How to develop attention in younger students. Tips for parents on how to develop attention in children

The problem of many modern children is inattention. If your beloved child cannot concentrate on one lesson for a long time, forgets about your requests - do not swear, help your child learn to be attentive. Today's article is about how to develop mindfulness in a child from 8 years old.

Attention - a mental process when a person concentrates on something specific in relation to other objects and events.

Why is it important to develop mindfulness in a child from the age of 8?

The child already goes to school and he has new responsibilities. At this age, he is able to understand what they say to him. Primary school is the time when he must definitely master such skills as attention, memory, imagination, otherwise in high school he can go into the category of underachievers. Therefore, the attention of the child is a very important factor!

Before developing mindfulness in a child, you need to consider that it can be of three types:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • motor-motor.

Mindfulness in a child - how to develop?

  1. Motor-motor games developing mindfulness.
  • "Graphic Dictation" is a favorite game of many children. In addition, it perfectly develops mindfulness, so it is very useful for children of any age.
  • Who did not play the game in childhood "edible - not edible"? The leader, throws the ball to the players, says edible and non-edible items. What can be eaten must be caught, not edible pushed away.
  • The game "floor - nose - ceiling" will require the attention of not only the child, but also yours. First you need to show and call "floor - nose - ceiling" in various sequences with the child. And then, when he gets used to it, and will cope well, start confusing him to say one thing and show another.
  1. Developing exercises for auditory mindfulness
  • "The Development of Mindfulness"- read the text, and the child should count the words with some pre-agreed sound. But at the same time, he must understand the meaning of the text being read.
  • "Repeat Fast"- the child should repeat the words after you only when you tell him to “repeat”. You need to speak quickly.
  • "Listen and Play". Clap the rhythm with your hands, and the child should repeat it.
  1. Developing exercises for visual attention.
  • Invite the child to name all the objects in the room that begin with a letter.
  • An exercise with the help of cards for which you need to find a pair will help develop mindfulness in a child.
  • "What changed". Scatter a few items on the table. Give the child some time to look at them, and then, blindfold him, remove or move a few things. Then he should tell what has changed.
  1. Increase mindfulness with toys

Now there are a wide variety of toys in the stores. And for sure, when you come to the store, your eyes always scatter from such an assortment. Every parent wants to buy their child a toy that would be useful to him and open him up. Creative skills.

Toys that develop attention

Toys such as:

  • Constructors

Starting from the age of 8, a child can buy a small designer, for example, Lego firms or its analogues. For boys, you can buy a metal constructor, with which he will feel like a real master. Also now there are many modern designers, such as magnetic, a designer with moving parts, transformers. You can safely take such toys, they will help develop mindfulness in a child and will be very interesting to him.

  • Toys that can be controlled

While playing with such a toy, the child will focus on the moving model and try to overcome various obstacles.

  • Board games

Despite the fact that now there are a lot of modern toys and new cartoon characters, board games have not been canceled. They are popular with both children and adults. In addition, this is a great opportunity to get together with the whole family and have a great time. Even 20 minutes of play is enough to train mindfulness.

To develop attention in a child or not is a private matter for every parent. But if you decide to train mindfulness, here are some recommendations for you:

  • During classes for the development of attention, the child should not have bright toys in the room, they will distract him from concentration and will not allow him to concentrate. Do not start exercising if the neighbors are playing music or the apartment is noisy.
  • All exercises for the development of mindfulness should be clear and easy. Assess your child to see if they can complete this task. It should not oppress him. Mindfulness training should be fun and the child should want to do the exercises.
  • During the concentration exercises, do not frown at the child, do not raise your voice if something does not work out for him. Be sure to praise your child during mindfulness activities. He must feel comfortable. Then it will not be difficult to increase mindfulness with the help of classes.
  • For children 8 years old, classes should not exceed 40 minutes, 9 years old - 45 minutes, 10 years old - 50 minutes.

Increase mindfulness with educational toys, games and exercises, and the child will not have problems with concentration.

Shamil Akhmadullin

Psychologist, writer, author of more than 30 books and manuals on effective teaching of children, including “Speed ​​Reading for Children. How to teach a child to read quickly and understand what they read, "Development of memory in children." Founder of the network of centers for speed reading, development of memory and intelligence in children

The main activity of younger children school age- education. It introduces significant changes in psychological processes, placing high demands on the concentration of attention. The ability of children to work effectively in the classroom is the result of the ability to focus on the learning process, the topic and content of the lesson, the words of the teacher and their own actions. That is why it is so important to develop attention, which will help the child to fully learn and successfully cope with the tasks.

What is attention

Attention is a concept in cognitive psychology, meaning the selective focus of perception on certain objects. This is a special state of consciousness in which the subject (child) is able to focus cognitive processes (thinking, perception, imagination,) on specific objects that have personal or situational significance.

Attention is the concentration of a person on objects and phenomena that are most important to him.

How attention is formed in children

For the formation of attention skills in the learning process, it is important to observe several requirements:

  • sufficient pace of learning and the absence of long pauses;
  • reliance on active mental activity (application of tasks for generalization and comparison, search for examples and formation of conclusions);
  • the absence of external stimuli that attract not voluntary attention and distracting from the cognitive process (loud remarks, comments, sudden movements);
  • clarity and brevity of explanations before the child starts any work.

It is strictly forbidden to comment on the actions of the child when he is concentrated: to make comments, suggest. Hand in hand, you distract the child from the task and force him to concentrate on your words and again at work, which causes fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson.

The formation of attention is facilitated by various games and exercises for observation. The search for correspondences, mistakes, changes attracts and maintains the attention of the child, teaches him to concentrate without an additional call for attention.

How to improve the attention of children 7-10 years old

Small volume, insufficient selectivity, undeveloped switchability and stability of attention are shortcomings that are eliminated due to special exercises included in the educational process. To improve the attention of a child of 7–10 years old, it is necessary to use two types of exercises:

  • special exercises for the development of the basic properties of attention (stability, distribution, concentration);
  • exercises that form attention as a personal property.

Inattention is the result of children's focus on the general, and not on particulars. Grasping the general meaning of the story, the essence of the statement or, the children do not delve into the details, do not take into account important elements.

The purpose of specialized exercises is to teach the child to perceive details against the general background.

The development of the attention of younger schoolchildren, with the right organization, develops into attentiveness - an integral feature of a successful person. It is important to explain this to children, convincing them of how necessary observation is, the ability to look for shortcomings, compare, and see changes. Tell the children that mindful people always have a goal and achieve it with ease.

By forming a daily routine with your child, you will teach him to pay attention to important events in the complex and separately. By gradually developing an action plan, you will teach the student to concentrate on the details.

No less effective for improving the attention of children are exercises with paired control, when classmates exchange the results of their work and look for each other's mistakes. Seeing the failures and shortcomings of others, children learn from the mistakes of others, being more attentive to their own work and its results.

You can improve the attention of the child by accustoming her to discipline, responsibility and accuracy. Attentive children are collected children who treat things with care, know how to take care of loved ones and themselves. Do you want to make your child responsible and attentive? Start and entrust the student to care for him.

Exercises to train the attention of children 7–10 years old

Constant training of attention and memory is the key to the formation of elementary school student skills needed for effective and successful learning. The inclusion of the following games in primary education has a positive effect on children's academic performance and their ability to concentrate.

Game "I remember everything"

The game is perfect for pairs or small groups (3-4 people). The main task of the players is to memorize the words in a strict sequence, and a third party (parent, teacher, student appointed by the judge) monitors compliance with the conditions, writing down a chain of words. So that the game does not tire the children, use words of the same subject: fruits, vegetables, cities, countries.

The process of the game looks like this: “Carrot,” says the first player. “Carrots, radishes,” says another. "Carrot, radish, tomato..."

A child who mixes up the sequence or forgets the word is out of the game. The winner is the player who did not make a single mistake.

The competitive nature of the game motivates children, making them participate with interest and train their memory and attentiveness.

Exercise "Find the words"

The game is appropriate in the classroom and perfectly complements the grammar exercises. Children are invited to find words in the alphabetic row, highlighting the superfluous according to a certain attribute: part of speech, gender, number, case.

For example:


Correct answer: dogs is an extra word, as it is a plural noun.


Correct answer: shampoo is an extra word, as it is a masculine noun.

Exercise "Name the color"

An interesting exercise that can be turned into a competition with the choice of the winner. The essence of the task is to accurately name the colors in which the words are written. The game develops concentration, because the child focuses on the color of the font, and not on the word for the color.

Exercise "Find the Differences"

A classic mindfulness exercise. The task of the child is to find all the differences between two similar images that can be found on the Internet. The exercise is suitable for both first graders and students in grades 2-4.

Smaller children aged 7-8 years are better shown with images with a small number of large elements in discreet colors. For older children, bright pictures with an abundance of small details are suitable, the consideration of which trains not only attentiveness, but also improves stability and attention span - the ability to concentrate on several objects at the same time.

Poor school performance and unwillingness to attend classes is a common problem in many families. The reason for this may be the heavy load of school programs and the inability of teachers to present information in an interesting way. You can increase concentration, memory and perseverance using various methods.

Eidetic is the science of memory development. It helps a person to perceive information more effectively. The basic principle of eidetics is as follows: any information can be presented in the form of pictures-images. This method of learning is not just used to improve memory, it makes studying proccess game. At the same time, children will strive to gain new knowledge and will not want to shy away from doing homework. Eidetics for children is a technique suitable for schoolchildren of any age.

Tablets for memory

Poor school performance may well be due to distracted attention. Nootropic drugs to improve memory will help solve the problem, they can increase blood circulation in the brain and concentration. Nootropics have a positive effect not only on the intellectual abilities of children and adults, they also normalize the general condition of the nervous system. These memory enhancing drugs contain neurotransmitters, vitamins and amino acids. Another active ingredient in this product is glycine. This substance reduces psycho-emotional stress and has a positive effect on mental abilities. You can buy a nootropic drug after consulting a doctor.

Substances that are directly related to memory: calcium, iodine, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, zinc, niacin, folate, choline, lecithin, vitamins B1, B6, B12 and C. These substances are contained in dietary supplements (BAA) , which are not drugs, as well as in natural products.

  • The brain needs glucose for energy. To make up for its lack, it is necessary to eat foods that improve memory - bananas, potatoes and grapes.
  • Natural stimulants of brain activity are B vitamins. They are found in cereals, milk, liver and yeast.
  • Lean meats, sesame seeds and apples contain iron, which is responsible for the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Zinc and copper activate thinking. They are found in cauliflower, sunflower seeds and oatmeal.
  • Lecithin is responsible for the normal growth and development of the body, it is also needed to ensure concentration and favorable brain function. Its main sources are: nuts, herring, eggs, butter.
  • Magnesium and calcium are found in cheese, avocado, sesame and mango.

The brain is 85% water. Deficiency of even 2-3% of water can significantly reduce brain activity. To be able to quickly solve problems and remember the rules, a teenager needs to drink at least two liters of water a day.

The brain, like the body, needs constant training, otherwise it simply loses its tone.

Memory development in children: exercises for the brain

  1. Make both the right and left hemispheres of the brain work. To do this, take two pencils, in the right and in the left hand, and then draw two figures at the same time.
  2. For a minute, stroke your head with your left hand, and beat the fraction on the table with your right hand. After a minute, change the actions for each of the hands - beat the fraction with the left, and stroke the head with the right.
  3. Do familiar things in a new way. Any non-standard behavior forms new neural connections, which means it improves brain function.
  4. Use non-standard approaches to learning. For example, a child learns the rule: "not written with verbs separately." Invite him to imagine that the verb is a football player, and the particle "not" is a ball that needs to be thrown away.
  5. Teach your child poems and songs. The keywords of the sentences can be drawn in the form of vivid images.
  6. When memorizing a sequence of words, ask your child to come up with a story in which the memorized words will be in the correct order. This method perfectly trains memory and develops imagination.
  7. Psychologists confirm that emotionally colored events are remembered faster. To capture something in your memory, draw analogies and create associations. The more vivid images, the better.
  8. Write new English words and mathematical formulas on stickers and hang them where you will surely stumble upon them.
  9. What you especially need to remember well, repeat before going to bed.

There are various games for the development of memory, logic with interesting tasks and puzzles. Good sleep, good physical activity, proper nutrition - all these are important conditions for improving memory and brain function.


Comment on the article "How to improve brain activity in a student"

Does training help? There is nothing wrong with thorough thinking, mb the child processes information much more fully than peers, and this costs him Development of memory in children: exercises for the brain. Make both the right and left hemispheres of the brain work.


At one time, an osteopath helped us to solve a similar problem. And fast enough, three sessions. The reason, as he said, was the lack of activity of the brain cells, uh, neural connections were slowly being created. The difference was obvious, for example, if earlier the child was tormented by a poem for half a day and was still not sure, then after classes he began to memorize poems of 16-20 lines in two or three readings. Well, in general, the lessons began to take less time. The osteopath also worked with emotions, the child became more open and friendly.
It was definitely easier for two years, then the workload at school increased, and it became more difficult again. But, in my opinion, the "factory" has not ended, it's just that the phone, be it wrong, has become more difficult to control. :(The virtual world seems to be eating up the RAM in the brain...

09/12/2018 10:20:11 AM, It doesn't matter

I had such a student in my class. I simply (after agreeing with the parents and the student) gave him the opportunity to write a test after the main lessons. Under the auspices of extracurricular activities. (For very curious eyes). One on one with me and no time limit. The result is excellent!

09/11/2018 16:22:40, Irina.

nootropics and neuropsychologist, exercises for the development of interhemispheric connections. just before to improve memory. The child's memory is generally bad, what would you advise? Or to a psychiatrist "We have studied the work of the brain absolutely. Housework is the best training for the brain of children ...


There are no pills for the mind, otherwise I would have drunk myself)))
There are nootropics, but the essence of their action is that they expand the vessels of the brain and allow oxygenation of the brain cells. More oxygen - more efficient work. (I have now described the principle very roughly). How it affects a person: attentiveness can increase, memory starts to work a little better, perseverance develops, working capacity increases somewhat. What are the opposite effects: a real zhor can attack, start constantly falling asleep, some lethargy will appear. (The well-known phenibut caused such an effect for me).
In my student days, a "student's cocktail" was a mixture of glycerin and phenotropil tablets, which the most desperate heads washed down with either coffee or an energy drink. This infernal mixture gave a charge of vivacity for 12 hours (night + morning of the exam) and did not allow the brain to fall off in the process of preparation. For obvious reasons, I will not give dosages here, but you can drink Phenotropil and / or glycine strictly according to the prescription without reference to admission.

17.07.2018 10:02:32 Epsona

nootropics and neuropsychologist, exercises for the development of interhemispheric connections.
just before taking nootropics, be sure to do an EEG and make sure everything is fine there

The development of memory in a child. - an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, raising children Any school that cares about its prestige and status is primarily interested in capable children - intellectually developed.


This question interests me too. With the older child, they went through a bunch of everything: Tomatis, sensory integration classes, hippotherapy, swimming, homeopathy, orthoses and special insoles for shoes for several years, bite correction and wearing braces from 5 to 7 years old, removal of adenoids, sluggish intestines. All money, all resources from 5 to 8 years went there. And now I don’t know whether it helped or outgrew it, but ugh 3 times, coordination got better at times (they sent me to a sports school, they didn’t rest on the brains, everything is fine with them), the general tone became better, boy suddenly rraz and straightened out, and became an ordinary boy of 11 years. And how much effort and resources are required, only my husband and I know about it. And only one question occupies me: did I do everything or was it necessary to do more/better/different?

31.01.2018 14:54:11, Also just a mom

I can tell about myself. She was born prematurely (8 months), neurological problems (hypoxia in childbirth, breech presentation). I was raised by one mother.
As a child, I was always busy in a circle or in a section. I have been reading since I was 4 years old. Probably from the age of 5 she came up with fairy tales and poems. She graduated from music school. She sang in the choir, traveled to many countries in Europe, participating in competitions. Plus art classes. From sports swimming, badminton, tennis. From the 8th grade, constant tutors in mathematics, physics and chemistry did not pull them.
Eventually. Silver medal at school. Graduate of St. Petersburg State University. She defended her PhD at the Higher School of Economics. Married, we live in a separate treshka. The mortgage has been paid. Income for two 250 thousand per month. Well, before the decree, it was like that ... Now I have a small child, I am also going to invest in it to the maximum.

01/27/2018 07:43:47, mmmm1111

There is an adopted son, 8 years old, adopted at the age of 6, at home for the third year. He is somatically healthy and neither psychologists nor a neuropsychologist have identified any mental abnormalities in him. It is the frontal cortex of the brain that protects us from speaking any stupid thoughts out loud.


I have such a frame, 10 years old, ADHD. They went to school from the age of 8 and into speech school (I didn’t pronounce 3 sounds. In the 1st grade there were only complaints, although the teacher agreed that the problems were behavioral, the head cooks well. Now it has calmed down, but there are breakdowns when tired (end of the quarter, end of the year). Studying well.
You neglect medicines in vain, look for a competent neurologist, you need him. Working with a neuropsychologist is a good thing.

Phenibut does not give a withdrawal syndrome. You are afraid of drugs in vain, apparently, your child needs them. He has nothing to do in the correctional class, there are children with low intelligence, and not with behavioral disorders (or both). And against the intervention of the father of the child whose things he spoils, I would not mind. Maybe he will be able to convey to your boy what you yourself cannot convey. Respond to teachers' complaints about classroom behavior with sympathy and warm support, and then ask them what they think could be done to improve the situation.

"For memory ". Health. Teenagers. Education and relationships with children "For memory". I have a diligent daughter, she works very hard, but the results leave much to be desired. For me, it's like a disgrace. Now I will be advised to treat my brain.


Drink Iodomarin 200. Improves concentration, relieves fatigue (and irritability). And when concentration improves, then it is remembered more and easier.

Getting ready for exams? Be sure to switch 1 day off a week - what does she like about you there? Hang out with friends or knit? But only to no study.
And one more thing: maybe the results that she gives out are her objective results? Overstating the bar leads to neuroses and nervous breakdowns. Maybe she won’t drink anything like that to meet your expectations?

The meaning of its action is the development of that part of the brain that is now being stimulated. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and Are there any medicines or vitamins to improve the child's brain?


About the logo garden - go already to take a referral to the commission, in our area they are already on the way. Yes, and in our country, for example, even one garden was transferred to the category of ordinary ones - there are few people who want to go there, everyone wants modern gardens with swimming pools, etc., and we have logo gardens in old buildings.
My youngest child did not speak at all until the age of 3 (except for mom, dad, yes) ... when I came to the speech therapist, I was told "Where were you at 1.5 years old ?, and where were you at 2 years old?". In general, we received a referral to the TsVL (a center for restorative treatment, like a logo garden for babies 2-4 years old, but with massage and doctors, they are subordinate to the Ministry of Health and are essentially a medical institution), now we go, since autumn - to the logo garden.
The use of drugs did not give him anything, although a very competent neurologist prescribed him with the words that he was about to speak ...
In fact, it still makes sense to do an ECHO-EG (as there is with pressure), audiometry (hearing can affect speech), UZDG (vessels). Based on these data, the neurologist can prescribe drugs that will HELP work with the child.
Believe the mother of three speech therapy children - don’t be fooled by the phrases “wait a little longer, she will speak soon”, “but ours didn’t speak until 4 years old, and then he chattered like that” ... Speech therapy is where it’s better to overdo it than not do it, because the price way too high.

My son didn't speak at all until 2.7. The index finger and the sound "Y" were the main assistants in communication. From 2.9 we started to study with a speech therapist. Our main stopper was that the son could not imitate (repeat sounds, actions after other people). A month later, the process began. Now, after 4 months of classes, we still do not know how to build sentences, but the vocabulary is huge, calls things, actions by their proper names, began to imitate (repeats everything like a parrot :). Medications, where we live, doctors, with speech delay, do not prescribe.

Advise what-thread for memory. I am not yet 35 years old, but sometimes I already feel like a brake ... nicotinic acid and exercises for the brain all the time - read books in a foreign language, logical puzzles. Actually, for the development of memory, it is recommended to memorize poetry.

Interhemispheric connections. Development, training. Other children. Interhemispheric connections. Can you tell me exercises aimed at developing interhemispheric connections / corpus callosum? This is our cat. He is already 15 years old, and he is really wonderful ...


One of the reasons for the impossibility of movements in cerebral palsy is the monolaterality of the brain. Those. the child can move only the arms at the same time, or only the legs, or the arm and leg on only one side of the body. A healthy child is bilateral. “Special” children need to be taught this.

The child's palms together and in turn are brought to the bridge of the child's nose and held down the face.
The palms of the child together and in turn are brought to the bridge of the child's nose and held down the cheeks to the ears.
Simultaneous flexion and extension of opposite arms and legs. (right arm-left leg and vice versa) this is done both on the stomach and on the back.

"Tick-tock". Everyone knows it well. The child lies on his back. We bend our knees and put them either to the right or to the left. At a fast pace. Relaxes the hip joint. Start with 50 times.
"Basket", which is very effective, despite its simplicity: the child lies on his stomach, bend the legs at the knee, take the child's hands back and grab the legs, you just need to grab it from the inside, where the arch of the foot is, to bring the shoulder blades together. You begin to raise your legs and lower them, as if to swing. You have to do it at a fast pace. Start with 50 times. Then gradually increase. But you have to look at the child. If you are aroused or the tone slightly increased, you need to reduce it to the amount when everything was normal. Making a basket, all the muscles work. The neck and back are strengthened, the shoulders are brought back, the chest opens, breathing improves, the heart works better, the hip joint relaxes.
Even from the position in the basket, if the child succeeds, you can ask him to raise only his head, start with 5 times, then turn it left and right, also 5 times. If the child cannot, there is no need to torment, the moment will come when he can.

There is a book called "These Incredible Left-handers", I forgot the author, blue paperback, there are a lot of exercises you need, look. I do with my child. I used to think, watching him, that he was definitely left-handed, now it’s not clear. Experts recommend similar exercises and develop two hands. With age, the child will figure out which hand is preferable, I was advised not to fix it rigidly as a left-handed or right-handed person.

02/27/2007 10:48:55 AM, KatyaM

Mindfulness exercises. Psychological and pedagogical aspects. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship, teaching foster parents at school.

Very often parents of students lower grades are faced with the need to develop mindfulness in their child. After all, successful learning will not work without it. Due to age characteristics, it is still difficult for a child of 7-8 years to concentrate his attention for a long time. However, students who already cope with this, solve the tasks set by the teacher much faster and easier. Special games and interesting exercises can help in the development of mindfulness.

What is attention like?

There are three types of attention:

  1. involuntary- appears unexpectedly, by itself. This is the answer to the bright, catchy, making a lot of noise, arousing interest, but quickly disappears as soon as the subject becomes ordinary. This type of attention prevails in children under 7 years of age.
  2. Arbitrary attention - the baby learns to control himself, doing no longer what is interesting to him at the moment, but what is necessary. He learns to focus on the task at hand. At the beginning of schooling, voluntary attention begins to develop.
  3. Post-voluntary attention appears when the baby is already carried away by the task and he does not need any effort to focus on it.

Attention is also divided into visual, auditory and motor-motor.

For the development of each of these types, you can choose the appropriate games and exercises.

Features of conducting classes

  • Choose the right time. Do not distract the baby if he is passionate about something. It is better to wait until he finishes his activity.
  • Ask household members not to disturb you and the baby during class.
  • Let the child before the start of the lesson fulfill the primary needs: drink, go to the toilet, put away toys.
  • Use non-standard ways to captivate the baby. It is better if they are accompanied by a lot of positive emotions on your part. Exercises should be interesting, understandable and accessible.
  • Get started with step by step instructions. Make sure that the child completes each item of the task to the end.
  • Control your emotions. Classes should be held in a friendly atmosphere. Do not criticize the child, scold, raise your voice at him. Encourage, praise, smile, say kind words, provide the necessary assistance, if required.
  • All mental functions are interconnected. The better the child's speech and memory are developed, the easier it will be for him to concentrate on something. Therefore, it is necessary to take care not only of the development of the baby's attentiveness, but also of his general intellectual development - train memory, develop speech.
  • Systematic and regular practice is very important. Once in a while, you are unlikely to succeed.

Useful games and exercises

To increase concentration.

Correction test

Offer the child a sheet of paper with text printed on it. The font must be large. Ask your child to find as many of the same letter as possible in the text (for example, the letter “a”) and cross it out with a pencil. The task is completed on time. A child of 7-8 years old should have time to look through 350-400 characters in 5 minutes and should make no more than 10 mistakes. At the same time, the parent must control the baby, making sure that he searches strictly for the lines. Classes should be devoted to 7-10 minutes every day. Gradually, it can be made more difficult, increasing the number of letters to 5.

Encrypted letter

The kid is offered a sheet of paper with a set of letters of the Russian alphabet. Among them, you need to find words.


  • Labyrinths of different difficulty levels.

  • Graphic dictations - drawings by cells.

Motor-motor attentiveness and the ability to switch are developed by the following games.

Game "Edible-inedible"

The leader's task is to throw the ball to the players while naming the words. If the presenter named an edible object, then the player needs to catch the ball, if it is inedible, the ball is repelled.


Players sit next to each other and put their hands on the knees of the neighbors on the right and left. You need to alternately clap your palms at a given pace. The first and last players tap their knees twice and the game continues in reverse order. A player who misses his clap or loses his pace is out of the game.

forbidden movement

At the beginning of the game, all players agree on some movement that will be forbidden, i.e. it cannot be repeated. Next, the leader at a fast pace shows the players various movements that they must repeat after him. The player who repeated the forbidden movement becomes the leader.

The game "Half-nose-ceiling"

Ask the child to show what you name. Name and show with him. When the baby begins to easily cope with the task at a fast pace, complicate it. Now you can name one thing and show another. It should only show what you say.

For auditory awareness:

Find a couple

It is necessary to take an even number of identical opaque bottles. Fill them in pairs with different content. For example, two bottles - sand, two more - small stones, two more - rice, the next can be filled with coins, various cereals - peas, beans, semolina, twigs, rustling candy wrappers. You can think of many options. Take yourself one bottle with each filler, and give the second to the crumbs. Shake one of your bottles, the baby should carefully listen to the sound it makes. Now ask your child to find a match among their bottles by the sound of yours.

Young children can be offered to find the same mittens.


Ask the baby to clap the suggested rhythm behind you. Gradually complicate the task.

Guess the sounding object

Demonstrate to the child the sound of various objects. It can be wooden spoons, rattles, various musical instruments. Now ask him to turn away and guess what it sounds like.

Visual attention develops:

Remember and say

Lay out in front of the baby 5 different games ears and ask him to memorize them. Ask your baby to turn away or close their eyes while hiding one of the toys. After the baby opens his eyes, he must name which toy is missing. Gradually complicate the task by increasing the number of toys to 10. This game can be played in another version. The toy must not be hidden, but their order must be reversed.

Didactic game "Paired pictures"

With the help of such a game, the child will quickly learn how to look for similar pictures. The game is the best way to learn some rules, verses with a child and develop attention. But! As soon as the child gets tired, the game should be stopped and continued after a few hours or the next day.

Repeat sequence

Cut out various geometric shapes from colored cardboard. They should differ in shape, color and size. Now lay out a certain sequence of them in front of the child and ask him to remember. Next, you need to mix all the figures in one pile and ask the baby to repeat the sequence that was in front of him. Start with 5 figures. Gradually complicate the task by increasing their number.