Homeopathy and pregnancy. Threat of miscarriage and spontaneous abortion. Ovarian treatment with homeopathy

The expectant mother seeks to endure any ailment without the use of pills, because she is afraid of harming the child. However, homeopathy during pregnancy can not only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but also make carrying a baby more comfortable for the mother and safe for the fetus.

The essence of homeopathy

Homeopathy offers only natural medicines that are prepared from plant minerals or organic materials taken from animals or humans. Neither raw materials nor preparation technology involves the use of chemical processes or reagents.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared by simple manipulations - rubbing and diluting. The process of dynamization (or potentiation) of the solution is added to each dilution, the essence of which is a multiple increase in the strength of the medicine. According to the law of "small doses" in homeopathy, the more potentiated (diluted) the remedy, the more powerful healing effect it has.

The selection of a medicine for homeopathic therapy is carried out according to the basic law of homeopathy - “treatment of like with like”. This means that the patient is prescribed that remedy in small doses, which, in large doses, causes a doctor's discomfort. Homeopathy forces the body to fight the disease on its own, initiating all its defenses for this.

Homeopathy during pregnancy

Homeopathic remedies are absolutely safe for pregnant women, lactating women, babies from the first days of life, weakened children, allergy sufferers. Source: flickr (AnnaNahabed).

When prescribing a treatment, he approaches each patient individually. The doctor studies not only the woman's complaints, an objective history, examination results, but also the patient's personal characteristics, her character, preferences, whims.

Note! At a homeopath's appointment, there are no trifles. You should tell as much as possible about your condition during pregnancy and the changes in it. Everything matters: how, when, at what time, after which certain changes occur specifically in your state of health (or mood).

Homeopathic remedies are indicated for pregnant women, regardless of the period of fetal development. This treatment, due to its specificity:

  • is safe for the mother;
  • does not affect the development of the fetus;
  • does not affect the natural course of pregnancy.

With the help of homeopathic medicines, you can cure a lot of pathologies, starting with a common cold and ending with an abortion.

Homeopathy for the treatment of pathologies in pregnant women

Homeopathic treatment is indicated for pregnant women in the case of:

  • toxicosis;
  • threats of miscarriage;
  • nervous disorders in pregnant women;
  • preventing false contractions;
  • colds, flu.

Homeopathy for toxicosis

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the most common complaint about well-being is nausea, vomiting, and aversion to certain smells and types of food. The condition is so severe that it drains a woman not only physically, but also morally. In addition, toxicosis of pregnant women can lead to miscarriage in the early stages of gestation. This condition is effectively treated with the following remedies:

  • (Ipecacuana). An effective remedy for nausea with persistent salivation. Nauseous regardless of the time of day, tongue clean, vomiting does not bring relief.
  • (Nux vomica). Nausea in the morning, sour belching, aversion to smells, noise, constant irritation that is not associated with something in particular, but comes from overwork at work, chronic fatigue.
  • (Pulsatilla). Indicated when nausea is the only unpleasant symptom.
  • (Sepia). Morning sickness, gag reflex from smell and sight of food. The exception is acidic foods.
  • (Colchicum). Constant chills, weakness, sick from smells not only of food, but also of others.

The total number of homeopathic preparations for toxicosis of pregnant women is more than 140 items. An experienced homeopath will definitely find the remedy that is right for you. Source: flickr (hakz_co0ol).

Risk of miscarriage

A common problem of a modern woman is miscarriage. The threat of miscarriage is prevented by drugs:

  • (Sabina). The drug is prescribed when bleeding occurs, which are accompanied by acute pain and the release of blood clots.
  • (Aconit). Indicated for emotional women who are prone to uncontrollable bouts of anger.
  • (Belladonna). Bloody discharge without clots. Drawing pains in the lower back, lower abdomen are accompanied by headache and a feeling of pushing.
  • (Arnica). Threat of miscarriage as a result of injury, fall, blow.
  • Viburnum (Viburnum). Unclear pain in the abdomen, legs, back in the first trimester of pregnancy. Increased tone of the uterus, the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • (Caulophyllum). It is indicated for repeated miscarriages. The pain begins in the back, affecting the ovarian region on both sides.

False contractions

At the end of the gestation period, a woman is faced with training or false contractions. This condition is accompanied by pain, often a woman is afraid of what is happening. To prevent such excesses, you must first consult with your doctor. A homeopath may prescribe:

  • (Cimicifuga) Relieves the shooting pains that cause the woman to bend in half.
  • Caulophyllum. Effective for painless preparation for natural childbirth. Eliminates discomfort during false contractions.

Nervous Disorders

Nervous disorders during pregnancy include fears, irritability, whims, tearfulness. In some cases, a depressive state develops. The following homeopathic remedies also prevent the development of postpartum depression. It:

  • Aurum (Aurum). Severe nervous disorders, accompanied by thoughts of suicide. The woman is aggressive, sleeps little, provokes quarrels. This condition requires increased attention not only from close people, but also from medical specialists.
  • Ignatia. Nervous women with strange eating habits. Prone to hysterical seizures, tearful.
  • Phosphorus. A condition when, during pregnancy, a woman plunges into herself and her own fears, which have no objective reason. She neglects daily duties, feels unloved, rejected.
  • Pulsatilla Relieves excessive suspicion, mood swings. A woman suffers from jealousy, cries a lot, seeks sympathy.
  • Sepia Detachment from family, friends, loved ones, turning into a hostile attitude. When questioned, he sobs, feels unnecessary.


  • Oscillococinum. Homeopathy has been using this remedy to treat flu and colds in pregnant women for over 70 years. The drug effectively relieves symptoms, strengthens the body's defenses to fight infection.
  • Anaferon. Strengthens the immune system in general. Increases the general resistance of the body to viruses and bacteria.

During pregnancy, take homeopathic medicines strictly as directed by your doctor. Usual dosage: the drug diluted D6, D12 2 to 4 times a day.

Usually, homeopathy has a minimal number of side effects, and in some cases it is much more effective than conventional drugs. How effective is homeopathy in pregnancy? For what symptoms during pregnancy can homeopathy be used?

Dilutions in homeopathy during pregnancy

Dilutions of the active ingredients D6 (or D12) are suitable for pregnant women. The dilution of a homeopathic remedy is usually indicated on its packaging.
On the first day of treatment, you should take 5 grains of homeopathy every hour, and starting from the second day - 3 times a day, 5 grains until the pregnant woman feels an improvement. Homeopathic grains dissolve in the mouth half an hour before a meal or an hour after it.

Homeopathy in pregnancy: itchy skin

Most often, during pregnancy, the stomach itches. The first reason is that the baby inside of you grows, and accordingly, the belly grows, and the skin tightens. Rubdown will help divorced apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), regular lubrication of the skin with cream, especially after water procedures. The second reason is that the growing uterus begins to squeeze the internal organs and by the third trimester seriously compresses the liver and bile ducts, disrupting the outflow of bile. This is what causes itchy skin.
Homeopathy for itchy skin worse in warm room and hot day: Apis mellifica.
Homeopathy if itchy skin pesters a pregnant woman at night: Rhus toxicodendron D12.

Homeopathy in pregnancy: flatulence

Herbal teas (peppermint, marjoram, thyme and dill seeds) will help with flatulence.
Homeopathy for bad fumes: Chamomilla.
Homeopathy, if a pregnant woman feels that the belly is like a balloon filled with air: Lycopodium.

Homeopathy in pregnancy: chest pain

The enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands are the first signs of pregnancy. Be sure to get a comfortable bra.
From homeopathy will help Phytolacca.

Homeopathy in pregnancy: anemia

Often during pregnancy, women are diagnosed with anemia. Pay attention to the menu: more dishes from beets, carrots, red fruits; red meat, almonds and oatmeal.
Homeopathy for anemia: for persistent weakness and pale skin, take Ferrum phosphoricum.

Homeopathy in Pregnancy: Urinary Tract Infections

The main sign of a urinary tract infection is frequent urge and pain when urinating. If you have any problems, see your doctor, drink plenty of cranberry juice (it contains substances that are effective for fight infections ).
Homeopathy for infection: Cantharis.

Homeopathy in Pregnancy: Fatigue

Fatigue during pregnancy is normal as it is energy-intensive. Walk more outdoors and relax.
Homeopathy with reduced pressure: Haplopappus.
Homeopathy if a pregnant woman ready to lie in bed all day, washing down fatigue with cool juice: Veratrum album.

Homeopathy in pregnancy: back pain

Back pain is usually the result of increased stress on the spine during pregnancy. In addition, pregnancy hormones are also to blame for the formation of pain. They also act on the articular-ligamentous apparatus, softening it. For back pain, lie down more quickly and rest your feet on a pillow.
Homeopathy for back pain: Aesculus.
Homeopathy, if lower back pain radiates to the leg, and the condition improves after a warm compress: Acidum formicicum D12.
Homeopathy for lumbago and sciatica, when warmth and motion relieve pain: Rhus toxicodendron D12.

Homeopathy in Pregnancy: Heartburn

Heartburn occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy when the growing uterus begins to press on the stomach. Because of this, gastric juice enters the esophagus, as a result, heartburn occurs.
Avoid heartburn by diet - avoid coffee, strong black tea, sour fruit juices, sodas, and vinegar salad dressings. It is better to give preference to foods rich in magnesium: bananas, wild rice, nuts, wholemeal foods.
Homeopathy for severe painful burning right under the spoon: Iris.
Homeopathy for pain, which increase with stress, against the background of general irritability and nervousness (pain decreases in the evening and after drinking water): Nux vomica.
Homeopathy if the burning sensation is very strong, and the symptoms are worse in a cold room or in a draft: Capsicum.
Homeopathy for sour taste in the mouth. Well-being improves at night: Robina pseudacacia.

Homeopathy in pregnancy: nausea

Nausea is another consequence of hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy. Hormones circulating in the blood affect many organs and systems, including irritating the vomiting center of the brain. Mint tea can help relieve nausea. During the day, eat often, but in small portions (preferably vegetable dishes in combination with wholemeal bread), washed down with ginger tea. To prepare it, cut a slice from the ginger root, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and let stand for a while.
Homeopathy, if nausea is accompanied by constant weakness: Arsenicum album.
Homeopathy if you feel unwell about the sight or smell of certain foods and it becomes better if you go to bed: Colchicum D12.
Homeopathy for acid belching, persistent sour taste in the mouth. In addition, you often suffer from headaches. Feeling better when you move: Iris.
Homeopathy, if you often feel sick, and vomiting does not bring relief. You feel worse if you move: Ipecacuanha.
Homeopathy, if you feel such a heaviness in your stomach even after a light snack swallowed like a stone: Nux vomica.
Homeopathy for nausea that occurs immediately upon awakening and after eating. Better well-being in the open air: Sepia.

Homeopathy in Pregnancy: Anxiety and Insomnia

Self-hypnosis, meditation and calm music can help cope with anxiety and insomnia during pregnancy. Before bed, drink a cup of milk with honey or tea with lemon balm, which are mildly hypnotic.
Homeopathy for bad thoughts and fear of impending childbirth. You feel better after walking: Aconite.
Homeopathy if you are constantly sleepy, especially after eating: Cocculus.
Homeopathy if you can't pass out from current problems: Coffea.
Homeopathy for severe mood swings. Peace of mind improves when you move: Valeriana.
Homeopathy for Restless Legs Syndrome: Zincum metallicum.

Homeopathy in pregnancy: constipation

Constipation is another unpleasant consequence of pregnancy hormones. Include in your diet more vegetables and fruits, soaked prunes in the morning, you can add a little bran to your food. Make sure to drink enough fluids.
Homeopathy for constipation without urging to defecate. Overall well-being is improved in the fresh air: Aluminia.
Homeopathy for hard stools and great thirst: Bryonia.
Homeopathy if you have a painful urge to use the toilet, but nothing works: Nux vomica.

Homeopathy in pregnancy: seizures

Seizures are a consequence of magnesium deficiency during pregnancy. For severe cramps, tense the contracted muscle as much as possible to relieve pain. It is better to stand on a leg cramped together, transfer the weight of the whole body onto it. Talk to your doctor, he will prescribe you magnesium supplements. Also include in your diet more foods rich in this mineral: bananas, dried fruits, almonds.
Homeopathy if seizures are accompanied by sleep disturbances: Cuprum metallicum D12.
Homeopathy for severe and very painful cramps: Magnesium phosphoricum D12.
Homeopathy if together with the calf muscles reduces the muscles of the arch of the foot: Silicea D12.

Side effects of homeopathy during pregnancy

Homeopathy is not a panacea. Therefore, if you are seriously ill or you have some of the following side effects, call your doctor immediately:

  1. If, despite taking homeopathy, the condition does not improve, but new symptoms appear.
  2. You have any spotting and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  3. Premature contractions have occurred.
  4. You have a high body temperature.

You may have heard that homeopathy during pregnancy is salvation. Everything would be wonderful if not for the many questions to this very homeopathy.

If you have questions, then you have to ask. This is what we did. Questions are posed by Evgenia Starkova, an instructor in maternal art. Lebedeva Natalya Vladimirovna, doctor answers Center for Family Medicine and Homeopathy Dr. Gerasenko.

Let's start from the very beginning.

What is Homeopathy and what is it eaten with

Homeopathy from the Greek. ὅμοιος - "like" and πάθος - "disease." The principle of similarity is the main idea of ​​this type of medicine.

The history of homeopathy is quite interesting. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1790, while translating a scientific work, found conflicting indications about the properties of china. To find out its true properties, he began to take hina every day and record the changes in his condition. It turned out that china caused him a fever, and other symptoms, against which this remedy was actually used. That is, a medicine that saves a patient from an illness can cause symptoms of this disease in a healthy person. This is how the principle of similarity was discovered.

In those days, people were treated with cleansing of the body and adults and children - bloodletting. It was believed that for recovery a person needs to renew up to 4/5 of all blood, and mercury chloride (an indicator of effectiveness was inflammation of the gums and the formation of ulcers on them). As you might guess, not the most positive way of treatment. And such treatment, fortunately, had opponents, including Hahnemann. The advent of homeopathy at that time was a real salvation. The photo below shows a reproduction of the painting "Homeopathy looks at the horrors of allopathy."

At the beginning of the 20th century, allopathy (a classic form of medicine in our country) appeared. Treatment with drugs gave faster results.

Then the struggle between homeopathy and allopathy began, and as a result, in Russia, homeopathy was recognized at the legislative level as home medicine. Wealthy people prescribed specialists from abroad, and the number of homeopaths in the country increased rapidly.

In 1936, a good part of them were repressed, and only in the 90s of the last century, when non-traditional directions of medicine came into fashion, we again started talking about homeopathy.

Question. I have met a lot of extremely negative reviews about homeopathy from people who turned to her help just in the 90s, when homeopathy was returning to the country after a long exile. What could be the reason for such a reaction, in your opinion?

Answer. Negative attitude towards the homeopathic method of treatment, and I have often met and still meet. There is a category of people who have never encountered this method, but adhere to the generally accepted opinion. There are patients who have resorted to this method and did not get the expected result.

But, to be honest, today, homeopathy is called methods that do not adhere to the basic principle of similarity. For example, the use of complex drugs (homotoxicology), the use of potentiated drugs, but to suppress individual symptoms. The basic principle of similarity is not observed here, when a patient is prescribed one medicine similar to the manifestations of the disease in a given period of time. All of this discredits the homeopathic method.

Often people think that homeopathy is almost the same as herbal medicine or naturopathy. Although herbal medicines can be used in homeopathy, they are completely different medical methods.

How it works

Homeopathy works on three main principles:

  • Like is healed by like
  • Low dose treatment
  • Treating a person, not a disease.

I wrote about the principle of similarity above. As for the second principle. A homeopathic medicine is prepared by repeated dilutions in an aqueous solution of alcohol and shaking. (The potency of the drug depends on the degree of dilution, and not only the medicine, but also its potency is selected for a particular person.) As a result of these manipulations, the original substance loses its original color, taste and smell, and the toxic substances lose their toxicity. Sugar crumbs are impregnated with a solution of the required dilution.

The raw materials for homeopathic remedies are minerals (for example Calcarea Carbonica), plants (for example Thuja, Arnica, Belladonna), waste products of fungi and other organisms (for example Sepia).

The third principle, in my opinion, is the most attractive. Homeopathy looks at the whole person, his temperament, preferences, fears, the body's reaction to heat or cold, and on the basis of this, a mono-drug is selected that is suitable for a particular person. This medicine is aimed at maintaining the body's defenses. And the body already copes with the disease on its own. As a result, not only physical health improves, but also the emotional state of a person improves.

Question. Homeopathy helps to cope with worries about the inner state of the soul. Could it be that homeopathy won't help? Are there situations when you need a good psychologist, not a homeopath?

Answer. I am always "for" professionals in their field. When a person is healthy in the mental and emotional sphere, working with a psychologist gives a good result. If a person is sick, he is not able to accept the help of a psychologist, to accept information. He doesn't know what to do with her. He can go to a psychologist for years without obvious changes. To accept information, "digest" it and make further decisions, a person must be healthy on a mental and emotional level.

Question. Those. health at the mental-emotional level is just homeopathy, I understand correctly? And it turns out that a person first needs a good homeopathic doctor, and then a psychologist, if the latter is needed at all?

Answer. It is not only homeopathy that makes healthy on the mental - emotional level, but the way of life, way of thinking, spirituality, stressful influences. This partly depends on the parental family. Yes, when a person is healthy at these levels, he often finds a way out of the current situation himself, moreover, some of the problems that bother him cease to be relevant.

Hence, it turns out that, having chosen the path of treatment with homeopathy, it is generally worth reconsidering (not everyone, of course) their views on life. After all, the main principle is aimed at maintaining homeostasis. This is a whole philosophy. That is, in order to maintain health, it is necessary not only to be observed by an intelligent specialist, but also to adhere to a healthy diet and lead an active lifestyle.

Shamans with tambourines?

Most sources describe homeopathy as an alternative form of medicine. And immediately in my head options for oriental practices, herbal treatment, shamans with tambourines, in the end.

In fact, homeopathic doctors are real doctors, with a medical education, who graduated from traditional medical universities. The diagnostic methods of homeopaths are the same as for ordinary doctors, you can be sent to donate blood and go for an ultrasound scan.

There are doctors who use conventional remedies, but sometimes prescribe homeopathic remedies, sometimes several at once. This is not homeopathy. It is an allopathic treatment using homeopathic medicines.

It is possible to prescribe a homeopathic medicine only after a conversation with a doctor, which lasts about 1.5-2 hours, in order to determine the very suitable remedy and the degree of its dilution. Therefore, you cannot prescribe the medicine yourself.

Homeopathy versus traditional medicine


  • The whole person is examined
  • The medicine does not harm the body, has no contraindications
  • The effect of the drug has not been proven

Traditional medicine:

  • A specific disease is being treated
  • The work of drugs has been proven, tests and studies are carried out before release
  • One is healed, the other is crippled

Doctors of classical medicine are sharpened to treat narrowly. A specific disease is being treated. That is, if you have a sore throat, the throat will be treated.

Minuses. Conventional drugs have side effects and, at times, incompatibility with other drugs.
Taking medications, such as pills, puts stress on the kidneys.

pros in traditional treatment, the effect of treatment, as a rule, is not long in coming. If you have a headache, then after taking the pill in 15-30 minutes the pain will go away.

The homeopathic doctor asks the patient in detail in order to choose the only correct medicine and the required dosage. Correctly selected homeopathic medicine helps to find the balance of the body as a whole, and independently cope with the disease.

Minuses. Healing takes longer. At first, there may be a deterioration in the condition, which is an important indicator for a doctor - then the disease seems to roll back.

Example. If a person had a sore throat, then a cough, and after complications in the form of pharyngitis. After homeopathic treatment, in the first days, an exacerbation of pharyngitis may occur, then a cough will appear, after a sore throat, and the cessation of all symptoms. But these are already pluses.


  • Homeopathic remedies have no contraindications. They can be drunk by pregnant and lactating women, and even newborns.
  • The human body is restored with a mono-drug.
  • Obvious cost savings (homeopathic medicines are noticeably cheaper).

Question. Why do you think allopathy prevailed over homeopathy, because the prospect of cure in homeopathy is more attractive.

Answer. It would be wrong to answer this question unambiguously. It is quite easy to prescribe treatment using the allopathic principle; there are manifestations of them that need to be suppressed. (vomiting - antiemetic, high temperature - antipyretic, pain - pain relievers, etc.)

But the body does not become healthier and stronger, only the symptoms of the disease are suppressed, i.e. the body's defense mechanisms are forced to be silent, and in the near future the body stops defending itself and maintaining homeostasis (balance).

With the development of science, new drugs, new technologies are being created, and this is good, but when it is used rationally. Painful symptoms are suppressed instantly, without thinking about what consequences this treatment will have on the body as a whole.

Yes, and a modern working person has no time to get sick, he cannot afford to take a couple of days and just "lie down" at home. He takes fast-acting pops and a handful of antivirals and runs to work. "We treat one thing, we cripple the other" is a well-known phrase, but people, unfortunately, take it for granted and inevitability, and after a few years their strong body will exhaust all its resources and in order to somehow preserve the quality of life, it is necessary constantly take chemical drugs.

In addition, the pharmaceutical industry is a big profit and material benefit.

Homeopathy and pregnancy

Question. It is known that a remedy can take months and years to take. Of course, when a woman, being pregnant, turns to a homeopath, and her overall health is in order, then it is understandable. But what if a pregnant woman with a bunch of health problems comes to see a doctor, is it possible in this case to use homeopathy for a pregnant woman? And how does this happen?

Answer. The medicine should not be "picked up" for years and months. Another thing is that it may take those months and years to heal, it all depends on the level of health, how much it is affected and how deep. And often, you need to change several drugs.

During pregnancy, as a rule, exacerbation of chronic pathology and the symptoms of the disease are more clearly visible, as a result, the drug is clearer. In my opinion, during pregnancy, you need to take only homeopathic treatment, unless, of course, there are no life-threatening emergency conditions.

It is certainly best to start thinking about your health before pregnancy. Only preparation for pregnancy should not be limited to the sanitation of foci of infection, which most often happens. With this "treatment" we weaken the defense mechanisms of the expectant mother and increase the risk of having a child with pathology.

Patients who develop pathology associated with pregnancy go well with the homeopathic method. For example, diabetes during pregnancy. And we do without the use of insulin, which is most often prescribed for pregnant women and then, after childbirth, leads to a chain of painful conditions.

Treatment takes place in the same way as in non-pregnant patients, plus the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Pregnancy management by a homeopath is effective both for toxicosis, for colds or acute respiratory viral infections, and for thrush, which is so common among pregnant women. And that you cannot cure with pills in this position, because you cannot. The main thing is to take the medicine, following the instructions of the family doctor (homeopath), without self-activity.


1. Evidence-based medicine versus

There is no evidence based on trials that the drug actually works. Laboratories cannot find the starting substance in the drug, and we often hear about the placebo principle in homeopathic medicines.

The medicine is obtained by multiple dilutions. It is known and proven that water is able to memorize. So she is quite capable of remembering the properties of the medicine. Homeopathic doctor Veronika Nazarova said interestingly: “When diluted above 12, nothing remains of the original substance in the solution. However, think about it: can something, even divisible to infinity, turn into nothing? "

2. Negative reviews

There are many reviews about the miraculous cure with homeopathy. But there are people who have not been helped by homeopathy, they certainly strengthen the ranks of opponents.

I have one thought on this. The reason may be a lack of awareness of the person about the work of homeopathy.
Firstly, after the start of taking medications, a person may experience an exacerbation, for the doctor this is a good indicator, and the patient decides that it has become even worse and there is no need to apply again.

Secondly, ignorance of the peculiarities when taking homeopathic medicine. The homeopathic remedy is suppressed by: coffee, Coca-Cola, alcohol, mint, camphor, eucalyptus. Coffee and alcohol should be excluded (possible only in extreme cases and very rarely).

The medicine should be taken 15 minutes before brushing your teeth (due to the mint content in the toothpaste) and before eating. Also, do not use ointments containing camphor oil or mint. Even the time at which the medication is taken (morning / afternoon / evening) may be important.

All this reduces the chances of success, if you treat the treatment in the same way as it happens in the reality we are accustomed to - he swallowed a pill and ran about his business. Homeopathy requires careful and thoughtful treatment of oneself, not everyone is ready to provide this for themselves.

It is not easy to understand all this, but here is what I have learned and what I can advise you, dear readers. I do not believe in methods and theories, I believe in the talent and reputation of specific people - the currency of the twenty-first century.

“Alternative” medicine (like non-traditional medicine) attracts unusual people. Among them there are talents, people who have found their calling, people who are not afraid to look beyond the bounds of the accessible. But there are also scammers. While in an ordinary clinic (with rare exceptions) simple gray mice are sitting, stamping recipes ordered by sales representatives of pharmaceutical companies.

Therefore, a doctor must be chosen on the recommendation, or in some other way to check his reputation, it does not matter whether it is a homeopath or an ordinary doctor. By the way, now some doctors are blogging, from which we can learn about their views, experiences and cases from practice. I think it's great)

What do you think about this? Do you have any experience with homeopaths? I would be grateful if you share your feedback here.

All expectant mothers take medicinal substances with caution, since during pregnancy, the use of a number of chemicals is prohibited. Any medications can harm the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, homeopathy has become very popular - it is a method of treatment that consists in the use of highly diluted drugs, which in healthy people cause symptoms similar to those of the patient's illness. That is, the result of treatment depends on the dose of the substance taken. The dose is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

Homeopathy during pregnancy has become very popular in the world. Homeopathic medicines are composed exclusively of substances of natural origin, not chemical, and are taken in small doses. If a woman falls ill during pregnancy, do not immediately "eat" all the pills that are at home. Remember that in this position, a number of medications are contraindicated or cause unwanted side effects. And then homeopathy comes to the rescue.

The most important thing for a woman is that the homeopathic method can be used throughout the entire period of pregnancy. So, for example, toxicosis of pregnant women occurs both in the early stages (up to 20 weeks of pregnancy) and later (after 20 weeks). Homeopathy in early pregnancy is very common and gives good results. The mildest forms of toxicosis: nausea, vomiting, salivation, aversion to certain odors and food products are treated exclusively with herbal preparations. In this situation, the following means help:

  • Colchicum. It is indicated for nausea, aversion to food and odors.
  • Sepia. It is used for nausea, gag reflex.
  • Nux vomica. It is indicated for morning sickness, sour eructation, increased irritability, tearfulness.
  • Pulsatilla.

A very common pathology among pregnant women: miscarriage. In such cases, a woman, without controversy, should be on an outpatient basis under the constant supervision of a doctor. But do not take exclusively chemical medications, combine them with more healthy medicinal substances that a homeopathic doctor can prescribe:

  • Arnica. Recommended when there is a threat of miscarriage due to a fall, injury, or blow.
  • Belladonna. It is indicated for pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge.
  • Aconite. It is used for anxiety conditions.

Homeopathy during pregnancy is very relevant: for colds and flu. Homeopathic remedies strengthen a woman's immune system to protect against viruses and bacteria. The body becomes more resistant to negative environmental factors. To increase the body's resistance, a homeopathic doctor may prescribe:

  • Anaferon is a very popular drug that generally strengthens the immune system of a pregnant woman.
  • Porcelain - used for the first symptoms of a cold, with a stuffy nose, sneezing, runny nose.
  • Allium flail 30. It is indicated for runny nose and lacrimation, intense cough and the first symptoms of bronchitis.
  • Euphrasia 30. Indications: intense headache, conjunctivitis, scleritis, facial flushing, runny nose.
  • China 30 - is used for general weakness of the body, when it seems that it hurts to touch the body, with headaches, fever, sweating.

During childbirth, drugs are used that soften and open the cervix, prepare it for the passage of the fetus. These drugs include:

  • Tsimicifuga
  • Caulophilum

Homeopathic remedies are widely used in the postpartum period, which is dangerous with bleeding. To prevent this complication, apply:

  • Sabina
  • Sekale

The problem of lactostasis is very relevant - this pathology in which a woman's milk stagnates in the mammary gland. In this situation, it will help:

  • Conium

Homeopathy is a unique method of treatment that makes it possible to maintain a pregnancy, stop nausea and vomiting, normalize a woman's mental status, and eliminate feelings of fear, depression, and irritability. During childbirth, homeopathic medicines prepare a woman's birth canal for the baby to pass unhindered, that is, facilitate childbirth and prevent perineal rupture.

In any pharmacy you can find all these drugs, but their use without consulting a homeopathic physician is strictly prohibited. The effect of medicinal substances depends on its dose, which should be selected by the doctor individually. Do not risk your health and the health of your unborn child.

Treatment consists in prescribing a weak solution to the patient, which can cause the same symptoms as the disease that must be cured. The dose is gradually reduced until it becomes microscopic.

Homeopathic medicines come in the form of a solution, in granules, in tablets that are placed under the tongue. During pregnancy, some homeopathic therapies can be helpful in dealing with minor ailments such as nausea, sleep problems, and anxiety. Certain medications at the time of labor can soften the cervix and thus help the contractions.

With homeopathic medicines, you can treat many acute diseases on your own, without even visiting a therapist. But remember: it is very important that you carefully observe the reactions of your body, know yourself well and can feel when self-medication is no longer effective. In case of bleeding, premature contractions, high blood pressure and high temperature, you should see a doctor anyway.

It is best to find out in advance where a pharmacy specializing in homeopathic remedies is located near you. For the treatment of acute diseases, dilutions of Dg and Dp have been shown to be the best. If you buy a drug at a pharmacy, ask for drugs with exactly this labeling. They often sell medicines in small tubes of 1 g, which is very practical: this is enough to cope with the infection. After you have chosen the remedy, take it 3 times a day, 5 balls - they need to be kept under the tongue or behind the cheek until they are completely dissolved. Stop taking it as soon as you notice an improvement in your condition.

Go for homeopathy during pregnancy

Homeopathy is a special method of treatment, the basis of which is a kind of look at the problem of health and the general condition of the body. Specific homeopathic remedies are designed to prevent and treat some of the ailments during pregnancy.

How does homeopathy work during pregnancy?

Homeopathy is a gentle treatment in the full sense of the word. Nowadays, many families are passionate about this alternative medicine. She deals with the physical and mental aspects of the body, using an individual approach to each patient. Homeopathy enables a person to find inner balance. It is based on three main principles: the law of similarities, individualization of symptoms and an integrated approach.

Indications for the use of homeopathic remedies during pregnancy

The goal of homeopathy is to listen to the patient and find changes in his body. Homeopathic therapy is especially indicated for pregnant women suffering from ailments associated with childbirth, childbirth and breastfeeding. The advantage of homeopathy is that it eliminates the risk of toxic effects on the fetus. This method does not replace the treatment prescribed by the gynecologist or obstetrician.

You can use this therapy in three ways:

  • to fight diseases not related to pregnancy (such as the common cold). Homeopathic remedies will help you to some extent avoid taking classical medicines that are contraindicated in your condition;
  • to combat typical pregnancy ailments (nausea, cramps, heartburn, swelling of the legs, etc.), which sometimes cause great trouble. And in this case, traditional treatment can be avoided;
  • to improve the general condition: prevention and reduction of the number of problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, with the help of homeopathy, it will be easier for you to recover from the birth of your baby.

What you need to know about the first consultation with a homeopath?

If you decide to resort to homeopathy, you must first consult your doctor. Self-medication during pregnancy is completely out of the question, and if you consult with several doctors, inform them about the treatment.

Only a thorough questioning of the patient can reveal individual symptoms and will allow choosing effective treatments. The main attention is paid to the changes that have occurred since the beginning of pregnancy: in nausea, desires, a characteristic aversion to certain foods, etc.

A homeopath must study all the symptoms of your ailment in order to find the right medicine for you. Express yourself simply and tell everything! feel. Do not be surprised when the doctor asks: "Have you forgotten anything?", "What else, what?"; he needs to know what brought you to him. He may ask at "what hour of the day do you feel worse" or "what helps you." The more! the symptoms you specify in detail and clearly, the more valuable advice the doctor will give you.

How to cope with pregnancy-related ailments?

Homeopathy easily copes with minor but frequent ailments: nausea, fatigue, leg pain, hemorrhoids, constipation ...

Homeopathic complex remedies

In classical homeopathy, remedies are prescribed one at a time: no mixing is allowed. But some doctors work mainly with complex remedies. These are homeopathic medicines that contain several active substances, which should contribute to successful treatment. This homeopathic school proceeds from the fact that many disorders in the body are complex, and therefore, to eliminate them, it is necessary to use several medicines at once. Often these preparations contain sepia, nuxvomics, or tobacco.


Calcium fluoratum D 12: Appointed when the connective tissue is noticeably weakened. Small asterisks of the saphenous varicose veins have appeared for a long time.

Sabdarifa D 6: it is used in cases when the veins begin to protrude from under the skin. Your legs are swollen. You feel heaviness and stiffness in your legs, especially when sedentary work. Movement helps to relieve this feeling.

Witch hazel D 6: this remedy is effective when one of the veins is thickened and becomes bluish in color. The area of ​​the thickening is painful and very sensitive to touch.


Collinsonia D 6: Since you got pregnant, your bowel movements have become irregular and hard. Painful, bleeding hemorrhoids appeared. Every time you have a bowel movement, you feel pain, burning, and itching.

Aesculus D 6: As pregnancy progresses, your condition worsens more and more, symptoms are especially severe in the evenings, and back pain often occurs.

Witch hazel D 6: going to the toilet becomes torture for you. Each time the hemorrhoids become very inflamed and bleed.


Collinsonia D 6: You have hard and dry stools since the beginning of your pregnancy. In addition, legs often become numb, hemorrhoids worried.

Nuxvomica D 12: your life goes on at a rapid pace, there is not enough time for anything, especially for food. Your eating habits lead to digestive problems, as evidenced by nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and constipation.

Opium1) | 2: The cause of the sluggishness of the intestines is bed rest, which you have been forced to observe for several weeks. You don't feel any urge to have a bowel movement.


Robinia pseudoacacia D 6: you often have sour eructations, which makes your teeth sore. Feces have a sour odor.

Bismutumsubnitricum D 12: constant sour belching. After eating, stomach pains are added, which can go up to the shoulders.

Urinary tract infection

CantarisD 6: you often go to the toilet. But little urine is released. You sometimes experience burning pain during and after urinating.

DulcamaraD 6: you are overcooled and now go to the toilet often, although there is little urine.

Sciatica, back pain

Aesculus D 6: The longer the pregnancy, the more severe the back pain. The lumbar and sacral spine are especially affected. Added to this are problems with veins, possibly varicose veins. You are often constipated.

Calcium carbonicum D 12: Back pain gets worse and spreads to the thighs. You feel very weak and sweat on the slightest exertion. Warmth and massage bring relief.

Rus toxicodendron D 12: you have a sciatic nerve problem. When you get out of bed in the morning, the pain becomes unbearable.

Gnafalium D 6: Back pain extends to the buttocks and legs. The little toes may lose some of their sensitivity. You feel as if you have goosebumps running down your legs, your gait becomes unsteady.


Bryony D 6: cough dry and stitching pains. Head, chest and stomach ache. You constantly want to drink something cold.

RumexD 6: constant urge to cough does not allow you to talk for a long time, you are not even able to take a deep breath. And although you are constantly coughing, the phlegm hardly comes out.

SticktaD 6: you have frequent fits of convulsive coughing, and a lot of phlegm is released. To get rid of it, you constantly spit and clear your throat.

Sleep disturbances, internal anxiety

Coffee D 12: a lot of impressions or intense engagement with any one problem puts you in a state of strong overexcitement, you cannot switch.

Phosphorus D 12: you are afraid to be alone. You are shy, react painfully to noises, you see dangers everywhere.

Sku GelariaD 6: Despite the fact that you feel tired and exhausted, you do not fall asleep well at night and constantly wake up. During the day, migraine-like headaches may appear.

Zincummetallicum D 12: your inner tension and nervousness are manifested in restless external behavior - you do not find a place for yourself. Although you get tired during the day, you find it difficult to relax. In a dream, you grit your teeth, you have nightmares.

Runny nose

Allium flail D 6: your nose is runny, your eyes are watery, and your voice sounds hoarse. It hurts to breathe, because the whole nose is hurt and inflamed from constantly blowing your nose.

NuxvomicaD 6: a clogged nose gives you a lot of trouble. Especially in the evenings when you go to bed and cannot sleep because both nostrils are blocked. You have to breathe through your mouth.

LuffaD 6: nasal discharge, viscous, yellow or greenish. It's hard to get rid of them, you feel weak and heavy in your head.

Diarrhea, cholera

NuxvomicaD 6: after a heavy and fatty meal, or if you ate a lot and indiscriminately, you have diarrhea. Sometimes it is accompanied by headaches and vomiting.

Pulsatilla D 6: Ice cream, fruits and fatty foods cause diarrhea and nausea, often with sour belching and an unpleasant sticky taste in the mouth. You often get cold.

Arsenicumalbum D 12: diarrhea thin, almost watery. In the area of ​​the anus there is a strong burning sensation. You have an aversion to food.

Veratrumalbum D 6: severe cholera, accompanied by acute circulatory disorders: you turn pale, covered with cold sweat, feel great weakness. At the slightest exertion, you feel dizzy.

Stretch marks during pregnancy

Calcium carbonicum D 12: you tend to be overweight, your connective tissue was most likely weakened even before pregnancy. You feel like your body is swelling.

Calcium fluoratum D 12: Connective tissue weakness often manifests itself in varicose veins, nail problems and hair loss.

Silicea D 12: you have a lot of wrinkles, including around your mouth, and persistent problems with tendons and ligaments. If you have to stand for a long time, you get severe back pain.

Weakness and hyperesthesia of the bladder

Causticum D 12 When you cough, sneeze or laugh, you sometimes notice involuntary urine flow it increases with the course of pregnancy.

Staphysagria D 12: every time after intercourse your bladder makes itself felt, most often urine is released only in drops, irritation is felt in the urinary tract area.

Pulsatilla D 6: Your child is pressing on the bladder so that you constantly have to keep the toilet in your field of vision. You often get cold and at times become whiny.

Calf muscle cramps

Cuprummetallicum D 6: In the evening and at night, you often suffer from calf flexion, which sometimes also affects the toes. The seizures are very painful.

Cuprumaceticum D 6: If Cuprum Metallicum does not bring relief, try this remedy. It is especially effective if you need to cope with anemia in addition to seizures.

Preparing for childbirth with homeopathy

You can often hear recommendations addressed to all pregnant women: starting from the 36th week, take pulsatilla and caulophyllum. This should prepare the uterine pharynx and facilitate labor. But since homeopathy requires a highly individualized approach in the selection of medicines, such general prescriptions should be treated with caution.

It is also important that in Russia the homeopathic school is still relatively weak, and there are very few specialists who really know the methods of diagnosis and treatment. During pregnancy, treat the choice of a homeopathic specialist no less carefully than the choice of a gynecologist!

Nausea, vomiting

Sepia D 12: used when a woman is sick mainly in the morning. Even the smell of food is disgusting. Sour foods are a small exception.

Ipecacuana D 12: the nausea does not go away even after you have vomited. You are constantly struggling with the rising lump of mucus and gastric juice. It is especially bad for you in the evenings and at night, which makes you even more irritable. At the same time, the language remains pure.

Colchicum D 12: The cause of nausea is hypersensitivity to odors. Your stomach hurts, diarrhea is possible. Are you cold.

Fatigue, exhaustion

Acidum phosphoricum D 12: even before pregnancy, you had a hard time coping with life's circumstances, and now you are completely at a loss and do not know what to do. You feel empty and exhausted.

Ambergris D 12: you are naturally pessimistic. Even though everything is fine, you never stop worrying about your pregnancy.

Cocculus D 12: you stopped sleeping peacefully at night, because you are overwhelmed by anxiety for your loved ones, you also have no opportunity to rest during the day. Sleep deprivation deprives you of energy and often makes you feel dizzy.

Nuxvomica D 12: Despite pregnancy, you are very busy at work and do not sleep much. You feel sleepy and exhausted.