Knitting circles from rags. Secrets of needlework: a do-it-yourself rug made from old things. We sew a rug from pieces of old fabric: instructions for white hands

While visiting your grandmother, you probably saw small handmade rugs in her house. Our ancestors did not throw away old things, they gave them a second life. Once you learn how to weave a rug from scraps without a hook, you can create it yourself. It will not only decorate your home, but also a very practical thing to use.

There are quite large crochet hooks on sale, but such a rug can be made without tools.

Round rug

The simplest version of a rug made from scraps of fabric is round. To make it you will need:

  • Old fabric items;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle;
  • Threads.

If you just want to recycle old items by creating a shoe mat, feel free to use any fabric. If you have ideas to fit this product into the interior, carefully select the color and texture of the fabric.

Start by cutting the fabric into long strips.

If the fabric is fraying a lot, it is better to sew each strip and turn it inside out, leaving the seam inside. This is quite a labor-intensive task, but a product made from treated fabric looks neater and will last longer.

From the resulting pieces of fabric you need to weave a braid. The tighter it is, the stiffer the resulting rug will be; therefore, if you want a soft rug, then do not twist the braid too much.

Secure the ends of the scraps with a pin.

And start weaving.

Having reached the end of the ropes, you need to lengthen them. If you tie a knot, it will turn out rough and ugly. There are two options - carefully sew on a new end or make cuts at the ends of the flaps and stretch an additional rope through the working end and insert its tail into the cut. Pull gently and you have a long rope without any knots or stitching. The whole process is clearly visible in the photo:

You need to make a long enough braid.

Do not process its ends yet, but simply grab them with a pin so that they do not unravel. If during the process of making the rug you want it to be larger, simply attach new pieces of fabric and braid it until you get the desired diameter of the finished rug.

You can braid the braid with ribbon instead of thread. To do this, weave it with zigzag stitches either into the side of the carpet or into the working braid thread. Pull the tape and it will connect the parts together.

For greater strength, it is better to completely weave or stitch the edge row of the rug, then the product will definitely not fall apart.

The round rug is ready!

Bathroom decoration

You can make a comfortable and practical bathroom rug yourself. For this you will need:

  • Old towels;
  • Ruler and tailor's chalk;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Tailor's scissors.

The process of making such a rug differs little from that described above. To begin, cut the towels into long strips 4-5 cm wide.

Connect the first three pieces using a sewing machine. You also need to increase the “working thread” using this sewing tool.

When braiding a braid, the raw edges need to be folded inward.

During the assembly process, you need to stitch the rows on the machine.

The bath mat is ready! It is very soft and pleasant to the touch, absorbs moisture well and can be washed.

Woven models

Rugs from shreds can be woven using a base. It looks like a small loom. Make a frame out of wood that will fit the size of your rug. It can be rectangular or square, it all depends on your idea. You need to put nails on the frame at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from each other.

For these purposes, you can use a furniture board or an old table. Making the machine is not difficult, and it will serve you for a long time.

Strengthen warp threads made from pieces of fabric onto them. On the leftmost warp thread, reinforce the working thread. It's best to sew it on. Weave the rug by passing the rope over one warp thread and under the other. You can use more complex techniques and weave with two working threads at once. During the weaving process, the fabric must be constantly pushed up to make it more dense.

Over time, any person accumulates a huge number of things, for example, curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths, items of clothing that will no longer be used anywhere, but it is still a shame to throw them away. If you didn’t throw out all this trash, then you acted very wisely and far-sightedly, because old items of clothing can be woven into wonderful rugs, ideal for hallways, bathrooms and even living rooms. It is enough to have at least a little ability to use a crochet hook and knitting needles, as well as to have developed fantasy and imagination.

Making yarn - how to cut old things

When making your own rugs, you will need various pieces of old clothing. Knits are best suited because the fabric has the right level of softness and pliability. It is very easy to work with; knitting does not cause any difficulties. Try to select multi-colored items so that the finished rug turns out bright, colorful and rich.

First, we’ll tell you how to properly prepare yarn from old things:

  • Find unnecessary T-shirts, sweaters or T-shirts made from natural materials, iron them;
  • Use scissors to carefully cut off all finishing seams;
  • We cut the fabric into strips up to 3 cm wide from one seam to another, without allowing the seams to intersect. The stripes must be straight, otherwise the rug will not be so beautiful;
  • The strips must be cut right up to the neck;
  • The last step is to create one long ribbon from strips of fabric. The T-shirt should be placed on your hand and cut diagonally in those places that remained uncut after previous manipulations. The result should be a long narrow ribbon, which we will later use to create rugs.

The process of creating yarn is relatively simple, although there are a few things to consider. For example, the density of the fabric affects the thickness of the stripes. So, the thicker the knitwear, the narrower the strips need to be cut. If clothes with sleeves were used for yarn, then you should not throw them in the trash, because we will also need them. By cutting small pieces of fabric in a spiral pattern, we obtain strips of reasonable length, which can then be sewn or knitted together.

The end result should be a lot of stripes and ribbons made from old items. They need to be wound into balls and sorted by color to make it easier to find the fabric of the desired shade when knitting. If you want a fun and bright rug, then you need to prepare as many colored balls as possible.

Knitted rugs - how to make them bring comfort and warmth to your home

The fastest and easiest option is to create a knitted home rug. Even a beginner in knitting can cope with this task. For these purposes, we will need pre-prepared balls of various materials, as well as a hook with a thickness of 7 or higher. First of all, you need to decide where exactly the resulting rug will be located in the apartment. Depending on this, you can choose its size, color, shape and other parameters that are important to you.

Weaving rugs does not provide for any clear patterns. For the most part, everything here is done on an intuitive level. For example, to create rectangular or square-shaped items, you will need to cast on a certain number of chain stitches across the width and knit one row after another.

It should be noted that in this case the method of knitting double crochets will not work; everything is done without a crochet. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Round rugs are knitted slightly differently. To begin with, a ring is created from a small number of air loops, after which the knitting continues in a spiral. Naturally, you should not forget to add new loops from time to time. Not having enough air loops can result in creating a domed rug when we want a regular flat rug.

American knitted carpet - the spirit of American country in the interior of your apartment

If you are a fan of American culture of the 60s of the last century, then the following knitting method is ideal for you. Americans are distinguished by their well-developed fantasy and imagination; they have come up with their own way of recycling unwanted and used knitwear. To work, we will naturally need all the same balls of fabric, but we will use the thickest crochet hook. We knit a chain of air loops - the chain should be quite long and voluminous, even resembling a thick braid in appearance. Place the finished chain on the floor, twisting it into a tight spiral. Be sure to secure the ends with pins, otherwise the braid will come undone.

The larger the carpet required, the longer the tape should be. Having laid the long braid on the floor in this way, all we have to do is tie it so that it does not fall apart in the future. It’s easier to do this with a regular sewing machine, but not every device can handle material of such thickness, because there are many layers of fabric. The only way out is to knit all the layers of the newly made rug by hand.

The result of these manipulations will be a beautiful American-style rug. In stores, you will need to pay a decent amount of money for such a creation, whereas you could do everything yourself. The only difficulty when knitting American rugs is the duration of the process itself. So, depending on the size of the braid and the shape of the future rug, it may take several weeks to complete all the work. However, you shouldn’t worry about this, because the result will please you for a very long time.

How to make a shaggy rug - secrets of craftsmanship

Fans of fluffy or so-called “shaggy” rugs will be happy to know that you can even make such a product at home. Moreover, it is much easier to make compared to an American rug. To create a fluffy carpet, T-shirts and tank tops should be cut into short, thin strips. As a basis, we choose a regular mesh, which you need to go to the store to purchase. In the sewing department you can choose the optimal mesh for you. By the way, ready-made kits are also sold there, including a grid, specially prepared strips, as well as instructions. It is enough to follow the attached algorithm to make a beautiful carpet yourself, ideal for any room.

If you don’t have instructions at hand, you can use the following tips:

  1. 1. Ribbons should be cut up to 10 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide. Moreover, all strips should be the same length;
  2. 2. Woven carpets made on a mesh basis can include various designs and patterns, for which regular markers are suitable. We lay a cloth or any other material under the stack so as not to stain the surface, and apply a design to it.
  3. 3. After this, all that remains is to knit the rug with prepared ribbons of the appropriate colors in order to repeat the pattern as accurately as possible. Naturally, not everyone can do this, because you need to have certain talents not only in knitting, but also in drawing;
  4. 4. The knitting technology itself is a simple process - we crochet the strips through the mesh and secure them in the corresponding cells.

As already noted, knitting such a rug is very fast. In one day you can independently make a product of any level of complexity, depending on your own skills and craftsmanship.

Advice from experienced craftsmen - how to simplify your life

Despite its apparent simplicity, knitting rugs is quite difficult, especially if you have virtually no experience. However, if you listen to the advice and recommendations of craftsmen, you can somewhat simplify the whole process:

  • The strips must be prepared in advance, and not left for later. Otherwise, when knitting, you will be distracted by other things, which will prevent you from focusing directly on the main task;
  • It is recommended that each specific product be made from one type of fabric. Of course, no one forbids experimenting, but the result will not always meet your expectations;
  • The yarn should be washed before knitting, otherwise the rug will lose its shape after the first wash.
  • The material should be selected of such quality that it will not fade, so that the finished rug retains its multi-color and brightness.

These simple tips will help you succeed in any event. Be sure to follow the above recommendations so that a rug made from old things will delight you with its original appearance for a long time.

Using a hook, you can dress in wonderful things, decorate the interior of your apartment, and make holiday gifts. A hand-knitted rug can be a wonderful addition to decorating the interior of a building. Knit it, perhaps, from threads, scraps of fabric, or just old things. Let's look at how to crochet rugs. Such products can be placed anywhere in the house.

The choice of thread, its color, thickness depends on the place where you place it, on the purpose of its creation. If you need it for beauty, just decoration, it can be made of thin threads, light shades. If you decide to put it at the threshold, take a thicker, darker thread. I want my bedside rug to be soft, fluffy, and gently hug my tired feet. A bathroom rug can be knitted tightly and of large volume.

The location of a hand-knitted rug can also be furniture. In such cases it looks more like . When you decide on the thread, select a hook for it. Its size should be twice the diameter of the thread. In this article we will look at a description and a master class of several carpet models that you can easily knit yourself using a hook and our patterns.

The size of the future square rug will be 114/84. Buy a kilogram of white yarn, possibly polyester, 400 grams each of blue and yellow, hook No. 15. To make your future masterpiece compact, take three balls and combine them into one. When starting any odd row, don't forget about the aerial ones. Cast on a chain of 32 loops.

  • 1r. Using a yellow thread, knit 3 double crochets into the third loop, skip two, then repeat: 3 double crochets in a single loop, skip two, 3 double crochets in the loop ending the chain, knit a double crochet.
  • 2 rub. Take a blue thread and use it until you finish. Single crochet, chain two stitches, skip three, knit a single crochet between subsequent loops.
  • 3 rub. Now you will need a white thread. Without skipping arcs, knit 3 double crochets, finish by knitting a double crochet into the final loop.
  • 4r. Change the thread, take a yellow one. Knit according to the example of the second one.
  • 5 rub. Return the blue thread and knit according to the third pattern.
  • 6r. Knit with a white thread, as you did the second one.
  • 7r. Use the yellow thread again and knit like the third row.
  • Subsequently, rows are repeated from 2 to 7. The total is forty-three rows or one hundred and thirty centimeters of the product.

Knitting pattern for a square rug

When finished, tie the square rug around the edges with white thread in two rows. The first with single crochets, the second, as the instructions show: 1 single crochet, skip two loops of the previous row, 3 double crochets in a single loop, skip two, thus knit until you complete the row. Finally, form a unifying one on the product.

Another example and pattern of a crocheted rug is shown in the following video:

Every home always accumulates a lot of unnecessary rags. Don't rush to throw them away, they can get a new life. A particularly good option would be rags made from linen and knitwear. Their multi-colored appearance will add brightness to the product. Using scraps, you can knit rag rugs of different shapes, for example, square, rectangular, diamond-shaped. In such cases, imagination always comes to the rescue. The only thing you need to have is at least basic technical skills.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the material that will be needed, draw diagrams of the carpet, and look at photos of finished products.

Take unnecessary things and cut them into shreds. The width of such tapes is usually three centimeters. Tie the ribbons and roll them into a ball. Take a hook twice as thick as the resulting ribbon. Even in the last century, rugs knitted independently from multi-colored scraps were considered fashionable. How to crochet rugs from scraps is not a complicated science; people have passed it on from generation to generation.

Every house had a large variety of such products. Mostly round in shape. They were lying everywhere: near the bed, at the threshold, next to the closet door, near the stove. Why round? Because this technique of knitting a round rug is the simplest. It is not difficult to study it, remember it, and carry it out.

DIY patch rug

Follow these instructions step by step, and everything will work out quite easily and quickly:

  • Cast on the first loop as you always do when starting to knit.
  • Knit 6 chain stitches.
  • Connect them into a circle; a half-column will help with this.
  • Then knit an air loop for lifting.
  • Knit as if you were knitting a circle with double crochets using regular threads.

You can make approximate additions without adhering to any strict rules. If it is more convenient to use a reminder, then:

  • 1r. Knit two single crochets into each stitch.
  • Divide the circle into six equal parts. In the final stitch of each part, work a double crochet increase.

The finished product will have a smooth appearance if you do not forget to knit, starting each row of the circle, an air loop for lifting. Finally, combine the rows with a half-column.

Many women often ask how to crochet rugs from rags or other fabric and threads. We hope that here they will receive a complete answer to their question. Considering that knitting is becoming a popular type of needlework.

Many housewives love to decorate their home with various products. Made with your own hands, they create an atmosphere of warmth, coziness and comfort on winter evenings. A good option to diversify the interior of an apartment and introduce elements of antiquity into it is to make a crocheted rug from old things, the execution of which is simple and accessible.

You will need to prepare source materials. Go through old things. T-shirts, dresses, tights, skirts and others made from knitted and synthetic materials will be useful. Cut them into strips in a spiral and wind them into balls.

The width of the strips depends on the density of the material. The thinner it is, the wider the cut strips.

Prepare a hook size 8.5-10. It will be great if the balls turn out to be multi-colored.

How to knit a round rug: diagram

The basic rule is to adhere to the principle of circular knitting.

Dial 3 v. etc., connect them into a ring. Knit the first row 6 single crochets. In each subsequent row, 6 columns must be added evenly. When finished, the product will be smooth, without bulges or distortions. Knit the rug to the required size.

For a better understanding of the knitting pattern:

To get a more impressive rug with a convex relief, follow the steps according to the diagram. Only knit stitches by picking up the back wall of the loop

We knit a pentagonal rug according to the pattern

When knitting such a rug, it is better to use soft knitted items.. You need to start by knitting a circle of 5 loops. In the 1st row - 3 chain stitches, 2 double crochets in the first loop of the bottom row, 2 in. n., *3 double crochets, 2 in. p.* Perform the pattern between the stars 5 times. In the 2nd row - the same as in the first row. But after 3 double crochets, knit 1 chain stitch and then follow the pattern below.

Knitting the rug in the round is done to the required size. Each corner of the star is knitted separately.

How to make knitting threads from unnecessary things

To create long strips, cut the T-shirt from the bottom up in a spiral. Immediately wrap it in a ball so that the “threads” do not get tangled.

The short strips are easy to connect. Step back 1.5 centimeters from the edge and cut each strip.

Align the two strips so that their slots line up.

Pass the other end of the top strip from below through the aligned slots and pull out. As a result, you will get a knot.

In this way, you can fasten all the strips when knitting the product.

Rug in the form of a path for the corridor

After watching a master class on knitting a rug, you can make a beautiful rug from old things, which is convenient and practical for the corridor.

Cut old T-shirts, T-shirts, and skirts into strips. Roll them into balls. It is better if they are of different colors.

Make a chain of air loops equal to the width of the future rug. Next, knit with single crochet stitches

When one tangle ends, connect another. Sew the ends together with thread.

The track is knitted in a rectangular shape, so the fabric will need to be turned over when knitting.

If there are not enough threads, cut more strips of the required width.

The result of creativity will be a beautiful path for a balcony, cottage or corridor.

Use of weaving

Prepare a frame according to the size of the future carpet product, fill the nails on two opposite sides. Set the distance to 2.5-3 centimeters from each other.

The following instructions will help you learn how to weave a rug from old things with your own hands.

Pull the strips of material taut. It is advisable to take it in colorless shades. This will be the base.

Pull the working strips first above the thread, then under it.

At the end of the row, pull the strip under the warp thread and work in the opposite direction.

When weaving a rug, sometimes move the finished rows towards the starting row. At the end of the work, hide all the knots on the wrong side. Now the finished product can be removed from the frame.

Working with knots

The basis is cut strips from old T-shirts approximately 12-15 centimeters long. You will need quite a lot of strips. Now they need to be rinsed in the washing machine. The result is twisted strips from which the rug is made.

Place the carpet mesh on the table and place a strip of material underneath. Using a thick hook, pull both ends of the strip and tie them tightly with a knot pull to one side. Now tie on the next strip. It is advisable to start from the center of the grid, gradually moving in a circle to its edges.

Knotted rugs can be made in different shapes and colors.

Round rug made from unnecessary things

To better understand how to knit a rug from old things, study the following instructions.

Pre-cut unnecessary knitted items into strips 3 centimeters wide.

To make the rug smooth and beautiful, try to make the strips the same width.

Use different colors of material.

Make a loop and insert your hook into it.

Knit several loops to create a small braid.

The loops are connected in a circle.

Knit a chain stitch.

Thread the hook into the loop of the circle, pick up the thread and pull it through the two loops.

Knit a rug of the required size using this pattern. Make a fringe along the contour of the finished rug.

Tip: while the knitted circle is small, make air loops before each loop.

Master Class

Spring is the time for general cleaning. Therefore, we should look into our closets and go through everything to get rid of the old things stored there. But don’t rush to get rid of it for good, because everything has the right to a second life. For example, you can create rugs from old things with your own hands and give yourself new emotions and memories.

Rugs made from old things, what techniques can be used

Old things are an excellent material for creativity, which a thrifty housewife can always find. T-shirts, unusable towels, and any wardrobe items can always get a second life. But it is still very important to understand that in order to create new things from old ones, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the material for creativity, but also to the technique that we choose for this.

After all, rugs from old things can be:

  • weave,
  • to tie,
  • sew.

And we will try to create a rug from old things with our own hands step by step, using detailed master classes and getting an excellent result.


One of the oldest and most proven techniques for creating carpets is weaving. After all, this does not require a lot of knowledge or skills. And sometimes the simplest tools are required, easily replaced with something that is always at hand. And therefore, it’s worth starting to create your first rug with weaving or weaving.

Weaving according to the principle of macrame

If you think that macrame is only suitable for creating small elements, then now we will dispel this belief. After all, if instead of a thin lace you take something more voluminous and dense, then the result will be completely different.

There are no difficulties or tricks in weaving rugs from old things that are inaccessible to novice craftswomen. As in any technique, the main role here is played by the sense of taste and the desire to create. Therefore, any set of old things can easily be turned into a charming bedside rug with a little effort.

Basic knots and pattern combinations are great for weaving. But it is worth considering several factors:

  • The mat is used actively and therefore needs to be washed from time to time,
  • they will not only trample on it, but can sit, lie or use it as a bedding on a chair,
  • it must fit into the overall interior.

That is why when choosing knots, do not forget that the rug should:

  • look like a new, not well-worn rug,
  • have a dense structure so as not to crumble in your hands and not turn into a string bag,
  • not be easily soiled or bulky, for ease of cleaning.

And therefore the most common way of weaving at present is to use the principle of knitting with a French bracelet.

Such a charming rug will definitely not go unnoticed in the house and will highlight the interior and taste of the owner. And to create it you won’t need much:

  • wide strips of old things,
  • adhesive tape,
  • scissors,
  • thread and needle.

To begin, arrange the 5 strips in the order you like best. Next, fold 5 more strips, but in a mirror image.

It is most convenient to fasten all the ends from the beginning side with adhesive tape. This will allow you not to be distracted during the weaving process, and also clearly define the sequence.

So, when all the ribbons are laid out, we take the leftmost one, take it to the side and fold it so that it lies on top of all the others, creating the number “4”. We put the working tape behind the adjacent one and tie the first knot.

We continue to tie the same knots on the next 3 ribbons, and then move to the opposite side, starting to weave towards the first series of knots.

When both working strips meet in the middle, tie them and continue weaving from the edge. Once you've reached your desired length, simply tie the last knots with a strong thread and trim off the rest to create a cute fringe.

Don't forget that you don't have to twist the braid, you can fold it like a snake or lay it parallel to one another to get a charming rectangular rug with fringe.

Knitting rugs from old things

It is not necessary to weave rugs from old things; knitting is considered a more common solution for creating them.

Even if this is your first time picking up a hook, you will be able to create a charming and practical decorative element. After all, it is the large knitting that will help you quickly understand the intricacies of crocheting. And a pattern made from the simplest single crochets can look very bright and original if you choose the right yarn.

Moreover, yarn is also made from old things. This is how things can go:

  • old T-shirts,
  • jeans belts,
  • just thin strips of fabric left over after sewing outfits.

It is enough to know and be able to knit increases, and then it’s a matter of technique.

If the yarn taken for the rug seems loose or thin to you, you can use an excellent trick - at the beginning of knitting, insert a strong cord into the stitches and continue tying it. This way your spiral will keep its shape perfectly.

To get a more openwork rug, knit with double crochets, increasing their number in each row. But keep in mind that although such knitting will be beautiful, it will be less dense.

Openwork rug

It is worth noting that you can knit a rug from old things without a hook - an interesting technique of knitting from rings on your fingers will help you cope with the disposal of small pieces without spending extra effort and without forcing you to buy any special tools.

You can learn how to knit from rings from Olga Popsueva. In her video master class, she explains in detail how to weave a braid and then form it into a rug.


When talking about using old things to create rugs, it is difficult to ignore sewing. After all, they started a long time ago and independently of each other in different countries.

As now, women did not throw away old things, children's dresses or their husband's worn-out shirts, preferring to collect them so that they could then sew bedspreads, curtains and, of course, rugs. It’s no longer a shame to trample such rags, cut them and assemble them into various intricate patterns.

Fluffy rugs on mesh

In the last few years, fluffy rugs have become very popular, making it so much fun for children to play and crawl in them. And it’s just nice to immerse your feet.

The high pile and soft texture have won the hearts of craftswomen and housewives, and the bright colors attract the attention of household members. But what’s most pleasing is the fact that you can make such a rug without using any special tools.

A fluffy rug can be created in different ways:

  • tying the cuts in knots,
  • using a carpet hook,
  • using the simplest crochet hook.

Our basis will be a mesh from a hardware store with a large mesh or a bath mat with holes.

In addition to the basics, we also need:

  • fabric ribbons,
  • scissors,
  • hook (optional).

To begin with, cut short ribbons, but do not skimp on their length, because you need to take into account that they will be folded in half, and even tied or otherwise fixed to the mesh. Therefore, it is better to make them longer, and then cut them as you want.

When everything is ready, you will be left with the most important task - thread the strip of fabric into the cell so that both ends remain on the front side, and then you can tie them together with a simple knot, or pass them through a loop using a hook.

When the flaps completely cover the mesh, all you have to do is cut them to the desired length and the rug made from old things is ready to delight you and your feet.

Fluffy rugs using a sewing machine

If you don’t want to waste your time tying each individual ribbon, or you haven’t found a suitable mesh, then you can go in a simpler way, for which we will need:

  • an old pillowcase or piece of fabric that will become the base,
  • all the same ribbons from old things,
  • scissors,
  • sewing machine.

Knitted fabric is best suited for such rugs, as it is more elastic and soft. In addition, it is easy to sew on without fear of breaking the needle.

Bright carpet made from old knitwear

Heart shaped rug

After you cut the required number of ribbons, pull them lengthwise so that they curl a little, and then simply apply them to our base and sew them in the middle, row by row.

Don’t worry if the strip doesn’t lie flat, you can always trim the entire pile, leveling it to the desired length.

Rugs made from old things, what will be used?

We learned about techniques for creating a rug from old things, now it’s worth talking about what can serve as material for them and how best to bring your idea to life.

Taking into account the density, quality and size of the old item, you can choose the method of its transformation. That is why we would like to tell you a little about how and what rugs are made from by modern needlewomen.

Rugs made from old jeans

The first thing that comes to mind that requires regular disposal is jeans. Denim has long conquered our hearts and there is not a single fashionista or fashionista who does not have jeans in her wardrobe. Moreover, despite their strength and versatility, they still wear out, stretch, or otherwise become unusable.

Of course, it’s a shame to throw them away, so we collect them on a separate shelf so that we can sew something later.

But sewing requires patterns, a sewing machine, and sometimes also space. While making a rug from old jeans with your own hands will not be difficult at all - everything from the canvas to the pockets and belt will be used.

Just choose a technique and select flaps for it:

  • cut them into long strips and weave a rug on a loom,
  • weave long braids and gather them into a round rug,

  • arm yourself with a large hook and knit any shape using cut strips instead of yarn,
  • weave the strips together using the braiding principle and sew on a machine or by hand.

And the cat liked it)

Considering the strength of the material, such a rug will serve you for more than one season.

Rugs made from old T-shirts

But we wear out T-shirts more often than jeans. After all, we use them every day, grow out of them, stretch them, get dirty with paint and simply get tired of them over time.

You may not be able to wear them anymore, but the knitwear used to make T-shirts can be an excellent material for creativity. They make great potholders, coasters, bags and, of course, rugs.

How to make knitting yarn with your own hands

When we look at these DIY rugs made from old T-shirts, at first we can't believe what they're made of! After all, craftswomen knit with crochet from something very similar to yarn, and not like an old T-shirt.

However, do not be surprised by this and do not think that there is some kind of trick here. Anyone can turn old T-shirts into knitting yarn.

To do this, just follow the detailed video master class on the Utilitarian Crafts channel, in which they will teach us how to make as much yarn as possible from an old T-shirt for new rugs.

A T-shirt is a universal material for creating your own rug

And after preparing the yarn, you can already try your hand at creating rugs from old T-shirts with your own hands. After all, they can be:

  • to tie,
  • weave,
  • cut for fluffy rugs,
  • sew pre-braided braids from them.

And all you need is a couple of T-shirts and a desire to create.

Moreover, any patterns of napkins or lace are suitable for crocheting, and you can weave according to the previously described principle of a French bracelet.

Or take your favorite T-shirts, cut them out and sew a rug together like a quilt so you can preserve memories without throwing anything in the trash.

Rugs made from old tights

The most consumable wardrobe item of all time is tights. They tear and become unusable so quickly, and even have some seasonality, that at some point we all think about whether we should come up with something after they have served their life.

And we found the answer - rugs from nylon tights that you can make with your own hands! After all, they can be an excellent yarn for knitting or weaving a new rug - durable and practical.

The main thing is to know a few tricks:

  • to get a long strip from one pair of tights, you just need to cut off the socks and panties, and then cut the remaining tube in a spiral,
  • do not tighten the knitting so that the rug made from old tights does not deform and lose its shape over time,
  • nylon can be dyed to make your rug brighter - just use fabric dye and follow the instructions on the pack.

You can create rugs from old tights with your own hands and without a hook. They can be:

  • sewn from braided braids,

  • woven on a loom,

  • woven on a hoop.

And children's tights, which are most often collected in our bins, are perfect for knitting on fingers. All you need to do is cut them into rings, and then use the video tutorial from Marina DIY Dolgih:

Rugs made from old towels

And even old towels have a use in the world of rugs. Due to their density, length and ability to absorb moisture well, they can give us an excellent accessory for the bathroom, bathhouse or balcony, where you always need to keep your feet warm and dry.

Making a rug from old towels with your own hands is as easy as any other. It's easy:

  • trudges
  • fits
  • weaves
  • curls up.

In general, it is created in such a way and using the technique that lies on your heart.

And if you want to give life to terry towels in this way, then try making a fluffy rug on a construction mesh.

As you can see, when cleaning the house, you should not rush to throw away your used items. Old T-shirts, towels and even tights can inspire you to create something new and no less useful than their original purpose. Just be smart and your home will be filled with new, soft and fashionable rugs that you can create without spending anything but your time and getting a charge of emotions and good mood!