys - pyramids, beads, rings that can be strung on a rope, and the like.

The kid knows how to take objects with one and two hands, carry toys in hands, transfer them from one hand to another, roll cars and balls, put rings on the pyramid, fold pies, squeeze toys to make them squeak, throw objects aimingly on the floor, as well as break all interesting objects and study them to taste. You should not be angry with a one-year-old child if he breaks and throws toys and some household items on the floor, he still does not understand the result of his actions, and with the help of such "barbaric" methods he studies the structure of objects and the laws of physics, for example, if you throw a glass with water on the floor, the water will spill, and the glass will break. At the same time, such actions cannot be ignored, you need to calmly explain to the baby that toys can break and his behavior makes you very upset. And to avoid the repetition of such situations in the future and to protect the child from injury and damage, you need to remove all dangerous, valuable or fragile items from the reach of the child. And you need to remember that the yearlings climb well and can climb anywhere - on the windowsill, table, cabinet and reach the upper shelves and handles, substituting a chair. So - free the windowsills from electric kettles and microwaves, close the cupboard doors with a lock and never leave windows and first-aid kits open.

Neuropsychic development of the child

In a year in the development of the child there is another leap and the first age crisis - he already feels completely independent, tries to imitate his parent in everything and desperately defend his rights. At this age, parents rejoice at the child's first serious achievements: he begins to walk, talk, tries to dress on his own, begins to ask for a potty and brings parents to white heat with tantrums and whims.

By the end of the first year of life, the baby should understand the speech addressed to him, perform the simplest daily actions - try to eat with a spoon, wash, put on clothes; know the purpose of all household items, respond to the speech of adults with the first words or a set of sounds that are meaningful to the child.

No less important is the “imitative” activity of the child, the one-year-old should strive to participate in all the events in the lives of those around him, “hammer” a nail with his dad, “cook” soup with his mother, or try to “knit” with his grandmother.

By the age of one year, the baby willingly fulfills the requests of adults, reacts to their tone when they turn to him, knows the meaning of the words "can" and "not" and is able to express his emotions with laughter, shouts, gestures or facial expressions.

At this age, children should learn to control their natural skills, no need to listen to the recommendations of foreign manufacturers of disposable diapers and keep babies in diapers up to 2-3 years old. At 1 year old, children already understand the connection between wet pants and their own needs., so you should not postpone potty training until a later age. Of course, demanding from a one-year-old child to always remain dry is stupid and unrealistic, and overly persistent potty training can cause disgust and negative reactions in the child. It is enough for the baby to know why the potty is needed, and while awake by words or behavior, he showed that he needs to go to the toilet.

Another change in the behavior of one-year-old children is actively disliked by most parents - now kids react extremely negatively to any prohibitions and restrictions- hysterical crying, screams, attempts to fall to the floor and beat against it with your head, legs and hands, all this is familiar to most young mothers and fathers. Moreover, it is not so easy to calm down and silence a child, and such "performances" in shops or public places do not make the best impression on those around them.

Due to the peculiarities of the immature children's nervous system, the child most often cannot calm down on his own, so the parents will have to show a lot of patience and tact, while helping the baby to calm down and continuing to insist on their demands, otherwise such tantrums will become a habit and become an excellent lever of pressure on them. in future.

The basic skills of a one-year-old child include:

  • Ability to stand up, stand and walk with support;
  • Drink from a cup and eat from a spoon with the help of an adult;
  • Comprehension of most of the words of adults, fulfillment of the simplest requests and instructions;
  • Attempts to imitate adults in their daily activities;
  • Know the meaning of the words "not allowed" and "you can";
  • Express your emotions with sounds, crying or smiling;
  • To recognize not only the closest relatives, but also the people whom he often sees;
  • Recognize animals, toys, household items by pictures.

Little "lady" or one-year-old "gentleman"

By the time of the first serious anniversary in the life of a child, the differences between little boys and girls are already becoming quite noticeable. Boys are a little taller and heavier - on average by 500-600 grams and 2-4 cm, girls are much more emotional and develop a little faster.

So a one-year-old girl usually already loves bright dresses and jewelry, shows love for her dolls and bears, loves to dance with her mother and sit in her father’s arms, and boys at this age prefer to spend all their time on the floor, study something and break toys. And their preferences in toys are cars, different "knockers" and so on. At this age, they can already actively dodge too hot hugs and kisses, and try to do everything on their own. But in terms of whims and tantrums, both boys and girls act on the nerves of their parents in about the same way, everything here depends on the temperament of the child and the characteristics of upbringing.