How to start feeding with the mixture. What to do to increase lactation. Glagolova S.A. family doctor, Kiev

There are situations when breastfeeding supplementation is necessary. Much has been said about the benefits of breast milk. But sometimes it is simply not enough, and the baby does not gorge itself. This can happen for various reasons. For example, in a small percentage of women, milk is produced in very small quantities, despite all the tricks. It is also possible that it is a lactation crisis that needs to be properly dealt with. But a baby crying from hunger does not contribute to this. And if mom is nervous, the milk is unlikely to come back.

When is supplementation needed?

It is not necessary to supplement a healthy, vigorous, actively gaining weight child, even if the mother doubts the quantity and quality of her milk. But in the opposite case, it is worth worrying:

  • the child is not gaining weight;
  • the baby is very restless or, conversely, lethargic;
  • a test for wet diapers shows that the baby stains them less often than 10 times a day.

Of course, sometimes babies gain weight poorly due to their individual characteristics. But then he will behave calmly. If he cries a lot, gets nervous at his chest, spits it out and screams, then he probably does not have enough food. Lethargy and unwillingness to suckle can also testify to this: the baby is weak from hunger and gets tired quickly. If, moreover, he rarely stains the diapers, then it is time to feed him, that is, to introduce the mixture.

Mothers who are eager to breastfeed do not need to rush to get upset. It is likely that later it will be possible to completely return to it, if everything is done correctly. Supplementary feeding is a temporary measure that will enable the baby to fully develop at a time of crisis.

The decision on the need for supplementation should be made together with the pediatrician. Low weight gain does not always mean a lack of breast milk. If the matter is in dysbiosis or lactose deficiency, then the child does not receive the required amount of nutrients. In such cases, taking enzymes and drugs containing beneficial bacteria can help. If the child is really hungry, the doctor will recommend which formula to choose.

How much mixture should I inject?

One of the important questions is how much supplementation should be introduced. It is necessary to make a calculation, focusing on the calorie content or the amount eaten. The second method is most often used, since it is the simplest. You just need to remember that the amount of food is calculated taking into account the child's body weight, while it should not be more than 1100 ml per day.

  • If the baby is not yet one and a half months old, then he should eat a volume of food equal to a fifth of his weight.
  • Up to 4 months, the norm is one sixth of the weight.
  • Up to six months - the seventh.
  • After 6 months - the eighth.

The daily allowance is divided by the number of feedings. To understand how much of the mixture to dilute, the child is weighed before and after attachment to the breast. Then it will be clear how much milk he eats.

How to give supplements?

It is allowed to apply to the baby's breast upon request. This will help stimulate lactation. The mixture can only be given strictly on schedule, no more than once every 3 hours. It will be difficult for the child's body to cope with new, heavier food.

First, the baby should be given a breast, even both in turn, and only after that should be supplemented with a mixture. Otherwise, a well-fed child will refuse to make efforts to get milk, and lactation will simply come to naught. But we must take into account the temperament of the crumbs. If one baby calmly sucks at the breast, then the other will spit out the nipple, cry and demand food. But if he is fed first, and then the breast, then he will relax and still take it. So it makes sense to try both options.

Over time, the weight will stabilize, and the baby will begin to gain well. A sufficient amount of urination will also confirm that the volume of the mixture is correct.

What to look for when choosing a mixture?

Surely parents are interested in which mixture to choose when mixed feeding. If we are talking about a healthy child, then you can try any. It is unlikely that it will be possible to predict the reaction to new food in advance, since the body of each baby is individual. And what works well for one person may not necessarily do the same for another. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to find out without trying it. But there are certain recommendations that should be followed when supplementing with a mixture.

  • Choose the right product for a certain age of the child. All manufacturers indicate this information on the packaging.
  • Take into account the preferences of the baby. He may refuse one mixture, but will gladly eat another.
  • First, it is worth proposing a hydrolyzate mixture. It is not as tasty as breast milk, so it is unlikely that the baby will give up breast.
  • If the product is suitable for the child, does not cause allergic reactions, he gains weight well, then you should not try to replace it with something better. Switching to a new food is stressful for the body. So, when considering which mixture to choose, you should pay attention to its availability in stores.

In some cases, the choice of the mixture turns out to be unsuccessful: it does not suit the baby. Then you need to enter another. But this should be done gradually, replacing the previous one with a small amount of a new one. The portion should be increased daily. First, one feeding is completely replaced, then the rest.

With what help to feed the child?

The most convenient way to give the mixture is from a bottle. But the principle of sucking in this case is different from what is needed to obtain milk from the mother's breast. The kid gets used to making little effort. Therefore, refusing to breastfeed after bottle feeding is common.

If the amount of supplement is small, then you can give it to the baby with a spoon. The method is simple, requiring no additional accessories or special skills. But it is quite laborious and time consuming. To prevent the food from flowing out, you must try to pour it over the cheek.

It is often possible to feed the baby from a cup. The advantages of this method include its simplicity and the ability to easily handle the container between feedings. This type of eating stimulates the tongue movements necessary for sucking on the breast. Only it should be done correctly.

An ordinary sterile syringe without a 10 ml needle is suitable for feeding with a mixture. It must be inserted into the baby's mouth and the food is gently injected.

To prevent the baby from accidentally overturning the bowl, you can swaddle him. The upper part of his body should be raised, and then a bowl, at least half filled with the mixture, should be brought to his lips. You cannot pour liquid into the child's mouth, he must suck it in himself. Don't rush him. It takes time for a baby to learn to eat this way.

The most physiological method is considered to be a special feeding system at the breast. It consists of a container into which the supplement is poured, and a thin tube brought to the nipple. It must be inserted into the corner of the baby's mouth during feeding. He will suckle and receive food even if the breast is empty. There are cases when, thanks to this system, milk appeared even from nulliparous women who adopted children. An important plus of the method is the stimulation of lactation, since the child does not lose interest in the breast.

Bottle mix

If, after all, it turned out to be more convenient to feed from the bottle, then you should take care that the baby does not eventually give up the breast.

  • It's good if the nipple on the bottle is shaped at least a little like your mother's nipple.
  • It is best to choose a slow flow teat like for a newborn. Milk comes out of the breast at a steady rate. Therefore, there is no need to increase the flow from the bottle, even as the baby grows.
  • You can try to simulate breastfeeding. To do this, you need to hold a bottle over the lips of the baby, then he will open his mouth wide. This means that it will be possible to insert the nipple so that it captures not a narrow part, but a wider base.
  • It is worth changing the position of the crumbs, as is the case when shifting from one breast to the second.

How to get breastfeeding back?

If you introduce supplementary feeding correctly, then the chance to establish lactation and switch exclusively to breastfeeding is quite large. Of course, this will only work if the mother has such a desire. To do this, you must often latch the baby to the breast, especially at night. It's good if you can spend two or three days in close contact with your baby, skin to skin. But this will only work if there is someone to take on the household chores.

Expressing can be another incentive to accelerate lactation. The amount of milk that will come next time depends on how well the breast is emptied. Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended.

Perhaps, it will be possible to get away from supplementary feeding by itself: the baby will begin to gorge himself on the breast and refuse the bottle. If not, then gradually reduce the volume of the mixture, then remove one feeding at a time. The more additional food the baby received, the longer this process will last.

When a baby is constantly hungry after breastfeeding, it is not necessary to immediately transfer him to bottle feeding. Try supplementation first. After all, breast milk is very useful, even if the baby does not receive much of it. Maybe in the future it will be possible to establish lactation.

Breastfeeding is undoubtedly the gold standard for baby nutrition. But what to do when mom can't breastfeed? Let's say she is sick, she has no or little milk, or there are other reasons. Artificial feeding with milk formulas is called for help. In order for it to be beneficial, it is important to know all the nuances - how often to feed a newborn with a formula, how much milk formula can be given, which one is better to choose, etc.

What is artificial feeding

This is the replacement (full or partial - 2/3 of the diet) of breast milk with artificial dairy products.

BTW: Ideal for twins, triplets, etc.

Selection rules

It should be done in favor of a quality product. It's not only about the date of manufacture, the duration of storage after opening the package. First of all, these should be the correct recommendations of the pediatrician, based on:

  • composition of food,
  • the age of the baby
  • his weight,
  • characteristics of the body,
  • reactions to food.
  • his weight,
  • characteristics of the body,
  • reactions to food.

Reasons for replacement

Do you have diarrhea or constipation, drowsiness, or gas? The dairy product may not be suitable. Does the feeding take place in the mode of tears and spits out? Something went wrong, didn't like the taste, or something else. This means that you need to consult a doctor for advice and advice. Because there are more serious reasons forcing a pediatric specialist to replace one formula for artificial feeding with another:

  1. Allergy to the composition (severe rashes).
  2. Requires another one suitable for the age.
  3. Due to illness (requires a special composition with medicinal properties).
  4. Stopping weight gain.

BTW: You cannot use several different mixtures, give food intended for a different age, or feed the child against his will.

How often can artificial mixtures be changed?

No, often and, moreover, arbitrarily, without talking to a pediatrician, it is not recommended to do this. It is difficult for a child's body to rebuild quickly or, worse, to do it all the time. Try to observe more closely the assimilation of the new food by the child:

  1. The rash may go away the next day.
  2. The unsuccessful chair got better by the evening.
  3. The tummy doesn't hurt the next morning.
  4. No regurgitation and the like.

ATTENTION: If something is wrong, pay a visit to the children's clinic. Ask what types of dairy products are ideal.

Formulas for artificial feeding - types and varieties

Manufacturers make products for artificial feeding of newborns, based on milk (goat or cow). It happens:

  • dry, liquid,
  • unleavened and fermented milk substitutes for human milk,
  • normal (a bit like mother's milk in composition) and adapted (as similar as possible).

Varieties of formula for artificial feeding of newborns

  1. Most adapted: with the greatest degree of similarity to mother's milk.
  2. Highly adapted: thanks to the presence of tauric acid, the nutrition is ideal for premature babies.
  3. With less adaptation: from powdered cow's milk, without whey, but with the remaining adaptation parameters.
  4. With partial adaptation: without whey, with incomplete adaptation of carbohydrates and fats, starch and sucrose; unacceptable for newborns.
  5. Special: for special occasions when special nutrition is required (immunocompromised babies, premature babies).
  6. Therapeutic (lactose-free, soy, semi-elementary, with thickeners - for allergies, impaired absorption of food in the intestine, low weight, disorders of the intestinal flora, etc.).

ATTENTION: Medical and special mixtures are prescribed by a doctor according to indications!

How Often To Feed Your Newborn With Formula - Feeding Regimen

Can the baby be fed at will and on demand? No, it’s better not to.

Firstly, this is not mother's milk, which comes in proportion to the one sucked by him in the previous feeding.

Secondly, the baby's body needs time to digest artificial food. Otherwise, if the break is not taken, nothing good will come of adding fresh food to undigested food.

When a baby is bottle-fed, he must consume the prescribed amount of food, and strictly according to the hour.

How to introduce the mixture correctly - cooking rules

If this is the first introduction to the diet of dairy products (or new), then carry out the process within 5-7 days. Initially, a small volume is offered (no more than one third of the required portion). If everything went well, the amount of food increases over the course of the week.

Rules for the preparation of milk formula and feeding

The first thing to do is to carefully read the instructions for preparing a dairy product and adhere to it. More or less of the contents of the pack or can is fraught with belching, regurgitation, unstable stools and other consequences that are dangerous to the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs. When preparing a mass, which must certainly please a tiny artificial artist, consider:

She prepares exclusively before feeding and in no case - not for the future.

Water (boiled) and the product are quickly mixed in the right proportion until completely dissolved. Then the bottle is shaken.

Cooking should only be done in a well-sterilized container.

For breeding, specialized water without harmful substances is used.

The nipple for feeding should be suitable for the baby.

REMEMBER: The temperature of the cooked food should be 36-37 ° (by dropping a drop on your wrist, check - the liquid should not be felt).

How to calculate the amount of formula you need to feed

The rate is calculated based on the age of the baby, weight and appetite. In principle, the so-called "volumetric method". For example, the main food per day should be:

  • in the first two months of life - 1/5 of body weight,
  • in 2-4 months - 1/6,
  • at 4-6 months - 1/7,
  • after six months - 1 / 8-1 / 9.

Example. The weight of an infant aged 3.5 months is 5700. Give him 950 ml of the adapted formula per day. But the approximate amount of food, as well as how many hours to feed, is specified in each case separately with the doctor, and not "by eye".

REMEMBER: Your little "artificial" can eat different amounts of food at a time. Well-being, appetite and other factors can be the determining factor.

How much food do you need per feeding?

For this, the daily volume is divided by the number of doses. Those. from the formula 950: 6 = 158 we see that at a time after the required period of time (with six meals) the little one should be given about 160 g.

BTW: The volume of an artificial product does not include juice, water, decoctions of fruits and vegetables. If the menu includes complementary foods (vegetable puree, yolk, cottage cheese), the fact should be taken into account when determining the required volume of the mixture.

How to properly feed your baby with formula

  1. Before feeding with powder or liquid products mixed with baby water, the temperature of the resulting mass is checked (should not be higher than 36.6-37 degrees).
  2. It is important to observe that the baby does not swallow air while sucking.
  3. You can not re-give an already unused mixture.
  4. The child should be in a semi-upright position.
  5. After eating, the dishes and the nipple must be sterilized with high quality.

NEED TO KNOW: Is there anything left in the bottle? Pour it out, because you can't leave a drop next time!

How many times to feed - feeding mode

How do you know after what time, how many times to feed the "artificial"? Their feeding schedule is usually traditional. So, in the first month of life, you should give to eat 6-7 times, i.e. a break is maintained somewhere in 3-3.5 hours. (At night, the interval can be about 6 hours). After that, the gap increases.

ATTENTION: If you notice that the "artificial" baby is not enough, he does not gorge himself, consult with your doctor about increasing the number of feedings.

In a word, everything is determined, and then, if necessary, the doctor will correct. For example, a crumb will not cope with the recommended volume at a time. This means feed more often, but in smaller portions.

One way or another, it is advisable to closely monitor the behavior of the little one. He should not be lethargic and inactive. Must gain weight well. Otherwise, go to the clinic!

BTW: Include water in the diet when artificial feeding! But do not take it into account when calculating the total daily allowance for a child's meal.

  1. When preparing food, take the mixture with a clean measuring spoon.
  2. In the first days, prepare the required volume by adding 10-20 ml. When the diet of the "artificial" baby improves, the amount will be easier to select.
  3. Yes, milk with artificial feeding is longer in the stomach, and therefore the regime is established. But if the baby gets very worried about 15-20 minutes before feeding, do not torment - feed.
  4. The nipple should be with a normal, not a large opening - the milk does not flow in trickles, but drips.
  5. Hold the bottle so that the milk fills the neck. Otherwise, having swallowed air with milk, the baby will vomit.
  6. Do not leave him alone with the horn - after burping, he may choke.
  7. Do not feed while you sleep.
  8. Go to the clinic if you notice frequent regurgitation, insufficient weight and height gain, frequent (more than three times a day) stools with undigested lumps, any anxiety before or after meals.

Pros of artificial feeding

So, is there no breast milk, or are there other good reasons to stop breastfeeding? Do not rush to get upset! Yes, the formula recommended for you does not contain such unique elements of human milk. But still, this feeding system has its advantages.

  1. You can entrust feeding to your husband or someone from your family, and go away on business.
  2. Feeding the child in this way, the mother knows how much food he needs. Therefore, he will immediately notice health problems.
  3. You can, unlike breastfeeding moms, continue to eat as before.
  4. You are not at risk of mastitis or other breastfeeding problems.
  5. Due to the longer digestion of the mixture, the number of meals is reduced. This means that you can devote much more time to yourself, your family and your favorite business!

Reading time: 5 minutes

For a baby, breast milk is the best product. It contains all vitamins and nutrients necessary for the development of a baby. Sometimes the mother does not have enough milk, then the pediatrician advises switching to mixed feeding of newborns. There are certain rules as to how and when to introduce formula supplementation.

When to feed your baby

The woman often begins to introduce supplements unnecessarily. For example, the mother takes soft breasts for the absence of milk, but in reality this may be a sign of mature lactation - milk begins to be produced at the moment when the baby lays on the breast. In addition, if the baby turns away from the breast, this does not mean that there is no milk there. It's just that the baby may be overexcited or upset.

Supplementation with formula during breastfeeding should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

As a rule, if the child does not have enough urine per day, the doctor may prescribe additional food. Mixed feeding is prescribed in such cases:

  • the need to switch to nutrition with medicinal mixtures;
  • illness of the mother, which is accompanied by taking medications;
  • lack of lactation due to stress;
  • if the baby was born prematurely;
  • lack of nutrients in breast milk with anemia (anemia) in the mother;
  • with a large blood loss of a woman during childbirth;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • great weight loss in the baby;
  • if the baby has a disease associated with the assimilation of breast milk;
  • long separation of the child from his mother.

Supplementary feeding methods

There are two types of mixed feeding:

  1. Sequential, in which the infant suckles until the milk runs out. After that, with visible signs of anxiety, the baby is given a mixture so that he does not feel hungry.
  2. Alternate. One feeding the mother gives the baby to the breast, and the other or the next one adds the mixture.

There are several ways to supplement:

Way Description pros Minuses
Using a spoon (a tea, dessert or any small non-metal spoon will do).
  • It is necessary to collect the mixture in a spoon and pour over the child's cheek.
  • After he has swallowed one serving, the next one can be offered.
The baby does not give up the breast and does not get used to the nipple. It requires patience and a certain skill from the mother.
From a bottle with a nipple.
  • The baby should be laid on his knees, holding with his hand and lifting the upper body.
  • The bottle should be held horizontally, the nipple should be placed in the baby's open mouth.
  • The easiest way to feed your baby.
  • Convenient while walking.
  • Can lead to complete refusal of breastfeeding.
  • Promotes nipple addiction
With a syringe or pipette. A pipette or syringe with the contents must be placed in the corner of the child's mouth and poured inside.
  • Can be used once.
  • Inexpensive.
  • The volume is not enough for children, so it takes a lot of time to feed.
  • There is a danger of weaning from the breast.
From a special cup.
  • The edge of the cup should be placed on the baby's lower lip.
  • Tilt so that the baby begins to drink milk himself.
  • The liquid level should remain the same by gradually tilting the cup.
  • Feeding takes less time than bottle feeding.
  • The jaw and tongue learn to work properly.
Do not use in newborns with a weak swallowing reflex.

What formula is better for feeding a newborn

The composition of the formula is important for the healthy nutrition of children. These foods are strictly controlled. As a rule, infant formula contains prebiotics, nucleotides, probiotics, lutein, polyunsaturated fatty acids. The calculation of their number is made according to the age group, which is indicated on the package. Artificial nutrition should be selected by a pediatrician, based on the individual characteristics, body weight and age of the child:

  • For infants under 6 months of age, choose fully adapted formulas. They are marked with the number "1" on the packaging.
  • Babies from 6 to 12 months are prescribed a mixture that is as similar as possible to mother's milk (partially adapted). It is marked on the box with the number "2".
  • For children from one year old, mixes with the number "3" are suitable.
  • If a child has a rash on the skin, it means that the selected product contains substances that the baby is allergic to. In this case, the doctor will select another supplement for breastfeeding, as a rule, these are soy mixtures.
  • If an allergy to cow's milk has been identified, medicinal formulations will be required - with hydrolyzed protein.
  • Often, a baby who is on mixed feeding has digestive problems. Your doctor may recommend feeding a probiotic formula.

Mixed feeding rules

If the mother has at least a little milk, lactation can be established. Be sure to give the breast to the baby, it should be given priority. The mixture is only after the baby has sucked for 20 minutes. Typically, saturation should occur during this time.

After breastfeeding, you can already offer some formula.

Basic rules for mixed feeding:

  • It is important to choose a nipple for the bottle. The liquid should flow from it in droplets. The baby will slowly suck out the mixture.
  • You need to prepare the bottle for each feeding (sterilize the dishes after each meal).
  • It is necessary to properly dilute the mixture. It is important to use only boiled clean water with a temperature of 50 degrees.
  • It is better to start feeding in the morning. As a rule, each package contains detailed instructions on how to dilute the product and in what volume.
  • After completing each supplementary feeding, babies should be given breastfeeding again, which will calm the baby and allow him to fall asleep.
  • Store the mixture in a cool, dry place. Opened packaging should be used within 2 weeks.
  • A child on a mixed diet must be given water to drink.
  • After the start of complementary foods in the first days, you need to monitor the stool. It may become rare or change color - this is normal.
  • Supplementation is undesirable at night. If the baby has woken up, you can give him a breast.
  • The daily amount of food is 1/5 of the baby's body weight.
  • You cannot force-feed a child, you should only offer a mixture when the baby opens his mouth himself and does not turn away from food.

How to determine the amount of the mixture

Correctly determining the volume of the mixture is the main difficulty in mixed nutrition. Doctors suggest calculating it based on the control weighing results before and after breastfeeding. The pediatrician correlates the obtained data with the norm and compensates for the shortage with supplementary feeding. This method has a drawback, because the baby can drink different amounts of milk: less in the morning, and more after a few hours.

Another way to help is counting wet diapers. As a rule, there should be 12 of them in the norm.

If the number of micturitions is less, supplementation should be properly offered. This scheme will help in this: the volume of the mixture = K x n, where K is the missing number of wet diapers, and n is the mixture in ml per month of the child's life. According to the age:

  • for a month-old baby n - 10 ml;
  • 2 months of life - 20 ml;
  • 3 months - 30 ml;
  • 4 - 40 ml, etc.

For example, if a baby pee 9 times at 3 months, then he should be given an additional 90 ml of the mixture, because up to 12, 3 urinations are not enough, so 3 should be multiplied by n for 3 months, i.e. for 30 ml. Such a simple formula will help parents to calculate the additional amount of supplements correctly. But it should be borne in mind that this method will not work if the child uses diapers.


With the advent of a newborn, parents have many questions. Perhaps the most frequently asked question is about proper feeding. If for some reason breastfeeding is not possible, then the child is transferred to formula feeding. There are many different tailor-made blends on the market today. Although they contain all the necessary substances, of course, there is no full correspondence with human milk. The rules of artificial feeding are somewhat different from natural feeding.

When choosing a mixture, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician in order to take into account the age and characteristics of the development and health of the baby.

Formula feeding mode

Breastfed babies are recommended to apply to the breast on demand, as many times as the baby asks. When feeding with formula, the situation is different. The mixture is more difficult to digest, children often lose the ability to recognize satiety, are overweight, which leads to health problems. They may be disturbed by intestinal colic, irregular bowel movements, and bloating.

In the first days of life, the breaks between feedings are unstable, the baby often requires food at different intervals, from one hour to three. After 6-7 weeks, a relatively stable eating schedule is established.

  • In the first week of life, the newborn should be fed 8-10 times with a break of 2.5 hours. The serving size is determined as follows: a number is taken equal to how many days the baby is, and for a child weighing less than 3.2 kg it is multiplied by 70, weighing more than 3.2 kg - by 80. The result will be equal to the daily food volume, then it is divided by the number feedings.
  • From the second week, the number of feedings is reduced to 7, with a break of up to 3 hours. The night break is gradually increased, bringing it to 6 hours. The daily ration is calculated as 1/5 of the weight; by the end of the first month, on average, it will be about 100 ml per serving.
  • From the second month, the number of feedings is reduced by one more, and the interval between meals is brought to 3.5 hours, the daily intake is set at 1/6 of the weight.
  • From the fourth month, the amount of the mixture should be 1/7 of the body weight. Feeding six times a day with an interval of up to 4 hours.
  • From seven months, five meals a day are introduced, with an interval of 4-4.5 hours. During this period, there are already many different products in the baby's diet. The mixture must be fed in the morning and before bedtime, at other meals it is given at will. The amount of the mixture is defined as 1/8, from nine months as 1/9 of the weight. The night break reaches 8-10 hours.

Signs that your baby is hungry

Whenever the baby cries, the mother assumes that he is hungry. It is likely that the chosen feeding arrangement is inappropriate. But the reason may be different, perhaps the newborn has a stomach ache or it is time to swaddle it.

Signs that your baby is hungry:

  • turns his head from side to side in search of a power source;
  • makes sucking movements with his lips;
  • crying;
  • does not lie still, his muscles are tense;
  • pulls the handles to his mouth and tries to suck them.

Mix preparation rules

  • For feeding, use a special measuring bottle with a nipple. The holes in it should not be too large. It is best to purchase an orthodontic pacifier that matches the shape of a woman's nipple and allows the baby's tongue to move like breastfeeding.
  • Only boiled water is taken for cooking, cooled to 40-50 ° C. If this temperature range is not observed, then lumps often form in the solution.
  • It is necessary to dilute the mixture immediately before use, strictly following the instructions on the package and checking the expiration date. It is not recommended to cook for future use, but if there is such a need, then you can store food for no more than a day in the refrigerator.
  • When the bottle is given to the child, it should be warm, but not hot, the optimum temperature is 36-37 ° C. To test, you can drop a few drops on your hand.

Do not heat the bottle of formula in the microwave. Glass and liquid will not heat up equally.

You will not be able to correctly assess the temperature of the mixture and risk burning the newborn.

  • After each feeding, the dishes are washed and sterilized for 10 minutes in a closed container.
  • Modern silicone nipples do not wear out for a long time, but for hygienic reasons they are changed after 2 months.
  • Change an already tried mixture to another with caution. An abrupt transition can provoke digestive upset.

Feeding rules

To prevent the baby from choking, it must be held so that the head is significantly higher than the body. The lips should close closer to the base of the nipple, in the wider part.

Milk should fill the teat completely so that the baby does not swallow air that should accumulate at the bottom of the bottle. After feeding, you need to hold the newborn "column" so that he can vomit air.

It is best for mommy to give food to the baby, holding him in her arms. So you can be sure that he does not choke or lose the bottle. An emotional connection will be established between the mother and the child, they both will feel calmer. Do not rush the end of the sucking process, the saturation rate is individual.

The main sign that the meal schedule suits the newborn is his good mood: the baby does not cry, he has a healthy sleep, eats with appetite, regularly, every day at least once recovers, urinates on average 12-15 times a day. Weight gain occurs according to age.

If the child often cries, sleeps poorly, greedily pounces on food, but the weight gain does not correspond to the norm, then you should consult a doctor.

If it is difficult for the baby to maintain the interval between feedings, do not let him cry for a long time, try to distract him. This can be done with a toy, a dummy, and given a drink. If the child does not calm down, then give him a meal, deviations from the regime for 20 minutes in any direction are permissible.

Each child has personality traits. If he regularly cannot withstand the proposed interval, then you do not need to insist on observing the exact time, feed more often in smaller portions. A one-time refusal to eat is also not a problem, feed the newborn later, but do not move the next meal much, offer porridge at the usual time.

If the child feeds on formula, be sure to give him boiled water or baby tea.

A break at night is necessary for normal bowel function. A baby often wakes up at night not because of hunger, he may be wet, he is cold or hot, he has colic or teething - there can be many reasons. More often than not, babies just need to satisfy the sucking reflex. In this case, it is enough to give him some water or a dummy.

Mixed feeding

If the child does not have enough breast milk, then he is supplemented with a formula. In this case, it is important that the baby does not give up the breast. The fact is that it is much easier to suck on the nipple. Therefore, it is wise to suggest an alternative feeding method, such as from a spoon, small cup, plastic beaker or supplemental feeding system. You can experiment and find a way that is convenient for the newborn.

Before giving the baby the next part of food, you need to make sure that he swallowed the previous one. When the child satisfies his hunger, he will not want to swallow food or simply stop opening his mouth.

With a mixed diet, a five-time feeding regimen is recommended from 6 am to 12 am, every 4 hours. One serving is based on 1/4 of the norm calculated for artificial feeding of a child of the appropriate age, then an adjustment is made in accordance with the baby's appetite. Do not try to force you to eat the entire cooked portion. Let him drink as much of the mixture as he wants. If the baby has eaten less than usual, there is no need to increase the amount of food at the next feed.

It is important for a newborn to create a pleasant atmosphere when bottle feeding. Take the baby in your arms, talk to him in a calm, gentle voice, smile. Be patient and attentive, and soon the child will have a convenient meal schedule.

In this article:

Sometimes situations arise when supplementary feeding with a mixture becomes necessary. Unsteady lactation, illness of the mother and inadequate weight gain by the child are common causes of mixed feeding. Supplementation is the introduction of an artificial mixture into the infant's diet, which should, on a temporary or permanent basis, supplement the mother's lactation.

When is supplementation needed?

There are a number of reasons for mixed feeding. As practice shows, there are plenty of them against the background of the modern rhythm of life.

Situations when you need supplementary formula while breastfeeding:

  • Unsteady or disturbed lactation ... Sometimes the baby simply does not have enough breast milk, which affects his body weight.
  • Mom's disease ... If a woman is forced to take medications that are not allowed for hepatitis B, pediatricians recommend refusing breastfeeding and transferring the baby to an adapted milk formula. This step will protect the baby from pathogenic microflora and drug metabolites that pass into breast milk.
  • Rhesus conflict ... The incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the newborn is an indication for artificial nutrition.
  • Time trouble ... Not all women manage to be on maternity leave for several years. Can a breastfed baby be supplemented with formula in this case? Yes, it's better than switching to artificial nutrition completely.

What products are used for supplementary feeding?

The formula for supplementary feeding of newborns in composition should be as close as possible to mother's milk. It is not difficult to purchase a high-quality product adapted to the needs of a baby - there is a sufficient range of domestic and foreign baby food on store shelves that can be offered to a baby from birth.

Milk from domestic animals - cows or goats - is not currently used in pediatrics. These foods have been shown to negatively affect the child's immune system, digestive tract and kidneys. There is also a risk of infection of the baby with Brucella and other pathogenic flora, which can be transmitted from sick animals. Supplementing a newborn with a formula excludes this possibility.

Mix volume

If during breastfeeding the child does not have enough milk, it must be supplemented with an artificial formula, the volume of which must be calculated correctly, but how to do it? There are two ways.

To find out how much breast milk the baby receives during the day, he is weighed before and after feeding. Based on the obtained difference and the age-related needs of the child in the amount of food, an appropriate conclusion is made. This method helps to quickly and easily determine if supplementation is necessary and how much formula the baby needs.

You can also find out if mom has a milk shortage by counting wet diapers. To this end, for one day, it is required to abandon disposable diapers and swaddle the newborn in the old fashioned way. On average, a baby urinates 12 times a day. If this happens less frequently, add 30 ml of formula to each feed until the number of wet diapers is correct.

It is not necessary to calculate the required amount of supplementary feed "by eye". Such actions can lead to digestive problems, an increase in the volume of the stomach and an overweight child, if you make a mistake and overfeed the baby.

Choosing a mixture

After deciding on the need to introduce supplementary feeding for a newborn, a young mother is faced with the task of choosing the right products. Modern adapted formulas are close in composition to mother's milk, so it is not difficult to choose high-quality baby food these days.

How and what mixture to choose to avoid allergies and digestive problems? A good blend contains the unsaturated fats needed for the full development of the nervous system and brain. Most products contain pro- and prebiotic supplements that eliminate the likelihood of digestive problems in the baby. Nucleotides have a positive effect on the formation of immunity, and lutein is useful for the organs of vision. It is also important that the infant formula contains iodine, taurine and other trace elements.

The child's age and well-being also play a role in deciding which mixture is best to feed a newborn. The composition of baby food changes in accordance with the growing needs of the baby, so you need to pay attention to the product labeling. Usually babies up to 6 months old, the mixture is labeled with the number "1", for older children - "2" and "3".

If the child has digestive problems, such as colic or, it is better to choose a fermented milk mixture. With lactase deficiency, pediatricians advise lactose-free products.

The tendency to frequent regurgitation can be eliminated by feeding an antireflux mixture with a high viscosity. For children with allergies, a hypoallergenic product is better suited, while a nursing mother should not forget about compliance.

Before purchasing the mixture, you need to read the instructions. It is important not only to purchase a quality product, but also to learn how to properly prepare and store it. So which supplement mix to choose? It depends on the age and needs of the baby.

How to add supplements?

The correct introduction of artificial nutrition into the baby's diet guarantees the success of mixed feeding.

  • Breast milk is the only true source of nutrition for a baby ... It contains all the necessary list of trace elements, vitamins and salts that a baby needs during the period of growth and development. Therefore, it is possible to supplement the formula with breastfeeding only if the newborn first of all emptied the mother's mammary glands in full.
  • If the child does not finish the proposed mixture to the end, it is not necessary to force him ... You can determine the satiety of a baby by his behavior: he does not make sucking movements, turns away from the bottle or pushes it away with his hand. You need to feed a breastfed baby with the same amount of the selected mixture, without reducing or increasing this volume, including before bedtime.
  • Toddlers eat better in a good mood ... If the baby is overexcited, cold or in pain, constant crying will interfere with normal food intake. Therefore, first, the mother must eliminate all the unfavorable factors, and only when the child calms down, you need to feed him with a mixture.
  • The hole in the bottle shouldn't be too big ... Quick and easy saturation with an artificial mixture leads to the fact that soon the baby completely abandons the breast. If possible, it is recommended that you replace the bottle with a dessert spoon.
  • Temperature the ready-made mixture should be comfortable for the baby - no higher than 38 ° C.

If you follow these simple rules, supplementing with a mixture while maintaining breastfeeding will avoid a quick transition to artificial nutrition for the baby.

With the help of what to supplement?

A bottle equipped with a pacifier is a familiar attribute for every young mother. But pediatricians advise using it only in extreme circumstances. This method of feeding infants with formula is a direct threat to lactation.

Long-term observations indicate that children who first try a pacifier begin to reluctantly breastfeed and soon categorically refuse mother's milk.

So, how to properly feed a newborn with a mixture using simple devices?

A young mother can choose which method is most optimal for her.:

  • Dessert or teaspoon ... This is the easiest way to feed your baby without jeopardizing lactation. The child is supplemented with a mixture by means of a spoon, subject to a modest amount of food.
  • Pipette or syringe ... This option is also suitable for supplementary feeding with a small amount of the mixture, that is, you should not feed the baby in this way at night. In addition, the process itself takes a lot of time and effort for both the mother and the child, but does not affect the process of breast milk production.
  • Small cup ... Another simple, but not very convenient method for feeding a baby with formula. In the absence of experience and skills, milk can partially spill out of the dishes, so it is rather difficult to determine how much the baby has eaten and whether he is full. But this method best demonstrates how to properly feed your baby with formula at night.
  • Mom's finger ... Feeding in this way is safe for lactation, but it is rarely used due to the length of the process. The finger is best used to awaken the sucking reflex in babies.

If it becomes necessary to introduce supplements while breastfeeding, the mother should make as much effort as possible to maintain lactation.

How to bring back breastfeeding?

With breast milk, the baby receives a maximum of beneficial trace elements, hormones, protective antibodies and nutrients. If there is not enough breast milk, you can feed the baby with a formula, but at the same time the woman should think about whether she is doing everything to maintain lactation.

Frequent latching of the baby to the breast, no matter how full it is, will help to solve the problem. In this case, the woman receives stimulation of the mammary glands, and the baby implements the sucking reflex in full. You should not limit the time of his stay at the breast. Sleeping together and giving up the habit of supplementing the baby with formula while breastfeeding can solve the problem of lack of breast milk in 7 days.

Additionally, a woman can take herbal and homeopathic remedies aimed at improving lactation. Also, we must not forget about good nutrition, adherence to the drinking regime and the elimination of stress factors. Sometimes these simple recommendations free the young mother from worries and worries about how to feed the baby.

The relevance of the problem of mixed feeding does not lose its popularity at any time. It can be solved only through an integrated approach, in which indicators such as his health status, the presence and number of urinations are necessarily taken into account.

How to choose a mixture and introduce it into a child's diet? A product suitable for age and individual needs should be administered carefully, preferably not from a bottle and not exceeding the norm. But even after the introduction of supplementary feeding, a young mother needs to make efforts to eliminate mistakes made during breastfeeding until lactation is restored.

Useful video about feeding a baby with formula