How does the tax office work on New Year's holidays. How tax offices work. Work of interdistrict inspections

Over the past few years, January has been the shortest month in terms of the number of work shifts in the production calendar in Russia. If before the Russians went to work a couple of days after New Year's Eve, now the rest lasts more than a week. Recently, there have been various news that the Duma deputies want to take away the January holidays and return to the previous order. We remind you how we are resting for the New Year and Christmas in 2018 - the weekend for the January holidays according to the officially approved production calendar.

The weekend in January 2018: how we relax on New Years and Christmas

New Year and Christmas holidays for working Russians in 2017-2018 will last ten days: from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2018.

The news about the approval of the production calendar for 2018 is surprising and remarkable in its own way - the media reported this event at least three times during 2017. In the summer, the production calendar was drawn up, approved at the beginning of autumn, and officially approved in the middle of autumn. In fact, we were told the same thing three times, so those who regularly read the latest news did not miss the 2018 work and weekend schedule.

Those who constantly read the news did not miss the message that the State Duma deputies, among the priority bills for the fall of 2017, were going to consider a plan to revise the list of holidays and days off. And the new reform of the holidays was primarily supposed to affect the New Year holidays, which, according to the authors of the initiative, are prohibitively long.

Nothing else was heard about the fate of the bill on a significant reduction in New Year's holidays for working Russians, and it is unlikely that it will affect the next New Year, even if it is adopted. The above dates for New Year's holidays for the next New Year are officially approved and will not need to be revised, like everyone else.

In 2017-2018, the New Year holidays turned out to be ten days due to the fact that the last two days of 2017, which were successfully dropped on Saturday and Sunday, were added to the standard eight days of rest from January 1 to January 8: December 30 and 31.

New Year and Christmas weekends in Russia are enshrined in the Labor Code, which says that in our country January 1-6, as well as January 8 are New Year's holidays, and January 7 is Christmas. All of these days are public holidays.

In total, the Labor Code provides for 14 additional days off per year in connection with holidays. Eight of them are in January.

It is curious that since two of the eight days of New Year's holidays in 2018 fall on Saturday and Sunday, then, according to the existing rules, for these days there is a rule about postponing the day off to another date. True, if usually the next Monday becomes a day off in such cases, then the January weekend is postponed to other months of the year, so that it is convenient for setting days off in connection with other public holidays. On two weekends in January, the government ordered that one of them was postponed to March, the second to May.

The length of the New Years has become a great time in recent years for families to spend this time together. Since school holidays fall on the same dates, the residents of Russia have a good opportunity for the whole family to relax either by traveling during the holidays, or just walking or spending time at home. New Year is a very family holiday and, for all its massiveness, personal, far from any politics or ideology. We hope that the State Duma deputies still will not encroach on the established good order and will not cancel the long January vacation, which is so important for many of our compatriots.

The New Year is always a time of hope for a fast, better future. And although, of course, these hopes are not always justified, Russians, as in childhood, continue to remain optimists and believe that their lives will change with the change of the year. Happy New Years and Merry Christmas to you!

Despite the fact that the New Year holidays this year will last from December 30 to January 8, some organizations will work on holidays. Especially for the readers of "" we have made a small selection of how social and commercial establishments will work on New Year's holidays. Where can you call if you have cut off the gas in your house, a pipe burst, or a child is a little ill.


Most of the Crimean branches of banks are ready to meet you from January 3 to 5, January 6 they will work one hour less than usual. The full working day in commercial organizations begins, as in all other Crimean institutions - from January 9th.

Tax office

But if you did not pay taxes before December 1, and suddenly, during the New Year holidays, your conscience woke up in you, then you can always transfer the debt using the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, through the "personal account" service. Although the treasury will not work on New Year's holidays, nevertheless, when the tax officials go to work, the payment will be counted exactly with the number with which it was made. That is, if Ivan Ivanov paid the transport tax on January 5, then he will be credited with the payment with this number, although it will be reflected later.

Housing and communal services

On issues of housing and communal services on weekends, of course, it is better to first contact your housing office or management company (it is better to get a phone number in this case before the holidays). If a pipe breaks in the house - this is the authority of those organizations to which you pay for house maintenance. But if the situation is stalemate, and the ZhEK or MUP does not want to help you, in this case you need to call the hot line of the Ministry of Housing and Utilities.

Telephones work around the clock, including on holidays and weekends:

7978-832-95-95; +7978-947-13-94


In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that from January 9, 2018 the multifunctional center "My Documents", located in the city of Saki, will switch to a new work schedule:

Monday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Tuesday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Wednesday: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

Thursday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm

Sunday is a day off.

The multifunctional center "My Documents", located in the city of Bakhchisarai, from January 9, will work according to the following schedule:

Monday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Tuesday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Wednesday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm

Thursday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Sunday is a day off.


Republican Children's Clinical Hospital (on Titova)

The clinic's specialists begin work on January 9, according to their appointment schedule. In case of an emergency, the hospital accepts a round-the-clock basis. There are always shifts on duty, and the main specialists carry out an inspection. But only if your child just has a runny nose, then you shouldn't rush here right away. In the Children's Clinical Hospital, as we said above, only emergency care is provided when children are in serious condition, or have arrived from other cities and regions of Crimea. And children, for example, from Simferopol with slight discomfort need to be taken not to a clinical hospital, but to a local city one.

Simferopol City Children's Clinical Hospital (on Semashko, 6)

Here on holidays and weekends, doctors will be on duty around the clock, and if necessary, you can always come to an appointment with specialists, if there is no need to call an ambulance. A fully-fledged polyclinic department will begin to work, like other state institutions - from January 9th.

Republican Clinical Hospital named after Semashko

The polyclinic will begin work after January 8, and the inpatient department is open around the clock to receive patients. The work is going on as usual.


Crimean Post offices will not work for only four days on New Year's holidays: January 1, 2, 7 and 8, 2018 - days off for all post offices.

On January 3 - 5, the post office will work as usual, and on January 6, the working day will be reduced by one hour.

Many site visitors want to get more information about the working hours of the tax office, including the work of inspections on weekends and holidays, as well as find out the exact working hours of the tax office they want to contact.

Operating modes of tax inspectorates

In order to understand the working regime of the tax inspectorate, it is necessary to determine which tax inspectorate we are going to contact. There are two types of inspections: district tax inspections, interdistrict inspections. Depending on the type, tax inspectorates will have slightly different working hours and times for receiving citizens. Also, please note that almost all tax inspectorates have an operating room, the opening hours of which differ from those of the inspection.

The work of district inspectorates

District tax inspectorates are intended to provide territorial services to tax entities. The working hours of such inspections are presented in the table.

Schedule / Working hours:

Inspection opening hours: Break: Working hours overtook: Break:
Mon: 09.00-18.00 13.00-13.45 09.00-18.00 without lunch
Tue: 09.00-18.00 13.00-13.45 09.00-20.00 without lunch
cp: 09.00-18.00 13.00-13.45 09.00-18.00 without lunch
Wed: 09.00-18.00 13.00-13.45 09.00-20.00 without lunch
Fri: 09.00-16.45 13.00-13.45 09.00-16.45 without lunch

Attention! These tax offices work on Saturdays, but not on all, but only on the 2nd and 4th of each month. District inspections are closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Work of interdistrict inspections

Interdistrict tax inspectorates have specialized functions, including servicing certain groups of tax entities, as well as performing registration actions and issuing documents. The working hours of such inspections are presented in the table.

Inspection opening hours: Break: Working hours overtook: Break:
Mon: 09.00-18.00 13.00-13.45 09.00-18.00 without lunch
Tue: 09.00-18.00 13.00-13.45 09.00-20.00 without lunch
cp: 09.00-18.00 13.00-13.45 09.00-18.00 without lunch
Wed: 09.00-18.00 13.00-13.45 09.00-20.00 without lunch
Fri: 09.00-16.45 13.00-13.45 09.00-16.45 without lunch

The operating room is open every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the calendar month from 10.00 to 15.00.

Attention! These tax inspectorates, except for the 46th tax inspectorate, also work on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. As for the 46th tax office, this office does not work on Saturdays. Interdistrict inspections are closed on Sundays and holidays.

Check opening times before visiting

Before any visit to the tax office, we strongly recommend that you check the opening hours of a particular tax office on our website. This can be done by going to the page of the inspection you are interested in.