The correct daily routine for a girl of 14 years. Recommendations to parents. How to organize a daily routine for a younger student on vacation

As soon as it rang last call, my ten-year-old son hit "anarchy": he goes to bed almost at midnight, sleeps until one in the afternoon, and the rest of the time he drives like a madman along the street. I don't even know how to fix him. Is it worth it to subordinate the day to some kind of routine during the holidays, or still give maximum freedom?

The main sign of health is harmony with nature

- Children are looking forward to these days: there are no lessons, absolute freedom, - says the head of the department of health-improving and therapeutic physical education of Kharkiv Pedagogical University. G. Skovorody Leonid Podrigalo. - Vacations should really be festive and joyful, but this does not mean that you need and can overload them with entertainment and completely forget about the daily routine. The fact is that the regime of the day is a reflection necessary for the body correct physiological processes. Man is a part of nature, and all organs and systems of the body work in harmony, consistently and in accordance with natural rhythms. The mode ensures the unity of the body with environment, their harmony, which is considered the main sign of health. It is no coincidence that scientists, speaking about the purpose of the regime, define it as the development of a certain sequence and rhythm. physiological reactions(dynamic stereotype) for economical consumption nervous energy and maintaining high performance.

Best for outdoor recreation

The specialist is sure that a violation of the usual routine can break the dynamic stereotype, and it will be quite difficult to restore it.

Therefore, the regime during the holidays should not differ significantly from working days, - Leonid Podrigalo believes. - Some components of the mode, even during the holidays, should not change. In particular, regardless of the day of the week, children school age it is advisable to get up no later than 7.30, morning exercises are also necessary. The diet and sleep duration should be the same as during study: you need to eat and go to bed at the usual time.

It is best if the rest days are spent outdoors as much as possible. Excursions, walks, hikes, trips out of town will give the child the necessary charge of vivacity. However, filling the holidays with games and exercise, physical overwork should not be allowed, therefore, in the summer, it is useful for parents to monitor the condition of their children. Symptoms such as pallor, lethargy, headache, indicate that the load is too high for the child, Leonid Podrigalo warns.

From what "bricks" to build a vacation

In order to have a good rest during the holidays and gain strength for further education, the student needs a properly constructed regimen, and it should not differ sharply from the daily routine in school days. The specialist gives a variant of the daily routine for the vacation period for children 7-10 years old:

Rise: 7.00-7.30;
- morning exercises, toilet, hardening activities: 7.00-8.30;
- breakfast: 8.30-9.00;
- stay in the open air: 9.00-13.00;
- lunch: 13.00-13.30;
- afternoon day rest or sleep: 13.30-15.30;
- walks (games, outdoor activities), excursions, movie screenings, etc.: 15.30-17.30;
- afternoon snack: 17.30;
- free time: 17.30-19.00;
- walk: 19.00-19.30;
- dinner: 19.30-20.00;
- free time: 20.00-21.00;
- preparation for sleep: 21.00-21.30;
- going to bed: 21.30-22.00.

The diagram is given as a sample, from which, of course, there may be minor deviations. The main thing is that the main elements of the regime are carried out in a timely manner. The doctor advises parents to think carefully about what to do with their children during the holidays. IN Lately the structure of schoolchildren's free time has changed: there is a replacement active forms rest passive. In practice, this is manifested by a reduction in physical education and sports, stay on fresh air, and this leads to hypodynamia and becomes additional factor risk of developing chronic diseases.

For students lower grades, especially for first-graders, it is sometimes very difficult to adapt to the conditions of their new school life. Hence the poor progress, and confrontation with classmates, and the child's unwillingness to go to school / do homework, etc. And the main task of parents is to help the child cope with a difficult load for him. Faced with this problem, each parent is looking for their own ways to solve it. But when drawing up a competent daily routine for the student junior class from the first day of attending school would have helped to avoid most of these problems.

Why do you need a daily routine for a primary school student

You should not be dismissive of the organization of the working day, especially for children, starting from school years. Compliance with a certain routine leads to the fact that the child’s forces are not wasted, they are distributed in a dosed manner and they are enough for all types of activities. At the same time, it increases vitality body, fatigue is minimized and strength is quickly restored.

Drafting correct mode day depends on individual characteristics schoolchild: health status and characteristics of a particular age. The main elements should be included in the schedule in a certain order:

as the child adheres to the daily routine, he will develop the habit of doing everything in certain time, the body will turn on the internal clock and subsequently all actions will become a habit.

How to make the correct daily schedule for a student

Morning exercises: will invigorate the body, help to recharge with working capacity. The duration of charging depends on the health of the student, so this issue must be resolved on an individual basis.

Water procedures: include taking a shower after gymnastics, tempering dousing with water of contrasting temperatures and morning hygiene procedures- washing and brushing teeth. As for the hardening procedure, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a specialist, not to force events in order to avoid colds.

Sports activities: visiting game sports sections, swimming pool, outdoor games.

Nutrition: meals must be organized in such a way that the child has a hearty and hot breakfast, a full lunch of hot dishes and vitamin salads late dinner. Eating at the same time will ensure the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doing homework: they need to be planned without postponing this process for the evening, when the child is already tired and there will be no efficiency from work. After a short rest, about an hour after lunch and a walk, you can start doing homework with renewed vigor. In this case, you need to take breaks for rest for a few minutes.

Completed homework gives the full right to take a walk, breathe fresh air. At least two hours can be allocated for games in the yard. This optimal time in order to give rest to the brain by switching to another activity and breathe in fresh air before going to bed. The duration of sleep of a younger student should be 9-10 hours. The time of awakening and going to bed must be set at the same time, as this will accustom the body to quickly fall asleep and wake up.

The daily routine of the student by hours for the week

The daily routine, which includes the main regime moments:

Student actions Time
Climb 06.30
Gymnastics, water procedures 06.30 — 07.00
Breakfast 07.00 — 07.30
Collection and road to school 07.30 — 07.50
Lessons at school 08.00 -12.00
Walk 12.00 -12.30
Dinner 12.30 -13.00
Walk 13.00 -14.00
Rest 14.00 -14.30
Completing Lessons 14.30 -16.00
Walk 16.00 -18.00
Dinner and free time 18.00 -21.00
Going to sleep 21.00

Table of the daily routine of a primary school student by the hour

Naturally, the schedule must be adjusted in accordance with what the student is doing in addition to studies (visiting sections, circles, etc.), but mandatory items must be present in it.

School day schedule on weekends

If a daily routine is introduced in the family, then it must be performed daily, there cannot be days off for it and public holidays. Naturally, on Saturday and Sunday it will be adjusted without going to school and doing homework. But it is not recommended to exclude the main points from it. It is allowed to shift the time of getting up one hour later, replace the period of school attendance with a weekly joint family event, and the hours allotted for lessons can be replaced by going to the cinema with friends. But all other points should remain unchanged.

The daily routine of schoolchildren studying in the second shift

There is a form of training that is very inconvenient for everyone - in the second shift. But this objective reason, from which schools cannot yet refuse due to workload. Accordingly, the daily routine of schoolchildren studying on the second shift will be different. Just all the actions that are mentioned in exemplary schedule after lunch, you need to move to the first half of the day, observing their duration: that is, getting up at 7 in the morning, gymnastics, shower, breakfast, and then a walk, doing homework, lunch, studies, dinner, evening walk and sleep. Having got used to such a distribution of time, the student will not experience discomfort from training sessions in the 2nd shift.

When accustoming your child to a certain daily routine, it would be very appropriate for parents to become an example and take part in this process. Then the addiction will go faster, and the parent authority rating will rise significantly.

The daily routine for a teenager is of paramount importance. Compliance with it will allow the body of a teenager to develop correctly, and will also help prevent diseases.

When drawing up a regimen, a daily routine for a teenager, it is impossible to use any one rigid scheme, since every teenager, every family has its own characteristics, its own traditions, but use the recommendations that are general character of course available.

For the correct daily routine of a teenager, one must take into account the rhythm, a certain alternation various kinds classes. If they are performed in a certain sequence and at the same time, then "habits" will be created in the central nervous system of a teenager, facilitating the transition from one type of activity to another. It is necessary to try to withstand the temporary moments of the daily routine. This must be taken as a basis for drawing up the daily routine.

When compiling a daily routine for a teenager, the following should be considered:

  • The need for a mandatory alternation of work and rest.
  • Eating should be regular and complete.
  • Night sleep should be at least the time that is enough for a teenager to have a good rest, as well as observing the time to get up and go to bed.
  • A clearly defined time for morning exercises, gymnastics, and hygiene procedures.
  • A clear definition of the time for doing school homework. It is also necessary to provide 10-15 minute breaks during classes for rest.
  • Decide on the duration of the rest, and preferably with longest time on open air.

Morning should start with exercises, gymnastics, lasting 10-15 minutes. Gymnastics enhances the work of the heart, ventilates the lungs, also improves the metabolism in the body of a teenager and, in general, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Then water, hygienic procedures are necessary. You can take a shower, pour water or just wipe yourself off. On morning toilet should take no more than 30 minutes. All these activities prepare the body of a teenager for a labor, school day.

Upon returning from school, do not immediately start doing homework. It is necessary to rest for some time, preferably actively. It is necessary to provide 1 - 2 hours of time for walking, staying in the fresh air.

Preparation of homework assignments for elementary school students should be provided for 1.5 - 2 hours, middle classes - 2 - 3 hours, and for high school students 3 - 4 hours.

Before going to bed, an evening walk or quiet activities are desirable so that a teenager goes to bed nervous system She was not in an excited state, but in a calm state.

The table shows exemplary mode teen day

List of activities for a teenager Times of Day
12-13 years old 14-17 years old
Morning - rise time 7.00 7.00
Morning exercises, exercises, hygiene procedures, bed making, morning toilet 7.00 — 7.30 7.00 — 7.30
Light first breakfast 7.30 — 7.50 7.30 — 7.50
The way to school, a morning walk before the start of classes is possible 7.50 — 8.20 7.50 — 8.20
Study, school 8.30 — 14.00 8.30 — 14.30
Hot second breakfast at school, possible walk after school (on the way home) 14.00 — 14.30 14.30 — 15.00
Fundamental lunch 14.30 — 15.00 15.00 — 15.30
Time for walks, games and sports 15.00 — 17.00 15.30 — 17.00
Light afternoon snack 17.00 17.00
Time to prepare homework assignments 17.00 — 19.30 17.00 — 20.00
Dinner and optional classes, according to interests 19.30 — 21.00 20.00 — 21.30
Getting ready for bed - wash, clean clothes and shoes 21.00 — 21.30 21.30 — 22.00
Night sleep 21.30 — 7.00 22.00 — 7.00

Although a teenager also needs extracurricular activities: music, sport sections, hobby groups, but do not overload it. Everything should be in moderation.

Features of the teenager's day regimen

Adolescence (from 10 to 15 years) is a time of rapid and in many ways contradictory development. At this time, significant changes occur both in the body and in the psyche of the child, playing exclusively important role in the formation of a person's personality.

Therefore, it is so important to pay due attention to the regime of the day.

In reality, the regime of the day is actually the regime of the day; all 24 hours must be planned in a certain way, and this plan, like any plan, only makes sense if it is followed.

The state of a teenager on Monday is not like his state on Saturday. It is one at the beginning of the academic quarter and the other at its end. What about the holidays? And illnesses, and surprises different kind? All this, of course, does not cancel the regime, but it forces the child (and us) to treat its establishments consciously, creatively and responsibly.


You, parents, see better than anyone how much time a child spends preparing lessons. If this time is more than 2-2.5 hours, you need to intervene and find out what's wrong. Does the teenager work irrationally, there are no conditions for classes, does he experience special difficulties in preparing assignments in certain subjects? There may be many tasks.

It is not advisable to sit down for lessons without resting after school. It is best to start classes by having lunch and being outdoors for 1.5-2 hours. The start time of classes, preferably, should be firmly fixed. The air in the room where the teenager is engaged is fresh. Silence. Every 45 minutes there is a break during which the room is ventilated again.

Free time

In the time budget, it is necessary to provide about 1.5 hours for classes that meet the inclinations of the child. Reading, circle work, watching a movie on TV, music lessons. Please make sure that doing one thing does not take away all your free time (time wasters - TV, computers).

Another 3 hours must be found for active rest outdoor activities (walking, outdoor games, sports). But it is important that a teenager knows the measure in outdoor games. It’s good if he plays football for about an hour - beyond this limit, fatigue begins and instead of good, “harm” comes out: the child’s working capacity is not restored, but falls even more.

Control time for others sports activities: basketball, volleyball up to 1.5 hours, skating up to 1.5 hours, skiing - up to 2 hours.

It is clear that vacation time, in Sundays exposure to air should be increased, and in summer time(unless, of course, the days are not rainy or cold) it is useful to move a teenager's whole life, including sleep, to fresh air.


It is necessary in every possible way to resist the emerging habit of a teenager to “intercept” something on the run. A hot breakfast is just as necessary as lunch.

The time of breakfast and dinner is determined by when a teenager wakes up and goes to bed (breakfast 30 minutes after waking up, dinner no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime).

Sleep is the most important factor in health. The need for sleep in a child of 7-12 years old, depending on biorhythms, is approximately 9-10 hours; at 13-14 years old - 9-9.5 hours; at 15-17 years old - 8.5-9 hours.

type of person

Mode Features

Peak performance


Waking up early, going to bed early.

9-10 am,

16-17 pm


Gets up late, very active in the evening.

11-12 am,

18-20 pm


He does not like to get up early, but he prefers to go to bed not late.

10-12 am,

15-18 pm

How to organize your daily routine junior schoolchild

on vacation?

During the holidays, children try to change their usual schedule, for example, waking up closer to noon and going to bed closer to midnight.
The rest of the time, schoolchildren, as a rule, spend either at the computer or on the street with friends. Of course, in the summer you need to relax and have fun, but you can’t overload yourself with entertainment.The daily routine can be changed a little, but without fanaticism.

The daily routine was invented not in order to drive the child into a rigid framework, but in order todo not disturb the course of biological processes . After all, our organs and systems work according to internal biological clock. If they are forcibly translated, then a failure may occur, for example, hormonal.

Sleep is health.

    During school year many students don't get enough sleep. How younger child the longer it will take him to recover.

    Doctors recommend that children under 12 get at least 10 hours of sleep. At the same time, you should listen to your child: there are also owls and larks among children, so it’s worth adjusting the rest to their rhythms.

    Quadruple meals.

    Fresh air

    Hardening (pouring).

The more energy the student spends, the more he will need to replenish it. In order for a child to have a good appetite, he should spend more time outdoors, playing outdoor games.
Idleness for a student is also stressful. If a child sits at a computer for days, loitering on the street in search of friends, he does not rest, but gets tired. Therefore, it is necessary to organize interesting leisure- mini-hikes, trips out of town, picnics, excursions, cinemas

Don't risk your child's health.

Summer holidays For students, this is a very special time.

    Student elementary school more than anyone else needs, first of all, in good rest V summer time, health promotion.

    But no less obligatory for this period for the younger student is the opportunity to combine the child's leisure with the performance of a small amount of school assignments.

    There should be few of them. It is enough to remember addition and subtraction once a week, to dedicate half an hour to calligraphy once a week.

    As for reading...

Summer reading.

    Finish reading on interesting place, thereby stimulating the desire to return to reading.

    After reading, discuss situations that are described in the book.

2. Title of the book.

3. The number of days it took to read this book.

4. List the main characters. Which character is your favorite, why?

5. Write down which adventures you found most interesting.

6. What did this book teach you?

Traveling the world...

    It is important to remember that when traveling around the world or just going to the country, you should discuss with the child the impressions he has received.

    Travel is an opportunity to expand not only the horizons of the child, explaining certain phenomena, but also to replenish lexicon, develop speech, conveying impressions of what he saw.

Summer holidays are best time in order to finally give the child what you have been planning for a long time, but did not have time during the school year!

Holidays are the time of feelings!

    Use the holidays to help your child learn useful life skills.

    Joint activities of parents and children during summer holidays can and should become an excellent school of communication and mutual understanding.

    Summer gives you the opportunity to appreciate the increased level of your child's abilities, to overcome old stereotypes parent-child relationship, evaluate the child as a possible or already held assistant.

    Success in non-academic activities canbecome the most important means prevention of insecurity, anxiety, low self-esteem .

    Holidays are a time of feelings.Feelings are very serious . Let your child feel grown up and independent.Independent decision making and responsibility for him is an integral part of adulthood.

    let doto kiderrors. No man has grown up without making mistakes.

    Take into account the tendency of children to active types of recreation.

Good Summer to you!

Psychologist MBOU"Gymnasium No. 1"

Svetlana Mikhailovna Khairetdinova

contact phone 555-605