A good matting cream from French cosmetics. The purpose of the matting cream. The effect of a matting cream

The principle of operation of any matting cream is that its components absorb sebum (sebum), which is the culprit of unwanted shine. Excess sebum is typical for oily and combination skin.

Matting creams are applied to the face no more than twice a day, otherwise the skin dries out. In response to dehydration, the sebaceous glands become activated and produce even more oil.

Normal skin produces the optimal amount of secretion necessary to maintain the desired level of moisture, in the case of dry skin, the amount of this oil is not enough. Thus, the need for the use of matting agents arises only for owners of oily and combination skin, in the case of normal and dry skin, they are contraindicated.

The composition of creams

The main components of matting creams are sorbents. They absorb the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Various polymer particles, microfibers, as well as clay and corn starch are used as sorbents. In addition, to reduce the production of sebum, manufacturers add various plant extracts, zinc compounds and salicylic acid derivatives to matting products. Optional components of matting creams can be antibacterial, moisturizing and nutritional supplements.

Additives can cause allergic reactions in the form of redness and peeling of the skin of the face. Sorbents, as a rule, do not cause irritation.

Cream selection

There is a large selection of matting creams that differ from each other in composition and price. The most common and affordable are the creams of the French company Garnier, the German company Nivea and the face products Bark, produced by a Russian manufacturer. When choosing matting products, you can focus on reviews about them published on the Internet. Also, sales assistants in specialized stores can provide assistance in choosing a cream. In addition, manufacturers of expensive luxury and pharmacy cosmetics usually produce samplers that help you navigate their products. The best option for choosing a matting cream is a combination of all the above methods, because. selection of cosmetics for skin care is a complex process that requires an individual approach.

Oily skin, no doubt, has its advantages: it retains firmness, youth and elasticity longer, but this is overshadowed by the unpleasant appearance of the face and its pronounced unhealthy gloss. In addition to therapeutic sessions aimed at normalizing the production of skin secretions, experts recommend using a matting face cream. The cosmetic preparation will help mask the problems of oily skin, even out the surface of the face before applying makeup, and slightly dry the face.

Mattifying cream is indicated for oily skin, however, a similar tool can be selected for other types of epidermis

Mattifying face cream - what is it?

In addition to the need to get rid of a pronounced oily sheen, the use of a matting cream requires a number of other cases:

  • masking of peeling zones;
  • smoothing the skin relief before applying makeup;
  • alignment of the tone of the face;
  • masking bags and shadows under the eyes;
  • filling small wrinkles.

Matting compositions can be used for any type of skin care, as long as it is not hypersensitive to the active ingredients. If just a few years ago, matting cream was contraindicated for owners of dry skin due to the lack of moisturizing and softening components, today manufacturers have begun to offer products with the addition of oils and hydrating factors.

Mattifying cream allows you to significantly improve the appearance of the face and create the most natural make-up.

Advantages and disadvantages of matting creams

You need to understand that a matting cream will not improve the condition of the face without the use of special therapeutic drugs, but it will help correct its appearance.

Undoubtedly, matting creams have many advantages.

  1. If you apply the tool correctly and for its intended purpose, the effect will not be instantaneous, but persistent. As the fat is absorbed by the cream (a couple of hours after application), the skin of the face will become more and more smooth and even.
  2. You can apply any cosmetics on the matting cream. For example, self-tanners and blush will create the appearance of perfect skin without “heavier” the appearance of the face.
  3. The tool does not crumble like powder, does not fold into lumps, if the rules for its application were followed. A neat appearance of the face is maintained for many hours.
  4. Due to the special texture, the preparations lay down in a very thin, even layer. They are easily smudged and shaded, do not stray into spots. The state of the face does not need to be constantly monitored.

But there are several points that can be attributed to the negative properties of matting creams.

  1. Mattifying cream is a very persistent product, you need to spend a lot of effort to completely remove it from the surface of the face. When purchasing a matting preparation, you need to choose a high-quality cleansing product for it.
  2. The cosmetic product should be chosen according to the type of epidermis. Otherwise, you will have to constantly suffer from poor-quality makeup. For example, a drying agent on a dry face will crinkle and cause irritation.

Obviously, the positive aspects of the drugs are much greater than the disadvantages. Given the fact that the use of a matting cream can greatly facilitate the process of applying makeup, experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the technique of applying products and add them to your cosmetic bag.

A mattifier should strictly match your skin type.

Features of the use of funds

A beautiful face attracts not with bright, but with natural makeup. Therefore, when using matting creams, you should try to make the product invisible on your face.

  • Good makeup takes time. In a hurry it is impossible to achieve a quality result. Hastily applied cosmetics will look untidy.
  • If something in the imposition of cosmetics does not work the first time, do not give up trying. It is necessary not only to choose the right matting face cream, but also to learn how to use it correctly. Sometimes it takes more than one tube of funds to achieve an ideal result.
  • The product can only be applied to dry, clean skin. Attempts to correct already applied makeup with a matting cream are unacceptable. The product can only be used once. Proper application of the composition provides many hours of effect without the need for adjustment.
  • Applying makeup begins with the application of day cream. It is necessary to wait until the composition is completely absorbed, if necessary, the surface of the face is wetted with a napkin.
  • When shading the composition, the main attention is paid to the areas of the nasolabial folds and wings of the nose. In these areas, traces of cosmetics are most obvious.
  • If the makeup base needs to be touched up, it is recommended to use a light compact powder. It will help eliminate minor defects without drastically changing the appearance of the face.
  • The tone of the cream should be matched to the color of the skin perfectly.
  • The drug is not used for the neck, shoulder and décolleté areas.
  • The amount of product on the skin should be minimal.

A properly selected makeup base makes it easier to apply cosmetics, get rid of visible aesthetic defects, and slightly improve the condition of oily skin. Balanced products without alcohol will even out the surface of the face without overdrying or irritating tissues.

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Oily skin is quite common, and naturally requires specific care, according to its needs. The most popular problem among the owners of this is an unattractive gloss, which appears just a couple of hours after applying makeup.

A special day matting cream is able to solve this.

What is it, and why should it become a must-have for women with oily skin?

This tool helps to neutralize the untidy shine on the face, which appears after about a couple of hours with certain anatomical features of the skin. Women with dry skin are not recommended to use such products.

Now there is even a foundation with a matting effect on sale, but this remedy is somewhat doubtful, and girls still prefer a day product that is suitable as a base for make-up.

Properties and Effects

Mattifying face cream has a special composition designed to neutralize and regulate dermal secretions. Thus, this day cream can turn into a combined remedy for you: on the one hand, it will hide the aesthetic imperfections of the skin of your face, on the other hand, it will work with it internally, controlling the work of the sebaceous glands.

This cream is always a day cream. It is almost never used at night, because at this time of day intensive nutrition of the skin on the face becomes much more relevant. Different women prefer different brands of cosmetic products aimed at such actions.

Fans of the domestic manufacturer are increasingly turning to the products of the Chistaya Liniya brand. Despite the manufacturers' assurances, Chistaya Liniya's products are by no means always natural and safe, but they often meet the requirements of consumers.

As for the matting cream, Chistaya Liniya has several options - a classic day, sunscreen and foundation that combines the actions of a foundation, a concealer and a sun protection factor.

Today, a moisturizing composition with a matting effect is widely used today - this tool helps to simultaneously maintain the balance of moisture in the skin cells and eliminate oily sheen, most actively and productively regulating its secretion.

Moisturizing mattifying product designed primarily for young skin. In it, metabolic processes occur faster, which means that the secretion of sebum is also more active than in older women. Although the latter sometimes experience difficulties with oily sheen, therefore, they resort to the use of products with a matting effect.

So, the facial product will provide you with the following effects:

  • Regulation of the sebaceous glands and control of sebum production;
  • Smoothing of point imperfections of the skin - enlarged pores, wrinkles, creases and folds;
  • Creating the effect of a delicate, porcelain and velvety surface of the face;
  • Intensive moisturizing;
  • Control of water and alkaline balance in the cells of the dermis;
  • Alignment of tone and microrelief of the face;
  • Prolonged protection against the appearance of an unattractive gloss;
  • Restoration of metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis.

It is important to understand that a quality cream cannot be too cheap. Unfortunately, the use of mass and middle segment products has a rather unpleasant "side effect"- they create only a matte film on the face, but do not affect the internal mechanisms of fat production. For this reason, the result of the application does not last long, and the film begins to roll on the surface of the face.

Cream "Clean Line" just belongs to this category of funds. It is in demand due to its low cost, but is not suitable for everyone. Basically, those girls and women whose facial skin is more combination than oily are satisfied with it.

Foundation Mattifying Cream

Usually women use powder as a matting agent, applying it on top of the tonal foundation. But now the tonal products themselves with an additional moisturizing effect have appeared on sale. This event did not bypass the same "Clean Line", and she quickly replenished the corresponding line with this product.

According to the assurances of almost all manufacturers, a matting and moisturizing foundation provides the following actions:

  1. Uniform coverage;
  2. Masking urgent defects, including acne, if any;
  3. Fixed haze of the skin for 6-8 or more hours;
  4. Sun protection, or optimal SPF, is, oddly enough, relevant not only in hot summers, but also in cold winters;
  5. Normalization of internal metabolic and biochemical processes in the skin of the face.

"Chistaya Liniya" launches a moisturizing BB-cream for the face in the line "Perfect Skin". Although, they say that after applying the tonic and the usual day cream from this series, additional "toning" is not necessary. This makes the cream especially popular among a certain segment of the population, since it has a low cost and relatively high performance.

For those who want to try a really high-quality product, it is better to try luxury or professional brands. This increases the likelihood of your satisfaction with the funds. In addition, expensive cosmetics almost always turn out to be safe and useful in reality, and not just in the words of distributors and manufacturers.

How to choose

To choose a really good moisturizing mattifying cream, follow these simple rules:

  • Pay close attention to expiration dates, and keep in mind that they are reduced when opening a tube or jar (for this reason, products with “pressing” dates should be abandoned);
  • When choosing a foundation, buy a product either exactly in your skin tone, or a tone lighter;
  • Look at the composition - it is better not to purchase products with an abundance of silicones, fragrances, parabens and obscure components that are unfamiliar to you;
  • If possible, prefer one high-quality professional cream to two cheap ones;
  • Focus on "live"

Mattifying face cream Helps hide oily sheen on the surface of the skin. Every girl dreams of perfect skin, but it is rare to find a girl who can confidently say that she has perfect skin.

Skin of any type can have small imperfections that need to be corrected or prevented. That is why every girl should know what complex of products she needs for care. Today we will talk about the necessary care for skin with increased sebum secretion, more precisely, about a special tool that is difficult to do without for those who have a pronounced shine on their face.

Often, a foundation is used before applying makeup, for some it is light, but for girls with an oily or combined type, a special cream for matting. The reason for this is the special structure of the cover, in which there is an excessive secretion of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Mattifying face cream allows you to hide oily sheen and normalize the sebaceous glands. What is it, is it useful, and how to choose it correctly?

Specialists have developed a cosmetic product that can remove excess fat secretions. Such a tool is often used not only for decorative purposes, but also as a preventive way to remove the greasy film that forms during the day.


  • This tool perfectly levels the surface of the skin;
  • Eliminates various defects, redness, rashes;
  • Removes unpleasant oily sheen;
  • Eliminates bacteria;
  • The work of the skin is normalized and the skin acquires a pleasant appearance;

When the agent enters the epidermis, it helps to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, limiting their excessive exit to the surface.


  • First you need to pay attention to the brand. Many women leave their reviews and recommendations on various forums and websites, read the comments and give a plus to the drug that has received the most positive feedback. However, individual perception should not be neglected, even if many have given a good rating, the remedy may cause a different reaction in you.
  • As for moisturizing, matting itself is considered a drying process. But not everyone agrees with this statement, because the skin always needs moisture and the cream cannot completely remove it. Each matting face cream contains oils that have a positive effect on the processes of the skin (especially in expensive brands), but do not dry. That is, in any product, moisturizing components will necessarily be present, the difference is only in their form and degree of action. Without water, the skin will not be able to function normally, all processes will be disrupted, disharmony will occur. As a result, beauty is out of the question.
  • Choosing a matting cream, you need to accurately determine the type of skin, the features of its problematic. You should also consider the possibility of connecting with makeup, price and quality. After all, not all products are suitable for makeup, they can roll down, clog pores. In this case, you can also get rid of the shine, but the face will look ugly.
  • Read reviews on our website about matting face creams and more, they will help you choose the best product.


  • Mattifying cream, like any other, must be applied to clean skin. In the morning after washing (and not only with water and soap, but also with the use of tonics or lotions), a matting cream is applied, and then correctors, foundation, powder are applied to it.
  • Do not apply at night. The skin should rest at night, it is better to use a light nourishing cream at night.
  • Do not use moisturizer before mattifying. The latter has a slight drying effect, and oily skin does not like excessive moisture.
  • Mattifying cream should be applied with light tapping movements. In this case, it lays down with a light film, which not only helps to normalize the exchange of water and fat in the cells, but also does not form a crust. The skin looks natural.

The best creams

Garnier Clear Skin

Suitable for combination type, and for oily skin without problem areas. In the summer, it is better to limit the use of foundation, as it is possible to disrupt the natural functions of the pores. Use special powder. This tool is desirable to apply before makeup. Throughout the day, a great view is guaranteed.

Approximate price: 300 rubles.

Designed for application at night, it will help get rid of excess secretions of the sebaceous glands, normalize their work. The processes in the body do not stop at night, so cleansing should be done in the morning. This remedy restores lipid function, eliminates toxins and free radicals. After application, there will be no feeling of tightening, the cells are restored, into which the necessary amount of moisture begins to flow.

Approximate price: 3,000 rubles.

  • Features an advanced sun protection formula;
  • Contains green tea and white cotton extract;
  • Suitable as a base for make-up;
  • Depanthenol, which is part of the cream, deeply moisturizes the cells;
  • Has an antioxidant effect;
  • Prevents dehydration of the epidermis;
  • Protects sensitive skin.

Approximate price: 60 rubles.

Applying it, you can forget about oily sheen for the whole day. Makeup is perfectly applied to the cream, the product evens out skin tone. At this time, the cover breathes and functions perfectly. But at the same time, this cosmetic product should be used together with other makeup products, only then there will be an effect.

Approximate price: 140 rubles.


A matting cream used for oily skin can also be. They differ even in texture. Elements such as emulsion and are used to a greater extent in the summer. They act on the skin easily and not aggressively. This product is best suited for oily skin. It should be used every day, systematically. Only then will there be a result.

Mattifying cream is a cosmetic product. Matting cosmetics translated from the French "matt" - means matte, they appeared on the cosmetics market quite recently, but millions of women have already managed to fall in love with them. The process of these funds is very simple. It is necessary to apply a powerful adsorbent substance to the surface of the skin, which absorbs excess sebum and leaves behind a thin film of powder on the surface of the face, which effectively fixes the result for a short time. Such actions are possessed by the components present in the composition, for example, corn starch, clay, microfibers and polymer particles. Of all the existing matting preparations - gels, lotions, powders and creams - the matting cream is recognized as the most effective. Mattifying cream. Advantages and disadvantages The advantages include: Components are added to the cream, for example, such as zinc, plant extracts and salicylic acid, which can not only remove oily sheen, but also stop the sebaceous glands for a long time. The cream is very simple and easy to use. In stores, you can buy all kinds of matting face creams for day, night, toning under makeup, as well as creams for emergency assistance. The versatility of creams: in addition to the direct purpose, that is, matting, nutritious, moisturizing, bactericidal and many other substances have been added to the composition that help improve the general condition of your skin. Flaws:

If not used correctly, the skin can dry out. The effect only happens when you use it regularly. An expired or low-quality mattifying cream can worsen your task, because the pores become clogged and do not breathe. As a result, inflammation and black spots may appear on the face. A matting cream does not solve the problem to the end, for this you will need various auxiliary complex preparations that can moisturize, saturate with vitamins and exfoliate your skin. The nuances of applying a matting cream Cosmetologists generally advise using matting creams in the morning as a base for make-up. They help to keep narrowed pores for several hours, and also, in particular, because of this, slow down the work of sebum. The latest novelty from the manufacturers is a matting cream for everyday use. This complex of preparations can be used at any time of the day - even on makeup. Such accessibility is convenient for everyone, but in principle, difficult to implement, because, given that with the help of cosmetic procedures, unforeseen problems with the leadership in the workplace can occur. Therefore, a process of research was carried out that confirmed the guesses of some physiologists that, at a certain time of the day, the increase in the biological activity of the skin sebaceous glands strongly depends. Thus, it has been proven that at 11-12 noon there is a peak of activity. And now, knowing this fact, you can apply a matting agent in time. An excellent lasting effect, according to women, occurs just before bedtime, by applying complex creams with matting effects. Such products are the most concentrated and thick in composition, and also have a number of auxiliary functions that improve the appearance of the skin.

Mattifying cream. Selection rules. A good cosmetologist will help you to choose the right cream correctly, but if you decide to choose the product yourself, then you need to take into account a few exceptions: pale in nutrition. When purchasing a matting cream for the T-zone, you do not need to smear it all over your face to avoid hypersensitivity to the product, especially on very dry areas of the skin. Never use a mattifying eye cream. In addition, you need to observe and listen to skin reactions when using: for example, dryness and tightness are proof that the cream is not suitable for you. The Best Mattifying Creams There are a trio of favorites who invented three products from completely different price groups, and marketers believe that these products are in great demand among consumers. Clinique Moisture In-Control Oil-Free Lotion - This mattifying cream is trusted for its excellent hydrating and mattifying qualities. Nivea Visage is a daytime moisturizing mattifying cream with lotus content and a strong mattifying effect, which made women very happy with good quality and inexpensive price. The third leader is produced by the Russian company Kora, this mattifying cream is designed for oily skin with a matting function, which perfectly moisturizes and mattifies the skin. Moreover, customers advise this drug as an exemplary base for makeup.