The daughter accused her father of sexual harassment. Love Stories Twice Blessed Lee Bristol

16 709 1 Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about father-daughter relationship... And also about the fact what role does a father play in raising a daughter... The father is the first man a girl meets in life. It is no secret that the relationship between father and daughter will determine her relationship with the opposite sex in the future and the world as a whole.

The mother-daughter relationship develops in the process of caring for and caring for the girl. The relationship between father and daughter develops in the course of their play. It is believed that fathers are less protective of the child than mothers. Therefore, under the influence of the father, self-discipline, self-control, relations with the outside world are formed.

So what is the impact of the role of the father on the development of the girl's personality? To do this, we will divide the spheres of the girl's life and determine what influence the father has on the formation of a particular behavior of his daughter in these spheres.

We have highlighted social, personal and professional life. At the end of the article, you will find practical advice on how to get rid of negative father attitudes.

The influence of the father on the social life of the girl

The mother influences the girl's social life the lion's share. She teaches to interact with others, helps to learn the unknown, talks about good and bad behavior. But full-fledged relationships with the outside world are formed due to the positive building of relationships not only with the mother, but also with the father.

The primary role of the father in understanding the girl's world is the destruction of the symbiotic relationship between mother and daughter. If this did not happen on time, the mother's excessive love can have a detrimental effect on the formation of the girl's healthy personality.


The girls of friendly, caring, and emotionally stable fathers usually care about healthy diets and an athletic lifestyle. They monitor their physical and psychological health. They experience less stress and are less prone to depression and anxiety.

These girls have higher levels of intellectual development. This is due to the fact that fathers spend a lot of time with girls, follow their upbringing and development: they go to the theater, museum, exhibitions, etc.

Father wanted a son

It is not a rare situation when a father really wanted a son, but a daughter is born. In such a situation, fathers need to be very careful. Since unconsciously, they will try to make a son out of a daughter. From here are such names for girls: Yaroslava, Sasha, Zhenya, Vladislava, etc.

Often men, because of not knowing and fearing “what to do with the girl,” simply don’t know how to find an approach to her. In such a situation, men can encourage and stimulate the male behavior of girls. In this situation, mothers need to make sure that the father is not fond of encouraging male behavior in his daughter. This may be due to the prohibition on the manifestation of girlish emotions, playing with a child only in men's games, watching men's films, stories and tales on a men's theme.

A critical situation when a girl, in order to deserve the attention and love of her father, begins to copy male behavior without consciously knowing it. This can cause some difficulties. So in adolescence, a girl will experience difficulties in gender identification.

A son-loving father can completely ignore his daughter as a person. Such a father is never interested in her success, does not stand up to her cry, yells at her mother and throws off all the responsibility for raising her daughter on her. Most often, such girls in men will look for that paternal love that they did not receive in childhood. This can be manifested in the fact that girls will look for men an order of magnitude older than themselves.

2 types of girls

  1. "Doll girls". The domineering, authoritarian type of father, who in every possible way forbade the manifestation of any emotional experiences, criticized any initiatives, etc., can form the image of a “doll-girl”. Such girls are very beautiful, graceful, but at the same time completely independent, infantile and dependent on a man. Such a girl will look for a father-“daddy” in men, who would take care of her, provide her with everything she needs, and she continued to demonstrate her beauty on the pages of social networks.
  2. "Amazons". Weak fathers who suffer from alcoholism, unemployed, causing only misfortune and suffering to their families, become the reason why girls take the role of father on themselves. Such girls try to compensate for the moral trauma inflicted on them by their father, they impose the burden of responsibility for the maintenance of the family on themselves. They can start earning early to support their families. Such a girl will look for men for whom she will take care of, whom she will take care of.

The influence of the father on the girl's personal life

How the relationship between father and daughter will develop in the first 5 years of a girl's life will affect her entire life, including relationships with men. It is the father who shows his daughter that the world of men is not so terrible, that in many ways women and men are alike.

Trust in men

According to numerous surveys, it was revealed that women who had warm, friendly, affectionate, open, emotionally close relationships with their fathers assess their marriage perfectly, considering it successful in all areas (spiritual, sexual, emotional).

Gender identification

It is the father who forms the idea of ​​sex-role relations between a man and a woman. By about 3 years old, girls are already beginning to distinguish between male and female behavior. Even in the sandbox, they try to copy the behavior of their gender. And also at this age, an attitude towards dad as a man and mother as a woman begins to form. Girls who grew up without a father develop these ideas much later, if there was no person replacing their father (grandfather, brother).

The role of the father in adolescence is equally important. The girl begins to feel dissatisfaction with her rapidly changing body, she is also dissatisfied with her appearance and style. In this situation, it will be her father who will help her if he will often compliment her, hug and kiss her. If the girl does not receive this, she may start looking for early sexual encounters.


A father has a huge impact on a girl's self-esteem! You can say the father shapes her.

Children are a growing organism. They take a step - they make a mistake, fall down, get up, take a step again, and again not mulberries. This is the normal state of a person growing up. Therefore, you need to be patient with their method of knowing the world. Therefore, avoid insulting children. As for the girls, you are to her the type of her future husband. Imagine that her husband would also insult her ?! To prevent this, avoid insulting your growing daughters yourself.

A man should praise his daughter more often, admire her, love and hug her, only in this way she will feel that someone needs her, that she is attractive and can be liked by other people for who she is. This will give her confidence in her relationship with the opposite sex.

Feeling secure

It is important to form a relationship with your daughter in such a way that it subcortex, at an unconscious level, it is postponed that the father is a friend who will always protect her, even if she is wrong. That the father is the person to whom she can always turn for help, in any life situation, no matter what happens.

Girls from families where fathers did not show emotional interest or were almost completely removed from upbringing are more likely than others to enter into relationships with men prone to aggression, emotionally cold and emotionally unstable. This is due to the fact that such women care, affection, respect from men seem to be something not normal, abnormal, not natural. Many people do not even think that they deserve an affectionate and caring attitude towards themselves from a man.

Have your own opinion

A good father teaches his daughter to stand up for herself. This is formed thanks to the words and games in which the father speaks and plays with his daughter:

  • teaches her to climb trees or swim in various styles,
  • drive,
  • fix the bike,
  • glue broken things,
  • protect yourself from boys who fight, etc.

If the family did not have the image of a father (grandfather or older brother), the girl may fall under the oppression of her future husband, she will be completely subordinate to his opinion, his power, she will be afraid to leave him, and, accordingly, will endure his bullying.

Early marriage

Girls who grew up in a family where their father abandoned them, more often than their other peers, get married very early. This is due to the fear that they will not have time, that they will be abandoned and that they will not be needed by anyone.

In addition, the relationship between father and mother affects the quality of a daughter's marriage. Girls do not consciously copy the interpersonal relationships between their parents. Be prepared if you often quarrel, swear, be rude to each other, make fun of each other, and your daughter will marry a husband for a man who will criticize and offend her. In families where the father shares the responsibilities of the house with the mother, kisses her, he takes care of her, shows gentlemanly manners, everything is exactly the opposite.

Remember! We all copy, albeit unconsciously, the behavior of our parents.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking “Lord! I react to it like my mother "or" He behaves exactly like my father! He even says the same words! " Here it is! And how many other things we do not notice.

Everything comes from childhood!

The influence of the father on the girl's professional life

It is the father's attitude to his daughter's childhood success that influences the formation of her professional self-determination. So, if the father admires even the small achievements of his daughter, helps her with her homework, praises her, goes to all her competitions, says how proud he is of her, the daughter develops the feeling that she will cope with any tasks, that she is strong and worthy of success. that she can and will do more. And such girls are striving!

It is the father who develops the girl's logical thinking, arithmetic abilities, as well as the moral qualities of the person.

It is the father who is at the source of the girl's choice of profession.

If the father is a self-sufficient man, satisfied with his social position, then his daughter will strive to achieve a worthy position in society.

Courageous or weak and crushing

It is the father who rewards the daughter with muscularity. He shows that there is masculine strength in every girl. It is strength: to strive, achieve, get what you want, be self-reliant, authoritarian and independent. Thanks to the positive influence of the father, girls move up the career ladder, strive to take high positions, become an effective employee, a competent professional.

It is the masculinity brought up by the father that helps the girl to cope with the difficulties in life, be it sports achievements, professional or personal.

The absence of a father in a girl's life

The absence of a father in the girl's life does not go unnoticed. A father in a girl's life can be replaced by another male person (an older brother or grandfather), but not like a mother. Of course, a mother should take into account the peculiarities of the personality development of her daughter without a father, but she cannot completely replace him.

Consequences of the absence of a father:

  • The girl loses her social activity. She becomes unsure of herself, some girls suffer from a lack of self-discipline, self-control.
  • Girls who have grown up without a father are more likely than others to experience frequent nervous breakdowns, stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Such girls are less intellectually developed. It is more difficult for them to study, to decide on a profession. They are less focused on higher education and career development.
  • Girls who grew up without a father earlier than other peers marry.
  • Prolonged gender identification. Usually, a girl compares a potential companion with the image of her father. If he was not, then she creates the ideal image of the father in her head. This image is created from her environment: brothers, friends, relatives, movie characters, etc. This image is not always real.
  • The absence of a model of behavior in marriage and family relations has a detrimental effect on the formation of relations between a girl and her husband and men in general. She simply does not know what a marriage relationship should be. Those. she has no one to copy.
  • A girl who grew up without a father is constantly trying to find him in a potential partner. Those. she is looking for a person who would surround her with care and affection, as her father should have done.
  • High femininity. Refusal of any contact with men, isolation of oneself from communication with them, fear of talking to them. Or building relationships with men purely to achieve their goals (sexual, professional, etc.).


  1. A father should surround his daughter with paternal love as much as possible. Admire her achievements, even if they are small and insignificant.
  2. Take part in her social life: go to her performances, exhibitions, competitions, etc.
  3. Introduce the girl to the world around her: go on mini-dates with her daughter, invite her to a cafe, serve her a coat, open car doors, etc.
  4. Depending on the prevailing relationship between father and daughter (positive or negative), the girl's requirements for men will be built:
  • "He does not correspond to the image of my father" - sifting men through a sieve of the positive image of the father;
  • "Just not the same as my father" - the search for the antipode of the father. This may be due to the negative experience of communicating with the father: he was inattentive, cold, detached, aggressive.
  1. The opinion is erroneous that "while the daughter is small, let her mother take care of her, that's when she grows up ...". The period up to 5 years is very important, and if the father during this period does not show himself as a father (he is cold and indifferent in raising his daughter), then this time will be irretrievably lost.

The opinion and attention from the father is very important for the girl. This is the first assessment of her appearance, skills and abilities from the male side. The way the father manifests himself in this will leave a huge imprint on the formation of her personality. Thanks to this attention, her self-esteem, her academic performance, purposefulness, the desire to learn about the world, go through life boldly or beware of corners are formed.

Also, when analyzing the influence of the father on the development of the girl's personality, it is necessary to take into account the race and ethnicity of the families.

How to get rid of negative attitudes of the father

If you are a daughter whose father was not an exemplary dad, or you grew up without a father at all, then you may have come across a situation when a voice in your head told you “You can't do it!”, “You can't do it,” “Don't take risks , you can never get out of poverty! ”,“ You are not so beautiful ”and the like. Perhaps you are already over 40, but you can’t get rid of the parental voice in your head. The following technique will help you deal with this voice and overcome these negative programs in your head.

So sit back, relax. It is best if you are alone in a room or at home.

  1. Decide which negative attitude you will be working with.
  2. Feel your body. What part of your body do you experience discomfort? What does this negative look like? What image does he take? How do you feel about it? What emotions does this attitude evoke?
  1. We check the reality of the image and strengthen it.

For example: The mask grows together with the body, the rivets shrink more. There is a feeling of hopelessness, panic and you want to cry.

Output: you have chosen the very attitude that prevents you from living. If you have not experienced strong emotions in relation to this attitude, then it is not it. So you just wishful thinking. Start over, look for a different image to which you will emotionally react!

  1. Imagine how you take this image out of your body and put it in front of you.
  2. Confidently, loudly, consciously and clearly articulate the counterargument!

For example: I'm beautiful! I have cute features! I look better than some! Admires my beauty xx.

  1. Now imagine how your negative attitude becomes smaller, then crumbles into small particles, and those into even smaller ones, and so on until they disappear from view.

For example: the mask becomes smaller and more transparent, then it splits into pieces, crumbles and flows away like water.

  1. Listen to yourself, to your well-being. How do you feel?

For example: there is freedom of movement, relief, confidence.

  1. Think about how your life will change? What are you going to do now? What positive effect will this have on you?
  2. At the end of the procedure, thank yourself for the work done. Think again about the positive effect to prevent negative attitudes from returning.

Do this exercise again after a while. In a day, two, a month or a year. The more often you work on your mindsets, the more comfortable, confident, and happier you will feel.

That's all. If you have a personal example of the influence of a father on your life or on the life of your daughter, we will be glad if you share this with us in the comments to this article. Perhaps it is your experience that will help others cope with difficult life situations.

Lecture on the relationship between daughters and fathers. Analysis of situations based on personal examples of the girls present.

Shifting from foot to foot, Becky had hypnotized the handle of the door that led to her father's room for fifteen minutes, and still could not make up her mind. Biting her lips, the girl now and then held out a trembling palm, but as soon as her fingers touched the shiny surface, Becky immediately jerked them away, as if from an electric shock.
“Rebecca Jane Lionel!” The girl mentally shouted at herself, looking gloomily at the hated piece of metal. “You are the biggest coward imaginable! surely they will be bolder! "
“Well, let it!” Another inner voice responded with a whining note. “Yes, I’m a coward! But any other would be afraid in my place! Sleep with my own father!”
"Just think! For us this is nothing like that!"
"Nothing like that ?! If only someone knew ..."
"Don't be ridiculous! We are not people, we are wolves! They will degenerate, but for us ..."
Then the door handle suddenly turned, and the mental argument with myself immediately ended.
“H-hello,” Becky said, not thinking of anything better, looking up at the tall, black-haired man standing on the threshold.
“Hello,” he replied, raising an eyebrow. - How long were you going to stand here?
Blushing immediately, Becky looked down.
- Well ... I ... um ...
Mr. Lionel chuckled.
- Come in.
After waiting for his daughter to cross the threshold, the man closed the door with a key. The girl shuddered.
"Why-e-eat ?? Well, why me ?!"
"You already asked your father. Do you remember what he said?"
"That it is so necessary, that it is for the sake of the family ... But this is not enough!"
"Enough! You don't want to let her down, do you?"
Sighing heavily, Becky nodded to herself.
“Wait a minute, I'll finish now,” came a voice from across the room.
The girl turned: Mr. Lionel was sitting at the table and typing something quickly, carefully looking at the monitor. Eh, it's almost night, and my father is still working. However, it happens very often with him.
- Good.
Finally releasing the convulsively clenched edge of the silk peignoir (Rachel said that today you shouldn't go to her father in pajamas with pink hippos), the girl went to the bookcases. They stretched from the door to the very window on the opposite wall, and each was ceiling-high. Most of the shelves were packed with books, but on some, Becky saw the drawings that the younger siblings drew for her father, as well as all sorts of different photographs. Basically, they were captured by John Lionel himself and one of his children, or even just them, without a father. There were no mothers. Yes, yes, precisely "mothers", because Mr. Lionel's sons and daughters are from different wolves. He allowed to meet with them very rarely, but Becky did not suffer from this: Rachel, one of the older sisters, from childhood took care of her as if she were her own child. The girl even remembered how, at the age of five, she really called her "mom".
- Are you ready?
Becky turned around again; after turning off the computer, Mr. Lionel was taking off his jacket. And why does the father even wear a suit at home? Well at least no tie.
No, no, stupid thoughts! Not about that! It doesn't matter now!
- U ... uh huh ... - squeezed out the girl, blushing again and hiding her eyes.
The man walked over to the spacious bed.
“Then come to me,” he said, sinking down onto the fur blanket.
With an intermittent sigh, Becky obeyed, feeling like a naughty puppy who should now be punished. Oh no, not that! Although Mr. Lionel loved his children very much, he was only terribly strict and always demanded complete obedience, which should be in the "wolf pack". Disobedience was punished, the more severely, the older the culprit or culprit was. How much Becky would like to return to childhood now! Though...
Approaching the bed, the girl was about to sit down on the bedspread next to her father, but he, taking her by the hand, sat down on his lap.
- Do not be afraid.
Unable to contain herself, Becky hugged her father. Pressing her whole body against him, she dropped her head on her shoulder and closed her eyes. Just like in childhood, when a little girl, despite all the persuasions of her older sister, cried and could not sleep because of the terrible monsters that flickered outside the window every now and then. But then dad came, hugged the baby, wiped away his tears, and the monsters disappeared, turning into ordinary maple branches. The girl immediately fell asleep, her father put her to bed, but did not leave until the daughter fell asleep, by all means holding his hand.
Now Mr. Lionel hugs Becky again, she feels safe again. Dad is so strong. He will always protect, will not give offense. Yes, very strong ... very ... true wolf ... oh ...
So weird.
Again this feeling.
Like ... like Becky isn't just with her dad right now, but ...
Continuing to hug, the man stroked his daughter's blonde hair. Still so young! Quite a girl, his little Becky. But no, no longer a child. Already a girl promising to become a wolf, beautiful and strong. Just like her mother ...
No, Mr. Lionel will not give this daughter of his to anyone. No stranger wolf will touch Becky, no family will get her cubs - they will be too strong to bear a name other than Lionel. But many are already looking in, are already interested in John's plans about this particular daughter of his. Just refuse? Too dangerous and fraught with a huge amount of trouble both for the girl herself and for the rest of the family. No, John cannot allow this. He can only follow the primitive laws of the pack and make Becky his own, so that no one else, no wolf dares to claim her.
And the girl kept cuddling with her father. A familiar smell, gentle touches, a careful kiss on the temple - a couple of years ago, Becky would have fallen asleep long ago, having warmed up, but now ...
Again. Everything seems to be the same as always. But in a different way. It seems to be a father, but it seems to be ...
Kiss again. All the same careful and gentle, only lower on the cheek. Lower. Yet. To the neck.
Feeling a wave of something very sweet go through her body, Becky gasped softly and grabbed her father's shirt.
“It's okay,” the man whispered. Carefully and unobtrusively, his hand slid along his daughter's back, now and then lifting the silk of the dressing gown. - Relax.
"Daddy ..." Becky breathed, involuntarily pressing herself closer to him. `` This ... this is ... so strange ...
Mr. Lionel chuckled. Yes, not a child. Not a child for a long time ...
- But nice? he asked, running his lips down the girl's neck from ear to shoulder, making her flinch again.
`` Y-yes ... oh ...
- It means everything is OK. This is how it should be.
`` I ... but ... but ... I ...
- Quiet. Relax.
- Dad...
Continuing to kiss the delicate skin, the man, having untied the peignoir belt, touched his bare thighs, ran over his stomach and chest. Feeling that she was blushing again, Becky involuntarily tried to pull away, but just one movement of her fingers squeezing her nipple, and the girl was unable to suppress a loud moan.
- Dad!..
- What? asked Mr Lionel softly, without removing his hand.
- P-stop! ..
- You do not like it? You feels bad?
`` N-no ... but ... I ... it's ... excruciating! ..
The man just chuckled as he continued.
Becky was in awe, now she couldn't just sit still, enjoying her father's warmth. Now something ached in the lower abdomen, strong and sweet, forcing the girl to squeeze her knees harder.
- Please ... - after a couple of minutes she begged again, looking into her yellowish-brown eyes. - Dad ... don't do that ...
“Okay,” the man agreed mercifully, placing his hand on his daughter’s hip. “But then you must let me in.
- W-let in? ..
- Yes. Here.
Mr. Lionel's fingers touched the lower abdomen. Becky groaned again.
Let it go ... to where it is so painfully sweet ... but also so ashamed! ..
Whining quietly, the girl buried her face in her father's shoulder. Smiling again, he himself spread his daughter's knees to the sides, lowering his hand even lower.
And again a groan. Long, loud.
Yes, the girl is ready.
After tormenting his daughter a little more, Mr. Lionel threw back the covers and gently laid her on the bed. Got up.
Breathing heavily, the girl did not immediately understand what was happening, but when the man began to unbutton his shirt, she immediately turned away, instantly realizing. Very soon, almost now, her father will make Becky a woman. Realizing this, imagining how in a couple of minutes she would lie under it, feel it, the girl moaned again, whined, squeezing the sheet and biting her lips.
Having got rid of his clothes, Mr. Lionel lay down on the bed, covering his daughter with himself so that she could no longer bring her knees together. A hot female body, even if so young ... especially so young ... the brown eyes have almost completely turned wolf-yellow.
Becky hugged her father. Her hands were trembling, but everything in her lower abdomen ached so much that the girl was not even afraid. All thoughts were only about that man, that wolf, who would now make her his own.
- Please please...
“Shut up, Becky! ..” Mr. Lionel growled through clenched teeth, reveling in the tart smell of desire and excitement emanating from his daughter's body.
But the girl simply could not be silent.
- Please ... I ... I want ...
- Girl! ..
The man leaned forward, making Becky scream as he dug his nails into her father's back.
- No! Painfully!
But he did not stop. Restraining himself, though slowly, he still moved, pulling out of his daughter's chest all new moans and pleas to stop. No, you don't need to do this. Werewolves' wounds heal very quickly - soon the girl will not moan from pain. The main thing is to restrain yourself.
Becky continued to moan and whine, tears even appeared in her eyes. But soon the girl began to feel that the pain was receding, that that painfully aching sweetness was returning, becoming stronger, stronger, stronger ...

How do you feel? asked Mr Lionel, gently stroking the hair of his daughter who was lying next to him.
“Okay ...” the girl whispered, enjoying the sensation of pleasant weakness. - And ... and you?
- Me too.
Propping herself up on her elbows, Becky looked into her father's eyes - now brown again, only with thin yellow rings around the pupils.
- Did you ... did you like it? ..
Shaking his head, the man chuckled.
- Yes. And you?
Blushing, the girl buried her face in his chest. Yes, she liked it. Highly. Becky had never experienced this in her life and was sure that she would not experience it with anyone else.
I wonder if Father can be free early tomorrow night? And after all, in order to get pregnant, one time may not be enough ...
Smiling at her thoughts, Becky pressed closer to the man.

It was a festive spring day. In the morning the bells of the churches rang, sang and joyfully echoed, and in the house of one noble and wealthy nobleman it was not spring-like and not festively sad. It was quiet, the curtains closed the windows, and the beam of light could not penetrate their thickness, only sometimes, finding a small gap in them, it broke through it and joyfully illuminated the gloomy abode. And this sunbeam gave the room a charming impression, gave hope that soon the whole room would be flooded with warm light. However, evening came, the sun went down the horizon, and the house again plunged into the darkness of the night. They did not light candles in it, did not light a fireplace, and even the stove did not always give its warmth to people, because the owner usually dined at a party.

One of the holidays, early in the morning, when the city was still asleep, a carriage stopped in front of the house, and a beautiful and young woman emerged from it. After her, a little girl jumped out of the carriage, she looked like she was about five or six years old. She was all in expectation of something unusual and surprising. The lady took her hand and moved towards the house. I called. The door was not opened for a long time, the servant, like the owner, slept for a long time and got up late. Finally, the door was opened. The lady asked to wake up the owner and introduced herself as the girl's governess. The servant escorted the lady and the child into the living room and went to wake the owner. He was absent for a long time, but the wait did not seem to them burdensome. The girl looked at the room, touched things in plain sight, and she was all full of childish healthy curiosity. The lady also looked at the living room, but, unlike the child, she was not touched by the luxury of the house. She felt the joylessness of this dwelling and she felt a little scared; she anxiously awaited a meeting with the owner of the house.

And here is the owner himself. A man of about forty entered the living room. Slender, tall, he would even be handsome if it were not for the sadness that lay on his face. The eyes were also sad, and the lady saw neither surprise nor curiosity in them - they were polite, but indifferent. "Who do I have the honor to talk to?" - he asked. The lady introduced herself and handed him a letter, saying that he would find the answer to all questions in this letter. The man took the envelope, opened it, and ran his eyes over several lines. Suddenly his face became pale, he staggered and almost fell, but quickly regaining control of himself, sat down on the sofa with the lady's permission. He read the letter for a long time, slowly, as if he did not understand what was written there. Finally, he finished reading and looked up at the lady. And she saw what a change the letter had made. From a gloomy and indifferent person, he turned into a suffering, but very kind person. His eyes remained sad, but it was already the sadness of a living person, suffering, but with hope for healing, with hope for joy and happiness.

That's her? he asked, looking at the girl.

Yes, - the governess answered quietly.

Come to me, child, he asked.

The girl obediently approached him, and when she stood next to him, their similarity immediately struck, no one could deny their relationship. They were father and daughter - two kindred creatures, thrown by life far from each other.

You know who I am? - he quietly asked the girl.

Yes, you are my dad. Mom told me about you.

And what did she tell about me?

That you are very kind and very beautiful. That you love me and I love you.

And, having said this, she suddenly pressed herself to him, hugging his neck with her thin little arms. The man did not expect such an outburst of love and tenderness and did not have time to control his feelings. Tears welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheek. He hugged the only native creature left in life, pressed tightly and held her in his arms for a long, long time. This is how the love of two arose, was born. Love for life, two lonely, suffering people who yearned for love and tenderness. The years passed. The girl turned into a girl. The house has turned from gloomy and dull into light and cozy. It was always fun, music sounded, laughter was heard. Children, and later young people, loved to be here. In the house they were greeted with joy, fed nourishingly and allowed to do what was not allowed in other houses. And the father of the hostess of the house has always been the soul of the company. He was loved, he was an authority for everyone. The praise of the owner of the house, his approval of their behavior or deed was the highest grade.

And then the day came when the daughter had to leave, she wanted to study singing and drawing. Her path lay in Italy. Both suffered from the upcoming separation, but none of them spoke about their feelings. The father did not want to hinder his daughter in her desire to learn the unknown, enrich herself with knowledge and learn the craft of an artist. He felt a talent in her and did not want to interfere with her in the implementation of her plans. “Everyone has their own destiny, their own way. And let her go her own way, ”he thought, but sadness lay in his heart. Parting terrified him. He was no longer young, he could not count on the fact that everything would return as it was, because he knew and understood that this could not be. Nothing stands still, everything moves, life also has its own speed and does not stand still.

The daughter was happy and sad at the same time. She sang, then suddenly burst into tears. But youth and lust for life took their toll. The day of departure was approaching.

It was a warm summer day. The doors of the house were open, and the wind blew freely through all the rooms. Confusion reigned. Everyone was fussing, talking loudly. Only the father was silent, he sat in the yard and watched the fees. No feelings were reflected on his face.

The carriage was brought in. The servants began to carry things out and pack them, but the daughter still did not appear. Finally, she appeared. On this day, she was unusually pretty. The excitement gave her face an inexpressible charm, a rosy blush painted her cheeks, her eyes glittered about to burst into tears, and her lips tried to smile. The father got up and walked over to his daughter. They hugged each other. And again, as on the first day of their meeting, he held her in his arms for a long time, and she repeated without ceasing that she loved him. Finally, he opened his arms and looked at his daughter. How alike they were - a father and his child. He blessed her and said:

Wherever you are, whatever happens to you, remember and know that you have a house where your father and his love are waiting for you. Remember this in sorrow and joy. And know that you are not alone, for my love is always with you. Goodbye child.

With these words, he kissed her and, turning his back, quickly walked towards the house. The crew drove off.

Days, weeks, months passed. A year has passed, the second, the fifth. The daughter wrote regularly, wrote about her studies, about new friends and about her impressions. But I never wrote about love for a man. And her father believed that love had not yet touched her heart. And now, when the fifth year of separation has already passed, the letters have changed - sadness and longing appeared in them, and they began to come less and less often. The father, loving his daughter, immediately understood the reason for the sadness and felt, felt in his heart that he fell in love with his daughter and that her love was unhappy. Together with his daughter, he suffered and suffered and, finally, unable to withstand the unknown, set out on a journey. The path was not easy, the road was long. But any road comes to an end, and here he is with his daughter. The daughter has changed. She became even more beautiful, but it was no longer a girl - in front of him stood a young beautiful woman who knew love and suffering from love.

Child, why are you running from your home? Have you forgotten my parting words? Why do you suffer alone, can't I share your sorrow with you?

The daughter cried, she cried for so long and so bitterly, as if she wanted all the suffering of her soul to go away with her tears. Her father stroked her head, as he stroked when she was still a child, and calmed her with gentle words, instilling in her soul peace that brought comfort. Father's love warmed the soul. She became quiet and fell asleep. She slept for a long time, as only children can sleep - serenely and calmly. He sat next to her and looked at her lovingly.

Today we will leave, ”she said resolutely,“ you are right, I have a house, and I have a father.

Six months have passed. And a small creature appeared in the house, so helpless and beautiful that everyone adored him. It brought so much joy and so much happiness that the house came to life again, laughter sounded again, and music poured out. The father became a grandfather, and a daughter became a mother. A small creature, and it was a girl, became the foundation of this house. Everything revolved around her. Love was in the air, you could breathe it in, feel it, feel it.

Two more years passed in this way. The little girl was alive and very much reminiscent of her mother as a child. Grandfather adored her and spent all his free time playing with her. His daughter revived, motherhood added more beauty to her, and suffering softened her soul. She led a reclusive lifestyle, spending all her time at home.

Once, when the gardens bloomed, my daughter was drawn to nature, she took paints and brushes and went out of town, the desire to paint had not arisen for more than four years. She chose a spot and settled down to paint. The morning was wonderful. The sun warmly warm the earth, birds sang wedding songs, and the meadow was strewn with flowers. The scent of spring was in the air. She was so carried away by work that she did not even notice how a stranger approached her. He stopped behind her and watched her for a long time. And only when she was about to leave, he came out from behind and, having apologized, introduced himself. So they met. Spring gave them love, mutual and happy. The daughter blossomed with happiness. Now she had everything - home, family, love. Her household blossomed with her. Father became younger, his eyes shone, they shone with love and joy. The granddaughter found a father and was also happy. Love settled in the house forever.

For outsiders, the Menshikov family (surname has been changed. - Ed.) Was no different from hundreds of others. One-year-olds Dmitry and Tamara met, fell in love, got married, settled in a three-room apartment in Kolomyagi, their daughter Julia was born. The parents could not get enough of it, they raised the child with a soul. The black cat ran between the parents after eight years. Dmitry once said:

Today I'll go to bed with Yulia.

He was then 30 years old. The woman probably noticed before that her husband was too gentle with the girl. But she hardly expected outright pedophilia. Shocked, she swallowed the hurt. She didn't tell anyone - they can't stand dirty linen in public. And it was useless to contradict Dmitry. A big man, more than two meters tall, he could easily hurt.

Since then, the Menshikovs have healed according to new rules. Dmitry moved into the room with his daughter, cooled down to his wife. The years passed. At the age of 17, Julia became pregnant.

From whom? - asked the father naively.

From you, you are my only man, - was the answer.

The family council decided to keep the child. The daughter-granddaughter was named Sveta. Incest has not passed without a trace. The child fell ill with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. It is practically incurable. Consider disabled for life.

Now Sveta is four years old. Tamara filed for divorce. Dmitry seemed to agree, but on the condition that Julia stay with him. He still burns "love" for her.

And the girl, apparently, was tired physically and mentally. She told her father that she was breaking up with him. He wants, they say, to meet with guys of the same age:

I am already 21 years old, I want to be with others!

Menshikov, who will turn 43 in early December, has boiled over. He wanted eternal loyalty and vetoed his daughter's dates.

The girl went to the police. She recalled the details calmly, as if she were telling a philistine story. Three operatives followed Menshikov. They knocked on the door, introduced themselves, asked to go with them to the investigator. The man agreed. And on the street he changed his mind and rushed at the police.

What are you doing, Dmitry Valentinovich, s ... ka, are you doing! - shouted one of the operas, holding on to his dislocated arm.

Two also suffered. Menshikov bit hard. I crumpled my company car. Finally, they laid him down with a wrestling technique and brought him to the investigation department. Dmitry denied his guilt. The victim also planted a "pig". Seeing dad, Julia refused the application.

If you start planting him, I will say that I slept with him voluntarily! - she threw in the face of the investigators.

Such a turn was not expected. As it became known to "Komsomolskaya Pravda", the investigation of the Primorsky district contacted The Prosecutor General's Office for consultation. Apparently, the grounds for initiating a criminal case were found after all. Perhaps Yulia was persuaded to testify against her father. It is possible that in freedom he would take revenge on his daughter for betrayal.

The defendant has been arrested. He is suspected of raping a minor and resisting police officers, - Ekaterina Gilina, head of the Investigation Department of the Primorsky District of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee in St. Petersburg, explained to the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent.

At the end of October, my eighteen-year-old daughter Natasha and I went to the regional center to visit my wife who was in the hospital. She had already given birth to a second girl, and things were on the mend after childbirth complications. We returned home in the evening. The weather was cold and cloudy, black thunderclouds, filled with lead weight, were gathering in the sky.

The bus took us to a dirt turn on Bolshoi Klyuch, dropped us off and moved on - to Varvarovka. My daughter and I were left alone on the track. Cars rarely passed here, and one could not even dream of turning into Bolshoi Klyuch. We have always covered the distance from the profile to our village on foot: and this is more than seven kilometers.

My daughter and I set off as usual, but did not go even a kilometer when a terrible downpour fell on us. In a matter of minutes we were wet to the skin. A cold, cold shiver, like needles, pierced our bodies. The primer turned into a soggy, viscous mess, and we were forced to wander through the grass, densely overgrown by the side of the road. A pound of dirt stuck to our shoes, so we could hardly move our feet. The clothes are firmly stuck to the body. Natasha, in her impossibly short, fitted chintz dress, was completely naked. All parts of the body were imprinted so frankly that I was embarrassed to look at her.

The rain poured and poured as if from a bucket, and we had no choice but to wander further under the tight cold streams of the downpour. Because it was only possible to hide in a forest plantation, and the nearest one was still half a kilometer away.

- Not tired, Natasha? - I asked my daughter anxiously and looked at her small, puny little body, involuntarily noticing with my eyes all her girlish bulges: behind and in front.

- No, daddy, I'm not tired. Let's go faster, ”Natasha urged me on.

Finally we got to the forest plantation, went into the very depths, found a fallen tree, it was an old acacia, and sat down on it with relief. The rain did not penetrate here so much. So we were even able to wring out our hair and catch our breath from walking fast.

Soon Natasha began to chatter her teeth from the cold.

- Do you feel bad, daughter? I asked anxiously.

“H-ho-l-lod-bottom,” Natasha said, stammering, with a tremor in her voice.

I was afraid that she might catch a cold and get sick, and resolutely demanded:

- Natasha, I will turn away, and you take off your dress now and squeeze it. Otherwise, you will fall ill.

- No, you need to wring out your clothes and dry them a little. Let me help you.

I almost forcibly pulled off her wet dress and began to twist it diligently. The rain somewhat weakened its pressure and almost did not penetrate into the thicket. I squeezed my daughter's dress well, shook it and hung it on the branches to dry. Natasha, in tiny red lace thongs like adults, and in a size zero tiny bra, was shaking, curled up on a log.

- Daughter, are you completely frozen? - I continued to persuade Natasha carefully. - Take off your panties and bra, let me squeeze them out.

She, not ashamed of me, exposed, left without the last shreds of clothes. Gave the tiny girl's intimacy in my trembling hands. Taking them, I with undisguised interest slid my gaze over her naked body. He noted the weak, barely outlined mounds of breasts with brown pimples on the nipples, smooth, without a single hair, shaved girl's pubis with a visible line of the upper part of her vagina. Sunken, tiny tummy.

“Hurry, dad, I'm cold,” she said, sitting down on the log again and wrapping her arms around her shoulders.

I quickly squeezed her panties with a bra, threw them on the branches near the dress. Himself trembling as in a fever, he sat down next to his daughter.

“Squeeze out too,” she said in a commanding tone.

I did not force myself to beg for a long time, and soon stood next to Natasha, as naked as she was, and diligently twisting his shirt and trousers.

“Let me help you,” Natasha suggested.

Together we quickly squeezed my things and also hung them on the branches to dry. I noticed that Natasha was looking at my penis with interest all the time. I was embarrassed, but from this embarrassment the member began to harden and rise. The situation was quite unusual: I had never yet undressed to a goal under Natasha. Concentrating mentally on this, I involuntarily spurred my arousal. The member grew and was filled with juice in front of my eyes. Natasha noticed this and shyly turned away. I didn't know what to do.

It was too early to get dressed, the clothes were not dry, it was stupid to cover with your hands. And I just stood there, shaking from a strong chill, all covered with blue goose bumps. And my penis grew and grew until it finally acquired a strictly vertical position. Natasha was shaking on a log, her face turned aside. The concern and fear for the health of my dear little man overpowered my shame. I approached her with a treacherously protruding big member, sat down next to her and hugged her tightly.

- Do not be afraid, daughter, I will just warm you up. You can get sick, which is not very good. How will I treat you later?

- And you, dad, won't you get sick? - Natasha asked in turn, and timidly looked first into my eyes, then - at a member.

- I do not take any cold, daughter, - I reassured Natasha, and began to rub her back and chest with my palms.

- I'm not talking about that, dad ... - daughter hesitated.

- What about?

- Well, about this very ... do not you understand? .. I heard that if it happens as it is with you - now - then you can die.

I immediately understood what she was hinting at, and decided to play along with her.

- Yes, you can die, daughter ... There were fatal cases.

- What cases?

- Lethal. Fatal.

- Do you really ... want? - With difficulty choosing the words, Natasha squeezed out.

- I want, daughter ... Very, very ...

“And if that… doesn't happen now, will you die?

- Without you - yes, my sweetheart! - for some reason I unequivocally hinted. Although no, I firmly knew why I was saying this and what I was getting at.

- Well then, do it, dear! - Natasha, suddenly deciding on something, in turn firmly adhered to me with all her small body of an unformed teenage girl, grabbed the thick trunk of my erect penis with cold thin fingers and began to quickly slide her hand up and down. Her movements were so swift and skillful that it soon became dizzyingly easy and pleasant for me. Some kind of weary indifference to everything in the world came over me, except for the movements of her musical fingers on my organ. I spread my legs wide and completely surrendered myself to the power of the little minx.

- Are you good, daddy? - with a breath, like an adult, Natasha whispered, continuing to bring me with her sweet massage to wild delight and frenzy.

- Okay, Natasha, go on, please!

- Why, dad? This is not what you want ...

- Yes, docha ... But you still can't ... You are too small for ... him!

- And I'm careful.

Natasha got up from the log and, continuing to manipulate

my cock, sat on my lap, face to my face. I stretched out my hands, shaking with lust, and touched my fingers to her soft, tiny genital lips - already opened and moistened. Natasha sighed, trembled even more strongly with her whole body, but now not from the cold, but from pleasure. She pushed her crotch over my hand.

I felt the small button of her clitoris, and gently pressed on it. Natasha screamed louder, threw her thin arms around my mighty, heroic neck and crawled blue lips to my mouth. I immediately responded with warmth to her hot and greedy, sucking kiss. I drowned my tongue in her hot throat. At the same time, he rubbed his huge, reared phallus against her elastic tummy.

- Dad, I want - there ... - Natasha whispered, looking up from my mouth. She lifted my ass off my knees, grabbed the sinewy shaft of the penis in her hand and began to carefully drive the head opening like a flower over her tiny "pussy". I felt so good that I almost finished and involuntarily removed her hand with a member from the vagina.

- Wait, docha, otherwise everything will flow now ...

- Out of him? Natasha asked with interest.

- Yes ... And you will not experience ... pleasure.

We continued to greedily suck each other's mouths, and I imagined how great it would be if Natasha caressed her small, nimble tongue, similar to the sting of a lizard, the head of my standing penis. From such thoughts, my head became clouded, and I, almost not realizing what I was doing, moistened the fingers of my right hand with saliva and began to gently part the tiny pussy lips of my girl with them. She froze in agonizing anticipation, hanging over my cock. I worked out the entrance to her hot cave enough so that at the end I could stick three fingers into it. My daughter breathed faster, moaned dully, and pressed my wet head tighter and tighter to her nonexistent chest.

Finally, I made up my mind, and, thinking that I had brought her to ecstasy, began slowly and carefully to plant my priceless treasure on a huge member sticking out between my thighs apart. First, the mushroom-shaped head of the penis entered her narrow, tight hole, with an effort, but then the trunk plunged. The walls of her undeveloped, girlish vagina squeezed my weapon so tightly that it even seemed to me - I went in the wrong place ... in the wrong hole ... Natasha screamed in pain in a sharp, piercing voice, it rushed upward, from this terrible stake, but I did not let her in, and gave the enraged phallus after.

Something hot instantly poured the head of my penis, I, frightened, pulled it out for a second, and Natasha's virgin blood poured over me from above. The girl got scared and, with a cry, grabbed hold of her crack, stretched out by my huge tool, with both hands, thinking that I had torn something there and something urgently needed to be done. But I knew that I had just punched her virgin, and nothing had to be done. Rather, you need to do one thing - continue to fuck your beloved daughter.

- Do not be afraid, dear, nothing happened, - I began to calm her down, trying again to mount her astride on my bloody penis, but Natasha resisted.

- What is it, dad? Why blood? What have you done to me!

- Nothing, dear, it happens with everyone ... Simply, you have ceased to be ... a girl!

- And who am I now?

- My wife! - I blurted out in impatience and finally strung it on my dick again. Now I was no longer afraid of anything, and with a frantic speed I entered the phallus in her hole.

Natasha screamed, as if cut, twitched on my dick, really ending for the first time in her life. She quickly rubbed her tiny clitoris with her fingers, with the other hand squeezed my powerful, elastic buttock, sucked my mouth and tongue in it. I, too, felt the approach of orgasm, and drove my stick into the girl at full length. For some reason I wanted to drown the phallus as deeply as possible, and I wondered how it fits there in her, in such a small, not stretched vagina.

After a few more impetuous, frantic jocks, my semen, boiling in a love battle, escaped from the phallus, filled her vagina and splashed out as soon as I pulled out a penis from Natasha. She hung around my neck in exhaustion. I picked her up in my arms, as I wore in childhood, rocking her, - under the ass, and froze in this position.

- I'm your wife now, dear daddy? Natasha finally spoke up.

“Yes, honey,” I nodded.

- And what about the mother?

- And we won't tell her anything.

- And when she leaves the hospital, will you still fuck me?

- Did you like it, daughter? - I answered with joy, a question to a question.

- It was something! .. Foamy sensations! Terrible tin! Wow Wow! - she uttered several phrases adopted by modern youth, expressing the highest degree of delight and approval.

“Give me a blowjob, dad,” my daughter suddenly said in the voice of an experienced adult whore, and I couldn’t believe my ears. But from her words such a deep wave of sweet languor rolled over me that I immediately obeyed, fell on my knees in front of my daughter, spread her thin, frog legs wide apart, and with bestial greed clung to the open bud of her "pussy". At first I licked all the folds of her external genital lips from her blood and my own sperm, then I began to actively suck on the internal ones. Natasha moaned and writhed in my hands, pressing my head with her little hands to her swollen hot bosom.

- Do you like to lick it, honey? She asked, covering her eyes with pleasure and vibrating to the beat of my tongue with all her thin body.

- Yes, Natasha, I really like your pussy. She's so small and sweet that I just stick out. I'm flying away from the buzz, - I moaned in turn, answering her questions, and licked, licked, licked.
Natasha began to thrash again, ending, and I began to suck everything into my mouth. I liked that she was cumming inside me. Before that, I finished in her, and now her turn came. The girl screamed in a voice that was not her own, and twitched in terrible convulsions all over her body, as if she were being paralyzed.

- Oh, folder, move away soon! - suddenly shouted daughter.

I did not understand anything and did not remove my face. And at the same moment, a yellow hot stream of urine from my daughter's vagina gushed into my mouth. Natasha could not restrain herself and only tried to pull away to the side, but I held her tightly in my arms and enjoyed this hot, salty-tasting shower.

“Daddy, I'm sorry,” Natasha stammered, peeing on my face. She was completely at a loss from the embarrassment that had happened to her and did not know what to do and how to make amends.

Well, I felt an equally keen urge to empty my fluid-filled bladder. Standing in front of her guilty face, I took the limp member in my right hand and immediately splashed a full stream of my urine into Natashka’s face. My little girl, experiencing genuine pleasure, opened her mouth and put it under the yellow fountain. In a minute she was wet from head to toe. Warm urine warmed her for a moment and she, half-closing her eyes, silently blissful ...