What to do with hair to have volume. How to add root volume to hair with extensions. Give hair volume at the roots, mandatory ways

How to make your hair look voluminous? At the ends it is quite simple - just screw it on curlers or a curling iron. But the root volume is much more difficult to make. There are a lot of ways, from simple brushing to salon procedures, but they are not universal, and they should be selected based on the type and condition of the hair, as well as the time and money that you are willing to spend on it.

I have coarse and porous hair that only has one advantage - volume. And when I try to smooth them out and "tame" them (for example, with help), they acquire shine and silkiness, but the volume goes away. It is especially lacking at the roots, where the hair simply "sticks" to the head. With a flat back of the head, this looks especially ugly, so I tried many ways to create root volume in this area.

Method 1 - regular fleece

This is the simplest and oldest method for root volume, which was used by our grandmothers. It only needs hairspray and a comb. You can use a regular frequent comb or a special brush for combing:

How to scratch the occipital area:

  1. We separate the strands of the occipital zone, which we will comb, and pin on the crown.
  2. Starting from the bottom, separate the layer of hair with a horizontal parting, spray a little with varnish and comb.
  3. After combing the entire area in layers, leave the top layer without a fleece and close the previous ones with it. We spray the entire "structure" with varnish.

Who is this method suitable for?: only for owners of thick hair. Sparse hair will not cover the fleece, and it will be visible. With oily, thick hair, this method is also not very good, since the root volume will not last long. On dry hair, the fleece will hold up very well, the main thing is not to go over the styling products, which can also contribute to drying.

Advantages of fleece:

  • it is done very simply, any girl can handle it
  • does not require expensive funds, appliances and electricity, the fleece can be done anywhere, even on a hike


  • when combing, the hair is very tangled, and it is very difficult to comb them later, you can even damage them when combing
  • if you comb too hard, then this "nest" can be noticeable from under the top layer, especially in windy weather
Method 2 - shirring

It is done a little more difficult, but it is also quite doable at home. Due to small zigzag bends, the strands are superimposed on each other with "gaps", which creates a root volume, or even full volume, if you make a corrugation for the entire length. I have a corrugation with Aliexpress, it copes with the task:

This method is similar to the previous one in execution:

  1. I separate the area where I will make the root volume, stab it.
  2. Starting from the bottom, I separate thin layers of hair with horizontal parting and corrugate them with special tongs at the roots. In this case, an indent of about 1 cm is made from the roots so as not to damage them and burn the skin. The length of the corrugation itself can be any - from a few centimeters to the entire length. But the more the corrugation is done, the more noticeable it will be. For the root volume, 5-7 cm is enough.
  3. I corrugate all the layers of the selected zone, except for the last one, and, as with the brushing, I put the last layer on top to hide the previous ones.

Who is shirring suitable for: to everyone who would not be suitable for fleece. That is, it will look good on sparse hair, even if it is visible. It will dry out oily hair a little and due to thermal styling, the root volume will last longer. But the owners of dry hair should not get carried away with the corrugation, so as not to spoil them completely.

Advantages of corrugation:

  • hair does not get tangled, it will be easy to comb
  • does not require hair styling products
  • even if the wind suddenly blows, and from under the smooth layer of hair, a corrugated one "looks out", it will look much nicer than a matted mat of fleece.


  • corrugation, like an iron with a curling iron, is harmful to hair due to the high temperature
  • non-moisture resistant effect. Hair will straighten in the rain

Advice: in order not to spoil the hair, do crimping after shampooing on carefully dried hair, and do not repeat it until the next wash. Even if during this time the root volume decreases slightly, it is better to lift the strands and sprinkle with varnish at the roots.

Method 3 - hair powder

A relatively recent styling product. It is a fine white powder and in use is very similar to ... baby powder!

Powder for root volume is applied to the roots and rubbed into the hair, after which it becomes tough and literally "stakes". This tool (professional line) is often used to create festive and wedding hairstyles. Combined with corrugation and fleece, this is what happens:

The effect of such a powder from the mass market is much less bright and persistent:

A post shared by Olga Lisa (@okosmeo) on Mar 20, 2017 at 2:59 am PDT

Who is the root volume powder suitable for: owners of oily roots! In effect, it is very similar to dry shampoo, only plus fixation.

Advantages of hair powder:

  • ease of use
  • reducing the fat content of the roots
  • long-term fixation (with professional products)


  • cheap powders give the effect of dirty hair
  • good powder for root volume is quite expensive
Method 4 - Bust-Up procedure

This is a perm-based salon procedure. Its scheme of action is the same as with corrugation, only the effect lasts for a long time - until it grows back.

How it is done (I did not dare, so the photo is someone else's):

On the selected area, a root chemical or bobbin is made on very thin bobbins. The length of the curled section of the hair is about 5 cm. The top layer of the hair remains without curling, and no curls are visible under it.

Who is Bust-Up suitable for?: owners of oily roots. This procedure will dry them out. In general, hair for Boost-Up, as well as for chemistry, should be healthy, preferably not bleached or overdried.

Advantages of Boost-Up:

  • long-term effect that will last for 4-5 months. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every six months.


  • harmful to hair. This is the same perm, especially for a small diameter of the bobbin, which makes the creases on the curls more fragile. When repeating the procedure, the curling is partially layered on the previous one, which after several times can lead to fragility.
  • growing back, root chemistry does not disappear anywhere. The curls will remain in the same place, only they will be more and more away from the roots.
  • Not cheap. Like any salon procedure, Boost-Up is quite an expensive pleasure.
Method 5 - braiding or twisting at the roots

If the root volume with fleece, shirring or chemistry does not suit you because of the insecurity of these methods, then you can try this method, which is absolutely harmless for the hair, but it will take quite a lot of time.

It is better to do this before bed:

  1. We select the zone for creating the root volume in the same way as in the previous methods.
  2. Divide hair into small strands
  3. We braid each strand at the roots into a short pigtail (4-5 cm) or wind it on a thin bobbin.

The effect is the same as in the previous methods.

Who is it suitable for: those who have a lot of time and patience. Weaving so many small, even short, braids is a painstaking business, and personally I have never been able to complete it. And sleeping on bobbins is very uncomfortable.

Advantages of weaving or winding:

  • completely harmless to hair
  • good effect comparable to professional


  • hard to do on my own
  • takes much time
  • makes it uncomfortable while sleeping
  • the effect is unstable, since there is no thermal curling or chemistry
Method 6 - special inserts: rollers and hairpins

Now there are a lot of accessories with which you can make the root volume at home. They are inexpensive in stores, but on the Internet (for example, on Aliexpress) they can be bought for a penny at all.

They are used in about the same way:

  1. Separate the top layer of hair with a horizontal parting from the temples to the back of the head and pin it at the crown.
  2. Under this layer on the back of the head we make a small bundle and tie it tightly with an elastic band.
  3. We insert a roller or a hairpin over the bundle so that the teeth hit the gum.
  4. We dissolve the top layer of hair over the roller and tie it again in the form of a "malvinka"

It turns out the root volume due to the insert.

Who are the inserts suitable for: everyone, except for those with rare hair, in which these rollers will be visible. They are also not suitable for lovers of loose hair, because without the "malvinka" they will not hold, or at the first gust of wind they will become noticeable. But a ponytail, braid and any high hairstyle with a root volume on the roller will look great.


  • quick, simple, easy to do at home
  • harmless to hair


  • not suitable for loose hair, such rollers are worn only under the hairstyle
  • when you loose your hair and remove the roller, there is no trace of root volume
Method 7 - shampoos and masks for hair volume

Theoretically, the scheme of their action is to envelop each hair with a composition containing silicone, due to which the hair becomes thicker and more voluminous. But I never found a shampoo or mask that would give a real, noticeable result. Therefore, I will not recommend it, as I consider this to be another deception of money from us, gullible consumers.

Nature has not rewarded everyone with lush hair, many women have thin hair, which is not so easy to add volume. After a long and ineffective treatment and buying expensive masks, sometimes you want to fall into apathy. But don't despair! Modern hairdressing and the achievements of cosmetology are able to improve the situation and improve hair. And little tricks will help you to make your hair look more voluminous almost instantly.


Secrets of fast volume

Hair deprived of volume upsets many of the fair sex, especially when there is not much time left before the event, and they hang in thin, ugly strands. Fortunately, there are many ways to make your hair look lush and attractive. The secrets lie in the styling, the right haircut and little grooming tricks, which many do not pay enough attention to.

1. Side parting

With straight and thin hair, a straight parting is contraindicated, so the hair looks even more rare. But if you replace the side parting, visually the hairstyle becomes more magnificent. Alternatively, you can consider the zigzag parting, it is suitable for evening styling.

2. Lightweight bouffant

A few years ago, large and lush bouffants were in vogue, which were done with a comb, tangling and tearing the hair. Fortunately, this fashion has long passed, but the idea of ​​bouffant can be used now, making it in a row at the very roots with the help of a toothbrush.

3. Sloppy styling

When styling your hair, do not lick it too much. By making the hairstyle a little messy, visually even the finest hair will get good volume. A not completely tightened elastic band, stray strands, a little fleece and a little styling products will help to achieve the desired effect.

4. Proper hair drying

5. Layered haircuts

If your hair is thin, you shouldn't try to grow it to the waist. A short layered haircut is the best solution to make your hair look more voluminous. Haircuts like these are easy to style, they don't pull your hair down, and thanks to the variety of options, you can choose a hairstyle for any face shape.

6. Multi-tone dyeing

Stylists do not recommend dyeing thin, lacking volume hair in one tone. Shatush or balayazh is used for visual correction. So the emphasis will be defined on the individual stand-out strands. For greater effect, choose wave styling.

7. Using suitable styling products

You should not use heavy styling products; it is better to refuse gels and oils. The ideal choice is foams and mousses, which do not weigh down the hair and fix the styling well. But even there should be a minimum number of them. A ball of foam with a walnut, evenly distributed over the hair, is enough.

8. Moderate hair frizz

Thin and lack of volume hair should not be straightened; on the contrary, it should be curled directly from the roots. Irons, curling irons, curlers are suitable, only they should be used with caution so as not to harm your hair. You can take ordinary invisible hairpins, pin wet strands at the roots with them, wait until they dry and pull out the hairpins. The hair will rise a little, the volume will look as natural as possible.

9. Correct use of shampoo, conditioner and masks

You need to wash your hair correctly. The shampoo is applied only to the roots, the scalp is gently massaged. The resulting foam is distributed over the entire length. It is not necessary to rub the ends, they get dirty very slowly, and active physical influence will make them even more fragile and brittle. But masks and conditioners are best distributed along the entire length, bypassing the roots. The closer to the scalp, the healthier the hair, therefore, no therapeutic effect is required in this area. The same cannot be said for mid-lengths and tips. The conditioner applied to the roots weighs them down, so you won't be able to add chic volume to your hair.

10. Dry shampoo like a lifesaver

If the bath procedures were yesterday, and today the roots are already greasy, it is better to use dry shampoo. Lovers of daily shampooing should think about the fact that they themselves remove the protective layer from the surface of the hair, making it dry and lifeless. You can't wash your hair too often, but you shouldn't forget about it either. Massage while washing improves blood circulation, while shampoo removes dead skin cells and helps the skin to breathe.

Important: Tips will help make your hairstyle more voluminous, but too thin and brittle hair is a sign of problems in the body. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to reconsider nutrition, use the right care products and drink vitamins.

Video: One of the most effective styling methods for fine hair

Most girls prefer to look for ways to improve the quality of their hair on their own. They go to forums, ask relatives for advice, buy masks and shampoos, focusing on advertisements or promising labels on the packaging. Naturally, this does not always work, the selection of hair cosmetics is not an easy task. That is why the main advice that can be given to ladies with problematic hair is to consult a specialist as soon as possible, until you have to cut half of the cut length.

Modern cosmetology has given women the opportunity to improve the condition of their hairstyles without spending a lot of effort. Cosmetologists and trichologists say that the key to beautiful, well-groomed and voluminous hair is the right product that the head really needs. If an advertised shampoo that suits all girlfriends leaves a feeling of an unwashed scalp, then it is simply designed for a different hair type.

Flat, weak, lifeless hair is a problem of concern for many women who want voluminous, bouncy and healthy hair. Fortunately, voluminous hair isn't some kind of elusive fantasy, it's a realistic goal that anyone can achieve with a little bit of knowledge. Read on to find out the right techniques, products and hairstyles to give your hair the volume you want.


Washing and drying hair

    Use a volumizing shampoo and conditioner. The very first and most obvious thing you can use is a volumizing shampoo and conditioner. They have a lighter formula than most other shampoos and conditioners, which means they don't weigh down your hair by making it flat at the roots. They effectively cleanse and moisturize hair, while making it light and supple. You can find shampoo and conditioner to suit any budget, from drugstore brands to expensive salon brands.

    • When washing your hair, use enough product to create lather. Make sure you massage your scalp as this will help provide volume when the hair is dry. Rinse your hair thoroughly and then reapply shampoo if necessary.
    • Apply conditioner from the middle of the hair to the ends, and use the remainder on the roots. Too much conditioner on the roots makes the roots look greasy and lacking in volume.
    • While the conditioner is still on your hair, comb through your hair with a wide-toothed comb, working upward from the ends of the hair. This will help get rid of the breakage that gives the hair the impression of lacking volume.
  1. Wash your hair with a cleansing shampoo once a week. Many shampoos and conditioners contain plastic-like substances such as silicones and polymers that attach to the hair shaft and weigh it down, making it flat and lifeless. Cleansing shampoos remove these chemical residues and other deposits, leaving your hair feeling lighter and fuller. Most people should use a cleansing shampoo once a week for best results.

    • Like shampoos, hair care products such as mousses, waxes and sprays contain chemicals that remain on the hair, causing loss of volume. In addition, hard water and chlorinated water in swimming pools can build up deposits on the hair.
    • People who swim frequently are more prone to hair build-up, so they should use the cleansing shampoo more often, perhaps 2 or 3 times a week. People with colored hair should use it less often, about 2 times a month, as cleansing shampoos wash the dye off the hair.
  2. Apply volume mousse. There are many products available to increase hair volume, some of which are very effective. These include volumizing mousse, a small amount of which can be spread through damp hair from root to tip to add texture and volume. After application, you can let your hair dry naturally by flattening it to create the effect of body waves and curls, or blow-dry it for a smoother and more voluminous look.

    • Other recommended products include root volume sprays and creams. They are applied to the roots (from the ears up) before blow-drying.
    • Some volumizing products can dry out your hair a lot, so don't use too much.
  3. Use a diffuser attachment on your hair dryer. The diffuser attachment on your hair dryer is a great option if you want a natural, voluminous curl effect. The diffuser diffuses the airflow from the hair dryer, so the direct airflow does not affect the hair. Diffuser attachments can be purchased online or at cosmetic stores and beauty salons. The best way to use a diffuser is as follows:

    • Allow hair to dry for 15-20 minutes after washing, then apply volume mousse from root to tip as described above.
    • Turn on your hair dryer, select a cool air setting and dry your hair head down using the squeeze technique.
  4. Dry your hair head down. Whether you want straight or curly hair, blow-drying your hair will add volume to your hair for sure. Drying this way will help lift the roots of your hair and allow you to comb through your hair without removing its volume.

    • Using the nozzle, lower your head down and dry your hair for 5-10 minutes, using your fingers to part hair and let air in to the roots. This will help get rid of excess moisture.
    • Once your hair is half dry, use a soft-bristled round brush to finish drying and make your hair smoother. If you have very thick hair, you can divide it into sections beforehand.
  5. Use dry shampoo. If you don't have time to wash and blow-dry your hair, a quick and easy way to add volume to your hair is with a dry shampoo spray or powder. Dry shampoos absorb oil from the hair, leaving it clean, fresh and adding volume. You only need to spray or apply a sufficient amount of dry shampoo to the roots and distribute it with your fingers.

    • You can find the right dry shampoo through trial and error, as some shampoos leave marks on the hair or make the hair sticky.
    • Like many other hair products, dry shampoo can dry out your hair, so try not to use this product too often.

    Haircut and styling

    1. Get your hair cut. The longer your hair is, the heavier it is, which explains the lack of volume in long hair. Thus, one of the quickest ways to add volume to your hair is with a cut. Certain layered haircuts done by a professional, or even sharp angled haircuts, can make hair lighter and fuller, not to mention healthy looking.

      • Go to a trusted hairdresser who listens to your wishes. A good, professional haircut will revitalize your hair better than any styling product or technique.
    2. Experiment with color. Highlights in the right places can create depth and density in the hair, visually adding volume. Dark colors will make your hair look thicker than lighter ones, so consider dyeing your hair a shade or two less to create the illusion of volume.

      • Professional coloring or highlighting will look much better than homemade ones. This is because hairdressers mix different shades and tones to find the color that's perfect for you, giving your hair extra volume that can't be achieved with home coloring.
    3. Back up. A very effective way to add volume to your hair is by combing it. Combing your hair can be intimidating at first and is easy to do to add volume to any hairstyle. It is best to comb hair that was washed a day or two ago with a thick-bristled brush. Specialty fleece brushes can be found at most beauty supply stores. Here's what the correct backing technique looks like:

      Change the parting. If your hair is lacking in volume when you brush it into a regular part, you can instantly make it fuller just by changing it. Try something new, whether it's a middle parting in the middle, a dramatic side parting, or even a zigzag parting! Use a fine-bristled brush or comb to define it, then comb through your hair before applying the spray and setting it in place.

      Use hot curlers. Hot curlers are a great way to add firmness and volume to your hair with a light pin-up touch. If you don’t want tight curls, don’t worry - large curlers will add volume and revitalize your hair, but will not curl your hair too much. Make sure the curlers are warm enough before use.

      • Use a hot curler the day after washing your hair, if possible. Start in the front strands, curling your hair away from your face, not inward. Once you have rolled up all your hair, leave the curlers on for 10-15 minutes until they cool completely.
      • Apply the spray all over your hair before removing the curler. After that, use your fingers to shake the curls and get rid of the knots. Comb your hair gently for a softer look.
    4. Make chemistry. While many associate the word "perm" with crazy, fluffy hair from the 80s, in fact, chemistry is back in vogue and can be a great way to add volume and texture to hair (without the poodle effect). Modern perm can create different effects, from tight curls to soft waves, depending on your wishes. They are very easy to care for, and the perm will last from two to six months.

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If you have naturally thin hair, it can be very difficult to add volume to it and - most importantly - to keep it after leaving the house. And yet it is possible.

site I have put together some tips for you to help you make your hairstyle fuller and always look gorgeous.

Play with hair length

Many stylists agree that the optimal length for thin hair is not lower than the collarbone, since short haircuts visually look more voluminous. In addition, they are much easier to stack. So if you still choose volume between length and volume, welcome to the hairdresser.

Get a layered haircut

Another haircut option, thanks to which you can create a visual effect of volume, is a multi-layered haircut, decorated with a ragged outline. It lends itself very well to styling and - importantly - is suitable for any type of face and hair length.

Add colors

Additional volume can be given not only with the help of scissors, but also "paint on" using the staining technique. This can be both ordinary highlighting, and its newfangled variation - coloring shatush, in which, due to the use of several shades of the same color, the effect of burnt hair is created.

Wash your hair properly

Even a simple procedure like shampooing can help add volume to your hair if you follow a few simple rules. Here they are:

1. Lather only the roots and distribute the resulting foam lengthwise. Closer to the ends, the hair is always drier and more fragile, so it is not necessary to rub it at all.

2. Apply conditioner or mask only along hair length. Moisturizers applied to the roots make the hair heavier and flatter.

3. Cleanse your scalp regularly. This will help improve circulation and get rid of dead skin cells.

4. Try not to wash your hair every day. Washing the hair too often removes the protective layer from the hair, which makes it weaker and lacks volume. Better use dry shampoo.

Lift your hair roots

Today there are many tools for creating root volume, from special sprays and hair irons to curlers that our mothers and grandmothers used to wind. If you don't have any of this at hand, use the usual invisibility: just pin them on wet hair and let it dry, then remove it. The roots will be slightly more raised, but without the extra volume that catches the eye.

Do not overuse styling products

Excess styling products stick together and weigh down the hair, making it very difficult to add volume to the hair. Remember: for short hair, a walnut-sized ball of foam is enough, for medium-length hair - about the size of a chicken egg, for long hair - with a tennis ball.

Create an artistic mess

Smooth, well-combed hair often looks too sleek and flat. On the other hand, slight negligence is the best friend of volume. You can create the effect of artistic disorder with the help of light waves, stray strands, good old bouffant, a loose elastic band for hair and, of course, styling products. Without them, nowhere!

What woman doesn't dream of gorgeous, lush hair? After all, they attract attention, emphasize beauty, make you more self-confident. Someone was lucky by nature, but what should the rest do? ?

It is possible to make curls thicker and more voluminous only by using complex care for them. If you use several of the suggested tips, then the result will be little or no noticeable. But if you take a serious approach to solving this problem, you can achieve amazing results that will be noticeable to the naked eye.

How to add volume to hair at the roots at home: 15 ways

1. Try to periodically change the location of the parting, then the hairstyle will not have time to get used to any position. As a result, the strands will rise at the roots.

2. Hair will be more luxuriant if you wash your hair often. But this method is best not to be overused. With frequent washing, they quickly become greasy, after which the head will have to be washed daily.

3. Applying dry shampoo, you can quickly put your hair in order, refresh it, saving time on washing, drying and styling. But this magic wand can also help in obtaining root volume.

The main action is to remove excess dirt from the roots, which makes the hairstyle neat and voluminous. To obtain this effect, spray the composition on the lowered head closer to the roots. Then shake the hair with your fingers. The effect will be immediate.

4. You can use highlighting in a good salon. With this procedure, the curls slightly change the structure, which leads to the retention of splendor. The main thing is that highlighting gives a visual, visual volume due to the individual selection of shades.

5. By coloring it is easier to solve the problem with the root volume. To help not only highlighting, lightening several strands for a couple of tones, but also a new, fashionable coloring of the shatush. This is a type of highlighting, in which the effect of strands burnt out in the summer sun is created: the roots remain dark, and the length evenly, smoothly lightens to the ends.

An optimistic, energetic image is created, the curls look thick. This type of coloring is suitable for brunettes, brown-haired women. For owners of light shades, a "reverse" shatush is suitable, in which the roots will remain light, and the length will be dark.

A more daring variety is a colored shatush, in which the lower part is painted in a bright color. But it is worth dwelling on such a choice for young ladies; at a more mature age, such coloring will look inappropriate and ridiculous.

6. Shatush is not the only invention of mankind to increase pomp. There is a modern and already quite widespread technique - boost up. It is a root curling technique. In this case, only the lower strands are involved in the procedure, respectively, the curling on the hairstyle will not be reflected, they remain straight.

The volume is increasing, holding on average for six months. This is a gentle method, the composition uses cystiamine, which is harmless to the hair. However, this is not suitable for owners of short hair, since the outcome is impossible to predict.

7. Masks also help if you apply them regularly. Suitable ingredients are olive oil, castor oil, burdock oil, egg yolk, honey. They strengthen, restore and stimulate growth. You need to choose a mask based on what type of hair you have.

8. It is worth using shampoos, balms, masks of the series "restoration, volume". Many beauty care manufacturers offer a wide range of products to solve this problem.

9. To increase pomp, you should apply methods from the arsenal of female tricks: build up, use false curls. This is a convenient way, the hairstyle will look luxurious for a long time. Extension is a good way if you want long strands now, and wait for yours to grow back for a long time.

10. Try not to use gels, waxes for styling, if thin, light hair predominates. These funds make it heavier. In such cases, it is recommended to use sprays, varnishes, while the jet must be directed from the bottom up.

11. Visually increases the splendor of perfectly matched haircuts.

The correct length is medium, the shape is multi-layered with ragged ends. The best options: bob, ladder and cascade, can be supplemented with thick, oblique bangs. This is due to the fact that the longer the curls, the less volume will turn out. Especially if the strands are thin but heavy.

If the length should definitely remain long, then it is necessary to opt for stepped haircuts. The same length will make things worse. In this case, it is required to use a basal fleece, and not styling with a hairdryer. A short haircut is also not a panacea for this problem. The minimum length, as well as the maximum, is deprived of pomp. In this case, you always have to resort to styling.

12. The other extreme is oily hair. No matter how ideal the haircut is, for owners of this type, it is difficult to achieve splendor, and the next day the result from hard work will no longer be visible. To increase the chances, you need to apply dry shampoo, apply special masks to eliminate the greasiness of the scalp, or lighten several strands by 1-3 tones.

Light curls will create the illusion of volume, splendor, beautiful styling.

13. Hair curlers, hair dryers will always be the first helpers to add splendor. But there are secrets here too. If you give preference to curlers, then it is better to opt for models with a large diameter.

When using a hair dryer, you need to follow the brushing technique. It is advisable to lower the head, comb the hair against the direction of its growth.

14. A good way of laying is fleece. It is required to start the procedure after washing and completely drying the hair. From the devices you need a comb with frequent teeth.

The technology is simple:

  • separate the upper strands, fixing with a clip;
  • the bouffant is done from the tips to the roots;
  • starting from the back of the head, move to the parietal part of the head;
  • combing curls, cover the resulting bouffant, cleaned at the beginning of the process, with strands;
  • use varnish for permanent fixation.

When straightening the fleece, so as not to injure the curls, use any brand anti-fleece balm, which eliminates tangling, softens. It takes 20-25 minutes to stand. Comb should be done with a wide-toothed comb. The balm is washed off with plain warm water.

15. Styles with smooth, combed curls look flat, too sleek. What can not be said about the slight negligence, which gives splendor.

Artistic, creative mess consists in strands, light waves, neat pile, loosely tightened a small elastic band and other devices necessary for collecting hair, shaping a hairstyle.

Creative mess will succinctly emphasize naturalness, slight negligence. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the view will be disfigured. But this is by no means so easy, you have to make a lot of efforts, at least half an hour of time, styling tools to help!

Easily! These simple tips will make even thin, sparse or heavy curls luxurious.