How to get rid of an ex-husband. Sewing a guy off - how to do it right? How to get rid of an ex-boyfriend, husband: cardinal methods

In most cases, having gone through an unpleasant divorce procedure, the ex-spouses understand that from now on their paths have parted forever and will have to build their personal lives separately. But there are other options for the development of events, when a woman has to look for ways to get rid of her ex-husband, who does not want to let go of the situation and peacefully leave.

Problems arise when the ex-spouse does not at all believe that the relationship is over, and begins to persecute the ex-wife, making ridiculous demands, claims or harassing requests to "start all over again." At the same time, no persuasions and explanations work for the man, and he continues to behave as if there was no divorce.

If the ex-spouse is also not averse to trying to get together again, then everything is in order and there is a chance that everything will end with a happy ending. But if a woman is not at all determined to resume the relationship and wants to get rid of her ex-husband once and for all, then such persecution can become a rather serious problem for a woman and an obstacle on the way to creating a new relationship. As a rule, the ex-husband watches the woman on the street, calls his mobile several times a day, or even comes to visit without warning. It is not easy for a woman to endure all this purely psychologically.

Why does ex-husband annoy ex-wife?

There may be several options:

Only after the divorce, he realized that he had lost By the way, this happens quite often: after leaving his annoying wife, a man after a while realizes that he misses her and that he really misses her, and he is tired of taking care of himself. So the former spouse is making attempts to revive the relationship. A sense of ownership awoke in a man

Men are big owners and jealous. It often happens that a man, having learned that his ex-wife has another, begins to be furiously jealous and tries to do everything to prevent her from arranging her personal life. It should be noted that such behavior of ex-husbands is much more often related to hurt pride than to love.

Some men, having divorced their spouse, it is not clear why they believe that she should continue to be faithful to them and remain single, while they have every right to date other women. “Before we got divorced, how did you find another ?! Didn't expect from you! " What else could he expect?

A man has mental problems If a man, having divorced a woman, pursues her for years, using either pleas or threats, it can be assumed that he has obvious psychological problems and needs the help of an experienced psychologist, or even a psychiatrist. To get rid of the attacks from the ex-husband in this case is quite difficult. A man takes revenge in this way If the divorce took place on the initiative of a woman, or a man believes that his ex-wife is to blame for all his troubles, he can begin to pursue her with only one purpose - to spoil his nerves and recoup. In this case, a man can threaten a woman, insult her, even raise a hand to her, but there is no question of getting back together.

How to get your ex-spouse to stop harassing?

In situations like this, you can advise the following:

To dot the i's. Talk to your husband seriously and tell him firmly and unconditionally that it's over. Many women themselves are to blame for the fact that ex-husbands persecute them, as they themselves provoke them to this with their ambivalent behavior and vague hints that "you never know what else will be in life." If a woman wants to get rid of the bullying of her ex-husband, but at the same time she herself has never given him a real rebuff and keeps him as an alternate airfield, then it should not be surprising that the ex-husband continues to hope for something. Solve the issue with children If there are common children, a woman should establish friendly, human relations with her ex-husband and allow him to see and communicate normally with his own children. Many women tearfully complain about the persecution of their ex-spouses, and then it turns out that they themselves are to blame: they do not allow their ex-husband to take part in raising their children, they set them up against their father. This behavior of a woman is selfish and unfair not only in relation to her ex-spouse, but also in relation to her own children! Threaten your ex-husband To get rid of your ex-husband for good, it makes sense to threaten him that if he does not stop persecuting him, he will get into trouble. A man may really not like it if a woman goes to work for him, tells about his behavior to all common acquaintances, or even complains to the police. As a rule, if male persecutors see that the ex-wife is not shy in front of them, can give them a worthy rebuff and turn others against them, they leave her alone, especially if they value their reputation even a little. Write a statement to the police This is an extreme method of getting rid of your ex-husband, if no threats and persuasions help. No one wants to have problems with the police, so this method should work on the ex-husband-stalker. After all, according to the law, the ex-husband has no right to prosecute and bully his ex-wife and may well be criminally liable for this!

How to get rid of an ex (husband, boyfriend) if he is not going to let go of his adored object under any circumstances?

Understand the main reasons why the man "stuck to you", and then, based on them, act.

Our guide will help you with this.

How to Get Rid of an Ex-Boyfriend or Husband: Why a Man Doesn't Want to Leave You

Parting is always very difficult, and breaking off relationships with loved ones is doubly difficult. Not all men decide to take this step, even if there are no more feelings for their companion. Then what keeps your partner close to you? Why is he in no hurry to leave when he is told in plain text that everything is over?

Top reasons your ex doesn't want to leave:

1. Hurt pride... Every man consoles himself with the hope in his soul that he is the best and unique. And now the husband or boyfriend suddenly finds out that his chosen one wants to break off relations with him. This is a huge blow to male pride. Nobody wants to feel dumped. The ex asks you to give him another chance to prove how good he is.

Advice: If you decide to break up with your partner, do not fall for his tricks, and forget about empathy. The person will not change, and the feeling of pity will deprive the opportunity for personal happiness.

2. Sense of ownership... It is based on all the same pride. The spouse or boyfriend believes that he has certain rights to his ex. The man is convinced that the passion can only belong to him and to no one else, even if he has no feelings for her.

3. Awakened feelings... After a husband or boyfriend hears that they are leaving him, he suddenly receives an "epiphany." The man begins to understand that he has lost the love of his life, and is in a hurry to revive the relationship.

4. Fear of being alone... Despite the fact that men are considered to be the stronger sex, they also have common human weaknesses. You have been together for not a single year, and maybe not even a single dozen years. During this time, a certain, well-established model of relations is formed in the partner's head. Personal relationships become for him an integral part of his own "I". He does not want to make any changes to this model, since men are characterized by constancy.

A partner may have several mistresses, but he never dares to leave his own wife, in whom he sees support. He is afraid of losing this support, and therefore will try with all his might to keep his companion.

5. Desire for revenge... Abandoned husband, the guy decides to ruin the life of his passion, harassing her, threats or even assault. Thus, he tries to express how painful he is, and wants you to experience it yourself. Thus, the ex portrays the role of the victim. Only weak-willed men who are trying to realize themselves through a woman are capable of this step. Self-sufficient people do not take revenge and leave with dignity.

6. Mental problems... Even self-sufficient men can stalk your ex for a while. But they quickly come to the realization that life does not stand still and it is necessary to move on. This is not always the case. The ex can continue to annoy for months or even years. This clearly suggests that a person has certain mental disorders.

How to get rid of the ex in this case? It will be difficult to do without the help of a psychologist. The person should come to the realization that he is sick and needs help from outside.

How to get rid of your ex-boyfriend, husband: general tips

A breakup means a complete cessation of communication. But often the former continue to showdown, which can drag on for a long time, and will not lead to anything good.

After you have informed your husband or boyfriend that there can be nothing more in common between you, cut off all your points of contact.

Remember: Continuing communication, you give the person hope for a future relationship.

How to get rid of your ex-husband if you have a shared home or children

If you have common acquired property or children, it will be quite difficult to get rid of the ex right away. The husband or roommate will have an excuse to come again and again, hiding behind the fact that he wants to be with the child.

Having shared housing, the situation is doubly complicated: the partner may declare that he does not intend to go anywhere at all. How to get rid of the ex in this case?

Advice: Pack your things and go live with your relatives. If there are no relatives, ask close friends for permission to temporarily stay with them until the situation is clarified.

Do not start a lawsuit over the division of property if the spouse refuses to solve the problem peacefully, thereby trying to take revenge. It takes some time for a person to realize what happened, and then you could peacefully disperse.

How to get rid of an ex-boyfriend

Getting rid of a former lover with whom you did not have time to start a family is much easier. Sometimes it is enough for someone you know to play the role of your new boyfriend.

Advice: If the guy still keeps up and continues to annoy him with visits, phone calls and messages, do not get fooled by provocation. By reacting to these actions, you thereby give a reason for the annoying suitor to continue to act in the same spirit.

How to get rid of an ex-boyfriend, husband painlessly

Not every girl or woman dares to tell her companion directly that their paths will soon go their separate ways.

Get rid of your ex-husband painlessly, little female tricks will help the guy.

Advice: Make a man's life hell by depriving him of his personal space.

Start annoying with regular calls at a time when your husband or boyfriend is at work or busy with an important task. Throw a tantrum if he doesn't pick up the phone right away.

After the partner has returned home, do not leave him for a minute and pick up his phone. A man must understand that he is under constant control.

Not everyone is able to tolerate such antics, since everyone wants to feel to some extent independent and free.

Advice: Deprive a man of home comfort and intimacy.

Tying himself in a relationship with a woman, the representative of the stronger sex expects that the chosen one will not only satisfy him in bed, but will also become a kind of nanny who will cook for him, wash and clean up after him.

Stop caring for your partner by stopping all female household chores.

Leave a boring passion without sex more often. But if this cannot be done, frankly miss the moment of intimacy. You need to make it clear to your partner that in bed he is not of any interest to you.

Not receiving all this, a man can seriously think: does he need such a companion?

Advice: Criticize your partner as often as possible with or without him. Diminish his self-esteem. The man will become uncomfortable with you, and he will hasten to break off the relationship.

The man should get the impression that it is he who leaves you, and not you leave him.

How to get rid of an ex-boyfriend, husband: cardinal methods

If none of the methods helps, you should resort to radical solutions to the problem.

Advice: Warn your ex that you will be forced to contact the police if he does not stop harassing.

You can threaten to tell everyone you know about his lewd behavior or to complain to his boss at work.

For men for whom reputation and career are of great importance, this method has a sobering effect.

If verbal explanations did not help, proceed to translating what was said: write a statement to the police, ask your friends for help, explaining the situation. Such actions on your part will obviously not please the man, and he can stop the persecution.

In the event that none of the methods works for the ex-husband, the ideal option would be to change his place of residence. Your paths should stop crossing until the "fighting" mood of the hero-lover subsides.

How to get rid of an ex-husband, boyfriend: summing up

To make the breakup less painful for both parties, stop making any contact with your ex-husband or boyfriend and finding out past grievances.

If you have a common child, do not forbid the father to communicate with him. Allow them to see each other, but only without your presence.

Kill your feelings of pity and compassion for your ex-partner. Continuing communication will lead to the fact that the ex-boyfriend or husband will feel hope for a joint future.

There is no one way to get rid of your ex. As in any other business, an individual approach is needed here. But the slogan for action should be with a French accent "A la guerre comme à la guerre" (a la herr, com ala herr), which means "in war, as in war."

I am sitting angry and pretentious.

A bit of background to make it clear.

In 2008 I got married, as it seemed to me then, out of mutual love. In 2009, a daughter was born. In 2010, they officially divorced. But he could see the child at any time - he came, played with his daughter for a couple of hours and brought home. Since 2011, I have stopped all communication with him at all. So he filed a lawsuit and the court ruled that he took the child twice a month for two days, and returned it to me on Sunday. But it became difficult for him to comply with the court decision (he could not stay with the child for more than 1 day) and we agreed that he would pick up the child on the weekend, only for one day - he takes it on Saturday, and returns it home on Sunday.

At first, I didn't even want to take alimony from him - just not to see his face and not listen to his boring lectures (he believes that he is all so smart that you need to do everything as he thinks). But then she changed her mind and he began to pay child support. And even then through a stump-deck - then 3 thousand will bring, then 7 thousand tenge, then 20 thousand, arguing that his salary is not standardized. But this is not about that. For me, even if it doesn't bring anything at all, these are his problems and will remain on his conscience.

Recently, salaries have been delayed for us. I asked him to buy warm mittens and boots for my daughter, since I gave all the money for kindergarten, and last year's boots are already small. He bought mittens, boots, and a hat. It would be better if he did not take any of this. The whole brain took out. Boots and mittens are suitable for our winter, and it is better to hide the hat until spring. I told him about it. So he loosened up so much, proving that the hat was warm, that I regretted that I had asked him anything at all.

Why am I all this? To the fact that I cannot understand what he wants from me?

Divorced officially, I sent him to all four parts of the world, wishing him good luck in life and hoping that he would find such a woman who would satisfy him in everything and he would leave me alone.
I do not ask where he works, where and with whom he lives, etc. I am absolutely not interested in whether he meets anyone. And I very much hoped that he would also treat me the same way. But right now. She ran away.

He calls me and takes out the brain for any reason. Here are some "pearls" of the ex-hubby: "Don't feed the child with semolina", "Don't give tea with milk", "Don't give bread and butter", "Don't give scrambled eggs", "Don't give sweets", "Don't give white bread" , “Don’t buy many things” (despite the fact that I buy her with my salary), etc. Although there are no reasons for prohibitions - he listened to the advice of some charlatan who sells medical equipment, and began to drip on the brain without listening to any one of my reasons. And every week the same thing - the same conversations about what can be given to the child and what is not. I’m already tired of reminding him that I’ve heard this for the hundred and fiftieth times and there’s no need to repeat what I’ve said more than once… in general, it’s like a madhouse.

With all this, knowing perfectly well my attitude towards him, he once told our nanny in the kindergarten that he would like to return our relationship, "but only she (that is, I) is against." Both our nanny and my relatives told me that he probably wants to return to the family, but does not know how to do it. And last summer, he suggested that I start dating as lovers. I am eating

He likes all your photos, tirelessly scribbles SMS and reads classics with expression. For all his merits, one thing confuses you - you don't like the guy or even dislike him. If you don't like it, turn it off. You can make a "lapel" competently, without offending anyone.

I am not worthy of you

no vacancies

if "ex" returned

friend suddenly turned out to be

complete ignore

scandal girl

let's get married

your problematic

How beautiful it is to sew a guy: by correspondence, on the street, everywhere

reel a web rod

hey passerby come through

deny him a date

universal formula

Selection of a dating site

How to deny a guy in a relationship: strategy and tactics

It's good that you are wondering how to kick a guy off so that he doesn't get offended. Many do not think about it, believing that refusal is an everyday matter. Like, this is how nature works. Spring is followed by summer. The grass turns green after the rain. The guy offers, but the girl refuses. Indeed, you can not bother and be like everyone else. There is another option - to sew the guy off correctly.

I am not worthy of you

Moreover, the guy is not bad. Caring for, trying, economic. Not gay. In the cafe he pays himself. Ironing shirts. But it stands in the throat and that's it. In all senses, an exemplary guy should be sewn off gently - by spreading straws, choosing the right words, without hurting pride.

To refuse a guy beautifully means to retire in the style of "I am unworthy of you." Let him know that a man as exemplary as he is worthy of the best girl in the world - not you. Insist that friendship is the best way to develop a relationship. This good guy will certainly try to "dissuade" you with all his inherent heroism and dedication. Be unshakable: “You are an example of an ideal man. And you are worthy of a loving and devoted girl. I'm not that kind of girl. We'd better stay friends. "

No vacancies

Another option is to beautifully sew a guy off - between compliments to screw "My heart belongs to another." Lawless Heart. I love, they say, one - oblique and lame. And you, of course, are the guy in great demand. This is how - full of confidence, energetic and inspired - and you need to leave a man. True, there is a danger that the "ideal" will try to fight for your heart, that is, from a sluggish boyfriend will turn into an active one.

If "ex" returned

It happens that "exes" come back - I felt sad, I remembered, I was impatient. The "exes" usually return beautifully - with repentance, an armful of flowers and a picture of a brighter future. And exactly at the very moment when you finally stopped crying and decided to start a new life. Whether to give a second chance or not - see the situation. If the situation is not watchable ...

The first option is gentle. You can politely dismiss a guy who once drove a tank like this: “Thank you very much for leaving. It was only thanks to this that I met the person I fell in love with. Sorry, there is no place in my life for you. "

Option two is tough. Coldly and detached, with a feeling of barely concealed boredom, say: “You know, the lover of you was so-so. Only by comparing, I understood the difference. Now I don’t agree to anything less. ”

A friend suddenly turned out to be

If a friend suddenly turned out to be an underground fan who gathered courage into fists and stunned him with an offer to meet, apply maximum diplomacy.

You already know that it is beautiful to refuse a guy in a relationship - it means to raise self-esteem. Invite a friend to a private meeting, take a hand, look into the eyes and say, “I appreciate our friendship. There can be many guys. Friends like you are one in a million. Let's continue our friendship. We did it so well. Moreover, there is no passion between us. " Do not have any illusions - you are unlikely to remain friends. By the way, are you really sure that friendship is not the basis for a relationship?

Nietzsche wrote: "A good marriage rests on friendship." Indeed, the foundation of a relationship is trust, understanding and respect - in essence, friendship. The bond of emotion, attraction, and passion is called delusion by psychologists. These are transient feelings that are not enough for a strong union.

How to get rid of an annoying guy: all means are good

If a guy doesn't get rejected from either the first or the tenth time, but continues to bend his line, put diplomacy in the drawer.

Complete ignore

If you can't turn the guy off gently and exhortingly - turn on the ignore. Penetrates the impenetrable. Live as if it does not exist, and it will soon cease to exist for you. You can count the heroes talking to the walls on your fingers.

Scandal girl

Or vice versa - concentrate on sticking. Demand, be jealous, throw tantrums. Throw on him all the unbearable burden of character - and only heels sparkling on the horizon will remain of the annoying one. And if you don't run away, take this treasure in your armful and take it to the registry office.

Let's get married

By the way, about the registry office. Tell the obsessive that you dream of a bunch of pink-cheeked kids. That you want to live in a big house with all your relatives up to the third generation. That you sleep and see how your spouse chirps sweetly in the kitchen with your mother. Guess where the annoying boyfriend will be tomorrow? On the opposite side of the earth.

Troubled yours

Mom's apartment needs to be repaired urgently. A sick grandmother needs care. The salary is only enough for food, but it would also be necessary for treatment in a dermatovenous dispensary. The overwhelming majority of guys will not be able to withstand such a load. And if you did, draw the line cynically: “You know, I need a man who will solve all my problems. Yes, I am a mercantile trash, so stay away from me. "

How beautiful it is to sew a guy off in any situation: from correspondence to the street

To refuse a guy without offending him is, in principle, simple. And this can be done in any situation, except for the one where the guy does not cut it quickly.

Reel web rod

The rating of which you can find at the link is a unique thing. It is convenient here not only to get acquainted, but also to part. The ardor of a web partner can be cooled by the message that you have a boyfriend. To the question "Then what have you lost here?" answer "I communicate with friends." It is possible to beautifully sew a penpal guy off with various lies for the good: “Sorry, I realized that I’m a lesbian,” “Mortgage and three loans - won't you help?”. "I'm undergoing treatment with a venereologist." Write whatever you want. Or don't write at all. Everything is possible on a dating site.

Hey passerby come through

Now you’ll find out how to sew a guy who, having gotten a handle on pickup courses, decided to meet you on the street, in a mall or other crowded place. First of all - a reference to the rush and busyness: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry." If the persecution continues, add a man’s shoulder to the case: “You think it is permissible for a married girl to meet guys on the street?”, “Are you sure you want to meet me? I have a great guy - handsome and muscular. I can introduce you. " It has been proven that assorted suitors disappear with the speed of dissolving sugar in boiling water, smelling the spirit of a potential boyfriend. At worst, you can pretend to be transgender or crazy.

Deny him a date

You can refuse a guy a date by referring to being busy: “Unfortunately, I’m busy with my studies (work, raising a child, volunteering at a shelter) and I don’t go on dates now.” The perpetual employment tactic works with the same efficiency as ignore. The format of an exclusively business relationship can be defined as follows: "I can gladly dine with you / you, but I spend dinners with my boyfriend." You can limit yourself to a neutral phrase: "For a number of reasons, I can not accept the invitation." And no "Maybe next time." Decides he was not persistent enough.

Universal formula

And we come to the "lapel" formula, which every girl needs to memorize. This is a universal answer to the question of how to refuse a guy so that he does not take offense. Remember: “Compliment. Program. Compliment".

“You are beautiful and smart (compliment). But I can't go on a date with you (program). I'm sure a lot of girls are dreaming of a date with you (compliment). " Merge beautifully, leaving behind not broken, but filled with delight hearts.

How not to refuse a guy: 3 popular mistakes girls make

Everyone is wrong, but the girl who kicks the guy off should behave like a sapper in a minefield. At the very least, you definitely don't need to make these mistakes:

  • speak rudely;
  • say one thing and do another;
  • talk like a pitchfork on the water to write.

He has your soul wide open, and you were rude to him? An offended guy is dangerous. It's good if revenge turns out to be just gossip behind your back. Now you know how to refuse a guy so that he does not take offense. Through a compliment.

You say, "There can only be friendship between us," but you wink your eyes cheerfully and playfully twitch your leg? Of course, the search for phrases how to beautifully sew a guy off will become endless. Be consistent in words and deeds.

“You know, I like being alone. It nourishes and inspires me. And what is the feeling of freedom! Inspires. Independence is my life principle. I have chosen this path and I am going this way. " If you are trying to get out of an awkward situation through “many beeches”, you pull the cat by the balls. More plot to text.

It's nice to be in demand. So thank you in kind. Boost the self-esteem of the guy who boosted your self-esteem with their attention or feelings.

Julia Lapushkina

Among the representatives of the male half of humanity, there are such specimens that categorically do not perceive the woman's refusal to further communication. Moreover, men perceive the ladies' "no" as a signal for even more active and assertive actions. And here it is the girl who has to go to all sorts of tricks in order to culturally get rid of the annoying admirer.

We bring to your attention an excellent selection of options for how to gently and without prejudice to moral health to shed a bored guy.

Action guide

The honest "no" method does not always work, because the fault of the women themselves, it is perceived as a signal of coquetry or a desire to continue flirting.

In such a situation, we proceed as follows:

  • Tell the person openly that they don't seduce you as a friend, conversation partner, or lover. Before you sew a guy in such a uniform, you do not need to make up long, convincing and ornate phrases in your head. Tell the boyfriend everything that you think about him at the moment, this will calm your conscience and will offend the interlocutor a little;
  • When puzzled by the problem of how to gently eliminate an unwanted candidate for regular partners, remember the amazing feminine ability to come up with all sorts of excuses. These can be phrases like: a lot of work, fatigue has accumulated, nothing to wear, or a bad horoscope for today. And even if all this did not succeed in turning the man off, and he is still waiting for you at the entrance to the entrance, insist on the terrible illness of your beloved turtle;
  • One of the options for how not to turn off the guy too rudely is to completely ignore him. Moreover, one must not notice not only gifts, calls or attempts to get closer, but also the applicant himself for the heart, upper limb and more intimate places. Usually, after numerous attempts to break through the wall of indifference, a person himself begins to look for a more flexible and accessible object for his sighing;
  • You can use the following method of culturally releasing a compulsive guy. Just pretend to be a chronic crammer, busy, terribly smart and boring girl who rarely leaves the walls of the library and does not understand what "Sex on the beach" is. The only drawback of this method is that it will not work on a man who is obsessed with studies or science. Fortunately, such specimens rarely show importunity towards the female sex;
  • If you feel that the boyfriend is not going to leave you alone in an amicable way, feel free to start playing crazy: shout that you are being robbed when he asks for a phone number, or tell everyone around you about your opponent's violent intentions. Yes, from the outside you will look frightening and strange, but the gentleman will be blown away by a stormy wind;
  • Are you puzzled by the problem of how to competently and delicately kick a guy off? It's simple: tell him how good he is compared to you, how unworthy you are of him, and that he needs to strive to conquer the ideal. During this tirade, pick your nose, regurgitate beer, or gnaw on dirty nails thoughtfully. Sometimes illustrative examples work better than exhortations;
  • Obsessive men are sometimes stopped by the fact that they have a rival, so try to dryly and formally inform your boyfriend that you already have a regular partner. The holder of the black belt in fighting without rules.

We sew competently

This is all well and good, but when it comes to real practice, it turns out that one guy is very different from the other, and each of them has to find their own approach. So, for example, an imaginary marriage will allow you to get rid of a stranger, while a similar number will not work with an old friend.