How to choose a name for a child by the names of the parents. How to choose a name for a child by date of birth, by the church calendar, by the names of the parents? How to choose the right female, male name for an unborn child

Parents are guided by different criteria when choosing a name for a baby. This can be either consonance with a patronymic and surname, or a family tradition or a church calendar.


Modern parents most often, when choosing a name for a baby, pay attention to the consonance with the patronymic and surname.

In accordance with the rules of consonance, if the middle name begins with several consonants, then the name should not end with the same cluster of consonants. For example, Alexander Dmitrievich - this combination is difficult to pronounce due to the accumulation of consonants.

Also, you should not choose a name that ends with the same letter with which the patronymic begins, for example, Peter Rostislavovich.

Girls usually do not have such problems, since their names end in vowels. But this only applies to names of Slavic origin. If you like the "overseas" name, you should pay attention to the consonance.

Also, do not forget to think ahead of some things. For example, affectionate forms of the name, how they will sound.

Try to say the whole last name, first name and patronymic to hear how they combine.

For example, you may like the name Aurika, but "Khrushch Aurika Ivanovna" may not sound very synergistic.

Often the name and patronymic of a child are not combined in interethnic families. So, Maria Miklovna or Ivan Stevenovich may be born.

In addition, if you choose a name for a boy, think about the fact that one day he will become a dad, and his name will become a middle name. It will be difficult for your grandson to find a name consonant with the middle name if you name your son, for example, Michael.


The main tradition when choosing a baby's name in Orthodox countries is compliance with the church calendar.

But some families have their own special traditions. For example, once in the family a man named Ivan named his son Andrey. He, in turn, named his son after his father - Ivan. And so the tradition arose to name a son after his father (in honor of the child's grandfather). Thus, all the boys in the family are either Ivan Andreevich or Andrei Ivanovich.

There are also traditions to name children after someone. But this is a moot point. For example, some believe that if a child is named after a deceased relative, the spirit of that relative will protect the baby. others believe that it is the other way around - not for good, and the fate of the same deceased person awaits the crumb. But this is mostly about superstition.

Traditions for choosing a name for a child may differ from country to country, from region to region of the same country, and even from family to family. Therefore, whether to adhere to certain traditions is your choice.

Choosing a name according to the calendar

The saints are a church book in which the names of the saints are written in accordance with the day when it is customary to honor their memory.

More often than not, there are how many saints per day. Therefore, when parents turn to the church calendar to name the baby, they look at the date when the baby was born and choose the name of one of the saints who are honored on that day.

It is believed that the saint whose name is chosen for the baby becomes the guardian angel of the child. That is why the name day - the day when the memory of the saint for whose honor the baby is named - is also called the Day of the Angel.

The child is given a name in accordance with the Holy Calendar at baptism. If the parents do not like any of the names that the father suggests in accordance with the baby's date of birth, choose a name from the list of those provided the next day on the calendar.

If the baby was named with some exotic name, then at baptism, the priest selects a more or less consonant name from the church book.

Also, the baby can be named after the saint who is most revered in this particular family, regardless of the date of birth. Thus, parents choose a patron for their child.

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Male names, meanings of names:

Alexander ("defender"), Anton ("entering the battle", "opposing"), Arkady ("shepherd"), Afanasy ("immortal"), Boris ("fighting for glory"), Valentin ("to be healthy") , Vasily ("royal, royal"), German ("close", "native"), George ("landowner"), Gleb ("favorite of the gods"), Dmitry ("dedicated to Demeter"), Denis ("belonging to Dionysus" ), David ("beloved", "beloved", "favorite"), Ermolai ("hermolaos"), Emelyan ("affectionate"), Evdokim ("honorable", "enjoying good fame"), Elizar ("God helped" ), Ilya (“my God is Jehovah Sawa (“ the archer ”), Ippolit (“ unharnessing the horses ”), Ivan (“ given by God ”), Kuzma (“ energetic "), Clement (“ the merciful ”), Cornelius (“ Archer "), Constantine (" constant "), Leonidas (" like a lion "), Lawrence (" crowned with laurels "), Moses (" taken out or saved from the water "), Maximilian (" the greatest "), Michael (" like God " ), Miron ("fragrant resin"), Makar ("blessed, happy"), Nikanor ("seeing victory"), Nikolai ("conqueror of nations"), Pavel ( "Small", "insignificant"), Prokhor ("choir director"), Peter ("stone"), Polycarp ("fertile"), Roman ("Roman"), Stepan ("crown"), Sergei ("guardian" ), Seraphim ("fiery angel"), Semyon ("listening", "heard by God"), Tikhon ("lucky"), Trofim ("breadwinner"), Fedor ("God's gift"), Julian ("curly")

Female names, meaning of names:

Anna ("grace"), Anfisa ("blossoming"), Anastasia ("resurrection"), Arina ("peace"), Alina ("noble"), Elena ("light"), Evdokia ("Grace"), Iraida ("Daughter of a hero"), Karina ("flawless"), Christina ("follower of Christ"), Maria ("stubborn"), Nonna ("ninth"), Olympias ("daughter of Olympus"), Praskovya ("Saturday eve, Friday "), Seraphima (" fiery "), Ulyana (" curly "," fluffy ")

Pregnant women pay great attention to choosing a name for their unborn child. And this is absolutely correct, because the name should give the baby a happy destiny, and, at the same time, it should sound beautiful. In this article we will tell you, how to choose a name for an unborn child to make his life successful.

Parents awaiting the birth of their daughter want to choose the most beautiful name for her, so that it emphasizes their love for the child and the tenderness they have for the baby.

However, in fact, when choosing a name for your daughter, you need to be guided not by its sweetness and your feelings, but by completely different characteristics. We will give you some tips, how to choose the right name for a child if you had a girl:

  • The name should emphasize the individuality of the baby. If, looking at her, you understand that she is no Pelageya, but an ordinary girl named Mashenka, then it is better to call her a simple, but suitable name for her.
  • If you want your daughter to bear the name of a great-grandmother or other distant relative who positively influenced your life, and you want to show your respect for her by naming your daughter after her name, then first make sure that it sounds normal and corresponds to modern canons. The girl will not be very pleased if her peers laugh at her, having learned her strange, unusual name for anyone.
  • If you are watching some interesting foreign TV series and you really like the name of the main character, you should not rush to name your baby after her. For example, the name Aelitta or Isabella will sound strange if the girl's surname is Petrenko, and the patronymic is Ivanovna. These exotic names can be used if your family is international. If you really want to name the child by the name of the heroine of the Latin American TV series, then go through a special phonosemantic analysis of the name via the Internet. This test will show you what kind of reaction a set of sounds will cause in others when the baby is called by first name, last name and patronymic.

  • You should not give a girl the name of a famous cultural figure or, for example, art if your surname coincides with the surname of an outstanding person. People will perceive this with mockery, and a girl in adulthood will be unpleasant to realize that her name is not at all unique.
  • Do not use the name of your mother or grandmother to your baby. Let the baby have its own original name, which will emphasize precisely its uniqueness. Choose a name for the child by the names of the parents- this is an old and illogical tradition, because it will not affect the fate of the baby in any way.
  • Before registering a child with the registry office, read in the dictionary what your chosen name means. You may not like its meaning.
  • If you want your daughter to grow up as a strong and self-confident person, then choose a solid name for her, maybe even a masculine one.
  • Analyze what associations people will have when they refer to your daughter by name. People always draw parallels with people who have become famous under a certain name.
  • Make sure that a funny offensive nickname cannot be chosen for the girl's name. Of course, children are resourceful people, if they want to, they will definitely come up with an unpleasant nickname, but pay attention to it anyway.

In general, the name should be chosen by the soul. If you feel that your baby should be called that way, then do not even doubt that she will be happy with him.

How to choose a male name for a child?

Contemplating what name to choose for the child if you have a boy, follow the above rules. In this case, they work too. However, there are a few more points that psychologists advise to consider when choosing a name for a son:

  1. You shouldn't name your son after your dad. Such a name will not emphasize anything, except for the pride of the father. The names of such a plan sound especially strange: Ostapenko Ostap Ostapovich, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. If you want your boy to grow up strong, independent and courageous, choose a name for him that has nothing to do with his dad's name.
  2. Keep in mind that your son will also become a dad someday. Therefore, his name should sound good as a middle name. Pick up several female and male names, matching them with the middle name that your grandchildren will have. If all sounds good, feel free to call the boy your chosen name.
  3. Don't call the boy a name that doesn't exist. Some parents, who are trying to resist the canons of modern times in everything, begin to invent names themselves or name their children in honor of some achievements of scientific and technological progress. Imagine how a boy named Google or Quark would be treated.
  4. Do not call your son by a name that can be used for a girl if your last name is not inclined. She must necessarily emphasize the gender of the child.

How to choose a name for a child in numerology?

Parents who want to predict the fate of their unborn child can choose a name for him according to numerology. Numbers play a very large and important role in a person's life. They reflect what spiritual and physical qualities will develop in your child if you call him a name corresponding to a certain number on the day he was born.

You can use special programs online to choose the name of the baby by date of birth, or you can manually calculate the lucky number for the baby yourself, knowing his last name and patronymic:

  1. Write the last name in block letters and patronymic in 2 lines. Then, according to the table, which clearly states which letter corresponds to which number, write down all the numbers:
  • figure "1" correspond to the letters: "A", "I", "C", "b"
  • figure "2" correspond to the letters: "B", "Y", "T", "Y"
  • figure "3" correspond to the letters: "B", "K", "U", "b"
  • figure "4" correspond to the letters: "G", "L", "F", "E"
  • figure "5" correspond to the letters: "D", "M", "X" "Y"
  • figure "6" correspond to the letters: "E", "H", "C", "I"
  • figure "7" correspond to letters: "E", "O", "H"
  • figure "eight" correspond to letters: "Ж", "П", "Ш"
  • figure "nine" correspond to the letters: "З", "Р", "Щ"

For example, your child's last name and first name sounds like:

  • Matveev - 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 3
  • Pavlovich - 8, 1, 3, 4, 7, 3, 1 4

  1. Count how many times each digit occurs in the last name and patronymic:
  • 1 - 3 times
  • 2 - once
  • 3-4 times
  • 4 - 2 times
  • 5 - one
  • 6 - 2 times
  • 7 - 1 time
  • 8 - 1 times
  • 9 - no
  1. Next, check all the numbers with their average:
  • number "1" has an average value of "6": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will have normal intelligence, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a strong will and leadership, if less - he will not be at all confident in himself, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up spineless and weak.
  • number "2" has an average value of "1": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be sociable and very tactful, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have numerous talents and extraordinary charisma, if less - he will be tactless and impatient, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up to be a callous person.
  • number "3" has an average value of "3": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will have creative abilities, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will be versatile talented, if less - he will not focus well on some things, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up closed in himself.

  • number "4" has an average value of "2": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be a hardworking and practical person, if there is more than its average value, then the baby will be stubborn and too enthusiastic about his work, when he grows up, if less - he will be lazy, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up unable to provide for himself or his future family.
  • number "5" has an average value of "1": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will have a high ability to quickly adapt in society and openness in communicating with people, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will be too restless, if less - he will be uncommunicative, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up in the desire to always be isolated from society.
  • number "6" has an average value of "3": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be a caring and very responsible person, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a desire to constantly improve himself, if less - he will be an insensitive person, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up stupid and naive.
  • number "7" has an average value of "3": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will take a special interest in knowledge, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a strong love for science, but at the same time he will grow up as an isolated person, if less - he will not be able to analyze the events taking place in his life, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up distrustful of everything.

  • number "eight" has an average value of "1": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be independent and businesslike, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a strong grasp in commercial activities if less - he will be an impractical and unworkable person, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up passive, neglecting any material wealth and values.
  • number "nine" has an average value of "1": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be optimistic and compassionate, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will sacrifice himself in life for the sake of interests other people, if less, he will be a callous pessimist; if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up to be a depressed person.

When choosing a name, you need to find a balance between the average and the number of times the numbers drop out in the name so that your child develops only positive qualities.

How to choose a name for a child according to the calendar?

There is an ancient tradition choose an Orthodox name for a child according to the calendar. It is connected with the fact that a child bearing the name of some saint acquires a very close connection with him. It is believed that the saint, whose name was given to the child, becomes his guardian angel in life and helps to overcome various difficulties on the path of life.

If you want to choose a name for the child according to the church calendar then wait for his day birth. By this date, you need to choose a name for the child... The calendar contains the entire list of names of Old Church Slavonic, Greek, Jewish or Latin origin, from which you can choose the one that you like best.

If you are not a supporter of giving the baby a name according to the calendar, you can give him the name of the saint on whose day the child was born, at baptism. Just ask the priest in advance what name is better to call the baby during the baptismal ceremony.

The name of a person can say a lot about him, therefore, we recommend that each future parent take this issue scrupulously and responsibly. Do not listen to anyone's recommendations and requests from relatives to name the baby as they like. You must choose such a name for your baby that you would like, first of all. You need to be sure that the baby with the name you choose will grow up to be a happy person!

Video: "How to choose a name for a child?"

Numerology will help determine the compatibility of the names of the parents and the child. Calculating compatibility is fairly straightforward, so it doesn't take long.

You can try to calculate the compatibility of an unborn child. This will allow you to give your baby a name that works best with yours. In this case, only mutual understanding will await you in the family.

Numerological calculation

You need the names of the parents and the child. Let's take the names as an example: father - Ivan, mother - Maria, daughter - Elena, son - Peter. Only full names are always used in calculations - keep this in mind.

Below are all the letters of the Russian alphabet and the numbers corresponding to them. To calculate, you will need to add up all the numbers corresponding to the letters of the names.

A-1, B-2, V-3, G-4, D-5, E-6, E-7, F-8, Z-9, I-10, Y-11, K-12, L- 13, M-14, N-15, O-16, P-17, R-18, S-19, T-20, U-21, F-22, X-23, Ts-24, Ch-25, Sh-26, Sh-27, b-28, Y-29, L-30, E-31, J-32, Ya-33.

We calculate the number of each name:

  • Ivan - 10 + 3 + 1 + 15 = 29.
  • Maria - 14 + 1 + 18 + 10 + 33 = 76.
  • Elena - 6 + 13 + 6 + 15 + 1 = 41.
  • Peter - 17 + 7 + 20 + 18 = 62.

Decoding compatibility

There are two ways to determine if a child's name is compatible with that of a parent. The first method determines psychological compatibility.... The numbers of parents' names, if you have a boy or plan to come up with a name for a boy, should add up. 29 + 76 = 105. The son's name should be close to the full or half the sum of the parents' names. The number of the name Peter is 62. Half of the sum of the names of the parents is approximately 52-53. This is pretty good compatibility. The worst will be in the middle between 52 and 105 - at level 77. If the name of the child-boy is closer to half the amount, and not to the full, then he will most likely be similar in character to his mother. Otherwise - to dad.

The calculations with the girl are different. Subtract the smaller from the larger number. 76-29 = 47. The girl's name can only be close to this number. 41 is Elena's number. The difference between 47 and 41 is quite small, so compatibility is not bad. If the number is greater than the difference, then the girl will look like her dad. If less - for mom.

It is possible to guess names by doing such simple calculations, but this is not such important data as karmic compatibility. To find out karmic compatibility, you will have to add the numbers of father, mother and children names again to get numbers in the range from 1 to 9.

  • Ivan - 2 + 9 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2
  • Maria - 7 + 6 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4
  • Elena - 4 + 1 = 5
  • Peter - 6 + 2 = 8

The father and mother can have either even or odd numbers or different numbers. A boy's karmic number must be, respectively, odd, even, or also any. To make it clearer, here are examples with the best compatibility:

  • Parents are an even number (2 and 4, 4 and 6, 8 and 2, and so on), a boy is any odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9).
  • Parents are an odd number (7 and 1, 3 and 9, 5 and 3, and so on), a boy is any even number (2, 4, 6, 8).
  • Parents with different numbers (1 and 2, 5 and 8, 9 and 4, and so on), boy - any number.

Ivan and Mary's son Peter will not combine very well with their karmic tasks, because they have numbers 2 and 4, and Peter also has an even number - 8.

For girls, karmic numbers should coincide with their parents. If the parents have both odd numbers, then the girl should have one too. If odd, then it must also be odd. For different numbers, any will do.

In our example, the parents have even numbers - 2 and 4, so the girl should also have even, but Elena has a karmic number - 5. This suggests that compatibility is not the best.

Many people wonder what to do if karma compatibility is weak. Nothing needs to be done, it's just that the kids won't sync well with you. This means that their fates will differ slightly from yours in terms of energy. In a global sense, this does not pose a problem. Names that are incompatible in karma may be even better than compatible ones, because children in such families grow up more independent.

Your name is something that accompanies you all your life. Your parents gave it to you for a reason - so fate itself wanted. The universe accepts you for who you are. It is important that parents also accept their children with their characteristics, fears, problems. The character of a person and his fate is a dark forest even for himself, not to mention those around him. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

23.05.2018 07:45

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Sometimes the child is named after the mother or father. If you decide that there should be two Alexandra or Lyudmila in your family, give your baby a diminutive name that is different from yours. Then little Milochka will not be confused with mom Luda, and son Sanya with his dad Sasha.

Another popular technique is to combine parts of the parents' names. Usually the resulting word is called girls. Babies with sonorous and strange names Igtala, Dana, Sana or Tara are not so rare. Before giving an unusual name to your son, think about future grandchildren - after all, they will have to wear an equally unusual middle name. A safer option is to choose a name from the already existing and quite euphonic ones. For example, the daughter of Sergei and Anna can be called Snezhana, and the son - Arsentiy. If your parents are named Taras and Tatiana, support the family tradition. The names Timofey, Timur, Tamara or Taisiya are suitable for children. Having found a suitable name, be sure to think about how it will sound in combination with a middle name. Perhaps the idea to name Oleg's daughter Olga is sweet and original, but the grown-up girl will be called Olga Olegovna, which does not sound very nice. The more difficult the middle name is to pronounce, the simpler the name should be. Call your son Eugene Peter or Ilya, but Innokenty or Anatoly will create a difficult to pronounce combination.

You should be especially careful with foreign and outdated names. If your name is Roland, you should not call your daughter Anfisa or Glafira. But Alice, Alina or Maria will suit her - the combination will be unusual, but quite euphonic.

Consider whether the chosen first name will be combined with the last name. For example, a girl with a difficult surname like Kislaya should not be given the name Lilia or Rose. Pick up another one that does not carry an additional semantic load.

Write your invented first name, patronymic and last name. The initials should look pretty too. If three letters in a row make a funny or meaningful combination, look for other options.

Motherhood is the most precious thing in life for most women. It is fraught with expectations and excitement, pleasant chores and inspiration. I would like everything to be just perfect, including the future name of the baby. This is perhaps one of the most sensitive issues that affects the interests of not only future parents, the baby, but also their environment. Everyone wants to put their effort into choosing a name. Various methods are used, the name is chosen according to the calendar, according to popularity, according to the horoscope. Such selectivity is directly related to the well-known statement to many - the name determines the whole life.

You will need

  • horoscope, interpreter of names


First you need to decide on the date of the expected birth. Since the name is chosen according to the horoscope, it is very important to know at least approximately the number of the baby's birth. It is worth noting that the baby may be born earlier than the appointed time. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the names of the adjacent signs of the zodiac.

After the moment regarding the birthday has been clarified, it is worth deciding one more question - the gender of the baby. Naturally, in some cases, it remains unknown. There may be two reasons for this - on an ultrasound examination, the doctor cannot see by what type of genital organs are formed, or the parents themselves want to know the sex only when the baby is born.

Now, you can give a short description of the names by the sign of the zodiac. As a rule, the calendar cycle according to the Eastern calendar begins with Aries. This is a sign of bright and strong personalities with charisma, therefore, the name should reflect these qualities - Larisa, Rima, Renat, Maxim. Taurus is naturally endowed with powerful energy, which, if used correctly and directed correctly, can have a beneficial effect on a career. The owners of this zodiac sign most often bear the names - Veronica, Valery, Dmitry, Oksana. Gemini, as a dual sign, needs communication to be always abundant, and names should be light and memorable - Nastya, Nadya, Nikita, Ivan. Crayfish are very domestic, they love warmth and comfort, so the name should sound soft - Julia, Ilya. Leos, as leaders among other signs of the zodiac, need to be given an unusual, memorable name - Eliza, Aurora, Apollo. Virgo, on the other hand, is chosen a simple name, even a native Russian - Tanya, Masha, Peter, Prokhor. Libra is characterized by names with a peaceful characteristic, this is a very balanced zodiac sign, and people born on this day act deliberately, clearly, for example, Victor, Albina. Scorpios are very emotional individuals, therefore, the name should be very extravagant - Rada, Yakov, Yaroslav, Yarina. Streltsy's name must certainly be beautiful and sonorous - Zhanna, Diana, Ruslan, Stepan. For a capricorn, most often they choose a name that was borne by one of the famous or very close ancestors. It is even a tradition to name the first-born in honor of a grandfather or grandmother in some families, and if for other signs of the zodiac it is unacceptable, then Capricorns are even preferable. If a child is born under the sign of Aquarius, then you should carefully choose a name, preferably something unusual. But the fish are given very gentle names, which sound soft even without the petting-diminutive, for example, Anya, Lenya.


It happens that a name suitable for a horoscope may contain a characteristic not quite of the qualities that you would like to see in your child.

Helpful advice

If you are in doubt about the date of birth, you should not choose many names in advance, wait until the baby is born and then, looking into his eyes, the name will come to your mind.


At all times and among all peoples it was believed that the name given to a newborn plays an important role in his life. It shapes the fate of a person, leaving a certain imprint on him. When choosing a name for their little daughter, parents should think about it.


Mom and Dad always want to name their daughter beautiful and extraordinary. Sometimes the name of the child is chosen in advance. And after the baby is born, the parents suddenly realize that it does not suit their baby at all. Take your name choice seriously. After all, it will accompany your daughter throughout her long and happy life. You can remember church rules and name your daughter according to old Orthodox customs. Choose the name of the saint mentioned in the Holy Calendar on the baby's birthday or on the next day following this event. By the way, it is he who will be considered the real birthday of the child. If you want your daughter's name to be natively Russian, keep in mind that there are very few of them. Most of the names have either Latin, Greek, or Jewish roots. There are several more Old Russian and a fairly large selection of Old Slavic ones. All of them are mentioned in the huge "Encyclopedia of Names".

In your desire to name the baby non-standard, unique, do not come up with a dissonant and pretentious name. With him, your baby will have a hard time in the company of peers, and adults will not be deprived of attention. Try to make the daughter's name harmoniously combined with the surname and patronymic, and also be easily perceived and pronounced. Otherwise, there is a risk that it will be distorted both in documents and during communication, in conversation.

According to popular beliefs, you should not name your daughter after a deceased grandmother, sister or other beloved relative. Especially if the fate of these people was not easy, tragic. It is not recommended to give girls double names that are consonant with men: Valentina, Alexandra, Eugene. It is believed that there is a masculine principle in them, and a man who is next to such a woman becomes weak-willed and weak.

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Ilya is distinguished by an agreeable character, openness and ability to be friends. He is often influenced by other people, and he needs a woman who can tell him if he is being led by other people. A companion should be smart, but caring and strict.


Ilya rarely steps into marriage early. He tries to get on his feet so that there are no problems with providing for the family. But at the same time, he will insist that the woman also work, so that the financial situation of the family is stable. Not every lady can get along with a demanding man named Ilya. She will have to listen to him, and sometimes even fulfill strict requirements.

Ilya has good compatibility with Anastasia. Such a marriage will be long and strong. The girl is very calm, not inclined to be emotional in public, knows how to restrain emotions. But inside she is sensual and very bright. If Ilya can see her light inside, if he can support him, and does not demand declarations of love in the presence of strangers, everything will work out for the couple. Nastya will give him advice on what to do, she is well versed in what brings income, sees the possibility of additional earnings. He will regularly help her in raising children.

Ilya and Natalia are a very stable combination. She is prone to loyalty and constancy, knows how to save money, which Ilya will really like. He will trust her with the family budget, knowing that she will not spend it on stupid things. A girl with this name is very sociable, together with Ilya she will be in the spotlight all the time. Such a couple is always eye-catching, always admirable. It is only important that after 40 the passion does not fade away, since both people at this age can become bored. If during this period the children are still young, the conflict can be avoided, since common interests will remain.

Sophia can be a great couple for Ilya. But at the same time, she will be the main one in the house, and not the man. A very strong nature will not allow someone to control himself, and Ilya will be forced to obey. This union is convenient, since the woman will direct the man, suggest a plan of action, and she herself will be able to come to the rescue at any time. In this marriage, Ilya receives a reliable rear that will never let you down, will control everything. Ilya's frugality will suffer a little, since Sophia knows how to spend money and loves to do it, but she has no less inclination to make money, so the union will not be poor.

Ilya and Yana are also an interesting combination. This option is only suitable for an accomplished man if he is ready to take responsibility for the fragile and vulnerable Yana. She will always play a second role in the union. She is a good mom, a great hostess, a sweet conversationalist, and a great friend. But she will entrust all the reins of government to a man, she will not interfere in the solution of important issues. Yana is docile, but she loves luxury and convenience, so she will demand that her husband improve conditions and make expensive purchases. Only Ilya, who is successful in business, can keep such a woman.

The name Timur is translated from Mongolian as "iron". A born leader, able to lead people with him and infect them with his ideas. Appreciates family ties. At work, as well as at home - authority.

The name Timur is of Turkic origin. It was it that took root in Russia, where it is also customary to shorten it to Tima or Mura. Other forms of this name include Temir and Damir. In addition, it is believed that Timur is one of the variants of the name Tamerlane. Outwardly, Tim is usually more like a father, and his character inherits from his mother. Since childhood, this boy has shown leadership qualities. Once in a new company, he quickly distributes roles in it, reserving the right to lead the process. Competitive games are his strong point. He actively takes part in them, and most importantly, he is able to lead the children with him. Inherent charisma is combined in him with self-confidence and a desire to manage. Contrary to her firm name, which in translation from the Mongolian language means "iron", Mura is kind, gentle, respectful to both peers and elders. The little boy has an extremely broad outlook, he is able to surprise his parents with his knowledge of a particular issue and keep up a conversation on almost any topic. Persevering, prefers intellectual games and can sit for hours over a game of chess being played. An adult man with this name values ​​family ties and rationally builds relationships with people around him. As a worker, Timur has no equal. Respects subordinates, observes the chain of command with the boss. Busy and organized. Will not tolerate sloppy and stupid people. He values ​​both men and women primarily for erudition and intelligence. In relations with women, Timur loses all his composure and becomes sensitive and vulnerable, subconsciously trying to protect himself from unpleasant emotions. In sexual relationships, he is picky, but is able to succumb to emotions and momentary impulses. He chooses a life partner very carefully, having a hard time worrying about failure. He tries to marry once and for life.

"Winter" Timurs prefer sports and very often make a career in this field. Such men are quick-tempered and are extremely purposeful. "Summer" Timur is a gentle and calm person, capable of listening to the opinions of other people. Timur, born in the fall, is calculating and cold-blooded, and the spring one is prone to adventurism, he is very often thrown from one extreme to another. Timur's talisman is obsidian, and its flower is elm.

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We all know the proverb: as you call a ship, so it will ... That's right, it will float! And with a name for a child, the situation is even more serious. After all, we are talking about a person, a person who will continue to sail through life for a long time. When parents become aware that they will have a child, the question immediately arises: what to call him? You can choose a name like this:

  • by the time of the year of birth;
  • by date of birth;
  • by month;
  • horoscope;
  • on the advice of relatives, friends, the Internet, etc.

It is important that it is just for him, that is, it suits better than the rest.

How children were called before

In the old days, many things were easy enough, including choosing names. All, without exception, named their children according to the church calendar. It was a list of the saints of the Orthodox Church, arranged in order according to months and days throughout the year. It is also called "saint".

Depending on the date when the baby was born, the parents gave the baby a name corresponding to what was indicated on the calendar. It was also possible to call him by his name, which coincided with the eighth or fortieth day after birth, since eight symbolizes infinity, the immortality of those who believed, and forty - the required number of days before the sacrament of holy baptism was performed.

Names by month of the year

Choosing a name is a responsible task. There will be opponents of this theory, but a lot depends on the right choice:

  1. The character of the child.
  2. His behavior and interaction with the outside world.
  3. Life attitudes.
  4. Fate as a whole.

Thus, one of the most common criteria for choosing a name for a child is the month of birth.

January can give people for whom patience is not the last word. They endure all the difficulties of life with incredible fortitude, despite the fact that quite often there are pronounced introverts among them. There are amazing culinary specialists among women. Men born in January are people full of determination. They are wonderful fathers in life, they are very easy to forgive. Since the first month of the year also gives persistent people, it is worth adding a little softness to the name. Names such as Natalia, Elena, Anastasia are suitable for the girl. To the boy - Eugene, Peter, Gregory or Daniel.

See also: How to choose the right name for a child according to the Orthodox calendar

In February, children born more often grow up very persistent or even rather persistent, in some ways unbalanced. The only consolation is that they perfectly see their shortcomings and can correct them by working on themselves. If the family is expecting a boy, then you can pick him up something like Alexander, Maxim or Timofey. The February girl can choose the name Anna, Irina, Svetlana.

March gives people vulnerable and mental. Among them there are often those who then constantly complain about life, but often do not strive to change something. The following names are suitable for a baby who was born in March: Ruslana, Sofia, Yaroslava, Yaroslav, Pavel, Daniel.

April children are characterized as very motivated and demanding of themselves and those around them. There are many successful personalities among such people, and, oddly enough, those born in April surprisingly easily manage to climb the career ladder. Children born in March need to choose a name that can increase the sensuality of its owner: Mark, Constantine, Alexandra, Sabina.

If a child was born in May, most likely he will grow up completely uncompromising, and the firmness of his character can only be envied. They manage with incredible ease to get along with new people, however, as well as part with them. Recommended names: Cyrus, Cyril, David

In June, very easily injured individuals are often born, on top of that, they are also very timid. They are windy in life, but this is simply due to the search for the best options. Women may not marry for a long time, and men grow up with clear signs of narcissism. The names of June are Dmitry, Valery, Roman, Tamara, Karina.

Vulnerability is also present in July children, plus everything, they are not deprived of stubbornness and are very mental. In families, then they take the position of unreasonable leadership and, one might say, behave like a child. They are not able to adequately perceive criticism and pressure in their address. It is better to choose names for children born this month that can correct the negative side of character: Nikita, Vyacheslav, Vladimir, Alla, Valeria, Daria.

If a child was born in August, there is a high probability that he will grow up active and completely adamant. Minuses in character can be irritability and suspiciousness. It is recommended to choose a name from the following: Agamia, Maria, Anna, Gleb, Nikolay.

The autumn months are also full of their own characteristics, for example, September will give the world a purposeful personality, with tremendous willpower. Many women are amazing housewives, and it is very rare for men to marry for love. The name can be chosen for the child from the following: Denis, Ivan, Raisa, Vera, Veronica.

Great material dependence will accompany the child if he was born in October. They are distinguished by a well-developed sense of duty in relation to any of their occupations: study, work, etc. The following names would be the best choice: Vladislav, Sergey, Mark, Pavel, Olga, Vlada, Sofia.

November kids in adulthood will never rely on feelings. Among women, there are many who are distinguished by selfishness, while men are subject to constant depression. When choosing a name, it is necessary to improve the positive traits that may be, such are Mikhail, Maria, Vera, Victor.

Well, returning to the winter month, which, by definition, is the last of the year, it is worth noting that children born in December often achieve what they want and take first places in everything. True, this is accompanied by unreasonable incontinence and hyperactivity. People with such character traits simply need to choose a name that can smooth out all its irregularities. The only exceptions are the following names: Nikolai, Stanislav, Alina, Elena. You should not call the December baby by such names, the rest of the names are more or less suitable.

Guided by the above information, it will be possible to slightly open the curtain of the future of your children and, based on this, choose the most suitable name for them.

How to choose a name for a child by date of birth, by the church calendar, by the names of the parents? How to choose the right feminine, masculine name for an unborn child?

Pregnant women pay great attention to choosing a name for their unborn child. And this is absolutely correct, because the name should give the baby a happy destiny, and, at the same time, it should sound beautiful. In this article, we will tell you how to choose a name for an unborn child so that his life is successful.

How to choose a female name for a child?

Parents awaiting the birth of their daughter want to choose the most beautiful name for her, so that it emphasizes their love for the child and the tenderness they have for the baby.

However, in fact, when choosing a name for your daughter, you need to be guided not by its sweetness and your feelings, but by completely different characteristics. We will give you some tips on how to choose the right name for your baby if you have a baby girl:

  • The name should emphasize the individuality of the baby. If, looking at her, you understand that she is no Pelageya, but an ordinary girl named Mashenka, then it is better to call her a simple, but suitable name for her.
  • If you want your daughter to bear the name of a great-grandmother or other distant relative who positively influenced your life, and you want to show your respect for her by naming your daughter after her name, then first make sure that it sounds normal and corresponds to modern canons. The girl will not be very pleased if her peers laugh at her, having learned her strange, unusual name for anyone.
  • If you are watching some interesting foreign TV series and you really like the name of the main character, you should not rush to name your baby after her. For example, the name Aelitta or Isabella will sound strange if the girl's surname is Petrenko, and the patronymic is Ivanovna. These exotic names can be used if your family is international. If you really want to name the child by the name of the heroine of the Latin American TV series, then go through a special phonosemantic analysis of the name via the Internet. This test will show you what kind of reaction a set of sounds will cause in others when the baby is called by first name, last name and patronymic.

  • You should not give a girl the name of a famous cultural figure or, for example, art if your surname coincides with the surname of an outstanding person. People will perceive this with mockery, and a girl in adulthood will be unpleasant to realize that her name is not at all unique.
  • Do not use the name of your mother or grandmother to your baby. Let the baby have its own original name, which will emphasize precisely its uniqueness. Choosing a name for a child based on the names of their parents is an old and illogical tradition, because this will not affect the fate of the baby in any way.
  • Before registering a child with the registry office, read in the dictionary what your chosen name means. You may not like its meaning.
  • If you want your daughter to grow up as a strong and self-confident person, then choose a solid name for her, maybe even a masculine one.
  • Analyze what associations people will have when they refer to your daughter by name. People always draw parallels with people who have become famous under a certain name.
  • Make sure that a funny offensive nickname cannot be chosen for the girl's name. Of course, children are resourceful people, if they want to, they will definitely come up with an unpleasant nickname, but pay attention to it anyway.

In general, the name should be chosen by the soul. If you feel that your baby should be called that way, then do not even doubt that she will be happy with him.

How to choose a male name for a child?

When considering which name to choose for your child if you have a boy, follow the above rules. In this case, they work too. However, there are a few more points that psychologists advise to consider when choosing a name for a son:

  1. You shouldn't name your son after your dad. Such a name will not emphasize anything, except for the pride of the father. The names of such a plan sound especially strange: Ostapenko Ostap Ostapovich, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. If you want your boy to grow up strong, independent and courageous, choose a name for him that has nothing to do with his dad's name.
  2. Keep in mind that your son will also become a dad someday. Therefore, his name should sound good as a middle name. Pick up several female and male names, matching them with the middle name that your grandchildren will have. If all sounds good, feel free to call the boy your chosen name.
  3. Don't call the boy a name that doesn't exist. Some parents, who are trying to resist the canons of modern times in everything, begin to invent names themselves or name their children in honor of some achievements of scientific and technological progress. Imagine how a boy named Google or Quark would be treated.
  4. Do not call your son by a name that can be used for a girl if your last name is not inclined. She must necessarily emphasize the gender of the child.

How to choose a name for a child in numerology?

Parents who want to predict the fate of their unborn child can choose a name for him according to numerology. Numbers play a very large and important role in a person's life. They reflect what spiritual and physical qualities will develop in your child if you call him a name corresponding to a certain number on the day he was born.

You can use special programs online to choose the name of the baby by date of birth, or you can manually calculate the lucky number for the baby yourself, knowing his last name and patronymic:

  1. Write the last name in block letters and patronymic in 2 lines. Then, according to the table, which clearly states which letter corresponds to which number, write down all the numbers:
  • the number "1" corresponds to the letters: "A", "I", "C", "b"
  • the number "2" corresponds to the letters: "B", "Y", "T", "Y"
  • the number "3" corresponds to the letters: "B", "K", "U", "L"
  • the number "4" corresponds to the letters: "G", "L", "F", "E"
  • the number "5" corresponds to the letters: "D", "M", "X" "Y"
  • the number "6" corresponds to the letters: "E", "H", "C", "I"
  • the number "7" corresponds to the letters: "Е", "О", "Ч"
  • the number "8" corresponds to the letters: "Ж", "П", "Ш"
  • the number "9" corresponds to the letters: "З", "Р", "Щ"

For example, your child's last name and first name sounds like:

  • Matveev - 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 3
  • Pavlovich - 8, 1, 3, 4, 7, 3, 1 4

  1. Count how many times each digit occurs in the last name and patronymic:
  • 1 - 3 times
  • 2 - once
  • 3-4 times
  • 4 - 2 times
  • 5 - one
  • 6 - 2 times
  • 7 - 1 time
  • 8 - 1 times
  • 9 - no
  1. Next, check all the numbers with their average:
  • the number "1" has an average value of "6": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will have normal intelligence, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a strong will and leadership, if less - he will not be at all confident in himself, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up spineless and weak.
  • the number "2" has an average value of "1": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be sociable and very tactful, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have numerous talents and extraordinary charisma, if less - he will be tactless and impatient, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up to be a callous person.
  • the number "3" has an average value of "3": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will have creative abilities, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will be versatile talented , if less, he will not focus well on some things, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up closed in himself.

  • the number "4" has an average value of "2": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be a hardworking and practical person, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will be stubborn and too enthusiastic about his work, when he grows up, if less - he will be lazy, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up unable to provide for himself or his future family.
  • the number "5" has an average value of "1": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will have a high ability to quickly adapt in society and openness in communicating with people if there is more than its average value, then the baby will be too restless, if less - he will be uncommunicative, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up in the desire to always be isolated from society.
  • the number "6" has an average value of "3": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be a caring and very responsible person, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have the desire to constantly improve himself, if less - he will be an insensitive person, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up stupid and naive.
  • the number "7" has an average value of "3": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will take a special interest in knowledge, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a strong love for science, but at the same time will grow up as an isolated person, if less - he will not be able to analyze the events taking place in his life, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up distrustful of everything.

  • the number "8" has an average value of "1": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be independent and businesslike, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a strong grasp in commercial activities, if less - he will be an impractical and unworkable person, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up passive, neglecting any material wealth and values.
  • the number "9" has an average value of "1": if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and the average value, then your child will be optimistic and compassionate, if there is more than its average value, then the baby will sacrifice himself in life for the sake of the interests of other people, if less - he will be a callous pessimist, if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up to be a depressed person.

When choosing a name, you need to find a balance between the average and the number of times the numbers drop out in the name so that your child develops only positive qualities.

How to choose a name for a child according to the calendar?

There is an ancient tradition to choose an Orthodox name for a child according to the calendar. It is connected with the fact that a child bearing the name of some saint acquires a very close connection with him. It is believed that the saint, whose name was given to the child, becomes his guardian angel in life and helps to overcome various difficulties on the path of life.

If you want to choose a name for the child according to the church calendar, then wait for his birthday. By this date, you need to choose a name for the child. The calendar contains the entire list of names of Old Church Slavonic, Greek, Jewish or Latin origin, from which you can choose the one that you like best.

If you are not a supporter of giving the baby a name according to the calendar, you can give him the name of the saint on whose day the child was born, at baptism. Just ask the priest in advance what name is better to call the baby during the baptismal ceremony.

The name of a person can say a lot about him, therefore, we recommend that each future parent take this issue scrupulously and responsibly. Do not listen to anyone's recommendations and requests from relatives to name the baby as they like. You must choose such a name for your baby that you would like, first of all. You need to be sure that the baby with the name you choose will grow up to be a happy person!

Video: "How to choose a name for a child?"

How to name your future baby? Every married couple is inevitably faced with this question. In fact, choosing a name for a child is not as easy as it seems. Quite often, this controversial issue can cause quarrels and disagreements between expectant parents. After all, each name is necessarily associated with some familiar person, as a result of which we associate all negative and this personality with a certain specific name. Therefore, naming a child, we build a certain list of loved ones we like, from which we make our choice. However, you should not rely solely on your own associations, listen to other options for resolving the issue of how to choose a name for a child. Let's take a look at some of them.

There is an opinion that the sounds that make up certain names, entering into resonance with certain organs of the body, are able to excite various areas of the brain, thereby endowing their owners with certain qualities. It is believed that people with the names Zhanna, Igor, Daria, Dmitry are distinguished by perseverance, decisiveness, stubbornness and strong-willed character. Mikhail, Vera, Vasily, Alexey, Svetlana, Ilya are soft and melodious names, their carriers are distinguished by kindness, responsiveness and compliance. People named Pavel, Roman, Vitaly, Artem, Anna, Andrey, Zoya, Lyudmila have poise and prudence.

You can choose a name for a child based on the month of birth of the baby. For example, babies born in February and December are usually stubborn and emotional. Therefore, they should be called softer names, such as Angela, Andrey, Alexey, Mikhail. Born in the summer are more prone to activity and mobility, in this case it will be ideal if they are called Konstantin, Igor, Dmitry.

The child needs to choose a name based on his patronymic. It should not be allowed that there is a great dissonance between these important components. First of all, this will cause bewilderment among the people around him, and the baby himself can grow up to be a shy and insecure person.

When planning to choose a name for a child, immediately exclude the possibility of repeating the names of relatives who died as a result of the tragedy. Their aura associated with grief can haunt a person all his life, bringing all new troubles and misfortunes. Do not think that this pattern has been confirmed in scientific research.

It is not recommended to call the baby too original or invented by you names. After all, they separate the baby from the cultural environment. And the names that came to us from popular foreign television series and cartoons will not bring joy to your child at all, with them he will feel like a "black sheep" and may acquire certain complexes.

You can name the baby by the name of one of the parents. But it is believed that such children will constantly be under pressure, since they are destined to live in eternal comparison with their mother or father.

Remember that you should not call the girl a man's name, it will not be easy for her to communicate with her peers. Remember what offensive jokes the kids are making up, and try not to let your little one get insecure or angry with others because of your fault.

Make every effort to ensure that loved ones refer to the baby with the name given at birth. Stop any attempts to call the baby whatever you like. This can provoke a subconscious internal split, leading to the fact that the baby will behave differently with his parents and grandparents. Such seemingly innocence can lead to a number of negative consequences.

Based on the above features, carefully consider how to choose a name for your child, and make the right choice.