How to colorize dark hair. We do home hair coloring using the best techniques. Ombre style - for black and dark hair

Spring and summer is the time when most often we want to take a break from the routine, get away from everyday worries and at least for a while to change something- if not in your life, then at least in appearance. With the modern choice of all kinds of hairdressing tools, changing the style or color of the hairstyle does not take much time and is available to almost everyone. Today we will look at coloring - one of the most popular methods for correcting hair color.

Basic principles of this hair coloring technique

Coloring is an opportunity to revitalize your hair color by dyeing individual strands in colors of several shades. When performing highlighting, your choice is somewhat limited, but coloring gives a wide choice for your imagination.

The specifics of coloring for dark hair

Correctly done coloring looks most advantageous on hair of dark shades - the base allows you to favorably emphasize the color gamut of the selected tones. TO undeniable merits coloring can be attributed:

But there are also some downsides:

  • some types of dark hair require preliminary lightening;
  • Incorrectly selected colors can make hair look unnatural or defiant.

How to colorize dark hair at home and what shades to choose

Since the price for this service in the salons is quite high, you can try to do the coloring yourself. As for the choice of shades and colors of paint - it all depends on your desire and imagination. Of course, in order to make the right choice, you need to take into account your color type and select colors so that their tones are in harmony with your skin tone and the color of your eyes and hair.

For coloring, three to five paint colors are most often used, differing from each other by two or three tones.

It is better to start coloring in the following sequence - the back of the head, crown, front of the hair.

To colorize your home, you will need:

You don't need to wash your hair for two or three days before coloring.

Myself painting process very simple:

  • divide your hair into several zones;
  • separate the strands for dyeing with a width of about half a centimeter;
  • dilute paints according to the instructions;
  • alternately place a piece of foil under each separated strand and apply the selected paints with a brush;
  • wrap the strands in foil and keep for a while according to the instructions, and then wash off using shampoo.

It is better to rinse the colored strands separately so that the colors do not mix and change shades in the process.

Coloring variations by hair type with photo

Photo of color coloring for dark short hair.

Coloring photo for dark hair - short bob haircut.

Photo of color options for dark hair of medium length.

Coloring photo for dark long hair.

Precautionary measures

Reviews of coloring for dark hair

Several of our readers, who tried to change their appearance using coloring, shared their impressions with us and left feedback.

Lyudmila, 30 years old

For a long time I have already reviewed on the Internet photos of various coloring options for dark hair. I stopped at a not very difficult one. At first I wanted to do it myself, but then I decided that it was better to trust the master for the first time. At least, I will see the whole process with my own eyes and understand how to do this coloring correctly. I came across a good master, so I'm happy with the result. And the technique itself is not too different from highlighting, except that it takes more time. Well, several colors are chosen.

Photos before and after coloring dark hair.

The actual question is how to make coloring at home. After all, they usually dye their hair in the salon with the help of a master. Can this be done at home? You can, if you get acquainted with the features of the procedure. First you need to prepare everything for work. The process involves performing step-by-step actions, after which the hair is noticeably transformed. It remains only to properly care for them.

How to do coloring at home to get great results? For this, there are several methods of doing the job, thanks to which it will be possible to perfectly change the image. In addition, the hair becomes visually voluminous. Such coloring involves the use of a base shade, while others are used as additional ones. They should be chosen taking into account their appearance.

Pros and cons

Coloring is not difficult. 2 shades are required. But before choosing a method, you should familiarize yourself with its pros and cons.

The advantages of the procedure include:

  • Competently selected colors allow you to make curls voluminous;
  • Coloring perfectly emphasizes the face. The technique allows you to hide the growing roots and emphasize the beauty of the hair;
  • Dull hair will become shiny. This is achieved through the harmony of dark and light strands;
  • The hairstyle will change noticeably.
The disadvantages include:
  • It is difficult to choose suitable tones for dark hair. Multicolor will be achieved through lightening and coloring;
  • Difficulties with the choice of paint may appear, which can lead to obtaining a not very attractive color;
  • Before the session, you do not need to wash your hair for about 3 days;
  • Need a break between lightening and coloring.

What is needed?

To do everything correctly, you need to prepare the necessary accessories:

  • Clarifier;
  • Dye;
  • Brush;
  • Gloves;
  • Capacity;
  • Hairpins;
  • Foil;
  • Combs;
  • Clock;
  • Old towel.

Coloring features

Colored staining is performed in longitudinal and transverse directions. Thanks to the longitudinal method, the strands are completely dyed. With transverse coloring, the hair is dyed in similar shades. At home, it is better to choose the longitudinal method, since you can cope with it yourself.

When coloring, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • The head must be washed a few days before painting;
  • You should first decide on the natural shades that should be combined;
  • It is necessary to check the skin for allergies;
  • Before using paint, cream should be applied to the skin;
  • The procedure does not need to be performed with damaged curls. They need restoration, after which it is possible to use paints;
  • After 25 years, it is preferable to choose natural colors than bright ones;
  • Strands of 0.5 cm are wrapped in foil;
  • Curls are colored from the back of the head to the forehead;
  • After the procedure, the foil is removed and each strand is washed;
  • Then the curls are treated with balm.

Difference from highlighting

When highlighting, some strands are lightened. It requires 2 colors to work. Hair is lightened in the same way or in different ways. The procedure allows you to hide gray hair. Staining is carried out in several stages. For example, to lighten black hair, you need to lighten it so that yellowness does not appear.

The differences include:

  • Radical... Hair should be pinned at the crown of the head. First, they are painted on the back of the head, and then they should be wrapped in foil. Then strands are separated on the crown of the head and painted in rich shades;
  • « Snail rings". This method is used for long strands. 3-4 shades are required. The hair is divided into 2x2 cm sections. The dyeing starts from the crown. Shades alternate. Compared to other methods, dyed strands are twisted into bundles, and then into bagels. They are fixed with clamps;
  • Curled curls... Hair is dyed horizontally. You will need to take one strand, paint it in stripes, and then form bundles, and secure with hairpins;
  • Mosaic... The method is performed with stencils. You need to choose a pattern, and then it is laid on a layer of hair. The result is a three-dimensional image;
  • Watercolor... Many shades are used for work. Staining is performed longitudinally. With this color transition, you get a bright hairstyle.

Coloring different hair

Choose colors and techniques based on hair length and natural color. The procedure for light curls is easy as no pre-lightening is required. For light brown strands, it is advisable to choose ash, wheat, gold shades. 10 tones can be used for coloring.

For light brown hair, it is better to choose the ombre technique. A smooth transition from light to dark strands will create a refreshed look. The balayage technique with the use of dark colors will help to make the image individual. For red hair, you can choose shades of coffee, chocolate, wheat. The lightened ends look beautiful.

Coloring the strand in green and blue is suitable for courageous personalities. For dark hair, it is advisable to choose brown, platinum, red tones. With them it will turn out to make the face visually younger. It is perfect for dark curls, in which only part of the hair is lightened, and then it turns into a natural color. With dark strands, transverse coloring looks beautiful, in which bright and calm tones are used.

By adding a few unusual colors, it will turn out to create an unusual image. For each woman, her own colors are chosen so that everything looks original. The masters also take into account the type of appearance, so that the chosen colors can emphasize the merits. Coloring is best done in a calm environment, and then everything will definitely turn out neatly. After the procedure, the hairstyle becomes brighter. Natural beauty is also emphasized. Simple rules using professional and folk remedies will help to save the results.

Coloring is gaining momentum, more and more girls want to diversify their hairstyle with bright shades, while maintaining their individuality. The coloring process does not present any particular difficulties, the procedure can be carried out on dark and light hair. Experienced hairdressers have developed an effective technology that allows you to do coloring at home. Let's consider the important aspects in order, and give practical recommendations.

What is coloring

Coloring of this kind is the treatment of individual strands with two or more colors. Coloring can be done on hair of various lengths. As for the color scheme, you can use similar or contrasting shades, it all depends on individual preferences.

If the coloring is done in natural colors, you will add extra volume to the hairstyle and make the haircut flowing, cascading. At the same time, contrasting coloring gives the hair originality, unique style and individuality.

Most often, coloring is performed on blonde hair, but this does not mean that the procedure cannot be performed on dark-haired beauties. The only condition is that before starting, lighten the strands a few tones. Coloring is considered convenient, since you do not have to additionally tint the roots. This feature is achieved by a smooth transition from the colored part to the natural one.

What is coloring

Depending on the technique, a distinction is made between round, radial, twisted, watercolor and full coloring. Let's consider each option in order.

  1. Rounded coloring. The technique is designed for long-haired girls; the technique uses about 3-5 shades. To carry out the procedure correctly, the head area is divided into 2 * 2 cm squares. Staining begins from the occipital region, gradually moving to the crown. During the staining process, you need to alternate colors. After the curl is processed, it must be rolled up into a tourniquet, and then twisted into a donut bun and fixed with hairdressing clips.
  2. Radial coloring. To carry out staining using this technique, separate the parietal hair part and fix it. First, paint the occipital area with your favorite color, choosing individual strands that are at a distance of 3 cm from each other. After applying the pigment, wrap the colored curls with foil, go to the stabbed parietal part. Let your hair down in this area, select a few strands, observing the symmetry. Paint them with a second shade and wrap them in foil too.
  3. Twisted coloring. The technique is comparable to the rounded technique with only one refinement. In that case, we dyed the curls along the entire length, and the crowded coloring involves the horizontal application of the composition. To carry out the technology correctly, take a strand, put it in your palm. Dip the brush into the first pigment and draw a strip at the roots. Now soak a brush in a different color paint, make a strip just below. Simulate a zebra until you reach the ends. The distance between the two colors can be varied as desired. After application, twist the strands into a tourniquet, make a donut and secure with clamps. Perform manipulations with each curl separately.
  4. Watercolor coloring. Staining is performed using shades that are similar in color palette. At the same time, it is important to choose colors that almost coincide with the natural tone of the hair. Thus, you will emphasize the native shade, making it deeper and richer. Choose 3-5 colors at your discretion, decide on the order of application (from dark to light and vice versa). Starting from the back of the head, select one strand at a time, apply the first component in the list. Then take the second curl, dye it in the next color on the list. Paint the left side first, then the right side.
  5. Full coloring. Staining using this technique involves replacing the natural color with another shade. After the hair is completely dyed, you can start coloring individual strands. It is necessary to choose a color palette based on the available shade of hair. Typically, this kind of coloring is done by a professional hairdresser. The master knows which shades to choose according to the color wheel, so that the new full hair color is combined with the colored curls. Depending on the idea, you can choose from 5 to 20 shades, using them alternately.

Coloring is rightfully considered a complex procedure, but only if a person does not have sufficient knowledge to carry it out at home. Use how-tos to get answers to the questions in your head.

  1. Start coloring in the early morning, color in natural light. Do not try to complete the procedure quickly, pay attention to the little things. Each hair should be dyed thoroughly without visible "gaps".
  2. Do not immediately use ammonia or ammonia-free preparations (persistent dyes). To get started, pick a palette from the available hair tonics and experiment with them. An alternative is to use colored crayons for the strands. When you understand that the image suits you perfectly, you can wash off the "rough" version and start the procedure with persistent pigments.
  3. To prevent the dye from reacting with other hair care products, do not use foam, mousse, gel and varnish for three days before the start of the procedure. Also, during this period, it is not recommended to wash your hair in order to create a protective barrier for the skin and hair in general.
  4. Before diluting the paint, study the manufacturer's recommendations for each purchased composition. The advice is especially relevant if you use from 3 to 5 shades, while the dyes are produced by different companies.
  5. In order to timely identify individual intolerance to the components, conduct an allergic reaction test. Apply one drop of each formulation to your wrist, wait 15 minutes, rinse and evaluate the result. If there is no itching, inflammation and irritation, start coloring without fear.
  6. Prepare for the procedure: change into old clothes, lubricate the skin along the hairline with petroleum jelly or oily baby cream. Take care of the necessary materials in advance, we will consider them below.
  7. As mentioned earlier, in the process of coloring, the strands are wrapped in foil. The duration of exposure of each composition depends on the manufacturer, it must be specified in the instructions. Peel off the foil in turn, first remove the paint that is holding on less.
  8. In the process of washing hair dye, you cannot remove the foil from all the strands at the same time, especially if different shades are used. Loosen one curl at a time and rinse immediately without mixing colors. After removing the pigment with shampoo, be sure to apply a nourishing balm or mask.

Required materials and tools

  • hair salon or bakery foil;
  • paint brushes (the amount depends on the shades);
  • polyethylene or rubber gloves;
  • oilcloth or hairdressing cape;
  • comb with a sharp tip;
  • oily cream or petroleum jelly;
  • coloring pigment (the number of colors is optional).

Experienced hairdressers recommend that fair-haired girls choose additional colors in red, ash, honey, chestnut shades. If you are a dyed blonde, you can use absolutely any shade, starting from acid blue and pumping crimson, black.

Consider a step-by-step guide on how to colorize platinum and light brown hair at home.

  1. Take care of the necessary tools, cover your shoulders with a hair cape, or wear old clothes. Read the instructions for the coloring composition, lubricate the hairline at the forehead, behind the ears and on the neck with a fat cream or petroleum jelly.
  2. If coloring will be done with a color change, first you need to apply the base shade, wait for the required interval and wash off the composition. Then additional colors are distributed on the dried individual strands, taking into account the selected technique.
  3. After dyeing each curl, you need to wrap it in foil, and only then start processing the next one. As a rule, the exposure time is 30-45 minutes (the exact interval is indicated in the instructions).
  4. After the expiration of the term, unfold one curl, evaluate the result. If it turns out to be insufficient, increase the duration. In cases where the shade is desired, unfold one strand at a time and immediately wash off the paint with shampoo. After all the hair has been released, cover your hair with balm.

Coloring on dark hair

Dyeing dark hair using this technology is considered quite difficult due to the fact that the hair must be pre-lightened. In this case, it is necessary to lighten only those curls on which additional colors will be applied.

Black and dark brown hair goes well with red, ash, platinum and white colors. However, it all depends on personal preference, choose the shades of your choice.

  1. Prepare the necessary materials that may be required during the procedure. Change into old clothes or cover your shoulders with plastic. Read the manufacturer's instructions, lubricate the skin along the hairline with a fat cream.
  2. Choose a brightening composition, apply it to individual strands, wrap the curls in foil, wait for the period specified by the manufacturer. After the allotted time, wash off the brondator, alternately unrolling each strand. Dry your hair.
  3. Apply additional colors to the lightened curls, through which coloring will be done. Wrap, leave for 30-45 minutes, then start removing the foil from each curl in turn. After removing the foil, rinse your hair immediately with shampoo and plenty of water. Finish the procedure with a balm rinse.

It is not difficult to perform coloring at home if you follow the practical recommendations and step-by-step instructions. First, choose a staining technique, experiment with crayons or tonics. Decide on a range of additional colors, arrange them in the correct order (at your discretion).

Video: how to color hair

Just as artists, playing with color and shade, make objects on the canvas more voluminous and expressive, so the hairdresser, using coloring, gives the strands more volume and texture. If you have experience with hair coloring, as well as a little patience and perseverance, then you can do coloring at home.

We will tell you about the techniques and basic rules for performing coloring, give step-by-step instructions and show a photo of the staining result. You can also watch a useful video on this topic.

What it is?

Coloring is a technique thanks to which you can saturate strands with color into several tones. or radically different from the natural hair color. The features of this staining technique include:

  • The ability to get vibrant results using natural shades.
  • The combination of different colors looks fresh and original.
  • Can be done immediately after milling to correct or refresh the result.

Important: If the coloring procedure is performed ineptly or low-quality dyes are used, you can get a completely unpredictable result and spoil not only the type of hairstyle, but also the condition of the hair.

How is this technique different from highlighting?

Coloring is a fundamentally different procedure from highlighting, however, many women still confuse these concepts. In order to understand what you want to get as a result, check out the list of the main differences between these techniques:

  • Highlighting- this is the lightening of the strands by several tones, when coloring is coloring in a different color.
  • Coloring requires a more professional approach and experience in working with hair than highlighting.
  • Coloring Is an easy way to become more extravagant and brighter, while highlighting can be completely invisible to others.

Can you do it yourself at home?

Like any other coloring, coloring can be done at home if you have experience with hair, know how to combine color pigments and you will not be puzzled by working with mirrors (in order to paint the occipital region). As a rule, one shade is chosen as the main one, while the rest serve as auxiliary ones and belong to the same color scheme. However, if your goal is to get an extraordinary and vivid image, you can choose unnatural colors, such as red, blue, purple, etc.

When choosing shades for coloring, start from your natural color of hair, eyes, skin, etc. Familiarity with the principles of color typing and coloring will simplify your task.

What is required for the procedure?

Coloring is a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure, so when deciding to do it yourself for the first time, limit yourself to 2-4 natural shades. So you will "get your hand" and you will understand what result you should expect from staining.

As for the necessary accessories, before performing coloring at home, you need to prepare the following:

  • dyes of the necessary shades - for a start, 2 - 4 colors of the same range will be enough for you;
  • powder and oxide for lightening - if the natural hair color is dark or black;
  • a wide brush for distributing paint over the hair;
  • narrow brush for creating color accents;
  • disposable gloves to protect the skin of the hands from unwanted stains;
  • hair clips - so that the strands are comfortable to divide into sections;
  • foil - for wrapping colored strands;
  • hairdressing comb with a pointed handle - for separating sections;
  • towel.

How to prepare curls correctly?

If you nevertheless decide to do your own coloring yourself, then you need to properly prepare your hair for the procedure, for this:

  1. Treat damaged hair and trim the split ends - this will make the hairstyle more tidy and prevent the hair from drying out.
  2. Test for an allergic reaction to prevent the likelihood of chemical burns and red skin rashes.
  3. Apply a greasy cream to your forehead, ears and neck to avoid staining your skin with coloring pigment.

Advice: Remember to prepare all the necessary staining tools in advance, including gloves, hairbrush and foil. The absence of one of them can significantly ruin the result.

Step by step on how to make yourself at home

There are 5 methods of staining, depending on the chosen technique, the procedure will differ. Below we will look at step by step how you can colorize at home using 5 different fashionable techniques.

Radical staining

According to this staining scheme:

  1. The hair on the crown is separated from the bulk and pinned.
  2. First of all, the strands on the back of the head are painted, and wrapped in foil.
  3. Then you need to go to the crown, and take strands at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

It means coloring in bright and contrasting colors.

Spiral, or snail

Suitable for hair of medium length and longer. For coloring, 3-4 shades from one color range are selected.

  1. Using hairpins or rubber bands, divide the head into equal squares with an area of ​​2 by 2 cm.
  2. The strand is painted in the selected color, after which it is rolled up into a "snail" and secured with a clip.

The colors need to be alternated one by one.

Curls, or horizontal snail

Unlike snail dyeing, where the strands were dyed along the entire length in one color, horizontal snail coloration implies striped coloration(there are dark stripes at the roots, lighter at the tips, or vice versa). The dyed strands are also twisted into "snails" and secured with clamps.


Extravagant and somewhat outdated coloring technology. For coloring, a special curly stencil is taken, with which a drawing is applied to the hair... Thanks to the layering, you can get an interesting and voluminous effect.

Watercolor technology

The technique is not for home execution, as it requires a large number of shades, and the ability to work with brushes. Staining is done in stages, each layer is worked out separately.

Attention: Thanks to this technique, you can make the hair visually more voluminous and the color deeper.

Life hacks for beginners

Learn a few important and very useful how to colorize efficiently and beautifully:

  • If you want to achieve the effect of a sun-burnt strand, do not lighten them above the jawline.
  • Use your fingers instead of a narrow brush - this will make it easier if you're a beginner and help create smoother color transitions.
  • Keep track of the time - or better, set a timer so as not to miss the rinse time and not to burn the strands.
  • Protect your skin with a greasy cream - colored spots on the forehead and ears look sloppy and spoil the whole impression of staining.


  1. Before using coloring pigments, be sure to carry out a sensitivity test. If your skin is red and itchy, skip the procedure.
  2. If your hair has been previously lightened, give it a week to recover and grow stronger, otherwise you can dry out the strands.
  3. If the hair is badly damaged and split, cure it and cut it, and only after that start dyeing.

Follow-up care

As after any other staining, hair after coloring requires additional moisture and protection... For this purpose, professional products for colored and bleached hair are suitable. Alkaline shampoos and alcohol-based conditioners will have to be abandoned, as they dry out the hair and raise the hair scales. If you can't do without hot styling, use thermal protectors.


Coloring is what will help you become brighter and more effective at home! However, if you plan to radically change the image and dye your curls in a bright color, seek the help of a colorist and professional hairdresser.

Hair coloring - a short tour of hair care

Literally 15 years ago, most girls knew only two types of coloring: simple and highlighting. But now there are much more varieties, and girls are already confused with the names of types of hair dyeing. Photos in glossy publications beckon with successful results of multi-stage staining, and I really want to try it on myself. So how does balayazh differ from highlighting, and shatush from ombre?

Hair coloring - a short excursion in hair care to the site


This is a one-tone coloring, that is, the usual coloring familiar to everyone. After toning, all hair is evenly dyed in one color. With this technique, there are no transitions, no gradations, no mixing of shades on the hair. But the color can be mixed from several tubes with different shades to achieve the desired.


One of the newer types of hair coloring in which the color is much darker at the roots than at the ends. In essence, this technique is close to highlighting, but it does not lighten the strands, but makes a gradient along the length of the hair. The darker color at the roots becomes lighter and lighter towards the tips. According to the rules, the transition should be smooth, the result should not resemble the overgrown dark roots of a brunette who is dyed blonde.


Of all types of hair coloring, shatush looks the most natural. Not everyone will even guess that the hair is dyed. In essence, shatush is similar to highlighting, this is also a lightening of the strand and their further toning. But shades close to the natural hair color, sparing compositions are used.


Perhaps the most fashionable type of hair coloring is balayazh. This is a gentle and natural version of ombre. Balayage is a French word and translates to "sweep". As with ombre, the goal is to make a gradient from dark at the roots to light at the tips. But the shades used are natural and differ from the natural hair color by no more than 3 tones.


In 2016, a new trend started - colored hair. Girls, regardless of style and age, began to dye their hair in fancy colors such as blue, pink and even purple. Previously, only young fans of rock culture and cosplay were fond of this. With the right combination with clothes, makeup and beautiful styling, it looks quite fabulous and magical. Few people want to walk like this all their lives, but when to try it, if not in the midst of a trend.


This is the earliest and therefore a primitive multi-stage dyeing technique designed to simulate the effect of burnt hair. It was she who gave rise to the current trend for multi-stage staining.


The fashion for this technique was set by the American women. The word "bronding" comes from the merger of two English words blond - blonde, and brown - brown. This is a combination of highlighting and toning, a kind of dark highlighting. Great for natural brunettes.


This is a classic repainting in a blonde, that is, a cardinal lightening, without any transitions. Constant blonding is not a cheap pleasure, but it just transforms some girls. The most desirable for girls who decide to become blondes is a cold Scandinavian blond. But it is the hardest thing to do, since most girls have red pigment in their hair, which is very difficult to etch out. Therefore, inept masters have blonding with a yellow tint.

10 tips on how to maintain salon results for as long as possible

Hair coloring - how to maintain a salon result as long as possible - tips from the site

Here are some tips on how to maintain the results of new hair colors for as long as possible.

Changing your look, adding new notes to it, creating a new image is characteristic of every woman. If you are not ready for dramatic and radical changes in your appearance, but really want to refresh your look, choose hair coloring.

This procedure will allow you to completely change the appearance, practically without changing anything in it, but only by adding beautiful shades to individual strands of hair in the hairstyle.

How to colorize

The hair coloring procedure itself is the treatment of hair strands with two or more shades of dye (that is, you can take 10 shades - the main thing is that they are combined with each other). According to the principle of hair coloring, it can be longitudinal (when the dye is applied along the length of the hair) and transverse (that is, when the strand is divided into parts and each part is painted with a separate color).

Hair coloring at home is possible only with the longitudinal method, since you cannot apply several shades of paint on one strand on your own. Before starting the procedure, prepare:

  • Several paints (preferably of the same brand), differing from each other by one tone;
  • Foil;
  • Brushes;
  • Latex gloves;
  • A special comb to help divide the hair into fine strands.

Ready-made coloring kits are also on sale - check that it contains all the items necessary for the procedure and start coloring.

  1. Before coloring, do not wash your hair for 2-3 days and do not use any styling products - this may affect the result of coloring.
  2. Carefully study the instructions that come with the paint. Test for allergies to paint components.
  3. Lubricate the skin with cream or petroleum jelly along the hairline so that it does not stain. Cover your shoulders with an old sheet or oilcloth.
  4. Separate the strands that you plan to color with a comb (they should not be wider than 0.5 cm). Secure the rest of the hair with clips.
  5. Start dyeing your hair from the back of the head and move up to the crown and forehead. Place the strand on the foil (strips of foil should be 2-3 cm wide) and paint with a brush. Wrap the strand in foil so that it adheres tightly to your hair.
  6. Move from one row of hair to the next. In this case, the alternation of colors can be free - depending on your taste and wishes.
  7. Try not to overexpose the dye on your hair so as not to burn and dry the strands (no more than 30-40 minutes).
  8. After dyeing, remove the foil from each strand separately and rinse the strands separately as well. When you remove all the foil, thoroughly rinse all hair thoroughly and apply balm to it.

When carrying out home coloring, choose no more than 1-2 colors that will make your strands two or three tones lighter (or darker) - do not pursue exclusivity, it is more difficult to make it yourself.

  • To achieve a positive result, it is not enough to dye your hair in the desired color - first create an imaginary image, taking into account the type of appearance, skin tone, eye color, original hair color, face and head shape.
  • Before coloring, try coloring your hair with tinting agents that are washed off within a month. So you can decide on the choice of color and the distribution of tones.
  • It is most convenient to carry out hair coloring for blonde women - it is not limited in color. At the same time, for coloring, choose bright colors, not much darker than the natural color. Best of all, with light hair, dyeing in ashy, chestnut and reddish shades is obtained.
  • Owners of red oxen can experiment with shades of chocolate, coffee, ripe wheat or copper. For them, you can offer the now popular "American" dyeing, as a result of which the hair seems to have burned out in the sun.
  • It is best to pre-lighten dark hair before coloring (this will highlight individual strands that are to be dyed). Platinum, ash and red strands of all shades look good on black hair.

Hair coloring is a real salvation for owners of thin hair, uncomplicated haircuts and short hair, since such toning makes insufficient hair splendor invisible and gives the appearance a desirable and effective zest.