How to make a date. Ideas for original dates. situation: picnic under the starry sky

If you do not get enough vivid impressions inside your couple (and this is a common thing when common life enters into a comfortable rut), then there is a risk of going after them somewhere else or start unconsciously "rocking the boat", clinging to your partner over trifles. To prevent this from happening - organize a little adventure for the two of you!

Ideas on how to diversify dates

A yacht weekend in the Mediterranean, a helicopter flight and other dizzying dating options you know from the movies, stay on TV. A boring rendezvous should not require preparation comparable to a special operation and drive you into credits.


The streets you walk to and from work are bound to have a story behind them. The beautiful building in which the tax office of your district is located may have been once a merchant's mansion. At that crossroads, it turns out, in the last century, an attempt was made on the life of the governor, and in this inconspicuous house the famous children's writer spent his summer. To become a guide for your companion, you do not need to bury yourself in dusty archives - you just need to download and study the guide application in advance or read a couple of articles by local ethnographers that are easy to find on the Internet.

Rooftop picnic

It sounds almost unrealistic, but in fact, there is nothing complicated here. You can climb to any city roof by asking for the keys from a housekeeper or a representative of the HOA. A bottle of wine, fruit and light snacks for dinner at altitude will be enough - the main course will be watching the stars and city lights from an unusual height. Do not forget a couple of blankets: on one you will be able to lay out a treat, and on the other, you can comfortably hide together.

Outdoor cinema

You've probably seen or read about American drive-in cinemas, when the screen is set up in a large clearing, and the audience is watching a movie, each in their own car. The fashion for such film screenings has swept across Russia, but even if it has not yet reached your city, it does not matter - you only need a laptop with your favorite movie, a car (your own or rented), a place that is secluded if possible, and a companion who agrees that the back seats are perfect kissing spots.


A liquor store, a cheese dairy, a pastry shop with handmade chocolates ... Any place where you can have a small lecture and treat you with something delicious will do. In this case, it is not so much the opportunity to taste several types of product that is important, but the atmosphere itself. Therefore, in advance, ask for reviews of the chosen institution and talk over all controversial points when booking. Say that you want to arrange a romantic date, which means that the presence of other participants is undesirable. If this is not possible, discuss what kind of surprise you can prepare for your loved one.

Cooking class

If your man says that he does not like to cook, it means that he simply does not know how to do it very well and is embarrassed to admit it. One Day Culinary Schools will either help you master the secret of preparing a complex festive meal, or, conversely, teach you how to cook an everyday dinner with a minimum of hassle and cost. There are a lot of places where you can find a teacher in a chef's hat: such master classes are regularly organized by restaurants, cafes, training centers and even consulates of countries famous for their cuisine!

Relax for two

An option that the man may have met in the collections of ideas for Valentine's Day, but never got into it - is a joint visit to the SPA-salon. It may include a simultaneous steam massage, "health barrel", tea ceremony, hammam or sauna. You can get by with a budget option - buy subscriptions for a one-time visit to the pool and just swim side by side.

Who will pay?

If you are determined to arrange a turnkey date, then you pay - and not from your overall budget. Another thing is that not every man will be able to calmly watch a girl take out a wallet, so solve all financial issues in advance.

check yourself

If you are used to taking on any business with Stakhanov's zeal and seem to get a little carried away planning a date, check yourself against the checklist!

■ Keep your budget within reasonable limits — for example, the amount of your weekly spending at the supermarket. This is still a date, albeit not quite an ordinary one, but still not a celebration of a crystal wedding.

■ Respect time and space. A date cannot last three days and pass five hundred kilometers from his hometown. Otherwise, this is already a mini-vacation, the organization of which, by the way, is better for you to do together - it incredibly brings you closer together.

■ The format of the date should be interesting to both of you. It is not necessary, using a plausible pretext, to drag a man to a jazz festival if he only listens to Russian rap.

That your man is unlikely to like

If you are inspired and have made your own list of original dating ideas, read it carefully and cross out everything that your man is unlikely to like.


Even if a shopping center is on the way, even if you just need to run into one department for a minute, and even if you decided to be a stylist out of the best intentions, devoting an entire evening to the selection of new looks for your “half” or “family look” for the two of you - cross out ! For a man, a joint shopping trip is torture, but for you it is also a ruinous option, because you yourself pay for an atypical rendezvous, as we have already agreed with you.


The result will probably be cute and romantic, but the process of dressing up and fading in awkward positions is quite tedious. It is unlikely that a man will be delighted. You'd better put it off until your wedding anniversary (if not entirely).

Double date

It doesn't matter if you invite a familiar couple to join or agree to take a free boyfriend and girlfriend with you in order to try to arrange their personal life at the same time. In any case, the focus of attention will be partially shifted to strangers. Is this what you wanted initially?


Go to an animal shelter together to walk a dozen dogs, or volunteer to deliver boxes of groceries and toys to large families. This is a wonderful and honorable initiative for both of you, which, however, does not fit in with the very idea of ​​devoting time to each other. So another time.

A romantic date is a special time for a couple, and it doesn't matter if they have been together for many years or just get to know each other. This is an opportunity to get closer and to please a partner, and for mature couples it is a way to breathe a sense of newness into an established relationship. But in order for the time spent together to be of benefit to the couple, it is necessary to prepare something that will be remembered for a long time. Banal scenarios quickly become boring. Going to the movies and walking in the park are interesting only at the beginning of a relationship. So what do you do? How to organize the perfect date? Let's try to figure it out.

The ideal romantic date should be carefully planned, especially if the relationship is just starting. Source: Flickr (Arynn)

A romantic date as a way to rekindle feelings

If you want to add a fresh touch to your relationship, a classic romantic date is the way to go. The main condition for organizing leisure time is to take into account the preferences of the gentleman. For example, you decide to surprise your beloved with a picnic on the roof, and he is terrified of heights. In this case, the date will be hopelessly ruined. Therefore, carefully ask what your partner is interested in, what he loves, and what he is afraid of. After that, start planning. Consider some original romantic date ideas:

  • Outdoor dining. It can be a forest clearing or a river bank. The singing of birds, the rustle of the wind in the grass, the sound of the water - all this creates a unique feeling of harmony with oneself, all problems disappear, and one just wants to enjoy this beauty. Therefore, such a picnic is one of the best options.
  • Take a boat ride. With the right approach, such a pastime will definitely not be forgotten. This vacation can become not just a trip, but a bright adventure. The main thing is to take care of food and drinks in advance.
  • Fans of outdoor activities will love the option of cycling. If your companion is into extreme sports, choose diving or paintball.
  • If you have good vocal skills, why not invite a companion to karaoke? Prepare the song and sing at the right moment. You will appear before the chosen one in a new light. This option ranks fifth in the TOP "Most romantic dates". Take advantage!
  • A warm bath, candles, rose petals - the perfect romantic date at home. And, despite the seeming banality, this method is very popular.

Original ideas for an unforgettable date

The ideal romantic date should be carefully planned, especially if the relationship is just starting. It is necessary to create a pleasant atmosphere conducive to relaxation. For unfamiliar people, a meeting in such, at first glance, "good" place, like a cafe or restaurant, may be the last. It is common for any person to withdraw into his own thoughts or withdraw into himself when communicating with a stranger to whom he has not yet had time to get used to. Therefore, romantic date ideas for two should be dynamic. You should not choose scenarios where you need to keep communicating. Think about what you could do together in a fun and easy way. Consider some romantic date ideas that won't go unnoticed.

It is interesting! In fact, the choice of suitable locations is very varied. A safe bet is games like bowling. With such a choice, you will kill two birds with one stone: have fun, you will definitely not be bored, and you will not have to be left alone with an unfamiliar person. But this, among other things, is also unsafe.

Another interesting option is a joint master class. Such a date will not only be original: creating something together incredibly brings together. It will be especially romantic to go to a master class on making chocolates. Such a meeting will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. Arrange an extraordinary romantic date for your loved one!

If your companion is a fan of extreme sports, you can go to the motodrome or take a tourist trip to nature. For example - to climb the mountains. Some couples loved riding horses together. However, before the date, be sure to warn your partner about the format of the meeting. It would be embarrassing if the companion came in a suit and polished shoes.

A romantic date for two is an important stage in the development of a relationship. A pleasant time spent or an unforgettable evening will leave an imprint on the heart of your beloved for a long time. Source: Flickr (picontr)

Since not only men invite ladies on dates, from time to time, every girl wonders how to arrange a romantic date with a guy? There is no need to "invent a bicycle", the stronger sex also loves variety and experiences stress in unfamiliar surroundings. Therefore, use our advice, and your beloved will definitely not forget about you.

How to prepare for an important date

There is an opinion that romantic dates are easy for men, and they do not take it with due awe. But this is not so - a guy in love is always worried before meeting a girl he likes, carefully chooses a suit and tries not to come empty-handed. Outwardly, this is always visible. If a guy comes to a meeting slovenly dressed and absolutely calm, then, most likely, for him everything that happens is just entertainment. Don't wait for the next meeting and just try to have a good time.

It is important! If you want to impress your boyfriend, do not let offensive jokes in his direction and observe etiquette. First impressions cannot be corrected, so try to be polite and considerate.

The most important thing on a date is to act naturally. Sincere good nature is the best decoration, especially effective for pleasing the opposite sex. React to jokes, laugh more, avoid sad conversations - and you are guaranteed success!

Try to maintain the conversation correctly, think in advance what you would like to talk about, what questions to ask. Avoid serious topics and conversations about former passions. Do not talk only about yourself, ask questions, nod, let the person open up. Do not bring up tricky topics, but before asking a question, put yourself in the shoes of your opponent.

A romantic date invitation doesn't have to be online. Pick the right moment when the guy you like is relaxed and in a good mood. For example, after work.

A romantic date for two is an important stage in the development of a relationship. A pleasant time spent or an unforgettable evening will leave an imprint on the heart of your beloved for a long time. Try to make the moments spent with you pleasant, and then your soul mate will happily wait for the next meetings, remembering you.

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Your girlfriend will not know that you have used ready-made scripts. She will be sure that she has got a real prince - and you will feel it!

Situation 1: a walk through memorable places

If you have been together for some time, you probably have your own memorable places - where you first met, where you kissed for the first time, where you confessed your feelings to each other.

Prepare a tour of them. Re-enact all the stages of your relationship. You can add a professional photographer to this and make a love story photo shoot that will remind you of the very first moments of your love.

Situation 2: love quest

So, you woke up, and your significant other is not around. But there is a note: "Where we dined together for the first time, a task awaits you." You remember a small coffee shop in the center, go there, and there the barista hands you an envelope with another note. Now you need to head to your favorite park. On the bench where one summer you sat and talked all evening, you find another note. Thus, you go through all the places that are memorable for you, and at the last point you meet with your loved one. At each stage, you can leave a small souvenir, just not valuable - there is a chance that someone will find your bookmark earlier.

If you want to trust the professionals, then sign up for the quests that are popular now, in which you will have to get out of the room using your ingenuity and numerous tips. Trust me, this is a lot of fun.

Situation 3: a picnic under the starry sky

Summer version of a romantic date. Prepare a blanket, a basket of snacks, and most importantly - study the map of the starry sky in advance to show off your erudition. It is better to drive away from the city lights, into the mountains, but at the same time the path should not be tiresome either for you or for your significant other. A small hint - you can download a special application to your phone that will tell you the name of the constellations when you point the camera at them. Some of the most popular are Star Walk 2 for iOS users and Stellarium Mobile Sky Map for Android users.

Do not forget to put a tourist rug under the blanket - a cold is not part of your love plans, right?

Situation 4: a boat trip or catamarans

Surely in your city there is a river and a boat station where you can rent a boat or catamaran for the evening. Make sure that exactly what you want is booked for your visit in advance.

A ride through the evening city, bypassing traffic jams, listening to the sound of waves and birdsong - isn't it wonderful? You can combine a walk with dinner and prepare snacks, light small candles (observing safety rules) and sit nicely in the boat under the treetops, telling each other about your feelings.

Situation 5: a lesson for two

Do you remember how the gatherings for two at the potter's wheel end? Fine. Spending the whole day doing what you love in a master class is a good idea. Crafts can be used to decorate the interior of the apartment.

6 situation: remember childhood

Spend a full day riding the rides. Or, if you are partial to water, choose a water park. Either way, you are guaranteed fun and an unforgettable experience. By the way, the Ferris wheel booth is a very romantic place for a couple in love.

7 situation: knight's move

You will undoubtedly enjoy riding with your loved one in beautiful places. And although this cannot be called a date in the literal sense of the word (an instructor will be with you all the time), you will definitely get a lot of pleasure from horseback riding. It's hard to resist these cute and kind animals. Perhaps horseback riding will even become your favorite weekend pastime.

Situation 8: fishing and spa

You probably do not quite understand how such different entertainments relate to each other? It's simple. One day off you do what you like, and the second day what your soulmate likes. It can be fishing and spa, hiking and fitness, off-roading (off-road travel) and massage - you can go on and on. Just talk about what you both like and think the days down to the smallest detail. Yes, it won't be a surprise, but it won't be a disappointment either. This way everyone gets their share of the joy of a perfect weekend.

9 situation: unity with nature

Fun isn't for everyone, but someone will definitely love it. Go on an overnight hike. A mysterious night forest, hooting of owls and singing of birds at dawn - such joys cannot be received home with delivery, you will have to try a little. You will need a tent, two camping rugs and two sleeping bags that can be combined into one large one. Songs with a guitar around the fire, food from a pot - such a date will definitely be remembered.

Situation 10: flying in a hot air balloon

This surprise will cost you a lot of money, but the pleasure you get should be worth it. A great way to propose or just impress your loved one.

It is much easier to book a sightseeing tour over the city by helicopter. It is a little more expensive, but a fast flight over the rooftops of houses cannot be compared with anything. True, a helicopter is not the most romantic transport.

11 situation: special evening ... at home

A very responsible event. Everything should be perfect. Try to make dinner with your own hands, and what you really know how to cook best, stock up on a couple of good movies that both of you will enjoy, turn off your phones and get ready to enjoy a great evening with each other.

12 situation: traveling to another city

A spontaneous trip to the neighboring beautiful city, about which you are - lo and behold! - you know so much that you can give a good excursion. Look out for the restaurant and hotel in advance if you suddenly decide to stay for the entire weekend. If there is interesting entertainment in the city, be sure to visit them. A ski slope or a beautiful tour on a pleasure boat - everything suits you. Before the trip, you need to make sure that your significant other did not have any important plans for this time, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

13 situation: dinner with a change of seats

Remember the moment in How I Met Your Mother when Ted Mosby arranged a two-minute date for a girl who had little time? You can use this idea, but change it a little. Start dinner at one restaurant, then move to another for the second. And dessert can be eaten in a cozy cafe, which offers a beautiful panoramic view of the city.

14 situation: a little mysticism

In any city there are places shrouded in secrets. If your significant other loves everything unknown, it's time to make an appointment near a haunted house or near an abandoned TV tower. The main thing is that your date is not illegal and dangerous. Various other places of worship will do as well. A bad apartment from Bulgakov's novel or the mysterious house-museum of Sergei Aksakov - it all depends on your city and your interests.

15 situation: a reason to wear a suit and dress to the floor

In the Philharmonic, “table evenings” are often held, when listeners are seated in a small hall at tables for several people. Fruit and wine are included in the ticket price. Live classical music in the company of a loved one - what better way to spend an evening in the city?

If you are not a music connoisseur, there are also theaters, museums and exhibitions. Maybe you will be amused by contemporary art, and you will laugh enough at the work, or maybe vice versa - imbued with creativity. Common interests bring you closer together, and cultural events will present you in a favorable light.

A banal dinner in a restaurant or a trip to the cinema today will surprise no one. But you really want every evening spent together to be remembered for a long time. Fortunately, there are plenty of unusual places where you can enjoy romantic communication, you just have to turn on your imagination. ELLE offers original dating options for every taste and budget.

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Dinner in a restaurant - too hackneyed idea? Then try have dinner together on the roof of Moscow skyscrapers... In any social network, in a matter of minutes, you can find "stalkers" who will lead you to the roof (even the main building of Moscow State University, even the skyscrapers on Kotelnicheskaya embankment), and, if necessary, help you organize a dinner with wine and a white tablecloth there. Of course, not for free and with the risk that the tenants of the house may consider your romance petty hooliganism and call the police. For those who are not carried away by dubious adventures, there is always a luxurious alternative - say, dinner at the "Romantic" restaurant on the roof of the Radisson Royal Hotel(under the very spire of the skyscraper, known as the hotel "Ukraine"): it has a table for only one couple in love. You can prepare dinner yourself by ordering an individual (for a couple) culinary master class from the chef - “teamwork” brings you closer together! True, it is better to plan such a lesson in advance: this way you are guaranteed to get to the “right” chef and select the menu to your liking.

A good alternative to dinner can be gourmet tasting- say, wine or varietal Chinese tea. And if both sounds too simple, there is also exotic: cooking cocoa according to Indian ritual traditions or matepitia ceremony(both are in the Mate club on Shabolovskaya).

PHOTO Getty images

An original date doesn't have to be too far-fetched: sometimes the simplest things are the most touching - go boating in the park, take a walk in the old city center, rent a couple of bicycles(or one tandem) and To set a picnic... Plus, the Appstore has up to a dozen good (and free) apps to help you give your beloved a thematic excursion- even for the architectural monuments of Art Deco, even for the favorite places of Bulgakov's heroes. Visit to the museum can be just as exciting, especially if you don’t test your friend’s knowledge of modern painting, but take him to the Museum of Retro Cars, Soviet Arcade Machines or the Bunker Museum, hidden at a depth of 65 meters.

PHOTO Getty images

Intellectuals (as well as those who are happy to join their circle) will love dating options such as lecture or open lesson... Poets, musicians, artists, architects - almost every week in the capital you can get (often for free) to unique master classes... True, such a dating scenario is best used at the very beginning of communication: firstly, it will help you get to know your counterpart better, and secondly, after the lecture, there will be guaranteed something to talk about over a cup of coffee. And if cult trips for your couple are already a common thing, choose more spicy “lessons”: for example, body art or exotic massage.karting, wakeboarding (or waterskiing, which is said to be easier), shooting from a firearm or crossbow. The main thing is that the extreme hobbies of one of you do not scare the other too much!

Many of us dream of the perfect date. There are many options for dating, from a romantic evening to an exciting adventure or immersion in the world of art. Planning a date takes a lot of preparation, but the pleasure you get from a quality time will be worth the effort.


How to plan a date in advance

    Offer the person you are going on a date with several options. If you and your partner are both busy people, plan ahead. Offer the person multiple dates. This will help your partner see that you are ready to adjust to their schedule.

    • Ask if the person is free on Wednesday or Thursday. Doing so will state your intentions directly, but offer several options. The person will see that you respect their time and can plan the date with their busy schedule in mind.
    • Ask the person which day is best for him (weekday or weekend). This will demonstrate your ability to adjust to the person’s schedule and the desire to do things in a way that is comfortable for the person.
  1. Find out what the person with whom you are going on a date likes. After you decide on the date, suggest several options for your pastime. This will help the other person see that you are ready to accommodate their interests and that you are trying to make the date perfect.

    • Ask: "Would you like to relax or do something more active?" - either: "Would you prefer to meet on the street or indoors?" The answer will direct you in the right direction.
    • Don't offer anything specific at this stage. Let some part of your plans come as a surprise.
  2. Book everything you need. To get the perfect date, you will need to book ahead of time. Avoid coincidences and book a restaurant table, a mini golf court, buy concert tickets or arrange a skydive with an instructor. Make all your calls ahead of time to help you feel at ease.

    • Some restaurants do not reserve tables, and some activities do not require ticket purchases. In this case, it is important to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong.
  3. Have a backup plan. Sometimes things don't go as planned. Some of you may be late at work or stuck in traffic. Whatever you plan, it's important to always have another option in stock. It will be useful for you to have something else in mind, even if it is just your favorite coffee shop or a beautiful place in the city.

    • Book two tables at different restaurants nearby, one at 18:00 and the other at 18:30. If you are late for the first time, you can go to the second restaurant. This will make a good impression on the person with whom you are going on a date, since it will be clear to him that you have thought through everything to the smallest detail.
  4. Tell the person you are going on a date with about your plans ahead of time. Tell the person what you have planned so they can get ready and choose the right clothing. An active pastime requires sportswear, and an evening in an expensive restaurant requires evening wear. Share your plans at least a day in advance so that the person does not make decisions in a hurry.

    • For example, if you are planning a hike, ask the girl to prepare sneakers and comfortable clothes so that she does not come in heels.
    • If you want to go to the opera, ask the person to dress for a romantic evening in the city. If the person doesn't dress smartly enough because they don't know your plans, they will feel uncomfortable, which can ruin the date.
  5. Think about one more place. If the date goes really well, neither of you wants it to end. Decide where you go for coffee or something alcoholic if you want to continue the date. It's best to pick a spot near the person you're asking out to show respect for their time and let them know that you don't want them to stay longer than you planned.

    • You don't have to choose a place, but just walk or ride in beautiful places to spend more time together.
    • The person you asked out might ask you to come over, and that's okay! But do not suggest it yourself, so as not to seem intrusive (s).

    How to be original

    1. Don't invite the person to the movies. Classic movie dates can be fun, but they keep you from hanging out with each other. Movies are fine for a casual date, but the perfect date should be a little more fun. Dating is good when people get to know each other better and spend time with each other. Choose activities that give you the opportunity to socialize.

      • Movies are not a bad idea, but neither is it perfect... If you get creative, your partner will see you put in the effort to have a good evening.
      • Movies can be a good option if you're planning to attend a local film festival or watch cult classics. If you are in the mood for going to the movies, try to make the visit very interesting.


      Family psychotherapist

      Moshe Ratson is the executive director of spiral2grow Marriage & Family Therapy, a psychotherapy and counseling clinic in New York City. Received a Master's Degree in Psychotherapy in Family and Marriage. Has been working as a psychotherapist for over 10 years.

      Family psychotherapist

      Dating Ideas Family therapist Moshe Ratson advises: “The first date should be relatively short: brunch, meeting for tea at lunchtime, cycling or walking, visiting a museum. In subsequent meetings, the dates can be longer: a day at the beach, a picnic, a hike, a joint visit to the spa. "

      Make your dinner unforgettable. To make your dinner more interesting, think of something different. Eating together brings you closer together, so try to make dinner fun and interesting.

      • Sign up for a cooking class. Cooking is fun together. Look for suitable activities in your city.
      • Go on a mini restaurant tour and eat one meal each. This will turn the date into an exciting adventure. Start with a snack at one restaurant, dine at another, and end the evening with a delicious dessert at a coffee shop.
      • Try food in food trucks. Cafes and restaurants can be replaced with street food. This will allow you to get to know your city better and taste delicious food.
    2. Don't be afraid to try something out of the ordinary. If the person you asked out is ready to have some fun, try doing something new together. There are tons of new things to do, so why not try them together? The new experience together will leave an unforgettable experience and become the topic of many conversations, and the perfect date is the kind of date that will forever remain in your memory.

      • Try bungee jumping, hiking, or kayaking together. So the date will be active and unforgettable for both of you.
      • If your travel companion or your companion prefers something less extreme, play mini golf or go go-karting.
    3. Do something creative. If the person you asked out loves art, it shouldn't be difficult for you to come up with something fun to date. Sign up for a painting and wine tasting class, take a stand-up improvisation class, or spend an evening at the karaoke club. Choose activities that are simple, fun, and give you the opportunity to laugh heartily.

      Create a calm environment. If the person you like is very busy in everyday life, offer them a quiet date. (This is why it is worth figuring out what he or she would like to do before suggesting anything.) Whatever you choose, think about everything so that the person can relax and have a good time.

      • If the person wants to relax, take a blanket, a bottle of wine and offer to look at the stars in the park. This way you can have a quiet time and chat with each other. If you have a telescope, bring it with you and watch the stars.
      • Suggest that we meet for brunch on Sunday rather than Friday night. This way you can relax and not worry about the formalities.

    How to behave on a date

    1. Make time for your appearance. When choosing clothes, give preference to things that suit you and in which you are comfortable. The better you feel, the better you will look. Do not wear uncomfortable clothes just for the sake of beauty, as your companion (your companion) will feel that you are uncomfortable. Choose clothes according to the event: Dress nicely for a serious evening event and more loosely for a simple date.

      Come on time. Do your best not to be late. If you are late, the person may decide that you will not come at all or that this date is not that important to you.

      • Of course, many things can prevent you from arriving on time. If you see yourself running late, call or text the person and apologize for being late. Explain exactly when you can come.
      • Confirm the meeting time the day before the date. This way you can be sure that both of you remember when you meet. Plus, the person you asked out on a date will be impressed with your desire to make sure that all plans are up and running.
    2. Pay attention to the satellite (s). This may seem obvious, but it's a must if you want your date to be perfect. In order for the person to see that he is interesting to you, listen to him carefully and keep the conversation going.

      Pay for everything. You planned this date, so you should pay for everything. If you're asking someone out on a date, don't expect the person to pay for themselves. The person may offer to split the bill, but you should insist that you pay yourself.