Essential oils for stretch marks. Fatty and essential oils for stretch marks

The problem of stretch marks is familiar to many women firsthand - most often these non-aesthetic phenomena on the hips, abdomen and breasts appear during pregnancy. And although this cause of their occurrence is considered the most common, it is not the only one. Stretch marks can appear due to sudden weight gain, hormonal surges and endocrine diseases.

Whatever the cause, if stretch marks have already appeared, unfortunately, it will be very difficult to get rid of them without a trace. However, it is quite possible to reduce the intensity and make them barely noticeable - even with simple cosmetic procedures. For skin care to have the expected effect, it must be combined with proper nutrition and exercise.

Prevention of stretch marks plays an important role in solving this delicate problem. Preventive measures are important not only during pregnancy, but also should be applied by people prone to sudden weight fluctuations, with endocrine diseases and hereditary predisposition. In these cases, the parts of the body that are usually prone to stretch marks require careful home care.

Experts recommend using massage with skin products that provide nourishment and long-term hydration. And here both special cosmetics come to the rescue, for example, Weleda oil for the prevention of stretch marks, and organic substances, including vegetable oils, which nature generously shares with us.

Why do natural oils help with stretch marks?

Why do oils help?

It is the nourishing, emollient and moisturizing properties of natural oils that make them effective in fighting stretch marks. Of great value is the ability of oils to increase skin elasticity and stimulate the production of its own collagen.

Some natural oils (mostly light texture products) are allowed to be used in their pure form. Thick oil must be diluted and applied to the body against stretch marks only as an ingredient in oil and massage mixtures. Such viscous substances are introduced into the composition of home cosmetics in a certain percentage.

Rules for the use of oils

Despite the fact that natural oils are natural, wholesome and healthy products, certain rules must be followed when using them:

  1. Before use, read the manufacturer's instructions and exclude the possibility of contraindications.
  2. Expectant mothers need to consult a doctor without fail.
  3. During lactation, it is also necessary to consult a doctor and observe precautions.
  4. The oil or mixture should be applied after a shower, massaging it into damp skin.
  5. Before use, it is necessary to slightly warm the oil in a water bath.
  6. Essential oils should not be used neat (undiluted) to avoid skin burns. They are added to base products in a low concentration, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or the recipe for a homemade mixture / mask.
  7. During pregnancy, it is better not to add esters to massage compositions and oil wraps.
  8. If stretch marks are not associated with pregnancy, it is recommended to massage problem areas of the skin with a scrub before applying the oil - this will improve blood circulation and enhance the effect of the composition.

The best oils for cellulite and stretch marks on the body

The best oils for cellulite and stretch marks (before and after photos)

Every woman who has either already faced the problem of stretch marks, or wants to prevent their appearance in a timely manner, is concerned about the question: which natural oil will be the best for stretch marks? According to the reviews of the fair sex, the most effective remedies are olive, coconut and black cumin oil.

  • Peach seed. This light, nourishing oil is an excellent base for massage mixtures and can also be used neat. It has a rejuvenating effect on skin that has lost its tone, increases the elasticity of the skin, promotes regeneration, moisturizes, softens and tones the skin.
  • Jojoba. It has a powerful moisturizing and nourishing effect, prevents the appearance of stretch marks, is well absorbed by the skin. It is an antioxidant, tightens sagging skin and improves its elasticity. It contains a protein similar in structure to collagen. Jojoba oil is added to massage mixtures in a volume of up to 50%.
  • Sweet almonds. It is a valuable natural product obtained from almond kernels by the method of cold pressing. The rich fatty acid composition in combination with vitamins and microelements makes almond oil the best way to soften the skin. It has a delicate and light texture, is well absorbed, moisturizes and tones, strengthens and lifts the skin. Helps smooth scars and scars, makes stretch marks less noticeable. Almond extract can be used as a base for oil mixtures and for dissolving essential oils.
  • Grape seed. One of the best natural moisturizers. It has a tonic, nourishing and protective effect on the skin. The oil does not clog pores, is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the skin. Tones up and improves microcirculation, accelerates regeneration, stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen in the skin, increases its elasticity. Suitable for the care of sensitive skin, it is used both in pure form and as part of mixtures.

All of the above products can be used individually, or, to enhance the effect of their use, make an oil mixture. For her, take equal amounts of almond oil, grape seed oil, jojoba and peach oil - all components are mixed, slightly heated in a water bath and used twice a day after a shower, rubbing with massage movements into problem areas of the skin. The excess is removed with a napkin after 10 minutes.

Olive oil

This oil needs no special introduction, its emollient and nourishing properties have been known for a long time. It is not for nothing that the ancient Greeks called olive oil "liquid gold", because its role in preserving youth, beauty and health of the skin can hardly be overestimated. Its unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins provide the skin with the necessary nutrition, and antioxidants prevent premature aging.

Olive oil is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation and promotes the production of collagen in cells. Promotes tissue regeneration, softens the skin and restores elasticity. In the absence of contraindications, it is possible to use olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy.

It can be used both in mixtures and undiluted. The oil heated in a water bath is applied twice a day to clean, damp skin, wrapped in a towel for 10 minutes, and then washed off with water.

Coconut oil

An effective remedy for stretch marks is coconut oil, as evidenced by the reviews of women who used it. The refined extract obtained from the pulp of coconuts can be used either undiluted or in combination with other products. It is applied after a shower on damp skin with light massage movements, and after 10 minutes the excess is removed.

The big advantage of coconut oil is its naturalness and environmental friendliness. Coconuts grow in favorable natural conditions, and the spruce does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors or any other chemical additives.

Unrefined coconut oil is cold pressed. This thick product contains many beneficial substances, however, due to its heavy texture, it should be used with great care and only in diluted form.

Pure use can lead to clogged pores and comedones.

Black cumin oil

Oil is obtained from caraway seeds by cold pressing. The composition contains more than a hundred useful components, including unique polyunsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, vitamins and other valuable substances that contribute to the natural normalization of skin cells.

Black cumin oil has a powerful antioxidant and anti-cellulite effect, restores the immune system of the skin and eliminates stagnant processes. It tones, smoothes the skin, increases its elasticity, softens and tightens, promotes regeneration.

The product is added to the composition of body skin care products in an amount from 2% to 6% of the total volume. Apply funds to problem areas with massaging movements after a shower. After 10 minutes, the excess must be removed.

The use of essential oils for stretch marks

Can essential oils help?

These concentrated natural remedies are also used to combat stretch marks. The effect of the application depends on the individual properties of the essential oil:

  1. Juniper. Increases the barrier function of the skin, has a powerful disinfecting and healing effect. Gives a strong regenerating effect, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, improves its elasticity and tones. It has detoxifying and lymphatic drainage properties.
  2. Roses. Lifts sagging skin, due to hydration increases firmness and elasticity. Promotes healing of scars, evens out skin color. It is also used for rosacea (spider veins).
  3. Orange. Contains a large amount of vitamins, promotes the regeneration of skin cells, increases blood circulation. Do not use orange essential oil in sunny weather, as this can cause skin burns.
  4. Ginger. Increases the elasticity of the skin, helps to eliminate cellulite, scars and stretch marks. Increases skin tone, stimulates regeneration, improves blood circulation.
  5. Ylang-ylang. It has a smoothing effect, smoothes and "polishes" the surface of the skin, stimulates the restoration of its cells. Tightens the skin and improves firmness.

Essential oils contain vitamins, trace elements and other valuable substances in high concentration, so they cannot be used undiluted. For use, esters are dissolved in a base - vegetable oil or other cosmetic product.

When mixing essential oils with base oils, the following dosage is usually used: 1 to 5 drops of ether per 15 grams (approximately one tablespoon) of the base. The amount of ether depends on its type and must comply with the manufacturer's recommendations. Mixing of different types of essential oils is allowed. It is best to avoid using them during pregnancy.

Contraindications and precautions

Before using each of the selected oils, an individual intolerance test should be carried out to make sure there is no allergic reaction. The most sensitive area of ​​the skin is selected for testing, usually on the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow.

A drop of the agent is applied to it and after a while the reaction is checked. In the absence of burning, itching, redness of the skin and other unpleasant sensations, it can be used and applied to areas of the body with stretch marks.

Oil for stretch marks is used during pregnancy with the observance of precautions. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should always consult a doctor before using natural remedies.

The naturalness of the product does not guarantee its harmlessness - remember that you are dealing with bioactive substances!

Every woman wants to have an elastic and toned body at any age, but very often after pregnancy or rapid weight gain, one has to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as stretch marks. At first, they stand out brightly against the general background of the skin and are very noticeable, and over time, stretch marks turn white and become less visible. Unfortunately, stretch marks appear in almost all women who have experienced a sharp increase in weight or pregnancy, but there are also lucky ones who do not know about the existence of this phenomenon, even having given birth to three children. This is due to the fact that the skin's predisposition to stretch marks and flabbiness is transmitted at the genetic level from generation to generation. However, do not be upset and give up, because there are many effective ways to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as visually reduce existing ones.

The safest and at the same time effective way to prevent the appearance of stretch marks is to apply natural essential and base oils to the skin, which act on the deep layers of the skin, fill it with vitamins and minerals, and improve its elasticity. But you need to be patient, as this process takes a long time - you need to properly care for your skin for several months or even a year. But your efforts will be rewarded with smooth and firm skin, which will be your pride at any age. In this article, we'll share some of the best natural oils that can effectively help relieve stretch marks and sagging skin.

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin

Stretch marks on the skin appear when the skin has to stretch sharply. As a result of this process, collagen fibers are torn and scars from connective tissue are formed at the site of these breaks. The tear site becomes red or purple in color, and bright vertical stripes appear on the skin, which can have different widths. Sometimes the width of the stretch marks can be 1-3 centimeters, and in some cases these are only thin scars. The intensity of the appearance of stretch marks and their size depends on the genetic predisposition, as well as the elasticity of the skin. With age, the skin loses a significant part of collagen and becomes less elastic, which is the reason for the appearance of a large number of stretch marks.

However, this phenomenon is increasingly worrisome and very young girls who have dramatically gained weight or were pregnant. This is due to improper nutrition and insufficient skin care at the time of its stretching. Over time, stretch marks fade and turn white or silvery, but do not completely go away. They can be made less noticeable with expensive cosmetic procedures or at home using natural oils that are applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin. Laxity of the skin, like stretch marks, appears due to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, which can no longer shrink to its previous size. As practice and scientific research show, sagging skin can be effectively dealt with using natural oils without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons.

How stretch mark oils work

Natural essential and base oils applied to cleansed and preferably steamed skin penetrate into its deepest layers and saturate them with essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients and moisture. They effectively affect the production of collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, helping it to stretch to the desired size without tearing the connective tissue and fibers. In addition, any oils by themselves make the skin more elastic, which prevents it from dryness, tightness, tears and cracks. In addition, many natural oils contain antioxidants that help restore the skin's regeneration process and improve blood circulation in all layers. Regular use of natural oils results in smoothing out wrinkles on the skin, reducing the number and size of stretch marks, increasing its firmness and elasticity, reducing subcutaneous fat and cellulite.

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of stretch marks than to try to reduce the existing ones, so it is very important to start treating the skin with oils before they appear or immediately after the first changes in the skin are detected. For this reason, all women who are pregnant or gaining weight, dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend applying natural oils to problem areas of the body every day after a shower. The best effect can be achieved by combining the use of oils with a gentle massage, which will help strengthen the subcutaneous muscles and improve blood circulation.

The most effective oils for stretch marks and sagging skin

Almost all natural oils are rich in valuable substances necessary for the beauty and elasticity of our skin. Scientists have found that some oils can actually significantly increase the elasticity of the skin and even significantly reduce the number and size of stretch marks due to the substances that make up their composition. The most effective oils for stretch marks and sagging skin include:

  1. Olive oil. Perhaps this is the most useful oil for the body, because it contains a record amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fatty acids. Olive oil is also extremely useful for the skin; even in ancient Rome, it was used by the nobility to maintain youth and beauty. Nowadays, it is widely used in the cosmetic industry, adding to face and body creams. The maximum amount of beneficial substances is found in unrefined olive oil, which can be applied to the skin every day after a shower. It intensively moisturizes the skin, makes it soft and smooth, improves tone and elasticity. Olive oil contains a lot of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that improves skin elasticity and improves the natural regeneration process.
  2. Sage oil. This oil has a powerful effect on the skin and is one of the most effective in fighting stretch marks and sagging. Sage oil can significantly improve blood circulation in all layers of the skin, "spur" the production of collagen and make the skin firm and taut. Since this oil has a very strong effect, it is not recommended to apply it on the skin in a concentrated form - it must be added to baths, body creams or base oils.
  3. Orange essential oil. This essential oil with a wonderful scent is famous not only for its anti-cellulite properties, but also for its ability to quickly and effectively give the skin elasticity and tighten existing stretch marks. It contains a lot of vitamins, especially vitamin C, which lightens stretch marks and makes them less visible. Many women note that after daily use of orange oil, stretch marks become almost invisible after a couple of weeks.
  4. Lavender oil. This oil has a tonic effect on the skin, improves blood circulation and deeply nourishes, preventing the appearance of new stretch marks. It also promotes rapid skin regeneration, heals wounds and is used to treat many skin conditions.
  5. Coconut oil. It is a versatile base oil that can be used on a daily basis to prevent and treat stretch marks and sagging skin. Coconut oil penetrates deep into the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it, making the skin more elastic. Coconut oil is ideal for those looking to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.
  6. Jojoba oil. The oil of this exotic plant can be bought at any pharmacy, because it is widely used for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases. It is suitable for daily use and leaves the skin unusually soft, silky and very firm. In order to treat existing stretch marks, cosmetologists recommend adding a vitamin E capsule and a few drops of lavender oil to this oil.
  7. Almond oil. Sweet almond oil is famous for its rich composition: it contains vitamins A, E, C, healthy omega-3 fats and a unique substance - oleic acid. Thanks to this composition, almond oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, accelerates its regeneration, improves tone and elasticity.
  8. Cacao butter. This popular oil can be used daily to nourish and moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity. It is recommended to rub cocoa butter in warm form into the skin steamed after a shower or bath. It will not only be an excellent prevention of stretch marks, but will also return your skin to its beautiful appearance.
  9. Neroli oil. This oil is very useful for the skin, as it acts on blood vessels, relieving inflammation and strengthening their walls. The use of this oil prevents collagen fibers and capillaries from breaking during intense stretching of the skin.
  10. Rosemary oil. This oil acts on the skin at the cellular level, stimulating metabolic processes and cell renewal. It contains many antioxidants that help to maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, as well as enhance the production of collagen.

Applying oils for stretch marks

It is important to know that essential oils cannot be used in concentrated form, they must be diluted in water, creams or base oils. When concentrated, they can cause a serious allergic reaction or even lead to redness and burns of the skin. Essential oils are most often used for baths, aromatherapy, or as an adjunct to massage oils. For 2-3 tablespoons of cream or base oil, it is recommended to add only 3-4 drops of essential oils. Base oils include those that can be applied to the skin on their own, for example, cocoa butter, olive, peach, grape seed, corn, linseed, buckwheat, jojoba and others. They nourish and moisturize the skin, make it smooth and silky, increase firmness and elasticity.

Any oil should be applied only to thoroughly cleansed skin, preferably immediately after a shower or bath, when the pores are still open. For maximum effect, the oils should be applied with light massage movements, spreading evenly over the skin until completely absorbed. Before using any new oil, a test should be made on the back of the hand so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. If, 10 minutes after application, the skin does not turn red and itching does not appear, then the oil can be used in the area where stretch marks and flabbiness appear.

For a very long time, there have been natural methods of treating stretch marks, available to everyone. Topical stretch mark essential oils can help minimize stretch marks. When using fragrant formulations, usually there are no problems, on the contrary, scrubs, wraps, massage with oils allow you to create a mini-salon and spa at home.

What aromatic substances help with stretch marks?

The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of fragrant liquids on a person has been proven by thousands of years of experience in their use, scientific research. The composition of essential oils is very rich; scientists still have not been able to decipher it completely. It is known that the main components are terpenes and terpenoids. Synthetic essential oils have a scent, but have no therapeutic effect.

The smell of natural aromatic mixtures is due to volatile molecules of substances, many of which are named after the plants in which they were first discovered: limonene, geraniol, menthol. Orange oil for stretch marks, which contains over 30 components, is well-known.

Almost all methods involve the use of a fragrant liquid after a shower, bath or while visiting a bath.

Skin problems in the form of rough lines on the surface of the abdomen, chest and other parts of the body are very common. There is a misconception that stripes of stretched skin are a "payment" for losing weight, intense sports, there are other excuses for these flaws. Cosmetic defects not only frustrate, but also reduce the quality of life, so true ladies and gentlemen do their best to get rid of stretch marks by any available means.

On the question of which oil helps with stretch marks, opinions practically do not differ. Orange, rosemary, lavender, roses, neroli are suitable.

The impact of aromatic compounds covers two levels of regulation of processes in the body. Molecules of volatile compounds penetrate the skin and mucous surfaces steamed by water procedures. Once in the bloodstream, essential oils perform the same role as hormones. There are nerve endings in the integuments of the body, which are also affected by aromas, forcing the body to more actively begin to regenerate damaged areas.

The skin is abundantly supplied with blood vessels and nerves, which ensures a high efficiency of the use of fragrant substances.

Video about making a cream for stretch marks with essential oils

Treatment and prevention of stretch marks with essential oils

Aromatic substances are used with jewelry precision - added dropwise to the base.

Recipes for fragrant formulations that are suitable for everyone, including pregnant women:

  1. Measure out 4 tablespoons (40 ml) of the base oil (olive or any other fatty oil). Add 2 drops of the following essential oils: orange, geranium, lavender.
  1. Measure out 40 ml of one of the fatty oils (, olive, sesame, peach). Add to this base 2 drops of lavender essential oil, one drop each of orange and neroli.

Treatment and prevention of stretch marks using the above formulations consists in daily application of the mixture to problem areas after taking water procedures. It is necessary to do a light massage with a canvas mitten, performing circular movements on the skin. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, the frequency is 3-5 times a week. The entire course of treatment takes at least 2 months.

In advance, you can prepare the above-described effective remedy for stretch marks in a larger volume than indicated in the recipe. The mixture will not lose its healing and aromatic qualities if stored in a refrigerator in a dark glass bottle (no more than 2.5 months).

Rosemary oil: how to use it effectively for stretch marks

The general properties of fatty and essential oils are well studied; a lot of information has been collected by ancient healers. So, the components of fatty compounds improve lipid metabolism, nourish the body membrane. Aromatic substances stimulate many processes in the body, relieve pain, tone the skin, and disinfect.

When it comes to the effect of fragrant liquids on stretch marks, this does not mean that there will be an instant recovery.

Separately, essential oils are almost never used; they are included in body wraps, massage creams and other products. No exception is rosemary oil for stretch marks. Of course, old stretch marks are difficult to cure with this remedy. If the skin has become flabby, then it will need a lot more attention than simply rubbing in fluids. Baths with rosemary oil have a wonderful effect.

For stretch marks, a mixture of equal volumes of almond oil and rosemary oil is used:

  • in the morning, apply 10 drops of the composition to problem areas of the skin;
  • rub the liquid into the surface of the stretch marks with massaging movements;
  • the next day, moisturize the skin with a suitable body milk;
  • the treatment should be continued for more than two months with old stretch marks.

Exceptional benefits for the body are contained in a mixture of oils: rosemary, wheat germ, cocoa and almond oil. After two weeks of application, the effect will be noticeable, the skin will become softer, velvety, its surface will be leveled, and stretch marks will become less noticeable.

Essential oils perfectly stimulate cell regeneration, create conditions for restoring the properties of the skin at the site of stretch marks.

If striae cannot be removed on their own, then there is always the opportunity to seek help from professionals. Chemical peels, resurfacing and other techniques can minimize even long-standing stretch marks.

In contact with

They say that scars paint men, but stretch marks do not paint anyone, not even a strong half of humanity. Both women and men are trying with all their might to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. Stretch marks, also called striae, are irregularly shaped stripes of varying lengths.

"Young" stretch marks have a reddish-purple hue, then they gradually lighten and become almost white. Stretch marks most often occur on the abdomen, chest and legs, and are located in these areas most often vertically. The risk group includes, of course, pregnant women, athletes (gaining weight), people with a predisposition to stretch marks and those who use certain medications. If a person belongs to a risk group, then preventive measures should be taken to simply prevent the occurrence of striae.

In order to get rid of stretch marks, there are a huge number of specialized tools and procedures, but it will be much more pleasant for yourself and your wallet to use natural remedies. Essential oils are excellent for the disappearance of stretch marks, as well as the health of the skin. To combat striae, a sufficient amount of oils is suitable, from which you can choose the one you like best and, in addition, has the necessary effect on the emotional state.

Oils suitable for fighting stretch marks

Essential oils

Many essential oils are suitable for removing skin blemishes, each with its own benefits. You can choose the one that suits you based only on the smell of a particular product.

Essential oil Cosmetic action Impact on the emotional state
Lavender Prevents scars, age spots.

Promotes skin regeneration.

Calming, relaxing effect.

It is an aphrodisiac.

Neroli oil Smoothes wrinkles, eliminates irritation.

Restores skin elasticity.

It is an antidepressant and aphrodisiac.

Relieves neuroses and insomnia.

Orange It has a regenerating, vitaminizing and protective effect. Tones and relieves fatigue, relieves insomnia.
Geranium Rejuvenates, regenerates and regenerates the skin. Anti-stress and calming effect.

Increases mental alertness.

Jasmine Promotes active regeneration of the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity.

Visibly refreshes and revitalizes.

Provides a deep relaxation effect.

Relieves fatigue and stress.

Mandarin Prevents the formation of stretch marks, excess fat deposits. Fights edema. Eliminates irritability and stress. Helps get rid of feelings of fear.
Neroli Has anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates dry skin, promotes faster regeneration. Active antidepressant and aphrodisiac. Relieves stress, removes feelings of anxiety and fear.
Rose oil Moisturizer. Promotes cell regeneration, improves skin firmness and elasticity. Has a tonic effect, improves mental activity, increases performance indicators.
Rosemary Corrects the work of the sebaceous glands, and also promotes the regeneration process. Improves memory, relieves fatigue.

It is an aphrodisiac.

Sandalwood Active antiseptic.

Rejuvenates, smoothes and tones the skin.

Used for relaxation.

A powerful aphrodisiac.

The listed oils are very effective means for eliminating scars, scars, you can combine several oils at once, but you should remember about the rules and subtleties of using essential oils.

How to use essential oils for stretch marks

Applying essential oil with massage movements

To get only positive effects and similar emotions from using essential oils, you need to know the following points:

  • Large amounts of essential oils cannot be used unless diluted first. Oils can irritate the skin. To avoid this problem, you can use a base oil or add an essential oil to a cream or lotion.
  • Mixtures of 7 or more types of essential oils should not be used. 2 or 3 essential oils are sufficient.
  • As a precaution, an allergic reaction test should be performed. Apply a small amount of oil to the elbow fold. If after 12 hours there is no irritation and itching, then you can safely use the selected oil.
  • The period of use of the selected oil should not be more than 21 days. After the course, you should take a break of one to two weeks. When repeating the course of use, the dosage should be reduced.
  • Some types of essential oils have properties such as phototoxicity. When applying them, avoid direct sunlight, otherwise burns may occur at the application site.
  • It should be remembered with caution in the use of oils during pregnancy. Contraindications should be studied. In particular, the use of rosemary oil is contraindicated for pregnant women.

The use of products based on essential oils should be regular and systematic, you should not skip procedures and not follow the schedule. In this case, the effect will not be long in coming: if the stretch marks are still relatively "young" and have a purple or red tint, then a significant visible effect can be achieved in 5 months, but if the stretch marks are already white, then the effect will begin to appear after a year of using the product. There is no need to be intimidated by such terms, stretch marks are complex and quite severe damage to the skin. Make stretch marks invisible in six months - a year, while, without resorting to surgical intervention, a very good and worthy result.

Recipes for blends with essential oils for stretch marks

Essential oils for stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks, you can use your favorite essential oil mixed with natural base oil. Suitable base oils are, for example:

  • Wheat germ oil - excellently moisturizes the skin, provides vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to wheat germ oil, the skin renewal process takes place much faster.
  • Olive oil - has an antibacterial effect, nourishes and softens the skin. Significantly slows down the aging process, and also minimizes the effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Almond - smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and restores firmness. Improves complexion and tones the skin. Almond oil also restores moisture balance in the layers of the skin.
  • Coconut oil is a fairly strong antiseptic, and also prevents excess moisture from leaving the cells. The skin after using coconut oil is soft and velvety, has an attractive appearance.
  • Apricot - has an anti-inflammatory effect, tones the skin and supplies its layers with vitamins. Relieves irritation, rejuvenates the skin and gives it a healthy look.

You can also add oils to your favorite creams, lotions, or masks. These are two of the easiest ways to get your stretch mark remedy fast.

Geranium Oil Recipe


  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 drops of geranium oil
  • 2 drops of orange
  • 2 drops of lavender oil

Apply the mixture to problem areas with massage movements.

An aromatic blend of oils for stretch marks


  • 4 tablespoons of base oil
  • 1 drop of neroli oil
  • 1 drop of orange oil
  • 1 drop of lavender

Apply to skin in circular motions daily.

Bath and Sauna Oil


  • 1-2 tablespoons wheat germ oil
  • 1 drop of lavender oil
  • 1 drop of neroli oil

This oil should be applied to the skin immediately after taking a bath, when the skin is steamed, but already dry. The product must be applied to problem areas with massage movements.

Remedy for "old" stretch marks with rose scent

  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
  • 10 tablespoons olive oil
  • 15 drops of rose oil

This oil should be applied after taking a bath or massage. Application should be daily.

Massage with oils


  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
  • 2 drops of geranium oil
  • 1 drop of orange oil

This composition is mainly used for massage against stretch marks on the chest, but can also be used for other areas.

Essential oil wraps and baths

Oil wrap

Wraps and baths can be used as an adjunct to the use of oil formulations for rubbing. A fragrant bath will ensure the contact of oils with the entire surface of the body, and wraps promote deep penetration of substances into the layers of the skin.

It is important that to take baths with oils, they must first be combined with salt, honey or foam, otherwise they will simply collect on the surface of the water in drops. For 10 liters of water, you need to add one drop of essential oil, this will be enough. Such baths should be taken about three times a week, with regularity.

Wraps are usually done using clay, therapeutic mud or algae, or, after applying the composition of the oils, you can wrap yourself in a film. For example, take 40-50 ml of base oil, add 2 drops of lavender oil and one drop of neroli, apply the mixture to the body and wrap it with foil for 30-40 minutes.


If stretch marks are located on separate small areas of the skin, then it is very effective to use compresses against stretch marks.

Stretch Mark Oil Ingredients:

  • 2-3 drops of lavender oil
  • 1 drop of petite grain
  • 1 drop of geranium oil

The resulting oil must be stirred in a glass of warm water and moisten a gauze cloth with this. Keep such a compress on the problem area for about 15 minutes, 3 times a week.


Essential oils will be a pleasant and effective option for getting rid of stretch marks. The product is affordable, natural and really pleasant to use. In addition to the absence of stretch marks, a person receives a huge relaxation effect, oils have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person, mood and health in general.

The oils will not have an immediate effect, but with regular and correct application, the stretch marks will begin to fade. The main thing is not to retreat when the first visible results appear, and with the final achievement of the goal, all that remains is to maintain the result.

Unpleasant aesthetic skin defect - stretch marks - is familiar to many. Expectant mothers, athletes, adolescents in the period of hormonal surges and people who are prone to a rapid change in body volume face "striping". Stretch marks respond well to home remedies, the most affordable of which is, of course, vegetable oil.

Take a piece of gauze in your hands and try to stretch it on both sides. In one or several places, longitudinal "gaps" will be obtained - it was there that the matter could not withstand the load. The same happens to the surface of the skin during natural stretching.

Why do stretch marks occur?

Stretch marks are ruptures of elastin and collagen fibers that occur due to prolonged tension in the dermis and epidermis. Streaks often appear in the following circumstances:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with serious hormonal changes (puberty, menopause);
  • with intensive weight gain or an increase in body volume.

There is also an annoying predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks. A hereditary factor or the presence of dry, dehydrated skin is an obvious signal that the areas of the hips, chest and abdomen need special care. Preventing lines from forming on the body is much easier than treating the effects of sprains.

What does the appearance of the stripes indicate?

Pay attention to the shade and position of the lines. They tell a lot about the problem and help you choose the right treatment.

Direction of stretch marks

There are vertical and horizontal stripes. In the first case, we are dealing with the classic consequence of an increase in body volume with unprepared skin: unsightly thin scars appear, located in parallel. This type of stretch marks lends itself well to cosmetic effects, especially when the problem is dealt with before it occurs.

Horizontal striae can be a dangerous signal. They report an unstable hormonal system. If you find such lines on the body, immediately consult an endocrinologist for advice.

Stretch mark color

The shade of the stripes allows you to diagnose their age. Thus, it is customary to distinguish between the "freshness" of lines for effective treatment.

  1. Pink, pink-purple, red striae are not even 2 months old. Their bright color, coupled with a feeling of tightness and itching, indicates that inflammation continues under the skin. The ruptured elastin compounds touch the capillaries, the blood stains the injured areas. The skin needs additional nourishment from the outside and is easily amenable to cosmetic effects.
  2. The light, whitish and pearly shade of the lines indicates the natural beginning of the regeneration process. Subcutaneous "gaps" are filled with scar tissue 5-6 months after the onset. The dermis is also deficient in collagen and gratefully absorbs the care products.
  3. White-bluish striae, hard to the touch, have been on the body for more than a year and a half. Due to the lack of timely care, a scar appears. To remove it, herbal products in the form of oils and essences are ineffective: heavy artillery will be needed.

War zone

Areas susceptible to stretching due to pregnancy are familiar to every mother. These are the belly, thighs, buttocks and neckline. Athletes may develop stripes in places of increased stress: on the "wings" of the back, forearms, biceps, legs and chest. Due to hormonal surges, striae appear throughout the body, including on the face.

When choosing an oil for the treatment of stretch marks, it is important to remember the peculiarities of the skin in a particular area. The relief of the hips and buttocks is wonderfully smoothed out with the help of more effective formulations with the addition of active essential oils, and the skin of the chest and face will need delicate care.

Active formulations with the addition of essential oils will help to effectively get rid of stretch marks on the hips and buttocks, which are better not to use to combat stretch marks on the chest or face.

How base oils work against stretch marks

The remedy for stretch marks is designed to fight simultaneously on several fronts: to treat existing subcutaneous wounds and prevent the appearance of new ones. So, anti-tip products work in the following areas:

  • fight inflammation;
  • heal microcracks and wounds;
  • stimulate collagen production;
  • normalize blood flow to the dermis;
  • nourish the skin and increase its elasticity;
  • soothes superficial irritation and itching.

All of these tasks are perfectly handled by natural oils. Natural herbal formulations are pure, pleasant to use and safe even for pregnant women.

Properties of herbal products

The success of oils in the fight against stretch marks is due to their rich composition. Among biologically active components we find:

  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (needed to normalize metabolism and blood circulation);
  • phospholipids (responsible for cell regeneration);
  • plant sterols (remove cholesterol);
  • vitamins A, D, E, K (antioxidants, renew and nourish cells).

The unique combination of beneficial substances in vegetable oils is the best way to solve the problems of "streaking" of the skin.

Application of anti-sharp oils

Applying herbal products to the problem area is a classic solution in the fight against unsightly lines. However, not the only one. Significant results are achieved by taking oils even internally. Let's take a closer look at each way of eating high-quality fats.

Outdoor use: massages, wraps and baths

When applying herbal formulations to the surface of the skin, we help the components of the oil to be distributed over the protective layer of the integument - the epidermis. For deeper penetration, the product is destined to pass through 5 layers of the epidermis: horny, shiny, granular, prickly and basal. Only then the valuable components of the product reach the dermis, and, accordingly, the epicenter of stretch marks.

A high-quality massage of the zone allows the substances of the product to penetrate as deeply as possible. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, follow the simple rules for applying oils to the skin.

  1. Preparation of the mixture. If the product is not a mono-component, but is a combination of a base with vitamins, essences and other substances, they must be correctly combined. Vegetable oil is the accompaniment here, and the active element is the first violin. Pour 50-100 ml of natural fat or their mixture into a glass bowl. Add 5 drops of essential oil or 7–8 drops of liquid vitamin A or E to the center of the vessel. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Heating up the composition. Naturally, the heated product will penetrate the skin better. Place the bowl in a water bath and wait until the oil warms up to a comfortable temperature for application to the skin.
  3. Pour some of the product into the palm of your hand and transfer to cleansed skin. Massage the area in a circular motion, achieving strong heat. Avoid stretching techniques - the glide should be intense, but not rough.
  4. Move from circles of a large radius to smaller shapes: they can be "drawn" on the skin with 2-3 fingers. This method is relevant for small striped areas - neckline and forearms.
  5. At the end of the massage, wipe off excess oil with a paper towel, but do not overdo it: the skin should remain nourished.
  6. Insulate the area and protect it from drafts and wind. It is better to immediately put on your home clothes or specially prepared pajamas. Be aware that oil can stain the fabric.
  7. Do not store the mixture: prepare the composition again for each ritual. Essential essences are volatilized and the base oil prevents reheating.

Amazing results in the fight against stretch marks are achieved with the help of wraps. So, at the end of the massage, without removing the oily sheen from the product, you should wrap the area with 2-3 layers of polyethylene and insulate the area with a blanket or clothing. After 45 minutes, it is necessary to wash off the composition with warm water, gradually moving on to a contrasting shower.

You can supplement or diversify massage and body wraps with aromatic oil baths. When the skin is steamed, the pores open and the active ingredients of the products penetrate deeper. In this case, you don't even need to work: just lie down in a warm bath and enjoy the process.

  1. Fill the tub with warm water.
  2. Add 20-30 ml of base vegetable oil.
  3. Enrich the mixture with 4-5 drops of ether.
  4. You can play Cleopatra and add milk - it softens the skin.
  5. Soak in the water for 15 minutes.
  6. Let the drops of the valuable liquid dry on your skin on their own. If you don't want to wait, at least don't wipe yourself completely dry with a towel.

The main trick you can use to combat stretch marks is to keep your skin dry. A light fat layer should always be on the problem area: it performs both a protective and nutritional function. Therefore, if there is no time for complex rituals, you just need to moisturize the skin as often as possible. In the morning and in the evening after a shower, do not wipe the body, but apply vegetable oil directly onto the water droplets and rub it lightly in a circular motion. The fat will not allow moisture to evaporate and "seal" it inside.

Oil oil - about ingestion

You can also solve the problem of old stretch marks "on the root": help the body fight them from the inside. It is believed that external exposure copes with fresh lines, since it reaches the dermis layer with proper application. But what about stretch marks that are more than a year old? They seemed to be petrified, covered with connective tissue, a scar. The solution may be to regularly take vegetable oil separately from food, in addition to the daily diet.

Follow some simple guidelines for enriching your diet with plant-based foods.

  1. Make sure there are no contraindications for a particular oil. Lots of vegetable fats can help with stretch marks; if one doesn't work for you, try the other.
  2. The product itself must be unrefined, obtained by cold pressing, monocomponent, have no sediment and taste “natural”. It is advisable to use an organic product.
  3. Take vegetable oil as a course, usually it lasts about 2 weeks.
  4. Take one small tablespoon of oil daily in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before a meal. You can drink it with warm water.

For oral administration, avocado and flax oils are best suited. If you find it difficult to drink a whole tablespoon of oil every day, or this method stimulates your gag reflex, simply season salads with the product, add them to soups and toast. The main thing is to take at least 15 ml of vegetable fat daily.

Effective natural fats against stretch marks

Any fatty plant product has a beneficial effect on the skin. However, there are funds that stand out against the general background due to the higher content of amino acids, vitamins and microelements in them. They should be used against stretch marks. Let's take a closer look at valuable natural oils and how to use them at home.

Table: vegetable oils against stretch marks

Herbal productHow does it workCompatibilityMode of application
Coconut oilValuable polyunsaturated fatty acids (myristic, oleic, lauric, etc.) in combination with vitamins A, C and E, calcium and phosphorus effectively nourish the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect on fresh striae.Mustard, peach and castor oils, dairy productsIt is important to apply the product directly to wet skin after showering. On contact with the dry surface of the dermis, the oil will not produce the desired results.
Cacao butterOleic acid, contained in the oil in large quantities, restores the elasticity of the skin, and vitamin E stimulates the production of collagen in the problem area. Strong antioxidant. Massages and body wraps. Due to its semi-solid consistency, not everyone decides to apply it directly to the skin, but in vain: upon contact with a warm surface, the wax product softens, spreads easily and exudes a pleasant aroma.
Almond oilLeader among herbal products in the fight against stretch marks due to its high degree of permeability. More than half of the composition of the oil, or more precisely, 62%, are the same polyunsaturated fats that are necessary for injured skin. The walnut contains both a record concentration of vitamin E, as well as the mineral zinc, which promote wound healing.Essential oil of clove, lavender, citrusWarm up slightly in a water bath before application. Body wraps, massages, daily skin nutrition.
Olive oilTrace elements calcium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium increase the elasticity of the dermis, and vitamins A, D, E and K have an antioxidant effect and tone the skin in the problem area.Dairy products, wheat germ oil, citrus fruits in the form of fresh juice or essencesDaily massage, mask and ingestion as a salad dressing. Safe for pregnant women and babies.
Linseed oilAlmost a whole family of B vitamins, as well as elements of zinc, magnesium and potassium, deeply soften the skin and activate regenerative processes in it.Geranium and tea tree essential oilsWraps and ingestion (1 tbsp. L. Per day for 2-3 weeks).
Shea ButterA derivative of the "tree of life" is 80% fat, which feeds the barrier layer of the dermis.Sesame oil, calendula tinctureThe oil is quickly absorbed and is therefore not suitable for massage. Ideal for daily use on the skin after showering.
Wheat germ oilThe record holder for the content of "vitamin of youth" - E. It is a powerful antioxidant, restores skin elasticity, evens out old scars from stretch marks.For dry skin: almond and peach oil. For oily skin: grape seed oilConsidered a "heavy" oil. For massage, it is recommended to combine it with oils of lighter consistency (rosehip, evening primrose, grape seed). Suitable for wraps.
Sea buckthorn oilA whole alphabet of vitamins (E, C, B1, B2, B6, F, P), together with folic acid and metals (iron, nickel, molybdenum), has a strong healing and anti-inflammatory effect.Dairy products, carrots and applesFor oral use as a salad dressing or separately on an empty stomach. Has a number of contraindications, read them before therapy.
Jojoba oilValuable amino acids and vitamin E penetrate deep into the skin without leaving an oily sheen due to the light texture of the oil.Essential oils go well with non-greasy jojoba. Can also be mixed with simple baby creamIdeal for daily care of problem skin, especially before going out: the oil is instantly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes.
Castor oilThe very fatty product of castor bean seeds contains ricinoleic, linoleic and oleic acids and effectively fights dry and tight skin.Any liquid vegetable oil (rose hips, grape seeds and avocado)The product is viscous and does not absorb, therefore it is suitable for massage only in a diluted form. The well-known comedogenic effect is also neutralized by other elements of the mixture. Used for wrapping as one of the components. Ingestion helps with striae, however, it has a side effect known to everyone from childhood (a strong laxative).
Sunflower oilPalmic, arachitic, stearic and linoleic acids distinguish the composition of the product from similar ones. Natural vitamin E - tocopherol - slows down cell aging.Good base for essential oilsSuitable for both outdoor and indoor use.
Peach oilIn addition to fatty acids and vitamins B and E, it contains valuable elements (iron, potassium and calcium), which have an analgesic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect on "striped" skin.Essential oils (rose, sandalwood, citrus) and dairy productsIt is used to nourish the skin on a daily basis or as a base for wraps. A very mild product, indicated even for newborn babies.
Rosehip oilAmong similar oils, rosehip stands out for its high content of carotene (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E) and valuable elements and is considered a "skin" product. In addition, it is a natural barrier against the sun's rays (which is not a bonus).The base transport oil "sings along" well with the esters of rose, orange and neroliLiquid oil works wonderfully on dry skin during massage. At the same time, it is not recommended for owners of oily skin, since it can provoke comedones.
Sesame oilThe anti-sharpness properties of the product are due to a number of components in the composition of the oil. These are calcium, zinc, phytin, which restores the balance of minerals in the body, and sesamol (an antioxidant).Essence baseIt is taken both internally and externally as a basis for massages and body wraps. Indicated during pregnancy.
Argan oilRejuvenating vitamin E, fatty acids and valuable squalene together are a load of antioxidants for the body.Better soloIt is recommended to take orally 2-3 tbsp. l. per day for 2 weeks to prevent or treat stretch marks. Argan massages and body wraps are also beneficial for dry skin.
Grape seed oilThe content of the so-called flavonoids determines the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of the product. At the same time, the oil is felt on the skin easily, without the effect of an oily film, and serves as an excellent base for many mixtures.Combines with essential oils (any), basic herbal products (especially almond and peach) and baby creamSuitable for body wraps, massages and daily skin hydration. For oral use, it is usually used as a frying oil (not carcinogenic with household heat).
Apricot oilIt has an impressive content of vitamin F, which stimulates collagen production in problem areas.Mixes with almond and avocado base oils (1: 1) and also works well with esters (mint, lemon)Both externally alone and as a base for oil mixtures for massages and body wraps.
Burr oilTannins, minerals and acids nourish the dermis, and inulin stimulates metabolic processes in the skin. It also contains a vegetable protein that helps smooth stretch marks.Due to the high density of the oil, it is recommended to mix it with more liquid plant products such as rose hips, grape seed or avocado.Suitable for massages and works great with body wraps.
Ayurvedic oilThe classic Indian remedy includes up to 100 varieties of oil mixtures. They are united by a warming effect and an abundance of vitamin C. Depending on the composition, additional effects appear.In its pure form: the product is already a well-chosen mixture of vegetable oils and estersTraditionally, Ayurvedic composition is used for massage, while the touching technique also has a meaning and philosophy.
Rose oilThe product contains valuable phenols, alcohols and geranic acid. The tool is known for a whole range of effects on the human body, including antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It is considered the ideal "female" oil.Lactic acid enters into a beneficial cooperation with the product, so combine the rose with cream, milk, kefir and yogurtRegular baths with rose oil and milk act as a warning against stretch marks, and body wraps with essential oils are already referred to as "heavy artillery".
Pumpkin seed oilThe invaluable source of natural vitamins A, E, F, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, P, T, K also contains easily digestible proteins and elements necessary for the production of collagen in the problem area.Best used neatInside for 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks, while drinking it with cold water (the product dissolves in it) or eat it with a piece of bread.

Principles of combining base oils with each other

Among the wide variety of natural oil products, it is difficult to choose one. And it is not necessary: ​​after all, in combination, many of them work even more effectively against stretch marks. The main thing is to follow the basic rules for connecting the compositions.

All base oils, when combined with each other, are safe for the skin. However, you can achieve a more impressive result when using a mixture by combining liquid and solid (semi-solid) textures with each other.

Liquid vegetable oils are also distinguished according to the density.

  1. Light textures are quickly absorbed and are suitable for daily “quick” care:
    • grape seeds;
    • peach;
    • apricot;
    • almond;
  2. Heavy, thick oils contain an impressive amount of antioxidants, due to which they behave well in mixtures. They "canned" home remedies and allow you to use them more than once:
    • jojoba;
    • avocado;
    • wheat sprouts.

Semi-solid and solid oils look like a so-called butter: they solidify at room temperature and melt on contact with the skin. The harder the herbal remedy, the higher the content of those same unsaturated fatty acids for which the skin with stretch marks is "starving". Such products are prepared in advance: melt the required amount in a water bath, and then add a light texture liquid oil for better gliding on the skin surface.

Pitfalls: Things to Remember When Combining Foods

When choosing a vegetable oil against stretch marks, always focus on the characteristics of your skin. With fat content and a tendency to comedones, it is better to avoid the following pure formulations:

  • cocoa;
  • peach;
  • flax (for outdoor use);
  • coconut;

Oils are not contraindicated, but they are safer when combined with a light vehicle such as almonds, jojoba or wheat germ. In case of dry skin, on the contrary, resort to dense textures, and always apply them to wet skin: they "close" valuable drops and prevent evaporation.

It is also customary to distinguish vegetable oils according to the degree of absorption and spreadability (distribution) on the skin. Again, the opposite behavior of plant foods works best in combination.

Ready-to-use vegetable fats - is it worth it?

There are many oil-based products on the cosmetic market. Some oils have the widest range of applications (eg Johnson & Johnson baby oil), while others focus on specific problems (Bio-Oil or Re-Gen Oil for stretch marks and scars).

A distinctive feature of such products is their ease of use - they are already ready for application. Take a closer look at the composition before use. If it is "pure" and consists only of active ingredients - oils, vitamins and minerals, the product can be safely used. It cannot be durable - the absence of preservatives implies its freshness within up to a month, and even then, with proper storage. Factory oils with a long shelf life and opaque composition are unlikely to lead you to the desired result.

Before using a finished oil product that promises to get rid of stretch marks on the skin, you need to carefully study the composition: if it contains a large amount of oil refined products and preservatives, it most likely will not be able to give a positive result

Homemade oil-based recipes

High-quality self-care for your skin can be as effective as a salon one. The main rules of success are the regularity of anti-acute health procedures and a competent combination of components. Use proven recipes.

Take a look at the medicine cabinet

An effective method of dealing with the stripes that have already appeared on the body is available for everyone to use. The ingredients for this concoction can be found in every medicine cabinet and seasoning cabinet. It is recommended to apply it as a mask for 20 minutes a day every 2-3 days.


  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • aspirin - 4 tablets;
  • water - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat vegetable oil in a water bath.
  2. Prepare aspirin: dissolve it in a little warm water.
  3. Combine food, stirring vigorously with a wooden spatula.
  4. Apply to the striped area, let it work for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water (no soap).

My mumiyo

Mountain resin effectively fights many skin imperfections, including stretch marks. Combined with a vegetable oil that is suitable for your skin, mumiyo will have an even more beneficial effect. Try body wrap.


  • mumiyo - 4-5 tablets;
  • warm water - 30 ml;
  • any light transport oil - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve the mumiyo in warm water, wait until the sediment "disperses".
  2. Mix it with a vegetable oil of your choice, such as almond or wheat germ preheated in a water bath.
  3. Massage the product onto the skin.
  4. Wrap the area with plastic wrap while the area is warm.
  5. Relax for 30-40 minutes under a warm blanket.
  6. Wash off the composition with warm water without soap.
  7. Moisturize your skin with a cream or, again, an easily absorbed oil.


Exotic walnut oil is an excellent vehicle for essences. Add drops of esters to suit your skin. The following composition does an excellent job with stretch marks.


  • coconut oil (vegetable) - 100 ml;
  • rose essential oil - 3 drops;
  • essential oil of neroli - 3 drops;
  • vitamin E in liquid form - 1 ampoule.

Cooking method:

  1. In a ceramic or glass dish, heat the transport coconut base oil (in a water bath).
  2. Add ethers to the middle of the vessel.
  3. Stir the food thoroughly with a wooden stick.
  4. Apply a lukewarm mixture to problem areas and massage in circular motions.
  5. Leave the greasy layer to "work" for 10 minutes after the massage, and then remove the excess with a tissue.