How to lay short with bangs. Comb and hairdryer for short variant. Short hairstyles with long bangs

Bang is an amazing "tool", with which you can not only dramatically change the image, but even visually adjust some obvious imperfections in appearance, such as thin hair, wide or too small forehead and so on. It is very important at the stage of the haircuts to correctly pick up the type of bangs, the one that is perfect for you, and also know how to lay a bang at home.

The owners of beautiful and thick, straight or oblique bangs are very important and forever remember that it is necessary to put it immediately after you werehed the head. The fact is that if you leave your hair to dry naturally, you can say goodbye to the dream of an ideal laying.

When you start directly to the drying of the hair, you must know that the flow of air, which comes from the hair dryer, must be directed from the bottom up, and not exactly. Only so you can give bangs the desired volume, as well as get a guarantee that during the summer heat it will not stick to the forehead. Continue to lay naughty hair should be guided from above down the air flow.

Provided that you are the owner of the skin prone to fatty skin, you need to slightly twice the forehead under the hair so that they do not adhere; This also applies to bangs that are made smoothly. It is not worth it when you put your hair on the forehead, impose on them an excessive amount of different means, because they can only overload it, and it threatens loss of volume.

To give your bang smoothness and unique radiance, it is worth walking on her iron designed to straighten the hair. Just do not need to be too zealous, because after one time your hair will be voluminous and shiny, and you will also get a beautiful direct bang, but after three or four - it will become flat and no longer so cute. In addition, it is necessary to use heat protection products, because after constant straightenings, the iron can be obtained by annoying trouble - hair cuts.

Methods of laying hair on the forehead

We are labeled

Despite the seeming simplicity of such styling, during its implementation it is recommended to strictly adhere to some tips, which will become a guarantee that the hairstyle will look natural and flawless. First, dried oblique bangs, like the others, you need after washing, directing hot air from the roots to the tips. It is not recommended to keep the hairdryer at a short distance from the hair, because it is possible to give them a completely unprepare view. All the time when laying it is worth using hot air, including cold only at the end to fix the final result.

Provided that the hair is disobedient and well enough to lay, it is better to use special tools, such as wax or foam, which are applied before drying and are distributed over the entire length, and only after that start laying the hair. To put oblique and thick bangs can also be an iron.

Place your hair back

The hair raised from the forehead back will become a stylish decoration of any girl, and the advantage of such a hairstyle is that it is possible to make this beauty in a matter of minutes, of course, knowing the rules that we now and tell you. In order to put the bangs back, you need to lift them, and then the roots of a thin combing make a small nobody. Next, it is necessary to some comb over the top layer of hair. Secure the result is the most simple invisibility or any other hairpin. Even at the end, it is allowed to sprinkle with varnish hair to complete the fashionable laying of the bangs back.

Laying by way of "strands"

Such styling looks incredibly effectively, especially with processed strands. First you need to apply a little gel on your hair, and then sprinkle all the bangs. The result looks very beautiful, stylish and spectacular!

Laying in the way "Locks"

As it is not difficult to guess, after this type of laying, the hair acquire an amazing form of curls that can decorate your face. It's really beautiful! In order to properly carry out the process of laying, you need to apply a little foam or mousse on your hair, and then turn them with small and thin strands on the curl. As a result, it turns out an incredibly romantic image.

Laying oblique bangs

Kosya bangs are better stacked using hair gel. In order to put this type of bangs, in fact, you can only with the help of one reception. But this is not an occasion to be upset, because such laying always looks very relevant and fresh even without any of the sings.

Initially, we applied to oblique bangs quite a bit mousse or gel, and after a hairdryer or even a simple comb dryly dry it in the direction in which your hairdresser performed a technical figure. It is very important that the air jet is not too strong, because strands can simply fly out, because of what the hairstyle will look quite unclear. Properly fasten the result will help hair lacquer. And all you look beautiful and fashionable!

Spectacular Laying Short Bang

The happy owners of a stylish short bang know for sure that it is difficult to cope with it. This is especially true of native hair capricious, which are usually very naughty and do not fall exactly. In order to "tighten the beast," you need to know that it is necessary to lay the hair with wet, and not wet. Immediately after the procedure washed the hair, it is necessary to get into the dry towel to get ready for it, and then wait 3-4 minutes, only then allowed to start laying. After it is necessary to apply a little fixing agent on the hair, and then moving the stream of hot air from above. Fix such stacking best lack of strong fixation so that it looks beautiful for a long time.

We select bangs under the type of face

However, many women are interested in the abnormal bang, because it is sometimes quite difficult to distinguish time to run to the hairdresser and cut your hair falling on your eyes. And sometimes girls simply cannot decide on the type of bangs that they are coming, because of what they postpone her haircut for an indefinite time. Experts recommend picking a bang under the type of face, because it is possible to get a really suitable hairstyle.

For oval face

The owners of the oval face form will suit almost any hairstyle. But experts recommend to stop their choice on the "torn" bangs of medium length, which is designed to emphasize your femininity. Also, such girls and women can be made short bangs or perhaps long and thick.

For an elongated face

In general, for this type of face, it is necessary to choose a bang that visually makes the face wider and at the same time will hide a fairly high forehead. It is better to choose a long bang, which will emphasize all the advantages of the owner of an extended person. The main thing is that such a bang is always neat and directly laid, because its type does not matter and depends solely on the preferences of the hostess.

For a round face

Girls, whom nature awarded such a form of face, is perfect for bangs, slightly shortened to the middle. With it, you can visually pull the round face. In no case should not completely close the forehead, it is better to be air and easy. For solemn events, you can put it beautifully or remove it back.

For a square face

This form is simply ideal for soft and thin oblique bangs. It is better to choose a long bang, because this hairstyle will be able to help your owners a little soften the strict lines of the person, and also give it a length of at least visually. This bang is suitable for any hairstyle that likes the owner of a square face. In addition, put the bang of this type as simple as possible.

Any girl sooner or later faces that it turns out to be dissatisfied with his appearance at all or simply wants to change something in himself. However, not everyone is ready to decide on sharp changes in their appearance. Yes, women are such complex creatures ... In the event that you want to add something new to your image, you can always advise to make bangs. She does not change you dramatically, but at the same moment makes a completely different person.

And if you already have a bang, but you are still unhappy with something, then in this article you can find interesting ways as you can put a short bang. After all, it also depends on the styling of hair.

Types of bangs

Before moving directly to the laying, you should start with the separation of all bangs by their species, otherwise it threatens to choose that the installation can be inappropriate for you. In addition, if you still have not made a bang yourself, it is worth considering her choice very carefully. Because she can how to hide your shortcomings, make visually younger and vice versa, show all your weaknesses to the world. Mainly the bang is selected, based on the face form. And you must think about how to put your hair with a short bang.

Direct view

Such a bang is most suitable for those beautiful ladies whose person has an elongated shape. Usually, this type does not require milling, because the hair slice must be clear. In this case, the hair is squeezed to eyebrows or slightly lower them.

Kosya bang

It is suitable for those girls who are the owners of a rectangular or square face form. In their case, it should be "balancing" its proportions, which, without a doubt, helps oblique bangs. Hair length can be absolutely any. But as it concerns the structure of the hair itself, it is not advised to make such a bang of those ladies who have curly or high curly hair. Otherwise, your bang will not keep the right shape and only takes more discomfort when to climb into the eyes. Most of all this kind of haircut is suitable for those who have straight or wavy hair. The hair slice can be clear and smooth, but you can use milling scissors in order to achieve a larger volume and airiness of your hair.

Graduated bang

Suitable for a round, square and triangular face form. In your opportunities, make yourself a beautiful and neat bang or, on the contrary, careless and noticeable. This species often finds his fans among women who want to seem younger.

Volumetric bang

Suitable for hairstyles with long hair, as well as for a kara. The volume view of the bangs is suitable for thick hair.

Ripped bang

She, however,, like ripped jeans, is associated with extravagance, sexuality, daring and even with some aggression. But also this bang, on the contrary, can give your way soft and romanticity.

Arcuate bang

Most of all is suitable for girls who prefer a strict classic image. With such a bang, you will definitely turn the victory around.

Asymmetric bang

This form adds something interesting in your style. She can look very feminine and unusual. Most of all is suitable for hairstyles with long hair.

Short bang

It is usually long for several centimeters above the eyebrows. Such a bang will change your image by adding eccentricity and visibility to it. Quite often, young girls from various subcultures are solved in such a bang.

With what can be laid bangs

Not all bangs need any stacking, and if it is required, the ways and means can be completely different. So, now we will find out, with what you can put bangs:

  • Quite easily can be laid bangs using big curlers. For this, it does not even need a lot of effort. You just need to fix wet bangs on the curle and dry it with a hairdryer. After that, you can use the foam or hair lacquer to fix the laying.
  • With the help of a large round comb and hair dryer, you can also make a bang laying. To do this, you should first dry it from below, and then with the help of combing to pull down or on one side of the side and continue drying. In the end, walk through the hair with a cold air stream, it will help bangs as long as possible to keep the right shape.
  • Everyone knows that it is possible to put your hair using a fluff or hair iron. The same applies to bangs. But do not forget that you should not make laying on wet hair, because it is fraught with some consequences, for example, you can really burn your hair. And you should not resort to such a way too often, because with time the hair can drop, become brittle and thin, which will give careless and even cheap views of your image.

Hair styling

Gels, various mousses, varnishes, foams and sprays for hair fixation, of course, can make your bangs to keep a certain form for quite a long time, but here the main thing is not to overdo it with the means for laying, otherwise instead of an excellent appearance and a dozen compliments from others Get a sloppy image and unhealthy curls. By the way, if during the installation you use a iron or curl, then heat protection means should be used.

Laying oblique bangs

How to put short oblique bangs? To begin with, purchase a hairdryer, a flat scallop, foam and varnish. Apply on more wet hair with hair foam and spread a short bang, as if a little to the side. Dry the hair should be reduced. After drying, secure the hair with varnishes or invisible.

Straight laying

How to put a short for those who have straight-natured hair, laying bangs will not be much difficult. It should only dry hair. But the wonderful women whose hair go a little bit, you will have to work hard. To begin with, divide the hair of bangs into two layers - upper and lower. Secure the top and first dry only the bottom, directing the hot air flow from top to bottom. At the same time comb. When the lower part of the hair completely becomes dry, do the same with the top.

If suddenly it happened so that your hair is already dry, but you need to make stacking, then you woad your foam curls, and then dry. You can fasten the resulting result by varnish.

How to put a very short bang?

After resorting to the help of wax (or gel) and the ridge, create a note on bangs and attach it to it that you need. The main thing is not to overdo it with gel or wax!

Side Laying

How to put a short bang on the side? To begin with, divide the hair on the head of the oblique surgery, starting from the middle of the crown and ending at the level of the temple. After that, you should separate all the bangs on one of the parties. It must be fixed by spray or varnish.

Laying bangs with curls

With the help of light curls on bangs, you can easily create a romantic image. If you are still thinking about how to put a short bang, then this method is also suitable. It is very simple. Curls on hair can be done with the help of curlers or curls. The bangs itself can be even if you want to be, but her tips can be a little curly.

Laying bangs with a handker

Make on your head tail or bump. After that, take a beautiful handkerchief, they separate the bang line from the hair. Now pull the bang with the ironing. The result obtained should be fixed with hair varnish or sprays for fixing them. This method also answers the question of how to lay a short bang.

  • For better laying, experts advise to get a hairdryer with high power and selection of several modes and temperatures. You should also purchase a nozzle with a narrow gap, which will allow you to direct the flow of air directly on the hair, aligning them. It will make the process faster and more efficient.
  • In order to create the necessary shape on the hair, you will need a warm air flow, and for their better fixation at the very end of the laying process, change it to the cold. This will allow you to fix your hair better. After all the tricks let them cool down.
  • You should be very careful when you use various hair styling agents. If you move a little bit, then you can immediately spoil all the hairstyle by making it slightly. Always remember that everything should be moderately!
  • It is possible to create a good laying only on clean hair. When you put the bangs, you do not need to wash your head every day. It will be enough to rinse only it, and then make laying on it.
  • From the permanent use of the hairdresses and other funds that you will apply when laying your hair, the state of the latter will deteriorate, and the tips quickly sneeze. Therefore, cut them as often as possible.

These tips will help to lay a short bang. Photos demonstrate various laying options. There is nothing complicated in this process. Now you know exactly how a short bang.

A new hairstyle can radically change your appearance. Your image depends on your hair and style. With the help of beautiful and interestingly laid hairstyle, you can effectively emphasize all the advantages or hide small disadvantages. As correct simulate cheek In different styles we will tell in this article.

Types of black and ways of their laying

Cheeky can be different: Long and short, with ripped ends or straight, you can be laid with a hot hair dryer, iron, tongs, hoop, ribbons and hairpins.

Long Chelca. Such length is the most common, with its help you can create interesting styling.

It can be the same length or with different strands, thick or the opposite more rare:

  • The first way. Laying Naboka. Hair must be preheated and dry. Cheyka should be separated and after that, with the help of a flat frequent calcination to intensively comb the hair from the roots and fix the resulting result with varnish for laying. Calve to lay an ability and sprinkle with varnish again.
  • Second way. Straight laying. Cheyka must be separated from the rest of the hair, then it is slightly moistened with water and squeeze a small amount of means for fixing on the hair. After that, with the help of frequent calculus, the foam must be distributed through the hair and lay exactly with a hair dryer. Fix the hairstyle of varnish.

Short cheek. A small shortened cheeky looks very fashionable and stylish. She emphasizes the features of the face and makes them softer and younger. To lay such a cheek is easy. It is necessary to apply a small volume of mousse or fixing gel on wet strands, and with the help of the calculation to distribute and give the necessary shape to the hair. Then, using a hair dryer, you need to put it straight, slightly raising your hair near the roots. After laying sprinkling the hair with varnish.

Kosy Chelca. The shape of such a cheeky is bevelled. The length of the hair smoothly increases from the middle to the edges. Such a haircut looks very stylish, unusual and is very popular among adolescents and young girls.

For laying Such a cheek should be separated by the roll from the entire length of the hair and soak slightly. Then you need to apply a little stacked agent and with hot air or iron to give strands smooth shape. Kosy Chelka is always laid on the side, respectively, its shaped shaping.

Straight bang
Very well suited for people with a high and wide forehead, smoothes sharp features, gives the image of mystery and charm.

Put it not difficult: Hair needs to wet and soak in a small amount of mousse for laying. With a powerful hair dryer or hair tongs, you need to put the cheeker smoothly and smoothly, slightly raising strands at the base.

Direct cheek can be in the original one Top. To do this, it must be sprinkled with a varnish and slightly lift, give the volume with the help of it, lift up and consolidate the tips of the hair on the top of the pin.

Asymmetric cheek It can be trimmed in the form of a ladder when individual strands have different lengths. Well suited for short and medium hair length. It looks very stylish, "informally" and defiantly.

For stacking it is necessary Apply a small volume of mousse for laying on strands, then with the help of a calcination it is necessary to distribute it through the hair. The effect of "negligence" will look very stylish, for this, it is necessary to apply wax for styling and put it with your fingers, highlighting individual strands. The result is fixed with varnish.

Ripped cheek. Such a haircut looks stylish and fashionable. It is suitable for any hair length with uneven edges. Such a cheeky is best to lay your hands. On a slightly moistened straight, you need to squeeze a small volume of mousse or gel for fixing, then you need to flip your hair with your fingers and divide into separate strands, giving them volume. Styling to fix varnish.

Curly cheek. This form is ideal for dense curly hair. It can be laid out the side and up. To make the curly cheeve, you need to give a set of a certain form. Best or torn sink or torn.

Then on clean hair You should apply a bit locking and wind your hair with thin tongs or curlers. After that, the curls must be carefully divided and put the side. You can fix the laying of the hairpin.

How to put and fix bangs

Hairdryer and billwords. For such a stacking, you need to squeeze a little mousse mousse for clean strands and with a frequent calculation to distribute it through the hair. Then take thin curiosity (3-4 pcs. Depending on the denotomy of Chelinka), and roll on them.

You can use curlers of different thickness, so you can create different curls and laying will be look unusual. Then the hair needs to be allowed from the roots, sprinkle with varnish and put on one side with a hair dryer. The hairstyle can be fixed by the "invisible".

Hairdryer and calcination
- This is the most common way of laying. It is necessary to squeeze on clean hair to squeeze a small volume of fixing mousse and distribute it on strands. Then you need to take a round outlet and raise the roots of the hair.

Then you need to turn on the hairdryer and direct the stream of hot air on the cheek. The air should not be excessively hot, not to burn them. To change to be uniform and smooth, during styling hot air, the hair must be raised by the calculation.

Hairpins and invisible. They are the most different shapes and length and help to fix the cheek in the right place. Chelka must be separated from the entire volume of hair and put on her lacquer or foam. Then the hair must be combed over the entire length and lay with a hair dryer or hair curlers.

Then cheeky need a little bitTo give her a magnificent volume and put one way, fixing with invisibility. You can raise the cheek up and with the help of hairpins or invisible, consolidate its tips on the top of the top.

Laying ironing
. With the help you can quickly make a perfectly smooth and straight cheek. This is especially true for those who have dense and curly hair.

Hair must be rinsed and apply a special or gel for fixing. Then you need to warm up the iron to the required temperature. Every strand of hair is needed for a few seconds to clamp an iron and "Throw" along the entire length.

We need to use the iron very carefulIn order not to harm hair and do not burn the skin. Each strand must be smooth and straight. Then, with a hair dryer, you can give a small amount, combing and fix the result with varnish. Also, with a hot iron, you can create a wavy cheek. To do this, it is necessary to push the iron strand of the hair and turn it around the iron for 10-12 seconds.

Hoops, ribbons and dressings. Fix the cheek and create an unusual fashionable image using a hoop, a bright colorful tape or an elastic fashionable dressing. Pick these accessories with dependence on your style, colors and hair lengths. Hoops can be decorated with flowers, rhinestones or stones, ribbons can be with a bright pattern or monophonic.

Important to rememberWith the help of the hoop, it is impossible to fix too short black. For such a length, use small hairpins or subtle invisible.

Chalinka flagella - It is very interesting styling, which is good for summer beach hairstyles. With the help of flagellas, you can put the cheek of any shape and length. For this, the hair needs to be divided into several small strands and each strand to spin one way, forming thin flagellas from them.

So that they do not disintegrate, hair tips need to fix The smallest elastic band. When all the strands are twisted, they must be left to the side and fix with the help of invisible under the hair. Several flames woven into the pigtail look very beautifully.

Chelka with nashess - A simple and spectacular way to put naughty hair. To do this, rinse and add them. After that, it is necessary to apply a slightly mousse for the laying and distribute it with a frequent calculus.

Then you need to take a discourse with rare teeth and make a good start, intensely whipping hair At the roots. Hands need a little to smooth hair and give a ride the desired shape. Then you need to put the cheek to the side or directly and fix the result with a varnish for hair of medium or strong fixation.

Chelka Naboka
- This is common styling, which has many different interesting options. Hair can be simply free and put the side with a hair dryer and hair lacquer.

Looks very interesting Asymmetric Checklock or Checklock with torn edges, these haircuts need to be laid the side with a hair dryer or hair. Very interesting and unusually looking for a cheek, braided into a pigtail and fixed on the side.

How to put bangs man: ways and rules

Men's fashion cheek May be different shape and length. Lightening asymmetric cheeks are very popular. For modern male hairstyles, use the laying of the chalcie side, directly or with it. You can effectively "pull out" the cheeve with the iron.

General rules laying The same as for women. If you use gum or invisible hair, they should not stand out. To create a more courageous and brutal image, a ragged oblique cheeve can be seized, give it the volume and combed the side.

One of the popular ways to change appearance are a variety of experiments with bangs. According to stylists, this item is hairstyle universal for different forms of the person, and a carefully and successfully selected option and can become the main attraction of appearance. This article will help you learn different options for the formation of a bang and will give advice, how beautiful to lay bangs in the desired view.

To lay bangs, we may need such instruments:

  • Biguchi, Fen. To lay a bang, it is better to fit large on the size of the curlers, which are cooled on wet hair and dried with a hairdryer. You can consolidate the result using the usual hair foam or varnish-lock.
  • Big comb. In the form, the round is better.
  • Iron for hair or fluff. These funds are dangerous to the likelihood of the tips or strands, so you need to use them carefully and infrequently.
  • Hairpins, invisible, rim, bandages and hair chairs. These things are capable not only to give the image the highlight and attractiveness due to the possibility of experimenting with their view, but also keep bangs in the desired form.

How to put bangs on the side?

According to stylists, this type of bang is very universal, and the correct laying and a professionally selected shape can decorate the face of different forms, except for the option with a very elongated chin. This kind of bangs will give the form of femininity and mysteriousness, and the face will give the right proportions.

Simple and quick way to lay down on the sideis combing in the selected face of the face.

So that the strands well kept for a long time and did not fall out where it fell, you can Take the following with bangs:

  1. After washing the head, dried bangs and combat on the side. During drying, the hairdryer must be kept on an average distance.
  2. If the hair is bad to obedience, you can use wax or similar to it.
  3. Possible option laying with iron or catching. The best and hair-sparing option is the presence of a ceramic coating.

How to put a long bang?

The most effectively and stylish strands of the long bangs will look in the laying in the form of an arc or "with a turn":

  1. Wet hair with a hairdryer, with the round comb, combat the ends of strands into the inside or outside and slightly to the side;
  2. Fixes label lacquer.

Also possible romantic and fun laying options: You can use the hoop or bandage, having bothering it back and secure with invisible or hairpins. You can send a slope slightly by pulling them out of the dressing.

To create an unusual hairstyle can be used. hut. For this you need:

  1. Split on strands, tighten into the harness, playing them in the right side of the face
  2. Fix the effect of invisible

The most romantic is the option of laying strands into a pigtail braided. You can start the weaving both from the roots and from the middle of the length of the strands.

How to lay a bangs?

If a woman is very busy and highlight the time to visit the hairdresser is almost impossible, a few minutes of simple laying of the house can save the situation. It can also be an excellent way to solve the problem, how to put bangs in the process of its growing.

There are several ways that will not only remove undesirable bangs, but also stick the general image of a woman, giving him sophistication and a special charm:

  1. You can put a bang in a pigtail if it has grown to sufficient length for this. When braid is braided, attach it to other strands of hair.
  2. Remove the abnormal bangs can also be a rim, harness, handkerchief or hair bandage.
  3. A small nobody and invisible will be laid bangs upstairs on the total length of the hair.
  4. Very simple and affordable way - to put the bangs of the bang side with the help of hairpins or invisible.
  5. Create an elegant image of a bangs, directed on the hair curlers.

If you learn how to put the bangs in different ways to create a beautiful external image, it will be significantly reduced to create a beautiful external image, and visiting the hairdresser will be necessary only in cases requiring the hands of a specialist.

How to put a short bang?

Short bangs can emphasize the virtues of the face, fill the image of a woman with freshness and guys:

  1. The easiest way that do not require considerable effort is to stick the hair with the help of various accessories in the desired direction, before this mixes the comb fixing means.
  2. You can put a short bang and in the form of a harness from strands. To do this, we wind up the right strands and attach to the hairstyle with the help of accessories.
  3. Short bangs with short hair will look great in the horsepower. To do this, sprink straight with hair varnish, make a combat and launch a joke in the right direction.
  4. To supplement the image of a woman with spectacle and a sense of style can bang-ockez. For this stacking, sprinkle a strand of bangs with varnish and give it the desired shape. You can lay such a bangs like a side and down, highlighting some strands.
  5. Romantic image can be achieved with a contrast of a short bang with large curls. To do this, with a total hair length, we screw the hair curlers, a hairdryer and separate bangs from the curls using a rim or bandage.
  6. Business appearance append on the sight of bangs, twisted on curlers. An excellent combination for her will be tightly tied with a back.

How to put a straight bang?

Straight bangs gives the way of strictness, sexuality and businesslikeness. Due to the laconicity of the type and simplicity, the options how to put the bangs are not very much.

For itself popular and simple way of laying We will need a round comb of medium size and hairdryer:

  1. Screw to comb wet hair strands and dry them with a hairdryer
  2. So as not to overheat the hair, it is better to choose the average temperature regime
  3. Count the resulting result can be anyone selected for this

If you need to get straight bangs with an inclination of the side You need to put it with strands, send the comb in the right direction, dry and fix.

If you have become the owner of a beautiful straight bang, you need to constantly hold it in a corresponding form. When using a hairdryer, it is very important not to cut the hair, since after this bang may lose the former directness, and what is even worse - sticking in different direction. Also, such a type of bang needs to be regularly visited by a hairdresser.

How to put oblique bangs?

In order to lay such a type of bangs, we need a comb, hairdryer and any hair retainer:

  • Stacking need to do on wet hair treated with a small amount of foam or mousse
  • Combing strands of bangs in the right direction and dried with a hairdryer
  • Fix such a hairstyle for a long time with a varnish or gel

If the bang in the length is short, and you want to give her oblique direction, then during the laying it is better to slide it a little and fix it in this form. This will help to avoid the effect of "zalisacy", and create an image of a free female coquetki.

If the length of the bang is long, then special attention needs to be paid to keep it together. Hair should be smooth and silky, otherwise it will be neglected.

How to put bangs back?

For this type of packing bangs, we need a hairdryer, hairbrush and hair foam:

  1. We put foam on wet hair, combing it and dried with a hairdryer in the distance from the bottom-up
  2. After drying, the hair is needed a little bit, giving them the desired volume
  3. The resulting combed hair is folded back and fastened to a common hairstyle for anyone selected for this accessory.
  4. So that the nobody remained unnoticed, you can take advantage of the combination of strands from above massage comb

How to put bangs with a hairdryer?

In order to get the most beautiful and desired result from laying, you need to adhere to several tips for using the hairdryer:

  1. The best option for hairdryer is considered a little wet, dried by a towel hair. Even if they are clean, strands that need to be put, slightly sprinkle with water. Naturally, the hair should be clean, the option with wrapping dirty strands will spoil the smoothness and silkiness of the general form.
  2. Locked the bangs with a hair dryer, it will be easier when the hair is separated into several strands of the same density. This method will save from unnecessary from the naughty curls and will make the best effect with an increase in its resistance time.
  3. Drying hair using flurally to dry strands faster and creates the effect of laying.
  4. To obtain the volume, the bottom strands pull the comb and dry. The upper part of the hair is dragging along the length of the hairdryer to give the desired smoothness.
  5. When drying the hair dryer, it is better to use the average power mode. If there is time, it is better to dry on the smallest temperature. It will save hair from cutting and possible fragility.

How to lay a bang for two sides?

This type of bangs can add a form of femininity and tenderness, and the combination with various options for hairstyles and types of face makes it quite universal. For this reason, the ability to lay a thick bang for two sides is rather in demand by women, the length of the hair of which reaches at least the niza chin.

This option is perfectly suitable in the case of hair rope. For laying for such a type, we comb wet hair and separate the strands to the equal parts on both sides of the bangs.

  • The resulting curls lubricate the foam or mousse and dried from below-up.
  • We put the strands of the bang alternately, dried with a hairdryer on a round brush.
  • Such until the hair is lying in the desired place and direction.
  • To give curls extra volume, we raise them when drying the brush up and to the side. We do all the same with another strand of bangs.

How to put bangs: photo

In order to determine the option of perfect hairstyles for your type of face and the prospect of the desired image, do not be afraid to experiment with hair! If the fear is unshakable, let us join different ways of laying bangs. These skills are capable of diversifying appearance without much loss and risks, and possible options for laying will be originality to each your appearance.

Video: How to put bangs?

Bang is an important element of a beautiful hairstyle, it can supplement it, put a new look with a haircut, hide the flaws of the face. With it, you can even change your image, image, mood. To do this, you need to know how to put the bangs correctly, beautifully, what devices give it a pomp, volumetricity.

In contact with

Options, how to put bangs, there are many. They depend on the structure of the hair, the usual image, their own preferences.

You can use gel, mousse, varnish, hairdryer, curly, iron, various comb and brushes. It all depends on the length of the strand, lungs of hair, type and face shape. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, try new images, make changes.

Types of bangs

It is customary to distinguish the following types of bangs:

  1. Straight. Length can be any: short, brings, mid-forehead, long. You can put it as you like.
  2. Oblique. It is suitable only to the owners of straight hair, on the curly strands will look carelessly. Must be smooth, thick.
  3. Asymmetric. Suitable only to those who have straight hair. It needs to be laid daily.

Her tips can also be different: beautifully twisted inside or outward, profiled, smooth, ribbon. Such an effect is achieved using various fixtures that fixes.

Tips about bangs from "Fashion Sentence" - Video:

  • The most convenient to use a hairdryer and a comb with wide teeth. Previously put on strands of foam or mousse for hair.
  • After laying, you need to lock the hair with varnish so that they do not disengage.
  • You can use various invisible for fixing, small hairpins, combing it back, side.
  • If the hair is curly, you can straighten the strands of the iron. Then dry them, fix with varnish.
  • Varnish should not grow thin strands.
  • Twinking hair in the face can be a round brush with a hairdryer or puffer.
  • Hair must be clean.

Laying short and medium bangs

Options, how to put bangs if it is short or medium length, a lot. It is suitable for different girls, hides the shortcomings of a round or narrow face.

It is desirable to make bilgeons, so spars will look fresh, elegant, fashionable.

  • From the tools you will need a hairdryer, a round brush, comb, iron, mousse or suitable in the composition of the foam.

Lucky or gels of strong fixation are usually not used - they only take up strands, bangs becomes tough, sticking up or sideways.

  • If the curl is used, the temperature must be checked. Too hot rod burns thin hair, spoil the structure of the strand.

Options and simple laying methods

Laying of long bangs

Options and simple ways, how to lay a long bang, too much.

  • It can be climbing, combing the side, back, on the head of the hairpin.
  • Such strands are fixed, gel, even a hair hoop.
  • Tools such as a hairdryer, iron, cloth, brushes and combs are used.

Main ways to lay long bangs:

  1. Straight.Too long strands close the forehead, falling on the eyes, sometimes look unturied. It is better to raise it a bit, curling the ends inside the hairdryer. For this, mousse is applied, the hair is pushed with a round large brush. You can give your fingers to the desired direction.
  2. On the side.Options, how to lay bangs of the side, several. Strands are distributed on uneven braid samples, shake the hair dryer inside. It is necessary that the hair does not return to their usual position. For this, the bangs are fixed by mousse or varnish. You can bother off all bangs, fasten so gel or hairpin. If there is a desire, each strand is lubricated by the foam, the hairdryer is placed on one side, beautifully moving inside. So the hair seems to be greater, lush, thicker.
  3. Back to Makushka.All strands are collected in the bundle, they are combed from the roots, taking on top of the top. Fix so invisible or hoop. Prands can be slightly twisted with harms, so they will look stylish and very elegant. You can collect all the hair in the tail, and the naughtle is allowed so that standing up end. Then it is bended to the back of the head, the top is smoothed by hand, the lacquer splashes below. Such a high volume will look gorgeous. The tips are fixed on the top of the invisible or taking into the tail.
  4. Iron.All strands of the face are smoothly straightened, but this option is suitable only with even or torn bangs. Strands must be completely dry.
  5. Slammed.Hair is lubricated by a mousse, whipped with fingers, slightly dry. This option is suitable for young, stylish girls with medium length hair. You can twist it on your finger during drying.
  6. On two sides.In the middle of the head and bangs, a smooth sample is made, both halves dried with a hairdryer, separating the hair into two sides, moving the tips to outward to the temples. At the end, you need to sprinkle the tips with varnish, but a little, so as not to evolve from its severity. You can crush the catch all half at once or moved along thin strand. In this case, the waves will turn steps, it looks very beautiful and stylish. How to lay a long bang on two sides - video with a master class:
  7. Volumetric.The naughtle is wetted by water, we apply mousse. Then drip it with a hairdryer, winding a large diameter brush. The ends should be nice to be beautiful, and raise the roots. It is better to divide it into two layers, the lower twist is stronger, and the top is only slightly. So it will turn out very thick, volumetric.

Laying asymmetric bangs

Options, how to put bangs or directly during asymmetric haircut, is also enough. It is modeled by mousse, varnish, gel, pick the tips with a hairdryer or puffer.

The stronger the milling is done, the more beautiful the strands of the face and the temples will look.

Methods that can be laid asymmetric bangs at home

All these ways are simple and understandable, do not take a lot of time. Depending on the haircut, face shape and laying all hairstyle should be selected the type, form of bangs.

How to put a hubble bang - video with options:

You can easily put it easily, the main thing is to comply with all the rules and tips, experiment at home with tools and fixation tools. No need to be afraid to be different, stylish, original, you need to love yourself and learn to care for hair in all the rules.