What can you drink while breastfeeding. When and why a hypoallergenic diet is needed. The effect of different alcoholic beverages on the health of a nursing mother and child

Young mothers have to radically change everything: both the usual daily routine and their diet. But even that is not all. The amount of fluid you drink affects lactation. At the same time, breast milk no longer becomes, but the fluid entering the mother's body accelerates its release from the glands. If the mother drinks enough, then the baby receives the product necessary for him in a timely manner. In this regard, a natural question arises: "What can a nursing mother drink, and what can negatively affect the properties of breast milk?"

Tea or coffee?

Every mommy understands that you only need healthy drinks to drink with gv. Is it okay to drink tea, coffee or some kind of coffee drink? Habitual drinks help a woman to cheer up, overcome drowsiness. Will they harm the baby?

Women often avoid drinking tea just because the drink contains theine, which is similar in effect to caffeine. But tea contains other substances that soften the effect of theine while prolonging its effect. In addition, natural tea does not contain dyes, which means it will not harm mom and baby.

Drinking black, green, white, or yellow tea while breastfeeding is okay, but not overused. Experts recommend drinking no more than 700 ml of tea daily.

A dozen years ago, the answer to the question "Can I drink coffee while breastfeeding?" sounded harsh, - "No!" But scientific studies have shown that this drink can harm the baby only when the mother drinks it in large quantities. Sometimes caffeinated drinks are simply necessary for a nursing woman, provided that simple rules are followed:

  • Infant feeding consultants to the question "Can a nursing mother drink coffee?" they will answer that this should not be done two or three months after the birth.
  • The allowed amount is two to three cups a day. You can drink coffee immediately after feeding the baby so that the concentration of harmful substances decreases for the next feeding.
  • In the mother's diet, it is imperative to diversify with foods high in calcium: cheese, cottage cheese and others.
  • If the mother drank coffee, fed the baby, and he became restless and capricious, it is better to refrain from drinking the drink.

The conclusion is simple: drinking coffee while breastfeeding, as well as tea, is possible, but limited and only in those cases if the baby is not worried about anything.

Milk and fermented milk drinks

In books for young mothers, on the Internet, in many TV shows, there is a lot of talk about the fact that nursing mothers need to drink cow's milk with caution. After all, it can cause an allergic reaction and colic in the baby. Faced with such a nuisance, women sometimes include goat's milk on their menu. It is well absorbed and is less likely to cause allergies.

When drinking milk drinks, it is worth remembering that whether it is goat's or cow's milk, they can be equally unsafe when breastfeeding. Even the freshest product bought in the morning can already contain a lot of dangerous bacteria by lunchtime. Milk is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. To avoid trouble, any milk must be boiled before use.

If milk can negatively affect the health of the baby, is it possible to drink kefir, ayran, yogurt and other fermented milk drinks for a nursing mother? The fact is that during the preparation of fermented milk drinks, milk undergoes fermentation and loses its allergenic properties.

You can drink kefir while breastfeeding. This also applies to yoghurts, fermented baked milk, ayran, yogurt, varenets. In the store, you need to carefully choose these products, paying attention to the expiration dates and the absence of dyes and preservatives.

Fruit drinks

Fruit drinks are a storehouse of vitamins and a whole set of microelements necessary for mom and baby during this period. But some fruits and berries can cause allergies in both. You need to start drinking juice, compote, jelly or fruit drink a little, observing the reaction of the baby. If after a small portion there is no reaction, then the drink can be enjoyed without fear for the health of the child.

What juices can a nursing mother drink? It is desirable that they be freshly squeezed. And it is better to cook compote, jelly or fruit drink yourself. This is the only way to be sure that there are no dyes and preservatives in their composition that can harm the baby. Breastfeeding juice is extremely beneficial. If there are no negative reactions, then you can drink it without strict restrictions.

Herbal tea

Often women during a difficult pregnancy and during breastfeeding are faced with digestive problems, insomnia, chronic inflammation of the urinary tract and many other troubles. In order to take less medications, many try to support themselves with medicinal herbs. When choosing safer herbs, the most common choice is chamomile. And again the burning question: "Is it possible to drink chamomile while breastfeeding?" It is possible that she will alleviate the condition of the mother. But won't it harm the baby?

Doctors approach the issue of the safety of medicinal herbs in different ways. But almost everyone is unanimous in the opinion that chamomile can be drunk in small portions to alleviate the condition of the mother. Chamomile tea is especially beneficial before bed. In small portions and with caution, you can try to take a decoction of wild rose, thyme, orange peel, ginger. Tea based on:

- licorice

- mother and stepmother

- buckthorns

- valerian

- ginseng

- wormwood

Some moms refuse coffee and tea, preferring chicory to these drinks. Before answering this question: "Is it possible to drink chicory while breastfeeding", you should remember that this plant belongs to the category of medicinal. Chicory normalizes metabolism and digestion, tones up and helps to cope with fatigue, is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. But, like any medicinal plant, it requires caution. It is allowed to drink chicory while breastfeeding in moderate portions, if there is no negative reaction from the baby.

Once again about the dangers of alcohol

Everyone knows about the harmful effects of alcohol during pregnancy. But nine months pass, and sometimes mom wants to relax surrounded by family or friends, drink champagne, sip a little wine, enjoy the taste of beer. There are many temptations, but can you drink alcohol while breastfeeding?

Any alcoholic drink contributes to dehydration of the whole body, therefore, it reduces the amount of breast milk. In addition, alcohol slows down reactions. And mom needs a lot of strength and concentration to take care of the baby. A drinking woman should find out how alcohol affects her baby:

  • poor weight gain
  • there is a delay in both mental and physical development
  • there is increased drowsiness
  • there is a danger of alcohol addiction

Therefore, the answer to the following questions is unambiguous:

Can a nursing mother take alcoholic cocktails? - No!

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have champagne? - No!

Can you drink wine while breastfeeding? - No!

Can I drink beer while breastfeeding? - No!

It should also be remembered that even non-alcoholic beer or wine can harm a child, since it contains dyes and preservatives.

The issue of fluid intake during breastfeeding is no less pressing than the issue of nutrition. Some argue that nursing mothers need to strictly monitor the amount and composition of fluids they consume, others that there are no special restrictions, only the principles of a healthy diet must be adhered to. Whose opinion is correct, what liquids, in what quantity and what composition should a nursing mother drink?

Drinking volume of nursing

How much fluid should a nursing mother consume in order for her to have stable lactation and not have problems with the quantity and quality of milk? Usually we are used to hearing that in the early days the amount of fluid should be drastically reduced to one liter in order to avoid breast engorgement and sudden hot flashes, and then - to increase the amount of fluid to 2-2.5 liters per day. Both recommendations from the point of view of correct breastfeeding and WHO postulates are incorrect. A woman's body is a wise system, and milk production is one of the main tasks after the birth of a baby, this process will work, despite the restriction or excess fluid. If, in the first days of lactation, the volume of fluid is limited, the woman will experience an excruciating thirst, which will not save her from lactostasis and engorgement, if she does not breastfeed often and for a long time, but will cause her extra stress.

It is worth remembering that all processes in the body are interconnected, and the body controls the process of milk production as it considers optimal. The active production of one of the milk hormones - prolactin, causes, with its active release, a feeling of thirst, which forces a woman to drink additional liquid. As a result, in addition to the volume of drinking that a woman uses in her usual conditions, she drinks about 500-800 ml more. At first, you can put water near you in order to drink it in small sips during feeding, since the release of milk hormones into the blood causes a strong thirst.
But, it is worth remembering that both restriction and excess fluid intake can negatively affect lactation. Many mothers drink excessive amounts of various drinks through force, believing that this will help them to increase the amount of milk. But, despite the fact that a woman consumes a lot of liquid, the amount of milk decreases due to the suppression of a special antidiuretic hormone, and in parallel with it prolactin and oxytocin in the pituitary gland. As a result, there is not an increase, but a decrease in the amount of milk.

Thus, the most correct amount of fluid that needs to be consumed while breastfeeding is the amount that a nursing mother wants to drink, the natural mechanism of thirst best regulates the amount of fluid needed by the body.

What kind of drinks can I use?

When breastfeeding, a woman has to change some of her eating and drinking habits. There are some liquids and drinks that should be avoided during pregnancy, such as any type of alcohol. There are those that should be limited, and there are such drinks - which will not only be tasty, but will also bring undoubted benefits to the body of both the nursing mother herself and her baby. Which of the drinks can you drink without fear, and which should be limited or excluded from your menu?

Alcohol-containing drinks

If any drinks will be strictly prohibited from a nursing mother, it will be any alcoholic, be it strong or very weak alcohol. Even one glass of wine or a glass of beer can raise the level of alcohol in the blood so that it penetrates into the milk and harm the baby. Therefore, you should categorically refuse to drink alcohol while breastfeeding.

If you have allowed yourself a glass of champagne or wine, beer, at least 4-6 hours should pass from the moment of drinking it to feeding the baby. This is the time when the liver removes alcohol from the blood. The higher the blood alcohol dose, the longer the interval between drinking and breastfeeding should be.

Non-alcoholic spirits

Many women simply cannot imagine a morning without a cup of aromatic freshly brewed coffee, many drink instant coffee or tea. It is these drinks that help to tune in to a working mood, wake up, tone up and start working actively. But can these drinks be for nursing mothers? It is quite possible, but you need to use them at a certain time. If you are a fan of coffee, you can afford yourself a cup of aromatic drink in the morning, while brewing not a full, but half of the usual dose of the drink, and this applies to both instant and ground coffee. But remember that caffeine passes into breast milk and can pass into the baby, causing him to become irritable and overexcited. If you notice that after taking coffee your baby is excited and does not sleep well, replace natural coffee with a surrogate - a drink made from chicory. This substance to a certain extent simulates the taste of coffee, and in addition, has a sedative effect, actively helps in the fight against gas in the intestines and regulates metabolism.

You need to be careful with cocoa - it is a known allergen, and in addition, it is brewed with milk, a large amount of which is not recommended for nursing mothers. If possible, during breastfeeding, cocoa should be abandoned in favor of other, less allergenic drinks.

It is also necessary to be careful with strong tea - both black and green. The caffeine they contain can even exceed the concentration in coffee. The amount of caffeine in green tea is especially high, so both the child and the mother herself can suffer from insomnia after drinking green tea. It is worth drinking green tea in the morning, brewing it weak, and in the afternoon give preference to herbal teas - mint, chamomile, sedative collection of herbs.

Milk and milk drinks

With regard to whole milk, the opinion of breastfeeding consultants is unequivocal - milk protein is a strong allergen, moreover, it easily penetrates into breast milk and into the baby's body. Therefore, the amount of milk as a drink for a nursing mother should be sharply limited, no more than 200 ml per day, and it is better if it is tea with milk, adding milk to drinks during the day.

But fermented milk products can be consumed more freely, milk protein, when milk sours, is partially broken down and loses its allergenic potential. Kefir and yogurt, bifilin, biolact, yoghurts, preferably without additives, especially fruit shop syrups, are useful for nursing mothers. The most useful fermented milk drinks will be those made at home, from whole milk. But, if it is not possible to make kefir or yogurt at home, you can drink those store-bought fermented milk drinks that have a short shelf life - they do not contain preservatives, they are prepared using live bacteria, and will benefit the body. Only strictly monitor the expiration date of the product and the conditions of its storage. If these conditions are violated, a drink from a useful one can turn into a dangerous one, especially in terms of poisoning and intestinal disorders.

Water or juice, soda

A woman who is breastfeeding a baby needs to quench her thirst with plain water, and it should not be ordinary tap water, even if it is boiled, but filtered, purified water. It can be spring water, bottled water or water from a personal well, the main thing is that it is safe in all physical, chemical and biological indicators. You can drink water, focusing on thirst.

Regarding carbonated drinks, everything is more complicated - if it is mineral water, and you like it carbonated, you can use it in limited quantities - an excess of carbon dioxide causes an increase in thirst and appetite, and can irritate the stomach. But if you are a fan of carbonated drinks, they should be abandoned in favor of more natural products. Soda, in addition to excess carbon dioxide, also contains a lot of chemicals, since all soda is prepared from powder with dyes, preservatives and many other food chemicals. Once in milk, these chemicals can cause negative reactions in the child - abdominal pain, rashes, diarrhea, dermatitis. The very same excess of carbon dioxide in drinks can cause intestinal colic in him in the first months of a baby's life.

If you want soda, dilute freshly squeezed juice with mineral water - this is both healthy and tasty. But this drink should not be abused either, especially if it is brightly colored fruit. In general, juices are useful for a nursing mother as a source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, it satisfies thirst and hunger well. But, in the first months of breastfeeding, it is worth diluting all juices with water at least by half in order to reduce the intake of potentially allergenic components into the baby's body. The first juices after childbirth should be from local fruits and soft - apple, pear. As the diet expands, gradually introduce new juices into the diet - and carefully monitor the reaction, these drinks are usually well tolerated, in particular if they are diluted with water.

It is worth being careful with tomato, pomegranate and citrus juices - they can be allergenic, but large quantities of grape juice can cause bloating of both the mother and her baby. Keep this in mind when choosing juices.

Water is the main element of our body, it is the guarantee of its efficiency, active life. For a breastfeeding mom, drinking enough fluids will help keep her and her newborn baby healthy. Therefore, topics related to what you can drink while breastfeeding are quite relevant.

Since breastfeeding is largely formed from the fluids that the mother consumes, it is important to monitor the quality and quantity of drinks consumed. Drinking habits support the health and well-being of a nursing woman and her children.

The period of breastfeeding, especially the first weeks, is combined with the psychological, physiological restructuring of the female body. Nervous breakdowns, excessive fatigue, even panic often occur. Lack of fluid, nutrients will only worsen the situation, causing poor health, negative emotions, lack of energy, strength.

For babies, especially newborns, mother's milk is the basis for growth and development. Therefore, their nutrition should be supplemented with useful substances that enter the mother's body from liquid, food.

How much liquid is needed for HW?

Scientific studies show that milk accumulation will be constant and sufficient if a woman consumes as much liquid as her body requires. Other factors affecting feeding aside, the mother's drinking regimen should support her physiological, emotional health.

A nursing mother should not feel thirsty, dry mouth, discomfort from lack of moisture. It is necessary to take into account the time of year, as well as the fact that you need to drink a little more than usual, since some of the moisture is spent on the formation of milk. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of liquid per day.

Can I drink alcoholic beverages while breastfeeding?

For women who are breastfeeding, there are a number of dietary and lifestyle restrictions. From the entire list of what a nursing mother can drink, the main prohibition lies on. And all excuses or unproven theories (for example, that alcohol kills worms) are not acceptable here.

Why you should give up alcohol

During pregnancy and lactation, alcohol-containing mixtures can cause enormous harm to the health of the child, the performance of his internal organs and systems. The baby's body, especially the age of up to 3 months, is absolutely not tuned to the processing of alcohol components.

Ethyl alcohol, strong impurities are removed from the body for at least 3 hours. This applies to light wines or beer, heavier compositions take 5 or more hours. It is advisable to take these facts into account when deciding to taste alcohol.

Note! If you want to drink some wine, beer (even non-alcoholic) or other alcoholic beverages, strain your baby's food in advance or do not breastfeed the baby for 3-4 hours.

You also need to pay attention to the composition of the alcohol. You can drink a glass of wine, but it must be a quality product. Cheaper, little-known brands contain a large amount of impurities, dyes, concentrates.

What are the consequences

Once in a child's body, the constituents of alcohol can cause:

  1. retardation of physical development, absence or weak weight gain, growth;
  2. nervous system problems, sleep interruptions, mental disorders;
  3. disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, increased frequency of the heart muscle, inflammation of the membranes of the stomach, intestines, destruction of the liver;
  4. general unsatisfactory condition, weakness, moodiness.

For these reasons, alcohol is something that should be avoided for the entire period of breastfeeding. The harm it inflicts on your little one is not comparable to short-term pleasure or relaxation.

Juices, fruit drinks and compotes

Juice, or fruit drink, is a drink that helps to quench the feeling of thirst, as well as to diversify the taste range, which in many cases is limited when feeding newborns. Barley broths or rose hips in the composition bring additional benefits. The main thing is to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • start from the appropriate territorial location, soft natural fruits (for example, pears, green apples);
  • give preference to hand-squeezed compositions, homemade compotes, prepared by yourself;
  • dilute too concentrated formulations with clean chilled boiling water;
  • drink a drink in a warm state;
  • limit the amount of added sugar;
  • gradually, in small quantities, introduce bright colored drinks from berries, fruits (for example, pomegranate nectar or cranberry broth).

These drinks are useful because they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but they can cause an allergic reaction in a child or colic. Therefore, they carefully observe the baby's reaction and immediately cancel the product with a negative reaction.

Breastfeeding tea

Tea drinks, especially herbal ones, will not harm a woman. But it is necessary to select only high-quality products (without flavors, dyes, additives), and also limit the amount of intake in the evening. When buying tea, choose sheet packaging, more expensive, but proven manufacturers, countries where raw materials are grown.

Drinking in the morning will give you a boost of vivacity, will maintain vitality. To relieve nervous irritability, a sedative infusion of chamomile is being prepared. In addition, 5 drops of valerian are added to it. Fennel in the composition of the brewed mixtures can provide an additional influx of nutrition for the child.

Is it possible to coffee with GW

It is better to limit the consumption of coffee products for the first 6 months from the birth of the baby. After all, the caffeine contained there can cause a negative reaction in the child's stomach, disrupt sleep, and increase the excitability of the newborn.

Another property of coffee is its ability to deprive the body of calcium. Therefore, introducing into the diet, it is worth increasing the amount of cottage cheese, hard cheese or foods containing the mineral.

After the child grows up, you should not drink more than 1-2 servings of coffee per day, postpone its use in the morning. Additionally, it is diluted with boiled milk or water composition. And it is safe to replace coffee with chicory, which is similar in taste to it.

Fermented milk products and milk

Fresh milk is a strong allergen that can aggravate a child's condition. When thinking about whether it is possible for nursing mothers to have a milkshake, pediatricians believe that it is better to either completely limit or minimize the level of its consumption. When the baby's gastrointestinal tract is formed, up to 1 glass of milk per day is allowed, as well as adding it to tea drinks, coffee.

Regarding protein cocktails that women who go to the gym want to consume, pediatricians prohibit them, especially the first 6-9 months of a baby's life. The foreign protein compounds that make up them will cause stomach upset or allergies.

Fermented milk products, for example, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, are subjected to the fermentation process. Allergens are weakened, split, do not do much harm. But if you buy them in stores, shops, markets, be sure to select the composition without additives, flavor enhancers.

Is it possible for mom to have mineral water

Mineral drinks such as Borjomi, Essentuki are often recommended for people to drink in order to replenish the body with useful microelements (magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium and others). These substances and a rich oxygen composition are necessary for a woman's body after giving birth to a child, maintaining health, working capacity, and mental balance. But the choice of components, the type of mineral water is quite extensive, and not all of them are comparable to breastfeeding.

First, a very carbonated liquid is harmful to a child, since carbon dioxide causes colic. In a mother, a large amount of gas can increase the acidity of gastric juice, cause upset gastrointestinal tract, heartburn.

Note! Buy non-carbonated mineral water or keep it outdoors to release the gases.

Secondly, the sulfates contained in the composition are capable of provoking poor absorption of calcium, which is very important for proper growth and development of bone tissue. But the composition, saturated with magnesium, will help a nursing mother overcome the signs of postpartum depression or nervous tension.

Is it possible with hot water to soda water

Carbonated sweet or refreshing liquids contain many chemical constituents, sugar, which add a certain taste to them. For this reason, soda is a forbidden liquid for breastfeeding.

This type of drinking will harm the baby and the nursing woman. Sweetened soda or lemonade can negatively affect the functioning of internal organs, remain on the walls of the esophagus, and cause skin problems. The baby's body can react to them with bloating, an allergic rash, disorders of the intestines, stomach, esophagus, liver.

They say that the life of a woman breastfeeding her children is sheer taboos and prohibitions. The statement is controversial and not true! Among food, drinks, there are quite a few options that allow mom not to deprive herself. Delicious compotes and teas will give you pleasant emotions, fill the body with the necessary elements, and allow you not to fall out of the usual rut.

Breast milk is approximately 88% water. In order for it to be produced at the right time in the right amount, the mother must drink enough liquid. But while some drinks stimulate lactation, others can negatively affect the quality and quantity of milk. What can a nursing mother drink, what should I refrain from?

How much liquid do you need

During mature lactation, the mammary glands produce up to 1.5 liters of milk per day. To obtain this volume, it is necessary to drink or consume with food, in addition to the usual amount, about 1-1.5 liters of liquid.

These numbers are relative, so it is best for a nursing mother to focus on the feeling of thirst. In the first weeks after childbirth, it is felt especially acutely, since it occurs under the influence of the hormone oxytocin.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to limit the amount of fluid consumed after childbirth, avoiding a sudden rush of milk and breast engorgement. But this can lead to the fact that the milk becomes more viscous, its outflow is disturbed. In addition, feeling intensely thirsty will cause nervous stress and block oxytocin, which will also inhibit lactation. Breastfeeding counselors offer the opposite advice: while breastfeeding, place a cup of water next to you for a few sips whenever you feel like it.

When drinking liquids, the main thing is not to go to extremes. You should not limit yourself to drinking, but there is also no need to use teas, milk, juices and compotes through force. Excessive excess fluid does not stimulate lactation, but puts additional stress on the kidneys.

Good for lactation

Milk is produced from blood plasma, therefore, in principle, any healthy drinks affect lactation in the same way. So you don't have to follow folk recipes and drink products like condensed milk tea, especially if you don't like this drink. Condensed milk contains a lot of calories, and an excess of sugar will negatively affect the figure and condition of the mother's teeth. But on the other hand, you can increase the flow of milk if you drink warm drinks. Just drink what you like: tea, compote, or even plain boiled water. Any warm fluid will increase the flow to the breasts.

If you need special means to stimulate the production of breast milk, for example, during a lactation crisis, prepare decoctions of dill, fennel, cumin, anise seeds. Drink in small portions 15-30 minutes before feeding.

Unfavorable for lactation

Lactation is adversely affected by a lack of drinking. If you consume less than a liter of liquid, including broths, drinks, watery fruits and vegetables, your milk production will decrease.

Lactation is stopped by infusions of parsley leaves, lingonberries, chamomile, mint tea, sage and horsetail decoction. Try to avoid these drinks.


Milk should be consumed only if it does not cause discomfort for the mother and baby. You shouldn't drink whole milk, which provokes infant colic and bloating. But you can drink a glass of, for example, baked milk a day, if you really like it, as well as make porridge and soups from it.

Fermented milk products are much more suitable for lactation - kefir, yogurt, bifidokefir, yoghurts without additives. Try not to buy low-fat products, choose those packages that indicate a fat content of 2.5%.


Almost all juices (except for elite varieties) on sale are reconstituted concentrates with a high sugar content. They can quench your thirst and deliver a pleasant taste, but nothing more. In a baby who is breastfeeding, these drinks can cause an allergic reaction.

Only freshly squeezed juices are suitable for a nursing mother. Citrus, tomato, grape juices should be drunk with caution, these are potential allergens.

The most suitable drinks for breastfeeding are green apple juice, pumpkin juice, carrot (in limited quantities), birch.


Caffeine increases the excitability of the nervous system in both the mother and the baby. If you cannot imagine your day without a cup of aromatic tea or coffee, then you can still consume them in small quantities in a diluted form. After all, a calm and happy mother is the best that a baby needs. But remember to keep track of your child's reaction to the product.

To reduce the potential harm from tea and coffee, consume the drink immediately after feeding. This way, by the next feeding, the amount of caffeine will be reduced to a minimum. Remember that the maximum amount of caffeine is contained in green tea, it is better for a nursing mother to refuse it.

Compotes, fruit drinks, herbal tea

Drinks prepared on the basis of fruits, dried fruits, with the addition of nettle, fennel, anise are the best that can be included in the diet of a nursing mother, apart from clean drinking water. Fruit drinks and compotes fill the liquid deficit, contain vitamins and minerals.

Compote can be made from apples, pears, peaches. From berries, cranberries, blackberries, currants, cherries, gooseberries are suitable. But introduce them into the diet with caution and drink in moderation - 1-2 glasses a day.

Dried fruits can be added to compote if indicated. So prunes are best used for constipation. Dried apricots and raisins also stimulate the digestive tract. But all these foods can cause fermentation in the intestines and splitting in the baby.

4.80 out of 5 (5 Votes)

It is well known that there is a definite relationship between the diet of a nursing mother and the condition of the child. Everything that she ate or drank enters the child's body through milk.

Some mothers refuse alcohol for the entire period of lactation, others, trying to relax, occasionally allow themselves a hundred grams of cognac or vodka, a glass of beer, a glass of wine or champagne.

That is why it is necessary to figure out how compatible alcohol and breastfeeding are, how alcohol affects a newborn child, and whether it is generally safe to drink.

According to statistics, every seventh mother who gives milk to her baby drinks alcohol. A woman who allows herself a glass of beer or a glass of brandy in the company of friends believes that she does not harm the baby.

We are now not discussing the cases of the formed dependence on alcohol and what are the consequences for the child's body from maternal alcoholism. Everything is crystal clear anyway.

In general, there are several different views of healthy mothers on the question that worries many - is it possible for nursing women to drink:

  1. Alcohol is a taboo at the time of planning, the period of bearing crumbs, after childbirth and the entire period of breastfeeding the baby with milk.
  2. Drinking alcohol (beer, cocktails, low-alcohol drinks) with HS is permissible if you drink it occasionally and in minimal dosages.
  3. A nursing mother can “enjoy” alcohol if she follows the safe drinking technique.

Which opinion is more reasoned, it is up to you to decide after reading the article, but for now you should consider the numerous myths and speculations surrounding nursing mothers and alcohol.

  • Myth number 1. Beer improves lactation. Some "well-wishers", offering a nursing mother a glass of beer, convince that it affects the volume of milk. Probably, such an opinion was formed due to the fact that the child after consuming this foamy drink more often asks for breast, that is, the number of meals increases. Scientists have shown that, despite the increase in the frequency of feedings after beer, the total volume of milk is reduced by 25%. This means that you cannot drink beer to improve lactation.
  • Myth # 2. Alcohol helps a child fall asleep. Often, nursing mothers are advised to drink a glass of beer or a glass of weak wine before evening feeding, so that the child can doze well all night. However, American scientists have refuted this misconception, having established that the mother's consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to the opposite effect. At first, the child, having eaten "drunken" milk, feels lightness, then little by little it begins to fall asleep. But these dreams are short, shallow, there are no resting phases during which the baby could recuperate. And the duration of sleep in a child who drank "drunk" milk is significantly shorter than that of a child who has consumed a healthy product without additives.
  • Myth No. 3. Alcohol does not change the taste of milk. A nursing mother who takes this opinion on faith is certainly mistaken. Many foods and drinks, including those containing alcohol, change the taste and composition of breast milk. If a nursing mother has enjoyed a glass of beer or drank 100 grams of a strong drink before breastfeeding, the child often refuses the milk that has become unusual.
  • Myth # 4. Expressing reduces the alcohol content of milk. There is little logic in such actions, since alcohol is not able to accumulate in mom's milk. This substance, penetrating into the bloodstream, with its help enters the mammary glands, and then, having made a "circle", again returns to the blood. That is, it is useless to decant the "intoxicated" product, since this cannot reduce the alcohol in milk. It is useless in this respect to drink a lot of liquids - tea or water.
  • Myth No. 5. Strong intoxication of the mother does not pose a danger to the child. Naturally, with excessive drinking, alcohol in milk exceeds all reasonable limits, which is fraught with big problems for the baby. In addition, "several times a hundred" significantly slows down the reaction time of a nursing mother to a variety of stimuli. The baby turns around, tries to get up in a crib or stroller, grabs onto potentially dangerous objects - all this requires speed and attention from the mother. The consequences of a mother's insufficiently quick reaction can be dire.
  • Myth No. 6. Alcohol in minimal doses can relieve stress in nursing mothers after childbirth. Absolutely untenable statement, since ethyl alcohol is only able to increase depression, including that arising after childbirth. In addition, the body of a newborn child is not able to cope with the toxic effects of alcohol that has entered it through milk. The damage will be done primarily to the immature children's liver.

Domestic doctors are convinced that alcohol during breastfeeding is unacceptable. Nursing mothers are categorically not recommended, and sometimes they are simply prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages with HS. Many medicines containing alcohol are prohibited.

Restrictions also apply to certain foods and dishes (for example, you cannot eat seafood, citrus fruits and overly "odorous" vegetables). That is, a woman who strictly decided to follow all the rules is deprived of some things for a long time, including alcohol.

Meanwhile, American pediatricians and experts from La Leche Liga (International Organization for the Support of Nursing Mothers) are not so categorical. In their opinion, it is possible to drink alcohol in a small amount for nursing, but you should not get carried away and you need to know the timing of the withdrawal of alcohol from the body.

Who is right? There is no unequivocal answer, since, despite the importance of the problem, no significant experiments and studies have yet been carried out. On the one hand, scientists recognize that alcohol addiction is harmful to a child. On the other hand, doctors are not convinced that a glass of beer or a glass of sparkling wine will cause irreversible consequences.

What is beyond doubt are the following medical facts that every nursing mother should know.

The more “appetizing forms” a nursing mother possesses, the sooner alcohol will come out of blood and milk.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Pediatrician Komarovsky often answers the questions of nursing mothers regarding the use of beer and other alcoholic beverages. The doctor has an ambiguous opinion about vodka, but he does not prohibit beer.

Moreover, Komarovsky is convinced that a high-quality product can even benefit, not harm, since beer contains:

  • natural ingredients (barley malt, brewer's yeast);
  • vitamins.

However, you should not get carried away with the foamy drink, since the beer contains alcohol, various preservatives and other ingredients that are not harmless to the child.

The pediatrician advises breastfeeding women to choose alternative options. For example, if mom wants to drink beer, you can choose a product that does not contain alcohol. And it is better to buy not in a tin can, but in a bottle.

Consequences for the child

A nursing mother who wants to drink a hundred grams or a glass of beer should understand that alcohol during lactation can cause significant harm to the baby.

In the case of infrequent use of alcohol by the mother, the child can observe such undesirable symptoms as fatigue, drowsiness, and respiratory depression. If the mother is overly addicted to alcohol, the negative consequences will be much more serious.

  1. As a result of excessive drinking by the mother, the infant becomes lethargic and lethargic. The child seems to fall asleep quickly, but wakes up just as quickly. In addition, alcoholic beverages found in the milk of nursing mothers negatively affect the nervous system, as a result of which the baby becomes too excitable and nervous.
  2. Regular use of alcohol by the mother (one hundred grams of spirits, beer) increases the heart rate of the child. Mom will probably not like it if the baby's blood pressure drops, lethargy, shortness of breath appear, at best, just unwillingness to play.
  3. Beer and one hundred grams of cognac products that a nursing mother consumes during lactation causes negative consequences associated with the digestive system. That is, due to unformed microflora, one can expect colic attacks in a child, deterioration in the absorption of useful milk components. If the mother drinks constantly, the child will begin to gain weight poorly, and will begin to lag behind peers in psychophysical development.
  4. Alcohol in the milk of a nursing mother causes negative consequences throughout the body, including the baby's liver. This organ in a child is immature, therefore it cannot cope with ethanol, which passes into milk from a mug of beer.
  5. The intensity of the processing of ethyl alcohol in infants is several times lower than that of a nursing mother. The decay product of ethanol leaves the child's body extremely slowly, so the consequences can be extremely undesirable - up to and including poisoning. Such a threat is quite real, since in addition to ethyl alcohol, alcohol contains other not entirely useful components - phenol and acetaldehyde.
  6. An extra hundred grams of alcohol consumed by a nursing mother refuses to negatively affect lactation. Alcohol inhibits the activity of the nervous system of nursing mothers, due to which the volume of prolactin, the hormone responsible for breast milk, decreases. In addition, ethanol narrows the milk ducts, that is, the feeding process becomes difficult, and the baby's breastfeeding becomes painful.
  7. Drinking vodka and other strong alcoholic beverages, a nursing mother can accidentally cause a child to become addicted. The influence of alcohol on the child's body is much stronger, that is, it can be expected that alcohol will be a kind of drug for the baby, without which he will feel worse.

The above consequences for the child will become more noticeable if the nursing mother drinks strong alcoholic beverages. If the parent allows herself to drink one hundred grams almost every day, then the harm will only intensify.

Many nursing mothers are interested in whether it is possible to drink vodka, beer, champagne during the lactation period? If possible, then how to neutralize their negative qualities and avoid an increased alcohol content in breast milk?

Let us repeat once again: domestic doctors oppose the use of alcohol by a nursing mother. American pediatricians are more loyal to alcoholic beverages. So, Professor Thomas Hale allows mom to drink beer or wine, and give milk as soon as she begins to feel "normal".

The scientist advises nursing women to follow certain rules for drinking alcohol during the lactation period.

In addition, doctors warn that it is impossible to remove ethanol from breast milk. Neither sorbing substances, nor a large volume of liquid, nor other means are able to accelerate this process. The milk will become useful again as soon as the alcohol breaks down and is excreted from the mother's body.

Breastfeeding women need to decide for themselves whether to drink and how much alcohol to take. However, a mother who is preparing for a feast should prepare in order to protect the child from all sorts of troubles. How to do it?

Alcoholic drinks are not the best "friends" of lactating women. Naturally, no one will be able to prohibit the mother from drinking alcohol, however, drinking another hundred grams, she should be prepared for the likely negative consequences for the child's health. Thus, wine or beer are completely optional foods in the diet of a nursing mother.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.