Spiritual development and personal development. Stages of spiritual development. How to determine which one you are on

What does spiritual development mean ...

This is one of the most serious and important blog posts. In fact, this topic needs to be discussed constantly, in every article.

This term more and more often you can come across before your eyes on the Internet, and in real life too. "Spiritual development" evokes different associations in people. For some, they are correct, for others, not quite.

What is often confused with spiritual development?

People often confuse it with cultural life. A visit to the theater, opera, museums, exhibitions is a cultural development. Etiquette, manners, politeness are all culture.

And this is also great, without culture anywhere. But it should be very clear to understand the following:

Cultural life will never replace spiritual development, and can only complement it .

Accordingly, in order not to get confused in concepts, we need to understand what spiritual development means.

Why do I need spiritual development?

We need to understand now that as a person grows up, it becomes harder and harder for him to live.

Remember: "Old age is not joy"?

This happens because with age, fate begins to act more strongly on a person, consequences come from past actions.

So if a person under 40 does not turn towards spiritual life and does not begin to engage in spiritual practice, then it becomes more and more difficult for him to continue living.

Have you noticed how a person is constantly dissatisfied with something? How does he blame the state and the president for his problems? How does he unfairly offend and offend loved ones?

These are all signs of inner dissatisfaction.

The fact is that true inner satisfaction cannot be obtained in any material way.

You can change cars at least every month, live in a mansion and generally be a wealthy person, but sooner or later a person begins to understand that he is missing something.

Different thoughts arise ...

Maybe I'm not living for that? Why do I live here? Who created this world and why? Why don't other people understand me? And many others.

In order to find answers to the most important questions in the life of every person, you need to engage in spiritual development. These questions look like this: who am I, why I was born in this world, why am I suffering here??

Unfortunately, now spiritual development (and even moral) is not taught in schools and institutes. Therefore, you need to delve into this issue on your own, and then God will help you on this path.

What does spiritual development mean?

To be honest with oneself, then spiritual life begins with attempts to establish correct relationships with people, primarily in the family.

If a person goes to church, attends sublime lectures, and at home yells at children and swears with his spouse, then what kind of spiritual development can we talk about.

Exalted people - what kind of people are they? These are people who have such qualities as kindness, humility, patience, wisdom, honesty, loyalty and others.

The first thing that spiritual development means is the desire to develop such lofty qualities in oneself in order to bring happiness to others, also in order to have more strength and opportunities to work on oneself.

When a person has such a desire, and he begins to try to change himself, he will quickly feel that he has little strength for this. Then the question arises: "Where can we get these forces?"

The second step for such a person should be the search for communication with exalted people who already have a set of good qualities that already have experience in spiritual development, and, most importantly, they show that a person is truly exalted.

The main signs of such sages are: they do not chase after money and are not attached to it, they do not pull anyone anywhere and do not force them to do anything, and they belong to any religious tradition (Orthodox, Catholics, Muslims and others).

The third step, which can help to carry out the second, is listening to lectures on the topics of spiritual and moral development, studying wise literature, which, first of all, include the Scriptures (Bible, Koran, Talmud, Bhagavad Gita, etc.).

Be careful when choosing lecturers, now there are many pseudo-sages who, at times, carry such nonsense that it becomes creepy.

As a rule, real sages are popular with normal, adequate people, tens of thousands of people listen to them, they have disciples and followers.

An important sign:

If the lecturer does not recognize the existence of God, or even worse, starts to offend him, then run away from such a "wise man" without looking back. Apart from grief, he will not bring you anything.

When a person has any experience in spiritual development, then often he has a desire to take the next most important step.

The fourth step is the beginning of spiritual practice, which is the main tool in spiritual development.... Without her, everything is empty and meaningless.

What is spiritual practice?

What does spiritual practice mean?

It means that I am learning to establish a relationship with Holy people, with the Scriptures, with God.

How I Establish a Relationship with Holiness?

This done through daily prayer.

It is the daily spiritual development that is most important in a person's life. As soon as we start to do this, our life begins to change, relations with others improve, things go up, and much more.

In the modern world, on the contrary, they act differently:

If there is not enough money, then we work harder, worsening our health and spending the last free precious hours ...

If we are not satisfied with the spouse, then we begin to torment him, or leave him, and look for another ...

But this is a completely wrong approach to life.

The right approach: pray more and difficult situations will be solved much easier, as if by themselves.

You can find out the facts about prayer and its effectiveness in

Only when a person begins to pray does he understand what spiritual development means and he has a taste for it.

Questions of how to pray correctly and how to learn how to pray require separate consideration.

Simple tip:

If you want to receive strength and inspiration for daily prayer, then visit the temple, if possible, once a week, and once every few months go to lectures on spiritual development. This can also be attributed to the third step.


So, we figured out a little about what spiritual development means.

We realized that cultural life and spiritual development are not the same thing.

We have identified four basic steps in spiritual development:

  • upbringing of lofty personality traits
  • communication with exalted people who have the appropriate qualities
  • listening to and attending lectures on spiritual and moral development, studying the scriptures, visiting the temple regularly
  • doing daily prayer

We also learned that in difficult life situations, we need to put more emphasis on the inner life (life in prayer), and not try to put more external efforts.

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There are many interpretations of what spiritual self-development is. This article provides a definition of this term, as well as ways of a person's spiritual development. It will be difficult for someone who considers himself an atheist to take the path of self-awareness and build the right connections with higher powers. This is everyone's personal choice, if you're ready to get started, read the rest of the article.

What is spiritual development

Spiritual self-development in the ordinary sense is too broad a concept that needs to be concretized first. Many people confuse the development of such a plan with other terms - cultural or moral. People mistakenly believe that visiting museums, theaters and exhibitions, as well as reading literature, helps spiritual development. But this is a cultural, aesthetic development. As a result of such a massive delusion, a person does for a long time what, in his opinion, helps him to progress spiritually. In fact, spiritual development is various actions aimed at comprehending spiritual laws, the universe, and God.

To do this, they visit temples, read the scriptures, go on a pilgrimage and perform other actions. If these aspects are absent in a person's life, it means that he does not develop spiritually. Culturally, morally, aesthetically - maybe, but not spiritually. Usually, a person comes to the path of spiritual self-improvement after difficulties or difficult moments occur in his life. Lack of money, quarrels and parting with loved ones, problems in work, struggle with a serious illness - all this pushes a person to think and start leading a conscious life, self-development.

The main goal of spiritual self-development

Respectively, the main goal of spiritual self-development is a person's awareness of his spiritual nature, the establishment of a previously lost relationship with higher powers (most often - with God). This is a long process that requires a person to set himself a main goal that carries deep meaning.

A person who decides to take this path will need:

  • Engage in spiritual practice - prayers, mantras, meditation.
  • Study and comprehend the scriptures carefully.
  • Communicate with enlightened people on deep spiritual topics.

All this should help a person understand exactly how to build a relationship with God and what needs to be done for this.

It is believed that all religious traditions should lead to one, One God. One religion cannot be superior to another. Everyone has a common goal - to know God, establish the right connections and relationships with him. This is the main stimulus for spiritual progress. All material benefits are given to a person by the will of God. If a person pursues selfish and selfish goals, and turns to higher powers for the sake of expanding his material Wealth, then the Lord does not like this, and he hides from the conversions of such people.

Therefore, you should not engage in spiritual development in order to obtain material wealth. As a result, a person becomes entangled in material needs and leaves the spiritual path. A person, in order to successfully establish a connection with God, must first cleanse his heart and soul from self-interest and sins. It is spiritual practice that helps a person change his character, overcome negative qualities and cultivate positive ones, plus - to clear the mind and feelings from the dominance of material desires. This is the main goal of self-development, which allows you to progress spiritually.

What happens as a result of this development

Engaged in spiritual self-development, a person is gradually deprived of illusions about material values. At the same time, he does not give up cultural, aesthetic and moral development, and continues to engage in his labor activity. It's just that the main focus is shifting to establishing ties with God and self-awareness, a gradual reassessment of values ​​is taking place. The human mind is in search of how to properly build a relationship with the Lord, and a person's character is being rebuilt.

Where to start spiritual development

A person who sincerely decided to engage in spiritual self-development should act in several directions:

  1. To begin with, he must choose the religion that is close and understandable to him. This is his free choice - otherwise the person will not be sincere in his actions or intentions. Usually, this is the religious tradition to which he is already culturally involved, which dominates in his environment.
  2. Having chosen a religion, you need to establish contact with exalted people - those who are versed in this religious tradition. It is necessary to regularly communicate with them on spiritual topics, ask for clarifications on issues of interest.
  3. From the very first day, a person should engage in spiritual practice, that is, pray, study the relevant literature. Particular attention should be paid to studying the scriptures that apply to that religion.

For the first few years, it will be enough for a person to follow these recommendations. All these actions must be regularly reproduced in life. Later, he will come to other things that are necessary for further spiritual enrichment.

So, the person has made up his mind about joining some kind of religious tradition. People are different, and therefore a certain religion may appeal to one person, but not to another. But this should not lead to rivalry between people - these are the actions of fanatics that do not lead to anything good.

As an adult and independent person, a person can change a spiritual tradition. When choosing a religion, you need to focus on the following criteria:

  1. The religious tradition should lead to the One God.
  2. Its provisions should be based on the ancient scriptures. Within the framework of a given religion, there should be many persons recognized as Saints. Usually these are those who, during their lifetime, behaved in accordance with the provisions of religion and performed godly deeds.
  3. This tradition should have many followers who were able to achieve important results, change spiritually. For example, a person refuses bad habits, overcomes debauchery and immorality, craving for violence, and the like.
  4. In the chosen religion, there must be spiritual practices that its followers are engaged in.... This is, first of all, about prayers, calls to higher powers.
  5. A person should be comfortable within the framework of this religious tradition. There should be no unpleasant sensations, no doubts. It is desirable that at the initial stage the customs and rules of this religion suit him. Later they will become much closer to him.

These are just the main criteria to consider when choosing a spiritual tradition at the very beginning. If a person is neither ready or willing to develop spiritually within the framework of religion, he can do so without joining any of them. Since all religious movements stem from one beginning (that is, belief in the One God and the rules of relationship with him), then a person is not obliged to become attached to one religion. The main thing is to join God.

Sincere followers of any religion do not claim the truth of the current to which they are affiliated, and do not reject other trends. At the forefront is the idea that there is a manifestation of God in everything, everyone can come to the Almighty along their own path, having made a choice in favor of a certain religious tradition.

It is love for God and all living things, sincere and unselfish, that should be the highest value pursued by a person. This is what is religion, the rest is just an addition. Any true flow is based on four principles:

  • Purity. Concerns the appearance, thoughts and speech, as well as actions performed by a person.
  • Asceticism. A person is not required to be a hermit - you just need to live simply, not take more than what is needed. This is a sensible, healthy lifestyle, excluding bad habits and excesses.
  • Mercy for all living things. We are talking about non-violence against living beings.
  • Striving for the truth. First of all, you need to truthfully admit to yourself what sins were committed, and sincerely repent of these actions. A person should not engage in self-deception, justify wrong actions. Such actions cannot be justified by inner weakness - on the contrary, such manifestations must be overcome.

If a person independently develops in all four directions, then he will progress spiritually. Religion, in fact, is only a tool that helps a person to come to God. Regular spiritual practice is important.

Within the framework of each religion, a certain narrow path is given, a number of recommendations that help a person to comprehend the Absolute Truth. They also have many prejudices and limitations.

All currents have their own paths. God is above religion - they appeared thanks to him, which means that every tradition also belongs to him. Consequently, the relationship between the human soul and the Almighty cannot be limited to the provisions of one paradigm. To begin with, a person needs to properly tune his subconscious mind. You must daily confess your love for God and living beings. This can be done by simply writing down the main goals in life and gratitude to the Almighty in a notebook every day.

In addition, you need to selflessly serve God and all living things., demanding in return neither reward, nor glory, nor gratitude and praise. You cannot tell anyone about such actions - this is boasting, a manifestation of self-interest.

It is difficult for a person to immediately become disinterested, this is a skill that develops gradually. This can only be done by serving someone. Over time, the heart will become purer, real selflessness will come.

It is also impossible to condemn and criticize people for their beliefs. Manifestations of condemnation, contempt and hatred towards followers and attitudes of other religions also throw a person back, preventing him from developing spiritually. Everyone should live the way they want.

However, a person still needs to communicate with religious people, regardless of the attitude to any religion. They also try to come to God, therefore, they are like-minded people. The main thing is that these people should be adequate, not fanatics, and treat other religions and their representatives peacefully. The person himself should also go his own way, but not condemn the choice of others. Plus - not treating your life too categorically - everything tends to change, and no one knows exactly how his path will change over time.

Ways of Spiritual Development

Below are some ways you can stimulate spiritual growth.


It's about exploring yourself. A person must give himself an account of his character, behavior, needs, reactions to certain situations. Including the negative aspects of their character. You need to be honest and open to yourself, perceive yourself as a multifaceted person, with your own merits and demerits. This is the first step towards being nonjudgmental towards other people, not expecting more from them than they can actually do.

All this will help to achieve inner harmony, balance and freedom. A person begins to perceive reality as it really is. Without unnecessary illusions, fantasies and expectations. He understands that all people and the world are not perfect. The realization of what he must do comes to him. The ability to predict and explain one's own reaction to this or that event and phenomenon appears, since a person already knows his attitude to the world.

Literature study

It is primarily about studying the scriptures that exist within each religion. First of all, these are:

  • Torah.
  • Koran.
  • Bhagavad-gita and others.

They contain the wisdom and spiritual knowledge accumulated in each stream. They must be studied in order to progress spiritually. It is useful to consult other sources. If a person was able to understand at least part of the thoughts inherent in the Holy Scriptures, then he becomes richer spiritually. You need to communicate with the adherents of your faith. You need to find places where they come together and regularly discuss spiritual and moral topics with them. Each of them has their own knowledge and experience, so each has its own point of view on various problems. Listening to the arguments and position of each, a person is spiritually enriched.

You can listen to lectures and recordings of famous lecturers, representatives of any religion. They carry a certain message, help a person to be imbued with a different idea, to look at familiar phenomena in a different way. All of this also helps spiritual progress. It would be better to attend such an event live - this is a much more effective way of communication and assimilation of information.

Prayers and Meditation

Prayer practice is a prerequisite for spiritual progress. The peoples of the world have their own prayers.

It is important that the chosen practice is closest to the person. This is a need that must be satisfied for further spiritual development.

If in religion there is no need to engage in prayer practice, and a person only needs to be a follower in order to develop spiritually, this is a false tradition.

It is helpful to meditate regularly. It helps to concentrate on what is important, to focus on the right state and a positive attitude, to determine your feelings at the moment.


An important requirement for the spiritual progress of a person. His entourage should at least not criticize and condemn him for his views. Better yet, they have a similar look. This will give additional strength and motivation for self-improvement. In difficult times, such an environment will help a person cope with problems and continue their development.

It is better to find a spiritual guide - a person who is at a higher level of spiritual wealth. He will help a person, point out his mistakes, and give useful recommendations for self-development.

A mentor can be anyone who is willing to listen and humble. A situation from which a person can learn certain lessons can also instruct on the right path. But a true mentor is someone who can give the right advice and help a person. For this, he himself must lead an exalted lifestyle for many years.

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I want to consider the question of what is the spiritual development of a person. Indeed, until now there is no single answer, and this concept includes not only the religiosity of a person. This is his morality, ethics, understanding of purpose, achieving a sense of inner balance, harmony and a set of qualities with the help of which it is possible to achieve all this. But what is understandable quite accurately is that everyone determines his own spiritual path and follows it. He walks with the speed and ability to overcome difficulties that he is able to cope with. In this article I will try to touch upon areas that are related to spiritual development.

What is spiritual development?

Spiritual development is actually a process during which a person understands himself, his reactions, feelings, his purpose and needs. When does the search for answers to questions about who I am, where I came from and why come to the fore? There are levels of consciousness in society, with the help of which it is possible to find the necessary answers, these are: moral, aesthetic, political, religious, legal and scientific.

The need to develop is not built into a person from birth, but manifests itself and is activated in the process of socialization and cognition of oneself as a person. There are no limits for spiritual cognition; everyone himself determines the boundaries and resources for further searches.

A person can consider himself spiritual if he is consciously able to accept another as he is. Something like parental unconditional love, has achieved peace of mind and peace, and also has faith in something good in his heart. Let's take a closer look at each component:

1 mindfulness

In fact, this is a very courageous decision when a person stops deceiving himself and decides to get rid of illusions and fantasies, preferring still to notice reality, no matter how terrible and destructive it may be. Then the ability to accept the imperfection of this world, other people and oneself appears. Freedom appears instead. A person understands what and why he is doing. He can predict and explain his reactions to any events, because he is aware of the sensations that arise. It is a rare but justified courage when you allow yourself to be sincere not only with others, but above all with yourself.

2 unconditional love

Usually it occurs in parents, in relation to their children, when they love them not for something, but only because they are in this world. If we slightly modify this kind of love, then we can reformulate it as follows:

A morally developed person is able not only to notice this world with all its shortcomings, but also to love it at the same time, and not for something, but in spite of it.

Then the abilities for empathy, that is, empathy, empathy and compassion, are greatly developed.

3 faith

We have already talked in the article about how to achieve the necessary results, the most important thing is our belief in what will come out and everything will work out. Do you remember the effect of affirmations? If you tune your subconscious mind and devote all your energy to what you have planned, it will definitely happen, and then a person will be able to reveal his full potential, knowing that there is support from the outside and something magical that you can rely on.

4) a sense of inner balance

This state is probably called nirvana. When there is no anxiety, worries, feelings of irritation and helplessness, guilt, sadness and shame. A person is, as it were, filled with warmth from within, which gives a feeling of satisfaction, calmness and confidence. When there is no urgent need to satisfy any need, but on the contrary, there is a process of assimilation, that is, assimilation of the experience gained. This state cannot be acquired once and for all, because life is different, with different situations, which sometimes can knock the ground out from under their feet, but nevertheless, during spiritual development, combining the previous components, a person seeks to get a sense of balance.

What happens as a result of this development?

1 health

A person who strives to develop his morality, health is strengthened, in comparison with others, he is less susceptible to diseases and lives longer. Because the balance of the inner world affects the physical condition. Have you heard of such a concept as psychosomatics? This is a direction in psychotherapy, psychology, which studies the connection between a person's feelings and his health. That is, all our ailments and diagnoses arise as a result of retained feelings, stresses that we could not cope with.

For example, a person who reacts to many situations with resentment, which he constantly retains in himself. Most likely, as a result, he will have a stomach ulcer, because he directs the energy deep into himself, preferring to unconsciously destroy his body for various reasons. Therefore, a person who strives to achieve balance is devoid of such a feature as holding negative feelings in himself, which contributes to the improvement of his health.

2. There is a more effective socialization process and personal growth.

Due to the fact that a person is balanced and aware, he knows how to build relationships with other people. Understands their intentions and the purpose of their actions. Therefore, he does the job much better. Gains success and quickly resolves difficult and conflict situations. He knows how to cooperate and, most importantly, he understands that an inextricable process is taking place in this world, that when we receive something, we must give it back. If even one part is stalled, it will be impossible to come to harmony.

You’ve noticed people who only want to receive, but don’t give anything in return? Or vice versa, when everything is for others, but they don't care about themselves? Are they happy? I really doubt. Such one-sided views on life will not lead to success, and even more so will not help to advance in their development.

3. Becomes happier

As a result of the fact that a person becomes more conscious, taking care of his health and the quality of his life, over time he gains not only a sense of inner balance, but also a feeling of happiness. He is practically not subject to stress, because the style of reacting to various situations changes, which becomes less destructive, and more creative, productive.

4. The meaning of life appears

I have already written that a spiritual person asks questions about his existence, purpose. She understands that in this world she is capable of influencing something, carries a special value and task. Searches for everyone take place in different ways, I have outlined the main methods in the article. This is a very important part of thinking for everyone, because it carries motivation for life, so that you have the strength to get up every time after the blows of fate and continue your journey further.

5. Reconciliation with death

No matter how much we would like to sometimes avoid this topic, but still, spiritual development helps a person to come to terms with death, to realize his finitude and the impossibility of influencing the fact to live forever. And no matter which area will help a person to realize this: psychology, religion, philosophy, physics, etc., the main thing is that he finds a satisfying, calming answer about the process of dying and the presence or absence of life after death.

6. Self-realization occurs

Indeed, in search of your destiny, the most important thing is to discover your true nature. And after this discovery, to take actions aimed at the implementation of their plans and tasks, and not just actions, but successful ones, which bring not only success and the intended result, but also pleasure from the process.

The best ways to do it

The very first and basic method is self-awareness.

Study yourself, explore your reactions and even the darker sides of your character. Be honest and open, first of all to yourself, and then over time you will learn to accept yourself as different, with different manifestations and shortcomings, and this will contribute to a non-judgmental attitude towards others, and then there will be fewer expectations from them, as a result of which we are usually disappointed. Which will significantly affect the achievement of inner harmony.

read books

Not necessarily some kind of religious literature, whatever, with the help of which you can develop and find answers to any questions. Let it be classics or books on business, it is important that you do not stand still, and have an interest in life and the search for information. In addition, reading has a very beneficial effect on health, and has a lot of beneficial consequences, which you can read about on my blog "What develops reading books and why is it a direct path to success?"

Meditate or pray

Depending on the presence or absence of faith, the main thing is that at this moment you can turn deep into yourself, relax and switch your attention. These methods have a healing effect not only on our mental, emotional state, but also on physical health. A lot in our body, and in general, life, depends on the ability to concentrate on the important, with the correct inner message. If you do not know how to meditate properly, you can familiarize yourself with the techniques for beginners in the article "". Your heart and intuition will tell you how to pray.


If you read the article, you noticed that almost all influential people who have achieved colossal results are involved in charity work. Because I know that in order to receive energy, you first need to give it away. Help your loved ones, those in need, donate what you believe in, and then you will feel satisfaction that you are useful in this world and can make life easier for someone, even if you yourself are experiencing difficulties.


Communicate with people who, in your opinion, have reached a certain level in the knowledge of being and true yourself. After all, those around us greatly influence our value system and perception of the world, adopting their experience, we will be able to rely on it and appropriate our successes and conclusions. By expanding your boundaries in communication, you will become more open to this world.


That's all, dear reader! I hope you were able to find for yourself the answer to the question of what spiritual development is and how to achieve it. Harmony to you so that thinking becomes clearer and more collected, then you will find inner balance, health and deep relationships, which will contribute to the realization of your plans and desires, as well as improve the lives of the people around you. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

There is no consensus on what is spiritual development of personality... This is often perceived intuitively. In general, it means the transformation of a person, his spirit, inner state, personality in the direction of growth, improvement of the spirit. The spirit itself is an abstraction, which has its concrete implementation in causal relationships and relationships that help a person understand his place in life.

Its place in this process is spiritual consciousness- contact and interaction of consciousness with the soul. And spiritual development itself is a harmonious and consistent development and unity of the personality, soul and spirit of a person. In this case, the soul is understood as the unity of the mental, emotional and physical body. Personality is how we are usually perceived by others. And spirit is our higher self. Spiritual development of the individual strives for the unity of these three components.

Levels of spiritual development of a personality

The first level presupposes the existence of an ignorant person, that is, one in which mercantile interests prevail. The second is an undeveloped personality, where, in addition to the desire for enrichment, there is also a desire for mental development. The third level is a developing personality. In this case, personal development is observed, the desire to understand oneself and the world around. The fourth is a developed personality who has a wide range of interests and continues to strive for personal development. At the fifth level, an integrated personality is observed - her highly developed mind seeks to connect with the soul, and spiritual development leads to a high degree of awareness. Conscious personality is the sixth level. Here consciousness is coordinated by the soul. On the seventh, a spiritually transformed personality is already observed - integral at all levels. The last level is occupied by the superconsciousness and the soul of the world.

Spiritual development of the individual and its components

The main components of the spiritual development of a person are self-improvement, self-development and self-knowledge. Hence spirituality - the desire to make life around you and your own better.

So, the first component of spiritual development is self-knowledge. This is not only a search for the meaning of one's life, but also one's essence and possibilities. Self-development helps in this process, the main task of which is the synchronization of the energy flows of a person and the Earth. Self-improvement means personal development with the goal of improving life and consciously managing it.

Spiritual development tools

Among the many tools that provide the spiritual, there are major and minor ones. We will talk about them in order of their importance from the most important to the optional.

The most important of these is, of course, love. She is the main driving force of a person always and everywhere. Reading spiritual literature and various sources of wisdom in the field of human cognition has also become an important tool. With the help of meditation, you can achieve unity and harmony of the three components of human bodies: mental, emotional and physical. Singing chakra or mantras helps to synthesize human feelings. The recitation of prayers brings tranquility, and spiritual practices of a different nature help to increase the culture of thinking, control emotions and achieve harmony in the micro- and macrocosm. The use of healing practices helps to use and accumulate vital energy from external sources. Tantra is an effective tool. This is the ability to convey feelings and love in all the unity of all opposites.

Naturally, various kinds of creative pursuits also help spiritual development: music, painting, writing, etc. Do not discount harmonious music, which tunes a person in the right way, helping to open up and express all emotions. Thus, it has a healing effect. It is noticeably enhanced if you indulge in dancing while listening to music. It is also very important to follow the call of the soul in all areas of a person's life. Then it allows you to feel like the creator of your own destiny. These are, of course, not all the tools that lead spiritual development of personality in action, but in many ways have a positive impact on this process.

The entire history of mankind is the evolution of Homo Sapiens from a state of biological primacy to a social and creative being.

Spiritual evolution is the ascent of a person to the mountain of consciousness in order to establish lasting contact with the soul and their fruitful interaction in all life manifestations for the final condescension or breakthrough of the spirit into our human nature.

The perfection of a person as a "Chela Walking Through the Ages" is feasible thanks to the main instrument of his evolution - spiritual development.
Spiritual development is the transformation of a person as a spirit, soul and personality.

Spiritual development, etymologically - development in the spirit, the transformation of a person in accordance with the divine plan, the need of the soul and the desire of the individual.

The human spirit is both an abstraction and a concrete realization at the same time. Abstraction - when the spiritual consciousness of a person is not awakened and is waiting for its hour x, and concrete feasibility is a reasonable adherence to the divine will with wise discrimination and understanding of its place in the chain of cause-and-effect relationships and connections.

Spiritual consciousness is the establishment of contact with the soul, with the help of the mental apparatus of reaction, connected with the personality through the senses.

Spiritual development is the union of three basic human components: spirit, soul and personality in different proportions and ratios, seeking natural balance.
Spiritual development is a sequential deployment of the three "I" of a person, characteristic of a particular life, individual conditions, tasks and goals of the soul and personality.

"I" is woven from three principles:
One is you yourself, as the center of the world.
The second was created by others, so that you would realize them in your thoughts.
Like ourselves, ourselves.
And the third "I", which is above you….

Treatise "Chakra Muni", 3-4 thousand BC e.

The center in the world is the soul, the central being of a person in three worlds, woven from his three principles: physical, emotional and mental.

The second "I" is a person, ego, "not-me", or "I" not in wholeness, which is influenced by upbringing, environment, other people.

The third "I" is the eternal spirit, the higher "I" of man, not only in the three worlds, but in the myriads of universes.

When the universal spirit unites with the human soul, then the personality becomes the soul of the world, living and creating for its benefit.

When the world eternal spirit impregnates the human personality, then the image of a free and highly spiritual individual appears before us, harmoniously coexisting with all natural manifestations, both outside and inside.

When all three parts merge in a single rhythm, then the breath of the creator's life gives birth to the human spirit, in the image of Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed.

Personal development presupposes growth, progress, change, which is summed up as qualitative improvement and self-improvement.

High-quality personal growth and evolution in today's realities is practically impossible without contact with the soul, conscious management of one's own destiny, and the definition of basic life lessons, goals and objectives.

Levels of personal and spiritual growth.

Considering the personality in the context of spiritual development, the following characteristics inherent in a person for a specific period of his life or a cycle of incarnation and determining his level can be distinguished:

Ignorant person - material needs for survival, rudimentary mind.
- Underdeveloped personality - a thirsty mind with a set of basic basic values ​​and an emphasis on material acquisitions with an emotional response.
- A developing personality - a motivating mind that expresses its interest through traditional educational and empirical systems - rational and sensory knowledge of the world and oneself.
- Developed personality - using a determining, rational mind for self-knowledge and understanding of the world through specific experience, feelings, sensations, reactions.
- Diversified personality - a discriminating mind with a wide range of interests, views, life tasks with awakening spiritual initiation.
- The integrated personality is an impressive mind that directs impressions towards integration with the soul. The level of straight-knowledge (intuitive discrimination), leading to an ever-increasing awareness and realization of life lessons.
- The overshadowing personality is the overshadowing mind, coordinated by the soul. Conscious and self-conscious personality (distinguishing between "I" and "not-I".
- A spiritually transformed personality is a harmonious individual using a universal or integral mind. An integral personality, transformed by the soul and effectively interacting with the physical and supraphysical levels (the levels of the spirit are buddhic and atmic.
- Highly spiritual individuality - the soul of the world, using the higher mind and superconsciousness, the teacher - - the master of life, the spiritual healer.
Of course, all these levels are just general characteristics, conventionally demonstrating the ladder of ascent of a spiritually aspiring individual.

But in any case, the spiritual experience of each individual person is unique, inimitable and important. And here there are no dominant preferences and mandatory steps on the path of self-development. There is only the call of the heart and the voice of the silence of the awakening or awakened soul.

Components of personal and spiritual development.

Self-knowledge, self-development and self-improvement are three pillars of a person's spiritual development, the source of his personal, creative achievements and the support of spirituality.
And spirituality is the evolution of human will, consciousness and love. This is the desire to make your own life and the life of your fellows better, happier and more harmonious.
Today, spirituality is not monastic or yogic asceticism, but tireless joyful work in the thick of events and people, allowing you to discover in familiar strangers and strangers the spirit of kinship, co-creation, mutual assistance and creation.


Self-knowledge is the knowledge of your true essence, its changing nature and limitless possibilities.
Self-knowledge is a search for life purpose and meaning of existence, correlation with the surrounding world and an internal motivating need to know.
Self-knowledge is the search for God in oneself and the discovery of oneself in God.


Self-development is an evolutionary procession by the steps of knowledge that bring a person closer to solving life and determining its main place in life.
Self-development is a necessary condition for existence on planet earth, especially in the current transitional period of the galactic shift and precessional alignment.
Self-development is the raising of vibrations to a higher level, the refinement of all the senses and physical conductors - centers, channels of the body, the nervous system and its sensory "Sensors" - sensations and perceptions.
During the origin of life on earth, in order to maintain a close connection with the planet, it was necessary, on the contrary, to lower its own vibration level, or in other words, to ground itself.
Now, due to the fact that the earth increases its vibrational activity, passing into a different density, there is a need for our attunement with you and following its rhythm.
This is the key task of spiritual development, which allows you to synchronize all energy flows and reach a qualitatively new level of your own growth and improvement.

Self improvement.

Self-improvement is personal improvement in the direction of improving the quality of life, conscious control and management of its processes with an understanding of one's role and purpose.
Self-improvement is a conscious effort to coordinate the needs of the individual and the preferences of the soul.
Self-improvement is the disclosure of unlimited potential in the creative implementation of one's destiny and following the call of a heart filled with love.

Tools for personal and spiritual growth.

There are different interpretations in the description of tools that ensure progress on the path of self-development, spiritual formation and personality transformation. Among this variety, there are generally recognized and controversial, main and secondary, important and necessary spiritual links.

Love is the most important "Tool" and the driving force of spiritual development, as it initiates and inspires a person to the most fantastic and unthinkable achievements and deeds, awakening the creator in him and revealing the best sides of his personality and soul.
Spiritual reading is the study of sacred texts, religious treatises, treasures of timeless wisdom, philosophical and psychological works of the past and present, research in the field of human knowledge. Human knowledge is a science designed to unite what was once a whole, true and genuine knowledge about the rational and harmonious existence of a person in three worlds: physical, mental and spiritual.

Meditation is the balancing of the three human bodies: physical, emotional and mental with the help of yoga, qigong and other cultivation practices. Through meditation, harmonization and attunement of the soul and body is achieved, followed by development and self-knowledge.
Singing mantras or chakra chakras - increases vibration and sensitivity with the development of straight-knowledge. Straight knowledge is a synthesis of feelings coordinated by a developed mind (intelligence) or an integrated intelligence in the presence of adequate mental abilities.
Prayers are the purification of the physical nature with the calming of the emotional. The condescension of grace and the healing of spiritual wounds.
Spiritual practices are aimed at developing a culture of thought and body, controlling emotions, harmonizing external and internal space or microcosm and macrocosm.
Healing practices - using life energy for self-healing and self-healing.
Tantra is the art of sensual transmission, preservation, transformation of the energy of love in the coordinated unity of opposites.
Creativity - musical, artistic, poetic, literary, narrowly professional, bringing a semblance of perfection to life.
Harmonious music that tunes the soul to the musical mood of aspirations and hopes, preferences and desires, revealing the emotional depths of feelings, healing, healing and soaring to the heights of bliss and happiness.
The art of dance combines subtle bodily sensations with the delight of movement and rhythm, beauty and grace.
Following your passion in all spheres of life - love, creativity, work, hobbies, allows a person to be a happy creator of his destiny.
These tools are not exhaustive methods and techniques for personal and spiritual growth.

Filling your every action, even the most trivial, with love, and responsibly performing your daily duties with a sense of joy and excitement in life, you certainly contribute to your development, regardless of age, religion and social status.
Each person has his own path of self-knowledge and spiritual self-improvement. For some, this is a slow ascent up the stairs to the knowledge portal. Someone has more "Easy", in terms of understanding, movement along the way, without long stops. And for someone, an illuminated, enlightened state of mind occurs almost instantly, when the person's personality begins to listen to his soul, comprehending and listening to the mysteries of the spirit. In any case, if a person is charged for self-development and self-improvement, he will one day be able to connect the world of the soul with the spirit in the evolutionary journey of self-knowledge. Sergey kolesha.