What to do to make the guy afraid of losing you. How to keep a loved one - the male version. Change yourself and your man will change too.

The less we love a woman,
The more she likes us.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

So it is with men - so that they do not ask themselves. If you want to tie a guy to you, then do not try to do it with the help of a "short leash" - it will not work, it will fail. A man will be afraid of losing you only when you relax this "leash" or even let go of your hands, while remaining the same beloved and seductive for him.

Imagine, once in the "ancient" Soviet times, if a husband tried to leave the family, then his wife knocked over the thresholds of all instances:

    I wrote a statement to the police. They will definitely figure it out!

    I applied at the place of work. It's time to break your bastard career!

    Raised the alarm in various organizations. Let it be subject to public censure!

    She even complained to the house management. Neighbors should also be aware of!

What a storm rose - the guard! The "scoundrel" was exposed, reprimanded, deprived of awards and some well-deserved titles, kicked out of the Komsomol and even threatened to take away his party card if the husband held a high position.

In general, you can't wash out of shame, and even your career was going downhill. Most often, the husband returned to his “social unit”. But it is not clear what the wife was counting on, acting by such methods. That love for his wife will return to him? So, after all, he was beginning to hate her more than ever!

Surprisingly, even though he hated his wife, such a husband was afraid of losing her. Frightened by public censure and threats from above, he was ready to endure his wife until the end of his days, if only his personal life and career did not give a roll.

Now, thank God, there are no such formidable organizations. But all the same, some wives try to rein in their husbands with the help of threats: if you give up, you will lose everything, I will sue the apartment, make a substitute at work, stick around with gossip - life will not seem like paradise.

Therefore, many men are still in no hurry to tie the knot. More dear to yourself! Love has passed, parted and goodbye! No judgments and censures - except that "his ex" will gossip.

Therefore, never try to hold on to a man. Even if for some reason he will be scared for the future "thanks" to you, then you will definitely not return feelings for him. Or he will spit on his own future, hide from you and start life from scratch.

If you are just starting a relationship with a man, then let him tame yourself a little. Much the same as how people get a kitty:

    Character. At first, the owner looks closely at the cat's behavior: how affectionate it is or, on the contrary, aggressive. If she's mad, tears the wallpaper, and she has a lot of wool, then nafig she is so needed. Likewise, a man - if he feels that women will have a lot of problems from her bitchiness, then it is better to stay away from her.

    Cleanliness. If she goes to the litter box, licks her fur, does not roll around in the dust, then this is a good little animal, you have to take it. A man also evaluates the appearance of a woman. Of course, she should not go to the litter box, but she must be clean and well-groomed.

    Devotion. Exactly such - a feline, without a dog's obedience, but with a share of pride and insubordination. But if she climbs into everyone's arms and constantly runs away from home, then the owner begins not to notice his pet. And if she is always in the hands of the owner, and strangers only allow herself to be stroked and played a little, then she is really a favorite.

This is how a girl should be when she starts a relationship with a guy: affectionate and neat, for whom her beloved, even if not "king and god", but in any case she values ​​him. And it's good that without fanaticism!

But everyone around her admires her. Still - such a queen! She graciously lets other guys flirt with her and she herself does not mind flirting, but cheating: “What are you, dear! Never! And how could you even think that! " And - "mur-mur" to your beloved in the arms! But the devil knows what's going on in this pretty head ?!

In general, jealousy and pride for your woman is born without any reason or guesswork. It is enough that you come first everywhere:

  • the main irritant for envious women,
  • the queen of the ball at a big celebration,
  • your boyfriend among your boyfriend's friends.

Just don't be an upstart. On the contrary, you should not be “many”. You should be "in the subject." You can outshine all the ladies and cause conflicting feelings in your boyfriend if you follow the advice from the article.

Why contradictory? Well, because he will still be jealous - as an owner. But on the other hand, surrounded by friends who will admire you, your man will rejoice at heart: “Ha-ha, guys! In vain you strain! This is my woman, not yours! "

Sex "with a quality mark" - that's what can "turn your head" to your boyfriend. But this quality mark should be not only at the very beginning of a relationship, but also in later life too. Otherwise, if you lose your qualifications, then there will be another madam in your place, eager for sex.

If you are good-looking, and even a panther in bed, then a man will not even think of changing something. Unfortunately, this is often forgotten by the ladies who have achieved a marriage proposal from their beloved. And it rushed:

  • "I'm tired!"
  • "My head hurts!"
  • "You are punished!"
  • "I'm in a bad mood!"

But while the man still knows what you are capable of in bed, and sometimes endures all these "Tired!" and "Not in the mood!" At first, he still agrees to be a goody and a personal doctor. But if these whims dragged on and began to annoy, then of course he will look to the left.

It's like the way a medicine works. When a person is very ill, he takes the highest quality and most effective medicines. Ugh, the disease has receded! Already not bad, and you can "finish off" the disease with some cheap pills. And then - bam: relapse! And again, you have to run for quality medicine.

The comparison with pills is no coincidence. Quality sex really heals body and soul. Even a man who physically exhausted himself in bed feels a surge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day. Look, you've probably seen the runners in the morning? All of themselves are athletic. Exercising is certainly good, but they would get a real thrill and a burst of energy in bed with a girlfriend.

Therefore, if you want a man to be afraid of losing you, drink analgin and do not punish the guy. Yes, and this is "On you, just hurry up!" don't practice either. Don't "For Christ's sake!" And if you do not lose your qualifications, then the man will be scared even from the thought that you will repeat something like this with another guy.

How often women are frightened by all kinds of maniacs. "Here he is tracking down the victim, sneaking on his heels in a dark alley, and suddenly his shadow appears on a brick wall with a knife in his hand, a woman's scream is heard and everything falls silent overnight."

This is the hackneyed plot of a movie thriller. But in life there are also maniacs, and in a female guise. No, they don't walk down the alley with a knife, they make things worse - with their obsession, they break a man's life piece by piece, believing that he will somehow be madly in love with her.

Here are the methods used by the "maniac":

    He runs around the witch-ladies, and then pours any rubbish into his drinks or steals personal things in order to "conjure" over them later.

    Calls and writes to his girlfriends, friends and relatives on behalf of some anonymous, slandering nasty things and gossip.

    He waits at home or work and constantly drags after him: sometimes with threats, sometimes with derogations.

Yes, these love spells and calls do not work! There is no such spell that, after all these eccentricities, a man would fall in love with a maniac so that he would be afraid to lose her later. On the contrary - at best, he will ignore it, and at worst, he will impose a three-story mat and give a pendulum in the butt for acceleration.

Shot from the movie "The Scream"

arrow_left Shot from the movie "The Scream"

Don't make him henpecked

It is these - the scared henpecked, their wives are called goats. And what will he, the "goat", say in response to this? Nothing - he's a coward in front of his wife's anger. He is a goat, that he forgot to buy bread in the store, that he didn’t dust the cabinet, that he didn’t add salt to the soup.

Driving a man under the heel, a woman does not take into account only one thing - thereby she will cease to respect her husband, and, accordingly, to love. And then she herself would become disgusted with living under the same roof with him. So is it worth bringing love to insanity, trying to intimidate your beloved man?

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the super ability to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: she looked at a man - and immediately you know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You would be able to get any man and have an ideal relationship and you would hardly be reading this article right now in search of a solution to your problem.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you will not read other people's thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a PhD in Psychology, and her methodology has helped many girls to have perfect relationships and feel loved.

If you're interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 places specifically for visitors to our site.

Many married women live in fear that over time, their husbands will grow cold and the marriage will end. Today we're going to talk about the golden rules for strong relationships. We will reveal to you the secrets of how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing you. By adhering to these rules, you will maintain your union and love.

1. Leave a man personal space
The lion's share of quarrels in married couples occurs due to excessive control on the part of one partner and insufficient attention from the other. As a rule, a man suffers from excessive custody of his beloved, and a woman is offended when she does not receive every minute participation from her half. Girls feel a lack of attention as a lack of love.
He and she have different perceptions of family relationships. Regardless of the strength of feelings for you, a man will never want to give up gatherings with friends and going to football. Women, on the contrary, tend to rush into relationships with their heads, forget about girlfriends and entertainment, where the beloved is not involved. This creates a painful dissonance.

The first golden rule: to avoid problems - slow down with a guard. Do not focus on your man 24 hours a day, it is better to find yourself two or three hobbies that will take up your free time. While your husband is sitting in a bar with friends, you go to sports, to a beauty salon, meet with your girlfriends, sign up for refresher courses, trainings ... So you will not only leave the man a few hours a day without your calls and SMS, but you will also improve yourself externally and internally. Believe me, a man will never want to lose a beautiful, self-sufficient woman.

2. Support him
Relationships need balance and harmony, so don't go to extremes. Have we convinced you that you shouldn't overprotect your man? Great, but do not forget to call (not often, enough times a day!) And ask how he is doing and if he wants to keep you company, for example, in the gym? Now you are equal partners, halves of one whole. Ask about his victories and failures and, if necessary, provide support. Men will never share their failures with friends, which is why sometimes they need the help of their beloved so badly.

Second golden rule: be next to your loved one in moments of victory and defeat. Men will never want to lose a girl who understands them and accepts them as they are.

3. Stay attractive
Many women, after marriage, stop devoting enough time to caring for themselves. Think of yourself at a time when you wanted to attract the attention of your chosen one. How many new dresses and blouses have appeared in your wardrobe? Surely almost every day you did styling in a hairdresser, put on heels, sacrificing convenience for the sake of beauty? If you still stand in front of the mirror for an hour every day, you should not worry, but if the time that you previously devoted to caring for yourself is spent on washing, ironing and "babes" - slow down. Reimagine your daily routine. A man, of course, will appreciate the care, but, first of all, he wants to see you as beautiful as before.

Third Golden Rule: Always wear stylish makeup and flawless manicure. A man is afraid to lose a beautiful woman.

4. Don't be jealous!
Women sometimes overly romanticize jealousy directed in their direction, considering it as proof of love. At the same time, they can terrorize a man for a long time and stubbornly if they have to experience jealousy. Neither one nor the other helps build relationships. Having decided to provoke a guy into jealousy, be prepared for the most unexpected consequences. Some men might get angry, others might find you frivolous, and still others might find jealousy evidence of self-neglect. Better not to joke with jealousy.

Unlike women, all men, without exception, despise such a manifestation of love and are irritated if the woman they love turns out to be jealous. Psychologists say that the most common cause of jealousy is self-doubt. That is why a woman thinks that her man is about to find someone better and starts playing detective.

The fourth golden rule: Concentrate on yourself, visit as many beauty treatments as you need to feel the most beautiful. And the jealousy will go away.

5. Make him feel needed
Every man seeks to show his soul mate how necessary and good he is. You can play along a little with his noble aspirations and from time to time ask for small, and not so, services. If the man is tech savvy, invite him to have his toaster repaired. If you call the master at home, then your young man may take this as an insult to his dignity. Therefore, before doing anything, tell him about the problem, let the beloved decide for himself whether he can cope on his own or need help.
If your half does not have enough skills to solve a problem, do not tell him: "you are a man ..." Your young man may be a professional in one business, but not understand another. And that's okay, because we are all human. Remember, this type of rebuke makes a man feel weak. In response, you may receive an even more painful attack, because you hurt his male ego.

The fifth golden rule: be smarter and use the strengths of your loved one, tactfully keeping silent about the weak! Compromise relationships are usually the most persistent and lasting. Men are afraid of losing a woman with whom they feel strong and courageous.

6. Be financially understanding
Another sore spot for many men is financial well-being. Criticism of his work, salary, reproaches about the value of gifts and the like often lead to a complete collapse of the relationship.

Sixth Golden Rule: Refrain from criticizing the financial situation of your chosen one. If you are not satisfied with his income, then discuss with the family council how you can improve your well-being. A man will never want to lose a woman who knows that money is much cheaper than love.

7. Do not be sprayed with resentment and anger.
It can be difficult to restore the former warmth in communication even after several days of mutual grievances, not to mention longer quarrels. Smooth relationships are the key to success and harmony.

Seventh Golden Rule: if you love your chosen one, then learn to accept him, and not the idealized image that you painted in your head in the months when he courted you. A man will appreciate it and be afraid to lose you.

How to behave with a man: general rules

At the initial stage of a relationship, it is important for a woman to know the basic rules of behavior with a man, which will ensure the long-term and stability of the newly-formed union. Even if you decide to start a relationship with a married person, you need to constantly warm up interest in yourself, and this is a whole art that the so-called femme fatale is perfectly possessed.

At the same time, other individuals of the fairer sex are catastrophically unlucky. It seems to be good, sweet, charming, economic and well-groomed, but the man does not stay with her for a long time. Why? Because she doesn't know how to properly behave with a man. Psychology says: learning to maintain relationships and establish the necessary contact with the stronger sex is quite real.

Seduction rules

There are several basic rules for seduction:

  1. Above all, remember your self-esteem. A woman who respects herself exudes a special vibe. She will never allow herself:
    • run after a man;
    • ask questions about your attitude towards yourself in an ingratiating or puppet voice;
    • control a man and arrange jealous tantrums;
    • to ask to continue acquaintance, to press on pity.

Such actions will provoke a dismissive attitude from the beloved. Subsequently, this will result in the fact that he may lose all interest in the desires of a woman and in her as a person as a whole.

  1. Outwardly, always be on top! The soul is, of course, good, but, as a rule, a person initially pays attention to the picture, and only then he is visited (or not visited) by the desire to start an acquaintance. Use high quality cosmetics and style your hair neatly. Men are attracted by the exquisite external naturalness of female facial features.
  2. Do not admit that the security of the other half matters to you. Do not clarify this issue by chatting with a potential boyfriend on the Internet. Sooner or later, everything will become clear by itself, and both the poor and the rich gentleman quickly retire from the selfish woman.
  3. Behave naturally, be yourself. This is how you differ from other women, such as you will never be again. Appreciate your individuality and do not hesitate to show it. An unusual style of dress, demeanor, make-up can become your highlight. By imitating someone else, you run the risk of appearing ordinary and uninteresting.
  4. Show ease of communication, be a pleasant conversationalist. Do not overload the man with complaints about how difficult life is for you, do not start arguments on political topics, forget about the negative side of life, at least during the first dates. Relax and enjoy how pleasant it is for you to be in the company of a loved one right now. It is advisable to adhere to this rule in the future.
  5. Talk less about the past. Conduct the dialogue in the context of the present tense. Memories of an ex can offend a man, he may have the impression that you are still melting at the one who was next to you. If a man is personally interested in why he broke up with the last young man, answer with a general phrase, for example, “we didn’t agree with each other” or “they weren’t made for each other,” without dedication to individual details. Let much remain a mystery for the present beloved.
  6. Strive for independence. Of course, it is impossible to remain completely independent as a couple. But you should not devote your whole life to only one man, put him on a pedestal, put off your own hobbies, affairs, hobbies for later just to satisfy his immediate whim. Initially, a man likes it when a woman makes sacrifices for him; over time, these sacrifices lead to a loss of interest in his chosen one.

How to behave with a man in bed

The sexual sphere means a lot to every man. Therefore, it is especially important for a woman to understand the male view of sex and be aware of his erotic perception.

What men like:

  1. Women's activity in bed literally attracts a man due to the fact that more often the initiative comes from him. A woman's lack of desire to have sex can be perceived by her beloved as a personal insult and indifference. If you've never taken a lead role before, try setting up a relaxing environment first - light candles and use aphrodisiacs.
  2. Take care of your partner. Your goal is to please each other. Some women are mistaken in thinking that they should be showered with kisses without expecting mutual caresses.
  3. Forget about embarrassment, it doesn't belong in bed. Be emotional, such as moaning or whispering in your ear. Try to keep your hands never idle on the bed. You can always hug a man by the shoulders, in the end, slightly scratch his back. The main thing is the presence of constant tactile contact between you. Insincere feigned feelings will not go unnoticed, so if you really have to sometimes turn into an actress, play your role perfectly.
  4. If something is unpleasant for you during sexual intercourse, tell your partner about it.
  5. Diversify your sex. The habitual positions and places of lovemaking can get boring over the years, approach this issue with imagination. Buy an erotic outfit or adult toy from a sex shop.
  6. At the end of intimacy, take time for each other, do not fuss, do not jump up in order to get dressed as soon as possible. Pamper your partner with an erotic massage, gently hug and generously present with another portion of kisses. Praise him, highlight what you particularly like.

If something doesn't work out, remember that it takes time for each couple to get used to each other, and in bed too.

In all relationships, over time, coolness comes, or one of the partners begins to dismiss the other. This mainly concerns men, as soon as he conquered the girl, he almost immediately calms down. It seems to him that she will not go anywhere. For a guy to appreciate a woman, you need to act in a certain way. Say pleasant words to him, ask for help in case of difficulties and show with all his appearance that he is a hero. But do not overdo it and give him freedom for personal affairs.

How can you not behave?

When two people are together for a long time, feelings gradually weaken, and a man may begin to perceive a woman as his already won property. At the same time, the behavior of the lady is the opposite, over time she begins to care more about her partner, surrounds him with love and attention.

But more often it happens that the more ideal a woman wants to be, which makes the man more tired, and therefore instead of meeting with his beloved, he goes to his friends.

For a man to be afraid of losing his lady, she must act in a certain way. In order for everything to go perfectly, you cannot do the following:

  • Talking directly about the fact that she is going to do something so that the partner begins to value her more.
  • Call often, especially if he's with friends.
  • Flirt with other men. This can infuriate him, and he will lose interest in the woman.

Aries man how to behave with him

To make a guy afraid of losing his beloved, you need to act in a certain way. You should heed the advice of psychologists.

How can you make it clear to a man that he can lose his beloved:

  • Be independent. You need to constantly be at some distance from him. To be able to provide for oneself, communicate with friends, go to the cinema. No need to arrange viewing of his messages and calls. If he wants to change, then the woman will not know. A man is afraid of losing a wise, independent girl who can easily support any conversation.
  • Control emotions. No matter how the girl is overwhelmed by feelings, everything should be in moderation, it is better to cuddle the kitten, just kiss the man on the cheek. A lot of SMS messages and calls are unlikely to please the guy. But you shouldn't completely forget about it.
  • Become a girlfriend. One must become for him not just a beloved woman, but a friend and a psychologist. Surely he suffers from a misunderstanding of others, it is necessary to listen to him and support him with advice. Let your female intuition tell you how to bring him into conversation. We need to be imbued with those issues that are important to him.
  • Stay weak. You need to forget about heavy bags, rearranging furniture, self-repair. No one doubts that a woman can do anything. But if there is a guy nearby, then you need to give him the opportunity to help the lady. The psychology of men lies in the fact that he wants to be the main thing in a relationship. We must talk about how wonderful, polite and sympathetic he is.

How to behave with a man

How to behave with a man in bed?

The intimate side in life is quite important, and in order for a man to be afraid of losing a woman, it is necessary to remember the following:

  1. 1. You need to take care of your husband. The pleasure during intimacy should be mutual. It is not only the man who should try to please the woman. And the woman should try too.
  2. 2. Show initiative. This is very attractive for young people, since the initiative comes mainly from them. If the girl has never taken it upon herself before, you should try to arrange a romantic dinner or a relaxing massage for the guy.
  3. 3. Diversify your sex life. At the beginning of a relationship, sex is always at its best, then over time, feelings are dulled. To bring novelty to a relationship, you need to buy beautiful underwear, show everything that you are capable of.
  4. 4. Forget about embarrassment. In bed, you need to be as open as possible and get pleasure. Try to keep your hands never idle: you need to hug your partner, you can even scratch a little.
  5. 5. Pay attention to each other at the end of sex. Lie hugging a little, kissing, you can massage your partner.

How to make a boy fall in love with you

Features of the zodiac signs

The horoscope will help you understand the intricacies of the character of your beloved man:

  1. 1. Aries. We must do everything possible and impossible so that life does not turn into a routine. In dealing with Aries, you need to adhere to the following rules: you cannot make him wait; you need to speak directly about your desires; do not speak disparagingly about his favorite things; you cannot limit his freedom and meddle in his affairs.
  2. 2. Taurus. He is the most patient sign of the zodiac, but if his patience is overflowing, then nothing will stop him. To keep him, he needs to give him a sense of confidence in the future and create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. When communicating with Taurus, you need to learn how to cook well and get along with relatives; no need to be wasteful; do not impose your interests; no need to provoke jealousy.
  3. 3. Gemini. A man of this zodiac sign values ​​a woman's intelligence and ability to be a good companion. But squabbles and scandals are the shortest way to lose it. Representatives of this sign may change their minds about parting if they begin to see changes in a woman. When communicating with them, you need to adhere to the rules: create a cozy atmosphere at home and not criticize a man; give him freedom and his own space; every day it is worth expanding your horizons; accept that he will have a large number of friends and acquaintances.
  4. 4. Cancer. For him, warmth and tenderness in a relationship is important. Parting with a woman is always quite difficult for him and is perceived as the end of the world. But in most cases, Cancers return to their previous relationship, realizing that there he was best understood. In dealing with Cancers, you need to adhere to the following rules: create comfort and convenience at home; talk about your feelings more often; be careful about his favorite things; spoil him with little surprises.
  5. 5. Leo. This sign of the zodiac is quite straightforward and if something does not suit him, he will say it right away. Do not scold him for his commitment to a beautiful life and be a bore. Calmly react to his flirting with other girls, but not be silent when he goes beyond all boundaries. You must always look great so that he has a reason to be proud.
  6. 6. Virgo. They value conscientiousness and decency in a woman. If something goes wrong, the man will part with the lady without regrets. It is necessary to please the partner with an elegant and neat look; not to speak disrespectfully about him in front of strangers; do not impose your tastes on a man; never flirt with other guys.
  7. 7. Libra. A man should not be allowed to stop considering a woman mysterious and charming. When communicating with him, you need to observe the following rules: you need to take care of yourself, a woman needs to be nice and charming; do not load him with household duties and forbid him to look at other girls.
  8. 8. Scorpio. He is a leader in relationships and is used to being dominant. Men of this sign do not make hasty decisions. And even having dared to break off relations, they may not let a woman go for a long time. It is worth trying to prove yourself as a passionate and liberated lover. Do not deceive him and challenge his primacy in the family, do not try to hurt his pride and not give reasons for jealousy.
  9. 9. Sagittarius. They love bright and intelligent women. You need to try to accept all his oddities and let him go about his business. After parting, friendship with them is possible; there is no need to hope for the restoration of relations. When communicating with him, you need to adhere to the following rules: share his hobbies and hobbies; be simple and direct; listen to a man's point of view and treat her with understanding.
  10. 10. Capricorn. These men are born to serve a purpose. Even when love is gone, they do not agree to break the relationship for a long time, because they do not like to destroy the existing order of things. In communicating with Capricorn, you do not need to whine, but speak clearly about your problems. One must be economical and responsible and contribute to his promotion.
  11. 11. Aquarius. You should not try to make him like everyone else, men of this zodiac sign differ in a different outlook on things. Do not limit his freedom. You cannot criticize his acquaintances, you need to be peaceful and delicate.
  12. 12. Fish. Men of this sign can fall in love not with a specific woman, but with a certain image of her. Pisces are very flexible and suggestible, which is their disadvantage. Men of this sign often date 2 women. The end result depends on which lady takes power into her own hands. When communicating with Pisces, the following rules apply: you must not show anger towards a man; it is worth accepting that decisions and everyday life will always depend on a woman.

For a man to appreciate a woman and be afraid of losing her, you need to be special, not like everyone else.

How often it happens that someone else's happiness from the outside seems easy and simple. Looking at happy families, we think that their relationship has developed on its own, without much effort.

Well, two people met, everything worked out for them by itself, they accepted each other completely and completely. And they live for their own pleasure, and rejoice.

"Fate ..." - we sigh with a slight envy.

However, this is not the case. Absolutely all relationships (whether we realize it or not) are subject to strict rules. And if you know these rules, you can avoid many mistakes.

What to do to make a man afraid of losing you

Now answer yourself honestly and frankly:

Are you sure that for your sake a man is ready to sacrifice his time, his finances, all the most precious that he has?

Are you sure that he will rush to protect you if the need arises, perhaps risking his life?

Is he ready to conquer you? If so, great!


If you are not sure about this, then the time has come to raise your own VALUE in the eyes of a man! By "pumping" the value, you act directly on the man's instincts, he cannot resist it. A man unconsciously begins to distinguish you from all other women. It works flawlessly.

Moreover, VALUE is such a scarce product that having raised it, you will practically have no competitors!

At the same time, the man does not understand why, but it is NEXT TO YOU that he feels the most special, unique, coolest and strongest, and for the woman who gives him all this, the man holds on with his hands and feet! Do not drive away by force.

For the sake of such a woman, he is ready to move mountains. For her sake, he will deliberately take risks if need be. He feels responsible and ready to sacrifice everything he has. Without high value, your relationship becomes very risky! It's like knocking one leg out of a chair. One careless movement and you are on the floor. And to find out how highly your man values ​​you, you can from the article


Also, women often say that they are smart, and beautiful, and kind, and loyal, but men for some reason do not appreciate it. Yes, it's good that you have a lot of advantages and good qualities. But, in itself, their presence does not solve much for falling in love.

A man may not even notice these good qualities, since you are showing them incorrectly. And he can fall in love just with what you perceive as flaws and carefully hide it. This is a paradox, but it often happens that way. And this thing is called - your Image.

The beauty of this is that you can shape and change your image at any time, as if you were painting with paints on a blank sheet.

Remember: IMAGE is “responsible” for falling in love. Knowing how to “paint” your image, you will always be surrounded by the love of your man!


So, to:

A man fell in love with you again and again (and if you just met, and if you have lived for many years), it is necessary to form an IMAGE.

The man was faithful to you, devoted, caring and responsible - your VALUE is responsible for this.

But ... The feeling of being in love is cyclical. That is, it flashes up and down. If the partners do not understand this process, then the relationship at one of the fading cycles may end ...

Loyalty, care, responsibility are excellent manifestations of that, but ... They can be limited in time.

And here we need to add another third point - Community. She is a strong cement for a long and happy relationship. So what is COMMUNITY?

It is, by and large, a sense of similarity. It is a sincere feeling, confidence that this is so, and not just false attempts to demonstrate that you are interested in the principle of operation of an internal combustion engine, and that he is interested in the color of your next blouse.

But most women mistake similar tastes and preferences for commonality.

“Oh, we liked to talk so much, we understood each other perfectly. After all, we are so similar! ... ”, - says one girl, from whom the man left. I would like to ask: "And what did it give you?"

“Well, we love to watch the same films, we both love to travel! We are so alike! ”Says another. Yes, this is definitely important! But ... These are similar tastes for entertainment and nothing more. And tastes can change. You will not be able to guess and adapt to his tastes all the time.

Community is the creation in a man of the feeling that you are one with him, only of a different gender. He just feels that you think the same with him, feel the same, you have the same outlook on life, common values.

A man gets used to it very quickly and can no longer do without it. You become, as it were, a part of him. If you suddenly lose this, it is unbearable. It's like chopping off an arm or a leg - losing a piece of yourself. And if this is complemented by general plans, goals, activities, then it's generally great!

And then, even if you enter the cycle of fading of feelings (and this happens with every couple), then you will calmly go through it without making the stupid decision to leave. And then you will experience a new honeymoon, if of course you will maintain your unique image.

And when all 3 puzzles: IMAGE, VALUE and COMMUNITY fall into place, you can be sure that your family, your relationship will be bright, safe and long!

But how to shape all this? How to apply? What is needed for this? Do you want to know in all the details what to do to ensure that your Value in the eyes of a man is always at its best? Do you want to learn how to create the desired Image and "cement" relationships with the help of Community?

Then come to the free workshop of Alexei Chernozem “Long love without betrayal for a lifetime. Three secrets of a happy family ”, which will be held on April 19! Come, you will learn a lot of interesting and incredibly important for the correct relationship building!

You can sign up for the workshop here >>>

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