Homemade body oil. Making massage oil with your own hands - recipe Recipes for body oil

There are about 188 references to oils in the Bible! Frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, hyssop and spikenard were used to anoint and heal the sick. And to this day it is an antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal, antitumor and antiseptic agent... And the list is far from complete.

In Egypt, essential oils and other incense were widely used, because of the possession of which the Egyptian pharaohs more than once undertook bloody wars.

Cosmetic oils have been breaking all records for sales and inventing new trends for several years now. Just a few years ago, we could not have imagined that the oil therapy trend would become so popular and win the coldest and most distrustful hearts.

Essential oils are not really oils because they do not contain fatty acids. Therefore we use the definition that“essential oils are the life force or soul of a plant.”

And now you begin to get lost in all the variety of oils: oil for the face, oil for the body, oil for the hair and separately for the ends, oil for the scalp and for eyelashes, for lips and cuticles. There are so many different oils, and they are all truly different! But let's talk about at least one oil that is for the body.

Body oil has different functions and most often it can be moisturizing oil or anti-cellulite. Both are especially popular in winter conditions, when heating and dry frosty air are not at all conducive to maintaining smooth skin, and a cozy, spacious sweater requires the addition of dessert.

Making body oil yourself is not at all difficult if you know several main principles.

  • Any body oil consists of base, liquid or solid base oil, to which are added essential oils and vitamins.

  • Solid body oil is called batter, and its preparation technology is a little more complicated than ordinary liquid oil.
  • Most often as carrier oils are used coconut oil, apricot oil or almond kernel oil. Recently, coconut oil has become not at all as exotic as it used to be; now it is brought from vacations in India or Thailand, and you can buy it at any health food store. Choose organic virgin coconut oil and you can't go wrong.
  • Oils apricot or almond kernels can be purchased in cosmetic or specialty stores, among aromatherapy products. These oils are of the massage type; they provide good gliding and moisturizing of the skin.
  • When preparing body oil, take essential oils that are natural and of high quality to get the benefits for your skin and health.

If you suffer from insomnia and mental fatigue, then essential oil is suitablelavender, it promotes relaxation and easy falling asleep. If you lack courage, thencitrusessential oils will create a mood and energize you. For low blood pressure, choose a tonic essential oilrosemary, and at high – exoticylang-ylang. Mintthe oil cools andspicy and spicy the aromas warm.

  • The standard dosage for adding essential oils to the base is as follows: 20 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of base oil.

  • After mixing the oils pour your mixture into a bottle with a strong lid and store the oil in a dry place, it’s best in a dark cabinet, but not in the bathroom or kitchen - humidity is harmful to natural cosmetics.
  • And the last rule: always apply oils on slightly damp skin, then they moisturize better and are absorbed faster. It is optimal to do this after a morning shower or evening bath.

Several recipes for aromatic body oil that you can easily make yourself.

Oil for firmness and elasticity of the body

120 ml almond seed oil

80 ml avocado oil

10 drops patchouli essential oil

20 drops sandalwood essential oil

5 drops carrot seed essential oil

Evening Relaxing Body Oil

100 ml almond oil

12 drops chamomile essential oil

8 drops lavender essential oil

Anti-stress body oil

50 ml almond oil

6 drops clary sage essential oil

2 drops lemon essential oil

3 drops lavender essential oil


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When I began to read more carefully the ingredients in the cosmetics I buy in stores, I wanted to make it myself. After all, you trust what is made with your own hands much more than mass-produced bright cosmetic jars and their bewitching names.

On the Internet, I found many recipes for making homemade butter (butter) for the body, but their essence comes down to approximately the same thing, so we will look at one of the simplest recipes.

The butter literally melts on the skin. Depending on the oils used, it can help combat stretch marks, wrinkles, irritated or dry skin and many other skin problems. If there are no skin problems, you can use it to remove makeup and moisturize your body after a shower.

Whatever you think about this, I suggest you take some time for your skin and do something nice for it, if only out of curiosity!

So, let's finally get acquainted with environmentally friendly cosmetics.

We will need:

* 1 tbsp. l. cocoa butter (or shea butter);
* 1 tbsp. l. beeswax (about a tablespoon if the wax is in pieces or granules);
* 60 ml almond oil;
* 2 drops of vitamin E (with it the batter will be stored longer);
* essential oil of your choice (can be used as desired; a few drops are enough);
* whisk (for large volumes - mixer);
* containers for a water bath;
* jar for the finished product.

All ingredients should be at room temperature!

Crumble the cocoa butter into a container and melt it in a water bath along with the wax.

In a separate container, heat the almond oil with vitamin E to the same temperature and only after that pour this mixture into the container with the first one.

Remove everything from the heat and whisk thoroughly.

Add essential oils, mix - and transfer the butter to a jar for storage. Here it will harden during the day.

It is advisable to use the product within 2-3 months.

When I began to read more carefully the ingredients in the cosmetics I buy in stores, I wanted to make it myself. After all, you trust what is made with your own hands much more than mass-produced bright cosmetic jars and their bewitching names.

On the Internet, I found many recipes for making homemade butter (butter) for the body, but their essence comes down to approximately the same thing, so we will look at one of the simplest recipes.

The butter literally melts on the skin. Depending on the oils used, it can help combat stretch marks, wrinkles, irritated or dry skin and many other skin problems. If there are no skin problems, you can use it to remove makeup and moisturize your body after a shower.

Whatever you think about this, I suggest you take some time for your skin and do something nice for it, if only out of curiosity!

So, let's finally get acquainted with environmentally friendly cosmetics.

We will need:

* 1 tbsp. l. cocoa butter (or shea butter);
* 1 tbsp. l. beeswax (about a tablespoon if the wax is in pieces or granules);
* 60 ml almond oil;
* 2 drops of vitamin E (with it the batter will be stored longer);
* essential oil of your choice (can be used as desired; a few drops are enough);
* whisk (for large volumes - mixer);
* containers for a water bath;
* jar for the finished product.

All ingredients should be at room temperature!

Crumble the cocoa butter into a container and melt it in a water bath along with the wax.

In a separate container, heat the almond oil with vitamin E to the same temperature and only after that pour this mixture into the container with the first one.

Remove everything from the heat and whisk thoroughly.

Add essential oils, mix - and transfer the butter to a jar for storage. Here it will harden during the day.

It is advisable to use the product within 2-3 months.

Use your favorite vegetable oil as the base ingredient. Add a few drops of essential oil to it for aroma and healing effect. You can also add herbal infusion, tea, vitamin E and aloe vera juice.

Olive oil is readily available, sold in almost any grocery store, and relatively inexpensive. In addition, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. However, you should not choose it if you have thin and sensitive skin.

Sweet almond oil is rich in nutrients, great for dry skin and good for massage in winter. Wonderful grape seed oil, which has a very good effect on the condition of the skin and is suitable for all types. Very fragrant with a pleasant aroma, sesame oil can also be used to prepare a homemade massage product.

How to choose an essential oil

The smell of essential oils is very strong, so you need to experiment first by combining the ingredients. Add a few drops to the base oil, wait a few minutes for the scents to meld, then continue experimenting. To give a pleasant aroma, you can use one essential oil or combine several.

Essential oils also have a variety of healing properties, so using homemade massage oil, you will be able to combine aromatherapy and massage. For relaxation, use essential oils of sandalwood, rosewood, lavender, chamomile, jasmine, and neroli. The aromas of spruce, pine, peppermint, lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit and tangerine will give you a boost of energy. To prepare a product for a sensual massage, use essential oils of jasmine, rose, geranium, patchouli, and ylang-ylang.

How to prepare massage oil

There are 2 options for mixing ingredients. First, pour the carrier oil into a bowl, add a few drops of essential oil, add the herbal infusion and the rest of the ingredients as desired. Mix all this thoroughly until smooth and pour into a clean glass container.

The second method is much simpler. Pour oil into a jar, infusion and add a few drops of essential oil, add vitamin E or aloe vera juice, close and shake vigorously several times.

Store homemade massage oil in a cool, dry place, such as the refrigerator door. Before massaging, pour a small amount into a bowl and microwave for about 15 seconds. Then apply it to your palms, rub your hands and start massaging.

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You can carry out massage sessions with regular cream, but it is much more effective to use special massage oil. Thanks to the massage, the components included in its composition will penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and will have a beneficial effect on them. And this will provide a double effect: the massage will benefit the muscles of the body, and the skin will be enriched with useful substances. Moreover, making massage oil at home is not at all difficult.


Any massage oil consists of several components. Use any vegetable oil as a base (olive, sesame, grape seed oil, almond, peach). The second component is active substances that help with various problems. They are contained in essential oils, which are added drop by drop to the base. It is not recommended to use essential oils in their pure form. They are too concentrated and rich.

Massage oil can contain several types of essential oils. When preparing, mix the essential oils first. Then add base oil. Pour it in slowly and in small portions, stirring thoroughly with a wooden stick. Do not use oil that is near or past its expiration date.

Store the finished massage oil in a cool, dark place, preferably in. If possible, choose a dark glass bottle. Do not use the oil if there is an unpleasant rancid odor. On average, the shelf life of massage oil, subject to light and temperature conditions, is a month.

There are many recipes for making massage oil, since in addition to the general positive effect, each essential oil has its own “individual” effect on the skin. For example, oils with plant extracts are well suited for combating cellulite: tangerine, grapefruit, orange. Rosemary oil is also used, which has a powerful draining effect. Oils of lemon, lavender, neroli, verbena, mint, and rose oil help to cope with stretch marks. Choose the recipe that is necessary to solve your problems.

Ready-made massage oils can be purchased in stores selling cosmetic, exotic or oriental products, pharmacies, and online stores. Massage oils can be not only in liquid form in bottles, but also in the form of tiles. Before use, massage tiles must be slightly melted by holding in warm hands.

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  • how to prepare massage oil

There are a huge number of varieties of massage oil. However, good quality olive oil is quite capable of replacing specialized mixtures.

The benefits of olive oil

For massage, it is best to use unrefined, cold-pressed olive oil. This product was highly valued back in Ancient Greece, where it was called liquid gold.

Thanks to its unique chemical composition (minerals, vitamins, vegetable proteins, amino acids, oleic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, lecithin), olive oil is very easily absorbed by the body, and it is rightfully considered a hypoallergenic product.

Olive oil has a salt-dissolving effect, so this massage is very effective for salt deposits and osteochondrosis. The oil is deeply absorbed into the body tissues, cleansing them of toxins.

This oil slows down the aging process; cholesterol and oleic acid in high concentrations optimize skin lipid metabolism. This is what explains the regenerating, moisturizing and nourishing properties of olive oil. With regular use as a massage, skin tone increases and the body's protective functions increase.

Massage with olive oil increases the release of acetylcholine and histamine, this creates the best conditions for muscle activity and accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses.

Massage technique

Using oil for massage is very simple. It is enough to apply a small amount to the skin and spread the oil over the surface with gentle movements. The oil facilitates the sliding of the palms, nourishes and warms the skin, and increases the flow of arterial blood to the massaged area. Improved blood supply to tissue enhances enzymatic processes that renew the upper layers of the skin.

During the massage procedure, the skin can absorb up to one hundred milliliters of oil. If you add a little water to the oil and mix the suspension with sea salt, this will allow you to combine a regular massage with peeling. The resulting mass just needs to be applied to the desired areas and massaged in a circular motion for several minutes; using a special hard mitten will enhance the effect.

Olive oil is an excellent base for dissolving essential oils, many of which have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal properties. A massage using essential oils helps you relax faster and get back to normal. It is enough to add just a couple of drops of the selected essential oil to olive oil. It is believed that per ten grams of base oil you need to add no more than five drops of concentrated essential oil.

General or acupressure aromatherapy massage helps improve well-being and solve a number of problems, providing a warming, analgesic, lymphatic drainage or complex effect. The main thing is to make the mixture of essential oils correctly, using the components in appropriate proportions.

A blend of essential oils for a general relaxing massage

All aromatic mixtures use a carrier oil. Regular vegetable oil is suitable as the main ingredient. Olive is most often used. For a relaxing massage, mix 4 drops of sandalwood, orange, lemon balm oil, add 2 drops of geranium, cinnamon and 6 drops of lavender. Take 100 ml of the main mixture.

Pour the resulting mixture into a dark glass bottle. Close the lid tightly. Store in a cool, dry place and use as needed. For massage you need to take one teaspoon of aromatic oil.

Blend of essential oils for warming massage

To prepare a mixture of essential oils for a warming massage that stimulates blood circulation, you will need 100 ml of base oil, 6 drops each of clove oil, cinnamon, ginger, oregano, 3 drops each of red and black pepper oil. This composition is contraindicated in pathologies of the hematopoietic organs and cardiovascular diseases.

Blend of essential oils for lymphatic drainage massage

To prepare a mixture of essential oils for lymphatic drainage massage, take 100 ml of olive oil as a base, add 6 drops of fennel, cedar, pine, fir, spruce, juniper, lemon, and grapefruit oils. Give a massage every other day. The course of treatment consists of 20 procedures.

A mixture of essential oils for pain-relieving massage

As an anesthetic composition, use a mixture of essential oils consisting of 100 ml of base, to which you need to add 4 drops of bergamot, clove, ginger, lavender, marjoram, rosemary, nutmeg, eucalyptus, peppermint, chamomile oils. Use the resulting composition for massage for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatic pain in the back and joints.

A mixture of essential oils for erotic massage

To prepare the mixture, mix 100 mg of base with ylang-ylang oil, jasmine, patchouli, geranium, ginger, bergamot, sandalwood, vetiver, nutmeg. You will need 5 drops of aromatic oils.

How to do an aromatherapy massage

Aroma massage does not require deep and intense effects on the tissue. Movements should be soft, smooth, circular. Contact massage helps the aromatic mixture to be easily absorbed and improves lymph movement, which has a therapeutic effect.

Before the massage, take a cool shower. 4 hours before the procedure you should not consume food or alcoholic beverages. After an aromatherapy massage, you should drink plenty of clean water to help the body rid itself of waste and toxins.

Oil massage is necessary to stimulate the skin, muscles, tissues and joints, helping to balance the endocrine and nervous systems. It is very useful to carry out oil massage in cold, windy weather.

Before starting the massage, the oil should be at human body temperature or slightly warmer. The massage starts from the head. Apply a little oil to your palms and begin vigorously massaging your scalp. The entire massage is done with open palms, not fingertips. Since the head is considered one of the most important parts of the body, you need to spend proportionately more time massaging it than the rest of the body.
Of course, if you have long hair and are in a hurry to get to work, start the massage with your face and the outer part of your ears. These areas should not be massaged vigorously.

Next is the back and front of the neck and upper spine. Massage here is performed using rubbing movements.
Apply a small amount of oil to the rest of your body, allowing the oil to remain in contact for as long as possible, and continue massaging each area individually.

When massaging the hands, the movements should be up and down along the long bones, over the joints - in a circular motion. Massage both arms, including hands and fingers. Next come the chest and abdomen. In the area of ​​the heart, you need to make gentle circular movements. The same applies to the stomach. Here the order is as follows: the massage is carried out along the course of the intestines from the right lower part of the abdomen clockwise towards its lower left part. Then the back and spine are massaged. Do not be upset if some parts of the body may be difficult to reach at first - dexterity will come with time. The legs are massaged, like the arms, with back and forth movements along the long bones and in a circular motion over the joints. The massage ends with rubbing the feet, intense movements back and forth. The feet are also considered particularly important parts of the body - they take a little more time to massage.

Body oil is a real treasure trove of useful substances for the beauty and youth of your skin. Natural base and essential oils for the body, and even butter are real gifts of nature, priceless and unique gifts that can and should be used even at home to improve your appearance and soul. They must be used on time, accurately and according to the instructions, and carefully selected according to needs.

With the help of vegetable fats, one can rejuvenate the appearance, strengthen nails, improve hair health, lose weight, restore elasticity - a variety of spa treatments.

This list can be made endless; there is no point in continuing it. However, such substances in the wrong hands can turn into a catalyst for the aging process and even into real poison. We will focus on each specific product, we will try to explain which oil to choose for you and what it will help with, how to create compositions with your own hands, and how to use them. With this information, body oil will become one of your favorite skin care products, the benefits of which will be obvious.

Essential oils: general rules

Essential oil is an oily substance that has a characteristic odor, hue, and properties. They are obtained in different ways from different parts of plants. For example, orange oil (from the peel of the fruit), neroli oil (from the flowers), and petitgrain oil (from the leaves) are extracted from the orange tree. They are also obtained from seeds, bark, roots, trunk, resin.

In spas, cosmetology, weight loss and aromatherapy, those obtained by cold pressing are most valued. The quality is influenced by the area where it grows, the quality of the raw materials, the processing method, and the properties of the plant itself. The price of essential oils varies depending on the value and cost of production.

Such substances are very active in various products. If used incorrectly at home, they cause burns, allergies, and painful manifestations. To avoid this, please note that:

  1. Under no circumstances should they be smeared in their pure form - only with a fatty base or in small quantities with other ingredients of the care composition. In this case, you need to slightly warm up the fatty base (base oil), then add the required amount of ether to it and stir. If there are several bases in the recipe, mix them separately, then combine them with essential ones.
  2. Essential oils for the body should not be applied to mucous membranes.
  3. Keep away from children. Vials at home should be stored in original containers in a dark, not hot place.
  4. Before applying, do an allergy test. To cinnamon, for example, an allergic reaction occurs very often.
  5. Do not reheat them (add them to a slightly warmed base in a water bath).
  6. Never eat them for weight loss.
  7. If you don't like the smell, you shouldn't use the substance in spa treatments.
  8. Learn which oil is right for you and which is not. Determine the result you need to achieve and only then use it.
  9. Follow the proportions and never add more than specified. If you can do this with the base, then with the ethereal ones you are at great risk.
  10. Use only natural, high-quality products that have a pleasant smell.

If you want to use the maximum properties of essential oils, choose exactly the one that your skin needs. Typically the specifications are indicated on the packaging. But it’s better not to experiment and choose a ready-made recipe for a spa mixture and buy what you need to make it yourself.

Please note that any spa treatments (including basic ones) with prolonged, intensive use dry out and can even provoke irreversible processes that inhibit the production of natural collagen.

To avoid this, apply pure fatty formulations only to skin moistened with water or herbal decoction. This also applies to the skin on the abdomen and thighs for stretch marks, for tightening the abdomen and buttocks.

Top 20 base oils: cosmetic properties and features

Vegetable base fats have a milder therapeutic effect. They promote the penetration of essential oils and activation of their biological capabilities. They can also be used independently in spa care techniques. Bases come in solid (coconut, shea, cocoa butter; cocoa and shea butter are often used, including for thickening homemade lip balms and rough areas, creams) and liquid form. They range in color from transparent to brown or green.

Many people advise using a clean base as a daily caring nourishing cream for the body or face. To do this, do not take a dense product (not shea, cocoa, flax, palm, olive or sunflower, but peach, almond). We recommend that you smear it in this way only periodically.

Let's say you can carry out restorative and maintenance therapy for 2 weeks, then take a break for 2 months. In this case, you need to make sure that the product is suitable for you.

In addition to our characteristics, keep an eye on the reaction. If you do not feel the slightest discomfort during or after the procedure, and your skin has changed after a week of use, then you are doing everything right.

First of all, determine which base oil may be suitable for you:

Name Cosmetological properties Peculiarities
Apricot kernels (apricot) Useful for any type. Especially for dry and sensitive ones. Multivitamin. Softens, rejuvenates, restores elasticity. Suitable even for newborns.

Can be applied to eyelids and around lips. Prevents stretch marks on the stomach and thighs.

Peach pits (peach) For any type. Peach is especially good for those who are aging and damaged, with stretch marks on the abdomen. Peach seed oil is a multivitamin. Softens, nourishes, regenerates. Peach is suitable for people of all ages with loss of elasticity and dryness. Normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Peach oil is light and loose.
Grape seed For all types. Grape seed normalizes secretion and nourishes. Powerful antioxidant. Does not clog pores, does not leave a film. Grapeseed oil is ideal for dry and brittle hair and thinning dermis.
Olive Multivitamin. Useful for dehydrated, aging dermis and hair. Strengthens the immune system, increases elasticity. The main benefit is that it is an antioxidant. Doesn't cope well with the transportation function. May clog pores.
Sea buckthorn Cleanses, heals. Recommended for acne and dermatitis. Brightens. For thin skin, nourishes rough areas. Sea buckthorn body oil tends to stain the skin.
Almond Whitens, rejuvenates, cleanses, nourishes well. Against hair loss. Strengthens nails well. For a variety of problems, especially against wrinkles and rashes.
Linen Relieves swelling, acne, rejuvenates, deeply nourishes. Can be applied to the stomach for body contouring. It nourishes and smoothes hair very well, removes dandruff. It contains a lot of vitamin F.
Jojoba Jojoba softens, increases elasticity, and relieves irritation. For any type, especially after damage from wind and sun, jojoba oil is perfect. One of the first for youth - jojoba stimulates the production of collagen, therefore it is used for tightening the abdomen, firming the hips and arms. Jojoba is excellent for colored hair, weakened, porous and anti-dandruff. Ideal for strengthening eyelashes - jojoba is mixed with EO and you get an excellent care product. Attention: jojoba is not mixed with other base oils.
Sesame Sesame oil is antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral. Sesame moisturizes, nourishes, relieves inflammation. Ideal for oily and combination skin. Sesame oil prevents the production of melanin (do not use if you want to tan).
Coconut Antibacterial, moisturizes and nourishes. Beneficial for dry skin, suitable for acne, skin infections, wrinkles and aging. Cools and soothes inflammation and sunburn.
Sunflower Sunflower oil nourishes, softens, regenerates. Sunflower oil is suitable for oily skin (for the first stage of care). For damaged fine hair. Sunflower oil has a dense structure. Sunflower oil contains 12 times more vitamin E than olive oil.
Argan Argan oil is suitable for all types. Anti-inflammatory, tonic body oil, healing. Argan oil is very nourishing. Argan is most suitable for problem skin. Argan oil is the most expensive and valuable. For cosmetic purposes, take only a product made from unroasted argan seeds. This oil has no aroma and retains the necessary properties.
Macadamia Rejuvenates, relieves inflammation, anti-burn. Very high penetration ability, but it is a strong allergen.
Wheat germ Immunomodulatory, regenerating. Useful for all types, helps with herpes, acne, very effective against wrinkles, for elasticity. It contains more vitamin E than others - it is a powerful antioxidant (used with vitamin A)
Rosehip Restores, relieves inflammation, nourishes, moisturizes. Strengthens the immune system. Great for stretch marks. For any dermis, especially chapped, aging, dehydrated.
Avocado Nourishes, moisturizes, softens. Ideal for very dry flaky surfaces. Absorbs very well. Can be applied to the most delicate areas.

Cannot be stored in the refrigerator.

Castor Nourishes, softens, stimulates hair growth. Relieves minor inflammation. Hypoallergenic, the best in hair and eyelash care
Palm Palm oil renews and protects the skin. Serves for rejuvenation. Palm oil is a powerful antioxidant. Palm evens out color and protects from ultraviolet radiation. Palm oil is resistant to oxidation and is very inexpensive.
Shi Shea butter (or shea butter) protects and restores. Shea is suitable for normal and dehydrated dermis. Can be stored for no longer than 2 years. Melted shea butter has a slight nutty aroma, making it suitable for thickening unscented products. Shea is a strong UV barrier. Shea should not be stored in the refrigerator.
Cocoa Cocoa butter is suitable for dry and weathered surfaces. An ideal softening body oil, moisturizes, nourishes and saturates. Cocoa has a characteristically uniquely pleasant aroma. Cocoa is not for fatty types. Excellent in caring for rough areas of elbows, knees, hands. In this case, cocoa butter can be used in its pure form, grinding thoroughly. Cocoa activates barrier properties, therefore it gives a positive effect when used on lips and eyelashes.


  • Strong moisturizing oils in spa therapy are coconut, olive, argan (valuable argan will quickly heal all cracks and peeling caused by dryness), sunflower, grape seed, peach, apricot, cocoa butter, rosehip, avocado.
  • To protect delicate areas and treat chapped areas: shea and other butters, jojoba, palm, tea tree (melalieuca), argan.
  • To lose weight in the abdomen and thighs, choose sunflower, stone fruit (peach, apricot), palm and others that have a high level of conductivity.
  • You can add a DIY mixture of half a glass of base, a few drops of essential oils for weight loss and an emulsifier - cream, honey, green tea or salt - to your weight loss bath.
  • But an abdominal massage for weight loss will have a greater effect using an oil massage mixture made from a large amount of base and warming ether.

Recipes for hair, nails and skin

Various vegetable fats are used for saunas, baths and baths, massages, compresses and other spa treatments, as well as for do-it-yourself enrichment of homemade and purchased (only natural) cosmetics of various kinds. This way you can tidy up your nails, hair, and skin of the whole body, including the face.

Separately separate the butter. It can be used along with herbal:

  • Butter contains many essential vitamins: A, K, E, D, PP, group B.
  • It has amazing nutritional properties: creamy oil copes with flaking and dryness faster than others.
  • Easily connects to other components.

Butter is indicated for flaky, dehydrated, fading dermis that has lost its elasticity. If you have dry hair, distribute the heated butter over the entire length and leave for 30 minutes. After the procedure, use the acidified composition.

A mixture of butter and yolk is applied to the face (for very dehydrated dermis). With regular use (once a week as part of a caring mask - for example, a potato mask), you will return youth and velvetiness to your face and décolleté with your own hands.

Butter, of course, is contraindicated for oily types, clogged pores and purulent rashes.

For hair

Hair recipes are usually based on the properties of essential oils: cinnamon, rosemary, fir, cloves, lemon balm and others.

  1. To accelerate the growth of dry hair: mix half a glass of almonds or olives with 4 drops of jasmine essential oil and a drop of cinnamon.
  2. Add 2 drops (no more) of cinnamon or peppermint oil to the olive oil.
  3. For normal hair growth: for every 2 large spoons of base (select from the table), add 3 drops of rosemary.
  4. To strengthen and grow all types: add a drop of cloves and pine, 2 drops of cinnamon and rosemary to 50 ml of base (sesame, almond, olive).
  5. Citrus EOs are suitable for any type. Add 4-5 drops to the oil base composition for dry ones. If you have mixed or oily hair, combine 2 drops each of lemon and cinnamon and mix with sesame base. Sesame oil has a positive effect on oily skin, and therefore on oily hair. Sesame normalizes the production of sebaceous glands.

If you have oily hair, add a drop of essential oil (rose, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, mint, lavender, eucalyptus) to a single dose of balm or conditioner. In your case, the product should be used on the length, but not on the roots.

Apply such masks to damp hair for 20-60 minutes, wrap with film. And they are removed with shampoo and water acidified with lemon juice or vinegar. For hair, the optimal dosage is 6 drops for every 4 tablespoons of warm base. We do the procedure once a week, after a month - once every 2 weeks.

For nails

  1. Composition for strengthening nails and softening cuticles: mix jojoba (this is a natural wax, excellent for polishing nails and filling pores), almond or palm and grape seed (or other stone type) in equal parts, add a drop of citrus fruit for each small spoon of fatty base .
  2. Massage your fingers using a mixture of ylang-ylang oil (3 drops) and 2 tablespoons of wheat germ or almonds. If your hands are often exposed to the sun, massage them with palm oil. For a supportive effect, use peach.
  3. Mix olive, almond and grape seed (5 ml each), add lavender and melalieuca essential oils (3 drops each). Then administer the contents of the vitamin E capsule in oil.

We carry out such procedures every time before a manicure.

Any moisturizing and nourishing fatty base (jojoba, olive, avocado), including even butter or animal fat, with the addition of essential oils for warming and regeneration: cinnamon, lemon balm, mint, rose, ylang-ylang, all citrus fruits is suitable for marigolds , cedar, tea tree. Proportions: per 10 ml of base up to 4 drops of essential oil.

For the skin of the whole body, you can create massage mixtures, mixtures for wraps and compresses, masks and scrubs with your own hands. They can also be an ingredient in a recipe with homemade products: honey, eggs, oatmeal, berries and fruits.

For elasticity, silkiness, youth, weight loss, tightening, health and strengthening, use the following oils: ylang-ylang, lavender, orange, bergamot, geranium (if you need a relaxing body oil, then these 5 are record holders in this regard); melalieuca, lemon, anise, grapefruit, geranium, cinnamon, bergamot, nutmeg, guarana (these are suitable for weight loss, including for losing weight and returning the body elasticity and tightening after childbirth), cloves, jasmine, ginger, juniper, nutmeg, rose , chamomile, sandalwood, sage.

Choose a base that suits your skin type (from the table). Please adhere to the proportions: for every 15 ml of base, add no more than 7 drops of essential oils.

Don't miss the opportunity to pamper yourself at home with natural aromatic oils with truly magical properties. But you shouldn’t abuse them either: combine different methods and techniques, and also love yourself - and you won’t be able to find any flaws in your appearance.