How to dress a girl stylishly: useful tips. Loyalty to the timeless classics. Accessories and decorations

Elegance is a very multidimensional concept. This is the cut of clothes, and the style of the wardrobe, and the demeanor. And also - a special state of mind.

The elegance is charming. Always draws attention to itself. People admire and admire her. She is always remembered.

At the same time, not everyone manages to look elegant, and this is not a question of big money. Elegance does not depend on the degree of ideality of the figure, on the cost and even the style of clothing.

We will tell you a few rules, observing which, you will always be an elegant lady.


No matter how refined and noble you are, people will still judge you by your appearance. Even the modest and sweet Cinderella did not dare to go to the ball in an old tattered dress, but asked her godmother to conjure up a beautiful and impeccable outfit for her. It so happened that people want to communicate with neat and stylishly dressed people, and if you come to a meeting in a faded dress, then there may not be anyone who wants to appreciate your rich inner world.

Therefore, it is not enough to dress stylishly, fashionably and beautifully, it is necessary that your clothes are always ironed, so that there are no stains, spools, protruding threads, loose seams, scuffs and burnt-out areas of fabric on it. To say that clothes should fit well on you, correspond to your size, I think, is generally not worth it. Exactly as it is not worth reminding that in addition to clothes and shoes, your entire appearance should be impeccable: skin condition, manicure, pedicure, make-up.


An elegant girl always intuitively feels where and how to dress. She knows that clothes for the office and for an important business meeting are completely different things. She understands that it is impossible to come to work in a mini, just like to appear in a fashionable nightclub in a strict business suit.

Knowing exactly how to dress in a given situation is the hallmark of an elegant woman. Dressing very smartly for a meeting with ordinary people who cannot afford accessories from your image is also unacceptable. In this case, an elegant woman will dress modestly, but tastefully, without glamor, gloss and expensive details.

Plus, elegant women never allow themselves to dress beyond their age. A young girl in a grandmother's coat will look as ridiculous as an older woman wearing a miniskirt. Therefore, you should not be too young, or, on the contrary, add years to yourself with the help of clothes - you still will not achieve what you want, and you will cause surprise among others.


Wardrobes that are full of overflowing clothes are not always a good thing. If they are filled with a stylish fashionable wardrobe, then that's all right. But when, with a full wardrobe, its owner does not know what to wear every day, then it is already necessary to take appropriate measures. Make it a rule for yourself to regularly clean the closet, during which you will sort out your things and throw away those that are already out of fashion, that are no longer suitable for you in size, have disliked or come into an inadequate form and cannot be repaired.

If the item is expensive, but a hole or stubborn stain appears on it, then take this item for repair or dry cleaning. Always make sure that heels are not knocked down on your shoes, and if the socks of your shoes turn out to be combed, then buy yourself new shoes in time, because it is these little things that spoil the whole appearance, and it will be difficult to call you an elegant woman.

In addition, you should always check the sewing-on buttons for strength, so that later you do not look for them where they came off. The same applies to lightning - they must not diverge, the "dogs" must be intact. If you wear clothes decorated with rhinestones, beads, sequins or decorative stones, then make sure that they are not lost, otherwise the half-present application of rhinestones is a pitiful sight. The same can be said for the half-open embroidery.


It is almost impossible to look elegant in very bright clothes. Therefore, give preference to basic colors and their shades, calm colors, muted tones. If you want to look interesting, then choose interesting shades of familiar colors. And never wear more than three colors at the same time (this applies not only to clothes, but also to shoes, and accessories, and jewelry).

Also remember that not everyone can successfully wear a completely black image, therefore it is better to dilute your clothes with some other color. The same applies to white, especially when worn by an older woman. Women over 40 are better off choosing not a pure white color, but, for example, ivory, cream, light beige, milky.


Even a very expensive and beautiful dress paired with chic shoes will not look right if you don't complete the look with the right accessories. An elegant wide-brimmed hat, long gloves, a beautiful stole, a stylish scarf - these things will add “zest” to your image, make you unique and recognizable in the crowd. After all, the main principle of an elegant woman is to dress like everyone else, but with an individual approach and unique details.

Buy high-quality and expensive accessories, and then no one will replace a simpler and more inexpensive dress for you.


An elegant girl will not dye too brightly. Ideally, you should look like you have a minimum of makeup on. Natural makeup should complement the perfectly smooth and beautiful skin of the face, neck, décolleté, beautiful manicure and pedicure.


An elegant girl should know all the rules of etiquette by heart and follow them impeccably everywhere and with everyone. She will not be taken by surprise in a prestigious restaurant, having laid out several different cutlery on the table at once. She knows how to properly greet people of different status and sex, and will not kiss her business partners on the cheek.

Elegant girls have good manners and are always happy to showcase them. And even, being at home alone with herself, a true lady will not put her hands on the dining table while eating, loudly stir tea with a spoon, Serb and chomp. Elegant women have good manners in their blood, not playing in public.


Those who think that decently dressed women getting out of expensive cars should be proud and pompous are wrong. Elegance is the ability to be polite and friendly with everyone, even those who are much lower in status and level of wealth. Greeting the cleaners and janitors as the director of a large company is a sign of true elegance. And arrogance and overly inflated self-esteem, demonstrated where necessary and where not, speaks of the insufficient education of a woman.


Why do you think many people want to communicate with elegant women? No, not because being friends with them is a privilege and a sign of good connections. In fact, real elegant women always listen to their interlocutor, they participate in a conversation, try to delve into what they are told about, remember what they are told about, show participation in the problems of others.

If you learn to notice subtleties in a conversation, for example, remember the date of birth of the daughter of a business partner who accidentally mentioned her in your informal conversation, and then over time congratulate him on the birthday girl, you will see how his opinion of you will change. People who do not just listen and ignore everything, but remember and analyze, are very much appreciated in society, and in any one.

That is why an elegant woman will never invite her colleague to a cat show, if he once admitted to her quite by accident that he was allergic to cat hair. An elegant woman will never praise her children in front of a woman who has long dreamed of them, but has certain health difficulties and cannot conceive. An elegant woman will not advise low-income people where it is better to buy expensive jewelry, will not advise them on the choice of high-quality delicacies, etc. Be tactful with everyone at all times and you will see how highly people will appreciate you and how well they will speak of you.


Elegant girls have a good education, they are well-read and erudite. The ability to support any conversation, knowledge in various fields, a subtle sense of humor, the ability to joke correctly and tell interesting facts about everything - this is what distinguishes an elegant girl from an ordinary one.

In addition, when talking with others, you should not actively gesticulate and show violent facial expressions - you are not performing in the theater, and therefore must be restrained. You should not loudly sort things out in public, solve problems with threats and manipulation, use foul language and laugh out loud with an open mouth.

Compliance with all of these rules is not easy enough, and it can take many years to achieve this compliance, but it will be worth it. Not everyone is born a noble lady who is naturally elegant, but absolutely everyone can learn to be elegant. Remember this and strive for excellence!

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 12 minutes


A person who looks presentable, successful and well-groomed always inspires affection and trust. The image of respectability contributes to the rapid establishment of contacts, the emergence of understanding, the location of the opposite sex, etc.

And to look like that, you don't have to be the daughter of an oil tycoon - you just need to know a few secrets for creating your expensive and stylish look.

12 lessons on creating an "expensive" look - style lessons for every day

Of course, when you have money, everything is easier. You can contact a stylist who will help you with creating an image, take a course of procedures in a beauty salon, choose expensive clothes in a fashion boutique, etc.

Alas, for most of our citizens, such expenses are not in the wallet.

But this is not a reason to give up, because there are many ways to look expensive without investing a lot of money.

The most important style lessons for your look:

  1. White and black. When choosing your look for the day, stick to one color in your clothes - neutral. All in white or all in black. Play with fabric textures will add sophistication. And, of course, take care of your hairstyle - it should look like you just left the salon.
  2. Monochrome. Option for those who do not like monotony in the image. Choosing a monochrome wardrobe. We take one color as a basis, and then tastefully (!) "Layer" other elements of clothing in shades of the selected color. The emphasis is on the texture of the fabrics. For example, suede and knitwear, wool and leather, or silk with jeans.
  3. Clothes to order. It is not necessary to go to the atelier. You can find a talented seamstress in your city and outside the atelier. We draw an exclusive sketch (to the best of our ability) ourselves, and then give it to the seamstress and wait for the masterpiece. This method will help to dilute the wardrobe not with the same type of "market" things, but with stylish and fashionable ones that no one else will have.
  4. Timeless style. It is not necessary to "run" for seasonal trends, the best choice is the classics, which always remain timeless. This option allows you to look expensive and makes it easier to create your own fashionable image. For example, we wear dark branded jeans and a nice V-neck T-shirt. Add the right shoes and accessories to the look.
  5. Finishing accent. In this case, we are talking about the details that complete the image. Just putting on a fashionable set of clothes is not enough, you must definitely add, for example, a stylish hat, trench coat or raincoat. A small but important nuance, which, moreover, can be removed at any time.
  6. Gold. We are not fond of jewelry. The main secret of the jewelry part of the image is a little, but expensive. There is no need to hang on yourself the whole box of diamonds, chains and rings - one expensive bracelet or chain with a pendant is enough. In the absence of funds for gold, we choose high-quality branded jewelry (not market jewelry!). However, silver copyright work is always in trend! Cheaper, more affordable and also effective.
  7. "Geometric" bags. Any woman knows that one of the most important items in the image is a high-quality expensive bag, which must necessarily fit your ensemble. Do not skimp on bags - do not take them on benches near the house, "where are cheaper." If the salary does not allow, it is better to take 1-2 handbags, but they are expensive and universal. That is, suitable for any look. It is better to choose models made of smooth leather, preferably geometric. And, of course, with a minimum of detail.
  8. Light print. Not obtrusive, bright and large-scale, but light, emphasizing your style. For example, vertical or horizontal stripes.
  9. Your personal style. No decorations? No closet packed tightly with a mountain of expensive things? No problem! We create a harmonious image from what is. The main task is to create your own unique style by adding a few catchy details. For example, a fashionable hat, scarf, wide belt, gloves, etc.
  10. Updating the old wardrobe! Today there are a sea of ​​ways to give old things a second life: to make beautiful fashionable shorts out of old trousers, to update knocked toes of shoes with rhinestones, to decorate old frayed jeans with embroidery, beads or other decor, to sew a lot of fashionable pockets on worn shirts, etc. magic basket with needlework - and voila! The new fashionable look is ready!
  11. Spectacular hairstyle. Even beautiful, but simply loose hair is far from a sign of an "expensive" image. The hairstyle should look like you jumped out of the beauty salon 5 minutes ago and ran on on business. Start each day with styling. Search the Web for hairstyles that are right for you and that you can do yourself. Don't forget about hair care! The "dear" woman's hair is always in a gorgeous condition, shines with a healthy shine, and is beautifully styled.
  12. Cosmetics. One of the ways to highlight the dignity and, as you know, to hide skin imperfections. It is necessary to use cosmetics only in compliance with this rule and, of course, to a minimum, and not in "3 layers of plaster".

And don't forget about perfume! Choose fragrances that are delicate and sophisticated - sophisticated, not sugary.

How to look expensive and well-groomed without too much expense?

Image, of course, does not “decide everything,” as they say. But a lot depends on the image. Indeed, at all times we are greeted "by clothes" - from business to personal life.

It is important to always be in good shape and keep your finger on the pulse!

To your attention - a few more secrets for creating an image with "singing finances" in the wallet:

  • Have you bought a new inexpensive item? Add some polish to it with details. For example, expensive beautiful buttons. Today in shops "for sewing" there are real masterpieces of buttons.
  • If you embarked on the fashionable path of a dear woman, do not use knitwear in the image. In public, anyway. Also pass by suede.
  • Fashion trends are in the background! An elegant classic should be your beacon. Buy yourself a jacket, pencil skirt, jacket and a few more classics to work with, depending on the look you create.
  • We select bags, belts and shoes exclusively from genuine leather. You can't spare money for this.
  • The polyester lining on the coat can be replaced with a silk one.
  • Particular attention to hairstyle, make-up, choice of perfume - and, of course, on hands. The hands of a dear woman are always well-groomed, tidy, and with a beautiful fresh manicure.
  • We do not buy things on the market. Quit this bad habit and never return to it. On sales in fashion stores (which happen twice a year), you can buy quality clothes with solid discounts.
  • Don't rake everything up by going shopping. Learn to deny yourself stupidity and unnecessary trash so that you have enough money for worthwhile things.
  • Don't buy cheap perfumes. Don't buy too sweet perfume. Do not pour half a bottle of perfume on yourself at a time. The scent should be light and refined.
  • Get rid of bad habits, gestures and words. A dear woman will never allow herself to smoke like a steam locomotive in public, spit, swear and drink more than half a glass of wine in any company. A dear woman is always cultured, polite and a "born" diplomat.
  • When purchasing things, carefully check their quality - seams, lining, all zippers and buttons.
  • No arrows on tights, holes in socks, clues and pellets on clothes , old underwear, and outstretched knees on trousers or sweatpants. You should always look like a queen. Even if you spend the whole day at home alone, taking out the trash or running out for bread.

Mistakes in striving to look expensive and well-groomed - how to avoid bad taste and vulgarity?

Everyone is familiar with the word "vulgarity". But, unfortunately, not everyone remembers about him, choosing an image for the day to come.

This word became very popular among aristocrats after the revolution in France: this label was hung on representatives from the bourgeois class, who had neither blue bloods, nor knowledge and traditions, nor an appropriate upbringing.

In our time, the "symptoms" of vulgarity have changed somewhat, but still the essence has remained the same.

So, what not to do if you want to be a dear woman - your potential image mistakes:

  • Too flashy, bright, inept makeup. We remind you once again - beauty should be natural! That is, we carefully and discreetly emphasize the advantages and equally carefully hide the shortcomings. And nothing more! Only a high-quality thoughtful make-up can become your "weapon", but not the war paint of a girl from the village, who first got into the hands of cosmetics.
  • Unnatural hair color. No green and purple, as well as red and blue "overflow". It is "fashionable" for a girl of about 15 years old, but not for an adult "dear" woman. Tired of the monotony? There are tons of opportunities to change your hairstyle - haircut, curling, coloring and highlighting, etc.
  • Don't go overboard with your manicure. Yes, nails should be well-groomed and beautiful, but not overgrown with a lot of sparkles, pebbles, etc. The ideal option is a stylish classic jacket on oval or square nails (not triangular, not pointed!).
  • Forget eyelash extensions and creepy painted (instead of plucked) eyebrows! Be closer to the image that Mother Nature gave you.
  • Too much naked body. A dress with an open back is a good option for going out with a gentleman. But not for shopping. You should also forget about too deep neckline, too short skirt-shorts and other things that reveal to the public what should be hidden from view.
  • Bad taste is the main enemy. If you do not know how to walk in stiletto heels and high heels, choose another shoe. Thick platforms are for teens. A disheveled hippie look for teens. Dress with sneakers - for teenagers. A translucent blouse with a solid excess weight is tasteless. A tight dress with a too skinny figure is tasteless.
  • No rhinestones or sequins on your clothes if there are too many of them. The emphasis in the image should be on one thing! If you sparkle like a Christmas tree, talking about style is inappropriate. Wearing a bright scarf? Stop only on it. No more bright details in the image. Decided to wear a sweater with a print? Pick up everything else in the 1st color, black or white.
  • Skin substitutes are a categorical taboo. Everything should be natural. Ruffles, bows, an abundance of lace - also "in the firebox".
  • If you decide to slightly reveal any part of the body, adding seductiveness to the image, choose either legs, or a neckline, or shoulders. Opening everything at once is the height of vulgarity.
  • Be careful with red! Yes, he is winning, "expensive" and attracting attention. But only under certain conditions: you have an ideal figure, there is not too much red, the image is laconic, competent and complete.
  • Coarse mesh tights , with "original patterns", with a seal in the form of "cats", etc. are vulgar! Choose the classics!

When shaping your new expensive image, make allowances for age, body shape, color type, etc.

And find time for healthy sleep, sports, hairdresser, body care.

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Everyone has an idea of ​​what it means to be fashionable since childhood. It is necessary to follow fashion trends using the Internet and television. Taking into account the information received, you need to choose clothes for yourself. As for the style, few people can explain what this concept means. He will be discussed in this article. How to dress a girl stylishly: tips and photos.

What is style?

If fashion can simply be blindly followed, adopting and repeating the manner of dressing from various authorities on this issue, then the style must be chosen independently. Fashion is secondary to style. First, you should decide on your own style, and then adjust the appearance, taking into account fashion trends.

In order to create your own special style, you need to study yourself well. You should honestly acknowledge the merits and demerits of your external data. Understand what traits of character, behavior and upbringing distinguish you from others.

We must be aware that origin, nationality, religious affiliation can affect the style of clothing. The main thing is that you want to tell others about yourself by choosing a suit, since style is the embodiment of all of the above in clothes.

It must be understood that an individual style consists not only of a certain manner of dressing. The choice of outfit should correspond to the behavior, upbringing and way of communication of the person. Naturally, make-up and hair should be matched with the costume. The relevance of clothing for a particular place and time is also an important point.

How to get stylish?

In order to create a stylish look, you must adhere to the general recommendations listed below.

  • Be sure to observe the proportions in the outfit.
  • Pay attention to the details of the image that go well with each other.

  • The outfit must be appropriate in the chosen place at the given time.
  • In everything, one must observe the measure.
  • The internal state of a person must correspond to the invented image.

Features of the figure and suitable clothing

In order to dress stylishly, first of all, you should study your figure well. Even the most beautiful bodies have flaws. You need to have character in order to face the truth directly and highlight the disadvantages of your figure. Then it will be possible to select clothes in such a way that she disguises them.

To determine the advantages and disadvantages of your figure, you need to carefully examine yourself in a large mirror. Now you can remember those features of the body that should be emphasized and those features that you should try not to show.

When choosing clothes, you should always pay attention to how they fit. Clothes must be purchased by size. Too small will emphasize the fullness and create ugly folds, and too large will turn the figure into a shapeless bag. A relaxed fit focuses on specific areas of the body (such as the waist) to align the silhouette.

Clothes color

The colors of the clothes are matched to the shade of the eyes, skin, hair. It's worth taking the time to find out which shades work perfectly.

Sometimes a girl is sure that a certain color does not suit her at all, but suddenly some of its shades will very well fit into the outfit. You have to be open to experimentation here. However, figuring out your colors will help a lot in developing an individual style of clothing.

Using more than three colors in an image can make it look gaudy. The colors of hair, eyes, clothes, shoes and accessories should be matched.

Stylish image

Choosing a stylish outfit is half the battle. There are other important details of the look that can make it stylish or ruin the impression.

  • A neat and well-groomed look. Even the most expensive clothes will not make a girl stylish if she looks sloppy. Fashionable negligence in hairstyle and clothing should be very thoughtful.

  • Clothing should be appropriate for the location. An evening outfit should not be worn for a day walk in the park, and a sporty look is not suitable for office work. There are differences that are obvious to everyone, but there are those that should be studied in more detail by leafing through the sources.
  • Shoes should match the outfit perfectly. She must always be kept in order. The height of the heels must be chosen, taking into account your ability to hold on to them. If a woman cannot walk in high heels, then wearing stiletto heels, she will not look stylish, but a pity. Sometimes it is better to wear low-heeled shoes or ballet flats, but feel confident.

  • Underwear should also match the image. This is important in order to really get into the right mood. In addition, linen is often visible through the outfit.

  • It is necessary to be attentive to the selection of accessories and jewelry. Here you should adhere to the measure.
  • Hair, makeup and manicure go a long way towards creating a stylish look. They should be in harmony with the outfit.
  • A stylish image is impossible without the ability to behave.

Creating your own style is not easy, but possible. A stylish look will help you achieve your desired goals. In addition, in the process of creating such an image, you can get to know yourself better.

Video on the topic of the article:

Do you know how? Most girls will say no, because I don't have the means to say yes. Other girls will answer - my husband earns little. There may be such answers - how can I be dressed with such a figure.

However, to dress stylishly does not mean to have on yourself expensive things, jewelry. Expensive clothes will not automatically make a girl stylishly dressed.

You can and should learn how to correct your figure flaws. No, no, do not be alarmed, we are not talking about a fitness club, but only about clothes. Yes, it is clothes that can help us fix something that even exhausting physical exercises cannot do. How? It's very simple.

First, you need to stand in front of a mirror in your room and alone, so you can better see your flaws if you are completely naked.

Look at yourself critically and write your weaknesses in one column and your strengths in the other (we all have strengths). Now you know what you need to emphasize and what to hide. And remember, one way or another, we are all imperfect.

First of all, neatness. Dressing casually will never, even in the most expensive clothes, make you stylishly dressed.

When choosing for yourself, be sure to consider who you are meeting with, where you are going.

Pay attention to how the clothes fit your figure. If the backside is too big, then a short jacket or trousers that are too tight will increase the volume. How many of you don't like showing off your belly with a short top and low-waist trousers? But remember, most of us look unattractive in such clothes. - O! What short legs this girl has! - you may hear yourself after. And this is not the worst line yet.

Now you need to think about which colors suit you. Here the choice can be huge. Sometimes very interesting finds come out. Let's say that beige doesn't suit me at all, but it's so noble. Take a closer look at it, it has different shades (pink, olive, raspberry, etc.). Choose either with the color that is present in the shades, or a vest if it's a dress. There are a lot of interesting combinations.

If it is difficult to choose clothes for yourself, pay attention to how women are dressed, whose figure is somewhat similar to you. But be careful! The outfit that makes your girlfriend beautiful may not suit you at all.

Shoes. If you are uncomfortable in high-heeled shoes, they will not give you confidence. You will feel tired and it will show on your face. Choose your shoes very carefully.

Don't forget what kind of lingerie you are wearing - it also gives you a chance to look stylish. Pay particular attention if your trousers or skirt are made of thin fabric, through which the linen will be visible.

Choose the right accessories: be it a hat, scarf, scarf or gloves.

Nobody will admire you if you wear all your jewelry. We must strive not for the "golden mean", but for that - the less the better. Sometimes in a simple dress decorated with a string of pearls, you will look irresistible.
(“To decorate morning roses, only dew is enough.” Lope de Vega)

For the girl should be of utmost importance. The right hairstyle for the clothes you wear today will make your appearance flawless. When hairdressers say that a new hairstyle can change your life, it's true.

You also need to be able to present clothes. What is it about? How you carry yourself, how you communicate, how you smile, how you speak. Whether you bite your nails, or bite your lips, not ... etc.

Like clothes, makeup can help you fix any flaws or highlight your strengths. Just don't overdo it. Excess make-up at work will not leave the best impression on you. Start with a clean face.

When you are properly dressed, it will give you confidence.

There are girls who, not being supermodels, achieve success by showing good looks with their flaws.

Sometimes friends can criticize your appearance ... out of envy. Keep this in mind as well.

For Militta Magazine

Elegance is a very multidimensional concept. This is the cut of clothes, and the style of the wardrobe, and the demeanor. And also - a special state of mind.

The elegance is charming. Always draws attention to itself. People admire and admire her. She is always remembered.

At the same time, not everyone manages to look elegant, and this is not a question of big money. Elegance does not depend on the degree of ideality of the figure, on the cost and even the style of clothing.

What is the essence of elegance? What does it characterize?

Great clothing designers give very interesting and unexpected definitions of elegance. For example, renowned fashion designer Giorgio Armani claims that "Elegance is one of the forms of manifestation of the mind." In his opinion, only an intelligent woman can look elegant, which is difficult to argue with. Yves Saint Laurent believes that the secret of elegance is in personal, but rather in spiritual qualities: "Elegant is he who has an elegant heart ...". And this is the opinion of the great couturiers, according to whose "golden" patterns they create the best in the world of fashion! That is, the question is not even about clothes?

The etymology of the word "elegance" itself is even more interesting.

The French word "élégan" is translated as "refined, graceful, sophisticated, graceful." Pretty abstract definition. Sophistication, like sophistication, is perceived very subjectively. After all, each person has their own ideas about grace.

But from the Latin language, the word "elegance" is translated as "to choose." This is already something more specific. After all, to look elegant, you need the ability or even talent for a harmonious combination of things. You need to be able to correctly choose and combine all the details of your image.

In the dictionary of foreign words that became part of the Russian language in 1907 (Pavlenkov F.), you can see the following definition: "Elegance is grace, beauty combined with simplicity." This definition is even closer to the truth. In an elegant look, simplicity is masterly combined with elegance. Luxurious minimalism ... aristocratic simplicity is a paradoxical combination, but it most closely characterizes elegance as a concept. This is because elegance is a product of the aristocracy, which every minute had to comply with an endless number of protocols and rules. In these conditions, that perfection of style and manners crystallizes, which arouses admiration and delight among those around.

A much more complex definition of elegance is given by the modern encyclopedia "Wikipedia": "Elegance is an ethical and aesthetic category that expresses civilized beauty with a conservative reference to the classics of the 18th-19th centuries. It is characterized by noble simplicity, calmness, relaxation, severity and smoothness. "

As you can see, everything is not so simple with elegance. Simple grace, austere beauty ... An incredibly complex concept. And this despite the fact that elegance is not taught anywhere! Unless only in the school of models, which is attended by a few out of millions. And in everyday life, a woman has to learn all the "laws" of elegance on her own, starting practically from childhood. In many ways, the presence of this quality is determined by upbringing. And most often, innate qualities and talent help us, women, independently learn to correctly combine colors and shapes, create exquisite images and compositions. Elegance has a close relationship with a sense of style and taste, which begins to form in childhood, under the influence of various types of art. Classes in classical music, classical dance and the visual arts develop a sense of style and that very sense of taste, without which it is impossible to look elegant.

Real, authentic elegance comes with age and experience. Every time, meeting in life with a stylish and elegant woman in a given situation, we note for ourselves all the advantages and disadvantages of her image, characteristics of behavior and manner. What I liked especially will certainly be remembered. In such a way, imperceptible to us, that same “piggy bank” is created, that “eye”, which always prompts the most harmonious combination of shades, wardrobe elements and accessories. By creating our own image, each time we gain our own experience, noting mistakes and the most successful options. The further we go, the more we master this magical art - the art of elegance.

Elegance - morning, afternoon and evening

It is impossible to be elegant only in the evening, and during the day to be tastelessly dressed and look casual. Elegance permeates our life in everything, in every movement, in the manner of speaking, in the look, in the gait, in the hair ... In fact, elegance is a lifestyle. Do you want to be elegant? Then get ready to work on yourself 24 hours a day!

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If you do not feel elegant, this is fixable. There would be a desire. At first, self-control and discipline will be required. Gradually, elegance will become your favorite habit, and the art of looking always elegant will become your inner essence. That is, in any situation and in any place you will feel elegant, look elegant and behave elegantly. One of your main helpers will be the reaction of others.

On the path of delight

An elegant woman always takes a special reaction to her address - to one degree or another, admiration, charm, approval, and disposition. This is how she differs from ordinary women. Elegance represents a higher level of quality that everyone aspires to, but not everyone reaches this pinnacle.

An elegant woman is always looked at in a special way! Instantly distinguishing her from the crowd, revealing a surprisingly harmonious image, a person with a developed sense of taste will certainly be enchanted and experience aesthetic pleasure. Elegant beauty immediately attracts, attracts like a magnet. An elegant lady always feels such a peculiar reaction and perceives it as a signal that her sense of style and endurance does not let her down, and the image is still elegant and harmonious. If the lady ceases to catch enchanted glances on herself, then the harmony of the image is lost.

Elegance down to the nail tips

The elegant lady is elegant from head to toe. Every part of her body looks flawless. Well-groomed is the most important "base" of elegance. Unkempt hands or unkempt hair instantly cross out the elegance of the whole look. There can be no primary or secondary elements - absolutely everything is important, every centimeter of your appearance. Only this approach allows you to create that magical aura that will captivate everyone, whoever looks at you. You want to admire an elegant woman without taking your eyes off! Everything about her is beautiful, everything is thought out and selected with taste and in accordance with a single style. An elegant woman lives in a different dimension, in a different world - in a world of perfection and sublime beauty.

It is on grooming that the main feature of an elegant woman is based - complete self-confidence, which is built not on emotional self-confidence, but on thorough and daily work on oneself. An elegant woman always strives for perfection. She is a perfectionist to the core, a tireless and very demanding person. Such a lady will never allow herself a frivolous choice in clothes, sloppy hairstyle and inappropriate accessories. Elegance is built on the smallest detail.

Elegant manners

Being elegant is the natural state of a woman. This is a certain cultural and mental level that does not allow a woman to look sloppy, communicate rudely, be unrestrained and aggressive. "The very elegance" - this is how they say about a well-mannered person, an intellectual personality. The elegant lady is extremely diplomatic. Her opposite is a rude, cheeky, not neat enough, not stylish enough, and sometimes tastelessly dressed woman who challenges everyone and everything, enjoying the imaginary victories in endless conflicts, the cause of which she herself is. Elegance against such an unsightly background looks emphatically feminine and aristocratic, diplomatic and friendly.

Elegance is such a cultural code that permeates your whole life with seemingly imperceptible little things: your gait in everyday life, home wardrobe, ability to move, approaches to household chores, conversations with loved ones, etc. And, most importantly, what are you thinking about! With what mood you go through life! In turn, your mood is dominated by your everyday thoughts. You need to control what your head is doing. An elegant mood is a special mood. “If you want to change your life, change your thoughts” is an old wisdom, which is an excellent formula for working on yourself and developing such an important quality characteristic as elegance.

  1. Elegance is the slowness of the movements, their precision.
  2. Elegance is courtesy and tact, balanced statements.
  3. Elegance is a sense of proportion in everything.
  4. Elegance is your personality, expressed through the classics.
  5. Elegance is a respectable image that inspires confidence.

An elegant look has several ingredients. As we noted above, elegance is the ability to behave elegantly, to present oneself correctly. And, of course, these are elegant clothes.

One of the most common misconceptions is that an elegant woman's wardrobe consists of very expensive items. This is not true. Of course, in the arsenal of a stylish lady there should always be stylish designer items, but it is not at all necessary that all items be purchased in elite brand boutiques. This is the art of being elegant - the virtuoso ability to dress tastefully and affordably.

The talent for elegance is manifested in the ability to select individual things in such a way that it is possible to create different ensembles that are appropriate in certain circumstances. Elegance allows you to make purchases on an intuitive level, which will subsequently be harmoniously combined with each other.

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In order to hit the bull's-eye every time you buy a wardrobe, you need to be constantly “in trend” and periodically get acquainted with the latest fashion and its trends. This does not mean at all that you need to dress according to the latest fashion and update your wardrobe every season. Blind adherence to canons can make a woman ridiculous and ridiculous.

Accessories and decorations

Jewelery plays a vital role in creating an elegant look. Elegance is absolutely unattainable without embellishments! No matter how amazing the outfit is, without jewelry it will look unfinished. The minimalism and laconic beauty of the clothes are emphasized by small but very precise strokes - earrings, brooches, rings, necklaces. Jewelry gives the image that very charm that captivates and dizzy. A brooch is considered to be one of the most elegant adornments. The brooch is a real Queen in the realm of jewelry! For example, the British Queen Elizabeth II literally does not leave her personal apartment without a brooch. This inspirational and romantic fashion touch suits only the truly elegant lady.

Which jewelry should you prefer?
As already noted, an elegant image is based on aristocratic simplicity, so you should pay attention to jewelry made from natural stones, made in a classic style. The usual gold chains, gold earrings and rings, which are so loved by a wide mass audience, alas, will not add elegance to your look. The decoration should be special and stylistically match the classic look. The most important criterion is that jewelry must be of high quality. Today, elegant ladies can choose from a huge arsenal of high-quality jewelry jewelry with semi-precious stones: luxurious amber of various shades, pearls, corals, as well as fantastically beautiful jewelry with various types of enamel coating.

In addition to the academic classics, jewelry in the art deco style will become very elegant touches of your appearance - in the style in which the inimitable Coco Chanel worked, recognized throughout the world as the standard of elegance. This is a special type of jewelry that cannot be confused with any other. Perhaps some of the art deco jewelry is too chic and luxurious, but when combined with a wardrobe of an emphatically minimalist cut, they look fantastically elegant!

More than appropriate in an elegant look, jewelry in the Art Nouveau (Art Nouveau) style is a real feast of color and floral ornaments, flowing lines and stunning picturesqueness. The main feature of Art Nouveau style jewelry is the abundance of shapes and images of animals, birds, insects (butterflies, dragonflies, cicadas, spiders). Of course, it is important to use such noticeable jewelry in a single copy! If an amazing butterfly brooch has appeared on the collar of your suit, then there is no need for other types of jewelry.

As for the color of natural stones, there are no restrictions. It all depends on the color palette of your image. It can be juicy scarlet zircons, and golden ametrine, and soft green jade, and romantic rose quartz. The main thing is to always stay in the channel of aristocratic restraint and not overdo it with an abundance of strokes and nuances. By the way, the British Queen Elizabeth II sets a perfect example of modern elegance. She prefers suits of extremely minimalistic cut, but at the same time skillfully “plays” with shades and uses jewelry very selectively. Probably everyone remembered her dazzling lemon outfits and brooches of amazing beauty. Aristocratic simplicity! You cannot see Queen Elizabeth II “in public” without jewelry, because without them it is impossible to create an elegant image.

The same goes for accessories. Without accessories, any look will look incomplete and, of course, inelegant. The harmony and completeness of the composition plays a huge, in fact, defining role. “How elegant you are in this hat!” - stylish ladies hear in their address. Designer gloves, elegant handbags and clutches, stoles and scarves are all essential attributes of an elegant style.

Some rules for an elegant look

An elegant image is built not only on the style, intelligence and energy of a woman, but also on the correct geometry. Your image should be harmonious and holistic.

Elegance squared

In pursuit of excellence and achievement of the heights of elegance, you should not go to extremes and go against your nature. A woman who has been endowed by nature with large and curvaceous forms can also look extremely elegant! To do this, it is not at all necessary for her to destroy herself with exhausting diets and comply with other people's canons of weight and proportions. The world knows many gorgeous beauties, striking in their elegance and charming fullness of nature. The best "connoisseurs" of such elegance are men. A huge number of men in the world regularly admit that ladies with large shapes drive them crazy! Sheer charm - elegance squared! It is important for the owners of a non-standard figure to assess as objectively as possible all the pros and cons of their figure. By choosing the right styles, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the disadvantages, observing balance and harmony in the color palette and in everything, you can create an inimitable elegant image.