How to make a man gentle and attentive. How to teach a man to be gentle

The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are so arranged that they just need to feel support, security, comfort, tenderness. A huge number of women suffer from a lack of this feeling, and yet everyone wants to be surrounded by warmth, affection and attention. Unfortunately, men often associate the concept of "tenderness" with the concept of "weakness", therefore they try so diligently to avoid the manifestation of tender feelings, remaining callous. What does a woman need to do to make her man more gentle?

Most of the males do not specifically demonstrate a manifestation of tenderness at all. And due to the absence of such prerequisites, it is absolutely impossible to make a hasty conclusion that he does not love a woman or does not care, does not understand. Most likely, his personality was formed under the influence of many cultural and hereditary factors, and the environment in which he grew up plays an important role. If you have real love for a "thick-skinned" man, be patient, try to create situations that can teach him, do not hesitate to show your feelings.

A survey of female respondents on this topic showed that more than 50% constantly reproach their men for the lack of tenderness, this only aggravating the situation. The nature is so arranged that boys are no longer born tender, and their games are associated with weapons, and they fight and often offend girls. This is due to the fact that men have more hormones that cause cruelty and aggression, this has been the custom since ancient times, when a man was a breadwinner, protector of offspring and territory. And for centuries, the generally accepted norm was considered to be the restraint of men in expressing emotions. Therefore, a woman simply needs to encourage her man for the slightest manifestation of tenderness and affection. In order for a man to be gentle, try using a few tips:

Do not demand constant confessions and lisps from him, such behavior will only anger him;

Do not put ultimatums in any way, do not be so categorical. Just appreciate his every attempt to show emotions, and emphasize how glad you are and how pleasant you are;

Do not show your tenderness excessively and obsessively, do not drown your beloved in a pool of tenderness, he will feel himself a real "smudge";

Take care of his body, let him learn to enjoy not only sex, but from a simple touch, give him a massage or any, at your discretion, cosmetic procedures;

Discuss his emotions, problems, feelings. Even the most reserved and courageous man lacks support when faced with life's difficulties. If he can share his experiences with you, then it will be much easier for him to show sympathy and understanding in relation to you, and there it is already not far from tenderness;

Try to appear next to him as a little girl who needs protection. Do not take the initiative into your own hands, showing that you are an independent and strong woman, you will discourage your loved one from taking care of you. It is better to ask for help and support more often.

In any case, do not forget that tenderness is a vital element for strengthening the relationship between a man and a woman, and so that alienation does not arise between lovers, tenderness tightly binds them to each other.

How to make your husband affectionate How many women on earth suffer from the fact that their men have ceased to show their tenderness and affection, to make compliments, hug, kiss and just let us know how much they need us. Many men believe that the manifestation of tender feelings is weakness, and a man should not be weak, he should be brave, courageous, decisive. But we women know that you can remain courageous and at the same time be gentle and affectionate. And in order to convey this, a man needs a little time and female cunning. You can read more about this and not only on the website

More than 50% of women say that their man does not show tenderness and affection. Previously, he gave you flowers, made compliments, spoke pleasant words, called you affectionately, hugged and kissed you, not embarrassed by people. And now he does not kiss you in public, gives flowers exclusively on holidays, calls you only by name, does not write gentle, grateful messages. Do not worry, firstly, you are not alone, and secondly, this is fixable. So, how to make your husband affectionate ...

The reasons for the rudeness and inattention of a man

First of all, you need to understand why a man is not affectionate. Studies of biological indicators have shown that men release a large amount of hormones that are responsible for rigidity and aggression, they are naturally laid down to be earners and protectors. The second thing that affects a man is how he was raised in childhood and what he saw in childhood. If the parents rarely showed feelings for each other and for the child, were restrained, did not say affectionate words, then it will be difficult for a man, then he will learn to express his affection. The reasons are clear, but how to make your husband affectionate? To do this, you need to work day after day on the tenderness of your chosen one. Be gentle with him and encourage affection for yourself.

Make your husband more affectionate

Psychologists have developed several methods for making a husband affectionate. First, you can't be very demanding. To pester him with questions about love or to beg for tenderness in every possible way. In no case do not give him ultimatums and do not reproach him. This will not give him tenderness and affection, but, on the contrary, will cause a feeling of resentment, humiliation, anger and aggression. Just thank him for every pleasant word and affectionate action.
Second, don't be overly intrusive with your affection. You don't need to write him 100 SMS a day about how you love him. There is no need to lisp with him as with a small child. If you lisp, then do not cause him to feel tenderness, but point out to him his weakness, which he already fears. A man should not feel like a rag ...

Third, talk to your man more often. Perhaps he lacks understanding and support from you. If he opens up to you and starts talking about his problems and worries, it will only bring you closer.

Well, the last method: become a defenseless weak woman next to him. Do not show your ambition, independence, strength. There will never be a gentle man next to the iron lady. Let your husband feel needed, help you with something, solve your problem, become your protection and support. In this case, he will feel his strength and masculinity and become a real knight who can solve all problems and at the same time be gentle and affectionate.

In a happy marriage, both husband and wife are happy. And what is the guarantee of family happiness? Of course, the happiness of both is equally. And the task of each of the spouses is to ensure the happiness of the other. In this article we will talk about how to make your husband happy, as this is our main goal.

It is interesting that in different religions the ways of solving this problem are defined in different ways. Let's consider, for the sake of interest, and for the general development of the 15 Islamic commandments, how to achieve the outlined goal.

1. Always welcome your husband with joy.

A man often has to leave the family, going on business trips related to work or study. To make the happy moments of your return more pleasant, do not hide your joy at the meeting, gently greet your husband, put on nice and clean clothes, perfumes and cosmetics will also not interfere; start with the good news, putting off the bad news until he rested; let him feel that you were waiting for him very much and missed him greatly; do your best so that everything is cleaned by his arrival, and hot delicious food awaits on the table.

2. Talk to him gently and affectionately

3. Be always in great shape

To do this, watch your figure and body; wear beautiful dresses, use the best perfume; try that your husband does not see you in dirty clothes, no hairstyle and unkempt; avoid prohibited types of jewelry, such as tattoos; wear the dresses that your husband likes best; the same goes for the color of clothing, hairstyles and perfume.

4. Don't deny him a close relationship.

For close relationships, try to choose the right time when he is not tired, make sure that your body is clean and a pleasant smell emanated from him.

5. Be content with what is given by nature

You should not be upset if your husband is poor or works in a simple job: look at the poor, sick and people with physical disabilities, remember the Lord and thank Him for giving health and prosperity; remember that true wealth is having faith and following the true path.

6. Try to be indifferent to worldly goods

Do not consider this world to be the center of concentration of all your hopes and interests, do not ask your husband to buy expensive trinkets, help him cut costs and save money in order to give alms and feed the poor and needy. Do not spend his money without his permission, even for alms, especially if you are not sure that he will approve of this waste. In the absence of your husband, take care of the house, car and other property. However, being indifferent to worldly goods does not mean turning away from the joys of life. But at the same time, you must look into the future, realizing what the next life will be ...

7. Appreciate your husband's care and be grateful to him

Most of the inhabitants of Hell are ungrateful women who do not appreciate the goodness shown towards them. If you are grateful to your husband, he will rejoice, love you and try to do as much pleasant as possible. In case of ingratitude, the husband will be disappointed and ask himself: "Why would I do well for her if she will never appreciate it anyway?"

8. Be faithful and loyal to your husband

Be especially devoted to your husband at an hour when it is difficult for him (health problems or work), support him with all available means, including money or your property, if necessary.

9. Be compliant

Do whatever your husband tells you, if it is within the bounds of what is permissible. Remember: the head of the family is the husband, and the wife is the helper and advisor.

10. Calm down your husband if he is not in the mood

Try to avoid anything that might make him angry, but if you still can't avoid it, try to calm him down: if it's your fault, apologize. If he is to blame, then be calm, do not lead to a quarrel. Wait until he calms down and then calmly discuss the problem with him. If he is angry for any reason other than family, then remain silent until his anger passes; try to find excuses for him, for example: he is tired, problems at work, someone has offended him. Don't ask too many questions, insisting that he tell you what happened, especially in a harsh manner, such as, "You have to tell me what happened!", "I need to know what made you angry!" or "You are hiding something, and I have the right to know it!"

11. In the absence of your husband, take care of yourself and the honor of your family

Avoid any forbidden, relationships with other people. Keep family secrets secret, especially when it comes to close relationships and what your husband does not want to tell other people about. Husband and wife should keep secret everything that happens in their personal lives. Their personal life, family secrets should not be the subject of discussion in conversations with friends and girlfriends.

12. Take care of home and children

Take care of your husband's money and property. Be nice and affectionate to your husband's parents and relatives. Make sure that your children are always well-groomed, clean and well-fed. Take care of their health, education and good manners. And, of course, teach your children the necessary knowledge.

13. Respect your husband's family and friends

You should warmly welcome your husband's guests and try to please them, especially his parents. You should try, as much as possible, to avoid problems with his relatives. You must do your best to avoid a situation where he has to choose between wife and mother. Call his parents and sisters, write letters to them, buy gifts, help them in difficult situations.

14. Be patient and give your husband moral support.

Be patient even if you are poor or in a difficult situation. In the problems and difficulties that may happen to you, to your husband or children, relatives or property, be steadfast and patient. When your husband treats you unfairly, respond to his bad deed with a kind deed.

15. Make your home cozy and comfortable

Keep your home clean by decorating it with flowers and beautiful furniture. From time to time, so that there is no monotony, change the atmosphere in the house. Prepare delicious and healthy food. Learn everything you need to do well in housekeeping. However, in order for the family to develop relationships filled with love and harmony, love and understanding from the husband are also needed.

It so happened that most men are proud, strong and at the same time generous, and in some ways weak. If you have a question about how to tame a man, first of all, pay attention to his weaknesses. Skillful influence on them is your main secret weapon.

How you can tame a man forever

First of all, in order to tame a man, he needs to be worshiped. The fact is that most men prefer those women who treat them with respect and try to please them in every possible way.

In addition, flattery is very effective in the fight for the domestication of a man, which helps to pave a path to the heart of any man. It is noteworthy that many men are very willing to accept even undisguised flattery.

In the process of taming a man, it must be borne in mind that most men are stubborn. That is why in many matters, to tame a man, you need to give in to him - this way it is much easier to tame a man.

If he feels that he is responsible for you, and you trust him, then you can be sure that the man will gladly take on this heavy burden.

What to do to tame a man?

At the same time, while the man is busy solving your common problems, you can start taming him. If there are traits in his character that do not suit you or annoy you, you should not talk about it openly.

Try to very gently and carefully lead him to the idea that some habits are still worth changing. But using different kinds ultimatums will not give the desired result. To tame a man, you need to be extremely tactful and courteous, so as not to provoke a backlash.

It should be noted that it is often impossible to change the character of a really strong man, and in such cases the only way out is to find certain compromises on your part.

Remember that if you constantly remind a man about his shortcomings, it is highly likely that he will look for someone who will see only positive qualities in him.

Keep in mind that taming a man is much easier than keeping him. That is why, when choosing a model of behavior in your relationship, it is recommended to completely surrender control over them to a man and sometimes even not notice his small "pranks".

Secret number 1: how to tame a man forever

If you want to conquer and tame a man, keep him close forever and ever, then you can do this in one and only way ... let him know that he is very special for you.

Well, this, of course, does not mean that you have to sprinkle the floor with rose petals before each step or prostrate himself every time he enters the room. (And that would be cool, though, wouldn't it?) No, you just need to appreciate him and give him joy.

It means just being able to do some special things for him and constantly remind him that he is the one and only with you. Call it unconditional love, if you will. It doesn't matter what you can do, if you do it for him, and he will be happy from this, go ahead!

How to tame a man - just to emphasize his peculiarity. I guess what you are thinking now: I am not his servant, and therefore I am not going to run to the stove at his first request, grab the iron or jump into bed. Fair remark.

If you make food for him, he must make food for you. If you iron his clothes, he should iron yours. If you do all sorts of miracles for him, he should respond in kind to you. No one is reluctant to have their feet wiped about him all his life, but it is also unrealistic to hope that everything in your union will be equal.

It goes without saying that it also has to do something for you that makes you feel special, but creating a comparison chart and ticking off the checkboxes of who did what and who didn't do what is also pointless. Such a relationship is unlikely to allow you to stay together until the end of your days.

So how do you tame a man by convincing him that he is special to you? A little earlier, we have already discussed with you how you can attract a man (food, sex and washing), but now, when you need to hold him, let's move a few steps further.

Some more secret ways to tame a man

In fact, it's not that hard to tame a man forever. The main thing in this business is to keep a few rules that will help twist the ropes from your man. So how to tame a man? There are tricks that you can apply in practice to make sure that the man is at your feet.

First of all, you need to respect his needs in life. But it is important not only to respect them, but also to satisfy them. Let the man feel that his beloved played a big role in fulfilling his desires. Give him gifts that are really needed. Otherwise, he may think that you simply do not take his opinion into account.

Be sure to respect and understand his values ​​in life, thoughts, desires and goals. Over time, if you really need it, you can direct all his thoughts in a slightly different direction. The main thing is not to go overboard in your quest to tame a man. And then he himself will think that it was his own idea. You can also find out what annoys him in other people, and especially in women. This way, you can avoid the mistakes they make.

Try to praise your beloved more. It doesn't matter in which particular area he earned praise, the main thing is to let him know that he was not trying in vain. Try to avoid criticism, as a last resort, do it gently and naturally. Praising the virtues of his figure is also important. It is always pleasant for any man.

You need to monitor your appearance. Everyone knows that men love with their eyes. That is why do not abandon yourself. Find out what he likes about your clothes. Don't forget about sexy underwear.

How to tame a man? Just support him constantly! Words of support in difficult times will always make it clear to a man that great love and strong care are behind your words. Don't miss the right moment to say important words.

No one will argue with the fact that a tear is the most powerful weapon for every girl and woman. But you must admit that it is easier to live with a calm girl than with a hysterical crybaby. Manage your emotions. Indeed, on rebooted days, this will only put pressure on your man.

The most important virtue of a loving girl for a man is her sincerity. Show that you can truly be trusted. This is especially important for men, especially if you decide to tame a man. They need a sense of complete security in company with you.

You should not be obsessive. Don't go overboard, men don't like this. Be sure to follow the measures.

Warmth, affection, attention, tenderness, security. But many women have an acute lack of all of this. Often men consider the concept of "tenderness" to be adequate to the concept of "weakness". Therefore, they avoid the manifestation of tender feelings and remain callous. What can a woman do to make her man gentle?

Most men are not affectionate. Is it possible on the basis of this to conclude that he does not love his woman, does not care and does not understand her. Of course not. Perhaps this is the result of cultural and hereditary factors, the environment in which he grew up and formed as a person. But if you love a thick-skinned man, you need to be patient. It is important to create situations that can teach him to express his feelings.

Many women constantly reproach their men for the lack of tenderness, but this only aggravates the situation. So nature has decreed that boys are not born tender. Their games are always associated with weapons, they fight, often offend girls. The reason is that men have more hormones that cause violence and aggression. Since ancient times, a man has played the role of a breadwinner, protector of territory and offspring. For centuries, the norm in society has been the emotional restraint of men. Therefore, a woman should encourage her man for showing tenderness and affection.

Here are some tips for a woman who wants a man to become gentle:

- do not expect a lisp and constant declarations of love from a man. This will only make him angry;

- do not be intrusive in showing your tenderness

Talk to him about his problems, feelings, emotions. When faced with difficulties in life, support is needed even by the most reserved man. If he learns to share his experiences with you, he will be able to show understanding and compassion towards you. Then he will learn tenderness.

- teach him to enjoy not only sex, but also from a simple touch. Take care of his body: give him massages, beauty treatments;

- do not try to seem a strong and independent woman, do not take the initiative. Otherwise, your man will not have the need and desire to take care of you. When next to him, try to seem like a little girl who needs protection. Ask him more often for support and help.

- Always remember that tenderness is essential for strengthening the relationship between a man and a woman.

To avoid alienation between lovers, take care of your tenderness!