How to support a person in a difficult situation: advice from psychologists. Help, support. Statuses, quotes, poems, aphorisms, sayings from films

Support is a very important moment for a harmonious relationship in a couple. A woman who can properly support at some difficult moment in her life will be greatly appreciated by a man! Therefore, it is important to understand how to support a man when he feels bad.

This is what a non-trivial women's website will tell you about.

Mistakes women make when they want to support a man

Let's start by examining the wrong things women do with the best intentions.
  • A pity. No man, in any situation, will be pleased that a woman shows him compassionate sympathy (although it is sincere). It cannot be hinted that he is pathetic, weak and powerless in the face of circumstances (even if in some situation this is really so). A man should know that his woman considers him strong and capable of overcoming any difficulties.
  • Don't comfort me. There is no need to look for the "bright sides of the coin".
  • Bravura joy, attempts to cheer. If a man is sad, then your pretended gaiety will annoy him doubly. Strong men should experience their bad mood themselves.
  • Obsessive affection attempts to please, appease, distract, etc. This annoys the man, as he realizes that the woman is behaving so on purpose. In men's eyes, this is another reminder of trouble.
  • Inquiries about what happened, how is he upset. The fact is that we, women, judge by ourselves - for most of us it becomes easier if we speak out, tell about our problem and our feelings to a loved one. And men need to be silent! And questioning depresses them even more than indifference! After all, a man wants to look successful in front of a woman, and not talk about his failures! If you don't know how to support a man when he feels bad, words and questions may turn out to be superfluous!

  • Inquiries "Are you sad because of me?", “What did I do to you?”, “Are you offended at me?”, Etc. Sorting out a relationship is the worst thing to do. If a man is sad about a third party, then it will be unpleasant for him to make excuses. If he is really upset about something that is connected with you - either he himself wants to talk, or he is able to shut up and forgive you after a while, without scenes and dramas. But it is possible that he himself feels guilty in front of you and thinks about how to correct his guilt ... In general, you do not need to go in with suspicions and guesses, he will tell you himself if he sees fit!
  • Persistent suggestions to help, intervene in the situation, fix everything together, etc. If a man messed up himself, then he must also correct it. There is no need to be a “mommy” for him, who runs to save a stupid “son” from all the troubles of life. This will once again aggravate his sense of self! Of course, there are situations when your help is really needed - but it is better to wait until the man himself asks you for specific help or asks for your advice. An exception is perhaps a serious illness, injury, etc., when a person needs care, and he himself may not ask for this help.

What kind of support do men need from women?

But what if you want to support a man when he feels bad? It is important to feel what a loved one needs, what his mood is ...

If you are a couple at all "feel" each other, then this happens almost on an unconscious level. There is a chance that you will guess with your heart what will now become a support for your beloved!

But it is still worth reading on the site "Beautiful and Successful" how to support a man if he feels bad. Wise women do this:

  • If your husband just appeared on the doorstep, and you already guess about trouble by his face, in no case do not show it! Behave as usual and watch his reaction.
  • Usually, it is very easy to guess from a man whether he wants to talk or, on the contrary, needs privacy or just silence. If a man answers your words gloomily, with irritation, in short phrases, it is better to postpone attempts to communicate at a later time. Do not impose yourself with your society - perhaps a man just wants to be alone (alone in a room, or in one room, but not talking about anything). Observe, but do not peer anxiously and do not run up with different "checking" reasons every 10 minutes ("Can't open the window?", "Will you be borscht?" If he wants to talk, he will speak himself, and he will ask for the borscht, and he will open the window.
  • Sometimes a good option for how to support a man when he feels bad is to be there, but silently. Sit or lie down - maybe just each with his own magazine, but feeling the touch to each other. Many men love a relaxing back or leg massage, which is a good anti-stress therapy. If a man needs your close presence - he will sit next to you! The key point is not to intrude and do not use this moment either to start a serious conversation or to chat in monologue mode. Just shut up and be with your loved one.

  • Prepare something tasty and satisfying for the man, make him tea. Offer to have dinner - again, a minimum of words, and do not insist if he does not want to eat. But in general men are also inclined to "seize" stress (well, if not to drink!). Even with the current ostentatious indifference to food, he will appreciate and deep down he will be grateful to you for this concern.
  • Do not make noise, do not sin with dishes and various things, do not start anything like a general cleaning, ask the children to go to the nursery and not jerk their dad. Ideally, do something of your own, sit at a laptop or sit down to read, but so that the man understands - you are here, you are there, you are at any time ready for dialogue, for help, for active support!
  • How to support a man when he feels bad, at a distance - ask once how you can help specifically. If nothing - say that he is a fine fellow, that he is strong and will certainly cope, he should be lucky, etc., that you believe in him and approve of his decisions. Do not speak overly ironically about the problem, even if you want to somehow support a man when he feels bad - this may look in his eyes as a misunderstanding of the seriousness of troubles, indifference to his affairs, or (worst of all!) - as ridicule by you of him. Save the sarcasm for later. Either give good advice (if a man asks for it!), Or just reassure your loved one that you are confident in him and always support, no matter how the problem situation develops!

As you understood, supporting a man when he feels bad is more important by creating a calm, cozy atmosphere around him, and not by intrusive troubles!

How to cheer up a girl in difficult times? Words of support to a woman in difficult times

SMS with words of support in difficult times: in prose and poetry

If it's difficult for someone you care about, you should be there. Even those who do not want to appear weak are waiting for a kind word. It's easier to deal with problems this way. Yes, circumstances are not always conducive to this. But if you are alive and well, did not fly away on an expedition into space, then there are many ways to support a loved one without a personal presence. One of the options is instant messengers.

In dark times, bright people are clearly visible.

Erich Maria Remarque

To ensure that these words touch you on the positive side, we offer a complete list with examples of supporting messages that you can send. Copy the SMS and send it to the recipient immediately.


Loss of a loved one


    * * * Everything in life is for the better, only we understand this over time. The pain will subside, and you will see the world with different eyes. And then there will be already much worthy people nearby! * * * Dear, everything will pass, everything will work out. I know you are a strong woman, you can handle it. He turned out to be unworthy of you. Find the strength to endure this pain. And believe, all good things are ahead! * * * You will be all right. You are a self-sufficient and intelligent woman. Gather the pain into a fist and throw it away along with all the memories. * * * Start life from scratch, do not think about the past. This can be learned. You can do it!

If a close friend has a similar situation, for example, find out how to behave if the husband is cheating, and help her with practical advice.

    * * * A woman does not change with her body, she changes with her soul - remember these words. Why do you need a man who betrayed? Find the strength to survive it with dignity. And the faster you do it, the faster something good will knock on life. * * * When leaving, you need to leave! Find the strength not to return to where you were once betrayed. If you need moral support, you can always contact me. I think you are worthy of a better attitude towards yourself! * * * Respect yourself and understand that with this person you are not on your way. She doesn't deserve respect. Forgive her, let her go and make room next to you for a more worthy woman.

Learn how to behave when your wife is cheating and help the man make the right decision.

    Life filters people who are not worthy of you. Be grateful to the higher powers that they take care of you and remove from your life those who will not make you happy. It's hard for you now, that's okay. But over time, you will be convinced that everything is only for the best. * * * Do not be upset, this is not the last man on Earth. * * * He does not deserve your suffering, be strong. * * * You are beautiful, interesting and smart, therefore you loneliness is not threatened. * * * I will always support you, you deserve better. Remember this, and do not humiliate yourself.

    * * * Consider that in this way, the forces from above filter people that you do not need. Head higher and forward, on it the light did not converge like a wedge. * * * You are a strong guy, you will be able to erase her from life. I will always support you! * * * You are a good guy, it is her own fault that she did not value you. * * * Everything will be fine, the girls themselves will hang on your neck, you are a macho!

    * * * How people's life filters. But she's smarter and wiser, Yesterday we slept in the same bed, Today we’re not even among our friends. one of the truths that a pig will find dirt everywhere. There are not enough bullets to shoot at the rats that escape from the ship.


    * * * Don't blame yourself for what happened. It is human nature to make mistakes. Let this mistake teach you a great lesson: every sunset is the beginning of a new, bright dawn. * * * I do not blame you, and I do not support you. After that, you didn't become a bad person, you just made a mistake. Don't try to fix the problem, try to fix your thoughts, and then I'm sure the problem will be solved by itself. * * * You cannot forget it. But you can stop blaming yourself, and then you will remember about it less often. * * * Everything has its own reasons, and I'm sure you had them too. Do not blame yourself. The one to whom you are really important will not reject you even after what happened, and will give you the opportunity to explain. The important thing is that you sincerely regret it and made the right conclusions. There are many examples in the world when, after betrayal, people really begin to appreciate each other and are afraid of losing more than those who remain faithful. The first ones faced the problem head-on, and can assess all the risks. I wish everything to work out!


    * * * A person who betrayed love can be justified, but a person who betrayed friendship - no! Make the right conclusions, and learn to live without this person. * * * Pull yourself together and understand that a real friend could not do this to you! Dry your tears and start singing! * * * They say that real friends cannot be replaced, your friends easily replaced you. Conclusion - there were no "real" ones. Everything is ahead, believe me!

    * * * I wonder what your former best friends are doing now, they probably say nasty things about you with those about whom they used to say nasty things. You don't need people like that. You are the best and connect with the best!

    * * * Life provides us with experience in the form of communication with different people. Spoiled and not so good or bad. Take a lesson from this, and live on. Now you are one more experienced! And this is a plus! * * * Let this be only a good lesson for you, not suffering. Draw conclusions about this person and communicate with him only at work. * * * The main thing is to remain a person in this situation, do not act in spite. * * * Do not sink to someone else's level, and do not let other people drag you to the bottom.

    * * * You will now calm down, because you have already been given the full measure of our sincere sympathy. And now there is no time to cry, business awaits. * * * I understand that it is hard to realize his betrayal, but now you see who is around you. And you can change that by communicating only with the worthy.


Beloved girlfriend / wife

Beloved boyfriend / husband

Girlfriend / friend

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Top 20 Quotes for Words of Support and Inspiration

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Words of support in difficult times

Words of support are not just sympathy, thanks to them you express your participation in the problems, troubles and grief of another person. Of course, there are no standard phrases that will be correct in a certain situation, suitable for a man or a woman, a grandmother or a young man. It is very important that the words come from the heart, be imbued with your feelings, but you should not forget about some human factors either.

For example, be prepared that something anxious person may not react to your words as usual, be more hot-tempered, not make compromises, etc. In addition, words that will calm the woman's nervous system may not correctly perceived by a man and vice versa. Therefore, it is necessary to observe not only tolerance, correctness and subordination, but also to take into account the peculiarities of this situation.

Words of support to a loved one

Your significant other should always feel your support, because you are a support for her in a difficult situation, a vest in grief and a person with whom you share happiness. It is imperative to say again about your feelings, to repeat that there are two of you, and it is easier to overcome any difficulties together.

Be sure to express your feelings:

  • "It hurts me to see you upset"
  • "I am as worried as you are."

This wording brings you closer, makes the conversation more frank, and creates a trusting atmosphere. And if you cannot find the right words or you see that the words are unnecessary now, just stay by your side. Sometimes no words can replace the presence of a loved one.

Words to a man in difficult times

Men react much more sharply to life's troubles, believing that the responsibility for everything lies with them, because they are taught this from childhood. But in fact, there are situations when the man is not guilty of what happened, but he still reproaches himself. In this case, you need to convince the man as gently as possible, not persistently and not aggressively (after all, we remember that upset people are prone to unexpected reactions to any of our words), convince the man that he does not need to blame himself.

Suitable phrases:

  • "It's not your fault in this case,"
  • “This is a confluence of circumstances independent of you,” etc.

It is important to help a man stop self-flagellation and start looking for a solution to the problem.

Never express your sympathy through the adjectives "poor", "unhappy", do not say that you are so sorry for him. On the contrary, you need to encourage him with phrases about how strong he is, that his vital energy is enough to cope with more difficult tasks. If you say that a man is very smart and will find a way out of this situation, then his ambitions will simply not allow him to sit in one place with a sad expression on his face. To confirm your words, the man will take action.

For a woman - support in her own words

On the contrary, a woman must first be reassured, perhaps then she will not have to search for solutions to problems, everything can go away with hysteria. Finding words of support is very important in such a situation. For example, if the reason for a bad mood is a breakup with a man, then compliment her on her attractive appearance, say that she is a good housewife and is still quite young.

It is good if the situation allows you to be distracted and do other things, a walk, entertainment, cooking new dishes - all this can distract a woman from sad thoughts.

To the girl - words in difficult times

Young girls in stressful situations can commit extremely rash acts. Therefore, it is important not only to calm and distract them from the problem, but also to isolate them as much as possible from important matters and tasks. Try to plunge the young lady into a sea of ​​positive emotions, avoid standard phrases: “Everything will be fine,” “Everything will pass,” “I sympathize,” etc. They will only aggravate the situation.

Be sure to try to talk with the girl about how she is feeling, help release all her negative emotions, and then tune in to a positive mood or help find a way out of a difficult problem for her.

To a friend who finds herself in a difficult situation

Who, no matter how best friend, will a girl turn to in a difficult situation? Of course, initially you need to listen to your friend, especially if you see that the person wants to speak out. Problem statement makes it easier for the soul and helps to look at the problem from the outside. Words of consolation, advice - what the girl clearly wants to hear in response, so do not hesitate to state your constructive thought, just remember that in this situation you need to present your position gently and not persistently.

SMS to a person in a difficult time

If you suddenly find out about the problem of a loved one, a person you just know, and there is no way to be present next to him, then you can always send a short message with words of support. No need for long epithets about your sympathy.

Sometimes it's just enough to write an SMS:

  • “I know what happened. You can always count on my help. "

These two sentences are rather short, but their meaning will be clear right away. Do not expect an instant response, perhaps a person needs some time to decide to ask you for support or just talk about their problem. But when your loved one knows that you are ready to share the burden of the situation with him, immediately the world will seem a little more rosy to him.

Words of support in prose

Even if you send a message with words of support on a social network or by phone, let them be better in prose. So, you will express your words sincerely and accessible. Otherwise, the recipient may get the impression that instead of making a call or a personal visit, you started looking for a rhyme on the Internet, and then just copied it and sent it. This will spoil the impression of even the most sincere empathy.

Be close to your loved one during his joy and share the burden of troubles with him. After all, together - you are stronger! And find for him exactly those words that convey your real feelings.

Words of support for a sick person

Kind words of support to a sick person in prose, quotes uttered by you will only have a positive effect on a loved one.

The essential attitude of good healing is faith in the best. If the prognosis of the development of the disease is doubtful, focus on encouraging signs, life-affirming words, contribute to the improvement of the patient's condition.

"The strength of the spirit makes a person invincible." Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

“You will recover and everything will be fine, the main thing is not to be nervous and not to cry. Stress and depression greatly reduce immunity, which cannot be allowed now, the body is generally capable of self-healing, the main thing is not to put a spoke in its wheels. Despite the difficulties and circumstances, just Believe in yourself - in your strength! I understand that it is easy to say, but difficult to do, But try. We are all with you, and together we will make every effort to improve your health situation. "

“Now you have a difficult period, you are tense, tired, all this affects your health. Get more rest and gain strength, follow all the doctor's prescriptions and think less about the bad. You are the nicest and kindest with us, everything will be over soon. "

“Don't be too nervous, hold on! All diseases are from the nerves. Your health will certainly recover. Remember that I always support you mentally, and look forward to improving your health. "

“Our dear little man! They say that if you strive with all your heart for something, then it undoubtedly comes true. You will definitely be cured! Now medicine is progressing very much. We are your family, together with the doctors, we will try to do our best to restore your health. "

“Believe in your recovery, because good mood and optimism can play an important role. Everything will be fine! It simply cannot be otherwise! "

“The main thing is to think about the good, believe in recovery, do not succumb to the disease, fight! It's difficult but you have to hold on! We love you and believe that together we will definitely overcome the disease. "

“Such a bright and positive person like you will simply be all right! Try to follow all the advice of doctors, think only about the good, dear, because thoughts materialize! "

“Try not to succumb to sadness and despair, anger at the disease, because only a positive mood and a strong spirit will drive away your illness. If you need my help, just let me know, I will rush in in no time. "

“Let it be bad now, but then everything will be fine. Everything will change and the pain will recede. God will give the strength to endure everything, do not lose hope, hold on. You need to go through, wait, and then everything will work out. We believe in you and we will pray for your recovery. "

Quotes and sayings about illness and recovery

As soon as a person gets sick, he needs to look in his heart for someone to forgive. We must sincerely forgive everyone without exception, especially ourselves. Even if we don't know how to forgive, we need to want it strongly. Our every thought literally creates our future. (quotes by Louise Hay)

Dear you, all your illnesses are caused by not your tininess: from warmth, from tasty food, from peace. Do not be afraid of the cold, it mobilizes, as it is now fashionable to say, the protection of the body. Cold throws a health hormone into the body. Let everyone think about what is more important to him - business or small joys. There must be a victory for everything. A person must live in victory; if you don’t get it, you’re worth a penny on a market day ... Why be treated when you can and should not let the disease into the body! Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov

Do not be sad! Recipes for happiness and a cure for sadness

“You cannot help the cause of grief, and if you are in trouble, the best thing you can do is try to adapt to the circumstances. I knew a man who had his left arm amputated from the very shoulder due to illness. He did not fall into despair and did not lament about this, but showed patience and decided for himself that he needed to live on despite this ordeal. He got married, he had children, he was a master at driving with one hand and did his job diligently and diligently, without complaining about anything. He lived as if the Most High and created him with one hand ”Aid al-Karni.

“Avoid those who try to undermine your faith in yourself. This trait is characteristic of "small" people. A great person, on the contrary, inspires you with the feeling that you can become great. " Mark Twain

Disease is a cross, but maybe a support. It would be ideal to take strength from her and reject weakness. Let her become a haven that gives strength at the right time. And if you have to pay with suffering and renunciation - we will pay. Camus A.

The hope of getting well is half the recovery. Voltaire

Just as one cannot start treating the eye without thinking about the head, or treating the head without thinking about the whole organism, just as one cannot treat the body without treating the soul. Socrates

If an egg is broken by force from the outside, life ends. If an egg is broken by force from the inside, life begins. All great things always start from within.

Life sometimes hits us, this, of course, is very unpleasant, but the day will come when you will understand that you are not a victim, but a fighter, that you will cope with all your troubles. Brooke Davis

Truly strong is the one who conquered himself. Victory over oneself is a victory in which there are no defeated ones, because the force that commanded you against your will becomes a conquered force.

Mix your sorrows with the sorrows of the whole world, and your sorrows will be less. Yakov Abramovich Kozlovsky

Your determination not to give up will keep you from breaking down even when everything is crumbling.

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted. Coco Chanel

When running water meets an obstacle on its way, it stops, increases its volume and strength, and then overflows through the obstacle. Follow the example of water: stop and increase your strength until the obstacle no longer interferes with you in your path. I Ching

Nothing is impossible, everything that can be imagined is possible!

Not a single desire is given to a person apart from the power that allows him to fulfill him. Richard Bach

You cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it.

It doesn't matter that you walk slowly ... the main thing is don't stop.

Topic of the section: words of approval of support for a sick person in prose, quotes, sayings for men and women. And remember, the hormones of happiness (endorphins) are formed in the brain when a person is happy and laughing. Thus, they strengthen the immune system, improve the properties and composition of the blood, change the endocrine status of the body, relieve stress, and help recovery! "The only doctor who thinks that everything is in order with you works in the military registration and enlistment office."

Topic 3. What words to speak in difficult circumstances? (Series on the influence of words)

Throughout life, each person has to face different difficulties. It can be minor scrapes at work, a quarrel with a loved one, illness, or the loss of someone close to you. And in these difficult circumstances, it is so important to know that there is someone nearby who will not regret warm words of support. After all, one spoken word can heal a bleeding wound or, conversely, cause even more harm.

Today, unfortunately, people underestimate the importance of the spoken words. But it is in them that a huge power is hidden, which is capable of both giving life to a person, and taking it away. The Bible says: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat of its fruits." Proverbs 18:22 As you can see, the tongue has power, and despite the fact that it is a small member, it is he who governs everything.

Why is it so important to express words of support in difficult times?

The fact is that when a person is supported and said that together they will cope with any problem, that there are those next to him who love him and will help, then they strengthen the one who is in a difficult situation and give him strength. However, a lack of understanding and support can kill even the slightest hope that everything will be fine.

Words of support to the patient

Unfortunately, in life it happens that diseases come into our life. Some of them are easily cured, others are more serious, and still others are fatal. And when we learn about the illness of a loved one, it plunges us into shock and bewilderment. However, what does the patient himself feel at this moment? Of course, he suffers more than others. Different thoughts can arise in his head, and it is at this moment that words of support to the patient can help him feel not alone, and that there is still hope.

Faced with a similar circumstance, everyone understands that something needs to be said, but most often people cannot find the right words, and begin to show pity. This is the last thing the patient needs. Our participation and kind word are what a patient needs. This is what will help him not worry so much, knowing that he is still loved.

What words of support can you say to the patient?

  1. You need to tell a loved one that you love him and no matter what happens, you will always be there.
  2. Give compliments, praise for any merit, even the smallest. For a patient, this merit can be a real feat.
  3. There is no need to talk about the disease itself and how shocking news it has become for you, it is better to distract the patient with some good news or, in extreme cases, a funny anecdote.

Any sick person needs words of support and attention. This will help him recover faster and recover sooner.

Condolences of support

The loss of a loved one is perhaps the most powerful test for everyone. And in this difficult period, a person needs help and attention so that he can walk this path and start living a full life again. In this case, instead of words of support, words of condolence will be appropriate. However, condolences can be different. For example, let's compare two options.

  1. "My condolences! Everything will be fine!" - such support seems completely indifferent and sounds more like a formality. How can everything be good if everything is very bad?
  2. Or: “Please accept my sincere condolences! Know that you can always count on my help. If you need something, I am always there! " - from such words it really becomes warmer in the soul. After all, knowing that there are people who are ready to help in any situation helps to cope with many difficulties.

So what are the words to speak in difficult circumstances?

  • First of all, these should be thoughtful words. What we say can change a person's life for the better or for the worse. After all, every word we say will definitely bear fruit.
  • If a person is in a difficult situation himself, then you do not need to get hung up on your condition and constantly tell everyone how bad everything is. After all, these words will bear fruit. Difficulties will come across more than once on our way, so we must learn to extract something positive and good even from the worst. And that's exactly what to talk about.

The Bible says: “I said: I will watch my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth, while the wicked one is before me. ”Ps. 38: 2

Our wild words can be a blessing or a curse to someone. Therefore, even expressing words of support to someone in difficult times, it is worth controlling yourself. Unfortunately, very often it turns out that you wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Therefore, sometimes it is better to remain silent at all than to say some kind of stupidity that hurts a person to the core.

Words of Faith in Difficult Times

There are circumstances in which you cannot speak words of unbelief.

When you're under pressure at work.

When there is no money

When a difficult relationship with loved ones.

In no case should these words be proclaimed into your life.

"Why?" - you ask. And ask right. Remember part 1 of our study? God created the entire universe with a word. And we are created in His image and likeness.

And therefore, what we say in our life is what we have.

For example.

Example 1. Business.

When I started doing business, the first 4 months I had practically no orders. Only small ones, or from relatives.

I remember my birthday. I have no orders for 48 days, a warm March evening. A friend called me, congratulated and then casually asked:

"How's business?"

How many flashed through my head at that moment. But in response, I boldly replied:

"All perfectly!".

Instead of words of disbelief and despondency, I said what I believed in.

Isn't that a lie?

No. For the reason that it happened.

Example 2. Relationship with a person.

The principle is very simple.

Saying is not what the soul feels. Because the soul is always like on a roller coaster, sometimes good, sometimes bad.

But say what you believe in your spirit.

And soon what you see will agree with what you say.

An example from the Word of God.

Jesus did just that.

One day a man approached Him, the head of the synagogue, whose daughter was dying. Imagine his grief. The girl, whom he raised with love, lies with a disease for which this man had no medicine. He turned to God.

22 And, behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue, by the name of Jairus, comes, and seeing him, falls at his feet 23 and begs him earnestly, saying: My daughter is about to die; come and lay your hands on her so that she will get well and stay alive. 24 Jesus went with him. Large crowds followed him, and they oppressed him.

The Lord God always answers the need of man. Jesus followed the ruler of the synagogue.

But an event occurred on the road that made Jesus stop. Time is precious. The daughter is dying, the head of the synagogue is terribly worried.

And Jesus at this time is talking with a woman who was healed by touching Him.

35 While he was yet speaking these things, they came from the ruler of the synagogue and said, Your daughter is dead; what else are you bothering the Teacher? 36 But Jesus, hearing these words, immediately says to the ruler of the synagogue: Do not be afraid, only believe. 37 And He did not allow anyone to follow Him except Peter, James, and John, the brother of James.

See how important words are. The man still believed. But they came from home and said that the daughter was dead.

Jesus' first reaction was, "Don't be afraid, just believe."

And the head of the synagogue obeyed. He did not utter a single word of disbelief in the most difficult circumstances. He did not fight in hysterics, did not shout at subordinates and did not get angry. He gave the situation to Jesus.

And when Jesus said to him the words "Do not be afraid, only believe" - ​​he did it.

He did not succumb to fear. He submitted to faith.

38 He comes to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and sees confusion and crying and crying loudly. 39 And coming in, he saith to them: Why are you confused and crying? the maiden is not dead, but she is sleeping. 40 And they laughed at Him. But He, having sent all out, takes with Him the father and mother of the girl and those who were with Him, and enters where the girl was lying. 41 And taking the damsel by the hand, he said to her, "Talitha Qumi," which means, damsel, I say to you, get up. 42 And the girl immediately got up and began to walk, for she was twelve years old. Those who saw were in great amazement. 43 And He strictly ordered them that no one should know about it, and said that they should give her something to eat.

There are some amazing things about this story.

  1. The way Jesus behaved.

In the East, there is a profession - a mourner. Such people are invited to mournful events. But Jesus sent them out, even though they laughed at Him.

And then Jesus spoke words filled with faith and what He proclaimed was happening. He did not beg his daughter to get up. He proclaimed this "girl, I tell you, get up." And it happened.

But most of all I want to draw your attention to this man.

But the situation is really terrible. The beloved child is dying. Nothing can be done. Since he is the head of the synagogue, he is not a poor man and he has tried everything he can. But nothing helped.

But notice his behavior around the Lord.

During all this time, he uttered the words only once. And these were words of faith. "Come and lay your hands on her so that she will recover and stay alive."

He spoke words of faith when he came to Jesus. And when it was very difficult, he just kept silent.

But during all this time, he never uttered a word of disbelief, words of fear or doubt. HE did not lament: “Ah-ah-ah, Jesus, my daughter is already dead, lying in the house. How am I going to live now. And you didn’t come. ”

He was silent. And he believed.

Sometimes faith is expressed in words. But there are times when it’s even difficult to say. But be quiet and keep believing. And this faith will materialize into the fact that you will see the result of faith.

A word of encouragement for difficult circumstances.

First. Your words of support are very important to your neighbor.

Second. In difficult circumstances, don't let your tongue speak words of doubt and unbelief. Because what you say surrounds you.

words of support in difficult times

All women are very sensitive, so even a minor confusion can upset them. At this moment, support is important for girls, especially if it comes from a loved one. How to support a girl when she feels bad?

There are two ways to support a girl in difficult times. The first is moral support, that is, words. The second involves actions that allow a woman to feel the care and protection of a loved one. If everything is done correctly, then you can achieve a quick change in the mood of your chosen one.

  • Seeing that the girl is upset about something, it is imperative to find out the reason for this. If a woman wants to tell, then you just need to listen to her, without interrupting, but simply nodding her head. Keep your personal opinion to yourself. If the girl does not want to tell anything, then in no case should you force her. You just need to let her cry and be there.
  • You should not try to impose your own solutions to this problem, advise something. This is especially true for those situations where the decision is difficult. Otherwise, the girl will be even more upset, thinking that there is no way out.
  • It is imperative to empathize, but only positive emotions should come from a young man. This point is very important. It is necessary to tune a woman to a positive development of events in the future, that everything will change for the better. Thus, the girl herself will soon believe that everything will be fine.
  • Whatever problem is, no matter how small, you should not underestimate it. Therefore, phrases such as "it does not matter at all", "yes, it happened to me a hundred times and nothing" do not fit. Otherwise, the woman will think that the beloved person does not perceive her problem in any way and it will seem to her that he is simply mocking. And this will create even more frustration.
  • Humor is one of the most important components of human life. But it should always be appropriate. If the girl is upset, then you can try to make her laugh, distract from the problems with an entertaining and comic story. At the same time, one should not be afraid to look ridiculous and ridiculous. You can sing a funny song. Even if the guy does not have a voice, this will only be a plus. If the cause of the experience was a certain person who offended her, then you can try to talk about him in a humorous tone.

Support with words through real communication or correspondence is only the first stage, then physical contact is necessary. It involves light touches, hugs. But in no case should you impudently pester, this not only will not calm your beloved, but it can also destroy the relationship.

When a person hugs or touches another, the latter produces oxytocin. This is the name of the hormone that increases feelings of connection, affection, trust and intimacy. You can just hold the girl's hands, stroke her palm, put your hand on her shoulder. These actions will be enough.

You can also cheer up a girl by going to the cinema, bowling or some other entertaining place. It's good if you come up with something truly unusual and romantic for a woman. This will pleasantly surprise your beloved and distract from the offense.

What should be careful about?

The main goal of a man is to support the girl, to show her his care, love, protection. Therefore, it is important not to "go too far", but to act very carefully. You need to be careful with jokes. If you can see that they are not affecting the girl, then it is better to stop doing it.

Women always appreciate all the efforts of men to console them, but not every girl likes it, preferring to be alone in difficult moments of life. If a guy sees that she wants to be alone, or a woman says so directly about it, then it is worth leaving her. But you don't need to go far, because she should feel something loved by her and she can speak out to him at any moment.

  • When talking with the chosen one, you must be sincere, patient, kind. Don't ask her to smile or she might get angry. Therefore, you should try to make her smile not at the request, but thanks to a joke, a pleasant compliment, and good news.
  • In no case should a man pester an upset woman, climb with kisses and other intimate things. In difficult times, the girl wants to be understood, surrounded by care, and not pestered.
  • You cannot ignore your beloved in view of the insignificance of her problem. She needs to know that the young man is supporting her, whatever the situation.

How to cheer up a sick girl?

Illness is an unpleasant phenomenon that every person faces and more than once in his life. For the fair sex, it is perceived badly, because even a common cold worsens the appearance, which they value so much. At this point, women usually do not want to be seen by their loved one, especially if the relationship is still developing.

In this case, compliments are a good way for men to cheer up a sick girl. She needs to do them often. But you also need to be careful with pleasant words. The compliment should express a comparison of the convalescent state with the sick one.

For example, you should not just say to a sick woman: "What beautiful eyes you have", but should be paraphrased as follows: "Today your eyes radiate the notes of a healthy princess." You can also apply the following compliments to a man: "Every day your cheeks are getting pinker", "You may look tired, but you are still the most beautiful girl in the world."

If a loved one is ill with some serious pathology, then the young man should not show her his experiences. When she is sick, it is necessary to behave positively, to set the young lady in the same mood, to make her believe that everything will be fine.

Throughout a difficult time, a girl should not feel lonely for a second. It is important to surround her with care, love, always be there, show how dear and loved she is. All problems end at some point, it is worth understanding and not dwelling on unpleasant moments in life.

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Continuation of the tender theme: "Tender words to a beloved man" ...

Psychologists say men need the support of loved ones even more than the fair sex. The point is that support shows that someone needs a man, which means that the need to solve problems is not in vain.

To support your man, use the following phrases that psychologists believe will help him find the strength to cope with difficulties.

"I believe in you"

It is very important for a man to understand that his beloved woman sees in him a knight who, despite the size of the dragon, will be able to defeat him.

Naturally, only words in this situation are not enough, and you need to show your faith in deeds. But do not forget about words either. Sometimes they can give a person strength.

"In my eyes, you are still a strong man"

If a man is in trouble, do not forget to tell him that you still see strength in him. The thing is that men are very afraid to appear weak in front of a woman.

That is why some representatives of the stronger sex abandon women with whom they have achieved success and go to those who have not seen them in moments of weakness.

"I don't care what others think, I know you better than anyone."

When a man has doubts about himself, tell him that you know that he will succeed. And it doesn't matter what others think.

Remember, men pay very much attention to what they say around them. And often they need help to understand that the crowd is not always right.

"I will be with you, no matter what happens"

A man should know, no matter what story happens to him, you will be there. We are talking about situations when he could not come out as a winner, or something was cut off somewhere in his social life.

Actually, such words are proof of loyalty. After all, men are very afraid that a woman may be disappointed in him because of some kind of failure.

When a tear drips from pain ...
When the heart beats from fear ...
When the soul hides from the light ...
When life is torn from grief ...
You sit quietly in silence ...
Close your eyes and realizing that you are tired ...
Tell yourself privately ...
I will be happy! No matter what!!!

Create a postcard


Don't cling to the past
Don't live on resentment
Remember the good
Do not envy anyone.
Everything that heaven sent to you,
Take it for granted
Everything that has been done is for the best.
No matter how difficult it is
Do not murmur about fate,
Be happy every moment
And do not judge others
For their weaknesses are frequent.
Fight for your loved ones
God-given powers,
Do not skimp on words
Be gentle with the cute.
How easy it is to live joyfully!
Marvel at the sunsets
And fall in love with all the passion
Into his life striped ...

Create a postcard


Damn it, how lovely!
Get up in the morning, wash your face!
And hoping for the best
it's easy to set foot on a new day!
To drink coffee! Dress up!
Apply a little makeup!
And don't whine! And don't get angry!
Only with joy to bloom!
Not playing hide and seek with anyone
not cunning, not concealing ...
Tell everyone that EVERYTHING is OK !!!

Create a postcard


How often in life they undertake to condemn us,
How often they crawl into our souls in vain
How rarely will they help unselfishly,
How rarely we will be heard in truth.

How often do we want to fall
Fall by yourself! And don't resist
And he may not even breathe at all.
Or maybe get up .. and try again ?!

How often life does not hesitate to hit us in the face,
How often people will accidentally stab you in the back.
The main thing is not to be afraid of anything!
And be kind! At least half.

And in life you will meet different people!
And they will play different roles with you.
Just don’t stop believing! Do not dare!
After all, in war they are preparing for victory. Not pain!

And most importantly - be a human being!
And in spite of everything, manage to stay for them!
And yes! This path will not be easy!
But know! That he is happy who is not ready to give up!

Create a postcard


Don't let your soul get lazy!
So that the water does not crush in the mortar,
The soul is obliged to work
And day and night, and day and night!

Drive her from house to house
Drag from stage to stage
Through the wasteland, through the windbreak,
Through a snowdrift, through a bump!

Don't let her sleep in bed
By the light of the morning star
Keep a lazy woman in a black body
And don't take the bridle off her!

If you decide to give her a favor,
Freeing from work,
She's a last shirt
It will rip off you without pity.

And you grab her by the shoulders
Teach and torment until dark
To live like a human with you
She studied again.

She is a slave and a queen
She is a worker and a daughter
She has to work
And day and night, and day and night!

1958 Nikolay Zabolotsky


Create a postcard


I love people who are positive in life.
They have their own, special radiance
And how many used, there were no dark days in their lives,
Only light has an impact there.
They know how to radiate goodness,
They warm a part of the World with their warmth.
Alas, not all of us are given this,
But under their warmth, our souls melt.
I want so much that each of us
Happiness got a small grain,
What would instead of bitter and cold phrases,
Smiles settled on our faces!

Create a postcard


I Allow Myself To Be Happy!
I Allow Myself To Be Rich!
I Allow Myself To Be Beautiful!
And with a HUGE IMMEDIATE salary!
Allow me to sing in the morning from Happiness!
And at night get drunk with Bliss!
I allow Love NOT to end!
For the Loved One to Be PERFECT !!

Create a postcard


Save me God save me
From buns, jam, sweets,
From fried chicken too
From gingerbread, cakes, biscuits.
From noodle soup, kulebyaki,
Cheesecakes, dumplings, cutlets.
Let the potato be a bad thing for me,
And I will shout to the pancakes - NO!
I'd rather be a lamb
And I will only pinch the grass,
I pray to you endlessly
Let your hands forget to grab
And your nose will always climb into the refrigerator,
To smell something and eat.
Oh my God! Vow on monday
I should go on a bad diet.

Create a postcard


Control yourself among the confused crowd,
Swearing you for the confusion of all,
Believe in yourself, in spite of the universe,
And forgiven those of little faith their sin;

Let the hour not come, wait without getting tired
Let the liars lie, do not condescend to them;
Be able to forgive and do not seem to forgive,
More generous and wiser than others.

Know how to dream without becoming a slave to dreaming,
And to think without deifying thoughts;
Meet success and abuse equally
Remembering that their voice is deceitful;

Stay quiet when your word
Cripples a rogue to catch fools
When all life is ruined, and again
You have to recreate everything from the basics.

Know how to put, in joyful hope,
Everything that I have accumulated with difficulty is at stake,
To lose everything and become a beggar as before,
And never regret that;

Be able to force the heart, nerves, body
Serve you when in your chest
Everything has been empty for a long time, everything has burned down.
And only Volya says: "Go!"

Stay simple, chatting with kings,
Stay honest when speaking to the crowd;
Be direct and firm with enemies and friends,
Let everyone, in their hour, reckon with you;

Fill every moment with meaning
Hours and days of relentless running, -
Then you will take the whole world as a possession,
Then, my son, you will be a Human!

What to do when the mood is at zero ... when you lose heart ... when you don't see where to go, and you want to give up everything ... once and for all.

Know that even at this moment you are NOT ALONE. There are a LOT of people like you. There really are a LOT of us!

So different, so different ... and yet I = YOU. YOU = I.

We bring you 20 quotes of famous people as support and inspiration on your way! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

1. "If you are always in a hurry, you may miss the miracle." Lewis Carroll

2. "Believe in the fact that there is something to live for, and your faith will help this fact to come true." William james

3. "To reach the goal, you must first go." Honore de Balzac

4. "The biggest mistake you can make in life is the constant fear of making mistakes." Elbert Hubbard

5. “What is the purpose of man? Be him. " Stanislav Lec

6. "Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key." Fuller Thomas

7. “Life is not suffering. It's just that you suffer from it, instead of living and enjoying it. " Dan Millman

8. "The fate of the person who is sitting in the seat does not move either." Philip Farmer

9. “There is no point in finding a place where you feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere ... "

10. "You cannot change the direction of the wind, but you can always raise the sails to reach your goal." Oscar Wilde

11. “When you feel very bad, raise your head. You will definitely see the sunlight. " Drew Barrymore

12. "While we are pedaling and steering towards the goal, it is important not to forget about the beautiful that opens up before us every day." Paulo Coelho

13. "Life is beautiful when you create it yourself." Sophie Marceau

14. "When you want something badly, the whole Universe will help to make your wish come true." Paulo Coelho

15. "Forgiveness does not change the past, but liberates the future."

16. “This world is like an echo in the mountains: if we give up anger, anger returns; if we give love, love returns. " Osho

17. "Most people are as happy as they choose to be happy." Abraham Lincoln

18. “You can only see what you believe in. Believe - and you will see. " Wayne Dyer

19. “You will not see the most important thing; only the heart is vigilant. " Antois de Saint Exupery

20. “The goal of every person's life is to become as happy as possible. Happiness is the goal that all other goals boil down to. " Deepak Chopra

Many thanks to my Vkontakte administrator Natalia Bukhovtseva for such a wonderful selection of quotes!