What to give a brother at 31. A birthday present for a man. Top-ranking of the best presents, DIY gift ideas with photos. The right gifts for a special date

Things that can be given to a brother for his birthday, depending on his age... Birthday is an individual holiday. Many on this day hope for a small miracle and wait for the fulfillment of desires. The best way to please a loved one is to give a useful thing that he has long dreamed of.

One of the most important holidays is brother's birthday. When choosing what to give your brother for his birthday, you need to take into account his age and hobbies. The younger he is, the easier it is to make a choice, since children usually do not hide their desires. A gift for an adult should be chosen taking into account his financial situation.

Gifts for baby brother

Boys aged 3-8 love to design, build model cars and airplanes, and play outdoor games. The best gifts for them will be:

  • Constructor from many parts.
  • Model of a children's railway.
  • Transforming robot.
  • Radio-controlled car model.
  • Soccer ball.
  • Bicycle, roller skates.
  • Game console.
  • Disc with a new computer game.

Gifts for a teenage brother

For adolescents, the main thing is to keep up with their peers, to assert themselves, to show their abilities. Given these features, a teenager can be presented with:

  • Any accessories for computer games: pedal, steering wheel, joystick, glasses, keyboard, wireless headphones, powerful speakers.
  • Technical innovations: tablet, smartphone, laptop, e-book, removable storage, external hard drive, wireless router.
  • Items required for hobby classes: a musical instrument (guitar), a digital camera, a ticket to football with the participation of a team he is rooting for, or a ticket to a concert of his favorite band.
  • Sports equipment: mountain bike, skates, boxing gloves, volleyball or soccer ball, skateboard, tennis rackets, dumbbells or hockey stick.
  • Stylish T-shirt, windbreaker, baseball cap, jacket.

Gift for an adult brother

An adult leading an active lifestyle can be offered an original gift in the form of extreme entertainment. Household men and homebodies - things that are useful in the household. You can give:

  • Flying in a wind tunnel, karting or ATV races, a boat trip, playing paintball.
  • Subscription for visiting the spa, various types of massage, Russian or Japanese baths.
  • An electric drill or a set of carpentry tools.
  • A fishing rod, a bag for accessories, a folding chair, a small tent, a thermos, a lantern, a set of metal dishes, a brazier for a brother-fisherman.
  • Cooler bag, covers, massage seat cover for a motorist brother.
  • Stylish tie, watch, shirt.
  • Good perfumery.
  • DIY gift: a collage of family photos or a knitted sweater or scarf.

Please tell me what you can give your brother for 31 years. But so that it was not very commonplace.

Tatiana, Russia, 22 years old

Gift Wrapper Answer:

Hello Tatiana.

First, assess your brother's financial situation. After all, if he drives a fancy car and has a large office in the city center, then he is unlikely to understand gifts like "shaving kit" or "photo frame". If you do not have a lot of free funds, then a hand-made thing will be the best and inexpensive gift. It can be an album with a selection of the best children's photos or poems composed in his honor. A bottle of "real cognac" hidden, for example, in a "money tree" made of sweets, can be a good gift. If your brother hasn't saved up enough money for a luxurious Bentley, he works as a simple engineer at a factory, then you should think about a practical gift. But do not forget that this thing must be individual! After all, if you give him a fan, it will be considered a gift for his whole family. Stylish cufflinks, a tie bar, a leather wallet, a board mini-game, football tickets or a video "about sports" will be great gifts. Maybe the brother has a great passion for one particular activity. Here, the choice of a gift does not depend on the age of the brother and his position in society. If your brother is a fisherman, then give him something he needs for his hobby. But, attention! If his hobby is not yours, then in order not to get into a mess with a choice, ask your friends or search on forums on the Internet what “this hobby is waiting for”. Well, quite often men like: - an amusing useless thing, such as a neocube puzzle - paintball with friends - a game: board strategy or some kind of darts - interesting and unusual gadgets

Best regards, Evgenia Schaffert.

    yes (in a good way), my brother is handsome and smart and I think his girlfriend was very lucky with him

    Boy, you are not homosexual by any chance)

    Brother who understands his sister! I think in the future she will appreciate and respect you!

    This song was sung by the Ellipsis, if my memory serves me right. And, it will be with us ... we will wait and see.

  • Nautilus - Wings?

    It all depends on the brother and on his interests. I like to make practical gifts, so I usually encourage my relatives and friends to throw themselves together and buy a good gift. Either money is never superfluous and he himself will buy what he really needs. But I know people who, in principle, do not give money, but prefer to give a gift. In this case, the most optimal is a gift card. But not in a specific store, but like Galactico, which extends to many shopping centers and to all stores, where he can buy clothes and shoes, something for the house, books, something from electronics, or go to Rimi and buy on its taste is the same cognac, whiskey, etc.

    The truth is, you need to be happy.
    And you need to be honest (truthful) to do that.

    money - he will buy what he needs

    If he has an interest - handmade backgammon, chess.
    As a budgetary, but no less warm and heartfelt gift for a very long time - a portrait from a photograph.

    T-shirts with prints and funny gifts I think are not appropriate for such dates.
    Most 29 years old

Guest, Guest, Guest, Guest, Guest, Guest, Guest, book. Knowing your brother's preferences, you can pick up a book for him. It can be fiction, an encyclopedia, or some kind of textbook; picnic set. It is only better to choose the option not in a basket, but in a backpack, such a set will be more comfortable and masculine; self-care kits. The choice of such sets is now simply huge (electric razor, eau de toilette and lotion, eau de toilette and cream or shower gel); even if the brother does not play sports, you can give him a set of dumbbells, a barbell or a home exercise machine. This will be an incentive to keep yourself in great shape; a certificate for the purchase of shoes or clothing. You can, of course, buy wardrobe items on your own, but if you only clearly know the size of your brother and his preferences in style and color, otherwise the thing will be simply unnecessary; accessories. If you choose a watch, it is better to give preference to mechanical watches, because at the age of 19 a guy already wants to look solid, like a real man. Case for tablet or mobile. a leather purse or a bag in a youth style; fashionable lighter, if of course the guy smokes. But it is still better not to encourage such a "hobby"; modern gadgets. Gifts of this kind are especially relevant today. Every day they are improving, becoming more fashionable and powerful. It is very difficult to keep up with all the new products. A birthday is a great occasion to give a birthday present in the form of a brand new smartphone, tablet, laptop, camera or new lens, speaker system, portable speaker, headphones, etc.; in continuation of the previous paragraph, you can add such useful accessories: a wireless keyboard and mouse, a stand or table for a laptop, a keyboard for a tablet, etc.; outdoor enthusiasts will surely enjoy gifts such as a bicycle, roller skates or a skateboard. And also a soccer or basketball ball, table tennis or tennis rackets; fitness club membership. Surely, my brother had long wanted to go in for sports, but still could not reach the gym in order to pump up a little and tone the muscles. Now he will have such an opportunity; tent. Now more and more people prefer outdoor recreation. And if this rest with an overnight stay? In such cases, you cannot do without a tent. if a brother cannot live without fishing, there is where to roam with a gift: spinning rods, fishing rods, reels, suits, chairs, backpacks and even a boat. He will definitely find use for all these things. jewel. Guys, as well as girls, especially at such a young age, love to decorate themselves. Therefore, a bracelet, chain or signet would be an appropriate gift; if a brother at the age of 19 already has his own car, then you can give something from car cosmetics, seat covers, rugs or pillows, an acoustic system; perfume. You should not give heavy aromas, it is better to give preference to lighter and fresher ones; a music lover can donate a licensed disc of your favorite band; a bottle of expensive alcohol. It will be a pleasure to receive such a gift for a guy who knows a lot about alcohol. Most likely, such a gift will be immediately tasted during a noisy celebration.

Someone suffers from a headache after the holiday, and someone has a headache even before ... As a rule, this is caused by reflections on the choice of a gift for the hero of the upcoming celebration. For example, what to give a brother for 31 years? Indeed, at this age he “is no longer a boy, but a husband” and he will not be able to get off with something banal. So, let's figure out how not to hit our face in the mud and present a pleasant surprise to the birthday brother on his birthday!

To begin with, it is necessary to immediately cross off from the list of potential gifts not only for a brother, but also for a colleague, friend, husband, etc.

What shouldn't you give a guy for 31 years?

The list below, perhaps, will lead many to bewilderment, they say, how such things can generally be given to an adult man, but the paradox is that this is what many give ...

  • Money. It is undesirable to give them if there was no prior agreement with the hero of the occasion.
  • Something for his hobby if you don't understand him yourself. The same fishermen have 1000 and 1 type of jig, for example. Or amateurs have their favorites among lenses. You don't have to know which ones are needed, but for the birthday person it can be important!
  • Tickets to events foreign to your brother. So, you should not send a connoisseur of rock music to a performance of some kind of ensemble of songs and dances. It is possible that your attempts to broaden the horizons of a relative will expand him, but what if not?
  • Religious subjects.

The anti-hobby gift is the most important taboo. Suppose a young man spends all his free time on the couch with a TV remote control and a glass of foam, and you give him a segway or a bicycle. Or decide to donate a fishing rod to an avid biker, because you think that at 31 it's time to settle down and choose a more worthy and calm hobby. Such gifts will definitely not please their recipients.

It is also worth adding to this list animals, flowers, hygiene products, bedding, cosmetics. Well, it's not all masculine, not masculine!

Cool gifts for brother

If your brother with a sense of humor is all right, and even after thirty he is delighted with practical jokes and gags, then this greatly simplifies the "torment of choice"! He can and should be given something unusual, bright and amazing. By choosing something from the following list, you will provide the culprit and guests of the occasion with an unforgettable fun holiday:

  • Things of XXXXXL size. The lover of "seal" rest on the sofa - huge pajamas, the fisherman - a large thermos, about 100 liters of commercials, the brother, who always shaves his bald head, will laugh at a gift in the form of a giant comb.
  • Head hammer. If your brother is in a leadership position, he will certainly be pleased with the soft hammer with the words "Fire Everyone" or "Chief Said."
  • Pillow in the car. For example, in the form of a woman or a favorite character from a cartoon or a full-length computer game.
  • An avid smoker can be hinted at what his bad habit is fraught with with a coughing ashtray made in the form of lungs.
  • Toilet paper, all covered with anecdotes or crossword puzzles - so to speak, so that the time that was killed, you know where, was killed profitably.
  • Golf for playing in the toilet.
  • Umbrella-hat, which is attached to the head.
  • Baseball cap with attachments for a pair of cans of alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks and straws.
  • Lovers of sleep can safely give a running away alarm clock or a clock that goes in the opposite direction.

As an addition to any of the above options, you can make (print from the Internet) or order a checkbook of desires from a private printing house, where you can write down what desires of your brother you are ready to fulfill on the very first check presented.

When choosing a cool gift, think carefully about whether the person to whom it is intended really has a good sense of humor. And most importantly: a gift, even a very funny one, in no case should be offensive!

Practical gifts

It is better for a practical and serious brother to give something useful for any occasion than he will use constantly: something for home and health, any necessary accessories. The main thing is that they are of high quality and serve the new owner for a long time:

  • Leather goods - a purse, a cover for a license, a key holder, a business card holder, a holder for storing documents. These things are "classics" of the genre!
  • Sports goods with which your brother will always be in great shape and well-being - a horizontal bar, dumbbells, weights, an expander, etc.
  • EBook.
  • Additional power supply for his smartphone.
  • The jack of all trades never gets an extra set of tools.
  • A fan of gatherings in nature will appreciate the barbecue, good skewers and grates, "camping" furniture and dishes.

Original and unusual gifts

If you are knocked off your feet in search of something "such", you will have to leave the mass market and look at the exclusive, which, by the way, is not always worth the easy money! Do not hesitate, here is where to roam:

  • Clothes with a variety of "prints" - from socks and panties to sweatshirts and tracksuits. Although giving away such delicate wardrobe items as socks and underwear is considered bad manners, there is nothing wrong with a “week” set of socks with some cool motivating slogans!
  • A bottle of wine or cognac of the same year of "birth" as the brother.
  • A gift certificate to the store of your favorite clothing or perfume brand.
  • Certificates for unforgettable emotions (flight over the city in a hot air balloon, participation in an exciting quest, master class, etc.).
  • Board game in a souvenir version (cards, dominoes, checkers, chess, backgammon, loto, "crocodile", "Monopoly").

Don't give anyone, not even your brother, gifts that are too expensive, even if you have extra money. By doing this, you put the recipient in an awkward position, make him feel obligated to thank you in kind.

TOP 10 gifts for brother for 31 years

Based on the above, it is easy to make a list of gifts that are always relevant, and at the same time interesting and practical. So, TOP-10 options:

  1. Gadgets (smartphone, GPS navigator, fitness bracelet).
  2. Jewelry (cufflinks, ring, bracelet, tie or banknote clip).
  3. Subscription to a cool gym.
  4. Sneakers of the coveted brand.
  5. Bag, purse, wallet.
  6. Umbrella, gloves, belt, watch.
  7. Office and stationery (organizer, expensive pen, leather-bound notebook, briefcase, folder, case, writing set).
  8. Original ashtray, cigarette case, mouthpiece, smoking pipe.
  9. Collectible or rare specimens of alcoholic beverages.
  10. Tickets for the concert / performance / match of interest to the hero of the occasion.

When deciding on a gift, the main thing to remember is that any man in his soul is an eternal child, a real boy, who, even if he is outwardly strong-willed and strong, still hopes and expects pleasant impressions and bright surprises at heart. Make just a little effort to choose a gift, add a little imagination and a very small piece of your soul, and you will see what a wonderful holiday you can create not only for your brother on his 31st birthday, but also for yourself!

Make just a little effort to choose a gift, add a little imagination and a very small piece of your soul, and you will see what a wonderful holiday you can create not only for your brother on his 31st birthday, but also for yourself!