How to get married in different countries. Traditional shoe theft, India. North and South America

The wedding tradition in every corner of the world is a reflection of the soul of the local population, the essence of the people of the area. All nations on our planet have originality, unusual rituals and a kind of flavor. Let's take a look at the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world and find out how interesting they are to us, and whether we are ready to marry according to some unusual exotic ceremony that will unite the hearts of two lovers forever.

Unusual wedding traditions of different nations

People of all nations of the world are constantly falling in love and getting married. Our country also has its own wedding traditions, rooted in ancient times. Each element of the Russian wedding ceremony hides a separate tradition. For example, among the Russian people it is customary:

  1. Block the road to the wedding procession.
  2. Hand out sweets to children before going to the registry office.
  3. Redeem the bride.
  4. Letting out pigeons.

According to an old wedding tradition, the Russian bride is given the opportunity to be the first to cut the wedding loaf, showing her becoming a mistress of the house. After marriage, the mother-in-law removes the veil from the bride, which symbolizes the acceptance of a new member into the family. Another old Russian wedding custom that has survived to this day is the meeting of the young after marriage registration with bread and salt. According to Russian custom, the newlyweds should bite off one piece from the wedding loaf, and whoever has a larger piece, according to legend, will be the main one in the house.

Recently, the Slavic peoples have another wedding tradition: to throw the bride's wedding bouquet to unmarried girlfriends. The girl who caught the bridal bouquet should be married next. A similar ritual exists among men: the groom removes the garter from his wife's leg and throws it to his single friends. Whoever catches her first will meet his soul mate. Mention of this wedding tradition can be found in the manuscripts of the XIV century. Then it was believed that any clothes removed from the bride or groom would bring the favor of the opposite sex.

The most fun is still the Russian wedding custom of buying the bride. Usually, the ransom is handled by witnesses, but sometimes the groom becomes a participant in this event. Traditionally, the girl is redeemed with money, less often with champagne, vodka, sweets and flowers. Neighbors, acquaintances and invited guests take part in this wedding ritual. Although a similar ceremony is held by many other peoples of the world - for example, it is customary among Muslims to take a kalym for a bride - but in the Russian tradition, the ransom is more fun than a cash payment for a girl.

Russian wedding ceremonies are more about entertainment. In other nations of the world, wedding traditions are striking in their practicality, thirdly - minimalism, and fourthly - romanticism. For example, in Australia, wedding preparations begin one year before the scheduled date of the celebration. The people of Australia are Catholics, so they do not have a civil marriage registration. All newlyweds undergo a wedding ceremony, after which the holiday begins.

Three months before the deadline, the future spouses begin to go to the priest, who prepares young people for life together and draws up a wedding plan with them. Australians are practical in everything, therefore wedding gifts are negotiated in advance. The bride and groom make a list of the desired gifts in advance, and the guests distribute among themselves who and what will give.

Australians, like other Catholics in the world, have an interesting tradition of making a lot of noise on the way to church. The roots of this ritual go back to antiquity, when the aborigines believed that noise drives away evil spirits. To create a rumble, to this day, old cans or other metal objects that are capable of creating a rumble are tied to the wedding car of many newlyweds of the world.

The ceremony of breaking a wedding glass exists in many countries of the world. After leaving the church, the young people are presented with glasses of wine, which they must drink, and then break the glasses. According to the belief of many peoples, if both glasses break, then the newlyweds will have a happy life. But if any glass remains intact, then the marriage will not be successful. There is another explanation for this mysterious ritual: ancient people all over the world believed that the sound of broken glass drove away evil demons from newlyweds.

Wedding traditions of Europe

  • Hungary

According to the wedding tradition, the Hungarian bride takes off her shoes and puts them in the center of the hall. The gentleman who wants to dance with her should throw coins into his shoes. Whoever throws more coins has the primary right to dance. Another interesting Hungarian rite is morning washing, when the bride on the morning of the second day after the wedding, together with the guests, went to the well and washed all the guests in turn, then wiping them with a towel with her own hands.

  • Slovakia

The bride chooses her chosen one herself, and then gives a ring and a shirt, which is sewn from natural silk. In response, the groom also picks up a silver ring for the bride, puts on a fur hat and a chastity belt. Weddings in cities in Slovakia often include traditional entertainment, games, contests and buffets, but in the countryside there is still the opportunity to see a national wedding ensemble of folk instruments.

  • Norway

It is believed that in countries with a harsh climate, people do not know how to express feelings violently. The wedding traditions of cold Norway are proof of this. There are much fewer women in this country than men, so young people are looking for a bride from an early age. Since ancient times, a Norwegian woman has been equal with a man, therefore not only older boys, but also older girls are considered heirs.

Nobody collects the dowry in Norway, and the newlyweds make the wedding at their own expense. The most beautiful Norwegian wedding tradition, which is still supported by newlyweds, is when guests go to the matchmaking place in brightly decorated boats, hung with wedding bells and other traditional wedding accessories.

  • Netherlands

Some wedding ceremonies in the Netherlands can shock ordinary people from other countries of the world. But the local bride and groom do not suffer from unnecessary modesty and believe that everything natural should not be prohibited. Guests at the wedding are having fun without Slavic virtue, and contests, according to our ideas, go beyond any decent boundaries. The more dirty wedding performances, the more successful, in the opinion of local residents, it goes.

There is no traditional wedding cake at a holiday celebration in the Netherlands. Instead, guests are offered national sweets called "sugar of the bride". They come in different shapes, and the taste is a real mosaic. The bride orders sweets from different confectioners, so if a guest comes across two identical sweets, then this is considered a lucky omen.

African wedding ceremonies

  • Nigeria

According to the wedding traditions of Nigeria, the groom's parents invite a professional matchmaker who selects the right candidate for the bride that meets the family's requirements. A matchmaker in a hamam checks the selected candidates for innocence, and then presents them to their parents for judgment. An interesting local custom is observed immediately after the Nigerian wedding, when the groom is chased through the corridor by relatives who beat him with sticks. It is believed that only after this is the groom ready for family life.

  • Ethiopia

In African tribes, family life for a girl begins with real tests. For example, in the Surma tribe, six months before the wedding ceremony, a newlywed is pierced the lower lip and a clay disc is inserted. In order not to interfere with the disc, the two front teeth are removed, because it is believed that the larger the disc, the richer the bride's dowry. In addition to alerting the girl about the high material status of the girl, the clay disc protects her from evil spirits that can enter the body through the mouth.

  • Egypt

This African country is home to traditional marriage. The ancient Egyptians were the first people to invite the world to legitimize the relationship between a woman and a man. The marriage contract also appeared for the first time in Egypt - it detailed the responsibilities of the husband and wife. Wedding rituals of the peoples of Egypt are rooted in Islam, in which a man has the right to have four wives, but must necessarily provide for everyone. Not all modern Egyptian men can afford more than one wife.

In Egypt, interesting and colorful national dances that are present at all traditional wedding ceremonies: belly dance, dance with a skirt and swords. The exchange of rings is also an ancient tradition of the Egyptian people, which was picked up by almost all countries of the world. The Egyptians consider the ring a symbol of love and put it on the middle finger of the left hand, because the heart vein passes through this finger, which holds the hearts of young people together.

  • Rwanda

The traditional wedding ceremony of the Bahutu tribe in Rwanda is very passionate! The customs of this people require newlyweds to express hatred towards each other. Immediately after the marriage ceremony, the woman with her face covered with a veil goes to her husband's house and there a real massacre begins. The wife mercilessly scratches her husband, inflicting tangible wounds on him, and the husband is also aggressive towards her.

The carnage continues until the morning, and its participants remain silent, not uttering a single word throughout the fight. The pugnacious ritual can last even for several nights in a row, after which the wife moves to her husband's house forever and the spouses of the Bahutu tribe never quarrel again. These bizarre wedding traditions test young people for family readiness. Maybe that's why African families are so durable?

The customs of the peoples of Asia

  • Thailand

The wedding ritual of this Asian people does not require modest attire. On this day, a Thai bride can change up to ten multi-colored and white outfits, depending on which ceremony is performed. For each ceremony, you need to choose the appropriate dress. Black is unacceptable at a wedding; it is worn by widows in Thailand, so it is not even used in the decoration of a wedding dress. According to the traditions of Thailand, weddings should have a lot of gold, red and orange colors.

  • China

These people love red, so according to the Chinese wedding tradition, everything is red: a bride's dress, envelopes with money, boxes with gifts and even rose petals. The wedding tradition, when newlyweds drink from glasses tied with a red ribbon, also came to the world from China. The Chinese wedding ceremony is expensive, but it pays off quickly, since the gifts to the newlyweds are transferred only in money. Even relatives who are not present at the ceremony donate money.

  • India

The wedding ritual of the Indian peoples is the most colorful spectacle in the world, the brightest demonstration of the beliefs of the Indian people, a manifestation of their spiritual culture and deep religious roots. Usually, Indian newlyweds meet for the first time during the wedding ceremony, but this nation almost never gets divorced. For other peoples, this remains a mystery, because in those countries of the world where they marry for love, the divorce rate is simply catastrophic.

For Hindus, flowers are the main wedding accessory. There are an immense number of them at the wedding, which is why it is an expensive part of every Indian wedding ceremony. The scent of flowers is loved by the gods, so through flowers they will quickly hear the requests of mortals. An important point on the holiday is the table: exclusively vegetarian dishes are served, and eggs, fish and meat are strictly prohibited.

The wedding ceremony on this Indonesian island has become a fashionable event among all the newlyweds in the world, and it is understandable why. It is believed that if you enter into a traditional marriage on this paradise island, then it will be happy and long. In addition, the Balinese ceremony is very impressive: incense is smoked, flower donations are brought to thousands of local gods, and the newlyweds are wearing stunning costumes decorated with gold embroidery, wound in several layers.

The newlyweds travel to the place of the wedding ceremony on a golden carriage, while the more prosperous come on richly decorated elephants. In the temple, the young are showered with petals of exotic flowers, and the invited priests say special prayers that will help the husband and wife find happiness. Music, dancing, flowers, traditional Balinese treats make you feel in harmony with the ancient island deities.

North and South America

Unlike other countries in the world, weddings in the United States are part of a business that Americans rely on special agencies to prepare. The celebration begins in the same way as in other Catholic countries of the world:

  • a guy proposes to a girl;
  • the date of the engagement is set, on which the groom gives the ring;
  • an official wedding ceremony is held.

There are no restrictions in the American wedding, but the outfits of the newlyweds are usually performed in the traditional style. In addition to a new dress, a girl must have some old thing and a blue object. A worn-out thing symbolizes connection with family, and blue is fidelity in marriage. An undoubted advantage is the ability to choose several bridesmaids for the bride, and not one, as in other countries of the world. So no friend will be left unattended.

  • Mexico

Latin American peoples are descendants of the Mayans and Aztecs, so their wedding traditions are somewhat different from the rituals of the rest of the world. A traditional Mexican wedding has sponsors who fund the celebration. These are, as a rule, parents, godparents and relatives of young people. During the wedding, the priest wraps around the newlyweds a symbolic "lasso" in the form of special rosary, symbolizing the union of two people into one whole.

Mexicans have even more ancient Indian traditions inherited from the Indians, therefore, the union of two people is celebrated before the official wedding ceremony. First, a woman must undergo a ritual of ablution, and then an Indian traditional ritual takes place near the oldest tree, which notifies the elements (water, air, earth, fire) and ancestors that young people are bound together forever.

Video: an overview of the traditions of the peoples of the world

Different peoples of the world have their own wedding ceremonies, but one thing unites them: the desire to achieve prosperity, love and success for a young family. Nowadays, many wedding traditions can no longer be called exclusively Slavic, Asian or Indian, so much they have spread throughout the world. For example, a ransom or kalym for a bride is given in all religions, and no wedding ceremony in the world takes place without the dance of the newlyweds. Let's see in the video how this happens in different parts of the color:

Wedding rituals vary widely across cultures, countries, religions and social backgrounds. Most wedding ceremonies include the exchange of vows, the presentation of a gift (ring, flowers, etc.), and the formal proclamation of marriage between the bride and groom. Many cultures have adopted the Western white wedding tradition (this tradition was introduced by Queen Victoria), in which the bride's wedding attire consists of a white dress and a veil.

Love is universal, but the event of marriage in any culture has its own list of traditions and rituals. In many cultures, wedding preparations include booking a wedding venue, choosing a wedding dress, and inviting guests. However, the following wedding traditions show how varied weddings can actually be.


Tujia brides in China begin to prepare 30 days before the wedding in an unusual way - crying. The bride spends an hour a day in sorrowful tears. 10 days later, her mother also joins her, and 10 days later, her grandmother, and by the end of the month, the entire female half of the family is crying for an hour a day. Fortunately, these tears do not mean sadness, but are expressions of joy and love. Since all women cry in different tones, their common cry almost sounds like a song.


No, not just between the bride and groom. If you are invited to a celebration, then it is very likely that you are lucky enough to kiss both the groom and the bride. During the wedding ceremony, traditionally the groom disappears for some reason, and all unmarried young people are allowed to kiss the bride. If the bride leaves the banquet for some reason (to go to the toilet, etc.), then the same opportunity is presented to the female half of the guests, but they only kiss the groom.


This is one of the weirdest Maasai wedding rituals in Kenya. During the wedding ceremony, the Maasai people shave the bride's head and apply lamb oil and fat to it. And the father blesses his daughter by spitting on her head and chest. Spitting is usually a symbol of dishonor, but the Masai believe it brings good luck and happiness. Then, without turning around, fearing to turn to stone, the bride leaves with her husband.


In some parts of India, a woman born as a Manglik (astrological combination when Mars and Saturn are under the 7th house) are considered "cursed" and presumably can cause the early death of her husband. To protect herself from this curse, the bride must first marry a tree, which is then cut down to break this curse. What can I say - poor tree!


According to Korean wedding traditions, at the end of the ceremony, the groom is razuzu, his friends tie his legs, and then begin to beat on the heels with a stick or dried yellow Corwin (this is a fish). It is believed that this will give the groom strength before the wedding night. While the ritual can be a little painful, it is mostly done for laughter, not cruelty. In fact, this is a rather funny tradition, the purpose of which is also to test the strength and knowledge of the groom. During this test, he is asked various tricky questions.


To celebrate the happiest day in the life of women, friends and relatives of the bride show their love by covering her with a bucket of curdled milk, dead fish, spoiled food, tar, sauces, mud, flour and even sausages. Not only is she sprinkled and wrapped with the most disgusting products, she is then tied to a tree, exposing it to everyone. The Scots believe that if you cope with this test, then any difficulties, including marital difficulties, are within your power. In short, blackening the bride should prepare her for all the humiliations and problems that he will stumble upon in marriage.


When choosing a wedding date, the bride and groom take the chicken's life by holding a knife together. Then, if the liver looks good, then the young people are allowed to choose a wedding date. If the liver looks bad, they will have to kill the chickens until they find a satisfying liver.


In Indonesia, strange wedding customs extend beyond the wedding day. According to local traditions, newlyweds are prohibited from leaving the house and using the toilet for three days and nights after the wedding. The couple is supervised and given only the minimum amount of water and food. This honeymoon, or rather house arrest, according to the locals, contributes to a happy marriage and healthy babies.


In some parts of India, the groom must take off his shoes before approaching the altar. As soon as he does this, chaos begins. This marks the beginning of the battle. All guests from the outside must protect the shoes, and guests from the bride's side are trying to steal them. If the bride's family manages to steal the shoes, the groom has to pay a ransom to get them back.


This is probably the worst wedding tradition. At the end of the wedding ceremony, the guests collect the remnants of food from the festive table and mix everything they find in a chamber pot, as if making soup. They then burst into the newlywed's room and refuse to leave until the couple has drunk everything. This should give them strength for their wedding night. Today this soup is replaced with chocolate or champagne, but you still drink it from a real pot.


This tradition exists not only in Romania, but also in some countries in Africa and Asia. According to this crazy tradition, if a man, by persuasion or deception, manages to kidnap a girl and keep her in his house for 2-3 days, she is officially declared his wife.


The Chinese Uyghur culture has a wedding tradition in which the groom must shoot three arrows with a bow at his future wife (don't worry, arrows without heads are used). After that, the groom collects and breaks the arrows, thereby ensuring that they will love each other forever.


In Germany, there is a tradition of testing how well a married couple can work together. To do this, they have to cut a log right in front of guests. This action shows the ability of the bride and groom to work together together and their ability to cope with the difficulties that they will encounter in their marriage life.


According to Polish tradition, guests of the celebration can invite the bride to dance, but they have to pay for this. The money is collected by the bridesmaid and accepted as a donation for the honeymoon of the newlyweds.


The bride and groom are presented with new plates, which they then break the night before the wedding. It is believed that the rumble of broken dishes drives away evil spirits from the new family.


In the Congo, marriage is taken very seriously - so seriously that the bride and groom are forbidden to smile and laugh during the entire wedding ceremony.


Usually, all brides try to lose weight before the wedding in order to fit into their charming wedding dress. Mauritanian girls do the opposite and try to gain as much weight as possible before the wedding. The curvy shape of the bride is seen as a testament to the wealth and well-being of her parents.


In southern Sudan, marriage is considered unofficial until the bride has two children. If she cannot give birth, the husband can get a divorce without question.


There is also a very unusual wedding tradition on the Maruesas Islands in French Polynesia. After the formal ceremony is over, the bride's relatives lie face down in the mud to create a rug on which the newlyweds pass.


In Ireland, during the dance of the newlyweds, the bride's legs should not come off the ground. According to local beliefs, if she tears her legs off the floor, then evil fairies will carry her away. The logic here is that fairies love everything beautiful, and the bride is always beautiful.

Italian women cook a huge pot of spaghetti the day before the wedding. Moldavian women dress up their mother as a bride. And the German women on the eve with passion beat the dishes ... And these are just some of the traditions that are strictly observed before the wedding in different countries. Eyewitnesses told us about the wedding traditions of different countries.

Wedding traditions and customs

About 80% of the US population belongs to one of the Christian denominations, so, as a rule, everything starts with a beautiful ceremony in the church. Alternatively, you can invite a priest to marry in any other place convenient for the newlyweds: a private house, a park, the ocean coast. An important detail: one to two weeks before that, the lovers are sent to the office of state registration of marriage. The marriage certificate is sent to the newlyweds by mail.

After the ceremony, the holiday moves to a restaurant (bar, rented hotel or private house), where dishes change according to the menu, and alcohol flows like a river - in this, Americans are not much different from us. Walk so walk!

A wedding is one of the few events on which it is not customary to save money here. And Americans are not without pleasure signing check after check. For example, a custom-made wedding cake (and what a wedding in America without a custom-made cake!) Costs from $ 1000. The $ 25,000 celebration is considered a mid-range ceremony. Of course, there are those who marry without spending money, but most Americans believe that a wedding should be chic.

They start planning an event at least six months in advance, and more often even a year in advance, right after the engagement. All points are negotiated: the places where the ceremony and banquet will take place, the main color scheme (everything must be combined!), Printing (invitations and cards with words of gratitude that are sent after the wedding, another insert with a menu to choose from - guests should note that of the indicated they prefer dishes, and send their "order" back by mail - an envelope with a stamp is attached). The decoration of the hall, flowers, seating of guests, musical arrangement are also discussed ... A million details! This is why it is not uncommon to hire a wedding planner to help plan and carry out the wedding.

The question of wedding gifts in America is usually solved as follows: newlyweds register in one of the large stores (Macy "s, Nordstrom, Target), where they make a list of gifts - utensils, decor items, electrical appliances. Everything is available, inexpensive. Guests can only realize one of their wishes. - for this they do not even need to go to the store, a gift from the list can be ordered via the Internet. In the same way, you can order festive packaging and delivery of a gift to the address of the newlyweds. However, those who wish to make a more expensive gift can give money. is also welcomed. Amounts of 1-2 thousand and more are presented more often by parents. Friends give an average of $ 50-100.


At the beginning of the ceremony, the bride is covered with a veil. Then, following the groom, she goes under the ritual canopy of the hupu, where the people closest to them are waiting for them. Here, under the chuppah, a new family is being born. While the rabbi is reading the prayers, the bride walks around the groom 7 times. God created the Earth in seven days, and the girl is building the walls of her future family. And so a man puts on a gold ring to his beloved. According to tradition, it should be without stones and officially belong to the groom - be bought by him with his savings or be considered a family heirloom. After that, a marriage contract is read out - a ktubu, which contains the rules that from now on a man must observe in relation to his wife: to provide, to protect, to take care that her beauty is preserved as long as possible. The amount that will be paid to a woman in case of divorce is also spelled out here. True, this part of the agreement is more a tribute to tradition than a true agreement, the amount is indicated symbolic.

Then the newly-made family has to go through the third wedding ceremony - to visit the seclusion room. Earlier, having entered there, the newlyweds found themselves alone for the first time and the man was allowed to touch his wife. Today, when marriages are concluded more often for love than for "conspiracy", this part of the ceremony is observed as a sign of respect for tradition. Young people retire for 3-5 minutes and soon join the guests. It's time for a feast.

Jewish weddings are usually held on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. Shabbat-khatan is held on Saturday. Moreover, the Ashkenazim spend it on the last Saturday before the wedding. And Sephardim - on the first Saturday after the wedding. On this day, a man goes to the synagogue, where he reads the Torah with special solemnity. With this honorable act, the community (although not only those who pray in this synagogue come to the Shabbat Khatan, but also relatives, friends of the families of the bride and groom from other communities and even from other cities) give parting words and wish a happy family life. After morning prayers, the groom treats everyone with desserts and sweets.

Traditional Arab weddings are held separately for men and women. By the way, if a Muslim decides to take polygamy, he is obliged to provide for all his women equally. For example, if a man gave the first bride 1 kg of gold, then the second, the third, and the fourth must offer exactly the same amount!


In some cities in Germany, there are nice wedding traditions: planting a tree or a rose bush in honor of the wedding. And in the city of Leising, for 300 years there has been a law according to which a couple will not marry if they have less than six planted fruit trees on their account. But if trees are not planted everywhere, then the traditional Polterabend is respected by everyone. On this day, guests gather at the bride's house. At a certain moment, everyone goes out into the street and watches how she beats earthenware or porcelain dishes - the noise should drive away evil spirits from the house. The bride sweeps up the pieces of broken dishes together with the groom, taking brooms in their hands. It is important to collect everything!

For this evening, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances are invited - those who, most likely, are not invited to the wedding itself. The treat is symbolic: cheese, wine, light snacks. The table at the wedding itself is much richer. The food is very satisfying, there are many meat dishes, and sauerkraut is served as a side dish. What will be the format of the feast - a buffet (the guests themselves decide what and how much to fit on a plate) or service a la carte and in portions, the newlyweds themselves determine.

On average 60-100 people are invited. It is customary for the newlyweds to pay attention to each guest: they sat next to them, talked for a couple of minutes. With regard to gifts, in Germany, an American tradition is already used: future spouses leave a list of gifts (here it is called the "wedding table") in one of the shops and notify about it in the invitation. But still, they give money more often. The usual amounts: for a couple of relatives - 100 euros, friends-buddies - 50.


They have been preparing for a wedding in Italy for at least a year. But first, the engagement must take place - the moment when a man gives a ring to a girl and meets her parents. A very serious step!

All cars of the wedding cortege are decorated with white ribbons. Driving through the streets, they are continuously buzzing - notifying everyone about the event. After the ceremony, the newlyweds leaving the church are sprinkled with rice.

Everyone in the restaurant shouts “Bacio!” (Kiss). Usually the newlyweds are given a separate table, but they cannot sit at it: they need to pay attention to all their relatives, take pictures with everyone, take part in friends' jokes, dance, drink wine and ... many times "Bacio!"

Something, but the profession of toastmaster in Italy is not in demand: temperamental Italians do not need verbal entertainment, they themselves will utter whatever ornate speech you want. But singers and musicians are invited, so they can entertain guests. And, of course, accompany the young people during the first dance.

As for gifts, the Italian newlyweds echo the American and German ones - they leave a “marriage list” in the store and send the shop's business cards along with an invitation to the guests. Further - to your taste and wallet. Only parents and grandparents can give money. Otherwise, it may even be offensive. It is still not customary here to give flowers to young people. Reason: flower decoration is ordered in advance, in the same style.

There is another curious tradition in Italy: friends of the newlyweds trick the keys to the house by trickery and prepare "ambushes": sprinkle the matrimonial bed or set alarm clocks at an unfortunate time and hide them all over the room, trying to "annoy" the spouses on their wedding night, more precisely, to make the night sleepless and stormy. But more often the company just knocks on the window in the middle of the night and demands ... to feed them. Fortunately, the young wife always has a pot of spaghetti ready for this occasion. It only remains to add that Italians get married late. Early marriage is considered to be between 30 and 35 years old.

Ransom, bets on the sex of the unborn child, buying the first piece of wedding cake. Do you think only Russia has ridiculous wedding traditions? No, in fact, there are plenty of them in all countries of the world! And if some of them are simply funny and meaningless, then sometimes the bride and groom have to risk their health so as not to disrupt the ritual. We decided to recall only some of the unusual wedding traditions of different countries, many of which are observed to this day.


In accordance with one of the old Scottish traditions, the bride is literally doused with mud on the eve of the wedding. The girl is given a shower of spoiled food, garbage and waste, and then tied to a tree for several hours. It is believed that if the future wives endure these hardships with dignity, then it will not be difficult for her to cope with family life.

The Chinese occupy an honorable place among admirers of funny wedding traditions from different countries! A wedding is, of course, a joyful event, but in one of the provinces of China, girls begin to prepare for family life a month before the ceremony with the help of sobs. For an hour a day, the girl should cry, while gradually all the female members of her family join her - first her mother, then her grandmother, then her sisters, and so on.

In another Chinese province, a groom tries to shoot his future wife. He shoots three arrows with no points at her from a bow. Then the spouse breaks these arrows in commemoration of the fact that they will have a happy life without betrayal and betrayal.


In India, it used to be common to see weddings with trees. The reasons for this may be different. Traditionally, the younger son cannot marry until his older brother has done so. Therefore, if the younger son met his fate earlier, then the elder takes a tree as his wife, which is then cut down. Thus, the man becomes a widower. As for girls, in India there is a belief that those born during the period when Mars and Saturn are in the 7th house bring their first husband an early death. So the tree again becomes an innocent victim - as soon as it becomes a husband, it is cut down, and the belief is fulfilled, and the curse is removed from the girl.

In some parts of India, the groom must take off his shoes before going to the altar. This is where the fun begins! The bride's relatives must contrive and steal the shoes, and the groom's relatives must protect them with all their might. If it is not possible to save the shoes, the newly-made husband must pay a ransom for them.


And now let's go in search of interesting wedding traditions from different countries in Africa! In the Masai, fathers bless their daughters' marriage by spitting in her face. Then the girl leaves the house without looking back, otherwise, according to legend, she will turn to stone.

Kenyan grooms also have a hard time - they have to wear women's clothes for a month after the wedding in order to understand how hard a woman's lot is.


After exchanging vows of allegiance, the German newlyweds go to a specially prepared log. They take a saw in their hands and together they saw it in front of all the guests. It is believed that this ritual prepares them for a life together, during which they will have to work hard together.


In Poland, guests are offered to dance with the bride ... for money. The donations are collected by a girlfriend, then all the funds are transferred to the newlyweds to pay for the honeymoon.


In Spain, the groom before the wedding gives the bride 13 gold coins as a sign that he is ready to bear responsibility for her, including material responsibility. The bride returns these coins to prove that she is ready to support her husband. Why exactly 13 coins? This number symbolizes Jesus and his 12 apostles.


Sometimes wedding traditions around the world are simply bewildered! In Denmark, for example, there is a wedding tradition to cut a hole in the groom's right toe right during the celebration. What woman will now covet him with a torn sock ?!

Another interesting wedding tradition is that every time the bride leaves the room where the wedding party is taking place, all the girls can kiss the groom. The same applies to the bride - while the groom is absent, any man can approach her and demand a kiss.


In Bulgaria, there is an unusual way to propose marriage. A young man just has to throw an apple at his beloved.


In Nigeria, a girl begins to prepare for family life a year before the wedding - she spends 12 months in a separate house, trying to avoid any physical activity. Meanwhile, her relatives bring her nutritious, high-calorie food so that she can gain as much weight as possible for the ceremony. It is believed that thin girls in marriage will not be happy.