How to keep youthful after 30 years. Magic ice cubes. Cosmetic procedures at home

In the life of every woman, there comes a time when it is necessary to draw conclusions. We're not talking about life and philosophical reflections like “Who am I? Where is my place in life ”, but about more superficial, but no less important things - about beauty and youth. Maybe your usual makeup-no-makeup is already boring for you and does not hide the skin imperfections that you previously dealt well with. Or maybe you started to notice “beautiful” wrinkles around the eyes. Or your hair is falling out more often. Either way, it's time to take control of the aging process. We will tell you beauty secrets, which every 30-year-old woman who wants to keep youthful for a long time should know. A new self-care regimen begins now.

How to stay young and attractive after 30

1. Always wash your face

Presently, face cleansing every morning and evening is the only procedure that should not be missed. For many women who have reached the age of 30, career is not the last place in life. The frantic pace of life, when you are not allowed to sit down either at work or at home, may convince you that there is no time for a simple wash at all. But cleansing the face from sebum, makeup and dirt do not belong to the category of luxury. This is a routine procedure for your skin to breathe, stay firm and radiant. Cleansing your face should be as important to you as brushing your teeth. By skipping this procedure and leaving makeup and dirt to absorb into your skin at night, you provoke the appearance of acne and acne, dry skin, redness. It also leads to premature aging of the facial skin. Do you need it? Of course not. So invest in a good cleanser that's right for your skin type and use it twice a day.

2. Find your perfect red lipstick

Trending colors come and go, but there is always a place for classics. Especially when it comes to red lipstick. This beauty product is suitable for any occasion, be it a social event, a simple office job or a walk with a friend. Red lipstick can be worn in the morning, afternoon and evening. And it goes to everyone, without exception. True, there is one caveat: the shade of red lipstick must match your color type. Then any look with such a beauty assistant will look stylish and elegant. Girls with fair skin with a pink undertone (winter color type) need red lipstick with blue pigments. That is, lipstick of a cold red shade - usually manufacturers call such shades Claret, Ruby. But for girls with an olive skin tone, shades of red with orange or brown tones are more suitable. In the names of lipstick manufacturers, such shades are most often called Scarlett, Brick Red, Rusty Red. If you're too lazy to spend all day looking for the perfect red lipstick, then stick with the classics. Find a red lipstick that has the perfect balance of blue and orange pigments. Most often, these shades are called Classic Red, Allur or True Red. And this lipstick will definitely suit any color of skin, hair, eyes.

It is important to provide competent and complete facial skin care after 30 years so that your skin can receive full and timely nutrition, hydration and the supply of vitamins and minerals

After 30, many women already begin to notice the first mesh of wrinkles, traces of dehydration and crow's feet, but in order to correct the situation, it is important to provide competent and complete facial skin care after 30 years so that your skin can receive full and timely nutrition, hydration and the supply of vitamins. minerals. By following these simple tips, you can look 20 at 30.

Skin cleansing - the foundation of the foundations

Introduce into your daily beauty procedures such an obligatory stage of care as cleansing, which can be carried out with the help of:

  • Air foam
  • Light mousse
  • Natural herbal wash gel
  • Milk for dry type

A similar procedure must be carried out both in the morning and in the evening. The fact is that at night the glands work more actively, the skin breathes, evaporates moisture, and toxins and waste products accumulate on it overnight. That is why she needs careful care in the morning. For morning procedures, beauticians advise using a non-greasy lotion, serum and cream containing essential oils. Ideally, the products will not contain alcohol, irritating sensitive skin.

Advice! Be sure to apply a serum after cleansing that will work all day, moisturizing, protecting the skin with active ingredients in the required concentration.

After that, apply a light cream all over the face, moving along the massage lines. Don't take large portions. Hammer in with your fingertips, spreading the texture. Repeat the same manipulations with a cream intended for the eye area. For oily skin, it is advisable to use ingredients that tighten pores and control oil production.

Washing in the evening: give your skin relaxation

If your skin is prone to oily, then you need to wash with water at room temperature or cool mineral water. Chamomile infusion is also perfect for this.

For the evening ritual, you can also use natural foams with oxygen, caviar, collagen. These ingredients will further nourish the skin during cleansing.

Apply air mousses for dry skin as well. They will saturate it with important elements, vitamins, minerals. To tone the skin, alternate water: mix cool with warm - this is a kind of gymnastics for the face.

It is important to use a toner after washing, which will help to absorb the record amount of active ingredients of the subsequent care. At the end of the process - serum, cream, and, if desired, thermal water to soothe the skin.

Make-up removal: an essential step in cleansing and grooming

In order to remove eye makeup, you need to use two-phase products that are activated when textures are mixed. Such products contain only natural and well-selected ingredients in the composition:

  • Collagen
  • Cornflower extracts to soothe skin
  • Chamomile

It is important to choose a product that suits your type.

Advice!For dry skin, special cleansing creams are available. To activate them, you need to apply the texture for a few minutes, and then remove with smooth massage movements with cotton pads.

Anti-aging treatments

Milk and herbal infusions

Some girls, even in adulthood, have oily skin. Care after 30 years should imply the use of milk, which contains important valuable elements, vitamins. Dip a cotton ball in milk and rub it over your face. This procedure is able to normalize blood circulation. In order to eliminate wrinkles, laxity and puffiness, use aloe juice, which additionally normalizes the production of sebum.

After such washing, it is important to apply a hydrating, but not oily cream, which will help fill the lack of water and fill in fine wrinkles. However, in winter, it is better to use creams with a dense texture to protect the skin from:

  • Drying out
  • The negative influence of frost, winds

But after a few minutes after application, it is better to remove it with a napkin.

Nourishing and moisturizing tired skin

The normal type produces an optimal amount of fat, but occasionally needs additional moisture. That is why, for these purposes, you should use a delicate cream with herbs and valuable extracts - these components will allow you to retain fluid.

For oily skin, choose a moisturizer that contains antibacterial ingredients. A light, pleasant in consistency emulsion is able to protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment. It is absorbed as quickly as possible without leaving a shine.

Dry skin lacks nutrition. That is why it is necessary to use 2 products at once: a light remedy with vitamins for morning care, but at night, pay attention to a restorative remedy with a record content of essential oils and emollients.

Advice! If you combine these funds, you will be able to provide the skin with elasticity and firmness.

Complete nutrition for delicate skin after 30

In order to give the skin moisture, nutrition, and also saturate with vitamins, it is necessary to perform special masks several times a week. To enhance the effect and lift, you can perform masks in a course. They will give:

  • Elasticity
  • Elasticity
  • Well maintained look
  • Fit

With this, you can even out the complexion. The session does not exceed 14 days, but the effect will last up to six months. You can alternate this beauty procedure with moisturizing, nourishing masks. Look for collagen, hyaluronic acid, kiwi extracts, algae on the packaging.

A prerequisite: the use of serums for aging skin.

Such a cosmetic product must be applied in a course. From the age of 25, their daily use is necessary. The tasks with which they do an excellent job: increasing elasticity, increasing microcirculation, improving skin turgor. Serums are able to even out skin tone. But you can also take a course lasting a month. But this aspect depends on the condition of the skin.

Advice! For greater effect, it is better to use the product after cleansing, toning, but before moisturizing or nourishing.

Deep cleansing

In order to cleanse not only impurities, but also dead particles, to polish the skin, it is important to use a scrub or special peeling - these funds can fully cleanse the skin, open breathing, and also saturate with oxygen, important substances.

This stage of care is also important because it makes it possible to improve the absorption rate of important nutrients and moisturizers. In addition, metabolic processes increase, blood circulation increases, new cells grow rapidly.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the skin type. With oily, it is recommended to cleanse the skin at least a couple of times every 7 days. For dry skin, the procedure is best done no more than 3 times every 30 days. But before the beauty procedure, you should steam the skin.
Hommages take good care of normal to dry skin due to their delicate and delicate abrasive particles. Ideal for sensitive skin. Often they contain:

  • Important vitamins
  • Antioxidants
  • Emollient components
  • Humidifiers

Lymphatic drainage massage: your way to firm, elastic skin

This procedure is extremely useful to have a session: twice a year. The course consists of 7-8 procedures that have a beneficial effect on the skin. At the same time, blood circulation increases, the skin acquires a rejuvenated, rested appearance, wrinkles are eliminated. But if you cannot visit a beautician, then the massage can be performed on your own, having familiarized yourself with the technique.

Eye area care

Age-related changes are especially noticeable in the eye area. This makes the skin softer, more vulnerable and thinner. That is why care products must be selected taking this aspect and age into account. It is best if the following ingredients are marked on the packaging:

  • Parsley
  • Caffeine
  • Hyaluronic acid

Such components will additionally help relieve morning puffiness, overcome bags and mimic wrinkles. Of course, you can prepare your own cream and mask for the delicate area.

Advice! All products must be applied with massage, patting movements, but do not stretch the skin.

Masks after 30 years: how to make at home?

Yeast natural mask

It is necessary to introduce about 19 grams of yeast into the egg white. This resulting mix should be combined with peach oil. But in advance it should be warmed up to 40 degrees. An important condition: the mass must be thick. Be sure to soak it on your face for about 35 minutes.

Advice! Do not forget to rinse with warm water first, and cool water to increase microcirculation.

Oil beauty mask

It is necessary to warm up about 90 grams in a bath. vegetable oil. Into it, add rowan juice in the amount of a tablespoon, add honey, as well as some chamomile flowers - they should be pre-grinded, let stand for 18 minutes.

Take a thick piece of cotton wool and apply an effective mix to it. Place the grounds on your face and a towel on top. Wash off with water after 23 minutes. After the procedure, apply a non-greasy cream containing:

  • Algae
  • Essential oils
  • Emollient components
  • Moisturizing Ingredients

Refreshing carrot mask - a radical remedy for wrinkles

This vegetable must be grated. The carrots shouldn't be too big. It is important to mix it with starch and olive oil in a small amount. Add the egg white to the mass and stir the thickened properly. The mass should be applied to the face, décolleté and neck. Remove residue with a damp swab.

Whitening mask

You need to take lemon juice and add it to the protein. With this composition, treat your face with a special brush. But while the mask is not dry, it is important to apply another layer, consisting of: a few drops of vegetable oil, lemon juice. After 16 minutes, it is recommended to remove the residues.

Mask consisting of honey and clay

For these purposes, you must use green or black tea leaves. Add dry white clay and honey here. Stir the product so that you end up with a thick gruel. Apply the product to a steamed face, let it sit for 22 minutes, and then rinse with water.

Mask for eliminating wrinkles on the forehead

It is important to take a spoonful of cream (but not fatty), egg white. The latter should be whipped well, and then combined with cream and stir well. Now the resulting thickening should be treated with the skin. After 19 minutes, it is recommended to wash off the mask with water.

A mask that softens the skin

Grind a small banana, and then add potato starch. Then add some heavy cream. Apply the resulting thickening to your face, and after 19 minutes, rinse.

A mask with a record content of vitamins

For these purposes, it is recommended to take spinach, salad, and parsley. It is recommended to grind all these ingredients, and then add potato starch. But this component can be replaced with oatmeal. It is necessary to treat the face with thicker, but so that it does not fall on the eye area. After 14 minutes, remove the residue with a swab.

To keep the skin young for a long time, it is important to follow the following tips:

  • It is important to eat vegetables, berries, fruits every day.
  • Include greens in your daily diet
  • No need to lean on fatty foods, salt and seasoning
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke
  • Take a walk in the fresh air

By following these simple rules, beautiful, radiant skin will be very grateful to you.

They say that a woman who blooms for 30 years, but for some reason a mirror, especially in the morning, sometimes shows us the opposite. Why is this happening. And how to preserve the youthfulness of the facial skin after 30 years?

After thirty years, metabolic processes in the skin cells slow down, due to the slow synthesis of substances, the skin of the face loses its tone, and the first wrinkles become noticeable. It is no longer enough to simply moisturize the skin. Now it needs to be protected and restored. Care must be comprehensive, as well as permanent. If you take care of yourself from time to time, then the result will be appropriate. Yes, and giving yourself 15 minutes to your beloved every day from morning to night is not so hard, but the result will be, as they say, on the face.

Basic rules for facial skin care

  1. If your face is swollen in the morning, drink less water at night. It's better to reschedule your favorite cup of tea before bed a couple of hours earlier. Thus, excess fluid will have time to leave the body.
  2. Try at least occasionally to seek the services of a beautician. The help of a professional in this matter is invaluable.
  3. Once every six months, it would be good to refer to a course of lymphatic drainage massage. There are usually seven sessions in one course. These procedures improve blood microcirculation, and the result is immediately visible, the skin glows with youth, is in good shape, after two months small wrinkles in the nasolabial folds disappear. But if you do not have the opportunity to go to the beautician, then be sure to do the massage yourself, after applying the mask, about once a week. Massage in a circular motion, and at the same time pinch the skin slightly.
  4. Be sure to have a protective cream in your cosmetic bag. When choosing it, pay attention to whether it helps the production of collagen. The substances contained in this cream seem to push out wrinkles. They also even out the skin structure and refresh the complexion. If your skin is dry, then it is better for you to use a nourishing cream, which contains vitamins A, C, E and F, which remarkably removes the feeling of tightness and irritation.
  5. Make sure all of your cosmetics have UV protection, most important when you spend all day sitting at the computer.
  6. Along with the cream, use serum, do not neglect it. A serum differs from a regular cream in a large number of components, and they pass faster into the layers of the skin. But in order not to have the opposite effect, do not oversaturate the skin, use the serum in courses, twice a year. It is better to do this in spring and autumn. Ideally, the cream should be used in the morning and evening.
  7. Apply the mask to your face twice a week. They can be both cleansing, clay-based, for example, and others: which restore, moisturize and tone. They contain collagen and other substances, such as vitamins, elastin, including fruit acids and minerals. Together, these substances look great behind the face, nourish and moisturize it, and keep it in good shape. If you have two types of skin on your face at once, then you can safely apply different masks, for example, treat dry skin areas with a nourishing mask, and oily skin with a cleansing mask. Apply a mask with a rejuvenating effect not often, about once every two weeks. Because these masks contain a very large percentage of nutrients, and the skin will get used to it and stop responding to them. Or worse, an allergy may develop. And usually it is necessary to remove the mask very carefully, making sure that the skin does not stretch.
  8. Particular attention must be paid to the skin of the eyes, because age-related changes in this area of ​​the face are immediately visible. And you need to look after the problem. There are creams that fight puffiness under the eyes, or creams that get rid of dark circles. Do not use the cream that you put on your face, because the skin is much thinner here. There are no sebaceous glands or fat cells on the eyelids, which means that their protection is worse. In addition, facial expressions are also of great importance for how the eyelids look. And when buying a product for the eyes, see that there is a note that the cream has passed the control of an ophthalmologist. This will protect you from possible allergies.

Hormones affecting the skin after 30 years

On female skin, which only does not affect, and most of all - hormones. Due to this, by the way, women can look much better than men at a similar age. But metabolism in the body is directly related to the state of health, human nutrition, and his lifestyle. And if there are problems in this regard, then by the fourth ten the woman's metabolism is deteriorating and, therefore, the skin looks worse. There is only one way out - to add hormones. But in our society there is a negative opinion about hormonal creams, supposedly you will start applying them to the skin and you can forget about easy methods of care. But there is still a way out. Hormones from the plant kingdom can be used. Many of them are found in plants such as grapes, soybeans, pomegranate. If you include them in your diet, you will get an excellent dose of phytohormones. They also help the skin look younger than hop cones - they may be purchased at the pharmacy and brewed, drunk, tea, or ground in a blender and added to face masks by half a spoonful.

It is also possible to make masks for the skin, with olive oil, soybean and corn oils, or ask the pharmacy for a wonderful remedy - wheat germ oil. Add fresh cabbage or parsley or celery juices to your diet. The taste is, of course, specific, but there are a lot of necessary substances.

And do not forget, when taking care of your face skin, also take care of your neck and skin of your hands. Because it is these parts of the body that are the first to speak about the woman's age. You can use the same cream you used on your face when treating your neck. And don't remember about gymnastics either, at least a couple of times a week.

Remember that your age depends solely on you, and not on the inscription on the passport page.

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I completely agree with everything that is written in the article, only with a combination of nutrition, massage and constant self-care, it is possible to look good. I am already over 35, I visit a beautician every month, in November last year I learned from her about a new modern procedure - Endoret plasma therapy, supposedly you go through 3 sessions at intervals of 4 weeks, and the wrinkles disappear. I decided to try it, I have already done 2 procedures, paid 50 thousand rubles for this pleasure, and although there is still 1 procedure ahead, my skin smoothed out noticeably, my face became clean, the pores narrowed, this is an incomparable result. How much money I did not spend on creams and peels, there was no such effect, by the way, the procedure is completely safe, you can read in detail here

There are many secrets and subtleties that make up facial skin care after 30 years, and most of them require very little effort and time. It is difficult to find a lady who, in adulthood, would not dream of looking like an eighteen-year-old girl. Many of them forget that desire alone is not enough - they need constant procedures, which can be carried out even at home. Just a few minutes a day not to watch your favorite TV series, but to pay attention to yourself - and your face will surely shine with freshness, youth and health.

Age is not an obstacle for sagging skin, and the moment when it inevitably begins to become covered with wrinkles and lose its elasticity cannot be avoided. You should not panic in advance - you can significantly push it aside and remain beautiful for a long time. It is possible to take care of the skin of the face after 30 years at home without the help of a specialist, with a little patience. And we will tell you about all the nuances of working with skin, which has the first signs of age-related changes!

Usually with good nutrition and health, the skin at 30 does not yet show clear signs of aging. Most often, small mimic wrinkles and a slight omission of the oval are noticeable on it. It is quite possible to deal with such changes by going to a beautician 1-2 times every six months and with high-quality cosmetics.

What happens to a woman's skin after 30 years?

To understand what exactly needs to be paid more attention, you should understand what processes occur deep in the layers of the epidermis:

  • the sebaceous glands work unstably, slowing down the secretion of secretions;
  • muscle tone decreases (crow's feet appear, numerous fine wrinkles near the lips and nose, flabbiness is noticeable on the cheeks);
  • the skin becomes dry, loses moisture;
  • blood flow is disturbed, as a result of which the face loses its shade;
  • elastin and collagen fibers are practically not produced, which further reduces elasticity.

This is quite enough to understand that you cannot do without comprehensive care, and the fight ahead is serious. Do not hope that decorative cosmetics will save the situation - if at first it is quite successful to “cover up” the defects, after a while even tons of products will not be able to hide wrinkles or flabbiness. The only way out here is to carry out procedures that can fill the skin tissues with nutrients, moisturize, and tone.

Before proceeding with the procedures, you should figure out what the proper care for the skin of the face after 30 consists of. There are many subtleties and nuances here, because each skin is individual and requires a special attitude.

The first step in home procedures is to find out for which type of skin to choose the funds:

  • Normal. No special defects - vascular networks, spots, oily sheen. Caring for it will not cause difficulties, but if you treat it negligently, the sebaceous glands will instantly react and begin to produce fat much more intensively.
  • Combined... The T-zone is usually fatter than the rest of the areas, they also age much faster. It is these places that should be given the most attention when carrying out procedures.
  • Dry... It is characterized by increased dryness and blood vessels showing through a thin layer of skin. Without proper care, it quickly becomes wrinkled.
  • Bold... The active work of the sebaceous glands is noticeable at first glance - a greasy layer is constantly visible on the face. You don't need to worry about this after 30 years - usually it becomes combined and requires normal care.

Caring for normal skin types

A procedure for caring for healthy skin at 30 should begin with washing your face with cool water and a light massage (acupressure or simple patting). This will increase blood circulation, improve tone, and allow nutrients to penetrate into the layers of the epidermis.

Be sure to use moisturizers (masks, cream). It is better not to use nutritional preparations - they stimulate the appearance of wrinkles. In the evening, cleanse the skin with a special milk, gel or mask.

Dry skin care

What is care for dry skin after 30 and how to prolong youthfulness? In the morning, be sure to wipe your face with a cleansing tonic, massage, apply any product of high fat content (kefir, yogurt, sour cream). You can prepare your own homemade mask. For the day, a moisturizer is always applied.

In the evening, carry out repeated manipulations with the cleansing tonic. Be sure to apply a moisturizer (you can alternate it with a nourishing cream).

4 fatal mistakes in caring for oily skin - how you really need to care for it

Unfortunate owners of oily skin often make mistakes that are immediately reflected on the face in the form of wrinkles, pimples and blackheads. What are their miscalculations and how to take care of oily skin after 30 years without mistakes?

Major errors and their fixes:

  1. The use of hot water for washing. This stimulates the sebaceous glands and causes an oily sheen. The liquid should be cool or lukewarm.
  2. Use of oily cosmetics (purchased or homemade). Due to this, acne appears, which does not adorn the face at all. The composition must be fat-free, vegetable-based.
  3. Washing with hard water. The results of the procedure are the appearance of irritation. It is better to use decoctions of sage or mint for washing - this will not only have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but also give an even healthy shade.
  4. Applying oily face powder. The effect after the procedure is amazing - the skin looks like a mask with layers of cosmetic product. It is easy to fix the mistake - use loose powder, it will draw out the sebum.

Combination skin care

Caring for combination skin after 30 is not difficult, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists:

  • select cosmetic products intended only for this type;
  • if home formulations are used, preference is given to products for oily and dry types, applying them to the appropriate areas of the face;
  • be sure to do deep cleaning weekly;
  • make masks based on plant materials (St. John's wort, birch, yarrow, cucumbers, citrus fruits).

In the evening, apply a cream for combination skin or make a special mask.

There are a lot of tricks that make facial care at 30 years old at home a pleasure. You do not need to go to the salon for this, you can do everything yourself and look well-groomed and always young.

Step-by-step care:

  1. start the day with proper washing, using tonic or milk for this, but by no means soap;
  2. have breakfast only with healthy dishes, include fruits, herbs, vegetables in the diet, give up sweets;
  3. drink plenty of liquid - green tea, plain water, vitamin fruit drinks and juices;
  4. use special anti-aging products (cream, mask, tonic, lotion);
  5. regularly cleanse and nourish the skin with masks;
  6. be sure to remove the remnants of makeup before bedtime.

Alcohol and cigarettes also leave their mark on the face, so it is better to sacrifice a few minutes of pleasure and get a radiant youthful skin in return.

Moisturizing and nourishing

You can combine the two skin care processes at home. The easiest option for moisturizing and nourishing is to purchase special products labeled "after 30". You can use them both at 32 and at 45 - the effect will not change.

The composition of creams should contain the following ingredients:

  • any essential oil;
  • nutrients;
  • vitamins;
  • moisturizing ingredients;
  • filters against ultraviolet radiation.

A little trick - in the summer it is better to give preference to light formulations, but in the winter to choose more oily products that will protect the skin from the harmful effects of frosty air.

Cleansing and toning

Necessary steps in skin care should be toning and cleansing, which will get rid of excess fat. Beautician's tips for facial care:

  • use special products (milk, washing gel);
  • regularly remove dust and dirt using scrubs;
  • the entire face must be cleaned;
  • be sure to use home or purchased masks.

The skin must constantly breathe, so it is best not to overuse cosmetics.

Correct makeup removal

The rules of care include removing makeup, in which women make fatal mistakes. There are few requirements:

  • do not leave makeup overnight;
  • remove decorative cosmetics with special formulations;
  • under no circumstances use force or vigorously rub eyes or skin;
  • do "fasting" days, allowing the face to rest.

If after removing the makeup on the face you feel a little discomfort, it is better to experiment with another milk or foam - there is a possibility that the product was not chosen correctly.

Folk remedies

Regardless of when women in their 30s carry out facials, in autumn, spring, or winter - this should be done regularly and carefully. Folk remedies will come to the rescue here, which are not inferior in effectiveness to expensive drugs.

Most often, plant materials are used here - leaves, roots, inflorescences. You can add products from the refrigerator - cottage cheese, sour cream and honey have an equally effective effect and perfectly nourish the cells of the epidermis.

An open view of eye care since 30

It should not be forgotten that daily facial care should also include procedures for the areas around the eyes. There are no special requirements here, but masks against "crow's feet" after 30 should become a necessary habit.

You can use purchased drugs or home formulations for procedures - there is no significant difference between them. The only requirement is to carry out them constantly, it is much easier to prevent wrinkles than to deal with them later.

Neck Care

Body care is not only a facial, the neck also needs to be given proper attention. You don't have to experiment or invent special formulations - the skin of the face and neck is practically the same, so you can use the same means. The use of nourishing and moisturizing compositions on the neck is simply necessary, because it also quickly becomes flabby and loses its elasticity.

Day and night facial after 30 years

Permanent skin care includes not only daytime but also evening procedures:

  1. washing;
  2. toning;
  3. applying a cream intended for women over 30 years old;
  4. deep cleansing;
  5. removing makeup;
  6. applying a night remedy (cream for 30 years).

Each of these points must be followed rigorously - only this guarantees a successful result.

After 30, procedures performed in the salon are simply necessary, because homemade compounds are unlikely to be able to penetrate deep into the tissues of the epidermis. For ladies after 30, there are a lot of salon procedures:

  • peeling (heals and rejuvenates, cleansing from dead skin particles);
  • injections (botox, hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy) that nourish cells and restore elasticity, a beautiful shade;
  • special massage (improves blood microcirculation, refreshes, smoothes wrinkles).

The procedures necessary in a particular case are prescribed only by a specialist, paying more attention to problem areas.

Carrying out this period of facial skin care stages after 30 is especially important. Homemade formulations are able to preserve youth, but subject to regular use.

There are many tricks in the use of home remedies, one of them is that the skin must first be cleaned and steamed - this will allow the nutrients to penetrate to the maximum depth.

Anti-wrinkle forehead mask

Some women start leaving only after 30, which is absolutely forbidden - the procedures should be carried out earlier. It is recommended to apply masks against wrinkles on the forehead from the age of 25, this will allow the creeping old age not to be taken by surprise.

  • 45 ml of honey (give preference to a liquid product);
  • 45 ml of juice squeezed from grapes.

Mix the components, apply in an even layer on a gauze cloth. Put the mask on the forehead for a quarter of an hour.

Rejuvenating yeast mask

Every woman who has regularly looked after her face is well aware of the invaluable benefits of yeast. A mask based on this product not only rejuvenates, but also smoothes wrinkles.

  • 25 gr. yeast (pressed);
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • peach seed oil.

Mix the ingredients, wait a quarter of an hour. Apply the composition to the face, wait half an hour, rinse.

Whitening mask

At 33, the third condition for care is the use of a whitening mask.

  • 30 ml of juice squeezed from citrus fruits (lemon, lime);
  • egg;
  • 2-4 ml of vegetable oil.

Mix two compositions - protein with juice, yolk - with oil. Apply the protein mixture in several layers, the last layer is the yolk mass. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Carrot refreshing anti-wrinkle mask

At the thirty-fourth year, you can connect carrot masks, which perfectly refresh the face.

  • 120 g carrots (grated into gruel);
  • 15 gr. starch;
  • protein.

Mix the ingredients, apply on the face for half an hour, without disregarding the décolleté area.

Green Vitamin Mask

Mask composition:

  • 50 gr. chopped greens (parsley, spinach, lettuce);
  • 15 gr. oatmeal (can be substituted with starch).

Combine the ingredients, spread evenly over the face for a quarter of an hour.

Purifying and softening clay-honey mask

  • 25 gr. clay (preference is given to white);
  • 10-12 ml of honey;
  • 10 ml of concentrated green tea.

Turn the ingredients into a homogeneous gruel, for 20 minutes. apply on the face, not forgetting about the neck and décolleté.

Anti-wrinkle oil mask

It is imperative to complete the procedure with the application of the nutrient.

  • 90 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 15 gr. chamomile inflorescences;
  • 20 ml of honey;
  • 25 ml of rowan fruit juice.

Mix the components, warm up to a homogeneous state in a steam bath, apply on the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour.

Magic ice cubes

The skin of the face after 30 reacts perfectly to vitamin cubes, which you can prepare yourself. This will require juicy parsley and mineral water.

Squeeze juice from parsley leaves, mix with mineral water (1: 5). Fill special trays for ice, send to the freezer. Wipe your skin daily (before going to bed and after waking up).

Banana softening mask

The tool not only softens, but also nourishes the cells of the epidermis with useful substances.

  • 130 g banana;
  • 15-18 ml of cream (take fatty ones);
  • 7-9 gr. starch.

Mash the banana with a fork, add the rest of the ingredients. Apply for 15 minutes.

Caring for problem skin at 30 consists not only in the use of all kinds of masks, but also requires regular cleaning, which allows you to get rid of dust particles, keratinized cells, and dirt.

You can independently prepare a coffee scrub with cottage cheese that works no worse than professional drugs. Take ground coffee and good cottage cheese in equal parts, apply on the skin with massaging movements, leave for 10 minutes.

Soft Indian gamage

The components of the product are able to penetrate to a great depth of the epidermis, gently cleansing the skin of dead cells.

  • 10 gr. cinnamon powder;
  • 15 gr. banana pulp;
  • 30 ml of fatty kefir;
  • 20 ml citrus juice (lime, lemon).

Mix the components, while applying, carry out a light massage. Leave on for 20 minutes.

Deep peeling

  • 10 ml of ammonia;
  • 10 ml boric acid;
  • 15 gr. tar soap;
  • 15 ml glycerin;
  • 1 tab. hydroperite.

Grate the soap, add the remaining ingredients. Apply for just 10 minutes. Remove with calcium chloride, soaking a napkin abundantly with the solution.

If you need to tidy up your face in just a week, you don't need to give up - this is quite possible. Facial care after 30 years, beautician tips for a quick effect:

  1. use a mask for your skin type every other day;
  2. pamper dry skin with moisturizers;
  3. carry out manipulations not only with the face, but also with the neck;
  4. cream intended for evening application, use only until 22.00 - this will remove puffiness;
  5. introduce green tea into the diet, even better - replace coffee with it;
  6. daily drink freshly squeezed juices - cabbage, parsley or celery;
  7. perform acupressure before bedtime.

Usually, these simple steps are enough to get ready for the holiday in just a week and shine with health and freshness on it.

After 30, you should not start preparing for the rapidly approaching old age - life goes on! Daily witchcraft with home remedies over the face will certainly lead to amazing results.

After 30 years, you look the way you deserve - they say among the people. But this is only partly true. Different skin types age differently.

Some girls notice the first signs of age on their faces as early as 18 years old, but in fact we start aging much later. The appearance of mimic wrinkles and age spots, which sometimes "spoil" young skin, has nothing to do with the aging process of the body. All of the above is the result of insufficient skin care, but in no way signs of age.

Real age-related changes appear on the face only after 30 years, when the processes of cell renewal slow down in the body, microcirculation is disturbed and metabolism decreases. But at this time it is too early to talk about the aging of the skin - an indispensable stage of its aging, although the status of the skin is still changing. The skin of a woman after 30 years in the language of cosmetology is called mature. And nevertheless, you should not be upset.

Photos: 123RF /lenetstan

The skin is a hormone-dependent organ, and at the age of 30-35 years, all vital hormones are still produced in sufficient quantities. This means that if you take care of it correctly, taking into account not only its type and individual characteristics, but also the type of aging, you can achieve amazing results.

How to care for your skin after 30 years

If you evaluate the condition of the skin of women at this age, you can see that it will be completely different. Some of the fair sex will look 20 years old, as if biological age has no influence on them. Others can be given "all 35" - pronounced wrinkles, a decrease in skin turgor, a floating oval of the face. Does this mean that the first ladies took better care of their skin, and their care products were more effective?

Not really. Different women differ not only in the type of skin (normal, dry, oily, combination) and its condition (sensitive, dehydrated), but also in the type of facial aging. Only taking into account all the factors, you can stay young and beautiful longer. There are three important secrets for this:

  1. The main secrets of preserving youthful skin.
  2. Professional cosmetics.

Secrets of youthful skin: 5anti-age tips

If you want to see your skin healthy and beautiful as long as possible, do not believe in the miraculous properties of cosmetics. The skin is a reflection of the changes that occur inside the body, which means that caring for it should be comprehensive. A portion of the cream in the morning and in the evening is not enough, you must lead a healthy lifestyle!

Get plenty of sleep

The skin of 30-year-old women reacts sharply to stress, so lack of sleep is immediately reflected on the face. The skin becomes dull, gray, the eyelid area turns red, and if you also leaned on coffee or alcohol in the evening, swelling appears. Sleep is the best stress cure, including for your face!

Photo: 123RF / Lightwave Stock Media


The results of an interesting study were published by specialists at McMaster University in Ontario. They gathered two groups of like-minded people from 20 to 84 years old. The first group went in for sports three times a week, and the second did not practice intense loads. Skin biopsy showed that in the elderly people from the first group, the qualitative characteristics of the deep layers of the skin corresponded to young skin! While the second - biological age. There is something to think about, right?

Eat a healthy diet

Is it trite? But effective! You can talk for a long time about the dangers of fast food, but it's better just not to eat it. Eliminate or at least limit store-bought sausages and sausages, semi-finished products, as well as pasties and pies from the tray - the skin condition will immediately improve. And if you still drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day, your skin will visually become brighter and fresher, and from the inside it will be optimally hydrated.

Use funds withSPF all year round

After 25-30 years, the risk of pigmentation, which is difficult to correct, increases. To prevent this problem, apply sunscreen cream to the face, neck, décolleté and hands. The minimum SPF is 30.

Photos: 123RF /WavebreakMediaLtd

Plan your anti-aging care

After 30 years, a woman should switch to anti-aging cosmetics. Regular moisturizer and simple morning and night cleansing are no longer enough. For the skin to be velvety, fresh and youthful, it will be necessary to expand the cosmetic arsenal. Anti-aging moisturizing cream, nourishing cream (evening), toning lotions, moisturizing and regenerating masks and serums should settle on your dressing table.

9 of the best ingredients in anti-aging cosmetics:
- hyaluronic acid;
- peptides;
- ANA acids;
- retinoids;
- vitamins A, C and E;
- seaweed;
- collagen.

How different skin types age

Tired type of aging: moderately dry to normal skin

Stellar example: Kim Basinger, Julia Roberts.

The first type of aging affects women with normal to moderately dry skin, sometimes with increased sensitivity. Usually they have an asthenic (thin) or normosthenic physique, the face is oval or diamond-shaped. In the morning, the skin looks great, pleases with freshness and blush, and in the evening it takes on a tired look, nature seems to “throw in” 3-5 years. The main reason for the changes is the violation of microcirculation in the deep layers.

The main signs are:

  • Dull complexion, acquires an earthy tint with age.
  • Decreased skin turgor and muscle tone.
  • Descent of the corners of the eyes and mouth.
  • The manifestation of the pattern of the nasolabial triangle and the lacrimal groove.
  • Visual loss of volume.

What to do?

First of all, you should take care of proper rest as an effective means of reducing skin stress. When choosing cosmetics, give preference to components that improve complexion and stimulate collagen synthesis. These are products with vitamin C, antioxidants and AHA acids.

Be sure to practice self-massage of the face. The procedure, carried out in accordance with all the rules, will improve the movement of blood in the lymph and tissues, and will noticeably refresh. And do not forget about salon care - lymphatic drainage procedures will be useful - classic manual massage, myolifting, vacuum lymphatic drainage. Chemical peels are recommended once a year to improve the condition of the skin and stimulate collagen synthesis.

Deformation type of aging: oily and combination skin

Stellar example: Svetlana Kryuchkova, Sophia Loren.

It will not be difficult to recognize on the street a woman prone to this type of aging of the face - this is about 60 percent of our compatriots. This is how “heavy” full faces grow old. The skin of beautiful ladies is most often combined or oily, porous, often with rosacea and hypersensitivity to cosmetic care. The defining symptom of the deformation type is sagging of tissues, as the name suggests - the eyelids become baggy, the face circumference "floats", the cheeks drop. The reasons for the unpleasant changes are an excess of subcutaneous fat and a decrease in skin turgor.

The main signs are:

  • The appearance of puffiness.
  • The appearance of "wings", a double chin.
  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Vascular mesh (rosacea).
  • The cheeks hang over the nasolabial fold.
  • The oval of the face is lost.

What to do?

With this type of facial aging, prevention is the most important thing. Unfortunately, with the existing age-related changes - overhanging of the skin of the upper eyelids and cheeks, the appearance of fatty hernias, etc. - only surgical intervention is effective. Therefore, it is so important to start thoughtful skin care in time to prevent imperfections. Specialists show procedures that can restore muscle tone and thereby tighten the skin. This is a sculptural massage, myostimulation, a course of modeling masks. At home, you can pamper your skin with alginate and paraffin masks, rely on anti-couperose creams and serums, and also use care cosmetics that improve microcirculation in the layers of the skin. Creams containing seaweed, vitamins K, P and C are useful.

Fine wrinkled type of aging: normal, dry sensitive skin

Stellar example: Andie MacDowell, Audrey Hepburn.

The fair half of humanity with this type of aging has normal or dry sensitive skin. Since such skin is quite thin and light, with age it does not stretch under the influence of the law of gravity, but retains its shape. But there is also some unpleasant news! It is covered first by small, and then by deep wrinkles. Over time, the face loses its beautiful porcelain glow - the skin requires moisture and protection. To keep it bright and fresh longer, it literally needs greenhouse conditions.

The main signs are:

  • Constant sensations of dryness and tightness of the skin.
  • Acute reaction to cold and heat.
  • Facial wrinkles appear in the forehead area.
  • Wrinkles are visible on the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Crow's feet and wrinkles around the lips are clearly visible.
  • Pigment "blots" appear.

What to do?

The "golden rule" of caring for such skin is protection. In the cold season, a protective nourishing cream should be applied before going outside, and in a warm season - a product with sun filters. At the first sign of rashes and irritations, you will need an anti-allergic agent. In addition to all of the above, daily care should include a cream based on hyaluronic acid - a cult skin moisturizer, with soothing ingredients and phytoestrogens.

If you are not afraid of injections and are ready for injection techniques, try mesotherapy sessions (injecting hyaluronic-based cocktails and gels under the skin). Among other methods, the condition of the skin will be improved by massages on top of a nourishing cream and a course of regenerating masks.

Combined aging: all skin types

Stellar example- Irina Alferova, Brigitte Bardot.

One of the most complex types, which is characterized by all the characteristics listed above. Briefly, but succinctly, the aging process can be described as “all at once”. The face becomes gloomy, edema and wrinkles occur. At the age of 30, it is difficult to recognize it, since aging is like a tired face, after which other signs join. However, if you have a normal physique, but have a tendency to be overweight, keep in mind that you are at risk.

The main signs are:

  • Formation of wrinkles.
  • Decreased skin firmness.
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • The overhanging of the cheeks is noticeable.
  • The brow ridges are lowered.
  • The oval of the face gradually loses its clarity.

What to do?

Since the mixed type of aging implies successive changes in appearance, each problem should be addressed separately. When wrinkles appear, they can be corrected by injection techniques (based on botulinum toxin), loss of skin turgor - by modeling massage or lymphatic drainage hardware procedures.

In home care, anti-aging products, contrast procedures, washing with ice cubes are good. A mandatory component of care should be a program to prevent hyperpigmentation. Accustom yourself to consult a cosmetologist at least once a year to track the changes that have occurred and select the necessary cosmetics.

Be healthy and beautiful!