How to please a boss man? The right approach. How to please a man of a certain zodiac sign, an adult, married, your boss

When a desired man appears on the horizon, a woman is ready to resort to any tricks, or at least attention. Thousands of books and articles have been written about how to please a man, but we continue to search for the perfect scheme.

If the stars turn the wrong way to us, you can outwit them: using the features of the lover's zodiac sign, make the right impression on the man you like. So, what keys are suitable for men born under a particular constellation?

In contact with

The phrase "all men are the same" is not always true. This is confirmed by the happy owners of ideal husbands, about whom they already say “my man is not like that.” Cardinal differences are associated not only with the peculiarities of upbringing or social circle, but also with the date of birth.

No wonder astrologers spend so much time on calculations! Their conclusions are often on point. Therefore, when planning a strategy to win the man of your dreams, take the trouble to find out the date of his birth. And we will tell you how to proceed.


Dates of birth: from March 21 to April 20.

How to please an Aries man if you like him? Aries men are principled people.

It is quite difficult to force such men to do something without good arguments. However, even such a complex character can be dealt with quite easily if you approach the issue correctly.

Characteristics of the Aries man:

  • stubbornness;
  • arrogance;
  • the desire to reign supreme: over life, a woman, subordinates;
  • the need to control everything.

First of all, in order to please the Aries man, you need to make an indelible impression on him literally from the first seconds. This person is used to living by following the commands of his mind, so you need to slightly dumbfound him to get to the feelings.

Naturally, the action should be within the framework of the reasonable in the truest sense of the word: amaze him with knowledge in the area of ​​interest to him, quote a little-known but authoritative writer. In a word, prove that your person is worthy of the attention of the king that you liked.

The desire to control everything makes such an Aries man a warrior, a protector, a strong wall behind which you can always hide. Therefore, do not rush to open the trunk of the car yourself, pour wine into your glass, open the heavy door in front of you ... give him the opportunity to show his courage.


How to please a Taurus man if you like him? - a calm and balanced person. In a relationship, he appreciates honesty and sincerity, and in a woman - serious intentions.

Therefore, if you want to please such a man, do not prioritize bed entertainment and do not try to take it with your sexuality - in this case, do not expect the continuation of the relationship from the man you like.

The one who shows herself as a sensitive, gentle, and, in addition, also an economic girl, can count on greater success. Show attention to the young man, captivate him with an interesting conversation.

If you are expecting your beloved to visit, create comfort in the apartment. It should be a room with a pleasant aroma, but without strong odors and bright color accents. Taurus can't stand bad taste.

As a rule, a girl who has conquered a Taurus man can count on a long and strong relationship. Entertainment will most likely be watching movies or meeting friends, and not noisy night parties in a club, but it's worth it.


Dates of birth: from May 21 to June 21.

How to please if you liked it? The very name of this zodiac sign suggests that there is some duality here. It concerns two aspects:

  1. Character traits of a man. Gemini combines talent (in any business), curiosity and hard work with forgetfulness and inconstancy. The lady of the heart of such a person will have to adapt to such features of her lover.
  2. The girl of the Gemini man should be special, preferably exclusive. Therefore, the features of appearance, an unusual voice, extravagant (but adequate) behavior - this is what first of all catches Gemini men.

An important feature that they value in a woman is intelligence. Therefore, do not be surprised if your first date with such a man does not take place in a restaurant, but first in a museum or planetarium. And in order not to fall into the mud face, prepare for this event and be ready not only to listen to the gentleman, but also to express your opinion on this or that occasion.

To please a Gemini man and win his heart forever, forget about jealousy. Flirting in the life of most representatives of this zodiac sign is an integral part of the image. As a rule, if he is serious about you, attention to other women will not mean anything, so do not worry without much reason.


Dates of birth: from June 22 to July 22.

How to please if you liked it? Cancer is an eternal dreamer, an adult child. It may not be possible to immediately find an approach to it, but it’s more interesting that way.

Character traits:

1. Stealth.

Cancer needs to be sure that you can be trusted before coming out.

2. Sociability.

No matter how it contradicts the first point, if a man of this zodiac sign feels “at ease”, then it will be difficult to stop him from telling another interesting story.

3. Caution.

Breaking bad - not about him, he downloaded a hundred times to double-check before making a decision.

4. Resourcefulness.

He rarely finds himself in a hopeless situation, because even once on a desert island, Cancer will quickly figure out how to light a fire and get food in the near future.

To please a Cancer man, it is important first of all to win him over. The best way to do this is through care and affection. In communication, be open and honest, but do not use to show your strong character, motivating him to take actions that he does not dare for a long time.

a lion

How to please if you liked it? As befits this noble star sign, the Leo man values ​​himself very highly.

And if you decide to please him, try to show with all your appearance that you share his admiration. Delight his ears with compliments and praises, and once in the company, give him the opportunity to fulfill himself and do not try to overshadow him with your superiority.

If you decide to show your jealousy to Leo, do it with a hint of how much you value his uniqueness. Keep criticism to yourself and speak out only if the situation is really worth it.

The tactics of an inaccessible woman, for the possession of which you need to go through fire, water and kill a dragon, will not work here. The lion prefers his prey to fall at his feet with little or no fight.

But as for intimate relationships, the bed for the representative of this zodiac sign is the place where he shows his subtle and vulnerable hidden essence. However, it will manifest itself only if one hundred percent trust in a woman.


Dates of birth: from August 23 to September 22.

How to please a Virgo man if you liked him? The constellation Virgo makes both a woman and a man born under his sign a pedant and an idealist.

This may not manifest itself in everything, but in some small things it is very noticeable. As was said in one of the characteristics of the sign regarding the bed, Virgos after sex check the sheets for cleanliness and straighten the folds on the bed.

Character traits:

  • scrupulousness and striving for impeccability in everything;
  • calm attitude to criticism;
  • tediousness in some matters;
  • predictability.

In women, they appreciate the ability to independently solve important problems, external attractiveness - not defiant, but ambiguous, as well as a subtle sense of humor. Important for the Virgo man that you liked will be comfort and cleanliness.

Feel free to boldly but delicately criticize the Virgo man, as this is an additional incentive for him to develop and improve. However, do not go too far and do not forget to give him the opportunity to dominate.

In bed, the Virgo man is a puritan, but if you can captivate him with a sexual game or a pleasant experiment, you can count on enthusiasm on his part.


How to please a Libra man if you like him? Like many others, men born under this constellation are characterized by the features of its sign. And in the case of Libra, this is, first of all, the desire for balance, not only in relations with a woman, but also in other areas of his life.

To please, you should pay attention to harmony. You can start with your appearance: elegant clothes in muted pastel colors can make a positive impression.

The second is behaviour. Libra is able to see not so much external beauty as the character traits hidden deeper, the soulfulness of a girl. Remember the rules of etiquette and the norms of behavior in a decent society, as men of this zodiac sign appreciate the rules. Scenes of jealousy and scandals can quickly cool the sympathy of a young man.


How to please a Scorpio man if you like him? The main feature of the character of Scorpio is that he loves to solve complex problems. Therefore, in order to win his heart, arrange a quest for him in reality, pretending to be a mysterious sphinx (not outwardly, of course, but in essence): in order to get into his innermost dungeon, you must first try hard.

Having hooked on the main highlight of your personality and starting to achieve you, he will no longer be able to stop. And you, in turn, can warm up his excitement with more and more pages of the “closed book”.

By the way, it may take a very long time to maintain this fire of curiosity, since having achieved their goal, most Scorpio men move on to another.


Dates of birth: from November 22 to December 21.

How to please if you liked it? This man is distinguished by expressiveness and an active lifestyle.

It is very important for him to be constantly on the move, to get new emotions and impressions, to make interesting discoveries. Therefore, a girl who wants to please a Sagittarius man should be a firework, a candy in a beautiful and bright package.

Try to find out what the object of your desire is interested in, and explore his hobby as much as possible. If a man loves to sing, invite him to karaoke and demonstrate your own talents, if he is an athlete, do not use to get in shape and, if possible, show that you are interested in a healthy lifestyle.

The Sagittarius you like is a man of action. He is quite short-tempered, but quickly calms down. If you want to please him, be prepared to weather the storm while showing that you are there and ready to help every minute.


How to please a Capricorn man if you like him? - outwardly very strict and picky, but in the soul - vulnerable and sensitive natures. Having decided to win his heart, give him the opportunity to show himself on the heroic side, but be confident and independent so that the young man can also feel support and support in you.

One of the main values ​​in the life of Capricorns is friendship, so try to find a common language with his company and become an organic part of it.

Capricorn guys easily cope with life's difficulties and experience them simply as another test that has fallen to their lot. However, do not skimp on praise.


Dates of birth: from January 20 to February 18.

Character traits:

  • curiosity and desire to try new things;
  • excessive requirements for a partner;
  • incredulity and caution in dealing with new people, sometimes even suspicion.

How to please if you liked it? In women, Aquarius men value intelligence, erudition, and grooming. Having decided to win the heart of this young man, do not hesitate to ask him out on a date first. But remember that this evening should be unusual, and you yourself should be mysterious and impregnable.

For Aquarius, personal space is very important, so do not try to connect him with yourself and spend all the time together, otherwise he will quickly get bored.


How to please a Pisces man if you like him? The Pisces man is the owner of a complex character, he usually does not know what he wants. However, this does not mean that it will be easy to catch him on your hook. If you want to please the owner of this watermark at first sight, tune in to a philosophical wave and choose the image of a Turgenev girl: modest and innocent.

Forget about tantrums and harsh statements about anyone. This behavior immediately scares off Pisces: you can’t even replace how quickly and silently the man you like will “float away” from you.

How to impress your boss?

, is not that uncommon. Often people meet, start a serious relationship and even get married, being colleagues.

But what if your heart was captured not by your desktop neighbor, but by your boss? How to please the boss, a man who is probably more affluent, but at the same time less accessible?

Here are some simple tips to help you find the key to the heart of a male boss:

  1. Without fanaticism. Even if you really like your boss, don't get too carried away with trying to please or flirting. The first will drastically reduce your price, the second is in danger of becoming a pass to bed, but no more.
  2. Self confidence. Behave like a professional: the position you occupy is not accidental, you deserve it. Moreover, it was this man who wanted you to be part of his team, so a priori he appreciates and respects you.
  3. No delays. Even if your relationship with a male boss is close to friendly, you should not abuse his trust. Irresponsibility can set the male boss against you, and there can be no question of continuing the relationship.
  4. Dress code. Modern stylists know how to turn a boring suit into an elegant casual outfit. Use their life hacks to impress your favorite boss without going beyond corporate ethics.
  5. Not through the bed. Often relationships at work, especially with the boss, that is, the person who holds one of the threads of your life, end only with a passionate romance. If your plans include relationships, do not rush into the arms of the desired man, be prudent, and then he will also feel your serious intentions.

How to interest a married man?

How to please a married man? You can’t command the heart, and if he is destined to surrender into the hands of a married man, he will have to put up with it. How not to go crazy with endless jealousy for the lawful wife of your lover and win him over to your side?

First of all, think carefully about whether the game is really worth the candle. As a rule, other women are fond of long-term bonds of marriage and already elderly people, thirsting for new emotions. Having received these emotions, they often return to the family.

If the above is not about you and your loved one is very close to radically changing his life, there are several ways to help him with this:

  1. Become for a man who liked, not just a lover, but a best friend, to whom he can always turn for help or talk about something that he will not even trust his lawful wife.
  2. By all possible means, turn his new life into a fairy tale, so that the past seems like a boring swamp, where there has long been nothing to catch.
  3. Be the opposite of his wife, and the best version, for the sake of which it is worth making big changes.

The main thing in all this is to be honest and frank. Try not to take the position of the insidious bitch-destroyer of families. And then even the wife of your beloved man can become not an enemy, but a harmonious part of your happy life.

Useful video

Of course, to please a certain man is not an easy task. What mistakes should be avoided when charming the stronger sex, the video will tell:


We really hope that our advice will be useful to you. If they seem absurd to you and do not fit in with your lifestyle and principles, perhaps you are not at all the person you need. Be yourself, and then you will not need any horoscopes and advice.

Long live professionalism: how to please the boss?

To learn how to please the boss, in order to make the story of Cinderella a reality, you can watch the movie "Office Romance" or read the fairy tale by Charles Perrault. Openness, goodwill and "spark" will play a major role. But "love comes and goes", but the work book with records remains. You will have to be yourself and act as you would like your subordinate to behave. Professionally and according to business etiquette.

The road through obvious flattery, eternal conciliation and the desire to stand out at any cost leads to failure. Emotional self-abasement and the patience of a petty tyrant are also contraindicated by psychologists. It is important to understand that a female boss is not much different from a male leader (if she is a professional), but there are subtleties in building relationships. What qualities will help win over the boss?

1. Both a woman and a man - a subordinate - need to adhere to the dress code. Mini skirts on a girl or shorts on a guy are unlikely to improve the opinion of such an employee.

2. You should do your work on time, and for this, they are engaged in direct duties at work, and do not spend time playing solitaire games or posting likes.

3. It is necessary to monitor the appearance (moderate make-up, clean hair and nails). The smell of fumes and yesterday's makeup are also bad manners.

4. Punctuality. Being late is the “mortal sin” at work! It is better to make it a habit to leave 10 minutes earlier.

5. Attentiveness to trifles, requests, wishes of the boss. To do this, you will need to get a notebook and a pencil.

6. A little secret - if you write everything down, there will be enough memory and nerves for the quality performance of the main work.

7. And responsibility. The boss said - the subordinate did.

Only by working harmoniously in one team, you can count on the respect and attention of higher persons. Reliability and the ability to trust an employee are the foundation of strong personal relationships.

The list of previous wishes should be supplemented with self-control, the ability to speak directly and to the point, politeness. There is no need to go too far and sit in the office from morning till night if family and children with unlearned lessons are waiting at home. A few simple tips will also help.

1. Look the superior person in the eyes and keep your back straight. Fawning, sweaty palms and shaking knees of a subordinate prevent the boss from adequately assessing the employee's abilities.

2. Sometimes it is useful to adopt the gestures and posture of the interlocutor in order to be “on the same wavelength” with him. Starting to master non-verbal communication, it is easier to understand what the leader wants.

3. Maintain relationships with other employees. Quarrels, squabbles, "whispering behind the back" take away peace and working time.

4. Do not pour mud on anyone. Gossip cannot lead to good a priori.

And most importantly, try to live as in the proverb: go to work with joy, but rush home with the same inspiration. Work, even if the boss is an object of adoration and his photo is on the night table by the bed, is only part of life. It is necessary to treat labor activity as a game, where, following all the rules, it is easy to become the “king of the hill” yourself.

1. Review the list of your job responsibilities. Each enterprise should have such approved lists or your duties: they must be clearly stated in the work contract. Typically, such a contract is concluded after a probationary period. Remember our 10 tips.

A clear definition of your duties and responsibilities will allow you to establish a clear service relationship with management. The contract and prescribed duties - all this disciplines both the employee and the manager.

If your boss is incompetent, it is very possible that he does not clearly understand how the duties are divided between employees. Therefore, after the trial period, write them yourself, as you imagine them and agree on the list with the boss, with subsequent inclusion in the work contract.

2. Find out what type of leader you are dealing with?

According to the hierarchy, you have to adapt to the boss, not him to you, so understand his requirements. Is he meticulous? Submit detailed reports to him.

Is he an amateur in your business or does he prefer to solve global problems without going into details? Try to give him two or three good ideas a week, even if he finds flaws in them.

In summary, try to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your boss, so you can avoid his irritation and give a positive assessment of your actions.

3. What worries your boss the most?

You need to know leadership priorities. This will allow you to direct your own efforts in the right direction and avoid completely unnecessary expenditure of time and energy on work that will not be appreciated by your boss.

4. Exploit the leader's weaknesses

Perhaps your manager's weakness lies in the fact that there is a job that he does not do for any reason. Perhaps due to excessive employment or due to ignorance, financial problems. Instead of slandering the boss while he is trying to be a procurement or HR manager, if you have experience, try to offer to help him. In addition to improving relationships with your actions, higher management (if any) will appreciate your initiative and take note of you.

5. Focus on the success of the whole team

Your work should contribute to the achievement of success in the work of the entire enterprise, the entire team. If the firm is doing well, then your contribution will be appreciated, you will significantly improve your relationship with management.

6. Organize your workflow

Every time the manager calls you to give a new task, always have a list of work accepted for execution with you, which indicates the deadline for their completion. This will help to reasonably explain that you will be happy to take on the task "x", but then the task "y" will be postponed for such and such a period.

This is a civilized form of not saying "no" and, moreover, allows you to evaluate the priorities of the boss, who will know that the task "y" is being delayed. Always have a clear idea of ​​the order of work to be done, and do not start task #5 until task #1 is completed.

7 . Meet with your manager regularly

It doesn't matter if the boss calls you: take the lead. At least once a week, ask him for an audience in which to present a report on the work done. Tell us about the difficulties you had to face and what solution you found.

This will help prioritize work, advise on how to get it done, and help your boss get his job done, even against his will.

8. Don't let antipathy win

Each of us sympathizes with some people, but does not endure some at all. However, at work, your success depends on how you can work with different psychological types of people. If you are experiencing communication difficulties, read the literature on the subject. You don't have to "love" your boss, the first step is to make sure he doesn't hate you.

9. Look at the situation with optimism

No matter how bad the boss seems to you, probability theory says that he cannot be completely "sucks." Discover positive aspects in your leader, they are always there, appreciate them, and this will help to overcome professional difficulties. Remember: whatever your boss is, he will become better if he likes you as an employee.

10. Remember, write down and take into action our advice: you will succeed!

How to please the boss? Ten Tips
You got a job and everything seems to suit you, but the relationship with the boss does not add up. How to build them - with minimal moral and material losses for you? Remember our 10 tips.

How to please a boss woman

You have finally found your dream job! Excellent salary, excellent social package, young mixed team! Only now the future leader constantly looks with suspicion, controls and double-checks your every step ...

Distrust of a new employee is a common "office" practice and an ordinary work situation. At work, everything is like in life: they met, liked each other, began to live together, conflicts began, then there was a total misunderstanding and, as a result, they parted like ships at sea. To make corporate life clearer, and the manager's logic more accessible, it is necessary to remember the unspoken rules that will help make life easier for any recruit. The main “skill” in any work is not to overdo it or, on the contrary, to show excessive zeal, I prove to the boss that there are employees no more stupid than him.

How to please an employer?

If the leader comes to work at 8.50 instead of 9.00, then it is worth the first time at least (trial period) to come 5-7 minutes earlier than him. Punctuality and the desire to “be ready” for the beginning of the working day instead of the prescribed “drinking coffee or tea at your desk from 9.00” will characterize you as a collected and responsible worker.

Despite the fact that, for example, the company does not have a strict dress code, but the manager prefers to wear business suits and elegant outfits, you should still “listen” to him and not flaunt in front of him (especially in front of her) in a short skirt, jeans or cleavage.

It so happened that you have a fairly high financial wealth: your parents help or your boyfriend / husband makes good money and spares no money for you. Sometimes it happens that a subordinate drives a more expensive car and goes to more fashionable vacation spots compared to the boss. In the game "who is cooler" it is better not to compete with the boss. Of course, you should not hide your wealth, and even more so, be ashamed that your income and opportunities are lower than those of the head. It is better to prove to the boss that you were not only born under a lucky star or successfully married, but also that you are a talented, hard-working professional.

It so happened that you are now having a very difficult period in your life: your beloved man left, your mother fell ill, serious health problems began. Of course, in such a situation, you are also afraid to lose your job, but do not forget that the leader is also a person. And it will be easier for him (her) to understand you or help if he (she) is aware of the situation. It is not necessary to tell everything in intimate details, it is enough just to outline the problem as a whole. Sometimes, having opened up to the boss, then you never cease to be surprised what a sincere and kind person was hiding behind the mask of a tough and strict leader. So don't be afraid to be honest! In any case, if the boss does not understand you, then no matter what he does, it will be his problem ...

You see that your manager is a weak professional, but a good person, so the scenario of stalking the boss scrolls in your head. There is nothing to worry about - healthy competition makes business stronger and more profitable! This has been proven by economics for a long time. The main thing is not to stoop to rude conflict situations, petty squabbles and outright meanness. Imagine that this time you succeeded and you became the boss, but do not forget that at some point you can become weak and they will already set you up. If, despite the “harsh conditions of survival”, you yourself do not turn “into a wolf”, then most likely fate will send you good luck on the career front.

Don't make yourself an idol! Even if you consider the leader to be a very charismatic and interesting person, this is no reason to turn into his pathetic likeness, starting from copying the style of clothing, ending with his favorite phrases and gestures. Bosses love when they are flattered, but only with the mind, and not thoughtlessly with the look of a cat from Shrek, they look intently into the eyes in order to break loose at any moment to fulfill their orders.

Respect the leader. Even if he (she) is a rare villain or schemer, you should not “dirty” your hands about him, spread gossip and complain to everyone about his terrible management style. If you are morally unbearable to breathe with the leader, then it is better to quit and not accumulate anger and aggressive emotions in yourself. The boss doesn't care about your mental anguish. And then you will have to spend money on a psychoanalyst or ask your friends or mom to work as a vest.

Don't get mad at your boss if he fires you. Don't forget, he also has a boss. And in his life there may be a situation when he is fired. The more sincere and calmer you part with the former boss, the more chances you will have to get back into his team if he is suddenly invited to a new job or project. Very often, a charismatic boss pulls his "locomotive" of employees into any new company. Since he is confident in "their quality" and reliability. If you turn into his irreplaceable trailer, then consider that you will no longer have to study job search portals for future employment.

The leader is always right. If the leader is wrong, see point one. No matter how ridiculous this rule is, it works best if you would like to have a systematic, calm career. For those who can't wait long and prefer to aggressively work their elbows to climb to the top of top management as quickly as possible, all previous advice can be ignored.

To please the leader, you must first of all be a professional!

And as a summary, I would like to say that a charismatic and strong leader, able to feel and understand people, in spite of all the rules, becomes an exception and very quickly turns into a professional leader. It’s just that he (she) has such a strong character that many bosses automatically like him (her) and this is usually enough to make a successful career ...

Be responsible. Complete all assignments on time and try not to ask anyone for help. Then the manager will appreciate you more. So, for example, if you need to call a taxi business, then you do not need to approach each employee and ask if he knows the phone number. Better go to the Internet, go to this address: and copy the necessary contacts to your notebook, and then complete the assignment.

Be sure to notify the manager about what work you managed to do in a week, month, quarter, and so on. So he will be able to understand how qualified and executive you are and what contribution you make to the development of the company.

Never be late. Remember that in this way you show your irresponsible attitude to work. Therefore, try to get up early and come to work without delay, then you will be able to gain respect and approval from your superiors.

Don't limit yourself to just your department. Show interest in the strategies and plans of the organization for the future, evaluate the prospects and be sure to make your suggestions that will help the dynamic development of the company. You can be sure that they will definitely be evaluated by the head.

Follow the dress code. Even if the charter of the company does not spell out how to dress, you should still adhere to the business style. So forget about sportswear, sandals, etc. Your wardrobe should consist of classic-cut trouser and skirt suits and elegant shoes and boots.

How to please the boss?
Many cannot imagine their life without a successful career, so they ask themselves: how to please the boss? This can be done in several ways.

How to Attract the Man You Like

How to attract the man you like. Or an article about how men "understand" women's hints.

Why is it not always possible for a woman to meet a man she likes and subsequently marry him? Why do some women consider many men "goats" and "slow-thinking"? How to attract a man that you like, and how not only to attract a man, but also to please the man herself?

And then how to keep a man near you? After all, a man will stay near a woman he likes only if he “gets it that she liked him too. In this case, how to convey to him that he did not leave you indifferent? After all, in order to transfer just an acquaintance to the stage of courtship, sympathy and falling in love, it is first of all necessary for a man to understand that you like him. In general, in order to please a man, you need to let him know that you like him. And many representatives of the stronger sex often do not see and do not understand this. And why?

The main reason why a man does not understand whether you like him or not is that a Man does not understand hints, and Women love to hint so much or are embarrassed to speak directly about their needs and desires.

Let's look at how men "understand" women's hints in the first stage of dating.

Why do some women dance with two or three partners, and one of them is already starting to court her, invites her on a date, etc., and some women meet and dance with dozens of partners, there seems to be flirting, like the man liked it, but there is no continuation.

The main reason is that a man does not understand female psychology and hints. Let's say a man and a woman danced, just talked, etc. In order to take the next step, a man needs to be sure that his partner liked him. How is he supposed to know about it!? And the next question is, will he guess about it based on those subtle hints that a woman gives him? For example, looks into his eyes, talks with pleasure, etc.

To give a small example from the movie Pride and Prejudice (my wife loves it), which is based on the classic Jane Austen novel. In it, half of the plot of the film revolves around the fact that a young man (Brinkley) met a girl (Jane), whom he really liked, and she also fell in love with him.

All the women who are around the girl understand that she is in love and the matter is small - the man must continue to make an offer and then the wedding.

Only now they forgot that the psychology of men is “slightly” different from the psychology of women. If all the women around understand that the girl has fallen in love, then this does not mean at all that the interested man understands this. This sister in love with the girl (Elizabeth) was even directly told by her friend, but this remark was ignored.

Do you think Mr. Bingley realized that Jane was in love with him? No, he did not understand anything at all and tossed about, suffered from the unknown. Well, all right, Bingley himself did not understand, then, perhaps, his friend Mr. Darcy understood everything exactly and suggested Bingley? Of course, Mr. Darcy was a "great specialist" in women, Bingley suggested that Jane was absolutely indifferent to him.

After such conclusions and hints, Bingley (the lover) left without making an offer. After that, of course, all the women called him and his friend bad people who almost dishonored the girl.

This is where similar stories in real life end. Women understand that the girl liked the man, only the man himself is at a loss, whether she liked him, or he “will fit until there is no one better,” or didn’t like him at all. And he leaves (or does not continue the relationship). I think it is not necessary to decipher that a man almost always invites a girl on a date only if he is 95-100% sure that she will agree to come, and that she likes him.

Well, in the movie, of course, everything ends much better. Several months of torment of lovers pass. Finally, the sister of the girl in love explains everything in detail and without any hints to the friend of the “lover” that the girl is in love and suffers, after which the “bad men” turn out to be not so bad, the situation is corrected and finally a marriage proposal arrives. Happy end.

What conclusion can be drawn from this example? A man, by women's standards, frankly "slows down" in the fact that a girl likes him. The conclusion about whether he likes it or not is made by him on the basis of signs of coquetry that a potential partner shows. And since at best 1 out of 100 of these signs reaches a man, we can draw the following conclusion:

So how do you attract the man you like? - There is no such thing as a lot of coquetry when you first meet a man you like. (as well as the subsequent ones too) Attention! We are talking about coquetry, and not about the initiative!

By coquetry, I do not mean the manifestation of the girl's initiative. No need to invite a man to a dance, ask for his phone number or give yours if they don’t ask. It is not necessary to kiss a man first, it is undesirable to force sex without a candy-flower stage, etc. You can read more about this in the article “How to keep a man? Or - Initiative is punishable.

So, we continue about coquetry.

Even when a girl flirts and flirts, nothing will reach some of the men, some will reach only after a few days or weeks. There are exceptions, but we will not talk about this in this article.

If a man made the wrong conclusions about your availability, then it’s easier later, already on the first or second date, to correct the situation by cooling him down a bit, if, of course, necessary.

How exactly to flirt? A few examples: a slightly slower look, a more frequent smile, an increased interest in what the man says, a request for simple help for him and admiration for him, an “accidental” touch, preening, etc.

Flirting is not necessary for the specific person you like. It is rather a way of life for a woman. Read literature about non-verbal gestures, watch couples in love, practice on the surrounding members of the stronger sex, and you will understand how to flirt.

If everything is so simple, then why don't all women flirt with b about more strength?

The reasons are simple. The first reason, as I said, comes from the fact that women do not even understand that this is important. After all, everyone judges for themselves. They think that "everything came to the man anyway, he already understood that she likes him." As a rule, nothing is further from the truth. Nothing came to him, or at least he is not sure that the girl liked him.

The second reason is that the girl, out of insecurity, does not want her coquetry to be noticed by the surrounding women, who happen to start joking, asking questions, etc. What can be said here? It is necessary to gain self-confidence, increase self-esteem. Indeed, because of the fear of such jokes, you can lose a wonderful guy with whom, perhaps, you would be happy all your life. And the jokes of the surrounding women, if, of course, they are not very harsh - this is generally a great way to convey to a man the fact that you like him.

And yet, if you bring the example from the movie "Pride and Prejudice" to the end, then no matter how irresistible you are, this, as practice shows, is not enough. Then you can do as in the movie. That is, casually tell one of the mutual acquaintances that you liked a particular person. Let's say it will be your girlfriend who is familiar with a friend of that guy. Such word-of-mouth news is transmitted quickly. If there was no reaction, then apparently the object you liked is simply not your person.

Okay, enough about what happens to hints when you meet. Let's say you met, everything is somehow moving forward. Do you think that now a man has begun to sharply understand your psychology and guess what a woman wants? Of course not, acquaintance is just the beginning and you still have to learn how to interact with a man, build happy relationships and study male psychology.

Let's say you love flowers and say to your lover when you pass by a beautiful bouquet: "Look at the flowers, I really, really like them."

Well, they asked him to think that this is a temporary whim and put it off. You also need to explain that this is important to you, preferably more than once.

And sex, and relationships with parents, and household chores, and money, and romance, but how to marry a guy you like? About all this and much more, you also need to learn to talk to a man without any offense and in the language that he understands. I recommend reading Anastasia Gai's book for this one. "What happy women are silent about". It has two excellent chapters on how to behave in such a way that your partner understands your needs and desires and does them himself, without prompting from you.

Performing your duties correctly, being a pro in the workplace - it seems that these are the basic rules that should instantly move you up the career ladder. However, not everything is so rosy. You understand that the real world is relationships between people that are based on subjective assessments. People look at you from different angles. Someone notices such moments when you work in the sweat of your brow, someone notices only such moments when you are relaxing (lounging). The second happens much more often, because it is common for superiors to criticize the staff, rather than praise them.

In such conditions, you need to please, show your best sides and create an excellent impression of yourself with the boss. Let's talk about some tricks that help to show yourself in a favorable light. By the way, it is easier for a woman in this matter if the boss is a man, since you can use all your charm (the main thing is not to overdo it).

How to please a male boss: basic techniques

- People love praise. This is especially true for men, and bosses are no exception. However, you also need to be able to praise. If you were previously quiet all the time, closed in on your problems, not noticing anyone, then such a sharp change in behavior may arouse suspicion. The boss will immediately feel something is wrong and think that you are an ordinary sycophant.

This is where subtle play is required. Study your boss, start to notice something good in him. Perhaps he changed his suit for a new one, or made a good deal? Sincerely rejoice for him and congratulate him. The key word here is "sincerely". Falsehood always crawls out, so praise through hatred is a very bad option. Start praising your boss once a week, then more often, gradually increasing the number of times for compliments. At the same time, notice all the good that is in it, even if you don’t like it at all.

- Be visible, but not too often. Being constantly in sight, you annoy people with your appearance and behavior. However, you still need to be visible. Remind yourself by walking with a folder wherever you go. Even if you want to go to the ladies' room or make yourself a coffee, take a folder of documents with you: it adds solidity and makes you look like an always busy employee. “Talking to colleagues? Probably on an important matter, ”the chief will think. While pretending, do not get carried away either: sooner or later the deceit is exposed. The main essence of this technique is to show that you are really doing something in the workplace.

- Tell good news and trust others to deliver bad news. In ancient times, messengers with bad news were beheaded. Although today “leave without a head” is more civilized, the essence of this does not change. It is enough to come to the boss with bad news 2-3 times so that you begin to associate him with negativity. What do they do with such a person? They're trying to get rid of. If you constantly put your boss in a good mood, he may not notice some of your missteps.

- Value your boss's time and show it in every way. Any boss will appreciate your desire to save his precious time. Even if he has been sitting on a social network for several hours and watching funny films. When entering his office, do not forget to ask if you are distracting him from an important matter. Formulate what you wanted to say very briefly and clearly, without unnecessary emotions and preludes (leave emotional conversations about nothing for the evening for girlfriends), trying not to stutter and not be nervous (bosses do not like this either).

- A cold is not a reason to skip work. Got a cold and want to take sick leave? The boss will immediately suspect. Of course, you should not “burn out” at work, giving up your last strength and health. Why not call a cold something more serious? For example, a sore throat with a high temperature. If you are really sick, do not ask for sick leave. Instead, show your boss that you feel bad, but you continue to do your job. Wrap your throat with a scarf, pick up a scarf. Go like this for a day or two. Perhaps the boss will take pity and send you home himself.

- Don't show your boss that you're holding on to your job as for the last and only chance. The fact that you were chosen is only your merit. Surely the employer had other candidates, but he chose you. Remember that you also made a choice from a number of vacancies, and this one just suits you better than others at the moment. Never hold on to a job and don't humiliate yourself, even if you got the job with great difficulty. Keep your dignity, be kind, and everything will work out.

- Take criticism appropriately. Did the boss go too far by reprimanding you? He may have raised his voice, but you should not react with tears or take every remark with hostility. Calmly tell him that you admit your mistake and correct it. A neutral business tone is very appropriate here. It neutralizes the negative directed at you. If your boss lashes out at you for any reason, it may be worth talking to him when he calms down and find out the real reason for such hostility towards you.

- Always look 100%. Stick to a business style and remain a woman at the same time. Beautiful, neat, but not bright makeup, not too revealing clothes that emphasize your dignity, well-groomed hands - all this is liked by any man with a normal orientation, regardless of whether he is a boss, colleague or subordinate.

- Don't give reasons for criticism. Learn to organize yourself, your workplace, schedule. Write down all the things that need to be done, make a checklist and check the boxes in it, completing the things. Do not be late and try to arrive early: a few minutes earlier than the boss. Punctuality is a big plus for you.

And remember: you can always tolerate the bad mood of the boss, his not quite affectionate attitude towards you. However, if for the sake of work you have to humiliate your dignity and waste your health, think: maybe you should find a better place under the sun?

You got a job and everything seems to suit you, but the relationship with the boss does not add up. How to build them - with minimal moral and material losses for you? Remember our 10 tips.

1. Review the list of your job responsibilities. Each enterprise should have such approved lists or your duties: they must be clearly stated in the work contract. Typically, such a contract is concluded after a probationary period. Remember our 10 tips.

A clear definition of your duties and responsibilities will allow you to establish a clear service relationship with management. The contract and prescribed duties - all this disciplines both the employee and the manager.

If your boss is incompetent, it is very possible that he does not clearly understand how the duties are divided between employees. Therefore, after the trial period, write them yourself, as you imagine them and agree on the list with the boss, with subsequent inclusion in the work contract.

2. Find out what type of leader you are dealing with?

According to the hierarchy, you have to adapt to the boss, not him to you, so understand his requirements. Is he meticulous? Submit detailed reports to him.

Is he an amateur in your business or does he prefer to solve global problems without going into details? Try to give him two or three good ideas a week, even if he finds flaws in them.

In summary, try to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your boss, so you can avoid his irritation and give a positive assessment of your actions.

3. What worries your boss the most?

You need to know leadership priorities. This will allow you to direct your own efforts in the right direction and avoid completely unnecessary expenditure of time and energy on work that will not be appreciated by your boss.

4. Exploit the leader's weaknesses

Perhaps your manager's weakness lies in the fact that there is a job that he does not do for any reason. Perhaps due to excessive employment or due to ignorance, financial problems. Instead of slandering the boss while he is trying to be a procurement or HR manager, if you have experience, try to offer to help him. In addition to improving relationships with your actions, higher management (if any) will appreciate your initiative and take note of you.

5. Focus on the success of the whole team

Your work should contribute to the achievement of success in the work of the entire enterprise, the entire team. If the firm is doing well, then your contribution will be appreciated, you will significantly improve your relationship with management.

6. Organize your workflow

Every time the manager calls you to give a new task, always have a list of work accepted for execution with you, which indicates the deadline for their completion. This will help to reasonably explain that you will be happy to take on the task "x", but then the task "y" will be postponed for such and such a period.

This is a civilized form of not saying "no" and, moreover, allows you to evaluate the priorities of the boss, who will know that the task "y" is being delayed. Always have a clear idea of ​​the order of work to be done, and do not start task #5 until task #1 is completed.

7 . Meet with your manager regularly

It doesn't matter if the boss calls you: take the lead. At least once a week, ask him for an audience in which to present a report on the work done. Tell us about the difficulties you had to face and what solution you found.

This will help prioritize work, advise on how to get it done, and help your boss get his job done, even against his will.

8. Don't let antipathy win

Each of us sympathizes with some people, but does not endure some at all. However, at work, your success depends on how you can work with different psychological types of people. If you are experiencing communication difficulties, read the literature on the subject. You don't have to "love" your boss, the first step is to make sure he doesn't hate you.

9. Look at the situation with optimism

No matter how bad the boss seems to you, probability theory says that he cannot be completely "sucks." Discover positive aspects in your leader, they are always there, appreciate them, and this will help to overcome professional difficulties. Remember: whatever your boss is, he will become better if he likes you as an employee.

10. Remember, write down and take into action our advice: you will succeed!