How to determine your finger size. How to find out the size of the ring - methods of determining, Russian, American and Chinese dimensional grid

A ring, and not necessarily an engagement ring, is the most anticipated and desired gift for girls from a loved one, husband, and even relatives. Among jewelry, they are the most popular, they are worn by almost everyone. These jewelry can give a special look to any look: festive, business and even home outfit. In a situation where you want to present not just a gift, but a surprise, the question of size arises. How to determine the size of the ring at home, consider further.

For those who are faced with this for the first time, the question of the size of the ring and what the size of a finger is is quite complicated, and it is almost impossible to determine the exact size of the rings at home by eye. So, the size of a ring is usually understood as the diameter of a piece of jewelry - a straight line connecting two external points on its circumference in the middle. In practice, you may encounter the fact that the dimensions of identical products are indicated differently.

This is explained by the fact that different countries use different units of measurement that determine the dimensional values ​​of jewelry. To clarify this situation, as well as to solve the question of how to determine the size of the finger for the ring most accurately, the table of the ratio of the diameters of the circle will help.

In different states, it is customary to determine the dimension of a piece of jewelry by the diameter of the circle. In Russia, the inner diameter is designated as a size, and most European countries use a complex formula to determine it. For this reason, when purchasing or ordering a product on the Internet, you should always pay attention to the country of origin and, based on this, choose the amount of jewelry. The best assistants in this matter can be a table for determining the size of the rings. In the event that such a cheat sheet is not at hand, certain knowledge in this matter will not be superfluous.

Products of French and Italian jewelers have an identical form of calculation: the circumference of the inner -40, which gives the same result.

The formula used by European manufacturers is somewhat more complicated: the length of the inner circumference * Pi is 3.14.

Due to the popularity of buying products on the Chinese site, the question of how to determine the size of the ring on aliexpress becomes relevant. Chinese dimensional characteristics are identical to Japanese ones, and are determined by the formula: inner diameter * 3 -30.0., but even if the calculation is correct, the Chinese size is not always suitable for Russians. Fingers and Chinese are thinner, so it is recommended to choose half a size larger.

The choice of engagement jewelry is simplified by the fact that future spouses can do it together and have the opportunity to try it on, which is why the moment of determining the size of a finger for a ring is not significant. If you decide to purchase standard or classic models, then their dimensional indicators have the addition of “and a half”. For example, 16.5,17.5 and so on, of course, in relation to the Russian size scale.

The choice of a wedding ring encrusted with stone or weaving is much more difficult, since even with the right size, the product itself may not fit. This is due to the error in diameter that the design element gives: bulges, irregularities, different thicknesses.

For these reasons, the following points should be considered when choosing rings:

In addition, on the working hand, the diameter of the finger for men will always be larger. And for girls, if they are worried, the volume of the finger may decrease.

Ways to determine the size of the rings at home

As already noted in the recommendations above, before going to a jewelry store, the volume around the circumference of the finger for choosing a product should be determined at home. The reason is that at home a person is calmer. Fingers should be measured at noon or in the afternoon. In the morning, there may be swelling on the hands.

There are several ways to determine the size of fingers. The most reliable option is to determine the size of the circumference of a finger using a thread or rope. It is quite simple and gives the most accurate indicator.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Take a sewing or silk thread;
  • Wrap it around the measured finger 5 times, so that you get a strip of 3-5 mm., For clarity, you can see the photo;
  • It should not be wrapped tightly, the resulting winding should be tried to be removed through the joint;
  • Tie the ends of the thread together and cut them as close as possible to the knot;
  • Remove the threads, untie the knot and measure the entire length of the thread with a millimeter ruler;
  • Divide the resulting length by 15.7;
  • The result obtained is the diameter of the ring.

With such a measurement, you can take only the result of calculations with you to the store, but also a sample. In the salon, he will orient the seller and help you choose the product more accurately.

In this case, the method of determining the size using a sheet of paper will come to the rescue. Attach the cut out strip of paper to the girl's finger, mark the junction with a pencil and just take it with you.

You can also measure the ring she wears regularly. This method is relevant when it is important to make a surprise. For this you need:

You can also take a sheet of paper, roll it into a tube and put it through the hole in the decoration so that the paper fits snugly against its walls. The junction of the paper should be noted, and then take the sheet with you and choose from it. These methods of measurement are relevant not only for women, but also for men.

How to use the table?

Using a table is the most reliable and correct way to determine the diameters of the circumference of jewelry. By the way, having made the calculations, the results can be recorded and put in a wallet for convenience.

Before starting measurements, you need to cut a strip of paper, 1-1.5 cm wide, and also arm yourself with a simple pencil. A piece of paper is wrapped around the finger being measured, and the junction is marked with a dot. The resulting paper ring should be easily removed through the joint. The length of the segment must be measured with a millimeter ruler, and the result obtained can be found in the table.

Diameter ranges and most common sizes

Typical engagement ring sizes for women range from 15 to 19.5, with 17 and 17.5 being the most popular in this range. By the way, if on the ring finger of the left hand is 17, then on the same finger of the right hand the size will be 17.5. the index fingers on both hands are often the same for girls, and the decoration from the middle finger is put on the thumb and forefinger.

When buying a ring, it is important to know the required size, especially if you are buying a ring online, on foreign sites. In different countries, the measurement is carried out differently - there are European, Russian, American, English, Japanese and other tables. The international ring size chart below will help you determine this yourself, and then purchase an accessory that fits well on your finger.

Jewelry ring sizes - why you need to know

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a ring, it is important to know the width and diameter of the circumference of the finger. Knowing the size of the jewelry, you will save time spent searching for products in the store or ordering products from the network. For example, a ring that is sold in Germany will be different from Russian - the dimensional value varies depending on the units of measurement (centimeters, inches). A piece of jewelry is suitable if you know exactly the individual dimensional indicators of the ring.

International tables for men's and women's rings

The Russian table of sizes for men's, women's rings is compared with the European one based on the mathematical relationship between size indicators. The value is determined by exact calculation. With European rings, the situation is simpler than with American and Japanese ones. In Russia, the size of the ring is determined by the inner diameter, in Europe - by the circumference.

To understand which European dimensional indicators of the ring correspond to Russian ones, you need to measure the inner diameter of the jewelry, multiply it by 3.14 (“pi”). If reverse matching is performed, i.e. you need to find out the Russian size corresponding to the European one, then the first one must be divided by 3.14.

Formulas for determining numbers that will correspond to foreign indicators:

  • American = (Russian - 11.5): 0.83.
  • Japanese = (Russian + 12.67)*3.
  • English = (Russian - 11.5): 0.4.

How to determine your size

There is a way to help determine the diameter of a suitable jewelry: take a thread, a strip of paper (half a centimeter wide) or a cord, grab your finger. Make sure that the bezel easily passes through the lower phalanx, is removed and put on, but sits tightly, especially on the base. When you are convinced that the thread-ring sits well, mark the intersection with a marker, then use the ruler to look at the value in millimeters, divide by 3.14 - this is your size.

Watch the video, which clearly shows how to determine the appropriate ring circumference corresponding to the Russian table:

Another method of determining - trying on in the store. It is more accurate, but even here there are several nuances, knowing which you will get a reliable result:

  • On the left and right hand, the indicators will be different, because the left hand is slightly smaller. Each finger should be measured separately, as they all have different widths.
  • In hot weather, the fingers become thicker than in cold temperatures. Therefore, if you buy a ring in the summer, there is a chance that it will fall off in the winter.
  • Whether the accessory is suitable will also depend on the width of the product - if it is from eight millimeters, it is better to take the jewelry half a size larger, thin rings, on the contrary, should sit firmly.
  • A large amount of liquid drunk can also affect the change in dimensional indicators during the fitting, because the body swells a little.
  • Ask the seller to let you try on several jewelry with the same dimensions but different widths, this will allow you to understand whether you need to choose another option - more or less (depending on the thickness of the product).
  • The ring should not rub the joint, it is difficult to pass through the lower phalanx.
  • You should not go to the fitting after a serious physical exertion.
  • The decoration should sit comfortably, be easily removed and put back on without any problems. Try putting the ring on and off a few times to see if it fits comfortably on your finger.

If you choose a gift - an elegant engagement ring with a diamond for your beloved, then you can determine the circumference of her ring finger by the gloves. Rarely, the selection takes place according to the size of the clothes: if a girl wears things up to “M”, then it is unlikely that the size indicator will exceed 17.5 mm. There is another way to determine the appropriate ring circumference by standard measurements - this is a finger gauge (see photo).

The size of the ring is the diameter of its inner part, the indicators are determined in millimeters. It often becomes necessary how to measure the size of a finger for a ring in the same size. At home, manipulations can be carried out by several popular methods. Consider them!

Ways to measure the size of a finger for a ring

If we consider the diameter according to the standard range, it varies between 15-24 mm. Pitch - 0.5 mm. Women are characterized by sizes of 16-18.5 mm. In the male half of the population, the fingers are larger, so all other sizes are inherent in them. Let's look at how to find out the size of a finger for a ring. All methods are ideal for implementation at home.

Method number 1. Ruler

1. You need a ruler-triangle, which usually has round holes that differ in size.

2. Try to insert your finger into each circle one by one, choosing your size. No need to push the phalanges too hard.

3. When you find out which hole your finger feels most comfortable in, all that remains is to measure the diameter of this circle.

Method number 2. Clothing size

1. There are many ways to determine the ring size. It is enough to find out your clothing size at home. Then you don't have to go to the jeweler.

2. This technique gives only an approximate result. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed, because everyone's figure and physique is different.

3. So, the size "S" corresponds to the indicator of the ring 15.5-16.5 mm. If you wear "M", your finger will be about 16.5-17.5mm, "L" is 17.5-18.5mm, "XL" is 18.5-19.5mm.

Method number 3. Piece of paper

1. Since you can measure the size of a finger for a ring in a primitive way at home, let's use it. The method is accurate, so it makes sense to consider it.

2. Cut a long strip of paper about 1 cm wide. Wrap it around your finger at the usual location of the ring. Make a mark with a pen where the beginning and end of the segment coincide.

3. Now measure the resulting value with a ruler, then divide it by 3.14 using a calculator. This is how you get your finger size.

Method number 4. A thread

1. The principle is simple. You need to find out what size the finger has in girth, then the diameter of the ring is calculated directly.

2. To measure, prepare scissors, a ruler, a felt-tip pen, a calculator, a thick thread (it should not stretch).

3. Wind the thread around your finger where the ring would normally be. Mark the area where the two ends of the thread join with a felt-tip pen, cut off.

4. Attach the segment to the ruler, divide by 3.14 (Pi value). You will receive an indicator corresponding to your size.

Method number 5. Jewerely store

1. When thinking about how to measure your finger size for a ring, it would be a good idea to visit the nearest jewelry boutique or workshop. In such places, people will be happy to help you.

2. There may be inaccuracies at home, which cannot be said about such establishments. The master will determine and tell you everything you need to know.

3. If you often order jewelry through an online store, it is recommended to purchase a professional device - a finger meter.

4. Sites that sell such products can offer you the most common (plastic) finger meters for only 150-200 rubles. This is a one-time purchase.

Method number 6. Another ring

1. How to determine the size of the ring on the finger? Very simple, just take the second piece of jewelry from the box and try it on. A classic decoration can be outlined on a leaf at home.

2. If the product does not have any bizarre shape, the procedure is quite simple. Measure the outlined diameter and you will get the correct value.

3. If the ring is complex, try to attach a ruler. You need the inner distance of the maximum width. Such a simple way will help in an urgent matter.

Method number 7. Finger Width

1. The method is considered practically the most effective. Use a blank landscape sheet. Put your hand on it.

2. Outline the desired finger on both sides in the place intended for the ring. It is enough to measure the distance between the marks.

3. The resulting value is what you need. Keep in mind that you need to outline the finger with a thin pen, holding it vertically. Errors are not allowed.

To understand how to correctly measure the size of a finger for a ring, it is important to consider the width of the jewelry. It depends on this feature how exactly to round the final result at home.

1. If the ring has a small width, then the value is rounded down. We do the same with a wide ring, only rounding will be to a larger value.

2. When measuring a finger, the procedure should be carried out several times a day. Depending on the time of day, the phalanx can have a different volume. You will need the value measured in the middle of the day.

3. It is forbidden to measure after intense exercise, drinking large amounts of liquid and during illness. The temperature regime also affects the measurement, it should be 22-24 degrees.

To take measurements, you should use tricky methods. For more accurate results, be sure to consider some factors and possible errors. To avoid problems in the future, get the simplest finger meter.

Ring as a gift - what could be better for a representative of the beautiful half of humanity? And what could be more difficult than his choice for the strong half of humanity? But in addition to choosing the ring itself, there is also the question of its size.

In this article, we present 5 practical tips on how to determine the size of the ring. We are sure that one or more of the presented methods will definitely suit you.

If you are buying a gold ring as a gift, it is best, of course, to know the size of the donee's fingers. But if this is a gift, most often the sizes are not known, and the desire to make a surprise makes you give up the opportunity to come to the jewelry store together and let the girl choose for herself. The happy owner of a gold ring will no doubt appreciate the unexpected gift, but how can you determine the size of her finger so that later you do not have to redo the gift ring at the nearest jeweler?

There are several options, but it is also important to remember that any girl has different sizes of all fingers. And not only on one hand, but, for example, the size of the ring finger on the right and on the left hand most often also differ on average by half a size. Therefore, if you buy a medium size, then it will most likely fit her on one of her fingers. In extreme cases, if the ring does not fit in size, you can always increase or decrease it in any jewelry workshop. The average cost of resizing is from 300 rubles. up to 1000 rubles, depending on the complexity. And if the ring was bought in our online jewelry store, then within a month we can exchange the ring for a different size or our jeweler will redo it for free.

It's important to know:

Ring sizes range from 15 to 23 in increments of 0.5. (15 15.5 16 16.5 and so on). Most often, women buy rings in sizes from 15.5 to 18. Size 16.5 is the most popular size for women's rings.

The diameter of a finger (or ring diameter) is its size expressed in millimeters. Do not confuse with long circumference, i.e. finger circumference. The diameter of a ring is a line segment that connects two points on a circle and passes through the center.

Each person has at least three different sizes. (On average, the size of the fingers of one person differs by 1.5 sizes, or even more.)

So, how to find out the size of the ring:

1. Measure the existing ring.

So, the size of the finger is the inner diameter of the ring, expressed in millimeters. That is, ring size 17 means that its inner diameter is 17 millimeters (i.e. 1 cm. 7 mm), and the diameter of your girl's finger is the same 17 millimeters. Therefore, for men who want to surprise and buy a gold ring for a girl via the Internet or in a regular jewelry store, it is enough to discreetly measure the diameter of the inner circumference of the ring that the girl already has with a ruler. This will be its size. For absolute accuracy, you need to take her ring and ask the nearest jewelry store to try it on. Fortunately, absolutely all jewelry stores have special measuring devices. Also, you can simply circle the girl's ring, putting it on paper, with a pen on the inside and ask the jewelry store to measure the resulting circle on paper.

But this is only possible if she already has some kind of ring, and you have the opportunity to measure it. And if this is not possible? The next trick is...

2. Measure the finger itself.

The idea is that you need to measure the circumference of her finger. To do this, wrap her finger with a regular thread, and then measure the circumference. Without going into mathematical details, we inform you that you just need to divide the length of the thread by the number Pi, equal to 3.14. Then you will get the diameter of her finger, and hence the size of the future ring. But it is quite difficult to do this imperceptibly, except at night, while she is sleeping, and then only if your girlfriend has a really healthy sound sleep. And if not?

3. Ask her mom or a friend.

By asking her mother, you will make your gift pleasant to both at once. Mom will be pleased that she was, as it were, "consulted", in addition, she most likely knows her size. If mom is not an option, then you can find out the size of the ring from a friend. Girls often try on each other's rings. But here the main thing is to know for sure that no one will let it slip, otherwise the surprise will be spoiled, but the probability of an error is still present.

4. You can find out the size of the gloves or the size of the girl's clothes.

The method is more than “approximate”, since, firstly, the glove may not fit tightly on the hand, and everything is also unclear with clothes. Secondly, the structure of the hands of each person, as well as the whole body, is so unique that the standard sizes that everyone chooses for himself, depending on the degree of comfort, do not say anything. BUT! A glove "borrowed temporarily" and measured with a fingertip (measuring device) at a jewelry store can help a little more. You can also ask the seller's girl to try on the glove and focus on her hands. Or you can do without a glove and just remember which pens the future owner of the ring has and look for the same pens in a jewelry store. But, in general, other body sizes, found out in some way, will help determine at least the size range of the girl. The method will help those who do not even approximately know the jewelry sizes of the donee. In addition, the sizes of gloves and clothing can be found out with less likelihood of being suspected of intent to give a ring.

So, if the size of gloves or clothes is S, then, most likely, the size of the girl's fingers will be from 15.5 to 16.5. If the girl has a size M, the size of the ring should be taken in the range from 16.5 to 17.5. With clothing size L, the approximate dimensions of the ring are from 17.5 to 18.5, and with size XL, the approximate dimensions of the fingers will be from 18.5 to 19.5.

If you don’t like the method due to inaccuracy, remember that if you choose a ring in the right range, then it will not be a problem to remake it, but, for example, making a size 15 ring out of a size 18 ring is very problematic, and most often impossible.

5. Try on her ring on your little finger.

This method is more reliable, but technically more difficult. You, again, should have access to one of her rings, and for absolute secrecy, you should have a good chance to try it on. You just have to remember the place where her ring gets stuck on your finger and measure this place on your finger in a jewelry store. You will have almost the exact size of her ring, and then the most difficult thing is to find a beautiful ring worthy of her owner, but this is not about that. Remember that if you want a girl to wear a ring on the other finger, then its size is most likely different. That's why...

Do not worry, if the surprise is more important to you, choose approximately. Almost any ring can be slightly stretched or squeezed. It is much easier for a competent jeweler to do this than for a dressmaker to sew in clothes. The girls themselves often resort to this 15-minute procedure in connection with weight loss or vice versa. Wedding rings are especially often subjected to this procedure, because they are bought most often once and for life, and the size of a person often changes. There are a lot of jewelry workshops in every district of any city.

It is important to know only a few nuances:

If you are not sure about the size of the ring, try not to buy a ring where the stones are located around the entire circumference of the ring or occupy a large part of the circumference. When altered to a smaller size, stones may fall out of such a ring, especially if it is necessary to alter it by several sizes.

Do not choose a ring with movable elements or check in advance about the possibility of altering it.

Avoid rings with any combination of multiple gold alloys in different shades.

If you are planning to make an engraving, then do it after you finally understand that the ring is the right size.

Everyone remembers how, in Hollywood films, heroes in love give their girlfriends rings in a beautiful red box. The question is - how did they find out the size of the ring for the girl? Or does this only happen in movies? Answer: They didn't know.

They bought it in exactly the same way, not knowing the size, because then it can be redone. And this despite the fact that the engagement ring is worn on a strictly defined finger! (The ring finger of the right hand, to be precise). And if you give a girl a ring of an approximate size, then she will simply be able to put it on another finger.

In our online jewelry store you can buy a gold ring of any size. We remind you once again that if a ring or any other product was purchased in our online jewelry store and did not fit, then within a month we will remake it to the size you need for free! Happy shopping!