How to get rid of oily shine on your face - tips and tricks. How to remove oily shine from your face

There is nothing terrible in the shine of the face at the buffet table, but the oily shine of the skin during business negotiations is a completely different story. This article has suggested 10 effective methods to keep your face dry even on the hottest day.

Get rid of harsh cleaning products

Any aggressive cleansing agent is the first nuance that can cause a glossy shine on the skin of the face. Of course, you have to remove excess oil from your skin. Drying your skin too much, however, will only aggravate the situation, as this will cause the skin to produce twice as much oil. That is why you need to choose a cleanser that will be effective enough, but at the same time quite delicate.

Arm yourself with a pore-shrinking drug

The increased temperature leads to active blood circulation and, as a result, the expansion of the pores. Over time, the sebaceous glands begin to function much more actively, the sebum changes its consistency to a more liquid one and the shine of the face becomes more noticeable. Ice cubes or chamomile infusion work well with this problem. If you do not trust traditional medicine too much, then you can solve the problem with the help of special serums.

Get scrubs

In the summer, the use of scrubs can double or even triple. When exposed to high temperatures, the sebaceous glands function more intensively, and therefore, the pores become more clogged.

Find the right mask for your skin type

Mud and clay masks help fight oily sheen and enlarged pores. It is important, only one thing - remember about the nourishing cream after the procedure, as such products dry out the skin.

Change the cream in the summer

The texture of the cream used during the summer season should be as comfortable for the skin as possible, easy to apply and absorbed quickly enough. There should be no feeling of heaviness or, on the contrary, tightness. The best solution might be a nourishing oil-free cream.

Prefer cosmetics that really suit you

Make sure your foundation has matting properties listed. Such preparations not only even out the complexion, but also remove excess sebum. True, when using such cosmetics, it is important to apply it in the thinnest layer so that the skin can breathe.

Choose a compact powder

If it's really stuffy outside, you will see an oily sheen on your face just a few hours after you leave. That is why you should have a tool in your bag that will help you in this situation. It will be better if the powder contains kaolin, zinc and salicylic acid - these substances perfectly matte the skin.

Complete your purse with matting wipes

It is such a thing that can save you during a real non-stop, when there is real heat on the street or at an incendiary disco. It is important, only one thing - you should not rub the skin with napkins, but carefully blot it.

Cleanse your face regularly

If you have been actively fighting the glossy shine of the skin for a long time, and it still does not recede, then it's time to resort to the help of specialists. Go for a facial cleansing session at a beauty salon - this will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the formation of other skin imperfections.

Refer to diet

A greasy shine on the skin of the face can indicate dysbiosis and vitamin deficiency. In this matter, everything is simple: cleanse your body, drink as much water as possible, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, cross out ice cream and kebabs from your diet.

Photos: Gbtyl, Infosmi, Fourseasons, Oriflame, Glitterandmakeup

Although women, exhausted by the struggle with extra pounds, react negatively to the word "fat", we can safely say: the owners of oily skin are very lucky. Skin of this type ages more slowly, later "acquires" wrinkles and, very rarely, age spots. However, you have to pay for the pleasure of staying young longer: care for oily skin needs careful, regular and - important! - correct. Otherwise, the lucky ones have to face such an unpleasant phenomenon as oily sheen.

How to get rid of oily shine on the face, since it has already appeared? Endlessly dusting ourselves in an attempt to look good, using matting wipes - all this, of course, has a cosmetic effect, but, alas, it does not bring us one step closer to beautiful and healthy skin (or maybe it removes us from the desired goal). So the problem should be approached seriously and thoughtfully.
Be healthy!
Healthy skin is a healthy body, and vice versa. Therefore, the presence of oily sheen is a factor that cannot be considered in isolation. And before you start looking for a super cream from an oily sheen, it is worth being examined by some specialists.

  • Greasy shine can be a sign of hormonal imbalance, and if you are faced with this problem, you should definitely plan a visit to an endocrinologist.
  • Another possible reason for the oily sheen of the skin is abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, so this organ should be carefully checked.
  • Be sure to visit a dermatologist, in most cases it is this doctor who can determine the cause of the increased fat content and prescribe treatment.
  • Avitaminosis can also have this effect, especially when it comes to a lack of vitamin B.
  • Improper diet quite often becomes the cause of excessive oily skin. Salty, smoked and fatty foods are a direct way to shiny skin. But fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables will become your allies in matters of beauty in general and healthy skin in particular.

Skin care.
As already mentioned, oily skin care should be special. First of all, get a good system for three-step care: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. The mistake is made by those who leave the skin without cream, they say, and so oily. She still needs additional moisture - just choose a very light lotion or hydrogel.

A little secret: start washing with very warm, almost hot water, this will expand the pores and cleanse better, and end with a rather cool one to narrow them.

Exfoliate at least once a week using a scrub or peeling mask. Sign up for a facial cleanse with a beautician - this step will be the most effective in the fight against oily sheen.

Choose only light foundations and powders, and keep them high quality - non-clogging. If you have applied a toner and you feel it on your skin, the product is not suitable for you. You will not feel the correct makeup base at all. But even the most gentle and hypoallergenic cosmetics must be washed off at night.

Folk remedies: masks and lotions.
You can get rid of oily sheen by using not only expensive creams in mind-blowing jars, but also those products that are usually found in every home and are available to any housewife.

For example, ordinary low-fat kefir will help to call in order to excessively oily skin. It is enough to apply it on the face for ten minutes in the morning, and then rinse it off with warm water - and during the day the oily sheen will not bother you. Just do not take kefir from the refrigerator, let it be at room temperature.

A mask made from egg white and a few drops of lemon will tighten pores, improve complexion and remove oily shine. You need to do it once every one to two weeks. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

An oatmeal mask will also help fix the problem: add lemon to the oatmeal and apply on the problem area for twenty minutes.

Medicinal herbs will also come to the rescue. Buy chamomile, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, plantain, or sage at the pharmacy. You can use either alone or a mixture of these herbs. For the best effect, you need to grind them in a coffee grinder, and then pour two tablespoons of the resulting powder with boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain the broth. The liquid can be poured into molds and frozen, and then wiped with this ice in the morning on the face, neck and décolleté. The resulting gruel needs to be applied to the face - this is a useful cleansing mask.

Not all that glitters is gold - folk wisdom says, and the truth is: glitter may not be attractive at all if it is oily and on the face. But if you pay enough attention to your skin, the long-awaited healthy glow will soon replace the oily sheen.

The oily shine of the skin of the face gives many problems to girls and women. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to get rid of unnatural shine, eliminate excessive oily skin.

Oily shine on the face is a rather unpleasant common problem that women most often face. Excessive fat content of the epidermis causes trouble for both girls and mature women. An especially relevant question of how to remove oily shine from the face arises in the warm season, in summer or spring. Of course, you can mask the shine of the epidermis with cosmetics, matting tonal creams, powder, and decorative cosmetics. But the problem will be solved only for some time, therefore, in order to eliminate the oily sheen from the face, it is necessary to understand and eliminate the main root causes of the oily epidermis.

The epidermis, regardless of the type, secretes fat, which protects the skin from negative external factors. Sebum forms a protective film on the face, which retains moisture in the structural layers of the dermis, slows down the aging process of the epidermis.

Thanks to the protective layer, the epidermis retains its elasticity, healthy appearance, and its youth. But in some cases, the sebaceous glands begin to produce fat in large quantities, as a result of which the skin becomes excessively shiny, looks unaesthetic, unattractive. Shine is most often most noticeable in the T-zone, lips, chin, central forehead, on the nose, since the epidermis on the cheeks, under the eyes, is usually drier.

Oily skin is accompanied by an unnatural shine, enlarged pores. Most often, the unpleasant "companions" of the oily epidermis are acne, comedones. The sebum of the fat clogs, clogs the pores, creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic flora.

An unnatural shine can appear on clean, dry skin, especially during the hot season, when the temperature in the shade reaches 20-28 degrees. For this reason, in order to restore a healthy appearance to the epidermis, it is necessary to systematically properly care for the skin of the face, use high-quality, professional cosmetics and lines.

Beautiful, healthy matte skin is every woman's dream. Oily shine, unnatural color of the epidermis, other problems with it cause trouble, contribute to the development of complexes, can ruin even the most thoughtful image. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out what leads to the appearance of greasiness, shine of the skin of the face. Knowing the cause, you can quickly fix this problem using simple, affordable, effective methods.

Reasons for the appearance of an oily sheen

Representatives of the fair half face the problem of the appearance of an unnatural shine of the face, regardless of age, whom nature has endowed with a fatty type of epidermis. This type of skin is characterized by a high activity of the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, especially in the warm season. With oily epidermis, an unnatural “gloss” is visible on the forehead, wings of the nose, and chin.

The main factor that leads to excessive oily skin in women is hormonal changes. With hormonal imbalance, the sebaceous glands begin to more actively produce sebum, which leads to the appearance of shine on the face.

A greasy sheen may appear due to disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system, the digestive tract, especially in case of malfunctioning of the liver, biliary tract.

The reasons contributing to the greasiness of the skin include:

Oily shine of the skin of the face can be the result of the use of low-quality cosmetics, occur for purely psychological reasons (frequent stress, fatigue, neuroses).

How to get rid of the oily shine of the face

There are many effective ways that you can remove excessive fat content of the epidermis. To solve the problem, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause, to know what systematic skin care should be.

If the cause is hormonal imbalance, dermatological problems, after examination at the medical center, the specialist will prescribe a treatment course, effective medications. In case of problems of a dermatological nature, it will be useful to visit a beauty parlor, a spa salon, and undergo a complex of special cosmetic physiotherapy procedures.

In case of vitamin deficiency, slagging of the body, metabolic disorders, which led to the appearance of an unpleasant shine on the face, it is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle and diet. It is necessary to cleanse your body by choosing the most optimal, convenient way for yourself. A change in diet, a short-term diet, cleansing enemas, the use of herbal teas, decoctions, tinctures based on medicinal plants will help.

For vitamin deficiencies, eat berries, fresh fruits, vegetables. You can also drink a vitamin and mineral complex.

Proper care of the oily type of epidermis

Proper daily care will help prevent the appearance, get rid of oily sheen. Special attention should be paid to their epidermis for owners of oily skin types.

With oily epidermis, you must adhere to the following rules.

You need to be very careful when choosing decorative cosmetics. It is worth refusing to use tonal bases, creams, oily powder. Such products clog the pores, promote their expansion, the formation of acne, and the appearance of acne. The wrong choice of cosmetics will only exacerbate the problem.

The beauty industry is ready to offer decorative cosmetics, special care products for oily skin based on natural ingredients that will eliminate unnatural shine, restore the epidermis to beauty, youth and health. A matting loose powder of light texture, napkins, but at the same time they should not contain alcohol, will help to disguise the oily sheen.

You need to cleanse the oily type of epidermis twice a day, using a soft cosmetic brush, gels, gentle tonics. Moisturizers should be applied in light circular motions in an even layer.

For washing with an oily type of epidermis, you can use decoctions, tinctures based on medicinal plants.

If rashes, inflammations are noticeable on the face, before the cleansing procedure, wipe it with alcohol-containing tonics and lotions with a sterile cotton pad. The composition of the funds should include zinc oxide, hyaluronic, glycolic, salicylic acid, which has an antibacterial effect.

Three times a week, you can use special exfoliating agents, peeling gels, which will narrow, quickly cleanse the pores from excess sebum, remove dead keratinized particles of "dead" cells from the epidermis surface.

Steam baths for the face can be performed several times a month. On the eyelids, under the eyes, before the procedure, it is worth applying a moisturizing light cream. For the procedure, you can use:

  • chamomile;
  • lemon balm leaves;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • sage.

Leaning over the prepared mixture, cover your head with a towel, hold your face over the steam for several minutes, closing your eyes.

After the manipulations, you just need to blot the skin with a clean paper towel, apply a nourishing cream to clean skin. Before applying the product, you need to rinse your face with cold water, add a few drops of lemon juice, wipe your skin with an ice cube.

After steam baths, you can also make a nourishing mask. For oily epidermis, masks based on fermented milk products, fresh vegetables (cucumber, cucumber-carrot), clay, yeast masks with lemon juice are suitable.

Before going outside in sunny weather, be sure to apply sunscreen to your skin. It is best to use sunscreen, oil-free gels. You can remove excess sebum from your face with moisturizing antibacterial wipes throughout the day.

Do not overuse artificial tanning by visiting tanning salons too often. Exposure to high temperatures does not in the best way affect the state of the epidermis, activates hormonal processes in the dermis, and increases the production of melanin.

Care for different types of epidermis

Regardless of the type of epidermis, facial skin care should be systematic. You should not use harsh soaps for washing, which provoke the production of sebum. For cleansing, use mild daily cleansers, which must be chosen according to the type of epidermis. The water for washing should be at room temperature. Hot water activates the sebaceous glands. It is best to use separated, filtered water for washing.

Make-up should only be applied to previously cleansed skin. It is equally important to monitor the shelf life of cosmetics. Once every seven to eight days, you need to completely clean the sponges, brushes for applying make-up.

Once every seven days, it is necessary to cleanse the epidermis, peeling gels, face scrubs with small particles. You can eliminate the oily shine of the face with the help of nourishing masks, which you can very simply prepare yourself using the available ingredients at home.

With a combined type of epidermis, in order to reduce the oily skin in the T-zone, daily care should include three stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. In the summer, in the heat, it is worth refusing to use nourishing creams at night.

Alternative medicine

You can remove oily shine from your face, restore beauty and health to your skin using the following recipes of alternative medicine.

  1. Beat the egg white, adding the crushed zest of one lemon, lime. Apply the prepared mixture for ten minutes. After the cosmetic procedure, rinse your face with warm water.
  2. Apply a fresh cucumber or a few slices of vegetable to your face. You can add a little boric powder to the cucumber gruel. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.
  3. One Art. l. flowers of chamomile, calendula, yarrow, lemon balm, sage, nettle pour 500 ml of warm water. Cook over low heat for ten minutes. Leave for 30-40 minutes under the lid. Strain the broth. Apply gruel from medicinal plants to the skin for half an hour on cleansed skin.
  4. An effective exfoliating cleanser is regular table vinegar. It is enough just to moisten a cotton pad in vinegar, wipe your face with it.

As a tonic, cleanser, you can use citrus fruits, lemon juice, orange peel, tangerine. You can mix in equal proportions the juice of one lime and a fresh cucumber.

Systematic regular skin care, properly selected cosmetic products for different types of epidermis will help prevent the appearance of oily sheen and normalize the sebaceous glands. If the above methods did not help get rid of the oily sheen of the face, you need to contact the cosmetology center.

Every girl and woman wants to look perfect. But this is not always possible to achieve. Most often, the mood is spoiled by various skin problems. One of the most common cosmetic troubles is oily shine on the face. The skin is shiny from a large amount of sebum secreted. This can be due to hormonal changes - during adolescence, during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the skin can be oily from poor nutrition or the use of low-quality cosmetics.

To cope with the oily shine of the face, you need to normalize the production of sebum. This can be done with the help of special cosmetics that are designed for this type of face. But it is best to use homemade recipes, because they consist of natural ingredients.

Masks against oily sheen

  1. Kefir. It is best to take kefir with a low percentage of fat. Instead, you can use fermented baked milk or yogurt. Fermented milk products work very well on oily skin. They nourish it with vitamins and acidic bacteria that normalize sebum production. Kefir should be applied to cleansed skin every day, and then within a week you will notice an improvement.
  2. Lemon. It is an excellent treatment for oily skin and enlarged pores. It is not recommended to wipe the face with pure lemon juice, because it is quite aggressive. However, in the composition of the masks, lemon works wonders. Lemon juice, thanks to its acids, provides soft and delicate exfoliation of the skin. After regular application of lemon juice in masks, the skin becomes matte, no shine.
  3. Protein. It is another powerful ingredient in the fight against oily skin. Beat the egg white with a tablespoon of lemon juice and add the cucumber pulp to the mask. It is ideal for moisturizing and matte skin.
  4. Oatmeal. Oatmeal flour perfectly absorbs excess sebum. Grind the oatmeal to a flour state, add a little kefir and lemon juice - you can't think of the best mask for oily skin.
  5. Cucumber and milk. This is another healthy recipe for oily skin. Grate a cucumber and mix it with three tablespoons of milk. Place the pulp on your cleansed face. If the mixture is thin enough, soak a cosmetic tissue in this liquid and place it on your skin. Rinse off the mask with water after drying. This composition will not only eliminate oily shine, but also improve the complexion, remove bags under the eyes.

After application, any mask should be left for 30 minutes and then washed off with warm water. It is contraindicated for girls with oily skin to wash with hot water, as this promotes increased production of sebaceous fat.

Facial cleansing against oily skin

If the skin becomes oily, you need to wash it more often and wipe it with special products. A decoction of medicinal herbs is suitable for washing. It should be made with chamomile, nettle and sage. Take one tablespoon of each of these herbs and pour boiling water over the herbal mixture. After the broth is infused, it must be filtered. Wash your face in the morning and evening in such a composition to get rid of the oily sheen on the skin.

The greasy layer can be removed from the skin with the help of various lotions and tonics. It is better if they contain a low percentage of alcohol. Make homemade pink lotion. Fill an opaque glass bottle with fresh rose petals. Then pour alcohol there and leave for several days in a cool room or just in the refrigerator. Shake the bottle from time to time. After 2 weeks, when the infusion is ready, it must be filtered and diluted with five parts of water. Wipe your face with this composition every day. It is a very effective remedy for oily skin. Plus, it has a chic floral scent.

To quickly cope with oily skin, you need to follow some rules for caring for this type of skin.

  1. Cleansing is the main procedure for caring for your face. If you do not remove the remnants of cosmetics, dust and grease from the face in time, then inflammation can begin inside the pore, which leads to acne and blackheads. Every day, after removing makeup with special products, wash your face with a soft brush. It will deeply cleanse the pores.
  2. To prevent clogging of the pores, you need to regularly exfoliate the skin with any cosmetic scrub. You can use coffee grounds as a home peel. Particles of coffee remove dead scales from the skin and cleanse the face efficiently.
  3. If oily skin is combined with enlarged pores, then you need to regularly wipe your face with ice cubes. For a greater effect, you can use not plain water for freezing, but decoctions of medicinal herbs, juices of vegetables and fruits.
  4. If you have oily skin and enlarged pores, then it is undesirable to do steam baths, because the pores open even more during steaming.
  5. If oily skin is combined with acne and blackheads, in this case, you need to wipe your face with the following composition. Mix a rich calendula tea with aloe juice. Wipe your face and leave to dry. Repeat the procedure several times. After you have applied 3-5 coats, you can wash your face with cool water and apply a light moisturizer to your skin.
  6. To prevent your face from shining, you need to use correctly selected decorative cosmetics. A light powder without a shiny structure will emphasize the matte face and eliminate oily sheen. Foundation is not recommended for this type of skin. But remember to rinse off your makeup thoroughly before bed to prevent clogged pores.

Competent facial care is part of the daily hygiene of any beauty. If you want to cope with the hated oily shine, you just need to regularly cleanse your skin and do simple masks. And then your face will acquire an exquisite matte finish and perfect cleanliness.

Video: how to get rid of oily sheen

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Many people are faced with the task of eliminating oily sheen on the face. Especially this trouble intensifies towards summer, when it overtakes even those whose skin is not oily or combination.

An unsatisfactory ecological environment, together with hot weather, are the culprits for the appearance of oily sheen on the face.

In this article, we will tell you how to reduce the oily skin without the services of expensive cosmetologists.


There are a lot of reasons due to which the skin of the face becomes covered with an oily sheen, and not all of them can be eliminated on their own:

  • Upset nervous system;
  • the presence of dysbiosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;

All this requires serious treatment. The methods for eliminating fatty plaque, which we will give below, eliminate the cosmetological disadvantage. Only a doctor of this specialization will help to cancel medical problems.

As we said, in the hot season, not only oily skin can shine. But it is precisely such skin that is most likely to be covered with shine. You've probably heard that there are four categories of leather. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Yes, you didn’t hear, oily skin is also not devoid of advantages.

Skin with increased fat content retains its youth longer, because the fatty film that appears on the face creates a barrier to the penetration of pathogenic substances and retains moisture.

The face becomes shiny due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are working too actively. Oily skin is characterized by enlarged excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, from which sebum exudes. In addition to a sloppy appearance, fat on the skin of the face becomes the culprit for the appearance of acne - there is a mixture of sebum, dust and dead corneous cells, hence the appearance of plugs and clogging of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.

With fruit juice

You will need:

  • Juice 1 tbsp.
  • Boiled water 1 tbsp.
  • Glycerin 1 tsp

Cherries, strawberries, apricots, pears, apples, red and white currants are suitable for a mask that removes the oily shine on the forehead. Add water and glycerin to freshly squeezed juice. A layer of cotton wool or gauze is moistened in this composition and applied to the forehead. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the mask.

This mask, in addition to removing oily sheen, exhibits firming properties, makes the skin smooth, soft and clean.

With calendula


  • Tincture of calendula 1 tbsp
  • Boiled water 100 ml

Mix the ingredients. Cover the face with a cotton or gauze layer soaked in this solution, keeping the nostrils, mouth, and eyes uncovered. The mask is removed after a quarter of an hour, excess moisture is removed with a cotton swab.

If the forehead suffers the most from the oily sheen, leave the mask on the forehead for a few more minutes.

Cosmetic wipes

The use of cosmetic wipes and strips helps to fight the oily film on the face. They will not be able to cure, but they will cope with the aesthetic problem.

Outwardly, they are similar to parchment paper, but they contain only cellulose. They perfectly absorb the secreted sebum and cope with oily sheen in no time.

Due to their compact size, they are convenient to carry in your purse and can be used anywhere. In addition, such wipes or strips are completely safe and hypoallergenic. Only natural materials and no chemicals are used in their production.

What not to do

To bring oily skin back to normal, you must follow some rules.

  • Discard the foundation.

Thanks to it, a film forms, which aggravates the problem. The use of even the most expensive and, according to the manufacturer, breathable mineral foundation, threatens the skin with a greenhouse effect, an oasis in which microorganisms will multiply, and acne will appear. We recommend that you abandon the foundation, replacing it with loose powder, it would be nice, with rice.

  • Do not dry oily skin, often wiping it with all sorts of alcohol solutions.

This also aggravates the problem. The physiological characteristics of the skin are such that by drying them, you can achieve even greater production of fat. This means that you will not get rid of the oily sheen, but only enhance it.

  • You also need to take care of your diet.

Sweets and spicy foods provoke the appearance of a greasy sheen. Give up the use of sugar, honey, carrots. They help produce hormones that make the sebaceous glands work harder.



Observing these principles and performing elementary actions, after two weeks it will be possible to see an improvement in the structure of the skin and release from oily sheen. If you did everything correctly, and the oily film does not go away, then the problem needs to be solved only with a specialist.