How to remove dry skin from your heels. Why is the skin on the heels very dry? All kinds of steaming and softening procedures

Hello dear readers. Being a woman means taking care of yourself. Care is not only face masks, but also care for the whole body. Most women are faced with a problem such as rough heels. A similar phenomenon affects and excites all ages, from young girls to elderly women. Roughness is relevant not only in summer, but all year round. If timely treatment is not carried out, cracks may form. Rough heels are not only a beauty issue, but also a comfort issue. In this article, we'll figure out what to do if you have rough heels. Interestingly, not only the fairer sex, but also men, face skin problems. They, too, often ask questions about the following: rough heels - what to do? And this is quite natural. Studies have shown, the results of which are based, by and large, on the results of surveys, women, more often than not, worry about the aesthetics of their feet.

While men are mainly for the practical side of the issue: cracked and coarse heels very much interfere with work, training, just moving around, and so on. Therefore, it is always important to know. Today we will understand the reasons and methods of dealing with heel problems.

Why heels dry and rough - the reasons

The skin cells of the foot are exposed to great stress during walking, therefore, they change their shape, and are more often renewed and die. Therefore, peeling is necessary so often.

There are several things provoking this phenomenon!
1. Insufficiently hydrated skin.
2. Clothes, shoes made of synthetic fabrics.
3. Long-term use of open shoes in the summer, or regular barefoot walks.
4. Lack of care for the skin of the feet.
5. Violation of metabolic processes. If the skin also turns yellow, then problems may be associated with digestion.
6. Deficiency of vitamins A and E.
7. Application of antibacterial soap.
8. Dry air at home.
9. Narrow, uncomfortable shoes.
10. Fungus.
11. Deficiency of minerals.
12. Reaction to a sharp change in climate.
13. Excessive tanning.
14. Frostbite.
15. Chlorinated water used in the process of washing the feet.
16. Insufficient fluid intake.
17. Constant stress and depression. In this case, nervous exhaustion of the body occurs, which is reflected in the skin.
18. Reaction to drugs.
19. Iron deficiency anemia. Lack of hemoglobin, as a result, lack of oxygen.

Flaky skin, including on the heels, can be just a symptom of a disease:
1. Dermatitis.
2. Erytoderm.
3. Eczema.
4. Psoriasis.
5. An excess of vitamin A.
6. Scarlet fever.
7. Rash.
8. Allergies.
9. Skin peeling syndrome.

Therefore, if the heels are not the only problem, then you should consult a doctor to rule out these diseases.

If you have rough heels - what to do at home

If the problem is not related to disease, then you can cope with this problem yourself. Skin care should be comprehensive.

It is worth using baths, cleansing the skin of the feet, using masks and creams. And if the problem is related to a lack of vitamins and minerals, then you need to revise your diet in order to replenish their reserves.

Care should be regular and include an external solution to the problem and the elimination of indirect causes.

But, let's first consider the main mistakes when caring for foot skin.

The most common mistakes in heel care:

1. Removing the rough skin of the foot with a razor. Thus, you injure the skin even more, and a new, even coarser layer will appear on top.
2. Before cleaning the foot with a file - steam the skin. Treatment should only be done on dry skin.
3. File the heels in a chaotic direction. This makes your skin even rougher. Therefore, it is worth cleaning in one direction only. You need to carry out the procedure with a specially selected file. The drier the skin, the less abrasive elements of the file. The procedure should be repeated no more than once every 14 days.
4. Too frequent use of acidic cream. If you use this cream frequently, it can remove too much skin. And if the skin is dry, then it should not be used at all.
5. In the presence of microcracks, apply the cream. You must first carry out the treatment with hydrogen peroxide.
6. Prepare foot baths with excessively hot water.
And now - let's move on to the basic recipes for beauty.

Foot baths - homemade recipes

Apple vinegar

You will need 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar. Dissolve in warm water. Place your feet in the foot bath for 20 minutes. During the procedure, you should massage your feet with a soft brush. Then, place your feet in a bath of cool water.

Soda and soap

Prepare a solution of warm water, 14 grams of baking soda and 15 milliliters of liquid soap. Soak your feet in the solution. Laundry soap and baking soda can be used. , indeed, very well soften the skin and facilitate the cleansing process.

Decoction of medicinal herbs

Prepare a decoction of herbs and add it to the trays. Suitable: hops, chamomile flowers, yarrow, rosemary, mint leaves. You can buy all this at the pharmacy, or, if you wish and as far as possible, prepare it yourself.

Sea salt

Soak with sea salt and warm milk. Submerge your feet for half an hour.

Wine trays

Prepare a wine bath once a week. It is necessary to dilute 500 milliliters of the drink with 2 liters of warm water. Hold your legs for 20 minutes.

Flax seeds

You will need 60 grams of flaxseed, and peppermint infusion (400 milliliters). Brew the seeds with boiling water, 1 cup is enough for this amount. Boil for 10 minutes. Let sit for 50 minutes, strain, add peppermint and 3 liters of well-heated clean water. Submerge your feet in the bath for 20 minutes.

Cleansing the heels and skin of the feet

Dry heels should be cleaned with a file. This method is especially suitable for those with dry skin.

Purchase a foot file. After processing with such a file, the heels will be like a baby's.

Choose a finely abrasive file, and all your movements should be directed in one direction. The procedure should be carried out no more than once every two weeks.

If you plan to treat your feet with a pumice stone, then before showering, you should lubricate your heels with cream.

After the procedure, you should again lubricate your feet with cream, and put on socks made of natural fabric.

There are also recipes for scrubs based on ground coffee, sea salt, corn flour.

Mix any of the ingredients with liquid soap to make a gruel. And massage your feet. After - rinse with water and moisturize your feet with a nourishing natural moisturizing cream.

Masks for feet and heels - homemade recipes

The main task of care is to moisturize and nourish the skin. Therefore, choose a nourishing cream. You can try to do this with a special honey compress.

Spread on your feet, wrap in compress paper, and then put on your socks. Leave the compress on for a couple of hours or overnight. Rinse thoroughly in the morning. Complete the procedure with a nourishing natural cream.

If you have time, then you can pamper yourself with natural skin and feet. They can help clean up and soften and moisturize your skin at home if your heels are rough and you don't know what to do.

1. Take one egg yolk, 4 grams of starch, 5 milliliters of lemon juice. Apply to feet after bath. When the mask is dry, wash it off.
2. Rub the leaves of young celandine. Place the mass on the heels and wrap in cellophane. Leave the mask on for 50-55 minutes. Please note: celandine can cause allergic reactions and even burns, so use it carefully. Do not rub your eyes after contact with it and do not eat without first washing your hands with soap and water. Use this recipe with extreme caution!
3. Grate potatoes, mix with flaxseeds. Pour the composition with water and cook until the consistency of rustic sour cream. Apply warm product to heels for 20 minutes. After - wash your feet and treat them with iodine (only problem areas).
4. Pass one onion through a meat grinder, add honey, spread on the heels, cover with gauze and fix with socks overnight. In the morning, wash your feet with soap, rinsing thoroughly with clean water.
5. The easiest option is to rub coconut oil or sour cream before going to bed. To remove excess, blot the skin with a tissue.
6. Grate the zucchini, mix with sour cream and apply to the heels for an hour.
7. Mash some raspberries and strawberries, place on the heel, wrap with gauze. Keep the mask on for an hour.
8. Mix glycerin and ammonia. Proportions: 1 to 1 Rub overnight.
9. Mix 3 parts lemon juice with 1 part olive oil, massage into your heels.
10. A mask of plain mashed banana will also help. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, and then rinse off with cool water.
11. Stir in cottage cheese, fatty sour cream, and a little honey. Apply to feet, hold for half an hour. After - rinse with warm water and be sure to apply a moisturizer.

How to soften your heels if they are very rough and rough

Apple for heels. If the skin on your feet is too rough, an apple compress can help. Rub the apple, wrap in cheesecloth. Apply to the feet, fix with toes. Leave it overnight. In the morning, lubricate the legs with cream.

Cabbage leaf. You can also make a compress by kneading the cabbage leaf. Or try making a castor oil compress.

Paraffin wax for the heels. Treatment with paraffin will help well. Melt the wax over low heat, add a little paraffin and very little salicylic acid. When the mixture is warm, apply it with a swab to your heels.

It is necessary to apply 3 coats, like nail polish. The layer is superimposed on the already dried layer. Secure with a bandage and leave for 24 hours. After - wash off in soapy water, with the addition of baking soda, and use a pumice stone.

Aloe for feet and heels. Aloe compress is also popular. Crush the leaves of the plant, apply a compress overnight. It will not only soften the skin, but also help heal if there are wounds.

Fat based ointment. Try making a pork fat ointment at home. Melt the fat in a water bath, grate the carrots. Mix and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and cool the mixture.

Apply as a compress or as an additional treatment after a bath. Fat softens, and carrots nourish. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Aspirin and lemon juice. Take 10 aspirin tablets, 5 ml lemon juice. Crush tablets, stir with water, add juice.

Before applying - stretch your legs so that the mask is better absorbed. Apply the composition to the heels, wrap the legs with cling film. Put on your socks. Keep the mask for 25 minutes. Wash your feet with water.

How to get rid of rough heels

All treatments only work with regular use. You should approach the procedures in a comprehensive manner. Care, baths, masks, ointments, creams.

To begin with, it is worth excluding the possibility of a disease.

When the first stage is passed, reconsider your diet and lifestyle. It is worth including in the diet vegetables and fruits, cereals, seafood, vegetable oils.

You can drink a course of a multivitamin complex.

Exercise to improve blood flow. Foot massage will also help. And lift your legs for a few minutes a day to increase blood flow. And playing sports will improve your metabolism, which will significantly improve your skin.

During "treatment", give up uncomfortable shoes, open shoes, and also - shoes "with heels". Give preference to natural materials.

Humidify the indoor air.

Avoid synthetic socks for a while.

If you plan to stay in the sun for a long time, or in a dry room, then pre-soak your feet with a cream to reduce the negative effects of the sun on delicate skin.

It is worth preparing for the summer season in advance, start actively treating the skin of the foot even in winter. If you go to the pool, nourish your feet with cream daily. And remember that beauty treatments like pedicure and hair removal dry out your feet.

Cleanse your heels in moderation, otherwise you will damage your skin. It is better to do baths every day, moreover - contrast ones, and combine them with massage. Watch the temperature of the water, it should not be too hot.

After - thoroughly dry your feet with a terry towel and lubricate them with cream. Masks and compresses should be done a couple of times a week. For foot hygiene, it is worth purchasing a mild soap.

When preparing a mask, give preference to natural ingredients.

Beautiful and healthy foot skin is a feasible task, but it takes effort and time. And if you tune in to a positive result, and even more so - to work on it, in order to achieve it, then you will succeed, and the skin of your feet will always have a healthy and beautiful appearance.

Rough, dry heels are a common problem familiar to both women and men. And although the former are more concerned with the aesthetic side of the issue, and the latter with the physical discomfort experienced at the same time, they are united by a common desire to eliminate unpleasant manifestations. There are many reasons for very dry skin of the feet: to dry feet with insufficient care. One thing is clear: the rough heels on the feet need close attention. Let's talk today about the factors provoking this problem, as well as about possible ways to get rid of it.

Causes of dry skin on the heels

Poorly fitting shoes are a common cause of dry skin on the heels. Inconvenient last, high heels, size mismatch - all this can provoke roughness.

Dryness from shoes

Sanding the heels correctly with low-abrasion files is also extremely important. The procedure can be performed only on dry skin, while the movements should be carried out in one direction. For the treatment of wet feet, only pumice, familiar from childhood, is used.

You can remove dryness and flaking at home using popular recipes available to everyone.

Apple vinegar

A folk remedy tested by more than one generation. To achieve the desired result, add vinegar (30 ml) to warm water and take a foot bath.

Apple vinegar

Thanks to the exfoliating action of acids, the heels become more pliable for further manipulations. Procedure time: 30 minutes. After it, all that remains is to treat the feet with a pumice stone, rinse them with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Coconut oil

An irreplaceable remedy in the fight against dryness, flaking and even. Use coconut oil for your daily evening foot care or add to any foot mask. The heels can be wrapped with cling film to increase efficiency.

Foot baths

Regular foot baths are the foundation of heel health. With their help, it is possible to soften the keratinized areas and prepare the legs for subsequent treatment. If the problem is provoked by a banal inattention to the state of the feet, then water procedures alone may be enough to completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

There are endless recipes for foot baths for dry feet. Let's consider the most effective, helping to cure dry heels in the shortest possible time.

Foot baths

The simplest, but no less effective, are baths with salt and soda. Add ingredients individually or combine them. Salt can be ordinary table or sea salt. Add 1-1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of the selected ingredient in fairly hot water. Soak your feet in this solution for half an hour, then sand the heels with a pumice stone, rinse, dry with a towel and spread with a skincare cream.

  • Medicinal herbs - sage, calendula, chamomile, a series of - brew with boiling water (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid). Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain.

Such a bath helps not only to soften the hardened areas well, but also has an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, immunostimulating effect.

  • An exotic option is a recipe for a red wine bath. For preparation, you will need 150-200 ml of high-quality wine and a bowl of warm water. Duration of the procedure: 20-25 minutes. After that, you need to cleanse the skin with a pumice stone or scrub, apply a nourishing cream.

Regular use will help get rid of cracks and peeling on the heels, saturate with vitamins, and increase tone.

Soften the heels on the feet with masks

There are hundreds of recipes for masks to combat dry heels. Most of them have high nutritional, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Paraffin mask is an effective remedy for softening the heels. Be sure to add 1⁄2 part coconut oil to it. This will enhance the effect. Apply the warm mixture to problem areas in 3 coats. Leave the resulting waxy carapace overnight. Do not forget to wash off the composition in the morning.
  • A honey compress is no less effective. It is extremely simple to execute. Apply honey to your heels and let it sit for half an hour. Do not forget to wash your feet afterwards and moisturize them with cream.

Mix the lemon juice with olive, castor, or melted coconut oil (in a 3: 1 ratio). Spread the mixture on steamed legs and wait a little less than half an hour. Then the composition must be washed off with warm water and applied with a moisturizer.

Heel Mask

Combine aloe vera juice, boiled oatmeal, honey and castor oil. The composition is applied to the heels for 20-30 minutes. To increase efficiency, you need to cover problem areas with cling film and insulate.

Take one onion, chop with a blender or using a meat grinder, add a teaspoon of honey, castor oil or sour cream. Mix the ingredients and apply to problem areas. After half an hour, the mixture is washed off with warm water. With the help of a compress, if used regularly, you can cope with the problem of dry skin in 1-2 weeks.


To avoid dry heels, it is important to pay due attention to this part of the body and follow the simplest rules.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 12 minutes


Summer is the time of the sea, fruits, beaches, sundresses - and, of course, sandals. If in winter, many of the fair sex can still afford a not too thorough pedicure, then in the summer the legs should be just perfect. The most common problem during this period is the problem of rough skin on the heels, which, alas, cannot be hidden even with a beautiful varnish on the nails.

How to return smoothness to your heels, and what you need to know about the secrets of caring for them?

Causes of rough skin and cracked heels - why are heels stiff?

No matter how we dream of smooth heels - unfortunately, after a certain age, our heels suddenly lose their childish tenderness and softness by themselves.

Moreover, sometimes the heels remain rough even with intensive and regular grooming.

What is the reason for this, and what are the true causes of rough skin on the heels?

  • Lack of proper care.
  • Drying of the skin. The reason is inherent not only in the summer period: sometimes this happens in winter when the air in the apartment is dry.
  • The wrong shoes. As you know, tight and low-quality footwear contributes to the disruption of the water-fat balance of the skin and its injury. In addition, materials that are unnatural and harmful to the skin can cause irritation, allergies, excessive sweating and, as a result, dry skin.
  • Improper nutrition. Lack of vitamins always affects the skin with cracks, dryness, irritation and other manifestations. Rough heels are often found in girls who are constantly dieting.
  • Excessive heel care. Yes, it happens! For example, in the case of too frequent and intensive peeling, which takes time to regenerate the skin (more often than once a week, this procedure is not recommended).
  • Water too hard in the water supply.
  • Frequent hypothermia - or, on the contrary, overheating of the legs.
  • The use of low-quality cosmetics (including soaps and gels).

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth?

Possible medical reasons:

  1. Fungus. The most common cause of dry and rough skin with cracks. Unfortunately, the fungus manifests itself not only with these symptoms, and in the absence of proper treatment, the legs acquire a very unsightly appearance, which is also accompanied by itching, sweating and other troubles.
  2. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this case, it is very difficult to deal with skin problems, and you cannot do without the advice of a specialist.
  3. Endocrine system problems. Aesthetics (heels, in this case) are resolved after (or simultaneously) with treatment.
  4. Obesity. With this disease, the full blood supply of the lower extremities and their connection with the central nervous system are disrupted, the skin on the feet becomes thinner, and there is a tendency to cracking the skin.
  5. Psoriasis. With this disease, the entire immune system works poorly, and you cannot get rid of the roughness of the skin on the heels with creams and hygiene alone - an integrated approach is needed.

It is important to understand that serious problems with the skin of the feet can be very alarming. Therefore, in the case when you cannot cope with cracks on your own, and the accompanying symptoms cause you inconvenience, it makes sense to contact a dermatologist and therapist.

Proper cleansing of the heels at home - instructions

Taking care of your heels in a beauty salon is a pleasant experience. But not everyone has the money, time, and desire for salons.

And it's much easier to take care of your heels at home. Especially if you know exactly how.

First, steam the legs in a bath.

And if you also arrange a foot massage before the bath, the result will be even more amazing, pleasant and long-lasting.

The massage can be replaced with the usual walking on a hard massage mat or with the feet of peas, balls, etc.

Which bath to choose? Best recipes:

  • Dairy. Rub the classic baby soap on a coarse grater, add 1 tbsp / l of shavings and 0.5 liters of lukewarm milk to the bowl, then hot water. We hold the legs until the water cools down.
  • Herbal. We take 1 tbsp / l of dry herbs: oak and chamomile bark, celandine and calendula, St. John's wort. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist for a day, and in the evening pour the strained broth into a bowl and dilute with boiling water.
  • Soda and soap. For 1 bowl - ½ cup of soap shavings and the same amount of soda, plus boiling water. We keep the legs for about 10 minutes.
  • Citrus. 2-3 hours before the procedure, we brew citrus peels in boiling water, and then simply add the broth to the water, plus 1-2 drops of orange essential oil.
  • Nettle. In a bowl of hot water - 1 liter of nettle broth (from 2 tablespoons / liter of dry nettle).
  • Oil. Aroma bath for feet and soul. For 1 bowl - 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil.

If you have time for your daily heel-care routines, it is better to use scrubs instead of files and pumice stones to exfoliate rough skin. They act more gently (a thick layer of coarse skin cannot be removed), but with regular use of scrubs, the dream of “a baby's heel” becomes a reality.

You can cook scrubs at home with your own hands if you want to save on store funds - which, by the way, often contain.

Important! We apply the scrub only on the already steamed feet, and after the massage with the scrub we leave the mixture on the heels for 7-10 minutes - that is, we are not in a hurry to wash it off.

  1. Sugar and butter. Mix 1: 2 olive oil and sugar, apply to feet, massage.
  2. Coffee with sea salt. Mix 1: 1 in a tablespoon - coarse sea salt and coarse ground coffee, add 2 tbsp / l of kefir, apply, massage.
  3. Cocoa with sugar. For 2 tsp of sugar - 1 tbsp / l of cocoa (not nesquik, but normal confectionery cocoa powder) and milk for the bunch. We mix, apply, massage.
  4. Citruses with salt. For 1 tbsp / l of fine salt - peel of 1 orange, ground in a blender.
  5. Salt with honey ... For 2 tablespoons of honey - 1 tablespoon of sea salt.
  6. Sand with sour cream. If you live by the sea, then this option is for you. In the absence of sea sand, we take the usual one. For 1 handful of sand - 2 tbsp / l of fat sour cream. We mix, apply, massage.

What's next?

  • If there is no scrub (or doing it too lazy) , then we use a file after the bath to remove the hardened skin. It is advisable to use only the fine-grained side: coarse sanding of the heels contributes to the appearance of scratches, cracks - and even greater dryness. Smoothness and tenderness of the heels are given only by regular procedures with an easy and non-traumatic scrubbing effect.
  • It is strongly not recommended to use pumice. Firstly, they injure the skin of the feet, and secondly, they are a source of bacteria growth.
  • When using a file, first grease dry heels with cream and wait for absorption - so the procedure will be more effective.
  • We use a slightly damp file, but not three heels under water ! We grind the heels until the hardened skin is completely removed.
  • Now rinse the legs in warm water , wipe dry, grease liberally with fat cream and put on cotton socks.

At least 2-3 such procedures per week - and you will not be ashamed to put on open shoes outside.


  • Cracked heels they should be treated with a disinfectant immediately after the procedure, and only the cream should be used that contains components that promote the healing of cracks (for example, salicylic acid).
  • It is not recommended to cut off rough skin and calluses! Such a procedure will only accelerate the regeneration of injured skin, which will regain its "protective roughness" even faster. Use gentle means and methods - regularly and competently, and the effect will pleasantly surprise you.

7 popular recipes for soft and smooth heels - how to make baby-like heels quickly at home?

There are a huge number of recipes for a quick return to the heels of smoothness today.

But it is worthwhile to understand that if you haven’t worked on your heels for a month, then you will simply not be able to return their blooming look “like from the cover” in 1 procedure.

The most popular home remedies for heel smoothness are:

  1. Steam your feet in a bath for 15 minutes, wipe them off, massage with cream, process with a soft dry grater. Next, take a warm shower, wipe it dry again and apply a pre-prepared mixture: 1 tbsp / l of starch, 1 tbsp / l of lemon juice, 1 raw yolk. Now we wrap the legs with foil for a couple of hours, or better for the night. All you have to do is to remove the exfoliated skin with a light file, rinse the legs under the shower and, after drying, grease with cream.
  2. We wrap the feet with plates of fresh zucchini and fix with foil for 2 hours. Then rinse the legs, dry, file with a file, grease with cream.
  3. We heat olive oil (about 100 ml) in a water bath, add a piece of beeswax, then 1 tsp each of sea buckthorn oil and glycerin. Apply the warm mixture to steamed and dried feet, leave it under cotton socks overnight. We store the mixture in the refrigerator (you can also smear it cold).
  4. We cook not too thick oatmeal without sugar and salt, cool it and apply it lukewarm on the feet. We fix it with a film, on top - socks, after an hour wash off, dry the legs and grease with a fat cream.
  5. Mix honey and olive oil in half, apply on the feet, fix with a film, wash off after 2 hours, process the legs with a file, then, according to the usual scheme, shower, towel, cream.
  6. We brew strong green gulls, filter and steam the legs in a bath with this broth. The brewing itself further (immediately after the bath) - in a film and around the feet for a couple of hours. Then rinse your feet, dry, apply cream.
  7. Mix oatmeal with milk (5 tbsp / l - 1 handful) and crushed aloe leaves. Apply the mixture to the feet, fix with foil for 2-3 hours. Next, we process with a file, rinse, dry and grease with a fat cream.

How to restore softness to the heels - pharmacy remedies

For the treatment of cracks and softening the skin in modern pharmacies - a lot of drugs.

Take note!

  • Sea wolf (nourishes, moisturizes, restores).
  • Bepanten (softens, heals).
  • Calendula ointment (heals, softens, tightens cracks).
  • Salicylic ointment (heals).
  • Balzamed (moisturizes, nourishes, protects).
  • Radevit (stimulates skin regeneration, removes inflammation).
  • Lamisil (against infections and fungus).
  • BioAstin (against fungus and infections).
  • Zazhivin (from cracks).
  • Ambulance (heals, softens).
  • And etc.

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth - caring for your heels at home

Heel care - how to prevent cracks and rough skin on your heels and feet?

  1. We wear the right shoes.
  2. More often we walk barefoot on grass and pebbles, we massage our feet.
  3. We use gentle abrasive products.
  4. We regularly apply a rich nourishing cream (preferably at night).
  5. We observe the diet and personal hygiene.
  6. We wear slippers in swimming pools, saunas and other public places.
  7. We avoid synthetic materials when choosing shoes.
  8. We use washable rugs in the bathroom.
  9. 2-3 times a week (ideally - every day) we make foot baths (warm! Not with hot water!) And use a scrub.
  10. After the bath and a regular bath, be sure to pour cool water on the legs. Especially before bed.
  11. Always dry feet and toes after the bath.
  12. We do not use coarse pumice stones, sanding stones and blades.
  13. After each procedure, we treat the applied file with a disinfectant solution (or at least wash it with soap and pour boiling water over it).

In the summer, we intensify the intensity of heel care.

If you have dry heels, the treatment will not be long. The main thing is to take some time and make an effort to take care of yourself. Rough heels are mainly of concern for girls and women who look after their appearance. Keep in mind, however, that dry skin on the heels is a sign that something is wrong in the body. Before treating dry heels, it is necessary to establish the causes of this defect and eliminate them.

The main causes of dry skin on the heels and how to fix them

The skin on the legs dries up due to the loss of moisture and a decrease in the elasticity of the skin. Why it happens? One of the reasons is wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes. Also, women who wear high-heeled shoes very rarely have well-groomed beautiful heels. What to do? Review your shoes. Choose all shoes that are uncomfortable for your feet and never wear them.

It is better to buy some good quality shoes than a lot of poor quality and uncomfortable shoes. If your legs are often tired, there are varicose veins, dry heels, calluses, choose shoes with orthopedic soles. If you cannot refuse to wear high-heeled shoes, then you should take regular foot care. Do baths, massage, gymnastics, etc. every day.

The second reason for dry heels is a lack of vitamins A and E. Prolonged lack of these vitamins leads to severe skin roughness. Start eating right, additionally consume a complex of vitamins. Vegetable oil and fresh vegetables should always be present in the daily diet. Massage liquid vitamins A and E (sold in capsules) into dry feet after bathing.

Dry skin on the heels can also occur due to fungal diseases and infections. If the skin on the heels begins to crack, the nail plate changes color or shape, then you should immediately go to the hospital for an examination and treatment.

The heels can become dry due to improper hygienic treatment of the feet. You need to be careful to clean your feet with a pumice stone and various brushes, try not to injure the skin. If the skin is inflamed, rubbed, there is redness, then you should first heal it, and only then start cleaning. Skin can look dry not only from over-grooming, but also from insufficient care. Keratinized and dead cells remain on the heels and make the skin look rough and dry. It is worth steaming your legs well and cleaning the skin, and everything will pass.

The reason for the poor condition of the skin may be too dry air in the apartment, prolonged wearing of socks.

If the skin dries not only on the legs, then, most likely, dry air is to blame. Ventilate the room more often, install a humidifier. Let your legs breathe a little.

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Treatment of dry heels with trays

Very good dry heels can be treated with trays. It is enough to do steaming foot baths 2-3 times a week (you can do it every day). The more often you do it, the faster you will solve the problem with dry skin. When you put your heels in order, it will be enough to do a foot bath once a week.

The procedure is quite simple: heat the water, add a handful of sea salt, a teaspoon of baking soda and soak your feet in this water for 10-20 minutes. Then lather your feet, take a pumice stone and thoroughly clean all the rough areas, use scissors to remove the excess skin that has grown on the nails.

You should not remove all the keratinized skin in one procedure, it is better to stretch this lesson by 2-3 times. Then the feet are thoroughly dried with a towel, and the skin of the feet is smeared with a special cream or oil. Try to do a foot massage for at least 2-3 minutes. Cracks can be greased with lemon essential oil.

Baths with decoctions of medicinal plants are very useful. To do this, you can use chamomile, sage, string, calendula. 3 tbsp collecting herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew. Then pour the infusion into a hot water bath. You need to keep your legs in it for at least 15 minutes. Among other things, this procedure has antibacterial, antiseptic and relaxing effects. The addition of 500 ml of red wine or grape juice to the baths perfectly helps to remove the roughness and dryness of the heels.

Never throw away dried rose petals. They can also be successfully used in the treatment of heels. Pour a handful of rose petals with 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew. Dilute in half with plain water and soak your feet. It is recommended to add 3 drops of rose essential oil and 1 tbsp to the water. sea ​​salt. Such a bath will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also cheer you up!

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Treating dry heels with compresses

If you have very dry heels, treatment with baths should be supplemented with healing compresses and masks. Onion compress is very popular in folk medicine. To prepare it, pass one onion through a meat grinder and add 1 tbsp to the resulting mass. honey or sour cream. Apply the composition to dry skin, wrap cellophane or gauze on top and put on socks. In the morning, wash off the mixture from your feet, wash them with soap and rub a nourishing cream into your skin.

Honey compress is no less effective. To prepare it, dissolve a little honey and grease your heels with it. Put on a plastic bag on top and then socks. You need to keep the compress for at least 10 hours (it is better to do it at night). In the morning, rinse with plain water and brush with cream.

If you have fungus and dry heels, treatment can be done with a celandine foot mask. This remedy will also work well for those who suffer from severe flaky skin. Celandine has a strong antiseptic effect, contains many trace elements that are good for the skin. To prepare the mask, take fresh celandine leaves, chop thoroughly.

Apply the resulting mass to the heels, wrap each foot with plastic, put on socks and keep it all night. Rinse off in the morning and brush with cream. This recipe is not recommended for individual intolerance to celandine. To test your body's response, first apply a little gruel to your skin. If there is no redness, you can safely use the recipe! Various masks and compresses will work faster if they are applied to steamed and cleansed skin after taking a bath or sauna.

You can gently cleanse the skin with a scrub: mix 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt and / or ground coffee and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Massage the resulting mixture onto the skin of your feet, hold the mixture on your feet and rinse with water. If, 2-3 weeks after regular procedures, the condition of the skin on the legs has not improved or improved, but only slightly, contact a dermatologist.

Very dry skin of the feet is a problem for many girls. Over time, it cracks and flakes. I want to be perfect in everything, but here rough heels spoil everything. What to do in such cases? I would like to eliminate this deficiency once and for all and preferably as soon as possible.

In order for this problem not to bother, you need to regularly perform various procedures for

Reasons for the appearance

Are you worried about the appearance of discomfort, dryness, loss of moisture and elasticity of the skin, as well as rough heels? What to do and how to fix this problem? Before starting therapy, you need to understand what factors triggered the roughness.

In order for the skin of the legs to be well-groomed, it is necessary that the blood circulates normally in the legs and does not suffer from a lack of oxygen and moisture. If you wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, and also constantly high-heeled shoes, then you cannot get rid of dry skin.

Lack of vitamins A and E will provoke a deterioration in the condition. The skin will become dry, coarse, and as a result, it will be rough and ugly.

If it is noticed that the heels have become dry, the surface of the skin is covered with cracks, and the color of the nail plate has changed and has become yellowish (or even yellow), then you need to contact a dermatologist. Because there is a possibility that the skin of the feet has been infected with fungus. Another reason for dry and rough heels is fungal diseases and infections.

Cracked skin on your legs can be the result of improper care and poor hygiene.

Dryness and roughness of the skin can be associated with various diseases that provoke disruption of the endocrine system.

The problem can be corrected by understanding the cause and finding the right treatment. The aesthetic side of the problem is not the only reason to start taking proper care of the skin of the heels. Cracking can cause inflammation, itching, and peeling of skin tissue. Consultation and prescribed treatment by a competent dermatologist will allow you to understand and eliminate the problem. If you follow all the points of therapy, then the result will be visible after a short period of time.

Correct care

What to do with dry, rough heels and how to prevent dry feet? This can be achieved with regular, high-quality foot care. Intensive moisturizing with cream and other cosmetics, which can always be found in the pharmacy, will help. But there are other ways to bring the beauty and health of women's legs back.

Taking various baths to effectively soften the skin works well for the condition of the nails. Pumice stone treatment on very dry areas of the skin is possible after it has been thoroughly steamed to remove the stratum corneum. At the end of the procedure, you need to apply the cream. It is important to choose one that will not only moisturize the skin, but also nourish it. It is important to apply cream, not lotion.

What should a girl do if she has rough heels? How to get rid of this problem? We will talk further. And herbal decoctions, which can be added to the baths, have a very good effect on the skin of the legs. The broth can be chosen depending on the condition of the skin of the legs and on the desired result at the end.

Decoction bath

Dryness and flaking will quickly go away if you add a decoction to the bath, which can be made from chamomile, sage, calendula or string. Ten minutes of this procedure - and the heels will become very soft.

Among other things, this broth has antibacterial, antiseptic and relaxing effects. Such procedures must be done continuously for several weeks.

Sea salt bath

To protect and get rid of excessive dryness and flaking of the skin of the heels and toes, you can use ordinary sea salt or table salt. Add a few tablespoons of sea salt to warm water. You need to keep your feet in such water for about fifteen minutes. If the dryness and roughness of the skin is excessive, then instead of water, you will need to pour milk.

The entire procedure takes about half an hour. After the skin is steamed, you need to treat the feet and heels with a washcloth with a coarse nap. Then, clean and steamed legs definitely need moisture. Therefore, a moisturizer should be applied to treated skin or nourishing oils should be used.

Wine bath

How to soften the heels that are very rough, rough? Intensive hydration and nutrition of the epidermis should be carried out once a week. This will require half a liter of red wine or natural freshly squeezed grape juice, which must be diluted with two liters of warm water. You need to take such a bath within twenty minutes. In a few weeks after taking such a bath regularly, dry heels will disappear and remain in the past.

Folk remedies are very effective in solving this problem. But only if the reasons are clear why the skin of the feet is dry and very rough heels. What to do to restore the natural beauty of the feet? You can use different masks and compresses. Additional nourishment and hydration of dry areas on a daily basis will help in the struggle for the beauty of the legs.

Rough heels: what to do at home to regain softness?

There are several fairly effective methods. We'll look at them now. You can soften your heels using the following tools:

All procedures that involve softening the outer skin of the skin of the legs and then removing the stratum corneum mechanically, that is, using a file or pumice stone, are called physical peeling.

Chemical variant

If physical peeling does not help and you still have rough heels, what to do in such cases? Chemical peels can be more effective. It is carried out with the help of creams, ointments and patches that dissolve the dry stratum corneum. With such drugs, it is good to carry out the prevention of crack formation.


What if the heels become rough? What if cracks form? They are very dangerous. Such cracks can cause discomfort during movement, as well as pain. They can also provoke the development of pathologies such as dermatitis. And if deep cracks appear due to dryness, then inflammation may occur due to an infection brought in through open wounds.

People who suffer from diabetes should be especially attentive to such injuries, since they can lose a limb when they become infected.

Specialist help

Treatment of any, even the most insignificant disease, which has arisen as a result of a malfunction of the normal functioning of the body, must be serious. Dryness can occur not only due to the influence of environmental factors, but also due to a violation of some internal functions. Therefore, it is very important to determine the reason why the heels are dry and rough. What to do? It is best to contact a specialist (such as a dermatologist) to correct a more serious problem.

Prevention of the appearance of roughness on the feet

Often, the problem of excessive dryness of the feet can be observed due to the fact that the rules for caring for the heels are not followed. Despite the fact that the skin on the legs is coarser and more susceptible to damage than on the face and body, it needs care. When taking preventive measures, you can avoid problems such as rough heels. What do you need to do for this?

Itching in problem areas is not a reason to comb them. It is best to apply a cold compress to avoid injuring your skin.

If the skin of the legs is dry, then you need to take water treatments. But you should not use aromatic soap in this case, so as not to dry the skin additionally.

After water procedures, wipe the skin gently with a soft towel and do not use hard washcloths.

Moisturize and nourish your feet on a daily basis.

Care should be taken when choosing products if there may be an allergy to components in cosmetics.

Shoes should be comfortable and of high quality. The legs should not feel any discomfort.

Also, swimming pools and saunas will negatively affect the condition of the skin of the legs, and when visiting these places you need personal replacement shoes.

A little conclusion

We hope that the above tips will help you solve the problem. If you follow the simple rules for caring for the skin of your feet, you can not only get rid of the roughness of the heels, but also prevent such a condition so that there are no serious consequences that can affect not only the appearance, but also the health of a person as a whole. If there are no contraindications, then both folk remedies and cosmetics that are bought in the store are good.