Where does Olga Slutsker’s mother live? Olga Slutsker kept the birth of her children a secret for a whole year. Her lifestyle

Although she was persuaded for 1.5 hours

There are things that are traditionally not subject to doubt. Axioms that do not tolerate criticism. Generally accepted norms learned from the cradle.

One of these sacred concepts is maternal love. When a mother is deprived of the opportunity to see her children, society usually comes to her defense. This is natural and natural. Love for mother is embedded in the subconscious of every person at the biological level, regardless of age, gender and social status.

In Olga Slutsker’s story, if you believe her words, the mother has not seen her children for 18 months. Such cruelty towards a mother is difficult to comprehend and gives rise to a wave of sincere empathy in society. Who dared to destroy the connection between mother and child, sacred throughout the millennia-long history of mankind?

For everyone who follows the dramatic divorce of the Slutskers, the answer to this question can cause a deep shock. It turns out that the mother herself, Olga Slutsker, refuses to meet her children, whom she has not seen for a year and a half!

The press secretary of the children's father, Vladimir Slutsker, Ekaterina Shatalina, came to our editorial office and asked to listen to her. Here's what she said:

“When Mrs. Slutsker publicly blamed her ex-husband for all her sins and misfortunes, I was tied hand and foot. Vladimir Slutsker categorically did not want this family conflict to inflate to the scale of a national problem and, accordingly, forbade me to enter into a discussion with this woman,” says Ekaterina. However, recently Olga suddenly decided to “appoint” me as the “culprit” for the unfortunate fate of her and her children. She publicly accuses me of something that I have never done and could not do.

Moreover, these accusations are fabricated from outright lies. Imagine, Olga Slutsker’s Mercedes and a huge tinted jeep without license plates with her security are blocking my car on both sides, they demand that I lower the window, and when I refuse to talk, she presents this story on the Internet as my refusal to communicate with an offended defenseless mother. On blogs, curses and threats are thrown at me; I am accused of cruelty and insulted. In such circumstances, I am forced to answer her lies with my truth.”

To confirm her words, Ekaterina Shatalina gave the editors a video filmed during one of Olga Slutsker’s visits to the children. Naturally, after watching the video we had questions:

- Was this the first long-awaited meeting between mother and children? Maybe she was just worried?

No, and this was not the first meeting - Olga Sergeevna regularly comes to Misha’s school, she vividly described this, in particular, in numerous interviews. And refusal to communicate with children is also far from the only thing.

For example, before the new school year, on August 31, Vladimir Iosifovich invited Olga to meet with him and the children in order to decide together how to build a communication schedule so that it would be convenient and comfortable for everyone, and, above all, for the children. It was extremely difficult to organize such a meeting; the children did not agree to it. After all, Misha and Anya, no matter what Olga says about this, are not at all eager to see their mother. Why? You can’t explain this in a nutshell; you’ll have to take my word for it and the children’s.

That time, Olga initially agreed, even sent a telegram, and... did not come. The children waited for her for several hours.

- What happened this time?

This time Olga Sergeevna came to meet the children, and... again she did not communicate with them! Moreover, none of those present - neither Vladimir himself, nor the bailiff, nor the children, understood what happened.

First, she demanded to communicate with the children alone - without a father, without a bailiff and without security. “Please come in!” - Vladimir invited her to the house. And then suddenly Olga Sergeevna hesitated, stopped in front of the door and began to call a lawyer and consult whether she should come in to communicate with the children or not! It would seem that the moment had come that the loving mother had been waiting for so long - she just had to cross the threshold. After all, Misha and Anya stood literally three meters behind the gate!

After a telephone consultation with a lawyer, Olga Sergeevna demanded that she be allowed to see the children with a psychologist; she refused to enter alone. Then she started calling the lawyer again... A paradoxical situation: the bailiff and her father in unison persuaded her to come in and talk to her own children!

- How did this meeting end?

Olga Sergeevna simply got into the car and drove away, without even waving to Misha and Anya.

But why did she come? Do you have any version about this?

There is no way to logically explain these actions. After all, if you love children and miss them, you will use any excuse, any reason just to see them. And here Olga Sergeevna is given every opportunity - and she does everything to avoid meeting with children. Why not meet - she didn’t even look at Anya, whom, as she tragically declares everywhere, she hasn’t seen for more than a year and a half!

I got the impression that she doesn’t really need children. It’s just very beautiful to be the heroine of an “all-Russian tragedy”, to show off on the covers of magazines and participate in talk shows. But all this “drama” - “they don’t let me see my children” - will immediately end as soon as Olga Sergeevna communicates with them. What else is there to talk about, what else to give interviews about, who to angrily accuse of them? How to continue to play the role of “mother No. 1”? So, apparently, she is delaying the moment of the meeting with all her might and under any pretext.

And the children in this performance are simply suitable props, and their feelings are apparently indifferent to her. Think for yourself how Misha and Anya felt when they heard with their own ears that their mother refused to meet with them?

- But she is a smart woman, a successful businesswoman. Did she have any motives for such behavior?

You know, it was Olga Sergeevna who insisted on dividing the children in court. She, naturally, tries to remember this as little as possible and not tell anyone. But that was it. Vladimir suggested that she not tell the children anything about the divorce at all, so as not to traumatize their psyche. He wanted everything to remain the same externally for the children. And he even offered her to leave her own room in the house, in which she could live and communicate with the children as much as she wanted. But Olga refused. She wanted to sue the children at all costs.

I don’t know what reasons this woman has for not meeting her children. Her words contradict her actions, and her actions contradict her words. But this is not a split personality; she is probably aware of what a sophisticated and complex game she plays with her children. I personally am already tired of delving into the darkness of her soul. One thing is obvious to me: speculating on maternal instinct is immoral. And it’s time to put an end to the grandiose hoax on the topic “mothers are not allowed to see their children.”

0 March 14, 2018, 12:13

Fitness industry pioneer World Class turns 25 this spring. At one time, the founder of the brand, Olga Slutsker, and her team made a sports lifestyle fashionable: going to the gym, setting your own records and simply being in shape became popular and even prestigious. On the eve of the company's anniversary, Olga Slutsker gave a long interview to the company's corporate magazine World Class. About the history of the brand, life principles, Russian legislation and the inner core.

It must be said that Slutsker rarely gives interviews. Seven years ago, Olga went through very difficult personal trials: a high-profile divorce, trials, the struggle for the opportunity to see her children. Now that it's all over, Olga shares with subscribers on Instagram with happy moments of life (parents at the festive table, friendship between a cat and a corgi, dishes with fried St. Petersburg smelt, training, selfies with friends), delicately avoiding personal topics.


About the brand and team

In 1993, Russia was at zero level in the world of fitness. Before us, there was no work as a fitness instructor at all. At that time there were only general physical training coaches and physical education teachers. Today World Class consists of 82 successfully operating clubs in Russia and four more abroad.

I feel sports people, coaches. For example, when an instructor just enters the gym, by the way he is dressed, how he behaves, how he communicates with colleagues and club members, I can determine his professional level and understand what motivates him, what his motivation is, what and from whom to expect. It may be presumptuous, but it's true. I love the world of sports, I understand and respect it. Therefore, I’m simply not interested in leaving for another industry.

About Ksenia Sobchak's presidential ambitions

For me, oddly enough, this is a very natural and obvious step on Ksenia’s part. We constantly argue with her, we have different positions and views in many ways, but we live in Russia, we speak Russian, our parents were born and live here, and no one has left anywhere. Ksenia's entire family is politicians. With age this begins to manifest itself. There are no politicians in my family - my mother and father were never even members of the party for reasons of principle. She has a different situation: for Ksenia, politics is her world, her childhood, adolescence and now maturity.

Olga Slutsker and Ksenia Sobchak

You have gone through very difficult personal trials. What helped you cope?

Of course, friends. And, probably, in the first place are my old parents. Because I understood that if I didn’t survive, then they would be perfect victims of this whole story. Just like children. When 24 hours a day, even in your sleep, your thoughts revolve around one thing - how and what to do, where else to run, what next piece of evidence to present in court? And this emotion: how can this be, it’s unfair?! It was turning off emotions that helped me at a certain point. Because if you don't turn them off, you'll burn yourself. After I began publishing my memories and appeals to children on LiveJournal, so that they knew that I fought for them and wanted to be with them, people who did not have any public opportunities or funds for lawyers began writing to me - modest women and men.

Yana Rudkovskaya, Kristina Orbakaite, and I, of course, first of all fought for their children. I don’t want to pretend that this was a social struggle. But on that wave it turned out that we were fighting not only for our own people, but for others too. At one of the meetings with women who were in the same bitter situation, I saw a mother who, from love and grief, had brought herself to such a state that she herself already had an emotional imbalance and, in an amicable way, she herself needed to be admitted to a clinic and reassure: the person is completely shaken. Other women were halfway there. And I thought: “Okay, Olya, stop.” They showed me how it could be if I continue to burn myself with my emotions and the feeling of the global injustice of what is happening.

But society still puts pressure on you: well, how can this be, it’s unfair, let’s fight. And I tried to somehow protect myself, because people, supporting and worrying, only throw even more coal into the furnace of your struggle. I stopped it. I stopped talking about the courts altogether. After all, you can talk to me not only about this topic. I am very grateful to my close friend Fyodor Bondarchuk, who said: “Listen, all very close people and not only close ones empathize with you and really want to help, but you seem fixated all the time. People are already tired of what they say when communicating with you just on one topic. Get off it, just stop talking about it. That’s all you do, sue. If you need help, say specifically what you need, don’t argue.”

So I turned off my emotions: the trials, no matter how they go, are just trials. Guardianship, no matter how unprofessional and “cannibalistic” it may be, is simply guardianship. Then I went to India because the right side of my face began to lose consciousness. I came to court, was nervous and felt that my face was numb. I think: Lord, don’t let me have a stroke. Or it will skew due to nervousness. Or some disease will develop... And what next? I realized that I needed to pull myself out. I went to India and resumed my regular training regimen.

Then I thought that I needed a new home. Home is very important to me. And everything that relates to it, too: what dishes, what coffee, what milk, napkins, paintings. I love the house, I like to build it, take care of it. And I also love guests. I didn’t have a home at that time. Zero. I found myself on the street.

How much did the new life, the new home take over and did you cope?

Firstly, I want to say about the company. How grateful I am to my World Class partners. After all, this nightmare lasted for several years and turned into daily work and struggle. There were endless trials and proceedings... And my head, naturally, was not occupied with work or development strategy. The partners treated me very carefully and carefully, the whole company supported me. But, of course, it was impossible to do business or think about it then. Have you seen the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”? That's all. Here is the answer. What is important for a woman? Aerobatics: when you can be a super player in your profession, and a housewife, a mother, and a wife in your family. You are the soul of the house - a woman. It's always difficult to balance.

One friend, a very famous lady in our country, said to me: “Olechka, you are, of course, a woman with a difficult fate.” I answered: “No, dear, I am a woman with destiny.” Even now I think it’s great that the Lord sent me a path and a destiny - bright, written in some colors, not faceless. And the trials that I went through, and the joys that I received and am receiving, it is very passionate, very interesting to live.

Legislation, the holes of which you spoke about when telling your story with children. Has anything changed over this long period of time?

Nothing has changed. We have made enormous efforts to ensure that legislation can protect children from isolation from one of their parents. I agree to fight, I agree to spend time and money to make something happen, to make changes happen. If all my efforts and tilting at windmills don’t bring much results, I’m bored doing it. I don't want to waste any more time in my life that cannot be replaced. Life is divided into several stages. Now I am living through a very important stage - age, when I am active, when I still feel young, I look good, I have small children. But this cannot last forever. I don't have as much time ahead of me as, say, a 20-year-old. So I don't want to waste the time of my life to no avail.

Something has changed?

Little has changed. And, unfortunately, there are many people now experiencing the same grief that I am. Yes, administrative responsibility has been introduced, but this is not a serious lever. Therefore, when women still come to me for advice, I say one thing: leave the concept of justice. I understand it hurts, but there is no justice. Just do everything you can to continue communicating with your children. No one will help you - law enforcement agencies, guardianship, the state and the courts. Solve everything on a human level. Unfortunately, even by formal refusal. The main thing is not a piece of paper or a court decision, the main thing is communication with children. This is what needs to be preserved, even when making sacrifices.

About betrayal

There are situations when people shamelessly betray. They steal from their company. The company that raised them, that trusted them, that never let them down for a second. And not just money from the cash register. They steal employees whom World Class found, trained, and educated. How do I react to this? No way. People are imperfect. The main thing is to move forward. Never take revenge. What will it bring? The coolest revenge is when your team develops, implements successful projects, leaving others behind. And this renegade sits at his broken trough and watches how the fantastic liner goes on its own and can’t even see it anymore, because the distance is too great.

Read the full interview.

Photo World Class/Instagram

When the first-born Misha was born in the family of Senator Vladimir Slutsker, his mother, owner of the World Class fitness club chain Olga Slutsker... underwent plastic surgery - the child was carried and given birth by a surrogate mother in the United States. The nanny of the Slutsker family, Alexandra Sergeeva, spoke about this and even more sensational details of the family life of the famous politician and famous businesswoman in an exclusive interview with L!FE.ru. According to her, the reason for the high-profile divorce of the star couple was Olga’s infidelity: she cheated on her husband in her own home - right in the room where the children loved to play.

- Alexandra Alexandrovna, how many years have you been working in the family of Senator Vladimir Slutsker and his wife Olga? How did you fit into this family?

I have been working since the birth of Misha, their son, and he will soon be 11 years old. Before that, I worked as a senior nurse at the Central Clinical Hospital. I worked a lot, almost my whole life, with children - in nurseries, in pioneer camps, and completed a bunch of courses.

- It is known that first impressions are the most vivid. What did the Slutskers seem like to you then?

I met Vladimir later. And Olga then seemed strict and demanding. I remember thinking that she really cares about the children - she chooses to have a good nanny, with recommendations. Before the birth, there was no children's room in their house, but they thoroughly prepared and planned for it. Then they flew to America for the child, who was being carried by an American surrogate mother, and 20 days later they brought Misha.

- Olga once told on television how much she was worried when Misha was born - she didn’t sleep, they say, didn’t eat...

I don’t know what she didn’t eat there, only at that time, when the American woman gave birth to him, she had her forehead and eyes tightened in the clinic. And so she came to pick him up, all covered in bandages and plaster, and the breast milk that the surrogate mother had collected for his journey was forgotten in America! And in general, I didn’t take any food for the child on the road. And the flight from America is long...

- How did Olga generally treat children all these years?

I don’t want to say that she treated them badly: of course, she loves them in her own way. And she also really likes to show off about them: on Saturday, she would go somewhere to a gallery where people go to show off what kind of children she has. But, you know, she never bathed or swaddled her child. I could have been there when Misha was little. He'll stand there and leave. After all, she always had a very strange regime: in the morning Misha and I get ready for school - she is still sleeping. And she returned home at two or three in the morning, when the children were already asleep. And she always has inflated demands on her children: “Why are you the worst of all?!”, “Why are you always the worst of all?!”

There was once a case when Misha wet himself, and Olga and another nanny - Lisa - forced him to wash his panties. He was three years old. They were traveling from Zhukovka, and before leaving he did not go to the toilet. And I wanted it in the car. So they didn’t let him out: they said it was his own fault, pee in your pants. He peed himself. And when they arrived home, they forced him to walk around in these wet pants for the rest of the day, and in the evening they forced him to wash everything. He cried, but washed.

- The press recently mentioned that Olga was rude to children. Is this really true?

I don't think it's intentional rudeness, it's just her communication style. If Olga saw her son in the morning, and I didn’t have time to say: “Mishenka, tell mommy good morning,” she greeted me like this: with a foot in the butt and the phrase: “Hello, ass!” or “Hello, ass!”, she could scold. Misha was very worried about this, he closed himself off, I felt so sorry for him.

And once Volodya and Misha were playing with a ball: Misha throws the ball to dad - dad catches it. Suddenly dad didn’t catch the ball, and the ball hit mom. My God! That's when I heard these words from her! I myself grew up in Orekhovo-Zuyevo, where they use obscenities and don’t swear, but even there they didn’t express themselves that way in front of children. I quickly brought Mishka out in my arms, and Volodya calmed her down: “Musya, calm down, Musya, don’t be nervous!” In general, Olga Sergeevna often cursed in front of the children.

- Did Olga often play with children?

Only on weekends and sometimes on vacation. And when should she? The children get up at 9 o'clock, have breakfast, go for a walk - mom is still sleeping. At about 11 or early 12 o'clock she will come out, stand with them on the street, at half past twelve I go to feed the children, she gets ready and leaves for her own business - well, there are cosmetics, a massage, an interview...

- Didn’t her husband reproach her for this?

What do you! He always defended her: “She is a public woman, everyone should see her, how successful she is, how she develops her business. She gets tired, she has such a difficult job, always with people.”

- Does she kiss the children good night and read fairy tales, like all mothers?

Kisses, yes. And fairy tales... In the last two months before she left, there were such attempts. But you can’t read to Misha; he already reads and writes at night. Only Anya. Her love comes in bursts.

- Did Olga take care of the children, was she worried about their health?

Certainly. Only also in a very different way. When Misha was 2 years old, he was diagnosed with an allergy. They called a fashionable doctor at the time, and he deprived Misha of everything! I prescribed him one soy: soy milk, soy porridge - such poison! Even his favorite buckwheat - Misha called it “daddy's porridge” - was forbidden. Misha became so thin, his head hung to one side... It used to be that he would quietly steal normal food from the table, hide and eat somewhere in the corner, and Volodya and I would cover him. Volodya and Olga argued a lot about this, but Olga stood her ground. And then we went to the clinic on Arbat to get Misha vaccinated, and the doctor sneezed at us so much! They called Olga, and the head of the department scolded her like that, saying that she would sue her for driving the child to exhaustion! And Olga eventually told me: “Feed what you want, but follow the diet.”

- They say Olga loves art. Did she try to somehow involve the children in this?

I don't know anything about this. At one time there was a painting in our living room - a naked woman. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms apart, at full height. When the 4-5 year old kids came, they were terribly interested. At first I thought it was Olga - she had a similar face, but the girls explained to me that this was a terrible rarity from the 30s. Then it was removed. For a long time, magazines with sculptures of naked women and men and photographs of all poses from Indian temples were laid out on the table, you know those?

When Mishka began to leaf through them, and older guys came to him - they looked and giggled, then I complained to my grandmother. Thank God I removed it. Now Volodya just has a Picasso there, otherwise it was all erotica.

- What happened in the family? Why are they getting divorced?

This all happened on Saturday. Because on Saturday Olga had a bathhouse, her friends came to her. Only then Volodya gathered us all and said: “I bring to your attention that we already wanted to get a divorce, but it so happened that the fact of betrayal was recorded, and I don’t like it, they poured a bucket of dirt on me.” I was surprised and asked, where did all this happen? He replied that he was in the cinema hall.

There are sofas in this cinema hall, and Misha and Anya spend a lot of time on these sofas, they are not in overalls, but in tights or panties, running and tumbling. We don’t even let strangers in there; we ourselves try not to sit on the sofas in this room. I worked in a hospital, I know what it is. And bring someone else’s man there! What kind of mother is this?!

But in general this did not concern us, this is their business. Of course, it happened that they quarreled. Why dont know. And who doesn’t quarrel?..

- How do children react to the absence of their mother, what do they say?

At first, Anya asked: “Where is mom?” They said that “mom is busy,” “on a business trip.” But Misha didn’t ask at all from the very beginning.

And yesterday Misha woke up at night, ran to his dad’s kitchen and buried his face in his shoulder: “Dad, is there even one percent that my mom will pick me up? I'm scared". And I was nearby and, of course, I immediately told him: “Well, Mishenka, you’re not a suitcase to be picked up!”

- Did they change after Olga Sergeevna left?

Certainly! Children have become more relaxed, freer.

In general, it’s very noticeable from Mishenka that there is no pressure on him. He became so spontaneous, more self-confident. My progress at school has improved. And he was like a little mouse, afraid to say a word if he received a reprimand.

There is such peace in the house now. And earlier, with the words: “Olga Sergeevna is coming!” Everyone immediately begins to search with their eyes: who put what in the wrong place and put it in the wrong way. God forbid if a toy is lying around somewhere! Instead of praising the children, Olga constantly put pressure on them: “Why aren’t you the best? You must be the best! I can do everything, but why can’t you?”

- Well, maybe Olga really wants to make her children better?

Yes, they have wonderful children! Very good kids, friendly, talented. They speak two languages ​​- French and English. Nyusya is a gymnast and can do the splits on the fly. And Misha plays the piano very well, composes his own music, and Anyutka tries to follow him. And now that Olga is gone, they organize such concerts for us on Fridays! Anya demonstrates gymnastic exercises, Misha staged “Mozart and Salieri” - just a one-man show, with intonations and movements. This has not been done before. They were always normal children, but somehow withdrawn, closed-minded - after all, all you could hear from Olga was “you’re not sitting like that”, “you’re not standing like that”.

- Do children suffer without their mother?

No, children do not feel lonely at all because there is no mother. Dad, grandma, and grandpa are with them all the time. Where is Anya? At dad's. Dad is sitting, doing something of his own, Anya is either drawing next to him or on his lap.

Yes, in principle, it has always been like this - dad is always at home. And Saturday, and Sunday, or he’ll go buy something for them - now they went to buy Misha’s shirts. Either he will go with Anya, or with Misha.

- Olga now says that she broke up with her husband because she did not have love, female happiness...

I don’t understand her, I don’t understand her purely in a woman’s way. My husband comes home from work on time, doesn’t drink, and the house is full! All the time to her: “Musenka, don’t worry. Musenka, Musenka...” Children are good. How lucky is she? necessary?..

I first learned about the existence of Olga and Vladimir Slutsker from Oksana Pushkina’s program.
Often people who are successful in business are lonely or not very successful in their personal lives. Among public people, only a few look happy. We all studied physics at school - in one place it was added at the expense of what was subtracted in another. How to achieve balance? Due to maturity - the ability not to blame anyone but yourself for your troubles. Understanding that you shaped all the events of your life yourself, so that they teach you something. If a person is mature, he succeeds in everything he undertakes. He comes out of any situation without loss.
Nothing in life happens for nothing. Everyone has what they deserve. How does a person come to unexpected turns in life? Through everyday choices, and something comes from the family, from attitude to life. It’s not without reason that they say that thoughts are material. But subconscious thoughts often turn out to be material, of which a person is not aware or does not want to be aware. When a person highly idealizes something, he gets the opposite result. Why was Olga left without children, without a family, and now she could still lose part of her business and property?
Usually people with the same energy level of problems enter into unsuccessful marriages. Everyone is immature in some way. Given a good set of circumstances, everyone can do work on themselves, reconsider their life views that led him to this marriage. No wonder Vladimir Slutsker came to the Cabal.
Olga Slutsker is a bright, successful personality. People of her type try to do everything perfectly, achieve maximum results, and take only the best from life. But our advantages are a continuation of our shortcomings and vice versa. A painting without halftones is most often a poster. You have to be able to be a little wrong. Negative events are a sign that a person’s attitude towards life is not adequate, the model is very different from reality, and some energy laws are violated.
Olga mentioned that Vladimir Slutsker’s parents always unconditionally supported their son, no matter what he did. But her parents were more objective. Of course, they did not put pressure on her, they explained to her the possible consequences of her actions. The subtext is that my parents are more correct than his. It seems that Olga knew well from her youth what was right and what was wrong in this life. Success in business only confirmed her views. And negative events are recognized as random blows of fate. Olga overcame these blows with dignity, because... She was always persistent in achieving her goals and knew well that she was doing the right thing. Accordingly, all opinions that did not coincide with her position were declared incorrect. The closer the distance with such people, the more wrong they were declared. The worst thing was the husband and his family. In a conversation with Oksana Pushkina, with gentle reproach in words, but with a firm look, it was expressed - he did not worry as much as she did about her infertility. He did not let her into his life, although she was an excellent wife and housewife. He did not fly with her during operations, did not hold her hand. He was less involved with the children because... devoted his free time to the Cabal. And although she worked a lot, she surrounded the children with the best professionals. Children turned out to be bargaining chips in this situation. What did not work out in the relationship with my husband, it was decided to implement it in the children. Raise them correctly from Olga's point of view.
Most likely, Olga did not try to accept the position of Vladimir and his family. She expected that sooner or later she would convince them to play by her own rules. When this did not happen, the search for the best began on the side. It was necessary to realize what did not work out with Vladimir Slutsker. If an alliance does not work out, this is not only a problem for the partners; sometimes dozens of people are drawn into it. Children and parents, friends and relatives, acquaintances and colleagues, lawyers and press representatives, neighbors and random witnesses. They also need this experience to go through this situation, accept it and learn something. Sometimes even more than the participants in a direct conflict, who have the luxury of clarifying the relationship directly. Direct participants begin to look for those to blame, blame the other side, insist on their views, manipulating the interests of the third party.
Accurate knowledge, as always, will be correct, played a cruel joke on Olga. When a person is accustomed to acting ahead, guided only by his own ideas, sooner or later he ends up in a dead end. At one point, Olga lost everything she had achieved and was proud of. Olga gave Vladimir a reason to protect the children from her correct line, which ruined the life of her and her loved ones. But Olga continues to act in her usual way - she and her family are looking for those to blame. This is Vladimir, his family and improper upbringing, as well as the lack of correct legislation. They will fight and achieve the return of the children. And Vladimir must be punished for causing Olga so much suffering. He prevented Olga from being correct in her own eyes. He dared to offer to leave the children to him and leave her her business and property. But Olga needs everything, because only she can raise children correctly!
If a person's life does not teach him anything, he receives a series of blows in increasing order. It looks like Olga still has many life challenges ahead. She seeks justice based on her correct ideas. But justice is an insidious thing, sometimes it is the concept of losers. The marriage of two good people is not always a good thing and vice versa. Everything is relative, as is the fact that a person is not only good and only bad. Everyone has their own truth, but for some reason it often conflicts with the truth of others. This is a woman's look. Everyone has what they deserve.

November 2009 Kazan

So 14 months passed when, according to the yellow tongues of the evil press, ex-senator Vladimir Slutsker returned “from the south” with his children and discovered that his wife was receiving a young lover in their common house. The same languages ​​claim that this was a canard, diligently spread by the senator’s supporters in order to take revenge for the divorce initiative, that Olga was a good wife and mother and did not try to fly her son Misha with a sore ear using a fake passport to an English boarding school. Oh, this multi-colored press, what they won’t write on request!
Just yesterday, the divorce of the century was devoted to a story in the program “Man and the Law.” In it, Olga looked more advantageous than in Oksana Pushkina. No stories about your plight, or attempts to arouse pity and sympathy for your person. Well-chosen witnesses, a sympathetic presenter. From all sides, a positive woman, whose rights were grossly trampled and violated. She was separated from her children. The lack of hair and makeup was supposed to emphasize the depth of Olga’s experiences. And no mention of the $35 million that's at stake with the kids. Or children along with millions, because changing the places of the terms does not change the sum.
There’s only one thing Olga didn’t take into account: words are material. As one Czech teacher said, if a child jumped out into the street naked, I didn’t tell him - you’ll get pneumonia, I said - you might catch a cold. But it is customary for us to raise children through intimidation. I cannot judge whether this is a consequence of low culture, atheism or the achievement of developed socialism. Maybe all together. When in one program Olga’s mother, and in another her friend throughout the country, predict how the father’s decisions will affect the fate of the children, you can’t help but think about who actually wishes harm to the children and who wishes good. No matter how ambiguous the image of Vladimir Slutsker may be, I have not found a direct assessment of the events on his behalf on the Internet. As they say - do not judge, lest you be judged. What happened is not as important as how we reacted to it. Any changes in life can lead to successful consequences. We ourselves turn events back, giving them an unambiguous assessment. Everything that is not in my opinion is all bad. But how many people, so many opinions. Most of our energy goes into judging others, instead of accepting the situation and getting out of it in the best way. Not only to go out yourself, but to take out all the participants. Everyone, and not just those in whom you are especially interested. Then our defeats will turn into our victories. Happy victories, gentlemen Slutsker!

Olga Slutsker was born in St. Petersburg into the family of a famous lawyer Sergei Berezovsky and a doctor. As a child, she attended a sports school and practiced fencing, then competed for the Leningrad national team (master of sports in fencing). In 1987 she graduated from the Institute of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgafta. She began her career by working at the Department of Physical Education at the First Medical Institute of St. Petersburg. The love for sports and the desire for self-realization gave rise to the idea of ​​creating a sports club. In 1993, in Moscow, Olga Slutsker opened a fitness club - “World Class”, one of the first Russian sports centers created according to international standards. Olga Slutsker was an investor in the project, but three years later she bought the rights to the trademark from a Swedish company. During this period, Olga Slutsker became a regular participant in fitness conferences in the USA. Graduated from the School of Management at the State Academy of Management. Olga Slutsker became the president and general director of Russia's largest chain of fitness clubs, World Class, which for several years has been included in the list of the 25 best fitness clubs in the world. Thirty-two World Class centers operate in Moscow and ten more are open in the largest cities of Russia and the CIS countries. Since 2005, he has been the head coach of the Russian team in the TV show “Big Races” on Channel One. In 2006, Olga Slutsker opened another chain of fitness clubs called FizKult. She is also the president of the Russian Fitness Group corporation. In 2006, Olga received the title of Full Member of the International Brand Academy for creating a successful Russian brand and outstanding contribution to the development of society. In 2007, Russian Fitness Group merged the World Class fitness network and FizKult business format clubs with the Reebok and MaxiSport fitness networks, which now operate under the World Class and FizKult brands. . In January 2007, she was elected President of the Russian Federation of Fitness Aerobics and became a Member of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Sports, Aerobics and Fitness (FISAF). Olga Slutsker is also the organizer of the International Festival of Physical Education and Sports and the International Fitness Aerobics Competition, she is the President of the Russian Federation of Fitness Aerobics. She made a career in sports and business. She owns the largest chain of fitness clubs. Olga introduced the fashion for a healthy lifestyle in Russia. Olga Slutsker is actively involved in charity work and is a member of the board of trustees of the charitable foundations “We Are Together” and “Northern Crown”. In September 2012, Olga Slutsker became the chairman of the Public Council under the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation. Olga Slutsker is a member of the United Russia party. She takes part in coordinating the entire sports program.


▪ Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, 3rd degree for charitable and educational activities (1998)
▪ Award “Persons of the Year” from the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” (2000)
▪ “Person of the Year” award (established by the RBC group of companies) in the category “For the development of a new industry in Russia” (2001)
▪ Award in the field of fashion and style “Astra” in the category “Style in Business” (2005)
▪ Winner of the IHRSA Award “Club Operator in Europe” (2006)


Spouse - Vladimir Iosifovich Slutsker, Russian political and public figure, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from 2002 to 2010 from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic, President of the Russian Jewish Congress in 2004-2005. (after 20 years of marriage, the couple were officially divorced in October 2009. Two children were born by a surrogate mother)
Children from marriage with Vladimir Slutsker:
Son - Mikhail (1997)
Daughter – Anna (2002)
Two daughters were born in February 2013 (the babies were born by a surrogate mother)