How much does the birthway at different stages last? What is the difference between the fights from the dyg. What is the danger of rapid or rapid labor

The final stage of the baby's to wear is childbirth. Fights join the fights. Understand what swells are in pregnancy, what is their nature and a role in the delivery, as the guinea participates in the adjustment of the fence, our article will help.

Sights at childbirth

The generic process is divided into two periods. At the first stage (the opening of the cervix), the only "acting person" are the fights, at the second stage (expulsion of the fetus), forces are joined. This term denotes the process of reducing the diaphragm and muscles of the abdominal press. It provokes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Together with the increase in pressure inside the uterus, thanks to the fights, the sweat helps the baby to advance through the generic channels.

How to breathe when athlete?

One of the most important moments in childbirth is to ensure the baby with a sufficient amount of oxygen. Otherwise, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) may occur, which is fraught with serious consequences. A very important role in the prevention of this phenomenon plays the correct breathing of the feminine during the fence, so it is necessary to get acquainted with his technique before the occurrence of childbirth.

The first thing that every lady should learn is to relax, get rid of groping.

The subsequent stage is to master in the battle and the fence of the technique of proper breathing. Here are some recommendations for respiratory methods at bills:

  1. Before moving to the sweat, you need to inhale the maximum amount of air. It is necessary to sleep in the crotch, and not mind or face. Otherwise, you will not help your child, but get a breaking of small blood vessels quite real.
  2. One breath should be enough for three coughs.

When the baby's head appeared, it follows the time to suspend the midwives to the midwife. During this period, it is necessary to breathe often and superficially, with a rotor mouth. That is, do something similar to the breath of the dog in the heat. Do not be afraid to look funny. When attempts, it is necessary to breathe and behave in such a way as it is better for the child and yourself.

What is the difference between the fights from the fights?

The fights are called a periodic reduction in the uterine muscles. If these periods become frequent and regular, it means that the first period of the delivery period occurred. Their main task during childbirth is to reveal the cervix to a certain size so that the baby should pass through it. In the forerossalization, without pathologies, the original fights can last up to twelve hours. This period is reduced to 7-8 hours at subsequent births.

There are also reducing the muscles of the diaphragm and the press that occur involuntarily, reflexively. Function Four - push the kid from the womb mom. An important distinction of the battles and fence is that the fight is the process is absolutely uncontrollable. There can be no effect on their intensity nor on the duration of the woman in labor.

Upon time, the participation of the future mother is very important: they can be passed, and can be strengthened. Just do it need it correctly, carefully listen to the instructions of the doctor. Otherwise you will not just do not help the baby be born quickly and without problems, but also harm. And the answer to the question is more painful, swelling or contractions, each woman in labor gives itself. The pain caused by the fights comes and leaves itself. But the intensity of pain fee fence can be controlled and adjust.

It all depends on its priorities, from the fact that it is more important during childbirth - own (although relative) comfort or life and health has not yet born baby.

How to understand that there were attempts?

Theoretically, you are now hooked: you know what swells are, for which they are needed, and how to direct them in the right direction. Now it remains to find out what feels are experiencing a female in the occurrence of fence. All this is prosing enough: when the fights reach their apogee, you just have an irresistible desire to immediately empty the intestine. No need to worry if this feeling did not appear: about when you need to start to sleep, the obstever will tell you.

Any woman is afraid of the generic process. In particular, this fear is observed when only learning about pregnancy is expected, the future mother is worried about how her firstborn will be held.

Duration of childbirth

It is difficult to say, from the primordial, because the body of each woman individually copes with this process, so to predict anything difficult. It depends on several factors. In particular, the following indicators are of paramount importance:

  • how quickly the cervix will open;
  • whether the sizes of the baby will correspond to the size of the generic pathways;
  • mother's breath, because it depends on it, how the process passes, with proper breathing a woman can feel less pain;
  • intensity bouts.

In addition, the guinea must necessarily adhere to all the advice of the doctor. It is also very important to prepare for childbirth in advance. If the primary will know how to behave during this process, it will last no more than 10 hours. Although about how much childbirth, who has any pathology, is difficult to say, to say. In some cases, it may even take a cesarean section. It is worth noting that it is impossible to panic. If the guinea can not take himself in hand, then the birth of the first child can last twicear. But this does not mean that all 20 hours will have to spend in the maternity chair. After all, the process of childbirth is not only the appearance of a baby on the light, but also the opening of the cervix, contractions.

Why are the first birth - the most difficult?

The complexity of childbirth at primible is due to two aspects: psychological and physiological. Birth is a process that cannot be imagined until you feel it. The future mother, which should make a child for the first time, does not yet know that she will have to experience. Because of this, fears may arise, which can lead to the complication of the flow of labor. In addition, women do not know for the first time. Of course, it hurts, and it does not depend on what kind of birth. After all, it is very difficult to choose a convenient posture during battles, learn how to go around in a few minutes. Therefore, it is recommended to attend special classes and courses to be ready for everything.

In addition, many women do not know from primordin. In this case, there is a significant difference. After all, the birth rims of the broken woman are very narrow, unsesty. Therefore, it can take much slower. As a result, the first period can last much longer (instead of 5-8 hours it takes place for 10-12). The second period continues longer. There is a smaller intensity of the dyg. And after the first generations of the walls of the vagina stretch and never return to their original form.

First period of childbirth

How much is the birth of primary in the first period? It also depends on the characteristics of the body of a woman. But it should be noted that this is the longest stage. Most of the time kicked the contractions, but they will be short and infrequent. Here the woman first felt that such a prepar pain (if there was no cervical neck slowly, but the future mother does not feel any discomfort. That is, the pain will appear only during battles. So if you feel something (after all How the birth of the primible, you can not imagine), then urgently go to the maternity hospital, otherwise there is a chance to give birth right at home. The second part of the first period lasts less, but more intensive contractions are already observed. Be sure to move to the uterus faster . The third phase lasts no more than an hour. Now from the fights you need to move to sweeps.

The second generic period

Next, we consider how much childbirth in the second phase, which involves an increase in the activity of a woman. Now she must be a lot. Usually this process lasts long (from 5 to 40 minutes). Mom should help the baby faster to advance by the generic paths. After all, the kid himself will not be able to do this. If the mother's body is relaxed and it will not be able to sleep, doctors can resort to surgery. In the second generic period, it is necessary to adhere to all the advice of the doctor, to breathe correctly. At the same time it is necessary only when they talk about it. It is important to relax as much as possible and not afraid. Because of fear, the uterus will be tense, so the child will not be able to actively move. As a result, the doctors will have to start special tools to extract it. And it can harm the baby, so it is better not to risk. Only in this case everything will go well.

Third period

It would seem that all: the baby has already appeared on the light, it means that the childbirth is finished. But it is not. A woman will have to do something else - it is almost not hurt, and this stage lasts a couple of minutes. Of course, if the woman is too tired, the process can slightly delay - for 30 minutes. If she doesn't have enough strength to give birth to the doctor, then the doctor helps her.

Logical completion of each pregnancy - childbirth. This is a rather complicated process that needs not only in the qualification of an obstetrician host, but also in literacy and concentration of a woman. An important point in childbirth is the emergence of generic fence. But many women do not always understand what they differ from the bouts and what is their role in the process of the delivery. Therefore, let's figure it out what swells are and how they manifest. And also consider how to behave correctly when the sweat has already begun.

Potue - reflex reduction of abdominal and uterine muscles, as well as aperture aimed at pushing the fetus from the uterus. In obstetric practice, such a process is often called "complete expulsion of the fetus". This physiological phenomenon in the female body is the final stage of childbirth, thanks to which the baby appears.

Excellence occur with the guinea involuntarily, and the woman cannot affect their appearance. They independently arise when the pressure of the baby on the cervix reaches its apogee. As a rule, attendants manifest themselves at the time of the full disclosure of the neck and the most strong and prolonged bouts. But unlike the latter, the attempts can be controlled by helping the baby faster and more securely bind.

In detail describe the feeling of fence, of course, it is difficult, and every woman perceives this process in different ways. But in general, you can compare sweeps with a condition during defecation, as if the intestine empties, and after this, an indomitable desire arises to be stirred, which contributes to the ejecting of the fetus.

Pulls were laid by nature not just like that. Their appearance allows the baby to appear under any conditions, because the women did not always give birth in modern clinics, they passed the training predial courses and understood what swells were. That is why one should not be afraid that you will not be able to give birth yourself. When the time comes, the body itself will begin to shrink and push the fruit.

What is the difference between fights from fence

Quite often, future feminines do not fully understand what the fights differ from the dyg. These two concepts are directed towards the exile of the baby from the womb, and in the process of childbirth, they act as one whole, perfectly completing each other. But between them there are still significant differences. So what differs the contractions and sweats?

Fights - muscle cuts of uterus that cannot be reduced or stop, that is, they are completely uncontrolled by a woman. The only thing that can make the woman in labor is to breathe correctly and occupy comfortable poses to loosen the pain.

Practition in two stages. The first fights before fasting are aimed at full opening of the cervix. It can last from 8 to 12 hours, until the neck opens.

The second stage is the direct pushing of the fetus by the generic paths. At this point and there are swells during the battles. In a pair, they ignore the fruit and send it in the right direction.

Control the fight The woman is unable, but the sweeps it can stop, restrain or on the contrary, to strengthen if it advises the obstetrician gynecologist. Therefore, after the emergence of the fence, the feminine should carefully follow the instructions of the doctor to facilitate the process of passing the fetus by generic paths. Otherwise, it can not only tighten this process, but also harm the child.

Answer the question that it is more painful or a woman herself. The pain that is provoked by the fights occurs and weakens on its own, and its intensity depends on the painful threshold of the fever. A woman pain can partially adjust with the help of overwhelming control.

When the sweat starts and how much they last

Pullies appear on the final jerk when the baby is about to be born and the body is already fully ready for this event. There is no accurate time of the appearance of Potug, and each woman has happened at different times. But it's not worth worrying because of the unknownness, because you definitely do not miss their appearance. And even if you can not understand in confusion that the moment has come, the obstetrician-gynecologist will definitely say that they began at the time and what to do next.

With a normally flowing first pregnancy without complications, the sweeps can be lazy for about two hours. If pregnancy is the second or third, then the duration of generic fertility is reduced to half an hour. How many spells lastively depends on a particular case, but on average they are present up to 15 seconds with an interval of three minutes.

When the first signs of generic fertility appear in no case do not determine. At first, a woman may fear that during the dyghog there will be an involuntary intestinal cleansing, so it tries to reduce reductions. But this is an absolutely normal process, therefore it is not worth shy and worry, besides, before childbirth, they put the enema.

Effective sweeps: how to spend

During the period, the female depends on a woman. And if, in battles, the efforts of women walked only to relieve pain, then at night it occupies the commander position. At this moment, the fever is located in the maternity hospital, and her knees and hip joints are a little bend. At the moment of abbreviations, the woman is reflexively lifted than enhances the pressure on the fruit. Although the "vertical" childbirth is often practiced, which is also a physiological position.

As already mentioned, the feminine can change the intensity of the fence, but without instructions of the medical staff to do it forbidden. Therefore, it is necessary to fully fulfill all the advice of the obstetrician-gynecologist, despite soreness, fear or powerlessness. It is necessary to maximize and attach all the forces on the expulsion of the fetus.

Important! Only the right sweat will be able to save strength, prevent breaks and warn the hypoxia kid.

The first thing to pay attention to is the right breathing. At the moment, the fruit will experience a strong deficiency of oxygen, so it is necessary to breathe correctly. In addition, knowing how to breathe at night, you will be able to direct the strength on the cough and stir correctly.

Learn the technique of proper breathing better until the date of birth. Then you can more productively use oxygen and control the intensity of the dyg. It is also necessary to learn to relax in advance and be able to overcome the feeling of compression. For these purposes, women recommend visiting courses for pregnant women.

Breathing at bills need to be well monitored, and in conditions of stress, pain and fear, it is rather difficult to do it. Therefore, read in advance with the following recommendations, so that you do not get confused during childbirth:

  • In anticipation of the rise, you will breathe the air as much as possible, and then slowly breathe "belly", trying to dial the air as deep as possible.
  • Now the breath is briefly delayed, the upper part of the body is thrown forward, pressing the chin to the chest. Knee position near the axillary depression, graze them with their hands.
  • Beginning Poleness accompany the exhalation and start to sleep.
  • Pulling urges need to be directed down to strain the diaphragm, and not face.
  • If the sweat is sent correctly, burning and soreness will be felt in the vagina area and cervix.
  • It is necessary to sleep until the air is enough. But if during the feeness there is a need for another breath, completely breathe, breathe deeply, delay the breath and start all over again.
  • After the dyg, restore breathing, breathe air slowly and deeply. This will help to gain strength before the next half.

After the baby was born, the woman would survive the final filth. It will be less intense and not so painful, but its role is also important, because as a result there will be a placenta.

Important! Breathing in generic lots should be calm, without jerks or prolonged delays. The way you will breathe will affect both your condition, and on the well-being of the fetus.

Despite the arguments of obstetricians, gynecologists, in the modern world there are many supporters of natural behavior during the female without the participation of doctors. Therefore, in obstetric practice, two variants of behavior during the period are used:

  1. Natural - a woman absolutely does not affect cough, fully relying on the naturalness of this process. Also, the course of childbirth is not corrected by doctors, but only observed by side. It is believed that nature itself will take care of the safe appearance of a baby to the light.
  2. Controlled - Woman controls the intensity of the dug under the leadership of the doctor. It is only at the specified time, and the doctor monitors the promotion of the fetus.

On a note! What kind of way to choose depends on the desire of a woman, and from its state, and on how pregnancy proceeds. Therefore, the residual choice should be done after consulting with the doctor.

Freewher at primible: how to facilitate the process of childbirth

When a woman's birth is not the first, she already knows how best to behave and what to do during fence. But if the first pregnancy, these few tips will become very useful:

  • One battle should have three coughs. The optimal time of one sweat is 5-7 seconds. Therefore, a big mistake to make one long-lasting consumes, more efficiently do some short.
  • If you do not know how to understand that the sweats begin, ask the Doctors to remind you when you need to sleep.
  • You do not need to be laid out completely, otherwise you do not have enough strength by the end of the birth. Therefore, try to evenly distribute forces.
  • Never inhale and do not exhale sharply, it will have a reverse effect and a child "tighten" back.
  • Do not waste forces on a cry if the pains at bills are very strong, it is better to chunk. In addition, the cry provokes the emission of adrenaline, which causes oxygen outflow and as a result - the hypoxia of the fetus.
  • Do not give in to the attacks of panic, gather and adequately stand these a couple of hours, because there is still quite a bit and you will meet with the baby.

Weak sweat and out of this situation

In isolated cases, the attempts may not appear or not strong enough. This is a very unwanted way to develop childbirth, as a child may not survive. In this case, the obstetrician-gynecologist must navigate and help the baby to be born. For this purpose, special tools are used, which capture the head or finiteness of the fetus and pull it out of the generic paths.

This happens for several reasons. So, in a strongly exhausted woman, the sweat can stop until the baby is born. And at a major woman, they may not be at all, because of a strongly flabby and stretched abdominal muscles.

At first, they first seem to be a very terrible moment in childbirth, but if they morally prepare them and know how to behave, everything turns out to be much easier. You should not be afraid of trigger, because doctors will always tell you that and when to do. Just set up a positive result and with a calm soul, expect the appearance of the baby.

Proper breath and sweat. Video

Hello expensive readers of my blog!Today, the topic of the conversation will affect one of the most important periods of generic activities. Most of the future mothers are interested in the question: swelling at childbirth What is it? I will try to answer it most clearly and informative.

Pulls are reduced abdominal press and a diaphragm muscle. Surely inexperienced young moms think about how many reduction data is?

This question can not be unambiguously replied to all different organisms. But on average, their duration is up to 15 seconds.

They arise as a consequence of irritation of the nervous endings in the cervix, the vagina and the muscles of the pelvic bottom with a born fruit. But what differ from the fight these reductions? The fact that they can be partially managed, despite their involuntary character!

What sensations

In order to understand what is felt during a fence, imagine that you have a need for ... Clean the intestines. This is due to the fact that during the reductions there is pressure on the rectum. However, not everyone is similar to these sensations, some can not feel anything at all.

Surely you still want to know if you can anesthetic? Currently, the obstetrics do not do this not to reduce their effectiveness. Many note that soreness takes a little after joining the fights. But again, everything is determined by the individual painful threshold and sensitivity.

Why need

The appearance of the dyg is begins when the cervix is \u200b\u200bdisclosed for the appearance of the baby. Reduction is necessary in order to ensure the appearance of a child.

With their appearance begins the next stage of childbirth. Half the path is passed. The muscles of various groups are already involved in the process: abdominal press and diaphragm. Due to the increase in intra-abdominal pressure, conditions are created for the birth of a child.

Strong efforts come when the fights are enhanced, becoming longer and painful.

They are reflexive and due to the generic activity itself.

Is the battles of fasting? During battles, pain does not depend on the desire of a woman. And with the appearance of dugs, they can be controlled, thereby affecting the pain. The doctor at some point may be asked to restrain them, and in another he is stronger than - in order to push the crumb from the womb. Be sure to listen to the recommendations to not harm yourself and the child.

Your behavior

The next question, at which I will try to answer as simple as possible and understandable: how to behave at all?

You have already understood that with their offensive you go to the stage of active participation in the process. When the doctor gives a hatch, you need to try all my might in order to see your baby rather.

If you are asked to hold them (for medical reasons), you will have to suffer, because your task is to go well this period of childbirth, and prepare directly to the birth of a child! It remains not so much.

The forums of pregnant women often meet a discussion of possible emptying of the bladder or intestines at this time. Of course, such moments may occur, but it is quite normal for childbirth.

And if it happened to you, should not be looped on your own constraint. Focus on your main task - the birth of your long-awaited miracle. And everything else to trust the medical personnel.

And a few words about how you behave. Well, if you visited the training courses of future parents and studied on them, how to breathe and how to sleep. Your wand-cutting can now become an obstetric that will direct your efforts.

If you have not prepared yourself to childbirth, leave your fears and sensations, and even more listen to what they are told.

The effectiveness of generic activity depends on how you perform all actions. The emergence of the light is a huge stress and for a child. And it is you who should help him in this important and responsible business.

The kid also actively participates and performs its role. You are tandem, your actions affect it, and your correct breathing will help reduce the lack of oxygen in the crumbs while he goes forward.

Some moms are particularly sensitive to pain, screaming a lot, forgetting that their baby becomes even worse. And much worse than you.

In addition, with screams, the process is even more delayed, your forces are invested, and for childbirth they almost never remain. The child at the same time hears your cries, and even stronger rushes into stress, because unlike you, he does not understand why your body pushes it from a cozy house.

Therefore, try to concentrate and help, and not harm.

Long-awaited meeting

It will pass a little time, and all your efforts will be rewarded with a long-awaited cry! Your meeting took place! My congratulations! Soon you will forget your unpleasant feelings that have experienced, and you will enjoy maternity.

But before that, only one effort will need to complete the entire process - free from the placenta. But it is no longer difficult and long.

If you want to learn more about the whole process of childbirth, read about how much the first birth is. If you are preparing to the second, then for you also there is useful information in another

Before the new meeting, dear readers. Subscribe to my blog and you will learn so much useful ahead of many interesting publications!


Anastasia Smolinets

In this article:

Before approaching childbirth, any woman covers a variety of fears and excitement. She thinks about how much childbirth and how much this process is painful, is experiencing for the health of the kid. To dispel all doubts and anxiety, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the upcoming event and tune in only to positive.

The duration of labor usually depends on what accounts they are. The more children you have, the faster, as a rule, the baby appears on the light. There are also such concepts as rapid and protracted childbirth, to which you also need to be ready to agree to stimulate or cesarean cross section if necessary.

Remember that childbirth is an absolutely natural process and during pregnancy your body has time to fully prepare. Therefore, you should not be afraid of anything, it is better to tune in to an ambulance meeting with the baby and follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Any childbirth takes place in several stages, the duration of which is individual for each, but still there are certain temporary frameworks. Let's find out how much they last.

Power stages

Stage №1 - Fight

At this stage, the cervix must be completely revealed to 10-12 cm. This period is also divided into time by several gaps. The first woman may not even feel, it is called latent (early, hidden). Fights at this time can be confused with training and they can be practically not palpable. But if they grow up and the gaps between them are gradually shortening, even on 37-38 weeks it is already a reason to gather in the hospital.

The duration of this period depends on several factors:

  • women's ability to relax;
  • hormonal background of pregnant;
  • preparedness of the cervix.

The latent period usually lasts from 4 to 6 hours, but sometimes can reach 12 hours. This period of time is better to carry out in motion. A woman can stand or hurry to walk. But if she has strong fatigue, you can try to sleep, how much it works.

Fights are usually not painful and occur after a considerable period of time, which gradually decreases. So that the neck opens faster, it is necessary to empty the bladder regularly. And if suddenly at this stage you are still not in the maternity hospital, you should immediately go there.

In the active period, the bruises of pain gradually grow up, and the interval between them is less than 5 minutes. The fruit is descended, the baby is practically ready to appear. This stage usually lasts from 4 to 8 hours and ends when the cervix is \u200b\u200bdisclosed for 10 cm.

It is necessary to know that when applying epidural anesthesia, this period passes longer, and stimulating means, on the contrary, accelerate the process. The main thing is that at the stage of active fights, the woman tried to relax and did not fall into panic. The most painful is the disclosure of 8 to 10 cm, when the cervix is \u200b\u200bstill not ready, and the sweats are already starting. This time is better to spend lying, and in no case is not to sleep. It can range from a few minutes to several hours. Depending on how much children do you have.

Stage №2 - Few

So, the uterus revealed for 10 cm and the most responsible moment begins - the sweeps. It will require you a lot of strength and exposure. At this point, you must fully focus, listen to doctors and follow all their instructions, how much is possible. The intervals between the fights will become a little longer, which will give the opportunity to relax. In the first birth, the child will be born gradually and it is very important to listen to the councils of midwives, so as not to cause it harm.

Do not hide in panic! The faster you calm down, the sooner the baby will appear. Fews usually last from a few minutes to 1 hour, depending on the presence of stimulation and order of childbirth. And finally you can get acquainted with your baby.

Stage number 3 - Birth of the last

This period can last from 10 to 30 minutes. Some time after the birth of the child, there are swells again, which require significantly less effort, as a result of which the pillar is born. After that, the child for the first time applied to the chest and all painful sensations are instantly forgotten.

The duration of the first birth

The first birth is always a very exciting event. A woman is very worried because he does not know exactly what she has to survive. She asks himself a number of questions. How much is the first childbirth? How to behave correctly? How much is it painful? Actually worry about nothing.

It used to be believed that the first births should continue no more than 24 hours. True, now these deadlines have been slightly reduced. Normal time for the birth of the first child, doctors consider the period to 18 hours. But on average, they occur within 11-12 hours.

The total time is calculated from the moment of the start of the bouts and before the birth of the last. The fights usually last about 10 hours and at the initial stage can pass unnoticed for the future mother. The second stage takes no more than an hour and at its ending the kid appears. Then the third comes, which continues not more than 30 minutes and does not require much efforts.

If the first births occur within 4-6 hours, they are called rapid. If the period is even less, then rapidly. But if their duration is more than 18 hours, then childbirth are protracted. In this case, doctors usually resort to stimulation or decide on cesarean sections.

How much is the second, third or subsequent childbirth

It would seem that once she gave birth to a child, a woman no longer needs to be worried about how the second genera will be held. She knows how to behave, remembers all the sensations and emotions. But still worries for his baby. Do not worry. The body is fully ready and already familiar with the process of generic activity, you can only relax, as it is possible and tune in to a quick acquaintance with the baby.

The second, third and subsequent childbirth, as a rule, pass much faster than the first. The second births occur faster for 2-3 hours. The norm for them is considered to be from 7 to 8 hours. At the same time, the fights continue usually 6-7 hours, the sweat is not more than 30 minutes, and the last minutes after 15 minutes, after the baby appears.

The third lasts even faster, like all subsequent. This is due to the fact that the cervix once experienced generic activity reveals faster. Normally, the third childbirth lasts 6-7 hours, and sometimes less. At the same time, 5-6 hours continue contractions. Fews may result in a few minutes, depending on the behavior of the feminine. The fact is that the child is usually born not gradually, but immediately. And the more the woman will listen to doctors and correctly soaring, the faster the newborn will be born. The last is born for about 10 minutes.

If you are planned, the second, third or subsequent birth is better to go to the maternity hospital in advance. Because there is a risk that after the start of the battles you can simply do not have time to get to it.

What is the danger of protracted labor

First, if the fights last long enough, the woman is very tired. She loses its forces and flows into panic. Because of what the chances of having to give birth independently becomes smaller with each hour.

Secondly, if the water was moved back in the first hours of the fight, and the attempts do not begin for a long time, there is a risk of infection to the child. In this situation, the doctor is forced to appoint antibiotics to keep the health of the kid. Thirdly, if the child is confused in umbilical cord, it is experiencing oxygen starvation and if a woman has a natural way, the woman does not work, doctors make a decision, about the speedy completion of childbirth and conduct a cesarean section.

What is the danger of rapid or rapid labor

Such kinds threaten the injury to the child and the generic pathways of the mother. Very strong cuts in the uterus, as if pressed the toddler's head into labor pathways, which can damage the fetal of the cervical spine. In addition, the soft and movable bones of the child's skull in the process of rapid birth can be misunderstood, which will lead to the development of a child of various deviations.

Mother as a result of very fast labor can get the cervical breaks and the perineum of varying degrees that doctors will be sewn immediately after delivery. That in the first month after childbirth will bring enough inconvenience. In addition, serious gaps threaten significant blood loss, which can adversely affect the health of the mother.

In what cases in childbirth use stimulation

If the mother end strength or generic activity is not strong enough to avoid complications, doctors have to resort to the stimulation of generic drugs. This solution largely depends on the state of the woman, the conditions of the maternity hospital, as well as the qualifications of the doctor leading.

In the introduction of stimulating means, the fights become stronger and more painful, which leads to the need to use painkillers in childbirth. But there are such cases when it is impossible to do without stimulation. For example, if there is no generic activity after the deposition of the waters.

You should not be afraid of any of these situations. This is rather exception than the rule. In most cases, the first, and the subsequent genera goes normally. But these nuances need to know to be ready for the fact that at a certain point it may be necessary for medical intervention, which will help you to keep your health and your baby. And no matter how much time your childbirth will last, the main thing is that they go without complications and you finally saw the desired baby.

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